Curious if you’ve had issues with the bearings after time on this setup? I’ve seen bearings get seized up when running a ground on the hub and welding elsewhere on a vehicle, stands to reason the same would be true when running 100+ amps through the bearings. I’m looking to make myself a set of reels because I’ve seen the diamond reels not being high quality
I have a question about it. I’m trying to build some and I’m getting confused on how the bolts got on the axle. What goes through the bearings? How’s it work guys?
Nice sir What size of building is that ?
pvc is nit a good insulator... abs is electrical standard insulator material... might want to regularly test those with a volt meter 😅
Curious if you’ve had issues with the bearings after time on this setup? I’ve seen bearings get seized up when running a ground on the hub and welding elsewhere on a vehicle, stands to reason the same would be true when running 100+ amps through the bearings. I’m looking to make myself a set of reels because I’ve seen the diamond reels not being high quality
They look real good!! Can you make a video of them in action..
Love it man thanx
I have a question about it. I’m trying to build some and I’m getting confused on how the bolts got on the axle. What goes through the bearings? How’s it work guys?
You never had a loss of power running it through a hub?
Wondering the same thing. Probably real smooth though
I dig it.