- Видео 61
- Просмотров 173 059
Felipe Castro
Добавлен 8 янв 2007
Ibanez rga42fm - Playthrough (demo)
Просмотров 59 тыс.6 лет назад
Mind Collapse - Resigned - Ezdrummer2 Metalmachine - Ibanez rga42fm - Canon t5i 50mm - Vst Legion by Poulin
Animas - From my soul (en vivo en La Kuna)
Просмотров 9488 лет назад
Animas en vivo el 30 de septiembre, en el lanzamiento del demo de Mind Collapse.
Congo Mapu - Dread in the street (el averno)
Просмотров 2868 лет назад
Congo Mapu - Dread in the street (el averno)
MAFU Reggae - Bajo la sombra (en vivo Casa de Salud)
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MAFU Reggae - Bajo la sombra (en vivo Casa de Salud)
MAFU Reggae - Quizás soñé (en el averno)
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MAFU Reggae - Quizás soñé (en el averno)
Congo Mapu - Sonrisa de plástico (en El Averno)
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Congo Mapu - Sonrisa de plástico (en El Averno)
MAFU Reggae - Mordedura de Serpiente (vivo en averno)
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MAFU Reggae - Mordedura de Serpiente (vivo en averno)
Mafu reggae - A mitad del recorrido (ensayo)
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Mafu reggae - A mitad del recorrido (ensayo)
Totem - Revelación (en vivo trece bar)
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Totem - Revelación (en vivo trece bar)
Mind Collapse (ezdrummer metalmachine + guitar rig 5)
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Mind Collapse (ezdrummer metalmachine guitar rig 5)
As I Lay Dying - Through Struggle (guitar cover)
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As I Lay Dying - Through Struggle (guitar cover)
Godsmack - cryin' like a bitch (cover)
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Godsmack - cryin' like a bitch (cover)
1:47 song name please
Id be the guy to tell ya you left the plastic protector on the bridge pickup, but you probably cant hear me anyway...lol
El modo reverse es impresionante. Lo recomiendo en 2024.
Que modelos de Seymour Duncan le cambiaste yo quiero hacer los mismo
Came for the demo came back for the riffs 🤘🏻
Just bought one 2 days ago. One of the most versatile, clean and effective delays I have ever had
I suddenly am sure I made the right purchase choice. What effects and amp combo were you using to get that insane tone?
I see that old's digiitech pedals are awesome..
Did you change The Electric part of The guitar ?
Instagram ?
can't find any tab for this song? please share !
No front image 😔
Hola, cual seria el precio en dolares?
Also, is this drop D?
Drop C
@@felipkl Ah thanks
This sounds great for 400 bux!
Also just bought one about ten minutes ago, your demo helped! Ibanez should sponsor you haha.
Good bye fender
Awesome demo bro! Planning to get this one. Thanks for sharing.
I have this guitar and i love it. It’s very light but sounds so heavy
I tried Dimarzio Super Distortion and PAF Pro on this model, it rocks!
Why is the plastic still on the bridge pickup?
It’s a condom. Never know who played that it’s so good😂
Qué tal anda el sustain de esta guitarra? Excelente video por cierto
Muy buen demo. Una pregunta. Instalaste el SH-4 o el TB-4. Yo instalé el SH-4 y luego me di cuenta que el espacio entre cuerdas difiere entre el pickup y la guitarra. Tengo una LTD EC-50
wait how is the outline yellow ? i thought that wasn't an option in the 256
Se extraña tocar con ustedes!
lh150 stock pickups ????
Sí, ninguna modificación
Oh Perfect playing!!! Where is made your 256?
The 256 is made in Indonesia, but seymour duncans are made in Santa Barbara California
Hey dude nice video, what are you playing through? Amp or daw..? Your clean channel sounds fantastic
la mandaste a hacer el acabado relic?
Viene así de fábrica
que desafinada esa guitarra
Me gusta El sonido usas gear o que ?
Beautiful, just ordered one !
aún tienes ese pedal?
Is that jatoba fingerboard?
@@sevenheaven5175 it's not rosewood on the ibanez website it says it's jatoba
It is Jatoba. Jatoba is Brazilian Cherry Wood 😉
I'm late but by the color you can actually tell it's rosewood, besides, Ibanez stopped using it until the 2017 models I think, so yeah I would bet it's rosewood
Is this stock pickups?
QM6 humbuckers (Quantum reissues of Q2's from 1994 or earlier) Even to the trained ear, these Quantums are not very different in sound quality from the DiMarzio humbuckers in the top-of-the-line Ibanez guitars.
@@Twitch_Moderator are they alnico 5 or ceramic
@@Twitch_Moderator qq
@@omarsharif927 ceramic.
what song is that? is there a score on it?
Down picking👌
Hey man, fellow musician here. Love the video! I wanted to ask you 2 things: 1)I have the same guitar and plugin, but I struggle to find a good sound. Could you share the settings of the "legion" amp sim? If you remember them that is. 2)Ezdrummer is on stock settings or you changed them up yourself? Thank you man. Great video!
First set your guitar. String action and relief. Pickup heights. Fresh strings. Then it's all in the equalizer. BASS 7 , MIDS 3 , TREBLE 9
GAIN : 9
i got a blackstar 5w amp and im struggling to get a tone that i like too
@@iarreolav you'll need something a little more than 5watts for a sound like that bruh.
@@iarreolav You need a modeler amp or a digital processor.
1:23 awesome
Puedes crear un llop y despues utilizar el delay? O se corta lo que has guardado?
I have this guitar and its amazing
hey, that amp sim sound pretty good
What is this song called? :D
Mind collapse - resigned
Mano ele tem tap tempo?
Yessir mi amigo
Playthrough - and where are the cleans? That distortion doesn't say anything about guitar's sound itself.
Garbage pickups produce garbage distortion/overdrive. Cleans are cleans. Clean can always be equalized with a good head unit or pedal. What matters to someone that uses humbuckers is whether you get a clear and crunchy tone without feedback or tin-like hollow body for distortion sound.
@@Twitch_Moderator "What matters to someone that uses humbuckers is whether you get a clear and crunchy tone" Too narrow for my taste. I use my HH Wasburn for sounds form The Cult's She sells sanctuary. It does marvelous job. Clean always say something about pups themselves. Even if it produces good distortion it doesn't mean it's in my taste, as its spectrum of tones can be not right for my needs.
Cort x300 or this guitar will be better?
Ayoung Jamir Ibanez for sure
El modo 5 micro delay se puede considerar casi un chorus ? Comento esto porque al comprarlo de segunda mano el vendedor decia que incorporaba un modo chorus ...
Así es, el modo modulación añade un chorus bien suave al delay
Gracias :)
no pude salir
sabes si se puede usar mas de una modulacion a la ves? por ej,chorus + flanger + tremolo etc.
What tuning?
@@felipkl are those the original strings?
@@sodk5015 of course not, most guitars come with 9s or 10s
@@YimboSlyce how do you know it isn't any of those?
@@sodk5015 it might be, but he is playing in drop c...
Nice demo of this classic practice amp. I love my 30x. It's made me a big fan of the older Roland Cubes. If I would've changed anything about your vid, it would've been to train your cam on the control panel (unless you don't have an external mic). Lots of people want to know how to alter the settings to get some of the different sounds these things are capable of. Still, well done.