- Видео 19
- Просмотров 149 149
Aleksei Aleksejev
Добавлен 6 дек 2011
Marid on üks vanimaid soome- ugri rahvaid Kesk Volga aladel. Nad elavad Väike-Kokšaga ja Vjatka jõe vahelisel alal. Siia püha puu alla on maetud viimase mari pealiku poja Akpatri hing. Arvatakse, et vähemalt kord elus peab marilane tulema püha puu juurde ja tooma ohvrianniks rätiku. Akpatr oli valgustaja ja teejuht. Ta rajas neis paigus esimese marilaste küla ja temast sai mari usu juht. Eksisteerib legend, mille järgi Akpatri jõu allikaks oli kuldne part, kes ujus mee tünnis tema maja põranda all. Akpatri naine avaldas selle saladuse ja Akpatri jõud kadus, varsti ta suri ja maeti hiiepuu alla.
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Просмотров 12 тыс.13 лет назад
Мари - один из древних финно-угорских народов Среднего Поволжья. Марийцы проживают между рекой Малая Кокшага и Вятка. Особенности марийской культуры оформились во второй половине первого тысячелетия н.э. Здесь под священным деревом поколется прах сын последнего марийского предводителя (pealik) Акпатыр. Считается, что хотя бы один раз в жизни мариец должен прийти к священному дереву и принести в...
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Joka vuosi keskikesällä, 2.-16. kesäkuuta vietetään, Sürem-juhlaa. Joka neljäs vuosi marin kansa järjestää Vjatka-joella Tšumbõlati-vuoren juurella pakanauskonnon menot. Tarinan mukaan vuori on saanut nimensä vanhimman marilaisen Tšumbõlatin mukaan. Hänet jätettiin vuorelle ja nyt hänen henkensä lepää siellä. Tšumbõlatia nimitetään myös Vuoren Esiv-isäksi ja se vuori on pyhä. Arvellaan, että ta...
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Les langues finno-ougriennes sont parlées par vingt millions de personnes au monde, dont les Maris. L'apiculture et le miel des abeilles sauvages sont considérés comme des symboles nationaux des Maris orientaux. Le miel de ces contrées est le meilleur cadeau possible, les invitées repartent toujours avec un pot de miel. Comme des essaims, les Maris sont venus ici et ont essayé de conserver leur...
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The Finno-Ugric language group numbers over 20 million people, among them are the Maris. They are divided into 3 ethnographic groups: the Eastern, the Meadow and the Hill Maris. The biggest part of the Eastern Maris are located on the river Belaja, which is in the northern part of Bashkortostan. The Maris are appeared by the end of the first millenium of A. D. The Meadow and the Hill Maris live...
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Soome-ugri keeli kõneleb kokku üle 20 miljoni inimese, nende hulka kuuluvad ka marid. Marid jagunevad kolme etnilisse rühma idamarid, niidumarid ja mäemarid. Umbes pooled marid elavad väljaspool Marimaad, nende hulgas ka kõik idamarid. Kõige arvukam idamaride kogukond elab Baškortostani põhjaaladel Belaja jõe ääres. Esimesed teated maridest on pärit meie ajaarvamise esimesest aastatuhandest. Ne...
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Earlier the Finno-Ugric tribes occupied an area from the Baltic Sea to the Ural. The Maris are descendants of an ancient population in the Middle-Volga. They are divided into 3 groups: the Meadow, the Mountain and the Eastern Maris. The Meadow Maris are located on the left side of the Volga and the Mountain Maris on the right side of the river, between the forests and oak-groves. The Eastern Ma...
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Kunagi elasid soome-ugri hõimud suurel maa-alal Läänemere ja Uurali mägede vahel. Marid olid Volga jõe keskjooksu iidsete asukate järeltulijad. Marid jagunevad kolmeks rühmaks- niidumarideks, mäemarideks ja idamarideks. Niidumarid elavad Volga jõe vasakul kaldal, aga mäemarid kõrgema paremkalda tammikutes ja teistes lehtmetsades. Idamarid eraldusid niidumaridest juba 15 sajandil ja rändasid itt...
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И йӹдеок, шошымшы ныр пӓшӓвлӓ паштек, июньын, Кырык сирӹштӹ пиш яргата, цевер «Мыры айо» традиционный празньык эртӓрӓлтеш. 2002-шы ин мӓмнӓн кымдемнӓн культурын историштӹ у страница пачылтын. Кырык мары районын цевер лыкышты, Когосола поселенин Сухин сола сага вӓрлӓнӹшӹ сӓрӓнӹштӹ, кышты мӹндӹрнӹ агыл Кого Йынгы ӓнгӹр Йылышкы йоген пыра, мыры празньык эртен. Тӹдӹ цилӓм цӱдейӹктен. Пӹтӓришӹ гӓнӓ ...
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"Laulurahvas" nii nimetavad niidumarid mäemarilasi. Mäemarilastel on veel tänapäevalgi palju omapäraseid laule ja tantse. Igal aastal toimub suve algul (12. juunil) rahvapidu nimega "Lilledepäev". Tänavune rahvapidu erines eelnevatest selle poolest, et seekord otsustati korraldada ühine mari laulupidu. Laulupidu toimus Mäemari maakonnas, kus suur Jõngõ jõgi suubub Volgasse.
Просмотров 11 тыс.13 лет назад
"The singing people"- that's how the Meadow Maris and the Hill Maris are called. The Song Festival is held in the Hill Mari region, where the big river Jyngy flows into the Volga. The festival is inspired by the tradition of the Estonian Song Festival and is a powerful symbol of national cultural rebirth. At the Song Festival people can wear folk costumes. That arouses interest to the folk clot...
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.13 лет назад
Луымшо курым мучаште, Виче кундемысе кугезе марий мландште, Кукарка лўман карманым чонен шогалтеныт. Калык Онжылан Чумбылат лўман талешкым сайлен да моткоч кугун ўшанен, пагален илен. Шочмо тукымжо дене ўмарешлан чеверласаш жап толын шумеке, тудым курык серысе сылне вер-шöреш тоеныт. Тукымжым арален кодаш тыршымыжлан, виян да чолга улмыжлан Оным калык шке юмыжлан шотлаш тўналын. Неле жапыште ку...
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Iga aasta kesksuvel, 2.-16. juulil tähistatakse Sürem - püha. Iga nelja aasta tagant korraldab mari rahvas Vjatka jõel Tšumbõlati mäe jalamil loodususulise palvuse. Legend räägib, et mägi kannab oma nime mari vanema Tšumbõlati auks. Ta maeti sellele mäele ja nüüd puhkab siin tema hing. Tšumbõlatti nimetatakse ka Mäe Esivanemaks ja see mägi on püha. Arvatakse, et taevaste kõrgusteni tõusev mägi ...
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.13 лет назад
At the end of the tenth century, the Mari people founded the fortress of Kukarka on the river Vyatka in the land of their ancient forefathers. It was from this stronghold that the chieftain Tshumbylat reigned. A figure is much loved and respected by his people, he was buried at the foot of the mountain after his death and declared to be a god. Even now people come to pray so that the mountain g...
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.13 лет назад
Film jäädvustab mari rahva pulmakombeid. Mari pulm ei ole kaotanud omapära, paljusid kombeid täideti veel selle sajandi alguses, osa neist kestavad tänapäevani. Nii mängisid varasemal ajal tütarlapsed õhtustel istjatsitel neiusarve. Nad võistlesid sarvepuhumises ja igaüks püüdis täiustada sarvehääle ilu ja jõudu. Iga tütarlaps leidis oma lemmikviisi ning selle järgi võis hiljem mängija ära arva...
Kedves Mari nyelvrokonok! Őrizzétek nyelveteket, kultúrátokat adjátok tovább kincseiteket a jövő nemzedékének! Szívből jövő üdvözlet Magyarországról!
Шыпе дене сортам огыт чукто пеш кугу ошибка
Terveisiä Suomesta ❤🇫🇮
Je ne connais pas ces gens, mais je les embrasse avec tendresse, comme des cousins éloignés mais très proches...
J'ai hâte de connaître ces peuples magnifiques dont je me sens très, très proche ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I love our kinship. Song starts in 17:58 is same as: ruclips.net/video/h12s1uwwX6g/видео.html
Creetings from Finland, im Karelian and proud to be from same ancient heritage and culture than Mari people ❤
One of the emerging experimental directors is from Mari! we are in NYC. I am also indigenous and we met here in NYC and now working together!
The word Pagan is racist. Anything other than the recognised is "Pagan". But I see a religion with Gods and Spirits as valid, if not more so than ours. "Pagan" has connotations of the primitive and evil. Which these people are definitely not.
A society not yet ruined by feminism. 🤔 Sounds a little harsh until you really look into it and and at least try to understand. Well, does he have a point?
La beauté de la tradition.
Много брехни.
Oh, how I wish the scourge of liquor did not lay a finger on people. Beer is one thing, liquor brings it to another level.
Люблю свой марийский край и народ живущий на этой земле,йоратыза шке калыкдам,пагалыза Марий йылмыдам.
Magic mountain ??? In time past the Mari nation would gather every 10 years at the grave of Chimbulat , a cultural hero/Prince from the 11th century . In 1830 the russian's tried to explode the mountain on which the grave lay , when this failed they expelled local Mari and moved the borders of the Mari district so that the grave lay in a russian majority district . All this failed as the video shows , the Mari are Europe's only remaining Pagan nation .
7:00 Thank God
Only bit of the documentary i didn't like. No need to add politics to this. Keep it simple and just film the wedding, nothing else.
Here because i started learning about the Russian culture! I am liking the Mari People customs.
Жених совсем мальчишка юный, сколько лет ему интересно. На вид 17 лет
Wonderful people. Their culture and their appearance seems to be very close to Celts (especially Bretons)
Пеш кугу тау тиде видеолан. Пеш мотор видео. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Пеш мотор , молодцы удырамаш влак.
Алексей большая благодарность Тебе! За продвижение нашей культуры!!!😄😄😄
Some traditions of this wonderful people seems at the roots of Celtic culture. The music could pass in some "fest noz" of Brittany, and some people (especially women) look fully Breton, as if they were brothers and sisters...Long live to Paleo-European cultures.
Celtic people follow an Indo-European religion and culture. True each Indo-European culture is different with Greek, Roman, Celtic, Scythian, and Slavic culture is very different from each other. There are over a 100 ethnic groups in India and India is a mixture of Indian and Dravidian people.
theres all so the eastern Mari in the Bashkir republic
I love how a lot of Mari people still have those beautiful asiatic features and dark hair/skin of our ancestors, very beautiful wedding ceremonies and culture also
Я чистокровная мари, мне приятно смотреть такие видео👍
Очень красиво и вдохновляюще. Спасибо и удачи!
Где находится гора Чумбылат
Very nice 👌
Thank you for uploading this! There must be a linkage to mediterrenean culture/cultures - actually more then with northern ones. What is their origin and how is their creation mythology? Love
Нашу культуру и обычаи Мари в Москве то не поймут..а где то за границей я думаю покажется дико!..но видео отличное!
Do all Mari people have Russian names? Are there any original Mari first or family names? I think Mari people should abandon the Rusisna way of giving names to their children.
@@viliamsinka34 у русских тоже не русские имена а греческие и латинские пришедшие от византийцев к русским по ходу крещения)
I love this it feels so good..
Mari el
Ожно годым, чыла тиде ший окса дене ыштыме лийын,пеш моторын койыныт,а кызыт так...Оксажым 90 шо ийлаште чыла ужален пытареныт..кризис годым,..
This tradition is very similar to the Hmong people. There has to be some sort of connection.
Tou Vang yes! Omg
Humanity - Neej Neeg - Человечество: Peace, Happiness!
Sharpa , we Balkan Turks use this word for scarf , too , in Turkey . The way they sing , looks like German traditional songs .. while they are speaking they sound like Turkish speaking just with different words , but some words are still the same , like Children choir was singing saying ...mış , ...mış repeating these suffix words
White Wolf wh
"fife stone "game every Turkish chiled knows and still play :) , just care family names of these people , first names are christian names but family names are usulay Turkish , like Turkey's Turks first names Farsi because of islam but family names are Turkish .
Wonderful people with great culture and love for life. Lots of love and respect.. Thanks for the share.
Look up the Zoroastrians , tribe of Normans , Manichaeans , Knights Templar. They are are connected to this tribal region
u are very confused , none of this is real . Mari are Animist's while Zoroastrians , Manichean's and Templar's are all monotheists
M'ikmaq and Acadian Tribe of Normans are descendents of Maris tribe and Nenets tribe . This proves we are Russians (finno Ugrians ) we are both full blooded and also play the game of Waltes which comes from Maris tribe
No Mari's are not russians , maybe technically as members of the federation but not ethnic russians . There were several Finnic tribes that used to inhabit what is now russia like the chudes or merya , so take your pick
Thanks for sharing.
I'm proud to be Mari!
Aljona fe what country is this?
I am also Mari from Balochistan Kohlu. I am happy to see you people have still your cultures. Here we also kept our traditions alive
Мый тыгак
кырык мары сем-юмо сем
Thank you for sharing .
this what i would imagine much of eastern Europe to be 60 years ago, obviously not cities.
Very interesting!
3:02 "the wedding begins on friday, because friday is a good day" коротко и ясно :))))))))))
katerinazhilina like in Islam lol