It is weird that I'm 'romantically' drawn or interested in the entity/ghost designs? I feel like I'd want to draw a character with similar designs and this will be my inspiration and based upon. The short movie has an unsettling feeling to it. And I'm really intrigued to know about the ghost, the house and the man who now resides in it. Also the voice from the television and also, the wind chime too. But, then again. I'd like all of those to be left unanswered. Best to let it be that way. Some things are meant to be left unspoken and unanswered. Like this kind of situation. I'm glad the man decided to listen to the voice from the television and left the Mysterious box unopened. Whatever is left in the house, whatever you find or see, it's ideal to just let it be where it is. But I too wonder what would've happened if the man had gone and opened the box. It looked so worn out. It has an ominous feeling to it. We don't know, maybe if he had opened it, he might've released an evil spirit or maybe he might release the entity/ghost from it's lingering in the house and world. Or maybe it's an entirely different story. I'm not japanese and I don't really understand what's going on. But I could make out a word or two especially when the entity/ghost pointed to the place where 'it/they' wanted the man to go and 'find' something. And when the man asked if he should open the box and he's going to. Not until the voice from the television saying that it's best if he didn't open the box. But because I don't understand what's going on. It makes things more interesting and mysterious!!! This is a top rate self produced short movie!!! The entity/ghost has captured my heart and attention. So does it man. I think I've read too much BL and I don't want to think too much or what I might make out of those two characters...I need to touch some grass and drink some holy water to purify my mind 😂 but, I just want to say that this is the best and greatest short movie I've watched and seen in my 27 years of being alive. It's a silent and unspoken masterpiece indeed!!! 💯💯💯
I am very drawn to this spooky aesthetic. I am sorry to ask, but could someone please tell me what show this is and tell me a bit more about it? Thank you very much.
Dear fucking youtube algorithm. The fact that I've watched a couple of gunpla videos doesn't mean I'm interested in watching other random Japanese crap.
뭔 말인지 모르고 봤는데 잘 만들었다
It is weird that I'm 'romantically' drawn or interested in the entity/ghost designs? I feel like I'd want to draw a character with similar designs and this will be my inspiration and based upon. The short movie has an unsettling feeling to it. And I'm really intrigued to know about the ghost, the house and the man who now resides in it. Also the voice from the television and also, the wind chime too. But, then again. I'd like all of those to be left unanswered. Best to let it be that way. Some things are meant to be left unspoken and unanswered. Like this kind of situation. I'm glad the man decided to listen to the voice from the television and left the Mysterious box unopened. Whatever is left in the house, whatever you find or see, it's ideal to just let it be where it is. But I too wonder what would've happened if the man had gone and opened the box. It looked so worn out. It has an ominous feeling to it. We don't know, maybe if he had opened it, he might've released an evil spirit or maybe he might release the entity/ghost from it's lingering in the house and world. Or maybe it's an entirely different story. I'm not japanese and I don't really understand what's going on. But I could make out a word or two especially when the entity/ghost pointed to the place where 'it/they' wanted the man to go and 'find' something. And when the man asked if he should open the box and he's going to. Not until the voice from the television saying that it's best if he didn't open the box. But because I don't understand what's going on. It makes things more interesting and mysterious!!! This is a top rate self produced short movie!!! The entity/ghost has captured my heart and attention. So does it man. I think I've read too much BL and I don't want to think too much or what I might make out of those two characters...I need to touch some grass and drink some holy water to purify my mind 😂 but, I just want to say that this is the best and greatest short movie I've watched and seen in my 27 years of being alive. It's a silent and unspoken masterpiece indeed!!! 💯💯💯
これは素晴らしいです! 私はそれを愛した!
Not watching any more foreign film, without at least subtitles.... freaking waste of my time!!
幽霊の頭に乗っけてるの 子供の頭入ってたやつじゃあ… 確か8番目の頭の…
I am very drawn to this spooky aesthetic. I am sorry to ask, but could someone please tell me what show this is and tell me a bit more about it? Thank you very much.
나는 어떻게 여기에 왔을까?...
急におすすめにでてきた。 台詞棒読みだし"違和感を感じる"とか演出?国語力??ってなる時はあるけど面白い。
How did I end up here
Sorry, but I'm far too ignorant to not have captions so I could understand what was said.
Dear fucking youtube algorithm. The fact that I've watched a couple of gunpla videos doesn't mean I'm interested in watching other random Japanese crap.
와 너무 잘봤습니다. 이런류의 공포영상을 어떻게 표현하는지 모르겠지만 제 취향에는 정말 잘 맞네요
우연히 봤어요. 일본어라도 좋으니까 자막이 있다면 좋겠네요. 번역기를 사용하면 되니까… 듣는 것만으로는 조금 무리가 있다ㅠㅠ 하지만 분위기가 너무 좋고 귀신의 디자인도 멋져서 내용을 알고싶음
開けた方が良いそれはバズリが閉じ込めてある。 神社に預けず保管せよ。 そいつと一緒に奉れ。
この話の中では、暗闇の正体は、巨大な目だということで話が終わっていますが、この答えは多分嘘です。 ある大きな秘密を隠すための、カバーストーリだと思います。 ーーーーーー 黒い日の約束事に、明かりを外に漏らしてはいけないという決まりがありましたよね。 この決まり、どこかで聞き覚えがありませんか? そうです。戦時中、夜にアメリカの爆撃機が飛んできた時の、決まりです。 当時は、アメリカの爆撃機が日本の上空を飛び回り、その度に、東京や京都、大阪などの都市圏が日の海に包まれていました。 この動画の村は、そんな都会から疎開していた人々によって、構成されてきた村だったんですよ…… と、今日はここまで! さてさて、そんな村で、なぜ黒い日という言い伝えが流布するようになったのか…?? 続きはまた書きます!!
I thought this was gonna be a funny and silly video so I watched it
I click the video because The thumbnail reminds me of Tiger and Dragon a Japanese drama.. all of a sudden there is a ghost 😂😂🤣🤣
気がおかしくなるサブリミナル効果?暗示?を紛れ込ませて、本当に坂口くんが◯されるのか実験していたのかな… 100万ぽっちで◯される実験に協力させられるなんて…
영화같다 유령이 약간 르메르 스타일
水引の三つ輪は縁結び。 赤い手帳。 冥婚… 陥れようとしていた友達ではなく、自分が元々のターゲットで、連れて行かれたのね。 守ってあげたいと思っていた彼女には別の彼氏がいたし、ストーカーまでして、結局自分が信じていない幽霊?に連れて行かれ、皮肉な終わり方…
This was beautiful! I hope it gets a Subtitled Translation!
え?臼利くん!? これって邪教の信者?の名前? ヒサルギで主人公が殴られた時の映像も度々脳裏に浮かんできていたみたいだし、どう関係しているのかがとても気になる。
虹色の花を作るために自分の息子の目玉を供物にしたの? 『ヒサルギ』にどう繋がっているのかが気になる
お父さんの娘さんを助けたい想いが娘さんには伝わっていなかったのが残念。 どういったものかを娘さんに伝えていれば、残念な結果にならなかったのかな…
Pero que carajos acabo de ver? definitivamente tendre pesadillas en la noche!
『在巣』が面白かったので、遡って来ました。 こちらの作品も面白かった。 そして映像がとても綺麗。 『ヒサルギ』って、都市伝説の『ヒサルキ』の話かと思いました。 それを参考に作られたんですね。
Worst pokemon ever.
Neeeeed translation for this >.< has such amazing atmosphere and art direction!!!
この幽霊怖い→なんだいい奴か→悪い奴やん! の心境の変化を楽しむ動画
6:08 YES
名前やら前の話とのつながりやら気になる事多すぎるけど キャラとか関係なく情報ゼロの状態で見るならこの話1番好き
"Si abro esto, no me va a pasar nada malo verdad".
確かにそんなところ住むなって突っ込みを自分も入れたw それにしても面白い話
申し…申し…。 あの姿も「申」を模したように見えてきます。 何をお願いしたかったんだろう。
Can someone plzzz translate this amazing movie to me? I can't understand any thing
한국어 자막이 필요해요😢