- Видео 221
- Просмотров 168 303
Добавлен 12 фев 2014
Hey guys! I'm Food Fighters Games or, Noodles for short. I just upload videos about whatever I usually feel like uploading. Expect shitposts, guides, and gameplay videos from me!
My Discord Tag: 面条#5475
My Discord Tag: 面条#5475
[3-star] Bikura, Harbor of Evil! | Uncanny Legends 40 | The Battle Cats
I am finally free from lazy UL slop, from here on out its fun all the way. God I love aku enemies
Q: Where's UL 1-4?
A: I had already cleared them on 3* difficulty prior to recording this
Q: What about UL 39?
A: I feel a one-subchapter long video would be too short of a video so I'm planning to compile them together with a remake of UL 1-4 once I finish the rest of UL
[0:00] Toy Boat Graveyard
Li'l Island spam followed by trickles of Supercar can deal with Miz Devil and the Le'Behemoth, just bring whatever you need for Big Sal.
[1:21] Breathtaking Waves
Bellydancer and Li'l Islan...
Q: Where's UL 1-4?
A: I had already cleared them on 3* difficulty prior to recording this
Q: What about UL 39?
A: I feel a one-subchapter long video would be too short of a video so I'm planning to compile them together with a remake of UL 1-4 once I finish the rest of UL
[0:00] Toy Boat Graveyard
Li'l Island spam followed by trickles of Supercar can deal with Miz Devil and the Le'Behemoth, just bring whatever you need for Big Sal.
[1:21] Breathtaking Waves
Bellydancer and Li'l Islan...
Просмотров: 522
[3-star] Spacetime Distortion! | Uncanny Legends 38 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.2 месяца назад
Waiter waiter! More lazy stages please! Q: Where's UL 1-4? A: I had already cleared them on 3* difficulty prior to recording this [0:00] The Great Sufferer Standard Ururun stage, bring in a backliner for R. Ost and Ururun, some crowd control for Bore and good AoE damage for Shadow Boxer K. [1:20] Patient Red Fox Standard Li'l Nyandam stage, bring tankers and heavy-stat units for plowing through...
[3-star] Castle of the Sentinels! | Uncanny Legends 37 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 2084 месяца назад
I swear I spent more time finding fitting music than actually playing this subchapters. Average easy break chapter that somehow made my channel die again. Q: Where's UL 1-4? A: I had already cleared them on 3* difficulty prior to recording this [0:00] Confront the Tyrant Carefully stall for money at the start. Make sure to time IDI so that she can land the final kill on the inital two Puffingto...
[3-star] Ancient Forest Labyrinth! | Uncanny Legends 36 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 3219 месяцев назад
Oops! All Surge Bases! And the occassional Legend Boss fight. Geez how many subchapters has it been since the last one... wait.. 15 SUBCHAPTERS??? Holy shit. Q: Where's UL 1-4? A: I had already cleared them on 3* difficulty prior to recording this [0:00] The Ivy-Sealed Door Get Bomber in to perma freeze Le'Noir and rush everything down, make sure to fire the cannon to deal with the Assassin Bea...
Просмотров 13110 месяцев назад
Quick video just to sure y'all don't think I died. Don't worry new videos will be there soon, got too distracted playing Pokemon. For now, enjoy this video. Music Used: Ghost Trick ~ Phantom Detective OST ~ Lynne, A Targeted Redhead Remix by Zame: ruclips.net/video/QcgzWq7fCMs/видео.html Undertale Yellow OST ~ A Mother's Love by MasterSwordRemix, emBer, NoteBlock, and Figburn: ruclips.net/video...
[3-star] DNA Plantation! | Uncanny Legends 35 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 18910 месяцев назад
I just realize post-editing that every level has the same goddamn background. That... is lazy as fuck holy shit. Q: Where's UL 1-4? A: I had already cleared them on 3* difficulty prior to recording this [0:00] Banana Genomes Rich is heavily advised. Use whatever wave immunes you have at your disposal to clear this. With the current meta we have lots of wave immunes to tackle this stage, its jus...
"It was a misinput"
Просмотров 22111 месяцев назад
Never let a controller player teach a newbie how to play Lethal Company. #lethalcompany #lethalcompanyshorts
[3-star] Nasi-Go-Round! | Uncanny Legends 34 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 26811 месяцев назад
I swear to god there will *those* comments. Anyways love the south asian representation, hate the stages. Kuala Lum Pool more like Kuala Lum Pissoff. Q: Where's UL 1-4? A: I had already cleared them on 3* difficulty prior to recording this [0:00] Angkor SWAT Use Greenshell and Eggpod to stall the Puffingtons as much as you can and stall them out for when Big Sals come in. Rush them down using W...
[No Ubers] Brainwashed Axe Awakens! | Hyperberserker | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 4611 месяцев назад
Malevolent Dark is by far the most unique in terms of enemy design, instead of just slapping on a shield, getting counter surge and being almost an exact replica of the Manic variant, instead of Freezing your units he boasts something almost just as deadly: Curse. This debuff combined with his fast attack speed makes almost any anti-aku completely nullified of their statuses, and with a stage t...
[No Ubers] Brainwashed Titan Awakens! | Titanic Rampage | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 96311 месяцев назад
Sorry to the late upload, thank you PONOS for releasing this stage on the day of my birthday. Malevolent Jamiera is by far the most difficult of the Malevolent cats. On paper he looks a lot weaker with his lower range and lower health, but oh that is so wrong. His lower range enables him to move deeper into your defenses and threaten your midrangers even more with his omnistrike and his almost ...
[3-star] Diver's City! | Uncanny Legends 33 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 16011 месяцев назад
I will lose my mind if have to play one more fucking round of 3* Ironsand Beach without a cheese method. Q: Where's UL 1-4? A: I had already cleared them on 3* difficulty prior to recording this [0:00] Diversity, Alkalinity Use Rich Cat due to the lack of money at the beginning, stack Juliet and Sanzo on the Metal Doges, once St. Dober comes out pray to RNG that you land your crits and your fre...
[No Ubers] Brainwashed Lizard Awakens! | Spitting Death | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 5411 месяцев назад
As usual, Malevolent King Dragon take the role of a backliner that constantly chips away at your meatshields, supported by enemies that are bulky and push really hard. This time, it's also accompanied by a shield which is pretty weak but adds in immunity to things like freeze and knockback, making it practically immune to your cannon abilities. There's also a lot more aggressive supports this t...
[3-star] Theatre of Fear! | Uncanny Legends 32 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 13011 месяцев назад
Fun subchapter, really nice break from the bullshittery that is Happy Lucky Temple and In the Sleeping Forest. Q: Where's UL 1-4? A: I had already cleared them on 3* difficulty prior to recording this [0:00] Spiralling Ring Lure the Bores and freeze them with Bondage or ICat, stack Dark Lazer and win. [2:15] Payday the 13th Bombercat, Pizza, Heavy Assault CAT and a good lure to make sure Tackey...
[No Ubers] Brainwashed Fish Awakens! | Adrift in Fear | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 3711 месяцев назад
Malevolent Island takes the classic approach of spawning in wave to build up enough dps to overwhelm you in damage, so naturally you want to whittle down their numbers so they don't kill you right? Wrong. They've went ahead and gained a new ability this time: Death Surge. No matter how you dwindle their stack you WILL lose your non-surge immune attackers. To make matters worse, this stage is on...
[No Ubers] Brainwashed Bird Awakens! | Apocalypse | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 51Год назад
Malevolent Flying is the classic slow and heavy nuker that wipes your entire field once you're in it's radius. Although it might seem easy to deal with considering the amount of anti-Aku meatshields only two hypothetically work here. Cactus gets fucked over by Malevolent Flying's mini-wave and Bellydancer is too costly, especially in a mixed stage like this where it utilize it's full power. Bra...
[No Ubers] Brainwashed Cow Awakens! | Ruthless Tyrant | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 45Год назад
[No Ubers] Brainwashed Cow Awakens! | Ruthless Tyrant | The Battle Cats
[3-star] The Happy Lucky Temple! | Uncanny Legends 31 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 459Год назад
[3-star] The Happy Lucky Temple! | Uncanny Legends 31 | The Battle Cats
[No Ubers/Gacha] Brainwashed Gross Awakens! | Devilish Strides | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 110Год назад
[No Ubers/Gacha] Brainwashed Gross Awakens! | Devilish Strides | The Battle Cats
[4.2 Spiral Abyss] Floor 12 9* CLEAR (ft. Mono-Hydro Furina & Keqing Aggravate) | Genshin Impact
Просмотров 368Год назад
[4.2 Spiral Abyss] Floor 12 9* CLEAR (ft. Mono-Hydro Furina & Keqing Aggravate) | Genshin Impact
[3-star] Dawn of the Beginning! | Uncanny Legends 30 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 159Год назад
[3-star] Dawn of the Beginning! | Uncanny Legends 30 | The Battle Cats
[3-star] Forgotten Graves! | Uncanny Legends 29 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 154Год назад
[3-star] Forgotten Graves! | Uncanny Legends 29 | The Battle Cats
[3-star] Labratory Island! | Uncanny Legends 28 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 126Год назад
[3-star] Labratory Island! | Uncanny Legends 28 | The Battle Cats
It's truly 13.0ver.... | 13.0 Update Discussion | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 86Год назад
It's truly 13.0ver.... | 13.0 Update Discussion | The Battle Cats
[3-star] In the Sleeping Forest! | Uncanny Legends 27 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 779Год назад
[3-star] In the Sleeping Forest! | Uncanny Legends 27 | The Battle Cats
[3-star] Morningstar Isle! | Uncanny Legends 26 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 120Год назад
[3-star] Morningstar Isle! | Uncanny Legends 26 | The Battle Cats
Messier's Assault! | Land of Dreams Lv20 (ft. Ken) | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 221Год назад
Messier's Assault! | Land of Dreams Lv20 (ft. Ken) | The Battle Cats
[3-star] Pumping Titanium! | Uncanny Legends 25 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 174Год назад
[3-star] Pumping Titanium! | Uncanny Legends 25 | The Battle Cats
[3-star] Realm of Whyworry! | Uncanny Legends 24 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 115Год назад
[3-star] Realm of Whyworry! | Uncanny Legends 24 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 323Год назад
[3-star] Unearthed Artifacts! | Uncanny Legends 23 | The Battle Cats
Просмотров 158Год назад
[3-star] Unearthed Artifacts! | Uncanny Legends 23 | The Battle Cats
Now I wanna do this, but none of my friends has finished the game yet. Damnit.
Ironsand Beach is so ass 😭
the background music is too loud, aside from that, nice vid!
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk bom demais
Frost Flurry is good at stunlocking enemies like golems. If there’s an enemy that threatens you somehow and they’re not resistant to freeze you can essentially give them a timeout. It’s almost a defensive attack
I hated this subchapter 3* I had so much skill issue
Are this levels for unlock something or they're useless?
Thank you for the guide, do you have any suggestion on What other uber would work well here?
@@Box_of_Octopus Depends, which stage are you looking for help on
@@FoodFighterNoodles face of god
@@Box_of_Octopus Rushers like Yukimura, D’arktanyan, Blanka etc work, same with bulky surge immune units(even better if they have weaken immunity) Kuu, Anubis, Lasvoss or any spammable ubers like Baby Gao, Jizo or Issun Boshi
I have ptsd on learned to hate 3* cause of that 5k base hp when cheesing it
why was lovable syphon combo not thought about?
why the mice quality is so low? jesus christ i can't even hear yall
evil sauce
awesome sauce
holy shit noodles upload
Респект бро, по этой тактике я прошёл этот уровень без мины и продолжений
Unfortunately can can, house wife and stuff are at level 15 but if I fail this stage I will grind do and get to level 18 and 19
Based from experience: If you take more than 30 minutes to try to beat this level, an army of assassin bears will come out and kill you and no, cat cannon does not oneshot them
*15 mins
I think moab is always better than bomb blitz. Its just so good ton have guaranteed crits, and also its still bomb damage. Bomblitz is more of a coverage skill for natalie (I run haste dps natalie, with lance haste support)
king gainer dance
Nari is cuter, Korean portrait
Future princess and priscilla is cutest
No one me and the boys at 3 AM:
NoLegs Quick Slash with Book of Spells carried me through most of the game ngl.
Fuck Neon Valhalla all my homies hate Neon Valhalla
3* UL can be a lil less shitty now
I love this subchapter
Imagine if someone actually kills the 8 cadaver bears on star 3
4 johnyleons is crazy👽
Well, looks like I have a new backlog of videos to watch and a new person to follow. Nice editing btw. Keep it up!
Ah you are people of cultre as well bomb natz is the goat
i swear the bingo reveal music is an absolute banger
remember what your parents told you as a kid? if your friends jumped off a bridge would you jump too lol
oh you just jump down? 💀
I have started playing the game recently so it's quite helpful
I know how to alter Air Strike's power and cooldown for better balance (I have attempted pre-v2 power and 1CD)...but I don't know how to turn this into a patch file that can be distributed (if that's how it would work).
honestly HLT is the hardest chapter. Not cheesing 3 crown organic chromosomes and nano-grapes though...
Tbh peng z has one FATAL FLAW: there is a relatively easy cheese for it. Simply kill all the enemies until the final owl, then kill it with a suicide unit like doron and nothing else on the field. From there, just wait until 6 ms. Sign hit the field and then push them behind the base via something like li’l eraser and kill the base with something like bahamut.
I think non tf doron is better on happily ever after: loris isn’t kb’d so it is more open to idi, and also you get more chip since it stays on a surge if it gets hit by it
Unironically pushing back the occasional Sir Rels was also very helpful which is why I opted for true form over second form. After all I could already do the IDI rush well enough. Dealing more damage against Master A and Mole are also big deals, the faster they die the less threatening the stage become
@@FoodFighterNoodles it does that naturally via damage
Also tf does the same damage as evolved
Every player before World 10:
Me while boring grinding diamond and push story/ranked in multiplayer:
I love this! Ebf 5 is a game that needs more fan content, i dont think ive ever seen a ranking video on it! hope u can do more ❤
Im sorry but this stage is not insane
It's 6× times damage not 500%
6x is already 6 times you don't have to type "6x times"
500% more dmg = 6x damage
@@MustardSock i was referring to you typing 6 x times
2x means 100% more damage, so 6x means 500% more 😮💨
Notice Revenge has no cooldown
holy shit time traveller!
Pretty easy since they give you time to set up at the beginning, just a lot of meatshielding