- Видео 6 680
- Просмотров 293 128 993
Добавлен 29 июн 2021
Jerry Yan schemingly snatched Cinderella‘s son away,she was so angry that slapped him in public!
📺Drama Name:Loving, Never Forgetting
Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p
【戀戀不忘 Loving, Never Forgetting】LLBW
★主演:言承旭 / 佟麗婭 / 馮婧 / 黃柏鈞 / 吳玉芳 / 呂行 / 劉鑫 / 何湧生 / 王建新
#cdrama #中国电视剧 #2024中国电视剧 #好看中国电视剧 #好看中國電視劇 #好看电视剧 #好看的电视剧 #美女 #霸总 #霸总氛围感 #ceo #爱情 #离婚 #结婚 ##chinesedrama #婚姻 #婚姻與家庭 #婚姻情感 #婚姻經營 #婚姻电视剧 #都市情感剧 #言承旭 #jerryyan #吻戏 #恋恋不忘 #佟麗婭 #Drama不停
Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p
【戀戀不忘 Loving, Never Forgetting】LLBW
★主演:言承旭 / 佟麗婭 / 馮婧 / 黃柏鈞 / 吳玉芳 / 呂行 / 劉鑫 / 何湧生 / 王建新
#cdrama #中国电视剧 #2024中国电视剧 #好看中国电视剧 #好看中國電視劇 #好看电视剧 #好看的电视剧 #美女 #霸总 #霸总氛围感 #ceo #爱情 #离婚 #结婚 ##chinesedrama #婚姻 #婚姻與家庭 #婚姻情感 #婚姻經營 #婚姻电视剧 #都市情感剧 #言承旭 #jerryyan #吻戏 #恋恋不忘 #佟麗婭 #Drama不停
Просмотров: 8 781
Mistress gave Cinderella money to leave Jerry Yan,but Cinderella didn't buy it at all!
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.День назад
📺Drama Name:Loving, Never Forgetting Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【戀戀不忘 Loving, Never Forgetting】LLBW 單親媽媽吳桐帶著兒子吳童童在大都市生活,日子雖然清貧,但充滿了希望和快樂。一次意外事故,引起了富豪厲仲謀的注意,幾番查證,證實吳童童竟然是自己的親生兒子。厲仲謀為了要回兒子,與吳桐對簿公堂,並爭得了兒子的監護權。但在相處過程中,厲仲謀被吳桐與兒子的親密關係所打動,他自己缺失母愛的童年,讓他不希望再在兒子身上重演。厲仲謀與吳桐結婚。在經歷了生死、怨恨、指責、偏見之後,所有人都學會了諒解、寬容、信 和愛。在童童的小學開學典禮上,一家人團聚了。 ★主演:言承旭 / 佟麗婭 /...
🤬Jerry Yan stole Cinderella's son&pushed her to the ground!
Просмотров 11 тыс.19 часов назад
📺Drama Name:Loving, Never Forgetting Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【戀戀不忘 Loving, Never Forgetting】LLBW 單親媽媽吳桐帶著兒子吳童童在大都市生活,日子雖然清貧,但充滿了希望和快樂。一次意外事故,引起了富豪厲仲謀的注意,幾番查證,證實吳童童竟然是自己的親生兒子。厲仲謀為了要回兒子,與吳桐對簿公堂,並爭得了兒子的監護權。但在相處過程中,厲仲謀被吳桐與兒子的親密關係所打動,他自己缺失母愛的童年,讓他不希望再在兒子身上重演。厲仲謀與吳桐結婚。在經歷了生死、怨恨、指責、偏見之後,所有人都學會了諒解、寬容、信 和愛。在童童的小學開學典禮上,一家人團聚了。 ★主演:言承旭 / 佟麗婭 /...
Child that Jerry Yan risked life to save is his biological son after one-night stand!
Просмотров 32 тыс.19 часов назад
📺Drama Name:Loving, Never Forgetting Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【戀戀不忘 Loving, Never Forgetting】LLBW 單親媽媽吳桐帶著兒子吳童童在大都市生活,日子雖然清貧,但充滿了希望和快樂。一次意外事故,引起了富豪厲仲謀的注意,幾番查證,證實吳童童竟然是自己的親生兒子。厲仲謀為了要回兒子,與吳桐對簿公堂,並爭得了兒子的監護權。但在相處過程中,厲仲謀被吳桐與兒子的親密關係所打動,他自己缺失母愛的童年,讓他不希望再在兒子身上重演。厲仲謀與吳桐結婚。在經歷了生死、怨恨、指責、偏見之後,所有人都學會了諒解、寬容、信 和愛。在童童的小學開學典禮上,一家人團聚了。 ★主演:言承旭 / 佟麗婭 /...
Wife found husband was cheating on her with sister,immediately ruined their reputation!
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.22 часа назад
📺Drama Name:Deadly Women Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【致命的她 Deadly Women】ZMDT 著名女主播梁靜雙商奇高,有錢有能力。她幫助丈夫王海創業成功,在事業巔峰期辭去工作,專心當起家庭主婦,心甘情願為家庭犧牲。但她的家庭卻不如表面上那麼完美,她與性格強勢的婆婆因為生孩子問題矛盾重重,借住的表妹姍姍更想鳩佔鵲巢,並成功地把姐夫王海勾引到手。姍姍、王海和婆婆聯合起來設計陷害梁靜,想讓她淨身出戶。梁靜戳破陰謀,憤怒之下展開冷酷反擊。她處處碾壓姍姍,整治婆婆,又精心佈置套得王海的公司股權和房產。走投無路的王海要害死梁靜,姍姍最終醒悟,與王海同歸於盡。梁靜成為真正獨立的女性,開啟新的人生。 #cdrama #中国电视...
Wife was bullied by gangster,but husband didn't dare to fight back,wife left in disappointment!
Просмотров 85122 часа назад
📺Drama Name:Springs of Life Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【青春正好 Springs of Life】QCZH 一群懷抱夢想在都市打拼的年輕人,歷經了世事變遷之後,在各種機緣下來到綠野山區創業,將都市青年的活力與市場經營的理念注入鄉村。他們紮根綠野山水,克服重重困難,攜手打造出美麗鄉村新圖景,實現了各自的夢想。 ❤演員:王一哲 / 叶祖新 / 何蓝逗 / 邬立朋 #cdrama #中国电视剧 #2025中国电视剧 #好看中国电视剧 #好看中國電視劇 #好看电视剧 #好看的电视剧 #美女 #霸总 #霸总氛围感 #ceo #出轨 #小三 #小三輪走天下 #爱情 #离婚 #结婚 #富婆 #复仇 #复仇爽片 #复仇爽剧 #c...
Husband killed wife to cover up cheated on, but wife had already known everything!
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.День назад
📺Drama Name:Mortal Housewife Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【致命主婦 Mortal Housewife】 城市裡備受父母寵愛的艾青愛上了農村出身的理髮師李大力,李大力拿了艾青父母支援的啟動資金和艾青一起創業。業務蒸蒸日上,李大力以不讓艾青太辛苦為由,讓艾青回家待孕。兩年過去了,兩人並未懷孕成功,隨著婆婆徐金枝搬來同住,戰爭開始全面爆發。 #cdrama #中国电视剧 #2024中国电视剧 #好看中国电视剧 #好看中國電視劇 #好看电视剧 #好看的电视剧 #美女 #霸总 #霸总氛围感 #ceo #出轨 #小三 #小三輪走天下 #爱情 #离婚 #结婚 #富婆 #复仇 #复仇爽片 #复仇爽剧 #chinesedrama ...
Husband cheated on wife with her bestie,but she didn't cry,instead made their lost enerything!
Просмотров 332 тыс.День назад
📺Drama Name:We All Lie Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【婚姻攻略We All Lie】HYGL 富婆高段位爽撕出軌老公! 知名編劇蘇離和當紅演員張書恆之間的甜蜜婚姻令人稱羨慕,但是這看似堅固的幸福卻在蘇離收到一條匿名信息,告訴她張書恆出軌開始,逐漸出現裂縫。隨著不斷深入調查,蘇離最終確定了老公出軌的事實,並且發現出軌的對象竟然是自己多年的閨蜜。面對友誼和愛情的雙雙背叛,蘇離痛苦不堪。敢爰敢恨、冷靜容智的蘇離,當機立斷決定馬上離婚,但是在詢問律師後,發現張書恆名下因為之前投資失敗幾乎沒有什麼資產,如果離婚,蘇離還要把自己的一半身家分給張書恆。無法接受的蘇離決定在準備好一切離婚手續之前假裝自己不知情,暫緩離婚,但又嚥不下這口氣...
Wife was laughed at by scheming woman,but husband protect wife&drove scheming away!
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.День назад
📺Drama Name:The Outsider Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【繁華似錦 The Outsider】FHSJ 故事圍繞著四個生活在上海的女性展開,「滬漂女」蘇沫因幫前男友頂包作弊而墜入人生低谷,卻能痛定思痛,將過往重新洗牌,為夢想拼盡全力;其學霸表妹鐘聲也一心憑藉知識改變命運;「金絲雀」莫蔚清迷途知返,為愛與自由傾盡所有;職場單親媽媽從蓉始終秉持「不攀附、不將就」的愛情觀活出自我。她們因緣際會地相聚在上海最繁華的商業廣場,以各自不同的方式遇見更優秀的自己。有人在起跑線為殺出一條活路撞得頭破血流,有人一出生就站在世俗眼中的終點站。冷酷傲慢的王居安屬於後者,「人生贏家」如他卻仍心懷打造海派文化長廊的執著夢想,侒勝廣場在他的經營下很...
Husband and wife cheated on each other,but mistress died mysteriously!
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.День назад
📺Drama Name:Medical Examiner Dr.Qin:The Mind Reader Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【法醫秦明之讀心者】FYQMZDXZ 💡童年惡夢,記憶殘缺,尋找母親死亡真相的路上, 疑案頻傳。抽絲剝繭,屍語真相,一場正義與邪惡的較量,即將展開… #cdrama #中国电视剧 #2025中国电视剧 #好看中国电视剧 #好看中國電視劇 #好看电视剧 #好看的电视剧 #美女 #霸总 #霸总氛围感 #ceo #出轨 #小三 #小三輪走天下 #爱情 #离婚 #结婚 #富婆 #复仇 #复仇爽片 #复仇爽剧 #chinesedrama #婚姻 #婚姻與家庭 #婚姻情感 #婚姻經營 #婚姻电视剧 #都市情感剧 #悬疑 #推...
Cheating husband abandoned wife who had just given birth,wife turned evil overnight!
Просмотров 2,5 тыс.День назад
📺Drama Name:Two Conjectures About Marriage Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【婚姻的兩種猜想 Two Conjectures About Marriage】HYDLZCX 而立之年的職業女性沈明寶邂逅IT男楊爭,兩人迅速走進婚姻。但新婚夫妻各自忙得不可開交,一週才能見上兩次。沈明寶的發小薛可欣是個白富美,跟小自己八歲的演員陳彤剛閃婚。為了讓丈夫有事業傍身,她買下一家公司,誰知正是沈明寶所在的公司。為彌補客戶流失,沈明寶更努力工作,導致流產。楊爭得知後替她辭職,引發夫妻衝突。薛可欣和陳彤剛三觀不合,最後離婚。沈明寶再次懷孕,楊爭的事業卻遭突變,沈明寶只得更加努力,公司起死回生。薛可欣的閨蜜趙頌文回國創業,找...
Wife got pregnant,husband brought her bestie home to sleep,he panicked too late!
Просмотров 7 тыс.День назад
📺Drama Name:Two Conjectures About Marriage Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【婚姻的兩種猜想 Two Conjectures About Marriage】HYDLZCX 而立之年的職業女性沈明寶邂逅IT男楊爭,兩人迅速走進婚姻。但新婚夫妻各自忙得不可開交,一週才能見上兩次。沈明寶的發小薛可欣是個白富美,跟小自己八歲的演員陳彤剛閃婚。為了讓丈夫有事業傍身,她買下一家公司,誰知正是沈明寶所在的公司。為彌補客戶流失,沈明寶更努力工作,導致流產。楊爭得知後替她辭職,引發夫妻衝突。薛可欣和陳彤剛三觀不合,最後離婚。沈明寶再次懷孕,楊爭的事業卻遭突變,沈明寶只得更加努力,公司起死回生。薛可欣的閨蜜趙頌文回國創業,找...
Sister caught brother cheating,her"accident"made him regret for rest of his life!
Просмотров 9 тыс.День назад
📺Drama Name:Love is Full of Jiudaowan Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【情满九道弯 Love is Full of Jiudaowan】QMJDW 講述了在老北京胡同九道彎裡長大的幾位年輕人,伴隨著改革開放四十年,經歷人生坎坷,愛情兜轉,事業起伏,一同奮鬥與成長的故事。 ❤演員:韩东君 / 热依扎 / 陈瑶 / 萨日娜 #cdrama #中国电视剧 #2024中国电视剧 #好看中国电视剧 #好看中國電視劇 #好看电视剧 #好看的电视剧 #美女 #霸总 #霸总氛围感 #ceo #出轨 #小三 #小三輪走天下 #爱情 #离婚 #结婚 #富婆 #复仇 #复仇爽片 #复仇爽剧 #chinesedrama #婚姻 #婚...
Son is sick but husband is accompanying mistress,wife has completely given up!
Просмотров 12 тыс.День назад
📺Drama Name:Love is Full of Jiudaowan Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【情满九道弯 Love is Full of Jiudaowan】QMJDW 講述了在老北京胡同九道彎裡長大的幾位年輕人,伴隨著改革開放四十年,經歷人生坎坷,愛情兜轉,事業起伏,一同奮鬥與成長的故事。 ❤演員:韩东君 / 热依扎 / 陈瑶 / 萨日娜 #cdrama #中国电视剧 #2024中国电视剧 #好看中国电视剧 #好看中國電視劇 #好看电视剧 #好看的电视剧 #美女 #霸总 #霸总氛围感 #ceo #出轨 #小三 #小三輪走天下 #爱情 #离婚 #结婚 #富婆 #复仇 #复仇爽片 #复仇爽剧 #chinesedrama #婚姻 #婚...
Scumbag ex drunk and made trouble,current husband beat him up to protect wife!
Просмотров 2,3 тыс.День назад
📺Drama Name:Love is Full of Jiudaowan Click the link to enjoy your favorite show on this channel:www.youtube.com/@drama-k4p 【情满九道弯 Love is Full of Jiudaowan】QMJDW 講述了在老北京胡同九道彎裡長大的幾位年輕人,伴隨著改革開放四十年,經歷人生坎坷,愛情兜轉,事業起伏,一同奮鬥與成長的故事。 ❤演員:韩东君 / 热依扎 / 陈瑶 / 萨日娜 #cdrama #中国电视剧 #2024中国电视剧 #好看中国电视剧 #好看中國電視劇 #好看电视剧 #好看的电视剧 #美女 #霸总 #霸总氛围感 #ceo #出轨 #小三 #小三輪走天下 #爱情 #离婚 #结婚 #富婆 #复仇 #复仇爽片 #复仇爽剧 #chinesedrama #婚姻 #婚...
Scumbag blamed wife but was immediately kicked out of house!
Просмотров 14 тыс.День назад
Scumbag blamed wife but was immediately kicked out of house!
Husband with mistress missed wife‘s pregnancy checkup,wife making him regret of his life!
Просмотров 30 тыс.2 дня назад
Husband with mistress missed wife‘s pregnancy checkup,wife making him regret of his life!
After seeing husband with woman late at night,wife suffered miscarriage&broke up,husband panicked!
Просмотров 19 тыс.14 дней назад
After seeing husband with woman late at night,wife suffered miscarriage&broke up,husband panicked!
A text made husband suspect wife of cheating,but the truth made him regret it!
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.14 дней назад
A text made husband suspect wife of cheating,but the truth made him regret it!
Mother kindly took in mistress, but the mistress wanted to kill her!
Просмотров 2,4 тыс.14 дней назад
Mother kindly took in mistress, but the mistress wanted to kill her!
Mistress caused stepson to hospitalized,fortunately child’s father came back in time!
Просмотров 4 тыс.14 дней назад
Mistress caused stepson to hospitalized,fortunately child’s father came back in time!
Husband was checking into hotel with woman,but wife called him&he panicked!
Просмотров 9 тыс.14 дней назад
Husband was checking into hotel with woman,but wife called him&he panicked!
Wife miscarriage&was blamed by husband.She filed for divorce domineeringly,but husband regretted!
Просмотров 9 тыс.14 дней назад
Wife miscarriage&was blamed by husband.She filed for divorce domineeringly,but husband regretted!
Scumbag invited ex-wife to celebrate birthday without telling mistress,mistress collapsed instantly!
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.14 дней назад
Scumbag invited ex-wife to celebrate birthday without telling mistress,mistress collapsed instantly!
Scumbag beat mistress until she miscarriage,but mistress&wife sent him to jail!
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.14 дней назад
Scumbag beat mistress until she miscarriage,but mistress&wife sent him to jail!
Mistress designed to push down pregnant wife,causing her to miscarry,husband regretted it deeply!
Просмотров 6 тыс.14 дней назад
Mistress designed to push down pregnant wife,causing her to miscarry,husband regretted it deeply!
Son cheated, his mother drew sword&chased mistress everywhere,scaring her half to death!
Просмотров 4,9 тыс.14 дней назад
Son cheated, his mother drew sword&chased mistress everywhere,scaring her half to death!
Child is sick,but husband only finds mistress.Wife no longer bear it&files for divorce!
Просмотров 57 тыс.14 дней назад
Child is sick,but husband only finds mistress.Wife no longer bear it&files for divorce!
👏Mistress brought reporters to catch adulterer,but adulterer is her husband!
Просмотров 12 тыс.14 дней назад
👏Mistress brought reporters to catch adulterer,but adulterer is her husband!
Husband affaired outside,wife didn't cry or make a fuss,but husband is panicking!
Просмотров 57 тыс.14 дней назад
Husband affaired outside,wife didn't cry or make a fuss,but husband is panicking!
Language I don't understand but drama is good😊❤
The guy is a smug, condescending, arrogant little tit. but then he seems to be exactly the same in every role he plays
4:27 The way she slapped him lol.
Il est trop choupinou
So cute
Muy aburrido Sin emoción
Ela chora ,mas não vejo lágrimas 😢
nama aktor cowoknya siapa min
No vuelvan a publicar este drama ,aquí aprenden los cobardes a tratar a una madre desvalida
Tanto juramento ja esta condenado kkkkk 🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂
Filme incompleto, perda de tempo.
C'est nul
She become softer after pretending to safe her
Colocou um monte de toque de música em algumas partes do dorama, não deu pra entender nada e em nestas partes não ouve legenda em português. O dorama parece interessante, mas precisa corrigir estes pugs. Assim dá pra assistir este dorama.
Botungau zezima
Le serie esta increíble y la actriz hace el papel maravillosamente quiero ver más sobre ella😊
This shows how much the mother loves their Kids 💗. Such a Sad Scene 😭🤣😭.
อีกแล่ะลงหลังมาหน้าเป็นอะไรมากป่าว ปัณญาอ่อน
They all need to go to acting school
ถือว่ารวยพอรู้ว่าตัวเองเป็นพ่อก็เอาอำนาณของคนมีเงินมาบังขับเขาเลี้ยงมาตั้งแตเล็กอุ้มทอ้งมาตั่งเก้าเดือนถ้าไ ม่ใช้ว่าลูกป๋วยต้องการเลือดก็คงไม่รู้ดูแล้วร้องน้ำตาไหลสงสารนางเอก
What a scumbag. Just like his mother. 😡
Hindi me de please 🙏
Wanita bodoh yang mau di perbudak cinta, , lembek
Seorang suami,seperti layangan yg terbang diawan sangat indah menari2 diawan pada akhirnya terlepas dari benang digengam & jatuh tersangkut diranting sobek tidak bisa terbang lg.
Kamo lang storyahanay ana sweet..
I hate this kind of movies. Women competing each other like not enough of men in this world.
May favorit drama❤❤
That's just nasty and disgusting. Why doesn't she get her own husband instead of sleeping with her sister's. He got some nerves to cheat on his wife then put his disgusting hands on her. Even the evil MIL is in on the cheating. Coveting another person's mate and things never ends well. that woman is sick. What kind of evil and vile person gets water from the toilet and gives it to someone?
Isso que é mulher de verdade e atitude
Uma traição deve doer demais principalmente se for assim com pessoas do dia a nunca iria perdoar eles
I will admit, the method of proposal was pretty bad ass. How the hell did the cops know it was her from an anonymous phone call from a phone booth? Are they specifically only tracking her? Otherwise, wife is epic on her revenge methods
Sérieusement c'est vraiment très bien mais ça devait finir deux heures pour ça non non 👎
I am so sick of giving these people the benefit of the doubt just to prove to me that there's no ending just so you know you suck
Q mal fin.estpida ..reestupida....a mi me corneo a los 2 años de casado.y rompi las relacione..y tuvo q pagar por llevar el peso de mantenimiento. mio y de mi casa..esperando q yo muera..le salió mal x q el murió hace 5 años 😆😅😂👊👎👋
这渣男出轨吻外面的女人 回到家又吻老婆太恶心了, 这些渣男怎能做得出来呢! 看吧 再下去兩头不到岸 竹籃打水一场空。
Translate to tamil.heroine acting super ❤❤❤
Paling g suka liat movie yg g jelas ending,gak sampe selesai Tolong apload film tu tuntas jadi gak bikin kecewa.
judulnya we all lie
The Smart Women . Love her
😢😢 Que tipo de conteúdo é esse violência agressão😢😢😢
58:01 Dommage que l'on n’ai pas eut le sous-titrage français et pour les autres pays également, là Su Li est superbe elle ne montre pas la colère et rage enfouie Su Li reste stoïque j’❤ 👍 🫶 . Elle l'a humiliée pour la mettre à genoux 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 . Son mari ne perdra rien pour avoir se qu'il mérite, enfin j’espère ,bonne journée à vous tous 👋 👋 mamy franely
真是笑死人了😂 出軌了还要老婆出錢宵正据,这个老公渣得上瓦了。 这婚一定要离🤬🤬🤬
Belum tentu karena endingnya belum terlihat, saya justru khawatir dengan Shu Li di video selanjutnya
Su Li is indeed brilliant..I love women who can serve revenge..cold! 😉
I tried, but the character of FL was just annoying to me. Sorry, I just can't. A little hard to get is okay, but she was just...annoying.