Zoip The Minion
Zoip The Minion
  • Видео 124
  • Просмотров 67 914
B.O.I Powered Up!: Endless Encore Charted
Haha, I love this lil fella, also this is my favorite song.
I used bambi because he can shred guitar.
(I inverted his overalls and made his hat lighter, he is now named... Mikey.)
Anyway, song is by: @StarBoyMyio (go check out this guy for the love of god please, he makes very good music, music so good it feels like I've GONE BALLISTIC!! ...get it? because, that's a song he mad- GET OUT)
Also the YCR capcom mix recently came out so expect that next... (or maybe a different song idk)
also js engine by jordan santiago ok bye.
Просмотров: 72


[FNF] Cyborg's Dillema (Too Slow - Capcom Mix) Charted (Me love this song_
Просмотров 2097 часов назад
Yo, uh... It's a mega man... (This was a teeny tiny bit of a pain to chart, The end of the song is a whole new story, also some parts MIGHT be offset due to incorrect bpms and all that) Song by: @StarBoyMyio (Love your songs, also sorry for not asking for permission to chart THIS song) Also, Mega Man sprites are from: gamebanana.com/mods/528865 go play it, it really good and me love it the fuck...
another sprite test also I recharted Paul World 15 because me bored
Просмотров 3412 часов назад
Did you play all 17 worlds? gonna be deadass, idk who made paul world 15, so uh... I'll just post the link to the mod: gamebanana.com/mods/504260 also don't mind the thumbnail, i got hella lazy lmao js engine...? more like... jordan santiago engine, get it? cuz jordan santiago made it?
Cheating B Sides Charted (Also sprite test lmao)
Просмотров 5016 часов назад
This is mostly just a sprite test :) Song is by Sylv64 me got lazy with thumbnail ok bye uuugh js engine by doodoo fart jordan santiago
[FNF] FUN! (Fatality SML Mix) Charted (Also read description ig idk)
Просмотров 10921 час назад
thou song is made by ruclips.net/channel/UCHVmiWSXtiVVA7ASGdWTIQA (That guy, it's not letting me fucking mention him I'm gonna scream, also he gave me permission to chart this) Shifter makes a return! Now with fully fresh sprites, made by me. This whole thing was mostly a sprite test lol. For your information: Shifter is a well, shapeshifting entity, but he can't get the colors quite right, mak...
[FNF] Arcade (Sunshine Re-Pac) Charted
Просмотров 55714 дней назад
I absolutely fucking LOVE this song, so I asked for thy permission to chart it and I was GRANTED, so here it is. Song is by Dollphin and Legacy @DollphinWith2L look, I charted your music, say hi. (Love your songs btw) also the pac man sprites and everything is from this mod right here gamebanana.com/mods/392591
Pizza Tower: Lap 4 (With thy Noise...) [Floor 2]
Просмотров 5614 дней назад
Too tired to make a actual description... so music goes to their rightful owners and if the owners have a problem with me using their stuff then I'll take down the video and reupload it with different music... enjoy the video! also here's the link to the mod if you wanna play it for yourself. gamebanana.com/mods/537351
Zoip Plays: Mega Man 7 [PART 1]
Просмотров 1014 дней назад
Here I am playin my favorite Mega Man game... well, one of my favorites that is... Nothing special for this description, enjoy the video! (I'm still a little pissed Mogeko Castle Gaiden isn't happening.)
Zoip Plays: Super Mario Bros. Wonder! (Part 1)
Просмотров 261Месяц назад
it's about time that I got a capture card! All music and everything belongs to their owners I know, short description yeah, but I should also say... Thank you so much for 200 subs, it means a lot to me, really. anyway, this is Zoip, and I'll see you all later!
Double Kill D-Sides Charted
Просмотров 879Месяц назад
She double my kill until I D Sides Anyway song by @нмм111 bf skin shits can be found here: gamebanana.com/mods/433013 ok byebye
Vanquished (Defeat C-Sides) Charted
Просмотров 795Месяц назад
Me love this song very, but Black's voice could be a tad bit louder... anyway JS Engine by Jordan Santiago... and this song is by.... @SmithJones2177A THIS GUY, say hi @SmithJones2177A!!!!! like, right now. say hi. also the chart gets a little mid at the end...
VINDICTIVE. (FUCKING OLD and outdated :smilyface:)
Просмотров 30Месяц назад
I was given PERMISSION to upload this... YAYAYAD*Yghewuau9agpawefhuog8huggrrhr0rirheriheh0gi0rgrgwj. @aver_av say hi. MODELS ARE MINE. except dave, fuck dave. oh, and composers note... "This version is OUTDATED/OLD since the creator (@aver_av) did not feel happy with it. (They felt it felt rushed and sloppy) They are currently working on a remake."
Speedrunning through 3 levels in SRB2 for no reason whatsoever (Sorta)
Просмотров 99Месяц назад
Got bored so I decided to make this for no reason, this is probably get NO views but oh well, also playing with XCell because it make me go zoom. Transit Twist Zone is by Sean Evans. get the mod here: srb2workshop.org/resources/fyrids-xcell.294/ It was made by this guy right here: @fyriddeveloper, yeah... the very cool and awesome @fyriddeveloper, he's really cool... so also check out lil bro's...
Spooky Kid - SPINNING GHOST Cover
Просмотров 21Месяц назад
This was kinda rushed so that's why it doesn't sound all that good, but oh well... it is what it is really... Song is by this guy right here: @Captainfinnster Yeah that's all for the description... hope you have fun trick or treating, or if your seeing this after your done doing that then I hope you did have fun. also hi @aver_av
Thank you everybody... [Happy 16th Birthday!]
Просмотров 302 месяца назад
This simple video shows how much I love all of you who supported me and all my friends, I'm glad to be alive. Songs belong to John "Joy" Tay, Video Game Music Box & R3 Music Box. @aver_av, @fyriddeveloper, @bando.c0m, @SploinkzSFF, @GradualCompositions, @ethanlolcat3, @Virusmare, @L0L-707 It's also fyrid's birthday, go say happy birthday to them please. The art is also by bando. Special World 8...
Evil Arm - Yo Cover [FNF]
Просмотров 882 месяца назад
Evil Arm - Yo Cover [FNF]
Enrageful Charted
Просмотров 2433 месяца назад
Enrageful Charted
Child Fraud - Frauduccine Cover
Просмотров 2753 месяца назад
Child Fraud - Frauduccine Cover
A quick announcement. [Kinda Important...]
Просмотров 133 месяца назад
A quick announcement. [Kinda Important...]
Disposition V3.5 - Bambi's Purgatory OST [CANCELLED]
Просмотров 6833 месяца назад
Disposition V3.5 - Bambi's Purgatory OST [CANCELLED]
Просмотров 2014 месяца назад
Aethos Remake but it's a Dave & ***** cover
Просмотров 764 месяца назад
Aethos Remake but it's a Dave & cover
Defeat D-Sides (Fanmade) Charted (Mid-effort?)
Просмотров 7355 месяцев назад
Defeat D-Sides (Fanmade) Charted (Mid-effort?)
Sonic 1 Playthrough (Part 2/Finale)
Просмотров 1315 месяцев назад
Sonic 1 Playthrough (Part 2/Finale)
Breakfast Time!
Просмотров 375 месяцев назад
Breakfast Time!
Sonic 1 (Forever) Playthrough (NUMBER 1)
Просмотров 515 месяцев назад
Sonic 1 (Forever) Playthrough (NUMBER 1)
SRB2 Noise Playthrough (Part 1)
Просмотров 496 месяцев назад
SRB2 Noise Playthrough (Part 1)
Lore but Noi & Peno sing it (Featuring a special guest)
Просмотров 1076 месяцев назад
Lore but Noi & Peno sing it (Featuring a special guest)
Sweetcorn (Remake) Charted
Просмотров 826 месяцев назад
Sweetcorn (Remake) Charted
Pizza Tower... with lap 4... floor 1!!!!! (with thy noise
Просмотров 396 месяцев назад
Pizza Tower... with lap 4... floor 1!!!!! (with thy noise


  • @BGPNoFake
    @BGPNoFake День назад


  • @ZoipTheMinion
    @ZoipTheMinion День назад

    I will chart ALL the SONGS!!!!!!! HEHEHHHHHRHHHEEHHEHHHHAHAHAHAHA (I'm very evil)

  • @ponponfo
    @ponponfo 2 дня назад


  • @StarBoyMyio
    @StarBoyMyio 2 дня назад

    THIS IS SO COOL THANK YOU!!1!1!1! (ok ill make sure when i send the inst the vocals and BPM will be in the desc so it wont be too hard to chart!

    • @ZoipTheMinion
      @ZoipTheMinion День назад

      I'll remake the chart when that happens...

  • @ZoipTheMinion
    @ZoipTheMinion 3 дня назад

    This makes me wonder what a milk or fatality capcom mix would be like... I feel like Milk would be called Lemons and Fatality... uh, I don't know to be honest, but maybe it could be based of the yellow devil or something idk...

    • @StarBoyMyio
      @StarBoyMyio 2 дня назад

      milk is actually eddie, and fatality… we’ll get to that one!

    • @ZoipTheMinion
      @ZoipTheMinion 2 дня назад

      @@StarBoyMyio oooh, using eddie is actually smart, can't wait ngl

  • @ZoipTheMinion
    @ZoipTheMinion 3 дня назад

    I know DAMN well I charted some parts wrong. Also didn't feel like changing the background out of pure laziness.

  • @tszhinhung918
    @tszhinhung918 4 дня назад

    pac-tive arcade but normal

  • @BGPNoFake
    @BGPNoFake 7 дней назад

    These sprites are so cool

  • @ZoipTheMinion
    @ZoipTheMinion 8 дней назад

    I have advanced into the art of animation.

  • @dslol28
    @dslol28 10 дней назад

    Hey there ! Good chart you made there. The events even tho a bit lacking is pretty good as well. I just felt that you should add more zoom events in your chart so the chart's events doesn't felt lacking. That's just my opinion tho. You still made a pretty good chart

  • @Theredone2.0
    @Theredone2.0 13 дней назад

    18:28 "Holy sh*t that is TIGHT" Caught me off guard 💀✋️

  • @ZoipTheMinion
    @ZoipTheMinion 14 дней назад

    so far this is the best song I've heard in my entire LIFE

  • @aver_av
    @aver_av Месяц назад

    1 view 🔥

  • @aver_av
    @aver_av Месяц назад

    black jumping in is pretty sick. i never knew he did that

    • @ZoipTheMinion
      @ZoipTheMinion Месяц назад

      it's a scrapped animation

    • @aver_av
      @aver_av Месяц назад

      @@ZoipTheMinion i wonder why

    • @Theredone2.0
      @Theredone2.0 13 дней назад

      ​@@aver_avThey shouldve kept it tbh

  • @нмм111
    @нмм111 Месяц назад

    finally 0:09 My imagination became reality

  • @Embodiment_of_trash
    @Embodiment_of_trash Месяц назад

    One day I gotta find out how to make choirs sound that good

  • @aver_av
    @aver_av Месяц назад

    hey there bros

  • @fyriddeveloper
    @fyriddeveloper Месяц назад

    awesome shtuff..

  • @LordTyph
    @LordTyph Месяц назад

    This was a nice little nostalgia trip I miss when most videos were like this, showed the passion people had.

  • @ZoipTheMinion
    @ZoipTheMinion Месяц назад

    a... INTRO?!?!?!?!?!? no way... holy quality...

  • @RealMelonMan
    @RealMelonMan Месяц назад

    cool model who made most of it

  • @aver_av
    @aver_av Месяц назад

    dave and bambi isnt THAT scary… dave and bambi:

  • @ZoipTheMinion
    @ZoipTheMinion Месяц назад

    The ending is really goofy as hell, I'm not even going to deny it.

  • @CatDogFan2009Lol
    @CatDogFan2009Lol Месяц назад

    Can i have these Crimson chaos bambi sprites?

  • @ethanlolcat3
    @ethanlolcat3 2 месяца назад


  • @aver_av
    @aver_av 2 месяца назад

    happy birthday to you and fyrid! i dont know what i would do without you idiots

  • @Virusmare
    @Virusmare 2 месяца назад

    take a shower

  • @nupersovae
    @nupersovae 2 месяца назад

    WHY IS IT 240P

  • @randomslovakguy
    @randomslovakguy 2 месяца назад

    i love the quality

  • @aver_av
    @aver_av 2 месяца назад


  • @ZoipTheMinion
    @ZoipTheMinion 2 месяца назад

    I'm so evil...

    • @SploinkzSFF
      @SploinkzSFF 2 месяца назад


  • @BGPNoFake
    @BGPNoFake 3 месяца назад

    That's peak :DD

  • @ble06
    @ble06 3 месяца назад

    This is awesome tf? This is fire🔥

  • @fyriddeveloper
    @fyriddeveloper 3 месяца назад

    peaking out rn

  • @chezcake256
    @chezcake256 4 месяца назад

    He doesn't know.

    • @chezcake256
      @chezcake256 4 месяца назад

      oh dave is off key wow

  • @Redyfor2
    @Redyfor2 4 месяца назад

    Sounds rly nice!

  • @CapitanJorge24
    @CapitanJorge24 4 месяца назад

    good good good

  • @Untitled-Channel349
    @Untitled-Channel349 5 месяцев назад

    the music is harry's despair-y

  • @нмм111
    @нмм111 5 месяцев назад

    so cool

  • @artlover13245
    @artlover13245 5 месяцев назад

    tbh i liked old disposition

  • @isaacmusic938
    @isaacmusic938 6 месяцев назад

    Can u convert the flp to a midi?

  • @ZoipTheMinion
    @ZoipTheMinion 6 месяцев назад

    A little... *lore* on Peno & Noi, they're poorly drawn versions of Peppino & The Noise featured in my Lap 4 video I did. ( aka ruclips.net/video/qJAhINifYno/видео.html ) They was just originally something made for fun and mostly a one time thing, but I thought it would be funny to keep them around. So here we are, anyway enjoy this PEAK cover I made. And Bamdi is just a bootleg pixel version of bambi that I made last second for this cover.

  • @BGPNoFake
    @BGPNoFake 6 месяцев назад

    do u have discord, you seem an very well charter for an mod of mine...

  • @Theguythatlikeaplane
    @Theguythatlikeaplane 6 месяцев назад

    How you get the godly expunged sprites?

  • @gavinthepavin
    @gavinthepavin 6 месяцев назад

    wow this video is peak content 100!!!

  • @JustARandomRose
    @JustARandomRose 6 месяцев назад

    OOoo this is pretty nice

  • @Sunnydrop2427-yellow
    @Sunnydrop2427-yellow 7 месяцев назад

    I actually like this! Good job!

  • @BGPNoFake
    @BGPNoFake 8 месяцев назад

    P E A K

  • @Sunnydrop2427-yellow
    @Sunnydrop2427-yellow 8 месяцев назад

    The intro seems to drag on a bit, but otherwise it’s very good!

  • @Realbaclo
    @Realbaclo 8 месяцев назад
