米老師英文台 Learning English with Mr Mico
米老師英文台 Learning English with Mr Mico
  • Видео 44
  • Просмотров 67 421
【2024DSErs慎入】2024即時分析+預測 2025DSE出卷方向🔥🔥
2024 DSE英文卷已經考完,咁快就講定2025?!😨
今次由米老師分析2024 DSE各卷出題趨勢,估下2025年出卷方向,
0:00 簡介
0:34 2024 Reading卷分析及2025預測
4:43 2024 Writing卷分析及2025預測
8:12 2024 Listening卷分析及2025預測
11:19 2024 Speaking卷分析及2025預測
12:29 2024 SBA及提醒
13:17 應試建議
#香港 #英文教學 #應試準備 #應試技巧 #高中英文 #listening #reading #writing #speaking #dse #2024dse #dse2024 #2025dse #dse2025 #dseenglish #dse英文 #試卷分析
Просмотров: 2 382


【DSE Paper I & Grammar】句子好長唔識睇⁉️答案應該抄幾多🥵⁉️盡量用人話解釋phrase structure及運用🫡
Просмотров 4016 месяцев назад
Reading經常出現句子太長唔識拆, 或者係填答案唔知抄幾多 0:00 簡介 1:03 Noun phrases初探 1:46 Phrases定義:DSE定義及grammar角度 2:32 Noun phrase的結構 4:21 例子分析 7:34 Noun phrase與英文閱讀技巧 8:52 2015 Reading B2實例分析:複雜句子拆法 16:41 總結 #香港 #英文教學 #dse #dse英文 #高中英文 #reading #2024dse #dse2024 #英文閱讀 #grammar #noun
【高階句式教學 #5】Relative clauses 下集‼️點樣用which代替一整句?Reduced relative clause用法 及 常見錯誤分析😎
Просмотров 3366 месяцев назад
英文其中一種最常用,以及最常用錯嘅句式,大概就係relative clauses啦🤯 如果識拆句子,其實就會變得易用💪 今次米老師帶大家重溫which嘅用法, 再講解reduced relative clauses點樣組成及常見錯誤 幫你重新掌握relative clauses💪 0:00 簡介 0:33 'Which'的兩種用法 1:47 用'Which'代替句子時的subject-verb agreement 3:21 常見錯誤(1):subject-verb agreement 4:02 動詞變化 5:06 Reduced relative clauses (1):句子object部份 7:05 Reduced relative clauses (2):運用past/present participles 8:46 常見錯誤(2):兩個主動詞 10:55 常見錯誤(3):過多r...
【高階句式教學 #4】Relative clauses 上集‼️其實全句刪得走?Comma的重要性 及 常見錯誤分析😎
Просмотров 5707 месяцев назад
英文其中一種最常用,以及最常用錯嘅句式,大概就係relative clauses啦🤯 如果識拆句子,其實就會變得易用💪 今次米老師帶大家由grammar知識講起, 了解relative clauses係句構上嘅作用同用法, 再加三大學生常犯錯誤分析, 幫你重新掌握relative clauses💪 0:00 簡介 0:36 基本句式、必須及非必須部份 2:17 Adverbials簡介 3:08 Relative clauses 用法簡介 4:02 Relative clauses 基本結構 5:49 兩種relative clauses: Defining及Non-defining 7:53 Defining及Non-defining relative clauses意思上的分別 9:34 常見錯誤 12:19 總結及預告 #香港 #英文教學 #dse #dse英文 #高中英文 #...
【睇新聞學英文 #4】祝大家Loong年行大運?🐉龍年究竟係Year of the Dragon定Year of the Loong⁉️由英文語言學角度探討😎
Просмотров 1957 месяцев назад
米老師會定期揀個時事議題,同大家睇新聞學英文! 首先恭祝大家身體健康,學業進步!!!!!🐉🧧 踏入龍年立即有單得意新聞, 難得直接同英文有關, 今次決定用語言學角度切入, 比大家了解下學英文嘅不同面向🥸 0:00 簡介 0:30 新聞內容 (The Year of the Loong?) 2:41 兩個相關語言學概念 3:39 概念(1):Loanwords 外來語 7:47 概念(2):Transliteration 轉寫 10:41 總結 #香港 #英文教學 #dse #dse英文 #高中英文 #時事 #socialissues #2024dse #dse2024 #loong #chinesenewyear #lunarnewyear #dragon #linguistics
【米老師Vlog #4】事隔4年的一人旅行!2023年末東京之旅🇯🇵
Просмотров 1328 месяцев назад
米老師其中一個最大嘅興趣就係一個人去旅行!!!✈️ COVID以來都無過旅行, 今次終於有機會好好放鬆下☺️ 平時好怕去多人嘅地方(我係INFP), 要排隊都會嫌麻煩, 所以影出嚟嘅地方大部份都唔係熱門野😂 希望大家鍾意~ #假日 #教師生活 #旅行 #travelvlog #onfoot #solotravel #日本 #東京
【DSE Paper II】咩係Academic language?好似好高深咁?🫣高中英文老師解釋3大基礎😎
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.Год назад
米老師教左咁耐書,遇過唔少同學對卷二Writing有好多疑問, 今次精選4大問題, 另加如何取悅markers攻略比大家參考😎 無論你係咪應屆DSE考生,呢段片都會幫到你! 0:00 簡介 0:40 重點(1):Formal language 2:49 重點(2):客觀 5:23 重點(3):準確用字及專門用字 8:35 預告 #香港 #英文教學 #dse #dse英文 #高中英文 #writing #2024dse #dse2024 #英文作文 #paper2 #academicenglish #academicwriting #學術英文
【2024DSErs】2024開始改課程?點樣影響Paper II?🤔順便分析2024 Sample Paper🔥🔥
Просмотров 7 тыс.Год назад
2024DSE係好特別嘅一屆,因為有好多重大改變出現左! 今次由米老師同大家分享早係2021年發佈嘅課程改動點樣影響Paper II出卷,再分析HKEAA公佈嘅Sample paper, 幫大家好好準備😎 課程文件參考:www.edb.gov.hk/en/curriculum-development/kla/eng-edu/optimising_SS_English_Language.html Sample paper: www.hkeaa.edu.hk/DocLibrary/HKDSE/Subject_Information/eng_lang/ENG-SP-Paper2-2024.pdf 0:00 簡介 0:30 背景資料 1:27 重要提醒(1):8大Electives如何出 3:11 重要提醒(2):Academic language 4:33 高中常見文體參考 6:31 Sa...
【2023DSErs慎入】2023即時分析+預測 2024DSE出卷方向🔥🔥
Просмотров 5 тыс.Год назад
【2023DSErs慎入:內含米老師個人對於2023英文卷睇法,有少量答法,唔鼓勵賓後檢討】 2023 DSE英文卷已經考完,咁快就講定2024?!😨 今屆中五同學距離考試仲有一年,應該點樣準備? 一年時間好多野可以發生,準備足夠嘅話,升兩個grade不是夢!🥰 今次由米老師分析2023 DSE各卷出題趨勢,估下2024年出卷方向, 從中建議大家做好準備工夫,等你安心考試!😎 0:00 簡介 0:44 2024 DSE英文Assessment Framework 1:13 2023 Reading卷分析及2024預測 5:17 2023 Writing卷分析及2024預測(重大模式轉變) 8:15 2023 Listening卷分析及2024預測 11:36 2023 Speaking卷分析及2024預測 13:12 2024 SBA安排及提醒 14:41 總結 #香港 #英文教學 ...
【DSE Paper I】Irony題好難答?其實Irony係咩?🤯高中英文老師同你分析答題技巧😎
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.Год назад
近年DSE Reading好常出現Irony(諷刺)題‼️ 但係好多時會唔明點答, 或者搵到答案但失分😮‍💨 今段片將會拆解答題技巧, 幫大家更輕鬆執分~🥰 0:00 簡介 0:37 Irony定義 1:28 Irony在DSE Reading的考法 2:58 拆解Irony題的技巧 4:50 2017 Reading A實例示範 7:01 2018 Reading A實例示範 9:59 2019 Reading B2實例示範 13:11 總結 #香港 #英文教學 #dse #dse英文 #高中英文 #reading #2023dse #dse2023 #英文閱讀 #irony
【DSE Paper I】Metaphor題好難答?抄幾多先啱??🤯高中英文老師教你4招應付難題😎
Просмотров 1,6 тыс.Год назад
近年DSE Reading好常出現Metaphor(隱喻)題‼️ 但係好多時會唔明點答, 或者搵到答案但失分😮‍💨 今段片將會介紹4招, 幫大家更輕鬆執分~🥰 0:00 簡介 0:31 Metaphor定義 2:11 Metaphor在DSE Reading的考法 2:53 拆解Metaphor題的4大提醒 4:30 2018 Reading B2實例示範 6:24 2020 Reading A實例示範 7:41 2022 Reading B2實例示範 9:17 2022 Reading A實例示範 12:06 總結 #香港 #英文教學 #dse #dse英文 #高中英文 #reading #2023dse #dse2023 #英文閱讀 #metaphor
【今天只講一隻字 #6】Advice用極都係錯❓Some advice究極啱唔啱⁉️😫😫😫高中英文老師幫你搞清用法‼️‼️
Просмотров 227Год назад
Advice呢個字可以講係十大香港學生常犯錯誤之一‼️ 今日米老師教大家分開noun and verb form, 另外再講解uncountable/collective noun subject-verb agreement, 幫大家掌握多d🥸 0:00 簡介 0:22 小測試 0:44 答案 0:57 Advice (n) vs Advise (v) 1:34 Advice (n) 作為uncountable noun的用法 2:34 Some作為量詞及限定詞 (determiner) 4:08 Some advice的正確用法 4:59 總結 #香港 #英文教學 #dse #dse英文 #高中英文 #vocab #grammar #2023dse #dse2023 #英文生字 #英文文法 #advice
【DSE Paper II】Markers 只用3分鐘定你生死??😱多用深字一定高分?🫣高中英文老師解釋4大作文高分要訣😎
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.Год назад
米老師教左咁耐書,遇過唔少同學對卷二Writing有好多疑問, 今次精選4大問題, 另加如何取悅markers攻略比大家參考😎 無論你係咪應屆DSE考生,呢段片都會幫到你! 0:00 簡介 0:33 迷思一:5 =零錯誤? 2:06 高分文章要素 3:25 迷思二:Markers只睇language,唔睇content? 4:55 迷思三:用得多深字一定高分? 9:37 迷思四:Markers 只用3分鐘定你生死? 11:29 建議 #香港 #英文教學 #dse #dse英文 #高中英文 #writing #2023dse #dse2023 #英文作文 #paper2
【Back to the Basics #3?】十大作文常見錯誤之頭幾位!!!😮‍💨🤕重新學過Plural, singular and subject-verb agreement😎
Просмотров 287Год назад
由基礎講起,識嘅當溫書,唔識嘅當學新野! 米老師改文一定會見到嘅錯誤, 其中最常見一定同plural/singular/subject-verb agreement有關! 今次精選幾種常見毛病, 帶大家重新認識呢堆咁重要嘅概念, 拯救你份writing! 😤 0:00 簡介 0:42 找錯處 1:21 簡介名詞分類 2:03 Determiners概念 4:19 常見錯誤(1):用錯articles 4:56 常見錯誤(2):用錯量詞 6:08 常見錯誤(3):誤用plural nouns 7:42 Subject-verb agreement基本概念 8:07 常見錯誤(4):Uncountable nouns 9:16 常見錯誤(5):Gerund subjects 11:04 常見錯誤(6):One of the... 12:26 總結 #香港 #英文教學 #dse #dse英...
【DSE Paper IV】最終話、一分鐘地獄!🙀高中英文老師解釋Individual Response玩法及策略😎
Просмотров 8 тыс.Год назад
2023 DSE將會考返Paper 4🤯! 無考3年,各位應屆考生準備成點? 今次米老師會解釋好多學生都驚嘅Individual Response (IR), 希望大家準備得好d🥳 黎緊會update其他Paper 4應試技巧 千祈唔好錯過‼️ 0:00 簡介 0:34 Individual Response (IR)背景及如何影響分數 2:42 IR題型簡介 4:35 IR常見問題(1):轉問題? 5:51 IR常見問題(2):回應長度? 7:52 IR常見問題(3):拆題技巧 10:32 拆題示範 12:57 總結 #香港 #英文教學 #dse #dse英文 #高中英文 #speaking #discussion #2023dse #dse2023 #英文說話 #paper4 #individualresponse #IR
【DSE Paper IV】第四話、拆解六大Speaking題型💪另加Elaboration示範😎
Просмотров 4,1 тыс.Год назад
【DSE Paper IV】第四話、拆解六大Speaking題型💪另加Elaboration示範😎
【DSE Paper IV】第三話、到底發生過什麼Fluency🎼高中英文老師深入解釋如何提升pronunciation fluency😎
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.Год назад
【DSE Paper IV】第三話、到底發生過什麼Fluency🎼高中英文老師深入解釋如何提升pronunciation fluency😎
【DSE Paper IV】第二話、眼神‧姿勢‧結構🤌高中英文老師解構3大Speaking失分位及解決方法😎
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.Год назад
【DSE Paper IV】第二話、眼神‧姿勢‧結構🤌高中英文老師解構3大Speaking失分位及解決方法😎
【DSE Paper IV】第一話、Paper IV、襲來!🙀終於考返說話卷!高中英文老師解釋4大Speaking paper迷思😎
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.Год назад
【DSE Paper IV】第一話、Paper IV、襲來!🙀終於考返說話卷!高中英文老師解釋4大Speaking paper迷思😎
【米老師Vlog #3】有今生無來世!!!徒步遊香港🇭🇰8小時由赤柱行路去上環🥵💪
Просмотров 2052 года назад
【米老師Vlog #3】有今生無來世!!!徒步遊香港🇭🇰8小時由赤柱行路去上環🥵💪
【米老師Vlog #2】終於露樣啦????😳放假指定動作:Boxing+Cafe🥊☕️
Просмотров 6302 года назад
【米老師Vlog #2】終於露樣啦????😳放假指定動作:Boxing Cafe🥊☕️
【DSE Paper Series】如何禮貌地叫人閂門?😂解構Tone同choice of words的重要性😎
Просмотров 3262 года назад
【DSE Paper Series】如何禮貌地叫人閂門?😂解構Tone同choice of words的重要性😎
【DSE Paper I】咁都唔係Not Given?????HKEAA set卷其實好hea????🤯高中英文老師解釋3大T/F/NG題型難點😎
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.2 года назад
【DSE Paper I】咁都唔係Not Given?????HKEAA set卷其實好hea????🤯高中英文老師解釋3大T/F/NG題型難點😎
【睇新聞學英文 #3】繼續係Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard!!!💥AH打輸官司後,聲明錯漏百出??🤒四種常犯邏輯謬誤分析⚠️
Просмотров 2892 года назад
【睇新聞學英文 #3】繼續係Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard!!!💥AH打輸官司後,聲明錯漏百出??🤒四種常犯邏輯謬誤分析⚠️
【睇新聞學英文 #2】Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard終局之戰!!!💥分析超強律師Camille Vasquez結案陳詞演講技巧🗣
Просмотров 4412 года назад
【睇新聞學英文 #2】Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard終局之戰!!!💥分析超強律師Camille Vasquez結案陳詞演講技巧🗣
【Back to the Basics #2】Present simple同Present continuous應該點分?🤕正確使用Present simple守則😎
Просмотров 2082 года назад
【Back to the Basics #2】Present simple同Present continuous應該點分?🤕正確使用Present simple守則😎
【Back to the Basics #1】12種Tenses記唔到?🤒只需記得兩大概念,幫你打好基礎!😎
Просмотров 5222 года назад
【Back to the Basics #1】12種Tenses記唔到?🤒只需記得兩大概念,幫你打好基礎!😎
Просмотров 1702 года назад
【高階句式教學 #3】咩係Indirect Questions?🧐如何有禮貌地問問題?一段片教你掌握!
Просмотров 9482 года назад
【高階句式教學 #3】咩係Indirect Questions?🧐如何有禮貌地問問題?一段片教你掌握!
【高階句式教學 #2】Inversion其實唔難!😎英文倒裝句重點大解構!
Просмотров 3,7 тыс.2 года назад
【高階句式教學 #2】Inversion其實唔難!😎英文倒裝句重點大解構!


  • @micrleliu5218
    @micrleliu5218 8 дней назад

    very good

  • @NataliieCC
    @NataliieCC 2 месяца назад

    Thank you!! 你講得好清楚,多謝你

  • @user-re8fg3ig2r
    @user-re8fg3ig2r 2 месяца назад

    2:30 想問下嗰8個electives仍會出?

    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico 2 месяца назад

      已經唔會啦🥲 8個electives只會係平時課堂cover到 (而且唔係強制) 所以tip題會有一定難度呢

    • @user-re8fg3ig2r
      @user-re8fg3ig2r 2 месяца назад

      @@learningenglishwithmrmico 好🙏🙏🥲

  • @yuandy8325
    @yuandy8325 4 месяца назад

    @請問paper 2 q2生育低冇點對比會當離題嗎

    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico 4 месяца назад

      唔算離題!🫡 Content分就視乎你內容有幾深入啦

    • @yuandy8325
      @yuandy8325 4 месяца назад

      @@learningenglishwithmrmico 唔該米老師因為我大部份都係講佢點解出生率低嘅原因就好少對比返以前嘅

  • @camphorwood
    @camphorwood 5 месяцев назад

    For me, the challenge in reading B2 was the questions themselves. I could understand the text just fine, it felt I was being tested on my reading comprehension of the questions and not the passage itself. "Find an example from paragraphs 6-11 that best fits the descriptions" (I don't remember the exact wording) is actually such a ridiculous question. I'm pretty sure the examples I'm supposed to take from the passage barely had relevance to the overall theme and purpose of the author's writing. It would seem that the exam is merely assessing our abilities to recognise some special phrases, take them at face value and just move it towards the answer sheet. They couldn't have found a worse passage to play like that though, the foreword of any kind of book is rarely going to be "purposeful/objective", because it's just the writer rambling about some semi-relevant things, so their choice of writing flair is basically freestyle. Trying to decode that is definetly more challenging and becomes more subject to personal interpretation. The reading exam didn't leave me with a good feeling, that I wrote the correct answer, rather I just tried to input "the most correct" answer out of few possible ones. Well whatever, no point worrying about it now, hopefully the marker is in a good mood when marking mine and likes my answers, lol.

    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico 5 месяцев назад

      In some way yes! The setting of Reading Paper may not be the best way to test the ability of comprehension but the paper itself is still valid that it is testing certain ways of reading. I tend to agree that the question keywords can be rather unclear and some items don’t make much sense😂 but no worries, those questions welcome multiple ways of answering! After all, HKDSE has much to do with how well you know the game rules and in some sense, it is also a skill!

  • @happyisforever
    @happyisforever 5 месяцев назад

    可唔可以出paper 1 及paper 3 答案? 謝謝。

  • @annayeung5587
    @annayeung5587 5 месяцев назад

    Great thanks 🙏 very nice analysis 👍🏻 The background music could be softer.

  • @rosalinaisonfireanddriving
    @rosalinaisonfireanddriving 5 месяцев назад

    Paper 1 only have two MCQ in B2 Paper 3 task 2 I missed two blanks Task 4 is slower than I thought 😤 I did B2 in that paper 3 , but not paper 1

  • @りおん-c1y
    @りおん-c1y 5 месяцев назад

    米老師覺得今年Cut off會唔會低咗?PP3真係做到好亂 未見過一份PP3啲Data可以散到咁。。。搵得嚟又做唔切

    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico 5 месяцев назад

      感覺唔會…. 睇返數據其實每年cut off都唔差好遠 反而係marking應該會鬆 今年paper 3唔似上年task 9揀3個courses 一揀錯就無份 有機會係部份資料變optional 所以都唔需要太擔心!

  • @yumingzeng9587
    @yumingzeng9587 5 месяцев назад

    米老師2024 Paper 2預測得好好

  • @tingcheungedwardku641
    @tingcheungedwardku641 5 месяцев назад

    今年paper 1同3 勁多人做B1

    • @sakuranonlala
      @sakuranonlala 5 месяцев назад

    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico 5 месяцев назад


    • @tingcheungedwardku641
      @tingcheungedwardku641 5 месяцев назад

      @@learningenglishwithmrmico 考評局今年令到咁多人做B1 ,me超驚訝囉,咁多人放棄做B two ,好似我呢啲做B two嗰啲真係得得嗰幾個 ⋯⋯ 求cutoff再跌

    • @huimichelle2643
      @huimichelle2643 5 месяцев назад

      Eng writing 生育無對比可以?

    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico 5 месяцев назад


  • @pgliuuu6817
    @pgliuuu6817 7 месяцев назад

    多謝米老師 好有用 2024dser期待你下集!❤

  • @isaaclai1636
    @isaaclai1636 7 месяцев назад

    The questions seem to have gotten significantly harder

    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico 7 месяцев назад

      Agree - but don’t worry as the marking will be more lenient when the papers are more difficult🫡

  • @hinson3546
    @hinson3546 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much for your steadfast and unwavering dedication!

  • @laulau1057
    @laulau1057 11 месяцев назад


  • @laulau1057
    @laulau1057 11 месяцев назад

    I don’t know 😳

  • @laulau1057
    @laulau1057 11 месяцев назад


  • @learningenglishwithmrmico
    @learningenglishwithmrmico Год назад

    片段中提及嘅Sample paper: www.hkeaa.edu.hk/DocLibrary/HKDSE/Subject_Information/eng_lang/ENG-SP-Paper2-2024.pdf

  • @samin21
    @samin21 Год назад

    Nice video sir

  • @samin21
    @samin21 Год назад

    There is a question in my mind Normally we use "there" with "indefinite nouns" But. In this case i used "definite noun " with "There " in Subordinate Clause and a Normal sentence 1 ) There is your father. 2 ) This is the time when "there" is my sister. Question ) Is "THERE" word Adverb of Place in both sentence OR "THERE" word is Dummy subject???

    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico Год назад

      Hi, The two sentences you raised are not as grammatical, as the pronouns ‘your’ and ‘my’ also specify the targets. It does not sound natural to use ‘There’ to introduce them.

    • @rkm823
      @rkm823 Год назад

      @@learningenglishwithmrmico I think he applied "inversion" in "Subordinate Clause" sentences and a "Normal Sentence" . If I am correct please give him the answer what he asked As:--- There is your father. And This is the time when THERE is 'my' sister . Question )) Is "THERE" word Adverb of Place in both sentence OR "THERE" word is dummy in both sentence ?

  • @rkm823
    @rkm823 Год назад

    What is difference between 1) This is the time when there is a book. 2) This is the time when there is the book . Is the only difference between "THE" and "A" OR here the meaning of THERE will also change Question ::---- In which sentence word THERE working as Adverb of place. And In which sentence word "THERE" is working as DUMMY. PLEASE reply my question's answer.

    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico Год назад

      Hi, The ‘there’ in sentence (1) is a dummy subject (it can be arguable though: if the sentence works together with other clues that give out directions). Dummy ‘There’ usually does not work with definite article ‘the’. Sentence (2) will sound more natural if you put it as “… the book is there”. In this case, ‘there’ points out the location. The use of inversion involving ‘There’ can be difficult to analyse grammatically because ‘there’ is not an auxiliary verb. Instead, it involves a shift of adverb position and main verb. Consider: The castle stands there. There stands the castle. The real subject of the sentence is ‘the castle’. Hope it helps!

  • @sammer-samm9-
    @sammer-samm9- Год назад

    please help "(if "THERE " word is used for inversion in a sentence and it is showing "Adverb of place" As. There stood my friend.(Inverted form) If this same sentence is added to a subordinate clause, will "THERE" word become "dummy THERE". are there any such rules in english As. .......When "there" stood my friend.)) Will "THERE" become a "dummy subject" here? Or "THERE" word is still an "adverb of place" here Please reply 🙂🙂

    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico Год назад

      Interesting question! In this case, it is still considered an adverb of place. The normal sentences goes “My friend stood there.” The ‘There’ has to refer to a particular place, so it cannot be dummy. Hope it helps!

  • @wangdanica1395
    @wangdanica1395 Год назад


    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico Год назад

      The sounds should be the same - there is no variation with the /v/ sound. The /v/ sounds in ‘very’ and ‘live’ are the same; involving the ‘vibration’ of the lower lip.

  • @Marcus_Suen
    @Marcus_Suen Год назад

    聽日就考第一科 英文啦,成年發夢無上堂,多謝老師急救我

  • @hing211
    @hing211 Год назад


    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico Год назад

      以目前EAA提供sample,四條題目會脫離以前Learning English through… 八個electives,所以題目種類變到難估計 不過慣常留意時事一定無蝕底的🫡 另外新curriculum updates重視多左academic writing元素,可以預計essay type變成重點!

    • @hing211
      @hing211 Год назад


  • @handsome_dennis
    @handsome_dennis Год назад


    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico Год назад

      As the last sprint, I recommend you focus more on memorising the ‘standard’ openings and closings; and work on time management as you practise. There are still ways to ensure your consistency in performance. Stay hopeful!

  • @yyy.1112
    @yyy.1112 Год назад


    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico Год назад

      Normally it should not happen! But as the question number is not revealed officially, it will be difficult to appeal. ☹️

  • @Dontusemyfuckingaccount
    @Dontusemyfuckingaccount Год назад

    想問會唔會有老師隨心所欲咁派題目?因為我哋組最勁嗰個人問 Q4,但係隔離冇咁點講嘢嘅人問咗Q5

    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico Год назад

      It should not happen in most cases - of course as candidates, it is rather difficult to ‘judge’ the ability of other candidates. Frequency of speaking is just one criterion of measuring performance

  • @ben_cy
    @ben_cy Год назад

    ruclips.net/video/j5M6RzGN5JE/видео.html Mr Mico, whether the "singer" in the video yells "shout" or "shut up"? (Around 4 minutes) Thanks!

    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico Год назад

      What a tricky question! It appears to be a ‘shout’ to me. It doesn’t contain distinct syllables or an unvoiced consonant (/p/). Sometimes it’s difficult to ‘unhear’ something once you believe in something otherwise.

  • @samho2137
    @samho2137 Год назад

    May I know where I can find descriptive vocabulary?I just see the videos today,hope won't be too late.

    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico Год назад

      Hi! Normally you read novels for descriptive words. But in case you don't have time for long novels, actually foreign magazines will also give you a good range of words even when they talk about social issues or lifestyle stuff. Read those feature articles and you'll still have a good list of words to use. The key is to be exposed to a range of materials with different themes. Good luck!

  • @ander199588
    @ander199588 2 года назад


  • @raylo5e263
    @raylo5e263 2 года назад

    哇 成條片十分熱血 搞到我都想即刻由大西北行到西貢, 多謝米老師拍呢個vlog 激起我心中的一團火

  • @faaaatmanurvlogs244
    @faaaatmanurvlogs244 2 года назад

    Hi when 2023 HKDSE registration will be started??

  • @ander199588
    @ander199588 2 года назад

    Sora 正呀 yumyum😋

  • @raylo5e263
    @raylo5e263 2 года назад


    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico 2 года назад

      興趣多就要有取捨🥸仲要學下點樣做野先有效率 呢樣野對讀書都好緊要呢!同學加油!

    • @lotszhin6572
      @lotszhin6572 2 года назад


  • @毒角受
    @毒角受 2 года назад

    米老師放假竟然係去打拳😍 真係好健康啊

    • @tamjaibridge
      @tamjaibridge 2 года назад

      同學 上zoom堂唔好打機

  • @Y羊-n4y
    @Y羊-n4y 2 года назад

    👍👍👍好有用 thank you

  • @felixzhang113
    @felixzhang113 2 года назад


    • @learningenglishwithmrmico
      @learningenglishwithmrmico 2 года назад

      謝謝你的留言!😊 的確,一般學生對於英文修辭手法較不熟悉,所以希望這段片能起拋磚引玉之用呢!

  • @felixzhang113
    @felixzhang113 2 года назад

    米老師,你的這期節目做得很用心,感謝! 但是普通的觀眾要懂欣賞,恐怕有難度,浪費你的一番心血哦!

  • @tamjaibridge
    @tamjaibridge 2 года назад


  • @anniesdailylife2801
    @anniesdailylife2801 2 года назад


  • @jimmyramos5948
    @jimmyramos5948 2 года назад


  • @Carson920
    @Carson920 2 года назад


  • @hamchan9406
    @hamchan9406 2 года назад


  • @learningenglishwithmrmico
    @learningenglishwithmrmico 2 года назад

    有網友問 4:57 第一個改正方法係咪應該叫participle clause 答案係啱既,因為revising的確係present participle (-ing) 不過呢度我叫佢做relative clause,因為功能上佢都係一樣 而佢亦係reduced relative clause,即係省略左relative pronoun (who) 完整應該係many students who are revising… 有關reduced relative clause 日後再介紹😆 係度多謝網友提問!

  • @anniesdailylife2801
    @anniesdailylife2801 2 года назад


  • @samuelfong2620
    @samuelfong2620 2 года назад


  • @jimmyramos5948
    @jimmyramos5948 2 года назад
