Saw a guy in Australia two days ago wearing a t-shirt with this game squad names and the result… I was curious to see what was so amazing about this game that a shirt was made for it….!
Just look at all the Chelsea fans at that match, thousands of them, I honestly hate it when people say that all Chelsea fans are gloryhunters, they're all wrong #COYB
England: Won World War twice (1914-18) and (1939-45) Germany: Lost Both This definitely shows that England have been the better country historically, and consistently for that matter.
Chelsea won even with an injured goalie, and Hudson missing. Leeds won nothing in 1970, some super team, and don't forget other clubs had already won the double, and the other teams had small squads too. When did this super team win the European Cup? Clough was right about how Leeds won trophies.
No no no, of course Leeds were the baddies. In their spare time they held up banks and would roam the streets looking for old grannies to pounce on. Chelsea were all sweetness and light- beautiful talents like Osgood, Hudson, Cooke-, and gentlemen like Hollins and Bonetti. Poor Hutchinson was brutalised out of the game. Ron Harris was famed for his delightful courtesy and fairness. I'm not from London, nor the South, but was brought up in the wilds, far from a top football club.
deine dummheit scheint wirklich grenzenlos zu sein. mein beileid! du sagst nur bambule? ich gebe dir einen rat: sag lieber nichts mehr. ps: muss jetzt wieder ran.arbeit adelt.
Normaly I don´t like parodys, and I don´t wan´t my favourite singers to be called "gay", but this song is not bad.^^ But I still like the original better. ;-D
Irgendwer 14.12.2024 hier?
Denne må på Spotify!
Saw a guy in Australia two days ago wearing a t-shirt with this game squad names and the result… I was curious to see what was so amazing about this game that a shirt was made for it….!
ich auch
Skandalös dieses Spiel
En av de beste supportersangene jeg har hørt!
Charlie Cooke the quiet genius from Scotland and Chelsea legend
3:21 die Abseitslinie dezent falsch gezogen
Vi skal slukke brann, vi skal slukke brann
how i love old-school english footbal!
I hate the modern plastics more than Leeds. It's great to see them on their way back. Enjoy some real football and real crowds here.
Alltid uansett💙💙
Der Kommentator war ja grauenhaft
We all fucking hate Leeds!
Stabæk <3
Einmal St.Pauli immer St.Pauli
Just look at all the Chelsea fans at that match, thousands of them, I honestly hate it when people say that all Chelsea fans are gloryhunters, they're all wrong #COYB
that 1st goal by leeds was great
hanogver in hamburg / backstreet girls 1988
warum siehst du dir das vidieo als hsv fan an?? warst du für werder? Forza St.Pauli!!
und noch immer FABIAN BOLL
Did Webb actually head that in or was it an old goal?
Ich vermisse das alte Stadion ;(
England: Won World War twice (1914-18) and (1939-45) Germany: Lost Both This definitely shows that England have been the better country historically, and consistently for that matter.
Hahahahahaha ! You did not win the wars, the Allied did, you were just a small part of it dummy loser ! and by the way, learn how to play football.
das nennt sich kult wir müssen wenigstens unser stadion nach einen sponsor umbenennen!
ohh ,aber ihr ne fast jede sasion steigt ihr ab das ist noch peinlicher!
sowas wie du bist schon peinlich hsv ist nicht hamburg st.pauli ist hamburg!!!!
hsv oder was dan raus hier musst du dir ja nicht angucken und bleib bei deinen langeweile verein!!!
genau hamburg ist und bleibt braun weiß!
Das Spiel hätte doch niemals angepfiffen werden dürfen :D
St.Pauli und SVW = Sammelsurium des Abschaums
hsver hurensöhne
Chelsea won even with an injured goalie, and Hudson missing. Leeds won nothing in 1970, some super team, and don't forget other clubs had already won the double, and the other teams had small squads too. When did this super team win the European Cup? Clough was right about how Leeds won trophies.
No no no, of course Leeds were the baddies. In their spare time they held up banks and would roam the streets looking for old grannies to pounce on. Chelsea were all sweetness and light- beautiful talents like Osgood, Hudson, Cooke-, and gentlemen like Hollins and Bonetti. Poor Hutchinson was brutalised out of the game. Ron Harris was famed for his delightful courtesy and fairness. I'm not from London, nor the South, but was brought up in the wilds, far from a top football club.
och mensch jetzt bin ich aber zutiefst beleidigt. ach ja, 5:3 gegen altona gewonnen. RESPEKT !!!
Als wenn ich von Dir irgend einen Rat annehmen würde...
wie heisst das lied ??
eine frage (one question) wie heißt der song? (whats the name of the song???)
deine dummheit scheint wirklich grenzenlos zu sein. mein beileid! du sagst nur bambule? ich gebe dir einen rat: sag lieber nichts mehr. ps: muss jetzt wieder ran.arbeit adelt.
Hvil i fred Tor Marius! Forza Stabæk!
Gratulerer med 100-årsdagen til alle BLAA!
So geil. :D
@friendofthefunk i think that people actually can't tell.. i used to think he sung this song.
Normaly I don´t like parodys, and I don´t wan´t my favourite singers to be called "gay", but this song is not bad.^^ But I still like the original better. ;-D
spoiler alert!!....there all gay....
Umm, Al's parody of this song is about eBay!!!!!!! Hello!!!!!!
The confusion is because he did do a parody of "I want it that way", it's the ebay song