古李旅行 GL Travel
古李旅行 GL Travel
  • Видео 15
  • Просмотров 1 013
海昏侯国博物馆 the Haihun Principality Museum
西汉和其后王朝的封侯/封王 Marquis and King of the Western Han Dynasty and Dynasties afterwards. 刘贺为何被废汉帝 Why Liu He was abolished from the throne of the Emperor of Han Dynasty?
Просмотров: 82


西周虢国历史 Guo State History in Western Zhou Dynasty,三门峡虢国博物馆 The Guo State Museum
Просмотров 5628 дней назад
出土的精美青铜器和玉器 the exquisite bronzes and jades unearthed,墓葬车马坑 the pit of carriage and horse,当今中国的两个社会问题的西周渊源 West Zhou Dynasty is the origin of 2 social problems in nowadays China
新干大洋洲商代青铜博物馆 Dayangzhou Museum of Shang Bronzes
Просмотров 85Месяц назад
虎国 Tiger Kingdom, 精美青铜器和玉器 Exquisite bronze and jade, 农业工具 agriculture tools,兵器weapon,城池和墓葬 City and Tomb, 文字 Language?
殷商历史 YinShang History, 安阳殷墟博物馆 Anyang Yinxu Museum
Просмотров 90Месяц назад
安阳殷墟博物馆 Anyang Yinxu Museum,占卜 Divine,祭祀 Sacrifice,人牲 Human animals, 甲骨文 Oracle,车马是从西方传来的吗?Did the carriages and horses come from the West? 活人殉葬 Burial of living people,殷商是外来征服者的政权吗 Is Yin Shang the regime of foreign conquerors?
汉字起源和发展 Origin and development of Chinese characters,安阳中国文字博物馆 - National Museum of Chinese Writing
Просмотров 81Месяц назад
甲骨文 Oracle,金文 Inscriptions on ancient bronze objects,小篆 Xiao Zhuan, 隶书 Official script,楷书 Regular script,汉字的优缺点 Advantages and disadvantages of Chinese characters,拼音字母文字 alphabet writing,汉语拼音 Pinyin,简化汉字 Simplify Chinese characters,表意文字ideographic writing
彩陶 仰韶文化
Просмотров 712 месяца назад
彩陶 Colored Potteries 仰韶文化 Yangshao Culture 庙底沟博物馆 Miaodigou Museum 马家窑彩陶 Majiayao colored potteries 彩陶技术是从西亚传来的吗? Was the colored pottery knowhow from West Asian? 彩陶如何在中国消失? How colored potteries disappeared in China?
Просмотров 704 месяца назад
百越人Baiyue people,秦始皇Qin Shihuang,珠玑巷3次重要人口迁徙 3 major migrations of Zhuji people, 广府人和客家人的祭祖地 An ancestral worship place for Cantonese/Hakka people,先秦以来广东人口是如何迁徙的?How did people migrate in Guangdong since pre-Qin Dynasty.
梅关古道 Meiguan Ancient Road
Просмотров 305 месяцев назад
岭南第一关 the first pass of Lingnan 古代中原同岭南之间的重要交通道路 an important traffic road between the central China and Lingnan Guangdong in ancient time 北伐出师处 starting point of North Northern Expedition 夫人庙 the Madame Temple 司马第 Simadi 张九龄 Zhang Jiuling 汤显 Tang Xianzu 半山亭 the mid-mountain pavilion
玛雅蹴球 Mesoamerica ballgame
Просмотров 146 месяцев назад
人类最早的橡胶球玛雅蹴球如何比赛?How to play the mesoamerican ballgame that use the earlist man made rubber ballls
埃及行 6 当今埃及观察 Egypt trip 6 Today's Egypt observation
Просмотров 76 месяцев назад
埃及自由行注意事项。古埃及人的后代在哪里?埃及语言文字的变化 Precautions for travel in Egypt. Where are the descendants of the Ancient Egyptians? Changes in the Egyptian language and writing
埃及行 5 亚历山大城 Egypt trip 5 Alexandria
Просмотров 266 месяцев назад
亚历山大灯塔,卡特巴城堡,亚历山大图书馆,萨德·扎格卢勒 Alexandria Lighthouse, Citadel of Qaitbay, Library of Alexandria, Saad-Zaghloul
埃及游 4 - 帝王谷 Egypt trip 4. Valley of Kings
Просмотров 1987 месяцев назад
精美墓中浮雕壁画,赛提一世,图坦卡蒙,埃及武则天哈特谢普苏特 Exquisite relief murals in the tombs, Seti I, Tutankhamun, Hatshepsut
埃及行 3 卢克索和卡纳克神庙 Egypt trip 3 Luxor and Karnak Temples
Просмотров 1327 месяцев назад
古埃及人的信仰,古埃及主要的神祇,卡纳克神庙,卢克索神庙,欧佩特节 The belief of the ancient Egyptians, the main gods of ancient Egypt, the Temple of Karnak, the Temple of Luxor, the Festival of Opet
埃及行2 埃及博物馆 Egypt trip 2 Egypt museum
Просмотров 297 месяцев назад
从文物看古埃及人的发明和人生观 From the historical relics, see the inventions and life philosophy of ancient Egyptians
埃及行1 金字塔 Travel in Egypt 1 Pyramids
Просмотров 467 месяцев назад
金字塔旅游注意要点 What you need to know in travel at Egypt pyramids


  • @hfdennycheng9010
    @hfdennycheng9010 Месяц назад

    西方人狂妄自大,我接觸過的西方人,他們竟然要求中國人 廢除漢字,改用字母 還要求把漢語進一步簡化 簡直可笑到極,他們西方人語言有一大堆煩人的文法,他們就認為沒問題,反而來指責漢字和漢語,話難學 我回應 其實漢字和漢語容易得很,他們不懂是他們的問題,是他們 死蠢