  • Видео 169
  • Просмотров 5 239 693
[甲洞新开张美食] 三代美味传承 开店3小时卖光光 客家炸肉椰浆饭 | 增江监房椰浆饭 超正咖喱任君选择 | Kepong’s Delicious Hakka Pork Nasi Lemak
"Join us as we explore Kepong’s latest food hotspot! This newly opened restaurant, with three generations of culinary tradition, sells out its signature Hakka fried pork and nasi lemak in just 3 hours! From the rich coconut rice to the wide selection of flavorful curries, every bite is a delight. Freshly made every day, so be sure to get there early if you want to try it! Come along and experience this hidden gem at the Jinjang prison area with us!"
Taste Legendary Nasi Lemak Chow Kit Market 秋傑路 (炸肉)椰漿飯
17, Jalan Ambong Kanan 1, Kepong ...
Просмотров: 16 900


[沙登夜市美食之旅] 月饼款式超多 榴莲月饼 金猪月饼 | 不到7点卖完的盐焗鸡 | 原来咁大 排队美食超多 | Serdang Night Market Food Tour
Просмотров 13 тыс.День назад
跟我一起踏上沙登夜市的美食之旅吧!这里有琳琅满目的月饼选择,包括独特的榴莲月饼和传统的金猪月饼。我们还会探访不到7点就卖光的盐焗鸡摊位,以及超多人排队的热门美食摊。准备好一起来探索沙登夜市丰富多彩的美食吧! Join us on a culinary adventure through Serdang Night Market! Discover an incredible variety of mooncakes, including the unique durian mooncake and the traditional golden pig mooncake. We’ll also check out the salt-baked chicken that sells out before 7 PM and explore the long lines for some o...
[大马第一栋组屋-陆佑九楼古早味美食] 馨记鱼丸粉 | 慧玲板面馆 自制鱼肉沙葛春卷 | 万丰茶室 东菇鸡脚云吞面 媲美沙河粉口感的滑碌碌猪肠粉 | Loke Yew Classic Flavors
Просмотров 16 тыс.День назад
探索马来西亚第一栋组屋 陆佑九楼的古早味美食!从馨记的鱼丸粉、慧玲自制鱼肉沙葛春卷,到万丰茶室的东菇鸡脚云吞面,以及口感媲美沙河粉的滑溜溜猪肠粉,这里充满了让人怀念的经典风味。跟我一起深入这座老组屋,品味这些传承已久的美食佳肴! Explore the nostalgic flavors of Malaysia's first and oldest residential flats at Loke Yew’s 9th floor! From Sin Kee’s fish ball noodles and Hwee Ling’s handmade fish meat and jicama spring rolls to Wan Fong’s mushroom chicken feet wonton noodles and silky smooth pig intestine nood...
[吧生美食] 香喷喷肉骨茶面 花了2天1夜制作的传统手打面线 | 吧生街坊極力推薦的后巷面粉粿 | 一天卖5千粒手工包 梅菜芋头扣肉咖喱大包 超多款式 | Klang Bak Kut Teh Mee
Просмотров 17 тыс.День назад
这里是巴生隐藏的美食宝藏!从花费2天1夜手工制作的传统肉骨茶面,到只有老街坊才知道的后巷面粉粿,再到每天热卖5千粒的手工包,还有梅菜芋头扣肉咖喱大包,各种独特口味应有尽有。快来跟我一起探寻这些地道美食,让你的味蕾大饱口福! Here are Klang's hidden food treasures! From traditional Bak Kut Teh noodles that take 2 days to handcraft, to back alley dumplings only locals know about, and handmade buns that sell 5,000 pieces daily, plus the unique flavors of pork belly and yam with preserved mustard curry buns-t...
历经3代KL后巷的古早味粤菜 | 百年老字号饼家 | 限量版肉干派 | 半山芭最老字号 露天碳炒福建面 | 苦等40分钟 瓦煲鸡饭 | Best Bites in Petaling Street!
Просмотров 16 тыс.День назад
踏上吉隆坡后巷的美食之旅,探索历经三代传承的古早味粤菜。从百年老字号饼家制作的招牌糕点,到限量版的肉干派,再到半山芭最古老的露天碳炒福建面,本视频带你深入吉隆坡的美食文化中心。见证等待40分钟只为品尝瓦煲鸡饭的耐心与热情。不要错过这个体验吉隆坡正宗古早味粤菜的机会。 Embark on a culinary journey through the hidden backstreets of Kuala Lumpur, where we uncover traditional Cantonese flavors that have stood the test of time for three generations. From century-old bakeries crafting signature pastries to limited-edition meat pie a...
[蕉赖11哩街市]: 深入本地超多美食的巴刹 | 手工芋头燕菜月饼 | 排队古早味虾米混酱肠粉 | 隐藏餐单里的火爆面 | 福建长寿面 |Taste of Cheras Market Culture
Просмотров 28 тыс.14 дней назад
跟随我们一起踏上蕉赖石山11哩华人市场的探险之旅,探索丰富的本地文化,品尝最地道的传统美食。从让人口水直流的街头小吃到正宗的中华美味,这个充满活力的市场是蕉赖中心的一颗隐藏宝石。体验这个繁忙市场的独特氛围,了解美食背后的人和故事。这是一场不容错过的文化盛宴! Join us on an adventure to Cheras Batu 11 Chinese market, where we explore the rich local culture and taste some of the best traditional foods. From mouth-watering street snacks to authentic Chinese delicacies, this vibrant market is a hidden gem in the heart of Cher...
[ 双溪毛糯最棒点心] 双溪毛糯用料十足虾肉点心 | 甲洞超正咖喱肠粉 RM2.50咖啡冰 | Exploring Sungai Buloh's Top Dim Sum Spots
Просмотров 19 тыс.14 дней назад
跟随我们一起探索双溪毛糯的最佳点心!从隐藏的宝藏到必试的美味佳肴,我们的目标是找到城中最美味的点心。观看我们品尝、点评并分享我们的最爱。无论你是点心爱好者,还是寻找新美食冒险,这个视频都不容错过!" oin us as we explore the best dim sum spots in Sungai Buloh! From hidden gems to must-try dishes, we’re on a mission to find the most delicious dim sum in town. Watch as we taste, review, and share our favorite picks. Whether you’re a dim sum lover or just looking for new food adventures, this vi...
[椰浆饭系列 / KL Best Chinese Nasi Lemak] 文良港: 流晒口水香料炸三层肉椰浆饭 短短5个小时卖500份 | 茶室超正华人蓝花椰浆饭 | 甲洞: 排长龙木桶椰浆饭 |
Просмотров 19 тыс.14 дней назад
在这次视频中,我们将带你走遍吉隆坡,品尝最受欢迎的华人椰浆饭!从传统风味到创新搭配,每一口都能感受到浓浓的南洋风情。无论你是椰浆饭的忠实粉丝,还是想尝试新口味,这个视频将为你推荐吉隆坡不可错过的华人椰浆饭美食。快来跟我们一起探索这些隐藏在城市角落里的美味吧! In this video, we’ll take you on a journey across Kuala Lumpur to taste the most popular Chinese-style nasi lemak! From traditional flavors to creative combinations, each bite offers a rich taste of Southeast Asia. Whether you're a loyal fan of nasi lemak or looking ...
快闪峇眼拿督半日游: 海鲜盛宴与美景 | Bagan Datuk Day Trip: Feast on Seafood & Enjoy Beautiful Scenery
Просмотров 23 тыс.14 дней назад
跟随我们一起游览峇眼拿督,欣赏这里的美丽风景,享用最新鲜的海鲜!从迷人的海岸风光到小镇中的隐藏宝藏,我们将带你走进峇眼拿督最美的风景和美味。无论你是美食爱好者,还是想要享受宁静的旅程,这次旅行一定不会让你失望! Join us on a day trip to Bagan Datuk, where we explore the beautiful scenery and indulge in some of the freshest seafood you can find! From stunning coastal views to hidden gems in this charming town, we’ll take you on a journey through the best sights and flavors Bagan Datuk has to offer. ...
[沙登新村美食] 8间店梁福记 超值腐乳炸肉鲜蛤猪皮咖喱面 菜脯辣椒客家面 超入味卤肉 顺滑福建面 | 客家酿豆腐 | 港式虾子面 | Serdang New Village Food Hunt
Просмотров 26 тыс.21 день назад
在这次沙登新村美食之旅中,我们探访了沙登人很熟悉的8间店一条街。首先来到梁福记,品尝超值的腐乳炸肉、鲜蛤猪皮咖喱面、菜脯辣椒客家面和超入味的卤肉。接着,我们体验了顺滑的福建面和传统客家酿豆腐,最后以一碗港式虾子面完美收尾。跟随我们的脚步,发掘这些隐藏在沙登新村的美味佳肴,感受地道的美食魅力 In this food adventure through Serdang New Village, we start at Leong Fook Kee, enjoying the value-for-money fermented bean curd fried pork, clam and pork skin curry noodles, chili Hakka noodles with preserved radish, and flavorful braised pork. Then,...
[吉隆玻午夜觅食] 体验吉隆玻街头超大型美食天堂 | 52个美食摊位 | 各国料理应有尽有 | Supper at KL's Largest Food Courts With 52 Stalls
Просмотров 13 тыс.21 день назад
跟随我们一起探索吉隆坡最大美食广场之一 K88美食中心!这个拥有52个档口的美食天堂,提供各种美味的宵夜选择。快来看看我们在这里的宵夜体验吧! Join us as we explore one of KL's largest food courts-K88 Food Court! With 52 stalls offering a variety of delicious late-night options, it’s a food paradise. Check out our late-night feast experience! @Carlslee K88 Food Court Jalan Kangkong (Jalan Klang Lama) 58200 Kuala Lumpur, KL Malaysia
[增江南区巴刹] 古早味花生咖喱猪肠粉 | 失传的云吞面味道 | 住家咖喱卤面 | 甲洞瓊南海茶室 鱼头米 椰浆饭 | 住家式家乡泰式口味 | Jinjang South Market Flavour
Просмотров 30 тыс.21 день назад
在这次美食之旅中,我们前往增江南区巴刹,寻找那些难得一见的古早味。我们品尝了独特的花生咖喱猪肠粉,还有已经渐渐失传的云吞面味道。随后,体验住家式的咖喱卤面和家乡泰式口味的美食我们前往甲洞的传统咖啡店,品尝料满满的鱼头米和椰浆饭。跟随我们的脚步,探索这些隐藏在吉隆坡的美味宝藏,感受传统与家的味道。 In this food journey, we visit Jinjang South Market to uncover rare old-school flavors. We try the unique peanut curry chee cheong fun and savor the nearly forgotten taste of wanton noodles. Then, we head to a traditional coffee shop in Kepong to e...
[邦咯岛2日1夜美食之旅] 艇仔妹干捞叻沙 | 南亚干咖喱面 | 成记四大天王咖啡 | 成发黑肉饭 | 小黑鱼鱼肉肉干 | daddy's 海边咖啡厅 | 福临宫 灵慈宫观音庙 | 刚上岸的海鲜代炒
Просмотров 87 тыс.21 день назад
在这段视频中,我们带你一起踏上邦咯岛的2日1夜美食之旅!首先,我们会品尝独具特色的艇仔妹干捞叻沙,味道浓郁。接着,尝试南亚的干咖喱面,感受不同的风味。 我们还会探访成记,品尝四大天王咖啡,以及成发的黑肉饭,都是当地必试的美食。此外,还有美味的小黑鱼鱼肉肉干,值得一试。 傍晚,我们会在Daddy's海边咖啡厅放松,享受咖啡与美景。到了晚上,跟随我们在Teluk Nipah夜市漫步,感受夜晚的热闹氛围。 最后,别忘了尝试刚上岸的海鲜,现炒的美味让你欲罢不能!此外,我们还会参观福临宫与灵慈宫观音庙,为旅程增添一份文化体验。 In this video, we take you on a 2-day, 1-night food adventure on Pangkor Island! First, we’ll taste the unique dry Laksa, rich in flavo...
[再次光临OUG街市与美食2.0] 山海猪肉粉 汤头鲜甜 | 肥婆酿豆腐 客家鱼丸粉 | 迷你野生榴莲 | Market Tour & Best Bites at OUG Morning Market
Просмотров 19 тыс.28 дней назад
在这段视频中,我们再次光临OUG街市,继续探索更多美食!首先,我们会品尝山海猪肉粉,这里的汤头鲜甜无比,令人回味无穷。接着,我们会尝试肥婆酿豆腐和客家鱼丸粉,这些传统美食都是当地人的心头好。 此外,我们还发现了迷你野生榴莲,这些小巧的榴莲虽然个头不大,但味道却十分organic,是健康爱好者的绝佳选择。跟随我们的视频,一起走进OUG街市,体验这丰富多彩的美食之旅吧! In this video, we revisit the OUG Morning Market to explore more delicious foods! First, we'll taste the San Hai Pork Noodle Soup, known for its sweet and savory broth that leaves a lasting impression. Next, we'l...
[吧生美食/ Klang delicious food] 路边古早味猪油渣薄饼 | 款款都超赞的娘惹糕点 | 全城最便宜 无论鸡饭烧鸭饭叉烧饭还是烧肉饭 通通RM4.50 | 必吃住家式炒板面咖喱伊面
Просмотров 39 тыс.Месяц назад
在这段视频中,我们将带你探索吧生(Klang)的美食天堂!首先,我们会尝试古早味的猪油渣薄饼,这种传统美食将带你回到童年的味道。接下来,我们会品尝各种款式超赞的娘惹糕点,每一口都充满了浓浓的传统风味。 此外,我们还会介绍全城最便宜的美食,无论是鸡饭、烧鸭饭、叉烧饭还是烧肉饭,统统只需RM4.50!最后,我们不能错过的还有必吃的住家式炒板面和咖喱伊面,丰富的口感和香气保证让你垂涎欲滴。 赶快跟随我们的视频,一起探索这些隐藏在吧生的美食宝藏吧! In this video, we'll take you on a culinary journey through Klang's food paradise! First, we'll try the ancient-style crispy pork lard pancakes, a traditional delicacy that w...
[槟城5大美食与榴莲山探险] 本地人极力推荐的2828亚参叻沙 | 本地人首选美食中心 番茄扁担饭 炒粿条 | 浮罗山背榴莲山吃一级榴莲 | 手工爆浆蛋卷 天天卖断货 | 全槟城最正虾面
Просмотров 36 тыс.Месяц назад
[槟城5大美食与榴莲山探险] 本地人极力推荐的2828亚参叻沙 | 本地人首选美食中心 番茄扁担饭 炒粿条 | 浮罗山背榴莲山吃一级榴莲 | 手工爆浆蛋卷 天天卖断货 | 全槟城最正虾面
[甲洞必尝美食 Kepong Food Tour!] 特色奶香面 | 手捏板面 汤头鲜甜 | 日日爆满米其林推荐肉骨茶 | 弹牙鱼丸 全鱼肉制造 | 全城最便宜电器铺
Просмотров 21 тыс.Месяц назад
[甲洞必尝美食 Kepong Food Tour!] 特色奶香面 | 手捏板面 汤头鲜甜 | 日日爆满米其林推荐肉骨茶 | 弹牙鱼丸 全鱼肉制造 | 全城最便宜电器铺
世界首家“Coach Airways”零售概念店在马六甲 | 途径芙蓉七记茶楼最正叻沙 炒粿条 | Visit World’s 1st ‘Coach Airways’ store in Melaka
Просмотров 10 тыс.Месяц назад
世界首家“Coach Airways”零售概念店在马六甲 | 途径芙蓉七记茶楼最正叻沙 炒粿条 | Visit World’s 1st ‘Coach Airways’ store in Melaka
[永安镇巴刹吃早餐 Eng Ann Market Visit and Breakfast] 古早味吧生滑鸡饭 | 超正娘惹糕 | 吧生最正虾面 浓郁虾汤 脆皮烧肉 肥瘦适宜 | 中国整骨科
Просмотров 25 тыс.Месяц назад
[永安镇巴刹吃早餐 Eng Ann Market Visit and Breakfast] 古早味吧生滑鸡饭 | 超正娘惹糕 | 吧生最正虾面 浓郁虾汤 脆皮烧肉 肥瘦适宜 | 中国整骨科
[富都美食 / Pudu Delicacies] 褟记瓦煲鸡饭 | 大树下强记炖汤补品 咖喱山猪肉 梅菜扣肉 | 香港仔 虾饼烧肉 | 168咖喱猪皮云吞面 | 三喜甘香蟹 牛油多士
Просмотров 27 тыс.Месяц назад
[富都美食 / Pudu Delicacies] 褟记瓦煲鸡饭 | 大树下强记炖汤补品 咖喱山猪肉 梅菜扣肉 | 香港仔 虾饼烧肉 | 168咖喱猪皮云吞面 | 三喜甘香蟹 牛油多士
古来巴刹 老太婆榴莲 | 华叔火蒸鸡 | 满庭芳客家擂茶 | 远远来云吞面 | 古来最热闹的美食中心 | 古来必到 普陀村 | 逛逛Danga bay & Johor Premium outlet
Просмотров 45 тыс.Месяц назад
古来巴刹 老太婆榴莲 | 华叔火蒸鸡 | 满庭芳客家擂茶 | 远远来云吞面 | 古来最热闹的美食中心 | 古来必到 普陀村 | 逛逛Danga bay & Johor Premium outlet
[芙蓉古早味美食 | Seremban Traditional Taste] 铺满瑶柱丝的鱼丸粉 | 40年历史超过30多款街边小吃 | 永平交通灯娘惹糕 超抵食自家35年老树榴莲 | 手工西刀鱼丸粉
Просмотров 35 тыс.Месяц назад
[芙蓉古早味美食 | Seremban Traditional Taste] 铺满瑶柱丝的鱼丸粉 | 40年历史超过30多款街边小吃 | 永平交通灯娘惹糕 超抵食自家35年老树榴莲 | 手工西刀鱼丸粉
[怡保美食2.0 EP3] 连当地人都要等一小时的干咖喱面 | 爽口弹牙红米肠粉 款款特色又美味的点心楼| 全城最好吃爆酱咖央角 | 隐藏住家酿料平靓正!!| Ipoh: Top 4 Must-Eat
Просмотров 26 тыс.Месяц назад
[怡保美食2.0 EP3] 连当地人都要等一小时的干咖喱面 | 爽口弹牙红米肠粉 款款特色又美味的点心楼| 全城最好吃爆酱咖央角 | 隐藏住家酿料平靓正!!| Ipoh: Top 4 Must-Eat
[怡保美食2.0 EP2] 狮尾逛巴刹 滑碌碌沙葛虾米肠粉 | 怡保当地人首选的滑鸡河粉 | 隐藏版鱼头炉 | 健龙山谷叹白咖啡 | 靓妈花生豆花 | 源香饼铺 肉干莲蓉饼 Ipoh Best Eat
Просмотров 53 тыс.Месяц назад
[怡保美食2.0 EP2] 狮尾逛巴刹 滑碌碌沙葛虾米肠粉 | 怡保当地人首选的滑鸡河粉 | 隐藏版鱼头炉 | 健龙山谷叹白咖啡 | 靓妈花生豆花 | 源香饼铺 肉干莲蓉饼 Ipoh Best Eat
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[怡保美食2.0 EP1] 美罗逾80年历史鸭腿面 | 超开胃咸菜番茄石斑鱼头米 | 权记48年老字号蛋挞 | 极乐洞之钟乳石奇景 | Ipoh: Top Food & Sightseeing
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[太子园为食街美食] 超浓郁沙巴大虾虾面 | 老板自创怪味咖喱面 | 超滑菜园白鸡 | 三代糖水世家 | Cheras Top Fresh Giant Prawn Mee Spot and More!
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[云顶旅游和美食 Vlog2] bukit tinggi 风凉水冷的咖啡厅 | 意外发现高原中的义诊 | 龙虾很贵 可是它很好吃! | 最正鱼扒 被误会成快餐?! 探访清水岩庙
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[云顶Vlog 1] 适耕庄超弹牙鱼丸 | 森林环绕河鱼餐厅 | 超值住宿RM100 | 云顶outlet购物乐 | Genting Gateway: Cheer, Food | RM100 stay


  • @rinakwok176
    @rinakwok176 День назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee День назад


  • @Kristie321
    @Kristie321 День назад

    Thank you for sharing. 👍

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee День назад

      You welcomed! 😄

  • @lilywinbox3944
    @lilywinbox3944 День назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 22 часа назад


  • @McqueenLai
    @McqueenLai 2 дня назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee День назад

      哈哈哈 坐下來吃再打包應該比較快🤭🤭 真是有緣😜

    • @McqueenLai
      @McqueenLai День назад

      @@Carlslee 哈哈哈哈,我也这样觉得。

  • @clc4546
    @clc4546 2 дня назад

    我们叫,五香,咖喱🍝西蛤一定要,要不然,不好吃❤,柔佛 新山的支持者❤

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee День назад

      你也很愛吃 下次介紹我們新山有什麼好料🤭

  • @hauntedjewelry1364
    @hauntedjewelry1364 2 дня назад

    Thanks for sharing about Kepong again. I am so happy that this famous old store now move to Kepong. Next time when I come back to Malaysia for holidays I will have to explore my hometown properly. For your info this Hakka Nasi Lemak is very famous in Chow Kit and around 70 years old history. Here is the youtube video about this store history. This youtube video was recorded 7 years ago. I think the founder father of this store might not be around any more.видео.htmlsi=DdtjpWxbWj1yYPNz

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee День назад

      Thanks for the video, by the way I thought the business is from his grandfather.

  • @foongchunweng1472
    @foongchunweng1472 2 дня назад


  • @cheahsiewpeng3846
    @cheahsiewpeng3846 2 дня назад

    Just opening only that’s why so clouded and the quantity very little

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee День назад

      Yes, exactly! I noticed some customers were buying so many packs that the owner couldn't even estimate how much need to cook 😅

  • @yewkonglee7666
    @yewkonglee7666 2 дня назад

    The Hakka type of Nasi Lemak and the other store of Nasi Lemak with lamb meat, prawns, squids, chicken thighs were looking appetizing.😅😊🎉

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee День назад

      The Hakka pork goes well with the nasi lemak 👍

  • @clc4546
    @clc4546 2 дня назад


  • @leekh1631
    @leekh1631 2 дня назад

    Lokap nasi lemak 我时不时都去光顾一流好吃,大推👍

  • @yuanhengmak9669
    @yuanhengmak9669 2 дня назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 2 дня назад


    • @clc4546
      @clc4546 2 дня назад


  • @kelvinwong6348
    @kelvinwong6348 2 дня назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 2 дня назад


  • @chinghoochin-dt3ig
    @chinghoochin-dt3ig 2 дня назад


  • @InnocentCartoonCat-zq4tf
    @InnocentCartoonCat-zq4tf 2 дня назад


  • @wongmy4789
    @wongmy4789 2 дня назад

    Where is this shop in Lokap? Thanks.

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee День назад

      Hi, the shop name, address, and phone number are displayed at the beginning of each recommended place in the video and also included in the description.

  • @wongmy4789
    @wongmy4789 2 дня назад

    What is the name of this shop in Chow Kit?

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee День назад

      Hi, the shop name, address, and phone number are displayed at the beginning of each recommended place in the video and also included in the description.

  • @brandonwoo8299
    @brandonwoo8299 2 дня назад

    Pay to que..I won't eat.

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 2 дня назад

      Dine in no need to queue

  • @andylau8565
    @andylau8565 2 дня назад

    客家人自己人 客家炸肉辣死你媽正喎😅

  • @andylau8565
    @andylau8565 2 дня назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 2 дня назад


  • @seekimwah9091
    @seekimwah9091 2 дня назад

    They are in fact legendary. They first have a stall opposite Central Market (now Pasar Seni). They then relocated outside a kopitiam in Chinatown, Petaling Stree. Before moving to this place and location, they were in one of a shop right smack in Chow Kit market but this was demolished before moving to this new location!

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 2 дня назад

      I had no idea they were originally at central market. I only knew they had moved from chow kit. Thanks for the info! 🙏

  • @nicholasgoh4005
    @nicholasgoh4005 2 дня назад

    Give you like, so early go there😂

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 2 дня назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 2 дня назад

      Their stuff is selling like hotcakes! 😅

  • @cchai4648
    @cchai4648 3 дня назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 3 дня назад

      因為我是Lulu 🤣🤣🤣 所以我不認識 Luku

    • @cchai4648
      @cchai4648 2 дня назад


  • @rinakwok176
    @rinakwok176 3 дня назад

    我要買那大大粒的蒸包。我要買月餅。我要買Kueh.. 我要買買買。。😋😋

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 2 дня назад


  • @jcns923
    @jcns923 3 дня назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 3 дня назад

      多謝你的分享 因為我們不吃內臟哦,下次會試下你說的雞飯

  • @clc4546
    @clc4546 4 дня назад


  • @yewkonglee7666
    @yewkonglee7666 4 дня назад

    Serdang Night Market Selangor seems to be a very large area for customers to buy back food.😂😅 Incredible the white dumpling big enough for a family of five and that fruit langsat is huge very different from the norm. The mooncakes displayed are super creative. Nice area to fill up our hungry stomachs.😅😊🎉

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 3 дня назад

      We actually didn't know there was a night market in this area until the local told us. Yes, this night market is quite large.

  • @mahsuewhoong9797
    @mahsuewhoong9797 4 дня назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 4 дня назад


  • @angangela334
    @angangela334 4 дня назад

    may I know it is near where?

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 4 дня назад

      Hi Angela, this night market is not far from the Mines Shopping Mall. here’s the address. Please note that this night market only takes place every Monday. (Pasar Malam Seri Kembangan Pusat Perdagangan Seri Kembangan, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor) ☺️

  • @andylau8565
    @andylau8565 4 дня назад

    CarlsLee 你好呀 我來自怡保呀 現在定居在英國倫敦 最近都有睇你拍嗰啲片介紹啲街市夜市 睇到都流曬口水呀🎉😊

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 4 дня назад

      你好啊,Andy 多謝你喜歡我們的影片 希望我們的影片為你帶來更多美好的回憶🤭

    • @cchai4648
      @cchai4648 3 дня назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 3 дня назад

      @@cchai4648 華哥🤭

    • @andylau8565
      @andylau8565 3 дня назад

      @@cchai4648 我係佢失散多年嘅堂兄弟 哈哈😋

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 2 дня назад


  • @andylau8565
    @andylau8565 4 дня назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 2 дня назад

      👋👋 hello Andy 我想了很久,請問這個是什麼意思咧🤭

    • @lilywinbox3944
      @lilywinbox3944 2 дня назад

      我知道 Comment Like Share Subscribe 😄

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 2 дня назад

      @@lilywinbox3944 你好醒啊 哈哈哈 我好似kampung來的醬😆

    • @andylau8565
      @andylau8565 2 дня назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 2 дня назад


  • @ngkeepooi1176
    @ngkeepooi1176 4 дня назад

    You must show the signboard of the shop , or put here the google map link. Or else, you are only shiok sendiri,,,,,

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 4 дня назад

      Apologies for the oversight. We've recently improved our videos, and now all the locations are displayed on the screen as well as in the description. 🙏

  • @NICK78315
    @NICK78315 5 дней назад

    Fung Wong so long time already at petaling street they refurbish and add new partner

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 4 дня назад

      Thanks for the information ☺️

  • @sinsin365
    @sinsin365 5 дней назад


  • @SaltyForever
    @SaltyForever 5 дней назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 5 дней назад

      因為他看不懂中文🙏🤣 想改也改不了

    • @SaltyForever
      @SaltyForever 5 дней назад


  • @clc4546
    @clc4546 6 дней назад

    谢谢分享👍🥰虾面😋🥰对了 你瘦了啊,是不是,好料全部给,师奶吃了😂😂😂开玩笑😝😂😂😂

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 5 дней назад


    • @clc4546
      @clc4546 5 дней назад

      @@Carlslee 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @joelim4280
    @joelim4280 6 дней назад

    Bro what the price for musang and cappry you eat at the farm

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 5 дней назад

      If not mistaken, RM 65 & RM 48 respectively Bear in mind that time is around May, starting of durian season ya You may contact the orchard owner and ask for the latest price ya🙏

  • @lilywinbox3944
    @lilywinbox3944 6 дней назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 5 дней назад


  • @rinakwok176
    @rinakwok176 6 дней назад


  • @clc4546
    @clc4546 7 дней назад


  • @clc4546
    @clc4546 7 дней назад


  • @rockstarmsia3349
    @rockstarmsia3349 7 дней назад

    I will patronise this coffee shop Is this San Peng

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 7 дней назад

      This is Loke Yew

  • @yewkonglee7666
    @yewkonglee7666 7 дней назад

    The chicken legs Wan Ton Mee is worth savoring. The chicken legs were puffy looking and extra effort is added to make them puffy. Thumbs up to Like Yew area.😅😊🎉

  • @wongying1595
    @wongying1595 7 дней назад


  • @manjusaka04
    @manjusaka04 7 дней назад

    这里是快乐花园为食街!不是oug,oug离这里还有段距离😂 这家不错,虾面很浓不过个人而言有点咸,喜欢laksa,这条街的大排档很多都不错,都可以试试。

    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 7 дней назад


  • @Latukkong
    @Latukkong 7 дней назад 4.13 video time that back alley uncle wipe his saliva and nose drips right at his shirt s collar area .with his bare hands .And with the same hands he served those bowls ? TQ not for me .

  • @clc4546
    @clc4546 8 дней назад


  • @leeheng8166
    @leeheng8166 8 дней назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 7 дней назад


  • @leeheng8166
    @leeheng8166 8 дней назад


    • @Carlslee
      @Carlslee 7 дней назад


  • @leeheng8166
    @leeheng8166 8 дней назад
