Harmony BR music
Harmony BR music
  • Видео 55
  • Просмотров 117 094
432Hz 虛空藏菩薩咒*1小時// 432Hz Akasa Garbha Mantra*1hour
432Hz 虛空藏菩薩咒*1小時// 432Hz Akasa Garbha Mantra*1hour
阿禰邏闍鞞 •鈐浮 娑闍鞞 耶婆 奈闍鞞•
anilajabhi‧ khijbhu sajabhi‧yabha najabhi
阿你 拉加比 輕不 撒加比 雅巴 拿加比
博廁娑迷•波吒邏闍鞞• 他奈 婆邏鞞•
pakse sami‧ phata lajabhi‧tana bhalabhi
八切 撒咪 怕打 拉加比 打拿 巴拉比
薩多羅 伽邏泥 休磨休磨 摩訶伽樓尼迦 娑婆呵
satala karani‧ huma huma‧maha karunika‧svaha
撒打拉 嗄 尼 虎麻 虎麻 麻哈 嗄嚕尼嗄 斯瓦哈
爾時世尊告藥王菩薩摩訶薩......善男子! 是虛空藏菩薩摩訶薩, 已無量劫得「無生忍」,具無礙辯,究竟滿足「首楞嚴定」, 住「最上地」, 決定堅固, 終無傾動, 善知眾生深心所行, 應覩「神變」莊嚴之事......示入「無邊空處三昧」,於「西方」沒, 而來「現」(於)此(娑婆世界)......
時虛空藏菩薩摩訶薩觀彼眾生,隨所應見,於其「夢」中, 現種種「形」,即以方便而為說法......若諸眾生種種「身病」, 及「心狂亂」、聾盲瘖瘂......稱虛空藏菩薩摩訶薩名,至心「歸命」, 燒「堅黑沈水」及「多伽羅香」, 恭敬禮拜, 或從(虛空藏菩薩)「乞藥」, 或願(虛空藏菩薩)「除愈」, 時虛空藏菩薩摩訶薩即隨其願......在於「夢者」及「寤者」前, 為說「病相」, 并為分別諸藥「對治」(的方法): (何種)病狀如...
Просмотров: 417


432Hz毘盧遮那佛大灌頂光真言 (光明真言)/The Great Initiation of Buddha Vairocana and the Light Mantra (Light Mantra)
Просмотров 29214 дней назад
432Hz毘盧遮那佛大灌頂光真言 (光明真言)/ 432HzThe Great Initiation of Buddha Vairocana and the Light Mantra (Light Mantra) 咒語: 唵 阿謨伽 尾嚧左曩 摩賀 母捺囉(二合) 嗡 阿某嘎 V 柔佳那 麻哈 母德 oj‧amogha‧ virocana‧ maha-mudra‧ 不空 毘盧遮那(光明遍照) 大 手印 麼抳 鉢納麼(二合) 入嚩(二合)攞 鉢囉(二合)韈哆野 吽 麻你 巴德麻 吉瓦拉 ㄅ 瓦兒打雅 虎姆 mani‧ padma‧ jvala‧ pravarttaya‧ huj‧ 摩尼寶珠 蓮華 火焰;熾然 轉、生、起 drive.google.com/drive/folders/10Uc3s09nHoHjljufBwQl3WUOwWtR1w5m 《毘盧遮那佛大灌頂光真言》 出自《不空...
432Hz 七佛滅罪真言*1小時// 432Hz Seven Buddhas' Iniquity Eliminating Magic*1hour
Просмотров 34728 дней назад
432Hz 七佛滅罪真言*1小時// 432Hz Seven Buddhas' Iniquity Eliminating Magic*1hour 七佛滅罪真言,此滅罪真言是《早晚課誦集》中十小咒之一。這是釋迦牟尼佛說的,也是過去七佛共說的。誠心誦念此咒,可消除重罪。 七佛滅罪真言: 離婆離婆帝。求訶求訶帝。陀羅尼帝。 尼訶囉帝。毗黎你帝。摩訶伽帝。 真陵乾帝。莎婆訶。 七佛滅罪真言注音:. lí pó lí pó dì。qiú hē qiú hē dì。tuó luó ní dì。 ní hē là dì。pí lí nǐ dì。mó hē qié dì。 zhēn líng qián dì。suō pó hē。 七佛滅罪真言梵音 DEVA DEVATE ,GUHA, GUHATE,DHARA DHRTE,NIR-HRTE VIMALATE, SVAHA. 過去七佛,又稱七佛,佛經記...
432Hz 報父母恩咒*1小時// 432Hz Mantra of Repaying Parents' Kindness*1hour
Просмотров 455Месяц назад
432Hz 報父母恩咒*1小時// 432Hz Mantra of Repaying Parents' Kindness*1hour 在佛經中言道:「盂蘭盆法會的緣起是發生在佛陀時代,目連尊者以天眼見母親亡故後墮到餓鬼道中受苦,目連想以神通力往饗母親,但所有食物一到母親手中便化成炭灰,清水也變成血水。眼看救母不成,便沉重的前去請示世尊:「世尊,有什麼妙法能使弟子的母親救離餓鬼的苦難呢?」 世尊面上流露出悲愍的慈光,回答道:「目連,你母親因為在生之時,謗佛謗僧,不信因果正法,貪瞋邪見,所以受此果報,這不是你個人的力量可以救援,你的孝心雖然感動天地,對你那毀謗三寶而墮落餓鬼道中受苦的母親也莫可奈何啊!你現在唯有仰仗供養十方僧眾的功德,方能令你母親脫離餓鬼之苦。」 目連尊者聽後,歡喜奉行,於是便在七月十五日這一天,廣設百味珍餚、新鮮果品,盡世甘美,放在盆中,供養十方僧眾,終於讓苦難的母親因...
432Hz 噶瑪巴千諾*1小時 (版本3) // 432Hz Karmapa Chenno*1 hour ( Version3)
Просмотров 156Месяц назад
關於此念誦的連結 / A link about this Mantra: ruclips.net/video/EVjLsagYnX0/видео.html 「噶瑪巴千諾」 (Karmapa Chenno)整句咒語的大意為:“大寶法王噶瑪巴! 您遍知我的心。您知道我心中的痛苦。 您知道我心中的哀傷。請您憐憫我,請您慈悲我。 請您看護我,請您救助我。 懇請您不要遺忘我,懇請您不要捨棄我。請您幫助我。” The main meaning of the entire mantra "Karmapa Chenno" is: "Karmapa, the Karmapa! You know my heart. You know the pain in my heart. You know the sadness in my heart. Please have mercy on me, pleas...
432Hz 蓮花生大士心咒 1小時 Verson2// 432Hz Padmasambhava's mantra Version2
Просмотров 555Месяц назад
432Hz 蓮花生大士心咒 1小時 Verson2// 432Hz Padmasambhava's mantra Version2 蓮師心咒『嗡阿吽班扎咕嚕貝瑪悉地吽』是三世諸佛菩薩身、口、意的精華,不僅是代表蓮花生大士的心咒,也是過去、現在、未來三世諸佛菩薩的所有心咒佛號,上師、本尊、空行三根本的心咒以及八萬四千法門的種子字,經常念誦、抄寫可淨除一切罪障。 Guru Padmasambhava's mantra "Om Ah Hung Ben za Guru Péma Siddhi Hung" is the essence of the body, speech and mind of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the three generations. It not only represents the heart mantra of P...
(432Hz)六字大明咒 1小時/(432hz) Six Syllable Guan Yin Mantra1hour
Просмотров 937Месяц назад
(432Hz)六字大明咒 1小時/(432hz) Six Syllable Guan Yin Mantra1hour 〈六字大明咒〉或稱〈六字真言〉是觀世音菩薩願力與加持,又稱為「觀世音菩薩的心咒」。〈六字大明咒〉所代表的意義即是以觀音菩薩清淨崇高的身語意,進而成就菩提道業之意。-心道法師 The Six-syllable Mantra or the Mani Mantra is the embodiment of Guan Yin’s aspiration and blessing. It encapsulates the purest and noble form of the body, speech, and mind. Moreover, by practicing the mantra, one could accomplish enlightenment. - Mast...
432Hz 南無觀世音菩薩*1小時 // 432Hz Namo Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion *1 hour
Просмотров 4,8 тыс.Месяц назад
432Hz 南無觀世音菩薩*1小時 // 432Hz Namo Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion *1 hour 念誦觀世音菩薩的名號能于末法眾生及五濁惡世之對治如下: 1、方便易行 2、得無量福 3、滅無量罪  4、離一切怖難 5、所求皆得 6、安全普傳 7、滿願證果終生淨土 8、得不退轉 Chanting the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva can help the sentient beings of the end of Dharma and the evil world of five turbidities as follows: 1. Convenient and easy to do 2. Obtain immeasurable blessings 3. D...
432Hz 文殊菩薩智慧咒*1 hour// 432Hz Manjushri Bodhisattva Mantra*1 hour
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.Месяц назад
432Hz 文殊菩薩智慧咒*1 hour// 432Hz Manjushri Bodhisattva Mantra*1 hour 這是文殊菩薩增長智慧的咒語。又稱文殊菩薩心咒。 文殊心咒-藏文:唵 阿 喇 巴 扎 納 德 文殊心咒-中文:唵 阿 諾 巴 扎 那 帝 梵文:Om Ara Pa Ca Na Dhih 藏文:Om Ara Pa Za Na Di 文殊心咒釋意 唵(Om)是皈依的意思。 阿喇(A Ja)表示空性大智慧是不生不滅、清淨無染的。 巴札(Va Ja)是說在空性中諸法平等,遠離了一切的相對。 納德(Na Di)表示一切法都不可得。 This is Manjushri Bodhisattva's mantra to increase wisdom. It is also known as the Mantra of Manjushri Bodhisattva. Manj...
432Hz 南無大悲觀世音菩薩 1小時// 432Hz Namo Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion
Просмотров 418Месяц назад
432Hz 南無大悲觀世音菩薩 1小時// 432Hz Namo Avalokitesvara, the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion 念誦觀世音菩薩的名號能于末法眾生及五濁惡世之對治如下: 1、方便易行 2、得無量福 3、滅無量罪  4、離一切怖難 5、所求皆得 6、安全普傳 7、滿願證果終生淨土 8、得不退轉 Chanting the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva can help the sentient beings of the end of Dharma and the evil world of five turbidities as follows: 1. Convenient and easy to do 2. Obtain immeasurable blessings 3. Destroy ...
432Hz 南無地藏王菩薩聖號 (版本2) // 432Hz Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (Version2)
Просмотров 2912 месяца назад
432Hz 南無地藏王菩薩聖號 (版本2) // 432Hz Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (Version2) 432Hz 南無地藏王菩薩聖號 (版本1) // 432Hz Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (Version1) 在「大乘大集地藏十輪經」中,對於稱念「南無地藏菩薩」聖號的功德: 1.遠離煩惱、痛苦。 2.不受飢餓,飲食充足。 3.生活、醫療等所需資具不會缺乏。 4.喜愛者相聚,怨憎者遠離。 5.身心安樂,眾病痊癒。 6.鬥爭遠離,與人和睦。 7.解脫牢獄之災。 8.不被囚禁、鞭撻。 9.身心暢適,氣力強盛。 10.六根具足,不會殘缺。 11.不會被鬼魅附身精神錯亂。 12.遠離貪、瞋、癡、慢、妒等熾盛五毒的心理狀態,身心安樂。 13.遠離地、水、火、風災難,不受損害。 14.不受惡鬼所害,身心安適 15.遠離一切恐...
432Hz 南無地藏王菩薩聖號 (版本1) // 432Hz Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (Version1)
Просмотров 3582 месяца назад
432Hz 南無地藏王菩薩聖號 (版本1) // 432Hz Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (Version1) 在「大乘大集地藏十輪經」中,對於稱念「南無地藏菩薩」聖號的功德: 1.遠離煩惱、痛苦。 2.不受飢餓,飲食充足。 3.生活、醫療等所需資具不會缺乏。 4.喜愛者相聚,怨憎者遠離。 5.身心安樂,眾病痊癒。 6.鬥爭遠離,與人和睦。 7.解脫牢獄之災。 8.不被囚禁、鞭撻。 9.身心暢適,氣力強盛。 10.六根具足,不會殘缺。 11.不會被鬼魅附身精神錯亂。 12.遠離貪、瞋、癡、慢、妒等熾盛五毒的心理狀態,身心安樂。 13.遠離地、水、火、風災難,不受損害。 14.不受惡鬼所害,身心安適 15.遠離一切恐怖侵害,身心保全。 16.不但遠離一切憂苦,並且無論是世間的財富、情感、名聲...或是出世間 的淨戒、禪定、般若智慧、種種功德,所求都能夠如願...
(432Hz) 綠度母心咒 1小時 版本4// (432hz) Green Tara Mantra 1hour Version4
Просмотров 6632 месяца назад
(432Hz) 綠度母心咒 1小時 版本4// (432hz) Green Tara Mantra 1hour Version4 漢文:嗡 達咧 嘟達咧 嘟咧 梭哈 梵文:Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Svāhā 藏文:ཨོཾ་ཏཱ་རེ་ཏུཏྟཱ་རེ་ཏུ་རེ་སྭཱ་ཏཱ། 來自《佛說大方廣曼殊室利經》 度母的十字心咒,能救脫一切罪業、衰敗、勾招三世間作為奴僕,成辦各種事業。在各種續中宣說的五部佛母的這些陀羅尼咒是一切明咒王的心咒,持誦功德無量,能獲得一切悉地。 --《淨除業障百咒功德》 As a fully enlightened female buddha, Tara is the actuality of compassion and wisdom, and meditating on her helps us awaken our own buddhan...
432Hz 须臾暂离不暫捨// 432Hz Leaving for a moment, not forever.
Просмотров 1492 месяца назад
432Hz 须臾暂离不暫捨// 432Hz Leaving for a moment, not forever. 這首歌呢,它也是自己莫名其妙跑出來的,不過寫的時間點落在2010年. 特別紀念在2010年圓寂的上師。那位上師,目前已經轉世回來了. This song is also came by itself, out of the blue, but it was written in 2010. This song is also specially dedicated to the master who passed away in 2010. This Guru has now reincarnated back to the Earthly realm. 廣襃無生法界中 guǎng bāo wú shēng fǎ jiè zhōng 明燦閃亮各類數 míng càn sh...
432Hz 無有分離體性歌/432Hz Song of No Separation
Просмотров 1492 месяца назад
432Hz 無有分離體性歌/432Hz Song of No Separation 這首歌呢,它自己跑出來的,我也不知道怎麼來的。獻給需要的人~ 特別紀念最近圓寂的上師。我沒那麼厲害,這不是我寫的~ As for this song. I myself didn't write this song. The song came out by itself, out of the blue, I don’t know where it came from. However, this song is for to those people who are in need~ Specially dedicates to one of my Guru who recently passed away. 歌詞: 廣襃閃亮無生法界中 guǎng bāo shǎn liàng wú shēng ...
432Hz 般若波羅蜜多心經* 1 hour 版本2 // 432Hz Heart Sutra*1 hour -Version 2
Просмотров 3892 месяца назад
432Hz 般若波羅蜜多心經* 1 hour 版本2 // 432Hz Heart Sutra*1 hour -Version 2
432Hz 般若波羅蜜多心經* 1 hour 版本1// 432Hz Heart Sutra*1 hour -Version1
Просмотров 3922 месяца назад
432Hz 般若波羅蜜多心經* 1 hour 版本1// 432Hz Heart Sutra*1 hour -Version1
432Hz 普賢王如來祈願文 /432Hz The Prayer of Kuntuzangpo
Просмотров 1342 месяца назад
432Hz 普賢王如來祈願文 /432Hz The Prayer of Kuntuzangpo
432Hz 普賢王如來祈願文* 1 hour /432Hz The Prayer of Kuntuzangpo*1 hour
Просмотров 2002 месяца назад
432Hz 普賢王如來祈願文* 1 hour /432Hz The Prayer of Kuntuzangpo*1 hour
(Rap 藏文) 432Hz 蓮師七句祈請文*1hour// (Rap Tibetan) Guru Padmasambhava Seven Line Prayer *1hour
Просмотров 7722 месяца назад
(Rap 藏文) 432Hz 蓮師七句祈請文*1hour// (Rap Tibetan) Guru Padmasambhava Seven Line Prayer *1hour
(Rap) 432Hz 蓮花生大師心咒 1 小時//(Rap) 432Hz Guru Padmasambhava's mantra 1hour
Просмотров 4912 месяца назад
(Rap) 432Hz 蓮花生大師心咒 1 小時//(Rap) 432Hz Guru Padmasambhava's mantra 1hour
432Hz 釋迦牟尼佛心咒*1 hour/ 432Hz Shakyamuni Buddha Mantra*1 hour
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.3 месяца назад
432Hz 釋迦牟尼佛心咒*1 hour/ 432Hz Shakyamuni Buddha Mantra*1 hour
432Hz 般若波羅密多心咒 男聲* 1 hour/ 432Hz Heart Sutra Mantra Male Vocalist for 1 hour
Просмотров 2093 месяца назад
432Hz 般若波羅密多心咒 男聲* 1 hour/ 432Hz Heart Sutra Mantra Male Vocalist for 1 hour
432Hz 般若波羅密多心咒* 1 hour/ 432Hz Heart Sutra Mantra for 1 hour
Просмотров 1733 месяца назад
432Hz 般若波羅密多心咒* 1 hour/ 432Hz Heart Sutra Mantra for 1 hour
432Hz 大日如来心咒毗卢遮那佛心咒 梵文*1hour / 432Hz Vairocana Buddha Mantra Sanskrit*1 hour
Просмотров 9 тыс.3 месяца назад
432Hz 大日如来心咒毗卢遮那佛心咒 梵文*1hour / 432Hz Vairocana Buddha Mantra Sanskrit*1 hour
432Hz 大日如来心咒 /毗卢遮那佛心咒 *1hour / 432Hz Vairocana Buddha Mantra*1 hour
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.3 месяца назад
432Hz 大日如来心咒 /毗卢遮那佛心咒 *1hour / 432Hz Vairocana Buddha Mantra*1 hour
432Hz 不空毘盧遮那佛光明真言 又稱 大日如來光明真言*1小時/432Hz Vairocana Buddha Mantra of Light*1hour
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.3 месяца назад
432Hz 不空毘盧遮那佛光明真言 又稱 大日如來光明真言*1小時/432Hz Vairocana Buddha Mantra of Light*1hour
432Hz 覺林菩薩偈*1hour /432Hz Verses by Forest of Awareness Bodhisattva*1 hour
Просмотров 2573 месяца назад
432Hz 覺林菩薩偈*1hour /432Hz Verses by Forest of Awareness Bodhisattva*1 hour
432Hz (Jazz) 南無阿彌陀佛 梵文 1 小時/ 432Hz (Jazz) Namo Amitābha Sanskrit 1 hour
Просмотров 8953 месяца назад
432Hz (Jazz) 南無阿彌陀佛 梵文 1 小時/ 432Hz (Jazz) Namo Amitābha Sanskrit 1 hour
432Hz (舞動版) 南無阿彌陀佛 梵文 1 小時/ 432Hz (Fast pace) Namo Amitābha Sanskrit 1 hour
Просмотров 4813 месяца назад
432Hz (舞動版) 南無阿彌陀佛 梵文 1 小時/ 432Hz (Fast pace) Namo Amitābha Sanskrit 1 hour


  • @Vyvian99
    @Vyvian99 14 часов назад

    the voice is so amazing, i listen to your music video almost every day, when i work, before go to bed, i can listen to those amazing songs all day. great work. thanks for all of these incredible works

  • @LOVEso-much
    @LOVEso-much 18 часов назад


  • @wingchan5216
    @wingchan5216 3 дня назад


    • @harmonyBRmusic
      @harmonyBRmusic 3 дня назад


  • @LOVEso-much
    @LOVEso-much 5 дней назад


  • @ChinAh-dz1bd
    @ChinAh-dz1bd 14 дней назад


  • @do_things_good
    @do_things_good 19 дней назад


  • @cardsoulbyneha
    @cardsoulbyneha 22 дня назад

    Osum music.... searching for such Beats and today I found ❤❤❤

  • @huanhe7656
    @huanhe7656 22 дня назад


  • @huanhe7656
    @huanhe7656 22 дня назад

    感動感動感動 感恩感恩感恩 正煩惱各傳承音腔差異太大 且咒字缺漏等問題 馬上就看到您的創作 比對字幕唱完後 只覺血脈賁張 汗毛豎起 有想流淚的衝動 感恩地藏王菩薩摩訶薩 感恩果濱老師的梵譯 感恩並讚歎曲譜作者的用心與功德 並祈請您多多創作此類咒曲

  • @黑密契
    @黑密契 24 дня назад


    • @harmonyBRmusic
      @harmonyBRmusic 24 дня назад

      最好是經過有傳承的上師口傳而持誦會比較好。會比較知道應該怎麼持誦觀想~ 這是參考資料: palyul-center.org.tw/~pybbs2/show.asp?titleurl=img/bar.jpg&areano=1&repno=69&page=21&id=palyul

  • @SoonHingWong
    @SoonHingWong 25 дней назад


  • @reandom-e6s
    @reandom-e6s 25 дней назад


  • @YitzuHuang
    @YitzuHuang 27 дней назад


  • @phanmang4794
    @phanmang4794 27 дней назад

    Hay quá❤

  • @Lily-kp5cj
    @Lily-kp5cj 29 дней назад


  • @adrielsison9835
    @adrielsison9835 Месяц назад

    Such blessed work! Thank you for sharing. I truly feel the guiding hands of Avalokiteshsvara in the making of this. Namo Avalokitesvara 🙏🙏🙏

  • @Beijaflordaamazonia
    @Beijaflordaamazonia Месяц назад

    Is it a pratice from Chan Budhism? I didn't know this pratice.

    • @harmonyBRmusic
      @harmonyBRmusic 29 дней назад

      thebuddhistgarden.com/buddhism-%E4%BD%9B%E6%95%99/sutras-%E7%B6%93%E6%96%87/ten-shorter-dharanis-%E5%8D%81%E5%B0%8F%E5%92%92/ Here is a website for information. Please take a look at it. When a disciple attends a late evening chanting in a temple, this mantra is usually recited in the end. Much blessings to you. Thank you for asking. 😀

    • @Beijaflordaamazonia
      @Beijaflordaamazonia 28 дней назад

      @@harmonyBRmusic blesses back🙌 Reading the site, loving the song 💖

  • @adrielsison9835
    @adrielsison9835 Месяц назад

    This is so beautiful. Namo Amitabha 🙏🙏🙏

  • @nhungle5394
    @nhungle5394 Месяц назад

    Bài chú nghe an lạc bình yên thật , con Giọng người đọc bài chú quá hay

  • @huynhthanhphuoc9251
    @huynhthanhphuoc9251 Месяц назад

    A Di Đà phật

  • @huynhthanhphuoc9251
    @huynhthanhphuoc9251 Месяц назад

    Nam mô Văn Thù Sư Lợi Bồ Tát

  • @nguyethuynh8196
    @nguyethuynh8196 Месяц назад


  • @huynhthanhphuoc9251
    @huynhthanhphuoc9251 Месяц назад

    A Di Đà phật

  • @valeriejiong5873
    @valeriejiong5873 Месяц назад

    Thank you for creating this video. Very peaceful and powerful ❤

  • @อามื่อเบเซ
    @อามื่อเบเซ Месяц назад


  • @asiaasia176
    @asiaasia176 Месяц назад

    Namo kwam tse im po sat😂❤😊

  • @asiaasia176
    @asiaasia176 Месяц назад


  • @vanthanhvo3992
    @vanthanhvo3992 Месяц назад

    Namo guan shi yin bodhisattva 🙏🙏🙏

  • @minhnguyen-qv5zf
    @minhnguyen-qv5zf Месяц назад

    Cho mình hỏi chú của vị phật nào ạ

  • @Beijaflordaamazonia
    @Beijaflordaamazonia Месяц назад

    Guess who arrives first to enjoy? Shi wo!! ☺Om Mani Padme Hung 🙏

  • @Kamonchanok-gm2jg
    @Kamonchanok-gm2jg Месяц назад


  • @Vyvian99
    @Vyvian99 Месяц назад

    i really love this song, always listen to it when working❤

  • @Ty-dq8qv
    @Ty-dq8qv Месяц назад


  • @minhnguyen-qv5zf
    @minhnguyen-qv5zf Месяц назад

    Bài hát này bạn có thể dịch nghĩa cho mình là gì k ạ

    • @harmonyBRmusic
      @harmonyBRmusic Месяц назад

      I can only find the meaning of this prayer in English Version. Hope you can read it. www.kagyuoffice.org.tw/images/PDF/Padmasambhava.pdf But, it's best to find a master to explain this seven line prayer in your own language. /\../\../\..

  • @minhnguyen-qv5zf
    @minhnguyen-qv5zf Месяц назад

    Tuy k dịch được nhưng rất hay

  • @Beijaflordaamazonia
    @Beijaflordaamazonia Месяц назад

    I am back! So few plys. I don't agree with it! It is lovely and I will come more times to enjoy it 💞

    • @harmonyBRmusic
      @harmonyBRmusic Месяц назад

      People always come and go. It doesn't matter. The only thing matter is they can take their favorite melody in their mind and chant all day long. In the long run, it would be beneficial. 😇

    • @harmonyBRmusic
      @harmonyBRmusic Месяц назад

      Human mind is very powerful. People can imagine and do whatever they want. And the consequence is depended on people's mind and their action.

    • @Beijaflordaamazonia
      @Beijaflordaamazonia Месяц назад

      @@harmonyBRmusic Very philosophic way to express yourself 🩷 One of your sentences here lead me to a song I used to listen a lot when I was young 🤭 Sade-Love is Stronger Than Pride. I went to listen it and, oh yes!, it is beautiful. Thank you for lead me to "the movie" of these times. As form is empitness and emptiness is form, was lovely to go back in times and watched this movie of "my life" again. Thank you. Do you know her, Sade? She was and still a perfect lady. One of my faves of life. Check her, I guess you gonna like her music 🎶

    • @Beijaflordaamazonia
      @Beijaflordaamazonia Месяц назад

      @@harmonyBRmusic The other version, short and with the long🐲is the one that is always playing in my mind since the first moment, but I like this one too because reminds me the people chanting together in Temples 🙏 I made a list with many of your lovely versions for mantras and yesterday I was listening this one during my work, at my job place. Gongzuo, Gonsi 🤭

    • @Beijaflordaamazonia
      @Beijaflordaamazonia Месяц назад

      @@harmonyBRmusic I have a curiosity: why your channel is named as "HarmonyBRmusic? You know BR means Brazil? Baxi. Do you live in Zhongguo? I will be happy if more people finds and enjoys this version too, and to listen it and comment is a way to make it more visible for others 🪷

  • @Hoi-n6k
    @Hoi-n6k Месяц назад


  • @WesBeres-o5t
    @WesBeres-o5t Месяц назад


  • @phuongmai2054
    @phuongmai2054 Месяц назад

    ❤nghe thấy nhẹ nhàng trong tâm , muốn buông bỏ hết để sống 1 cs bình dị . Mong sẽ có nhiều ng biết đến kênh của b . Chúc cho tất cả những ai nghe đuọc âm nhạc này đều được chư Phật, Bồ tát gia hộ hạnh phúc , bình an ❤🙏🙏🙏

  • @Beijaflordaamazonia
    @Beijaflordaamazonia Месяц назад

    This is for you 💎💎💎 3 jewels 😊 I am loving It. Hen piaoliang.! Kwan Yin feixing zhi long 🐲Magic! Are you the singer? Lovely soft voice. Love the beat too. Wo hen gao xin with everything. Thank you. Amei 💞 #fave Brasília, Brasil 27 de Julho 2024 🪷

    • @harmonyBRmusic
      @harmonyBRmusic Месяц назад

      I am not a singer. I just like to make Buddha music for people to enjoy. And I am glad that you like the music that I have made.

    • @Beijaflordaamazonia
      @Beijaflordaamazonia Месяц назад

      @@harmonyBRmusic Indeed I like, and looks like many people are liking too. A lot of views already and much to come 🙏 I didn't ask if you are A singer, I asked if you are THE Singer here 🎙️🎶 . Very soft voice 😊 Once again I thank you for use pinyn in many of your vídeos. I study chinese and it helps a lot with mantras I don't know and I am shure that helps so much people around the world that humblely are starting to walk this path of learning a so different language. Different for us, of course. I took my first refuge with Master Renshan from Zhenning Temple and I rejoyce in your adorable work . Thank you 🙏 Here in western side of the world Vajrayana is more easy to find and I have many beloved Lamas that kindly share teachings with us so I also apreciate your mantras of Padmasambhava, Manjushri and others Budhas and Bodhisatvas. Keep doing your fantastic job because the merits of it are enormous. Blesses 🙌 🪷❤️

    • @harmonyBRmusic
      @harmonyBRmusic Месяц назад

      Thank you for your sharing. No, I not the singer here. I am just a Buddhist AI music maker. 😃 I am glad that I am able to make some mantra videos to share with many people around the globe. I myself too have many great lamas, masters, and gurus whom I am learning from, and I am grateful to hear teachings and receive blessings from them. But there are still much things to learn. 😁 I have nothing to give back after receiving all these blessings and teachings. I think this is the some of the small things that I can do to share with others and encourage them to chant more mantra. By doing so, I believe that many people's life can improve little by little. 🙂 The world is very big, full of opportunities, and we humans need to be humble for there are too many things thay we are not knowing. Blessings 🙏❤🕉 🌺💐🌹🌸🍀

    • @Beijaflordaamazonia
      @Beijaflordaamazonia Месяц назад

      @@harmonyBRmusic thank you for share these informations with me. For shure you are doing a great job spreading the connection with Budhas and Bodhisatvas through your lovely music. And I consider you gave me a personal gift 🎁 Kwan Yin was my door of entrance into buddhism and, although I search and research many times I just could find her mantra in one only melody. It is beautiful, but very slow. So when RUclips presented me your channel I said "it is good, I will ask him a version". And you did, and I loved It. I like the other you did too. Sometimes I watch sessions in Pure Land temples in China and Malaysia and that version is like they sing. So, Actually, you gave me 2 gifts 🤭 Thank you. Your channel is already a success and I believe that is because you do this beautiful chants with love and bodichita. All the Budhas smile at you and rejoyce 🪷 I thank you🙏 Hen gao renshi ni ☺️

  • @vanthanhvo3992
    @vanthanhvo3992 2 месяца назад

    Namo Ami tuofo 🙏🙏🙏

  • @Beijaflordaamazonia
    @Beijaflordaamazonia 2 месяца назад

    Ah, so lovely of you. Thank you, thank you 🙏 Blesses and gratitude from Brazil 🙌 I Namo Kwan Shi Yin Pu Sá 🪷 Namo Ta Bei Guan Shi Yin Pu Sá. Xiexie ni. Zhege hen piaoliang 📿

  • @gimleanchng2414
    @gimleanchng2414 2 месяца назад


  • @Beijaflordaamazonia
    @Beijaflordaamazonia 2 месяца назад

    Can you do a lovely version as you do to Namo Kwan Shi Yin Pu Sá? Xiexie 🙏📿

    • @harmonyBRmusic
      @harmonyBRmusic 2 месяца назад

      I am thinking to make it this week. It will be published later today. 🙂

  • @Beijaflordaamazonia
    @Beijaflordaamazonia 2 месяца назад

    Namo Amituofo 🪷

  • @user-lw9th4uh6p
    @user-lw9th4uh6p 2 месяца назад


  • @xinjieyee3140
    @xinjieyee3140 2 месяца назад

    ❤❤❤🎉😊 thanks

  • @user-lw9th4uh6p
    @user-lw9th4uh6p 2 месяца назад


  • @user-lw9th4uh6p
    @user-lw9th4uh6p 2 месяца назад


  • @user-fc3ww2ym5q
    @user-fc3ww2ym5q 2 месяца назад
