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dr. Vass Zoltán
Добавлен 20 авг 2007
Trianon - Zenés történelmi játék 2018
Az ország legszebb szabadtéri színpadán, a Hősök tere övezte szoborcsoport előtt felépített díszletrendszerben jeles, népszerű színészek és énekesek, valamint több száz közreműködő segítségével, a két évvel ezelőtt ezen a helyszínen bemutatott Itt élned, halnod kell című zenés történelmi játék alkotógárdája Trianon címmel új, nagyszabású történelmi zenemű létrehozására vállalkozott. Közel 100 évvel ezelőtt, 1920. június 4-én a Párizs melletti Versailles-i királyi kastélyt övező hatalmas park Grand Trianon nevű palotájában, az első világháború győztesei által diktált békeszerződés megpecsételte a XX. századi magyarság sorsát. A történelmi Magyarországot megcsonkították, területének több mi...
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Kossuth Rádió Rádiókabaré 2012.06.01 (részlet) (Hadházi László - Villanykörte 2.0 :D )
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A felvételt a szegvári Civil TV készítette, 2011.december 30-án az Óévbúcsúztatón a szentesi Sportcsarnokban. Előadja a Dobbantó NTE (a koreográfiát betanította Magyar Nóra), kísér a szentesi városi fúvószenekar (vezényel Mihály Béla).
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2010. január 9. A táncokat betanították: Tóth Krisztina és Baranyi Anett
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2010. január 9. A táncokat betanították: Tóth Krisztina és Baranyi Anett
It would be nice to have a subtitle (English or Hungarian).
Gyönyörű! Jó lenne ha megismételnék egyszer szélesebb nézőközönséggel.
Lenyűgöző!... Gyakran kicsordult a könnyem is. A szövegek, a versek,a zenék, és maga az előadás, a rendezés, a szereplők, - csodálatos! Ugyanakkor fájdalmas is... Köszönöm.
Kösz a fordítást. Átküldöm a háziorvosomnak, most adott egy tájékoztató füzetet a homeopátia előnyeiről...
For hundreds of years, Hungarians proved that they absolutely cannot deal with minorities in their own territory (more than 50% of the population). During the Habsburg empire, they vetoed any plan by Austria that would have given more autonomy to the bigger ethnic groups in Hungary. The Entente therefore figured, let's give all the nations their own country, and everyone will be happy, to which Hungarians replied "No, no, this whole territory is ours, as it was given to us by God". The Entente was baffled by the profound disconnection to reality and the insatiability of the Hungarians (who hadn't have a territory of their own for 400 years), and so drew the borders in ways to 1 : Give every nation their own countries, 2 : Not give territories where different ethnic groups were living together to Hungarians. And Hungarians, since then, have kept proving that this was the right choice, showing times and times again that they absolutely can't handle minorities, and are incapable of having a regional foreign policy that would amount to more than simply trolling their neighbors with infinite whines and wails about the Hungarian lost mini-empire.
There are many reasons for Trianon. This is a narrow-minded, one-sided view of the exaggerated Trianon dictate and today's Hungarian regional (Central European) foreign policy. For example, after the establishment of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy (1867), the Hungarian legislature passed one of the most liberal laws on national minorities in Europe in 1868. In the first years, the implementation of these laws was hindered by the minorities themselves, who lived on the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary. As far as the minorities living in Hungary are concerned, they are doing well and prospering. Thank God! Please ask your brothers and sisters living in Méhkerék or Elek. The Hungarian leadership has learned from the tragedy of the unjust Trianon. For those Hungarians who have been displaced beyond our borders, the Hungarian state of the day has a duty to care. This is in Hungary's constitution. No country would do otherwise. See how the Romanian state treats the Romanians living in Moldova. Our Hungarian motorways reach the borders. This also symbolizes that we are ready, for example, to cooperate economically with our neighbours, who have been given territory from our country. This is a historical fact.
@@blueshobo3328 Dear neighbor, while you present a nice view of your country (and good for you!), the Prime-minister and the President of Hungary seem to actively use any opportunity to insult, slander and provoke the neighboring countries, in the name of the "unjust Trianon"... I am sorry to say, but it doesn't look like the Hungarian leaders of today have learned something useful from what happened in the region in the last 100 years.
You are very good example you have remorse about having robbed land therefore you must have to believe the anti hungarian propaganda to reduce your cognitive dissonance.
@@blueshobo3328 Sorry but you are wrong. These were our territories. They were conquered by the Hungarians, but now we have taken, fist because you lost the war and them back because Romanians live there, and the Hungarians have always been a minority. You didn't give anything of yours, we just took what was ours
@@florinprisecaru4809 The Romanians appeared in Transylvania only in the 13th century, in very small numbers (maximum 5000). Only later towards the end of the Middle Ages, and then they flowed in from their own cruel and bad rulers, but neither nobility nor citizenship (more than 99 percent of the Romanians was a peasant). With the exception of the year 1600, when for a few months the principality of Transylvania (led by Hungarian princes and with a Hungarian majority) teamed up with the two Vlach states against the Ottoman Empire, until 1918 Transylvania was never "yours". The fact that you believe the nonsense you wrote is only due to Ceausescu's stupid communist-nationalist propaganda. It would be time for Romania to join the ranks of civilized nations, and instead of vandalism againts cemeteries, harassment of Hungarian people, falsification of history, etc. Time to do constructive work ,maybe then millons of people would not flee from "your" country.
Várjuk a zenéket külön-külön is.❤
*Bryan Cartledge, The Will to Survive. A History of Hungary, Hurst &Company, London, 2011:* <<When the [Hungary's] delegation, led by Count Albert Apponyi and including, among others, István Bethlen and Pál Teleki, arrived on Paris on 6 January 1920, it was handed the draft treaty (...). In response, the Hungarians submitted a number of memoranda (...) of which Apponyi gave an oral summary in his address to the Supreme Council on 16 January. Making the focus of his speech the transfer to foreign rule of half the Hungarian population, including (he claimed) 3.5 million Magyars, Apponyi demanded plebiscites in the region of Hungary affected, in accordance with Wilsonian principles.(...) The Council heard Apponyi out in silence; there was no subsequent discussion. Apponyi and most of his delegation returned to Budapest two days later.(...) The conference's formal response to Hungary's representations came under cover of a letter from [Etienne] Millerand [new French prime-minister that had replaced Clemenceau] to Apponyi on 6 May 1920. Its tone was harsh, its content uncompromising. Dismissing Apponyi's references to the consecration of Hungary's frontiers by a thousand years of history, the letter brusquely stated: _'A state of affairs, even when millennial, is not meant to exist when it has been recognized as contrary to justice'._ Apponyi demand for plebiscites received equally short shrift: _'The will of the people was expressed in October and November of 1918 at the collapse of the Dual Monarchy when the populations, oppressed for so long, united with their Italian, Roumanian, Yugo-Slav and Czecho-Slovak kindred. The events occurring since that epoch constitute so many proofs the more of the sentiments of the nationalities formerly subjected to the Crown of St. Stephen. The tardy measures taken by the Hungarian Government to satisfy the need felt by the nationalities for an autonomy is not able to create any illusion; they do not change at all the essentials of historical truth: notably, that during long years all the efforts of Hungarian policy were directed to stifling the voice of the ethnical minorities.'>>_ (pp. 329-330) <<In many respects the task that had faced the Peace Conference, that of giving precision to new frontiers already drawn by events, could not have been completed with justice or in ways conducive to a peaceful future for east-central Europe. The major transfers of territory, already determined by a combination of popular will and military occupation, could have been reversed or significantly modified only by the use or threat of force by the Allied Powers against successor states: this was inconceivable. Even with regard to the aspects of Trianon most open to criticism, those that placed so many Magyars under alien rule, the conference had only limited discretion. The fate of the Magyar-speaking Székely, for example, living for centuries in the south-east corner of Transylvania adjacent to Romania, had been determined by history and geography; it was not susceptible to revision by diplomats or cartographers. The same applied to many ethnic islands of Magyars in Transylvania, Slovakia and the Bánát. Plebiscites, which Hungarians vainly requested, might have modified the outcome - particularly in Slovakia, where enthusiasm in Turoczentmárton for union with the Czechs was less marked than in Prague - but only at the margins. Too much should not be read into the outcome of the one plebiscite that was eventually held, in Sopron and a few neighboring villages, resulting in a substantial majority against incorporation into Austria; it was possible, in that case, to draw he new frontier around the loyal districts. But a plebiscite could not have helped the Szekely in Transylvania or the Magyars in Pozsony and Kassa.(...) Nevertheless, in acknowledging the evident injustice of an outcome in which Versailles cost Germany only 10 per cent of her territory against the 66 per cent of which Trianon formally deprived Hungary, a caveat must be entered: the major part of Hungary's losses stemmed not from the Peace Conference, nor even from the defeat of Austria-Hungary in war, but from the policies which for three-quarters of a century had made Hungarian rule unpalatable, sometimes intolerable, to the non-magyar nationalities of Hungary. Those policies helped to ensure the eventual victory of the national idea in a kingdom whose heterogeneous ethnicity had been determined by geography, migration, historical accident and, in her medieval past, over-ambitious expansion; and they must, therefore, bear much of the responsibility for the kingdom's dissolution.>> (pp. 330-331)
You Hungarians are a nation that are still living in the past, a nation of dreamers, a nation who only knows how to complain and victimize yourself like no one else. Everyone is to blame, but not you, for all your historical mistakes and failures. You can argue to infinite of all the good and bad things that happened to Hungarians and all the good and bad things that happened to your neighbors in the past. That's history! We are now in the 21st century! Did you get this! In your elementary school every hungarian learned in the history class, that Hitler and Mussolini canceled the Trianon (first in November 1938 and second in August 1940) and "awarded" to Hungary: Southern Slovakia, Trascarpatya, Transylvania, Vojvodina. You got all these territories back, without that “the glorious" army of Hungary to fire one bullet or having one soldier killed. And after your "glorious" Hungarian army occupied these territories, and I am sure that these facts are not written in your history book because they are a shame ... but, it is very well known how your army "treated" the non-Hungarian civilian population. Biside to their forced magyarization, that began as soon as the Hungarian army occupied these territories, the Slovaks,the Serbians,the Croatian,the Romanians,the Ukrainians people and not to forget the Gypsies and especially the Jews, have horrible stories about, what happened to them during the Hungarian occupation that lasted for about 5 years (from 1940 to 1945). Your unimaginable atrocities against Jews, Gypsies, Romanians, Slovaks, Ruthenians, Serbs, Croats are and remain written in history of menkind. These horrible deeds of yours will never be erased! And after the war ended ... guess what happened in February 1947 in Paris? - You Hungarians signed a peace treaty!... -IS THAT RIGHT?... in which you Hungarians pledged to agree with the borders that you had before WW2 and to respect the borders and sovereignty of yours neighbors! And now, as I see, you are shouting again all over Europe:-TRIANON, NEM NEM SOHA! Do you want back these territories that you took from others for free? Hitler and Mussolini are dead. And now I see Hungary, an EU contry, that is against the EU and on the side with Russia! Do you think that this time, Vladimir Vladimirovich will be the one who will "reward" you with these territories? You know what,-You ARE WRONG AGAIN!!! - Did you hope that Hitler and Mussolini would resurrect? ... -EZ SOHA TÖBBÉ MEGTÖRTÉNIK !!! In order to have these territories back and build The Great Hungary once again, you Hungarians must shed your blood for them. They will NEVER be returned to you as rewards or presents. NEVER! SOHA! So you have to fight for them! Do you understand that?... Are you Hungarians ready to attack your neighbors? ... Then, to arms! ... If you win, you will proudly put the map of Greather Hungary on the world map once again! ...But! think about, ... if you Hungarians don't win, you are going to dig your own grave in the cemetery of world history. Ukrainians can't wait for you to invade Kárpátaljai, Slovaks are waiting for you at the Danube, Romanians can't wait to move their border to Tisza, Serbs and Croats to move their borders to Balaton. If this disaster happens, Hungary will cease to exist as a nation on the world map 300 years from now or even sooner. In 300 to 400 years stories like this will be written in the History books: "Once upon a time ... there was a country called Hungary and ... which no longer exists because ... she did not get along and did not live in peace with her neighbors and ... she disappeared." Do you hungarians would like something like this to happen to you?,... God forbid. Please, seek to live in peace with your neighbors. I love Hungary and I love your food especially these: your Gulyás, Paprikás, Palacsinta, Pörkölt, Dobos Torta, Kurtoskalacs and your brandy Pálinka and I don't want to forget your beautiful beautiful women!
For those interested in the events that paved the way for Trianon: "The basic problem in Hungary was that less than half of the population were ethnically Hungarian. After the Ausgleich the Hungarians made at least one attempt to solve the cultural problem involved in the situation with the nationality law of 1868. The intent of this law was to arrange for a compromise between the non-Magyar nationalities and the Hungarians. The fact was, however, that the nationalities demanded more than cultural nationalism. They were in the process of establishing ties with their co-nationals - the Rumanians, Serbians, Czechs - living outside the monarchy or in the Austrian half, and were working for political independence. Moreover, the nationality law was seldom observed in Hungary; the rights of the nationalities were violated continuously by the Hungarian government. Their schools were closed and confiscated; their protests were suppressed by the police; their leaders were jailed for long periods of time. Hungarian propagandists spoke of a country of thirty million Hungarians, and of the sacred right of Hungary to “ Magyarize ” its nationalities." Source: Joseph Held, "The Heritage of the Past: Hungary before World War I", in Ivan Volgyes (editor), "HUNGARY IN REVOLUTION. 1918-19. Nine Essays", University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1971, pages 6-7. <<The survival of Magyar supremacy in Hungary depended on keeping the kingdom’s Slavs and Rumanians cowed in a system that gave the Hungarians, with only 55 percent of Hungary’s population, 98 percent of its 405 parliamentary deputies. By now, this medieval arrangement had become an international embarrassment even for the thick-skinned emperor. Franz Joseph recoiled at the publication (and international sensation) of Oxford scholar R. W. Seton-Watson’s 1908 book Racial Problems in Hungary, which detailed Budapest’s myriad abuses of non-Hungarians in Transleithania. To end the scandal and persuade Hungarian lawmakers to do what the Austrians had already done-and what they had expected Hungary to do as well-the emperor took the highly unusual step of transferring his court to Budapest in the fall of 1908 to implement electoral reform. After enduring a jolting ten-hour train ride from Ischl to Budapest to settle the issue of male suffrage, the seventy-eight-year-old emperor-king was jilted instead. Magyar supremacy rested on rigged elections, and Hungarian “Liberals” saw no reason to change this state of affairs, even at the emperor-king’s orders. Actual Hungarian suffrage “reform” in 1908 amounted to this: one out of every ten illiterates-more than 25 percent of the population-was conceded one vote in elections (the other nine could not vote at all); high school graduates, all of whom were educated in Magyar, received two votes each; university graduates and wealthy taxpayers could vote three times. Nor was voting secret; ballots had to be cast publicly so that “voters would not break their promises under the veil of secrecy.” With rules such as these, Magyar-speaking gentry and professionals would have little trouble ruling the roost in Hungary forever against the wishes of less privileged Hungarians, Slavs, and Rumanians.>> Source: Geoffrey Wawro, "A Mad Catastrophe. The Outbreak Of World War I And The Collapse Of The Habsburg Empire", Basic Books, New York, 2014, page 63. <<Faced with the danger of national competition, the Magyar gentry dared not fulfil the provisions of the Nationalities Law of 1868; on the other hand, to make their work easier, they demanded a knowledge of Magyar from all the inhabitants of Hungary. No state school, elementary or secondary, was ever provided for any national minority; the secondary schools which the Slovaks had set up for themselves were closed in 1874; Magyar was made compulsory in all schools in 1883. The highest expression of this policy was the Education Law promoted by [Prime minister, Count] Apponyi in 1907, which imposed a special oath of loyalty on all teachers and made them liable to dismissal if their pupils did not know Magyar. Similarly, the Magyar gentry attacked any political display by the nationalities -drove their few members from parliament and condemned their organisations. By these means, the Magyar gentry gained and kept a monopoly of state employment and of the liberal professions. At the beginning of the twentieth century, 95 per cent of the state officials, 92 per cent of the county officials, 89 per cent of the doctors, and 90 per cent of the judges were Magyar. Eighty per cent of the newspapers were in Magyar, and the remainder mostly German: three million Roumanians had 2,5 per cent of the newspapers, two million Slovaks had 0,64 per cent.>> Source: A. J. P. Taylor, "The Habsburg Monarchy, 1809-1918 : A History of the Austrian Empire and Austria-Hungary", Hamish Hamilton, London, 1948, page 186. <<As the content of Hungarian nationalism in the decades leading up to World War I became increasingly ethnic and exclusionary, nationalism as a political project was used to maintain the structure of class hierarchy. By defining the boundaries of national belonging more narrowly and demanding political and cultural Magyarization, the ruling class of lower nobility sought to tightly control access to power, privilege, and opportunity, thereby preventing the development of an indigenous democratic middle class. While serfdom had been abolished by the late 1800s, the nobility used nationalism to restrict the franchise by allowing very little political representation to the minorities, or to the peasant and lower classes, who were less interested in loyalty to the Hungarian nation than in land reform and economic rights. As the historian Joseph Rothschild described this period: “The bulk of even the ethnically Magyar population was refused enfranchisement with the chauvinistic argument that any extension whatsoever of political participation would endanger Magyar supremacy. The rhetoric of ‘national survival’ was thus used as a fig leaf for social and political privilege.” By defining themselves as the true representatives and protectors of the Hungarian nation, the ruling nobility attempted to merge loyalty to the nation with loyalty to their political position. The calculated nationalist position of the Hungarian nobility was temporarily bolstered both by the hierarchical authority enforced by the Hapsburgs, and by the racialized conceptions of identity hierarchies that were in vogue at the turn of the century. Magyar cultural superiority joined ideas of racial superiority and anti-Semitism to help justify the privileged political position of the Hungarian nobility.>> Source: "Between State and Nation Diaspora Politics and Kin-state Nationalism in Hungary", by Myra A. Waterbury, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2010, page 29-30. <<The Austro-Hungarian monarchy had been a conglomerate of various nations. From any logical and pragmatic point of view, some form of federalism should have been accomplished. However, the two ruling nations, the Germans in Austria and the Magyars in Hungary, clung stubbornly to the maintenance of “dualism” which was based on a joint rule of Germans and Magyars. The resentment of the other nations was boiling beneath the surface, and the monarchy’s defeat in World War I brought to the fore their bitterness, and by 1918, their wish to secede. Croats, Serbians, Slovaks, and Rumanians harbored a long list of grievances against the Magyars, and the chaotic conditions of 1918-disintegrating armies, fluctuating demarcation lines, ambiguous armistice terms-only intensified them. Above all, active Entente support played into their hands. It would be futile to argue the issues from a legal viewpoint, or even from an ideological viewpoint, because in 1918, the military and political atmosphere was charged with emotions, and conflict between the onetime rulers and onetime subjects was not to be solved in a rational and sensible way.>> Source: Gabor Vermes, "The October Revolution in Hungary: from Karolyi to Kun", in Ivan Volgyes (editor), "Hungary in Revolution. 1918-19. Nine Essays", Univ. of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1971, page 47.
Hiszek egy Istenben. Hiszek egy Hazában. Hiszek egy Isteni örök isgazságban. Hiszek Magyarország feltámadásban .
Köszönöm a feltöltést....
Laczik Fecó basszusgitár játéka!!!!!!
A homeopátiás sör a legjobb. 🤣🤣
Zseniális, meg csodálatos is, és sajnos valószínüleg teljesen hatástalan.
A homeopátia azokon segít hatásosan, akiknek több a pénze, mint az esze :D
Csodalatos, koszi :)
Homeopátia - a gyógyító semmi
Az akvárium korábban volt a Frizbiben, mint a villanykörte a Showderben, pont én is figyeltem, tehát ez az 1.0. :)) De egyébként mindkettő nagyon jó! Jó az alap, Amerikai városi legenda a villanykörtés sztori.:)
Zseniális! ::::")
Kár, hogy a felirat nem megy.
Dehogynem, csak be kell kapcsolni (mert nem automatikusan megy) balról a második gombbal (kis téglalap két kis vonallal).
Zoltán Vass Köszi, bamba voltam. :)
Kapcsold be!
Szuper ez igen Hang! Hajra Magyarok !! (Erdelybol
köszi ezt a videot :) állatiyooo
ez nagyon szép nóta:)
Ez igen!
Ebből az albumból max ha 3 szám jó..Szerintem ez gyenge lett de hát ha másnak tetszik akkor jó .
alig várom, hogy megjelenjen az új album :D :)
már várom az új albumot...holnap koncert felsőzsolcán....
Timi, ez gyönyörű volt <3
Ez a nászing elsz mádörsz nagyon gáááz XD