I am delighted when I perceive this soothing melodic sound. TK Freezah is the man of the hour and speaks plain language to our unsuspecting children's ears. Spoil us to the horizon of perfect sound and redeem our cheap Wallmart headphones from their mortality.
Knallt böse, 69/10! Neuer Wecker für meine acht Kinder!
Hammer Mix, 5/7!
Digga der track ballert richtig zu Pappen
I am delighted when I perceive this soothing melodic sound. TK Freezah is the man of the hour and speaks plain language to our unsuspecting children's ears. Spoil us to the horizon of perfect sound and redeem our cheap Wallmart headphones from their mortality.
OMG anders bodenloser Sound. Wenn um 6 morgens das 4. Teil reinklinkt und man einfach nur eskaliert. Wilder Mix
Hab auch mies Lachkick auf den Drop geschoben Bruder. Übel GIGACHAD der fetzige Tune. Kranker hustle Freezah!