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- Просмотров 744 277
Roronoa Drewind
Добавлен 21 июн 2011
I am an American gamer who likes and plays all kind of games especially Sly Cooper, Puyo Puyo, Splatoon, most of the Crash Series, and Fortune Street/Itadaki Street. Currently, I got attached to watching One Piece along with playing One Piece games based off of the TV Animation as the Game titles mentions it. About me and Puyo: "I love playing Puyo Puyo and finding ways to improve. Though I may have a lot of doubt at times when it gets tough, I still have the confidence to keep on trying and not lose faith. I hope you will love puyo like I did and have faith in yourself even when it gets tough." Splatoon became my favorite shooter game when I saw it and played it. I grew up loving the famous orange marsupial and the many others who partake in the crash series and liked most of the games they created. Fortune Street/Itadaki Street: I am one of the people that liked the moneymaking game with Dragon Quest merging with Super Mario and Final Fantasy to make a battle of shops and stocks.
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA+Juan vs KSA
Ranked 4v4 Session of USA+Juan vs KSA
USA: Me, Akeno, Poppii, and Juan
KSA: Ahmed, Aloot, Iklct, and Kaka
10 Tracks 5 Laps Each
Tracks Played:
Drive Thru Danger
Deep Sea Driving
Meteor Gorge
Polar Pass
Koala Carnival
Tiger Temple
Spyro Circuit
Oxide Station
Tiny Arena
Jungle Boogie
Enjoy -- Watch live at www.twitch.tv/drewind_
USA: Me, Akeno, Poppii, and Juan
KSA: Ahmed, Aloot, Iklct, and Kaka
10 Tracks 5 Laps Each
Tracks Played:
Drive Thru Danger
Deep Sea Driving
Meteor Gorge
Polar Pass
Koala Carnival
Tiger Temple
Spyro Circuit
Oxide Station
Tiny Arena
Jungle Boogie
Enjoy -- Watch live at www.twitch.tv/drewind_
Просмотров: 13
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA vs KSA+Karma and Aftermath Privates
Просмотров 2119 часов назад
Ranked 4v4 Session of USA vs KSA Karma and also some Private Lobby Gaming afterwards. USA: Me, Akeno, Poppii, and Jolly VS KSA: Ahmed, Karma, Live_time, and Iklct 10 Tracks 5 Laps Each Tracks Played: Tiny Temple Inferno Island Spyro Circuit Coco Park Twilight Tour Thunder Struck Drive Thru Danger Nina's Nightmare Dingo Canyon Electron Avenue Enjoy Watch live at www.twitch.tv/drewind_
Tomb Raider I•II•III Remastered #93 - TR 3 NG+ Run + All Secrets Part 1 (Jungle & Temple Ruins)
Просмотров 519 часов назад
Had some free time for once after work to play some more Tomb Raider 3 gaming. Here is the start of the third and final run of this game I will do which is the New Game Run. I only need to complete the game to get the trophy, but I will consider getting all of the Secrets because why not. Like the other 2 Tomb Raiders, hazards do much more damage, enemies are tougher and stronger, and all medip...
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Online Tuesday Racing with Friends Mexic, MASIS, and Jolly (2nd Segment)
Просмотров 62 часа назад
Here is the Second Segment of Races with my epic Friends on a Tuesday Night of Mario Kart 8. Enjoy Watch live at www.twitch.tv/drewind_
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Online Tuesday Racing with Friends Mexic, MASIS, and Jolly (1st Segment)
Просмотров 64 часа назад
1st Segment of Tuesday MK8 Gaming with my epic friends Mexic MASIS and Jolly. Enjoy
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Online Monday Racing with Friends (MASIS, Uri, Jolly, and Mexic)
Просмотров 474 часа назад
Monday Night Gaming with my epic friends Mexic Jolly and MASIS Uri as a special guest. (Friend of Mexic's) Played Privates between each other with and without CPU and later Matchmaking in USA Regional Lobbies. Enjoy Watch live at www.twitch.tv/drewind_
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 Pobrecitos+Pedro vs GZ (Round 2)
Просмотров 74 часа назад
Ranked 4v4 Session of Pobrecitos Pedro vs GZ (This was the 2nd and final war session of the day) Pobrecitos: Me, Bomber, Juan, and Pedro VS GZ: oVo, Archer, Diego, and Cranky 10 Tracks 5 Laps Each Tracks Played: Megamix Mania Koala Carnival Slide Coliseum Prehistoric Playground Tiny Arena Mystery Caves Polar Pass Barin Ruins Clockwork Wumpa Blizzard Bluff Enjoy Watch live at www.twitch.tv/drewind_
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 Pobrecitos+Pedro vs GZ (Round 1)
Просмотров 184 часа назад
Ranked 4v4 Session of Pobrecitos Pedro vs GZ (This was the first War Session) Pobrecitos: Me, Bomber, Juan, and Pedro VS GZ: Archer, oVo, Diego, and Cranky 10 Tracks 5 Laps Each Tracks Played: Mystery Caves Inferno Island Coco Park Barin Ruins N. Gin Labs Tiger Temple Electron Avenue Jungle Boogie Cortex Castle Crash Cove Enjoy Watch live at www.twitch.tv/drewind_
CTRNF - Monday Evening Ranked Duos with Juan
Просмотров 94 часа назад
Here is a Monday Evening Ranked Duos with Juan. This was streamed through PS5 due to how my computer was acting funny and was unable to stream from Capture Card on time. Enjoy Watch live at www.twitch.tv/drewind_
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA vs Arabs
Просмотров 257 часов назад
Ranked 4v4 Session of USA vs Arabs USA: Me, Poppii, Akeno, and Jolly VS Arabs: Abyss, Ahmed/xa7, Cold, and Live_time 10 Tracks 5 Laps Each Tracks Played: Roo's Tubes Blizzard Bluff Tiger Temple Coco Park Tiny Arena Inferno Island Out of Time Dragon Mines Prehistoric Playground Barin Ruins Enjoy Watch live at www.twitch.tv/drewind_
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA vs VE
Просмотров 237 часов назад
Ranked 4v4 Session of USA vs VE USA: Me, Jolly, Akeno, and Poppii VS VE: Janne, Pedro, Cold, and Abyss 10 Tracks 5 Laps Each Tracks Played: Inferno Island Hot Air Skyway Android Alley Out of Time Tiny Temple Oxide Station Mystery Caves Retro Stadium Electron Avenue Twilight Tour Enjoy Watch live at www.twitch.tv/drewind_
Tomb Raider I•II•III Remastered #92 - TR 3 Sub 6 Hour Run + Pistols Only Part 8 (Tinnos & Caven)
Просмотров 317 часов назад
Here is the eighth an final part of the Speedy Pistols Run of Tomb Raider 3 that covers over completing the final two levels in the game, Lost City of Tinnos and Meteorite Cavern. Just a heads up, this video consisted of two recordings merged together. The merging point was when I reach the Area with the 3 Mutants. When I made the recording for the remainder of the run that has me getting the t...
CTRNF - World Cup 3 Swiss Stage Team USA Week 3 (VS Finland)
Просмотров 2112 часов назад
CTRNF Competitive Hub World Cup 3 Swiss Stage Team USA Week 3 Match vs Finland USA: Me, Rare, Jolly, and Akeno (Sub: Troyer) VS Finland: Fhoons, Sajumi, Taija, and Jecux (Sub: ONKS) 10 Tracks 5 Laps Each Tracks Played: Tiger Temple Out of Time Clockwork Wumpa Mystery Caves Roo's Tubes Cortex Castle Drive Thru Danger Coco Park Polar Pass Oxide Station Enjoy Watch live at www.twitch.tv/drewind_
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA+Juan vs Mexico
Просмотров 1612 часов назад
Ranked 4v4 Session of USA Juan vs Mexico USA: Me, Jolly, Rare, and Juan VS Mexico: Mexic, Gowther, Cranky, and Jyabura 10 Tracks 5 Laps Each Tracks Played: Coco Park Spyro Circuit Slide Coliseum Drive Thru Danger Dingo Canyon Sewer Speedway Crash Cove Megamix Mania Tiger Temple Inferno Island Enjoy Watch live at www.twitch.tv/drewind_
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA+Juan vs KSA
Просмотров 1912 часов назад
Ranked 4v4 Session of USA Juan vs KSA USA: Me, Jolly, Rare, and Juan VS KSA: Ahmed/xa7, Doom, Live_time, and hfc 10 Tracks 5 Laps Each Tracks Played: Thunder Struck Android Alley Coco Park Spyro Circuit Koala Carnival Tiny Temple Out of Time Tiger Temple Slide Coliseum Megamix Mania Enjoy Watch live at www.twitch.tv/drewind_
CTRNF - Saturday Night Ranked Duos with Juan
Просмотров 1812 часов назад
CTRNF - Saturday Night Ranked Duos with Juan
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA+Juan vs Instateam
Просмотров 1512 часов назад
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA Juan vs Instateam
Tomb Raider I•II•III Remastered #91 - TR 3 Sub 6 Hour Run + Pistols Only Part 7 (Antarctica & Mines)
Просмотров 2012 часов назад
Tomb Raider I•II•III Remastered #91 - TR 3 Sub 6 Hour Run Pistols Only Part 7 (Antarctica & Mines)
Tomb Raider I•II•III Remastered #90 - TR 3 Sub 6 Hour Run + Pistols Only Part 6 (London Chapter)
Просмотров 3012 часов назад
Tomb Raider I•II•III Remastered #90 - TR 3 Sub 6 Hour Run Pistols Only Part 6 (London Chapter)
Tomb Raider I•II•III Remastered #89 - TR 3 Sub 6 Hour Run + Pistols Only Part 5 (Gorge and Temple)
Просмотров 712 часов назад
Tomb Raider I•II•III Remastered #89 - TR 3 Sub 6 Hour Run Pistols Only Part 5 (Gorge and Temple)
Tomb Raider I•II•III Remastered #88 - TR 3 Sub 6 Hour + Pistols Only Part 4 (Village + Crash Site)
Просмотров 1512 часов назад
Tomb Raider I•II•III Remastered #88 - TR 3 Sub 6 Hour Pistols Only Part 4 (Village Crash Site)
CTRNF - Thursday Night Ranked FFA featuring Bollywood Content Creators and epic guests
Просмотров 514 часов назад
CTRNF - Thursday Night Ranked FFA featuring Bollywood Content Creators and epic guests
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 Bollywood Content Creators vs FxT
Просмотров 514 часов назад
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 Bollywood Content Creators vs FxT
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA vs KSA+Karma (2nd War)
Просмотров 2414 часов назад
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA vs KSA Karma (2nd War)
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA vs KSA+Karma (1st War)
Просмотров 4114 часов назад
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA vs KSA Karma (1st War)
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA+Juan vs KSA+Karma
Просмотров 2014 часов назад
CTRNF - Ranked 4v4 USA Juan vs KSA Karma
I Like Tawna Bandiccot Soo Much
would be something if the japanese text was translated.
1:07:25 - Nice going, Clyde! 🤣
1:11:46 Why is Rulue floating 1:50:22 Why did you take so long to start the match against Rulue 2:07:40 Dude, Satan/Dark Prince is standing here and you are still hugging your puppet of him
Very happy that Daisy has her own duel theme in story mode! Congratulations on getting the Miracle Star in super hard with Mario!
Great skills! Keep it up
So...Many... Chance Card Events this game! 😵💫
Believe me, Mostly all of my Undersea City Matches in the Series always has all 64 cards pulled and more lol.
11:59 OMFG
This board was a True Pain Than Waluigi Island to get a S rank i think that This is Best Mario Party game ever
Creepy Cavern can be rough due to its gimmick. Also, 3 is very solid and definitely a peak Mario Party game in the series.
Hi;I've seen your videos of IS series and I wonder why you haven't played IS2 version?
Hello. Well thing is, I have actually played IS2 a month ago or two. Problem was I did not know about Game Bar until I started up Fortune Street World Tour and Rolling Again. 😅I will consider replaying the Tournament Mode of 2 and record its sessions in the future.
I'd love to see another shot at a cel shaded Sonic game honestly. The idea is cool, it's just it didn't really work with the SA1 models here.
45:09 so long game... 😅You cool
4th smallest price
If yku dont have mii party, then um, The Green Robot vs Patra Pinky and Blinky
Do you have Mii Party, if so Globe Trot with 4 Players
Thanks for my request
You are Welcome
Daisy really slapped bowser into next week love that cutscene!
Brother vs brother in Mr mover! My least favorite duel board though since every other turn you go to your opponent’s home base!
Mario vs his lover Peach interesting matchup! Unfortunately it was so short!
DK failed game guy lucky boxes twice lol! The hilarious part is betting twice of his 159 coins and getting it the third time epic fail!🤣 😂 😆
Bruh you ended up getting 2nd and Inky cheated
Wow. I have nothing but huge respect for getting *_THAT_* skill point on the OG hardware. I had to use the Rewind feature on PS4 like 200 times, so fantastic job on doing it without it.
Thank you very much. A Fair share of the Secret Agent Clank Skill Points were definitely more difficult within the R&C series lol. High Impact were something else.
@RoronoaDrewind Not just more different, downright *sadistic.* The other skill points that made me want to tear out my hair were Gadgebot speedruns, 77,777 score in the casino, killing 89 Tyhrranoids in the 100 kill challenge in the Mess Hall, and that's just off the top of my head!
@@sgt.thompson98 The Gadgebot Speedruns made me lose it for hours. The Perfect Opera Performance was also a terrible one.
I love Mario party 3 story mode! I have gotten a miracle star with all 6 characters in easy mode! I never liked bowser toss, and all fired up! Stacked deck and merry go chomp luck based mini games!
Mario Party 3 Story Mode is my fav Story Mode of the whole series and I say it is the best one to fulfill and play from start to finish to become the Superstar. I honestly prefer playing it over Party Mode in this game.
@ so true!
I already cannot wait for Japanese Tag Team Racing soon.
It's a shame that Japanese Twinsanity is only available on PS2. And that Twinsanity in general didn't come out on GameCube like they planned to.
Yeah Twinsanity had many sad truths behind it.
Japanese Crash Twinsanity is gonna be a blast to watch. And I know Tag Team Racing Japanese will too.
I feel so happy that you're covering the other Japanese Crash Bandicoot titles for the channel.
Celibration avane second smallest amount as Blinky, vs Patra Pac and Clyde
@RoronoaDrewind cool
In Pac Man Party do Pac Man VS Pinky Greenwood Grove Normal.
Is there any specific goal amount you want or should I just keep it default?
@ I think 16000 cookies for this one.
@@TahjayThePuyoPlayer07 Ok. Noted
ruclips.net/video/ODaO6nuqdlI/видео.html Was only able to set it to 17,000 to be the closest to your original amount due to the strict adjustment system the game has.
hey can i make thumbnails for you?
@ 15:30 Huh? Umm... that doesn't seem right. 🤨
Glad you noticed as well. I was in disbelief that happened lol. AI abusing techs once more.
Woofa vs Inky 2v2 Celebration Avenue 2nd Largest Amount please
Just only Woofa and Inky you mean?
@RoronoaDrewind yus
@@Fiduciariesonio Ok Noted
What is the name of this game
Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled
How do you fire a large projectile? I played this game since childhood and I never knew you can do that
If I recall correctly, you turn player 1 or player 2 into a mask and then you rotate the right analog stick 5 times until your mask starts to glow, fire a bullet and the Big Shooter achievement should be completed.
@RoronoaDrewind I tried it and it actually worked. Thanks man. I never knew the right analog stick has a purpose in this game this whole time.
@@KidNamedKewlHam No problem.
Our favorite buff angry tadpole is kickin' ass and takin' names. Get it Poliwrath!
I definitely think you should cover some other JP Crash Bandicoot games soon at some point. Such as JP Wrath of Cortex, JP Twinsanity and even JP Tag Team Racing.
Funny enough I was thinking about those games today XD. Maybe but my gaming hours are random in the afternoon and or evenings and sometimes depends on my mood lol.
First and perfect ❤
That spike💚😁
Team girls in rhythm kitchen🩵
They have it at McDonald's PlayPlace in Ladera Ranch, CA.
Hey, Bowser Jr. I’m just want winning?
Hey everyone, I’m back party here.
18:06 is it the same thing he says or is it another dialogue? If so can you translate it? :)
Different Dialogue most likely. Instead of swearing, he is most likely telling everyone to tune in to the "Vox Channel"
@@RoronoaDrewind thx :D
@@Drax_727 You are welcome.