  • Видео 24
  • Просмотров 2 002
Let's Play EverQuest - Episode 1 - The Adventure Begins
Welcome to my new Let's Play EverQuest series! In this first episode, join my Level 16 Barbarian Warrior as we dive into the classic world of Norrath. Watch as we level up and collect gnoll fangs while exploring the bustling city of Qeynos, the mysterious Aqueducts, and the scenic Qeynos Hills. Along the way, we tackle quests, uncover lore, and embark on thrilling adventures. Whether you're a longtime fan of EverQuest or new to this iconic MMORPG, this journey is sure to spark some nostalgia and excitement. Let the adventure begin!
#EverQuest #MMORPG #LetsPlay
Просмотров: 56


A Night In Everfrost - An EverQuest Holiday Adventure
Просмотров 14819 часов назад
❄️ A Night in Everfrost Peaks ❄️ Join us for a festive adventure in the icy tundra of EverQuest’s Everfrost Peaks! A Christmas-styled reminiscent of the classic poem ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas follows a lone barbarian as he battles a snowstorm, trains of mobs, and the ever-looming threat of a snowy demise. Whether you’re a veteran adventurer or new to the realm of Norrath, this poem is th...
Exploring North Qeynos: Lore, Secrets, and Hidden Stories in EverQuest!
Просмотров 64День назад
Welcome to my deep dive into North Qeynos in EverQuest! 🎮 Today, we're exploring one of the most iconic cities in Norrath. From the powerful ruler Antonius Bayle IV to the dark secrets buried under Qeynos, there’s so much to uncover. Did you know Qeynos was built on top of a hidden temple to Bertoxxulous, the Plague Bringer? Or that the city's official history has some pretty shady moments, lik...
Team Fortress 2 - Scout Knockout Commentary
Просмотров 2811 лет назад
Terrorizing the RED team and taking care of business in this light hearted gameplay of TF2.
Team Fortress 2 - How not to Caber
Просмотров 1911 лет назад
The time has come to show you how not to use the Ullapool Caber in TF2. This video is safe to watch I'm pretty sure it won't give you cancer let me know in the comments.
Tekkit 3 - The Saw Mill
Просмотров 61411 лет назад
The trees have been chopped! Time to get to business and build a freaking saw mill. Texture pack : Sphax purebdcraft Intro Music : Bob_Purse - A Sailing Milk Moustache End Music : Augustus Bro Gallery Six - Led by the dress colored in red
Tekkit 2 - Jerksville
Просмотров 1811 лет назад
Let's build a lumber mill/saw mill.. Okay it is going to take some wood, lots of wood.. stop laughing.
Tekkit 1 - Deforestation
Просмотров 2111 лет назад
Starting from square one I am setting out to build a amusement park in tekkit, well eventually that is the plan.. It will probably take a while! Texture pack : Sphax purebdcraft Intro Music : Bob_Purse - A Sailing Milk Moustache
TF2 - Spy - I'm Superbad
Просмотров 2612 лет назад
Stab stab stab
TF2 - Spy Tips and Tricks - Be a Better Spy
Просмотров 18212 лет назад
Helpful Tips and Tricks On How To Be a Better Spy in Team Fortress 2
Black Mesa Source Mod - HD Game Footage
Просмотров 1412 лет назад
First look at Black Mesa Source Mod HD Game Footage
Minecraft Tekkit Part 11 - Crossing Some Things Off The List
Просмотров 3512 лет назад
In this episode of tekkit Brian creates a rubber tree farm. Ryan goes through the list of things to do and starts checking things off.
Minecraft Tekkit Part 10 - That's My Blue Axe!
Просмотров 5312 лет назад
Ryan and Brian playing Tekkit and oh yeah they build a few things too, like a Talisman of Repair, Iron Furnace and an upgraded Divining Rod. Tekkit Download: www.technicpack.net/ Textures: bdcraft.net/ Brian's channel - ruclips.net/user/Bisbeaux
Minecraft Tekkit Part 9 - Portals and Energy Condensers
Просмотров 12612 лет назад
In this episode of tekkit Ryan and Brian go beyond the portal into the Nether to collect glowstone. When they return they build an energy condenser finally! Tekkit Download: www.technicpack.net/ Textures: bdcraft.net/ Brian's channel - ruclips.net/user/Bisbeaux
Minecraft Tekkit Part 8 - Obsidian Smubshidian
Просмотров 5512 лет назад
Tekkit is back! Ryan and Brian return to the adventure with big updates since last time. They work on gathering obsidian for a nether portal and a condenser.
Team Fortress 2 - Heavy Barnblitz Live Commentary - Thug Life
Просмотров 7412 лет назад
Team Fortress 2 - Heavy Barnblitz Live Commentary - Thug Life
Minecraft Tekkit Part 7 - Building A New Headquarters
Просмотров 8312 лет назад
Minecraft Tekkit Part 7 - Building A New Headquarters
Minecraft Tekkit Part 6 - Nickleback-o-lite
Просмотров 5412 лет назад
Minecraft Tekkit Part 6 - Nickleback-o-lite
Minecraft Tekkit Part 5 - OH MY GOD
Просмотров 1712 лет назад
Minecraft Tekkit Part 5 - OH MY GOD
Minecraft Tekkit Part 4 - The Cavern
Просмотров 1912 лет назад
Minecraft Tekkit Part 4 - The Cavern
Team Fortress 2 - Scout Harvest Gameplay - Batter Up
Просмотров 19612 лет назад
Team Fortress 2 - Scout Harvest Gameplay - Batter Up
Minecraft Tekkit Part 3 - Home Sweet Mudhole
Просмотров 3512 лет назад
Minecraft Tekkit Part 3 - Home Sweet Mudhole
Minecraft Tekkit Part 2 - Screw This I'm Going Home
Просмотров 3712 лет назад
Minecraft Tekkit Part 2 - Screw This I'm Going Home
Minecraft Tekkit Part 1 - Getting Ahead of Ourselves
Просмотров 4912 лет назад
Minecraft Tekkit Part 1 - Getting Ahead of Ourselves


  • @ximeryr
    @ximeryr 5 дней назад

    I realize the audio is bit low. Learned some things in obs to help the audio and reducing background noise/quality. Next video should be better fingers crossed. Thanks for watching.

  • @Astro_TF2
    @Astro_TF2 10 лет назад

    Fair gameplay. I enjoyed. You earned a sub :D

  • @Bisbeaux
    @Bisbeaux 11 лет назад

    TF2 Hero saves the day again.

  • @Poison_Eevee
    @Poison_Eevee 12 лет назад


  • @ximeryr
    @ximeryr 12 лет назад

    It's the Sphax PureBDCraft Texture Pack

  • @yellowsnow4free
    @yellowsnow4free 12 лет назад

    What texture pack / shaders are you using?

  • @ximeryr
    @ximeryr 12 лет назад

    Thank you and thanks for watching!

  • @Bisbeaux
    @Bisbeaux 12 лет назад

    I've just noticed that I sound like I'm constantly in a cave. Have I always been like that?

  • @Bisbeaux
    @Bisbeaux 12 лет назад

    Myeahhhh see? Give us the diamonds coppa or I'll break your knees in!

  • @Bisbeaux
    @Bisbeaux 12 лет назад