@@frankiecindy2012 inform 係提供資訊,之後係唔會用to + verb呢個結構 They informed us about the meeting. They informed us that the meeting will be postponed. 返而instruct / advise 就比較似 ask / tell, 不過比較正式 🙂
原來表達烏鴉口嘅用法,中式同英式係相反? 所以今集舉嘅例子,如果要帶出「Don’t jinx it」」的時候,前者果句『There is no way we can lose』喺英語世界當中係咪錯誤嘅講法?應該要講成「 we are sure to win』先正確嗎? 請問Simon Sir我理解有冇錯? 🙈🙈🙈🙏🏼🙏🏼
I cooked the abalone by letting them sit in 70-degree water for 15 minutes. 如果用被動語態, 可以改為 : The abalone was cooked by sitting in 70-degree water for 15 minutes.
Simon Sir, 請教inform 又怎樣運用呢?inform/tell/ask 有d 混亂怎樣用 謝謝
@@frankiecindy2012 inform 係提供資訊,之後係唔會用to + verb呢個結構 They informed us about the meeting. They informed us that the meeting will be postponed. 返而instruct / advise 就比較似 ask / tell, 不過比較正式 🙂
@englishsoswithsimon1059 謝謝你指導
Simon sir 呢一集講好多人排隊,想順請教下點樣正確問埋人:「條隊嘅龍頭/ 龍尾喺邊度」咁?😅😅😅 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Simon Sir,片入面有個例子,見到個”says” 字,請問says係咪永遠都要讀成「(drop D 音) 的said + s 音」? 吾會有例外情況讀成「say +s」音?🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 🤔🙈
@@mingming6025 呢個字永遠都係讀sez, 好似 said永遠都係讀sed 🙂🙌🏼
@ 謝謝😀😀😀
Excellent teaching. The skills/techniques are useful for DSE Group Discussion, also applicable to company meeting discussions.👍
@@ngkenchoi Glad you found them useful 😉🙌🏼
@@Edwinkwok1974 嗰段時間音量有少少問題,唔好意思。😬
請問Simon Sir : 00:40 「I thought xxx /was /would xxx …」解作「本來以為乜乜物物」,呢種用法係咪亦暗示“實際上並不是咁咁咁” ? 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@@mingming6025 正確✅😬🙌🏼
Thanks. Simon sir.
@@i_see1997 😬🙌🏼
睇完之後我先發現原來自己咁多年來係「英式+美式」溝埋一齊用,意味著每講一句說話就會「混式」😵😵😵😵 大鑊啦,一時三刻真係好難改😰😵💫😭😭
@@mingming6025 好多香港人都係咁,globalization 🥹🙌🏼
多謝 Simon Sir!
@@cprog My pleasure 😉🙌🏼
原來表達烏鴉口嘅用法,中式同英式係相反? 所以今集舉嘅例子,如果要帶出「Don’t jinx it」」的時候,前者果句『There is no way we can lose』喺英語世界當中係咪錯誤嘅講法?應該要講成「 we are sure to win』先正確嗎? 請問Simon Sir我理解有冇錯? 🙈🙈🙈🙏🏼🙏🏼
@@mingming6025 There is no way we can lose / We are sure to win, 意思都係一樣。所以兩句都正確。✅✅😬
似英文「louder」個「Lou」加返個n 音😅
@@mingming6025 Exactly… ✅
@@estheryik9658 多啲聽多啲讀多啲模仿… 🙂
Could you show me how to use the sanitizer properly?
@@frankiecindy2012 That is a marvelous example. ✅😬🙌🏼
[Active] Subject + Verb + Object [Passive] Object + verb-to-be + past participle + by + Subject
Thx 🎉
Thx 🙏🏻
I am eating sth ⋯passive voice 也不是 I am being eaten⋯‼️
@@音色鑑賞師 看來你沒有看完影片的內容,請你不要只看影片封面跟我爭拗。
@@englishsoswithsimon1059 你知道在academic community ⋯grammatically incorrect sentence 標註asterisks ⋯?⋯😨
多謝 Simon Sir!
@@cprog 😊🙌🏼
I am walked⋯?🈶這種英語嗎⋯?
@@音色鑑賞師 文法上次允許的, 實際上也未必很常見.🙂 I am walked home by my boyfriend every night.
@ 那是walk sb home⋯是🈶受詞狀態⋯I walk every morning ⋯是型成不了passive voice⋯
@@音色鑑賞師 文法上允許 & 日常生活是否會用, 是兩回事. 你要先搞清楚自己想問什麼?
@@音色鑑賞師 My boyfriend walks me home every day. / I am walked home by my boyfriend every day. 後者怎會不是被動語態? 請你先研究清楚。
@@englishsoswithsimon1059 walk sb home ⋯walk 是vt while I walk every morning ⋯walk 是vi ⋯
SimonSir, He used to Thanksgiving leftovers to make a sandwich. 這句係咪用used都得?
@hi_jc [⚠️字幕出錯注意] He used THE Thanksgiving leftovers to make a sandwich. 🥹🙏 我係讀the… 不過打錯字幕🥹
我發覺Simon Sir 最近日連續四條片(包括今集)嘅音量越嚟越低😵💫😵💫 ,以前一向都大聲啲㗎 ,Simon sir可以參考返四日前講「剩餸」果集嘅音量就正常好多🥹
@@mingming6025 Thank you 🙏🙏🙏🥹
@@mingming6025 好似upgrade IOS之後有啲問題…🥹
多謝Simon sir
@@funkwong984 My pleasure 😉🙌🏼
my exam was failed > my exam failed?
I felt hesitant about the color.
Simon’s and Steven’s parents = Simon's parents and Steven's parents, right?
多謝 Simon Sir!
不是說lack前不要有be? 唔明
Simon Sir, paper cut係一個名詞?
I cooked the abalone by letting them sit in 70-degree water for 15 minutes. 如果用被動語態, 可以改為 : The abalone was cooked by sitting in 70-degree water for 15 minutes.
I am not satisfied with the results.
hundreds of thousands of?
00:43 有某部份人的確經常誤用「working」 experience 正正因為”work” 都可以用作動詞😅
想知道,00:50 「As it happens」個happen有「s 」我理解,但我吾明00:55 「 it just so happens」個happen 前面點解可以加「so」字嘅? 😅 😮 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@@mingming6025 佢係一句idiomatic expression, 個so係adverb. 唔需要過分分析呢一句, 因為冇乜其他句子有呢一種用法. 😬
片中第4個用途唔係好明? 重覆既行為一定係壞行為,中性或好行為可以用現在進行式嗎?
@@hi_jc 通常都唔會🙂
既然「entry」同「「entrance 」同樣都有一種情況係解「進入的行為」,咁請問有冇例子係兩個字互換咁用呢?即係同一句sentence 隨便用其中一個都得呢? 😮🤔🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@@mingming6025 你可以用我啲例子去改,都可以㗎。😉
@@hi_jc Yes ✅
多謝 Simon Sir!
@@cprog 🙂🙌🏼
既然even if = even when,係咪可以互換嚟用?
@@hi_jc 唔一定, even when = 有每一次嘅意思,even if 係用嚟描述一次性嘅事情 😉
I can help with the dessert 也可以理解為「我幫手食晒啲甜品」,對嗎? 確實意思睇實際情境?
Simon sir. 請問是否也可講Can You are being impolite? Thank you.
@@frankiecindy2012 You are being impolite. 👈🏻 呢個可以呀🙂
@englishsoswithsimon1059 Thank you
@ 😉🙌🏼
maybe唔可以改換做may係咪因為有should呢類字? 可以再詳細啲講解下點分? thx
none of兩個例子,沒有任何一個,或者全部都無,唔係一樣? 睇完都唔係好明?
@@hi_jc 呢個係角度上嘅分別:中文都可以用沒有任何一個啱/全部都唔啱, 只不過英文嘅唔同比例會影響埋個動詞…🙂
Simon Sir, 我希望你會開個video教吓《down/below/under/bottom》分別
@@graphic4857 鼻音變了ng? 🥲
多謝 Simon Sir!
@@cprog 😉🙌🏼
@@funkwong984 😬🙌🏼