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Добавлен 7 ноя 2016
ARK Ragnarok Hard Boss fight. Manticore + dragon
Просмотров 66 тыс.7 лет назад
ARK Ragnarok Hard Boss fight. Manticore dragon
Witcher 3 A nagy megbizás Story part 3
Просмотров 128 лет назад
Witcher 3 A nagy megbizás Story part 3
Witcher 3 Gfriff vadászat. Story part 2
Просмотров 78 лет назад
Witcher 3 Gfriff vadászat. Story part 2
someone who does BOSS will manticora, could you invite me please I will take my things please invite I give in return 2 repers
I done a boss fight with my friend and no boosted stats and I killed them in 1 min 100k health and 15k melee
Nehow nuh
I do o on oficial yesterday hardest now
Boosted dinos lol
Hello i ola
Srácok egy easy bosst le lehet nyomni 2-3 t-rex el meg egy carnóval ha rendben vannak?
i play on a server so if u have a high level dino and u uprgade melee u get 300 went in with one spino with 80k health 8k melee and fucked the boss up
crap vidio boosted stats with admin commands and noob even sat on yuti whilst teleporting to boss
Mr Tactics dont cry like a baby
Hát igen a setup jó grt a kill hez de látszik a magyar gyerekek kulturatlansága, ostaba megnyilvánulások és sötét képalkotás a Z generációról... Anyukák biztos büszkék mert megvették a játékot az okos gyereknek és Ők kiélik semmit mondó életüket.
0Bravelord0 köszönjük a te semmit mondó hozzászólásodat :)
Cool channel I subed
Could have decimated manticore if you didn't bring the extra Yuta and the pig and instead two allosaurus for the alpha bleed snare.
T Prime i dont think allos would be a good joice... They dont have much hp
Official or unofficial?
why the healer pig?
Kinda answered your own question lol, it's for healing
For healing idiot
Easy with boosted dino stats
Lucas Nowaczyk they are not boosted.
Erm aren't your rexes in the 200-300 range? If they aren't boosted how are you getting numbers like 50k hp and 800 dmg? Shouldn't the most a max leveled rexes hp with that melee be like......40k?
I got all my rexes leveled up to 333 and higher those Rexes have 50K hp and 900 damage. so maybe they changed the dino sttings.
Definitely boosted stats, for them being a relatively low level. Plus, all the rexs have 200% speed lol. But when I played official servers, the best rexs I got could easily get to 50k+ health and 700+ melee when imprinted and leveled. But they went up to the 300 levels
DTOWNZxBOI I got lucky this week got a dino with 13K and 600 melee at birth. I think I can level this one to 55K and over 1.2K melee
Marcos Dos Santos #whogivesashityouscrub
Marcos Dos Santos #officialisforvirginswhohavenothingelsetodothantositonaofficialalldayraisingasingletame
Better than official lmao
How your redes doing 2k damage at 3.00
Jasper Loois dragon doesnt has that kind of armor like the manticore...
nah ez így belegondolva nem is nehéz legalább tudjuk mire számítsunk az easy nél bár persze az gyengébb
Petya kecskéje HUN Killer távol kell tartani a golemeket... Ritka virágot enni valakinek és elhúzni őket onnan...
Máté arra mi is gondoltunk
How'd you achieve those stats yet such low level rex's (most of what i saw were mid to upper 200s)?
Khar its not an official server... I dont know the settings... But the parents were lvl 140-150... The baby rexes started át 7-8k hp .. all of the parents xp points we took them on hp...
Khar 250+
Khar If you knew anything about breeding... the level of the off spring doesn't matter
ön honnan van? ...... köszönöm,jól :D