Masjid Al-Ikhlas and Cambridge Islamic Centre
Masjid Al-Ikhlas and Cambridge Islamic Centre
  • Видео 764
  • Просмотров 404 886


Young Companions Around The Prophet ﷺ | Talk by Sheikh Abdel Hamid Mahdi
Просмотров 241Месяц назад
Young Companions Around The Prophet ﷺ | Talk by Sheikh Abdel Hamid Mahdi
Sh. Ali Omar - الشيخ علي عمر | Surah Al-Rahman - سورة الرحمن
Просмотров 3272 месяца назад
Sh. Ali Omar - الشيخ علي عمر | Surah Al-Rahman - سورة الرحمن
The World of Angels | Talk by Ustadh Abu Abdul Aziz Ahmed
Просмотров 4952 месяца назад
The World of Angels | Talk by Ustadh Abu Abdul Aziz Ahmed
Ustadh Jamal Abdinasir - أستاذ جمال عبدالناصر | Surah Al-Qamar - سورة القمر | As-Suossi - السوسي
Просмотров 4462 месяца назад
Ustadh Jamal Abdinasir - أستاذ جمال عبدالناصر | Surah Al-Qamar - سورة القمر | As-Suossi - السوسي
Qari Abdul Wahab Tahir - القارئ عبدالوهاب طاهر | Surah Taha - سورة طه
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.2 месяца назад
Qari Abdul Wahab Tahir - القارئ عبدالوهاب طاهر | Surah Taha - سورة طه
Summary of Minhaj As-Sunnah of Shaykhul Islam ibn Taymiyah by Shaykh Suhaib Hasan part 1
Просмотров 1592 месяца назад
Summary of Minhaj As-Sunnah of Shaykhul Islam ibn Taymiyah by Shaykh Suhaib Hasan part 1
Sh. Ahmed Helal - الشيخ أحمد هلال | Surah Al-Ahzab Pt. 2 - سورة الأحزاب
Просмотров 8372 месяца назад
Sh. Ahmed Helal - الشيخ أحمد هلال | Surah Al-Ahzab Pt. 2 - سورة الأحزاب
Ustadh Abu Taymiyyah - أستاذ أبو تيمية | Surah Az-Zumar - سورة زمر | Khalaf 'An Hamzah - خلف عن حمزة
Просмотров 96 тыс.2 месяца назад
Ustadh Abu Taymiyyah - أستاذ أبو تيمية | Surah Az-Zumar - سورة زمر | Khalaf 'An Hamzah - خلف عن حمزة
Ustadh Jamal Abdinasir - أستاذ جمال عبدالناصر | Surah An-Najm - سورة النجم | As-Suossi رواية السوسي
Просмотров 7742 месяца назад
Ustadh Jamal Abdinasir - أستاذ جمال عبدالناصر | Surah An-Najm - سورة النجم | As-Suossi رواية السوسي
Sh. Muhammad Jibreel - الشيخ محمد جبريل | Surah Al-Mu'minun - سورة المؤمنون | Shu'bah - برواية شعبة
Просмотров 5543 месяца назад
Sh. Muhammad Jibreel - الشيخ محمد جبريل | Surah Al-Mu'minun - سورة المؤمنون | Shu'bah - برواية شعبة
Ustadh Jamal Abdinasir - أستاذ جمال عبدالناصر | Surah At-Tur - سورة الطور | As-Suossi - رواية السوسي
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.3 месяца назад
Ustadh Jamal Abdinasir - أستاذ جمال عبدالناصر | Surah At-Tur - سورة الطور | As-Suossi - رواية السوسي
Sh. Ali Omar - الشيخ علي عمر | Surah Al-Ahzab - سورة الأحزاب
Просмотров 5033 месяца назад
Sh. Ali Omar - الشيخ علي عمر | Surah Al-Ahzab - سورة الأحزاب
"The Impact of the Quran" by Shaykh Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
Просмотров 4503 месяца назад
"The Impact of the Quran" by Shaykh Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
Ustadh Abu Taymiyyah - أستاذ أبو تيمية | Guarding against free mixing
Просмотров 26 тыс.3 месяца назад
Ustadh Abu Taymiyyah - أستاذ أبو تيمية | Guarding against free mixing
Sh. Ali Omar - الشيخ علي عمر | Surah As-Sajdah - سورة السجدة
Просмотров 5373 месяца назад
Sh. Ali Omar - الشيخ علي عمر | Surah As-Sajdah - سورة السجدة
Sh. Mo'ath Salem Arab - الشيخ معاذ سالم عرب | Emotional Imitation of Maher Al-Mu'aiqly
Просмотров 7373 месяца назад
Sh. Mo'ath Salem Arab - الشيخ معاذ سالم عرب | Emotional Imitation of Maher Al-Mu'aiqly
Sh. Ahmed Helal - الشيخ أحمد هلال | Surah Maryam - سورة مريم
Просмотров 5833 месяца назад
Sh. Ahmed Helal - الشيخ أحمد هلال | Surah Maryam - سورة مريم
Qari Abdul Wahab Tahir - القارئ عبدالوهاب طاهر | Surah Ash-Shu'ara - سورة الشعراء
Просмотров 7193 месяца назад
Qari Abdul Wahab Tahir - القارئ عبدالوهاب طاهر | Surah Ash-Shu'ara - سورة الشعراء
Interview of Paulius AbdulHakim Bergaudus about his conversion to Islam and Dawah in Cambridge
Просмотров 1103 месяца назад
Interview of Paulius AbdulHakim Bergaudus about his conversion to Islam and Dawah in Cambridge
Reminder by Brother Mahmoud on "The Virtue of Zikr"
Просмотров 1243 месяца назад
Reminder by Brother Mahmoud on "The Virtue of Zikr"
Life and times of Shah Waliyullah by Shaykh Suhaib Hasan (intro of study of Book "Al-Insaf")
Просмотров 2669 месяцев назад
Life and times of Shah Waliyullah by Shaykh Suhaib Hasan (intro of study of Book "Al-Insaf")
How to overcome the Evil of the Evil-Eye - Shaykh Adnan Abdulqadir
Просмотров 7079 месяцев назад
How to overcome the Evil of the Evil-Eye - Shaykh Adnan Abdulqadir
Cambridge Eid ul Adha Khutba 2023 by Sheikh Muhammad Tarawneh
Просмотров 23411 месяцев назад
Cambridge Eid ul Adha Khutba 2023 by Sheikh Muhammad Tarawneh
Recitation of Ustadh Jamal AbdiNasir on the 27th Ramadan (Surah At-Tur to Surah Al-Hadeed)
Просмотров 758Год назад
Recitation of Ustadh Jamal AbdiNasir on the 27th Ramadan (Surah At-Tur to Surah Al-Hadeed)
Short Reminder by Ustadh Jamal AbdiNasir on the 27th Night of Ramadan 2023
Просмотров 141Год назад
Short Reminder by Ustadh Jamal AbdiNasir on the 27th Night of Ramadan 2023
English Speech by Shaykh AbdulHadi Umri on Shaykh Ozair Shams
Просмотров 165Год назад
English Speech by Shaykh AbdulHadi Umri on Shaykh Ozair Shams
Urdu Speech of Shaykh Sharifullah Shahid on Shaykh Ozair Shams, translated in English
Просмотров 119Год назад
Urdu Speech of Shaykh Sharifullah Shahid on Shaykh Ozair Shams, translated in English
English Speech by Shaykh Samiullah Zubairi on Shaykh Ozair Shams
Просмотров 126Год назад
English Speech by Shaykh Samiullah Zubairi on Shaykh Ozair Shams
English Speech of Shaykh Sanaullah Sadiq Taymi on Shaykh Ozair Shams
Просмотров 494Год назад
English Speech of Shaykh Sanaullah Sadiq Taymi on Shaykh Ozair Shams


  • @Me.8866
    @Me.8866 День назад

    { الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُم بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ۗ أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ} ♥︎. - استغفِرُالله. -سبحان الله. -الحمدلله و الشكر لله. -اللهم صلي و سلم على نبينا محمد. - سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم. - اللهم اعني على ذكرك وشكرك وحسن عبادتك. - اللهم آتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار . - اللهم اني أعوذ بك من البرص والجنون والجذام ومن سيء الأسقام . -اللهم إني أستغفرك لكل ذنب يعقب الحسرة، ويورث الندامة ويحبس الرزق ويرد الدعاء، اللهم إني أستغفرك من كل ذنب تبت منه ثم عدت إليه .

  • @Me.8866
    @Me.8866 День назад

    كثرةُ الصَّلاةِ على النَّبِيِّ تستجلب المُسَرَّة وتذهب الشقاء. أكثروا من الصلاة على النبي ، و إن شِئْت في الدارين أن تُسعد فأكثر من الصلاة على النبي محمد عليه افضل الصلاه و السلام ♥︎ اللهم صلي و سلم على محمد ♥︎ 𓂃 𓂃

  • @Me.8866
    @Me.8866 День назад

    《 اللهم اغفر لي ذنبي كله دقه و اجله علانيته و سره مَا عَلِمْتُ مَنْهُ وَ مَا لَمْ أَعْلَمْ 》 اللهم اغفر لي كل الذنوب التي تقف بيني و بين توفيقي و سعادتي و رزقي و رضاك عني يارب العالمين ياحي ياقيوم ياذا الجلالِ و الإكرام يارب يامن بيده ملكوت كل شيء ووسعت رحمته العالمين .

  • @Me.8866
    @Me.8866 День назад

    نصيحه لوجه الله لاتضعوا صور نساء حقيقيات مهما كانت حالاتهم لايجوز نشر صور النساء ذنوب جاريه عليكم ، و ابحث/ي ان لم تصدق/ي كلامي ولتتأكد/ي بنفسك و ابحثو بدين اكثر لتعرفو اسباب حكمه ، الأغاني يجماعه كل من يسمع اغنيه نشرتها بتخذ ذنب ، ذنوب جاريه عليكم احذروها و الحرام في الاغاني المعازف ، الحديث الذي جاء{ لَيكونَنَّ من أمَّتِي أقوامٌ، يَستحِلُّون الحِرَ والحريرَ، والخمرَ والمعازفَ } فإحذرو فإن كنت/ي مسلم/ه هذه نصيحه لوجه الله وواجب علي الأمر بلمعروف والنهي عن المنكر ، ترك ماتحبه ثقيل عليك ولكن ثقيل بميزانك استغفُِرالله《 اللهم اغفر لي ذنبي كله دقه و اجله علانيته و سره مَا عَلِمْتُ مَنْهُ وَ مَا لَمْ أَعْلَمْ 》.

  • @Me.8866
    @Me.8866 День назад

    من قال حين يأوي الى فراشه "لا إله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير، لاحول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم سبحان الله والحمد لله، ولا إله إلا الله، والله أكبر" ، غُفرت له كل ذنوبه وخطاياه وإن كانت مثل زبد البحر

  • @Me.8866
    @Me.8866 День назад

    《مَن أصابه كرب》 《لا اله الا الله العظيم الحليم ، لا اله الا الله رب العرش العظيم ، لا اله الا الله رب السماوات و رب الارض و رب العرش الكريم 》 - اللهم صلي و سلم على نبينا محمد كثرةُ الصَّلاةِ على النَّبِيِّ تستجلب المُسَرَّة وتذهب الشقاء. أكثروا من الصلاة على النبي ، و إن شِئْت في الدارين أن تُسعد فأكثر من الصلاة على النبي محمد عليه افضل الصلاه و السلام اللهم صلي و سلم على محمد .

  • @user-pp5gq9zo2x
    @user-pp5gq9zo2x 3 дня назад

    السلام عليكم حاول أن لا تحرك رأسك أثناء القراءة أخي الكريم بارك الله فيك

  • @palestine4917
    @palestine4917 4 дня назад

    From Palestine, Gaza City call from Gaza from the midst of war death, hunger, destruction and pain. To the lovers of goodness, a kind greeting to every Muslim from a Palestinian mother from Gaza. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “We will never diminish the money you have given in charity.” narrated by Muslim ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"""""""""""""""""""💔 """"""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""" """" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "'" ""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''🤲 I have four orphan children, and we are in the midst of a war of extermination, displacement, hunger, pain, wounds, and deprivation. They were martyred in this war. My family and now I'm alone without a father. Today, I make this appeal to you from among the rubble and destruction, my brothers. I live under difficult circumstances, an unjust siege, and a blind war that destroyed my city in which I live, and my home that houses my children’s dreams. Today, I found myself living on top of the ruins of my home in a tent no more than a few meters long, with me and my four children. This is a very difficult thing that no human being can bear. I live in very difficult conditions without food, water, and flour due to the siege, and we drink water. Polluted due to lack of money and my children’s fear of war, and now I am asking for help and assistance in order to restore the smile of life to my children, and I am in dire need of your contribution in order to rebuild my house that was demolished, and I ask (WhatsApp me to donate 00970592511969)I wrote to you these short words that do not express a little of the pain and wounds that we are experiencing in Gaza, and I write these words to you while tears do not leave my eyes from the pain and cruelty of life. I hope that you will be supporters of my cause in all parts of the world and the ugliness of the injustice that we live in every day, but every minute. We lose loved ones every day. And do not forget the difficulty of life in a small tent that does not exceed a few meters. God was a protector for us from the heat of summer and the cold of winter in the tent, and today all my dreams are to drink a drop of cold, clean water in the summer and feed my children. Praise be to God in any case, this is God’s command. Note: I have a child who is sick in the eye, and he is forbidden by the doctor’s prescription from high heat and sunlight. How can he be in a very hot tent? Therefore, I ask you to help me in maintaining my house. "" "" *"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""“""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" _________♡♡__&»»»»»»» ♕♕♕###؛؛:: "**"؟!!؛؛'*'::-::؛--___" "" "" "" "" "💔💔🎉🎉 يارب قد دقت الدنيا بنا وانت ارحم الراحمين نداء من فلسطين من وسط الحرب والموت والجوع والدمار والم ارجو من كل إنسان ان يقرأ ندائي بتأمل وان يضع نفسه في نفس الالم. الى من يحب فعل الخير ويحب الصدقة هذا الطريقه الوحيده الذي يمكن ان يصل صوتي لكم ان شاءالله وارجو منكم المسامحة على الازعاج تحيه طيبه الى كل مسلم من أم فلسطينية من غزة وقال النبي صل الله عليه وسلم (ما نقص مال من صدقه) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''🤲 انا عندي اربع طفال ايتام ونحن فى ظل حرب الاباده والتهجير والتجويع والالم والجراح والحرمان لقد استشهدوا في هذا الحرب اسرتي وانا الان وحيدة بلا اب واليوم ارسل ندائي هذا من بين الركام والدمار لكم يا إخوتي انا اعيش في ظل ظروف صعبة و حصار ظالم وحرب عمياء ولقد دمرت مدينتي التي اعيش فيها و دمر بيتي الذي يؤوي احلام اطفالي واليوم لقد وجدت نفسي اعيش فوق ركام بيتي في خيمه لا تتجاوز عدت امتار انا واطفالي الاربعه هذا امر صعب جداً لا يتحمله إنسان واعيش ظروف صعبه جداً بدون طعام وماء و طحين بسبب الحصار ونشرب الماء الملوث بسبب قلت الاموال وخوف اطفالي من الحرب والان اطلب يد العون والمساعدة لكي اعيد بسمة الحياة الي اطفالي وانا في امس الحاجه الي المساهمه لكي اعيد بناء بيتي الذي هدم و ارجو منكم المساهمة كتبت لكم هذي الكلمات القصيرة التي لا تعبر الى القليل من الالم والجراح الذي نعيشه فى غزة واكتب لكم كلماتي هذه والدموع لا تفارق عيني من الالم وقسوة الحياة ارجو منكم ان تكونو مناصرين إلى قضيتي في جميع انحاء العالم وقبح الظلم الذي نعيشه في كل يوم بل كل دقيقه ونحن نفقد الاحبه كل يوم. ولا تنسو صعوبة الحياة في خيمة صغيرة لا تتعدى بعض الامتار كان الله لنا معين من حم الصيف والبرد الشتاء فى الخيمة واليوم كل احلامي ان اشرب نقطة ماء باردة ونظيفه في الصيف وطعام اطفالي. الحمدلله على كل حال هذا امر الله. ملاحظه يوجد عندي طفل مريض في العين وهوا ممنوع بوصف الطبيب من الحراره العاليه و اشعة الشمس فكيف يكون في خيمة شديدة الحرارة لذلك ارجو منكم ان تكونو لي عون في صيانة بيتي والحمدلله حمد الشاكرين ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

  • @Suzelle
    @Suzelle 6 дней назад

    Are both Khaddejah (ra) and Aiysha (ra) both classed as 'Mothrer of the Believers?' ty

  • @A-Muslim-girl-from-Yemen
    @A-Muslim-girl-from-Yemen 7 дней назад

    am your sister from Yemen, and by Allah I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my brothers, and I lessons and tears. We are in a situation that only God knows about. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who brought us to this situation. By Allah Almighty, I did not write this appeal out of distress and distress. Poverty, O world, they have felt it So, I hope for you. By Allah Almighty, Lord of the Great Throne, he ate what I had in the house. By Allah, my brothers, he is my brothers by sitting in the house. Who has no food? By God, we are in a very difficult situation. We have 4 people entering the house, and my father has died, and there is no one who can depend on us and who lives in it.We live in a rented house because we cannot pay the rent we owe. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' My brother, my first words are: I swear to God that I will not lie to you or deceive you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced from the war. My family and I live in a rented house in Al-Shahrab 20,000 Yemenis amongs, and now we owe 60,000 for 3 months. The owner of the house is one of the people who does not have mercy, by God, my brother. He comes every day, insulting us, talking about us, and moving from the house to the street because we were unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and came back.They came back to talk to the neighbors and we were given the weekend. So we made him swear by God. He will take us out into the street. Have mercy on him and us. Our country is due to this war and we do not find food for our day, and my brothers and I live in a difficult life. Our father died, this world who was with us in these harsh circumstances. My younger brothers went out into the street and saw...The neighbors eat and stand at their door in order to give them bread even if they break it. By God, to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, they closed the door and expelled them and came back crying. They are dying of hunger. No one has mercy on them and a holiday is returned. I have made a living, and now if us helps us with a kilo of flour, I swear to God, I am dying of hunger. My brother, I am an alien to God. Then, I ask you to help me for the sake of God. I ask you, by God, to love goodness and to help me, even if you can, by messaging me on WhatsApp.On this number 00967716649494 and ask for the name of my card and send it and do not be late and may God reward you with all the best, my brothers Sagar, see how they are and help us and save us before they throw us out in the street, you will be lost or we will die of hunger. My family and I ask you, by God, if you are able to help us, do not be late and may God reward you well..`/--~~««............><<_>_<..<.<.>..............↑Π;√\√\;|\°|°\°|\|°\\√|√\

  • @A-Muslim-girl-from-Yemen
    @A-Muslim-girl-from-Yemen 8 дней назад

    I am your sister from Yemen, and by Allah I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my brothers, and I lessons and tears. We are in a situation that only God knows about. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who brought us to this situation. By Allah Almighty, I did not write this appeal out of distress and distress. Poverty, O world, they have felt it So, I hope for you. By Allah Almighty, Lord of the Great Throne, he ate what I had in the house. By Allah, my brothers, he is my brothers by sitting in the house. Who has no food? By God, we are in a very difficult situation. We have 4 people entering the house, and my father has died, and there is no one who can depend on us and who lives in it.We live in a rented house because we cannot pay the rent we owe. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' My brother, my first words are: I swear to God that I will not lie to you or deceive you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced from the war. My family and I live in a rented house in Al-Shahrab 20,000 Yemenis among us, and now we owe 60,000 for 3 months. The owner of the house is one of the people who does not have mercy, by God, my brother. He comes every day, insulting us, talking about us, and moving from the house to the street because we were unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and came back.They came back to talk to the neighbors and we were given the weekend. So we made him swear by God. He will take us out into the street. Have mercy on him and us. Our country is due to this war and we do not find food for our day, and my brothers and I live in a difficult life. Our father died, may God have mercy on him, and we have no one in this world who was with us in these harsh circumstances. My younger brothers went out into the street and saw...The neighbors eat and stand at their door in order to give them bread even if they break it. By God, to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, they closed the door and expelled them and came back crying. They are dying of hunger. No one has mercy on them and a holiday is returned. I have made a living, and now if one of us helps us with a kilo of flour, I swear to God, I am dying of hunger. My brother, I am an alien to God. Then, I ask you to help me for the sake of God. I ask you, by God, to love goodness and to help me, even if you can, by messaging me on WhatsApp.On this number 00967716649494 and ask for the name of my card and send it and do not be late and may God reward you with all the best, my brothers Sagar, see how they are and help us and save us before they throw us out in the street, you will be lost or we will die of hunger. My family and I ask you, by God, if you are able to help us, do not be late and may God reward you well..`/--~«««~-♡~♡~♡~~•~•~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡♡♡~~~: ~:~¡~¡~¡~;I.i.i.i.i.i. i.I.|-◖˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛''''''''''''''''''''''''˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛..;;،،::..;;،،::..;;،،::..;;،،::..;;،،::..;;،،::..;;،،::..;;،،::..;;،،::..;;،،:

  • @user-bi5yj8wo7x
    @user-bi5yj8wo7x 12 дней назад

    Salam aaleykoum

  • @samsunmustermann5640
    @samsunmustermann5640 13 дней назад


  • @liacatlovers5463
    @liacatlovers5463 17 дней назад


  • @user-kp9tu2li6z
    @user-kp9tu2li6z 17 дней назад

    surah fatiha is wrong whats the reason

      @ABDULKABIRQURESHI-xo9jx 17 дней назад

      hes using different narration so some words are different in pronounciation.

    • @ibra1334
      @ibra1334 17 дней назад

      Its not wrong theres 7 ways to read the quran this one of them

  • @A-fx3eq
    @A-fx3eq 19 дней назад

    لااله الاالله محمد رسول الله

  • @MrMr-vo2cx
    @MrMr-vo2cx 21 день назад

    good khutbah

  • @YnsCher-je7wo
    @YnsCher-je7wo 22 дня назад

    صدق الله العظيم وبلغ رسوله الكريم وانا على ذلك لمن الشاهدين ❤ من أحب القراءات لقبي

  • @user-lp4me6mn2e
    @user-lp4me6mn2e 23 дня назад

    من اي بلد الشيخ ؟

  • @ubaidmakba
    @ubaidmakba 24 дня назад

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  • @Hellohello-gx3bx
    @Hellohello-gx3bx 24 дня назад

    33x subanAllah 33x Allahuakbar 33x Alhamdullilah 33x la illaha illAllah Please pray to the lord of all Worlds ALLAH ALLAH ALLAH subana'taala for the familys the children the eldery and all others in gaza and palestine!!!!!!! Copy the text

  • @Hellohello-gx3bx
    @Hellohello-gx3bx 24 дня назад

    33x subanAllah 33x Allahuakbar 33x Alhamdullilah 33x la illaha illAllah Please pray to the lord of all Worlds ALLAH ALLAH ALLAH subana'taala for the familys the children the eldery and all others in gaza and palestine!!!!!!! Copy the text

  • @ibnabdal-khaliq8041
    @ibnabdal-khaliq8041 25 дней назад

    The most humble student of knowledge I have ever come across. May Allah preserve him.

  • @thesabeelable
    @thesabeelable 26 дней назад

    ما شاء الله

  • @muhammadabidmakba
    @muhammadabidmakba 26 дней назад

    بَارَكَ اللهُ فِيْكُم

  • @muhammadabidmakba
    @muhammadabidmakba 26 дней назад

    جَزَاكُم اللّهُ خَيراً

  • @muhammadabidmakba
    @muhammadabidmakba 26 дней назад

    بَارَكَ اللهُ فِيْكُم

  • @muhammadabidmakba
    @muhammadabidmakba 26 дней назад

    جَزَاكُم اللّهُ خَيراً

  • @muhammadabidmakba
    @muhammadabidmakba 26 дней назад

    Beautiful recitation. بَارَكَ اللهُ فِيْه

  • @blostgheu3476
    @blostgheu3476 27 дней назад

  • @waleedalam1917
    @waleedalam1917 27 дней назад

    ماشاء اللہ A different and simple tilawat بارك الله فيك

  • @khalidalostora5723
    @khalidalostora5723 28 дней назад

    صدق الله العظيم

  • @LazyLaw-
    @LazyLaw- 28 дней назад

    He recites like Abu bakr al-shatri mashallah

  • @Allah-My-Lord2
    @Allah-My-Lord2 28 дней назад

    I am your sister from Yemen, and by Allah I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my brothers, and I lessons and tears. We are in a situation that only God knows about. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who brought us to this situation. By Allah Almighty, I did not write this appeal out of distress and distress. Poverty, O world, they have felt it So, I hope for you. By Allah Almighty, Lord of the Great Throne, he ate what I had in the house. By Allah, my brothers, he is my brothers by sitting in the house. Who has no food? By God, we are in a very difficult situation. We have 4 people entering the house, and my father has died, and there is no one who can depend on us and who lives in it.We live in a rented house because we cannot pay the rent we owe. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' My brother, my first words are: I swear to God that I will not lie to you or deceive you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced from the war. My family and I live in a rented house in Al-Shahrab 20,000 Yemenis among us, and now we owe 60,000 for 3 months. The owner of the house is one of the people who does not have mercy, by God, my brother. He comes every day, insulting us, talking about us, and moving from the house to the street because we were unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and came back.They came back to talk to the neighbors and we were given the weekend. So we made him swear by God. He will take us out into the street. Have mercy on him and us. Our country is due to this war and we do not find food for our day, and my brothers and I live in a difficult life. Our father died, may God have mercy on him, and we have no one in this world who was with us in these harsh circumstances. My younger brothers went out into the street and saw...The neighbors eat and stand at their door in order to give them bread even if they break it. By God, to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, they closed the door and expelled them and came back crying. They are dying of hunger. No one has mercy on them and a holiday is returned. I have made a living, and now if one of us helps us with a kilo of flour, I swear to God, I am dying of hunger. My brother, I am an alien to God. Then, I ask you to help me for the sake of God. I ask you, by God, to love goodness and to help me, even if you can, by messaging me on WhatsApp.On this number 00967716649494 and ask for the name of my card and send it and do not be late and may God reward you with all the best, my brothers Sagar, see how they are and help us and save us before they throw us out in the street, you will be lost or we will die of hunger. My family and I ask you, by God, if you are able to help us, do not be late and may God reward you well..`/--~««,”Π|,”Π|,”Π|,”Π|,”Π|,”Π|,”Π|,”Π|,”Π|,”Π|,”Π|,”Π|,”Π|,”Π|~:~¡~¡~¡~;I.i.i.i.i.i. i.I.|-◖-',`-',`-',`-',`-',`-',`-',`-',`-',`-',`-',`˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛▪︎<¡،`▪︎<\°^\\^^<<_

  • @azadmohammed5060
    @azadmohammed5060 28 дней назад


  • @ifrah234
    @ifrah234 28 дней назад


  • @ifrah234
    @ifrah234 28 дней назад


  • @ifrah234
    @ifrah234 28 дней назад


  • @ifrah234
    @ifrah234 28 дней назад


  • @ifrah234
    @ifrah234 28 дней назад


  • @ifrah234
    @ifrah234 28 дней назад


  • @ifrah234
    @ifrah234 28 дней назад


  • @ifrah234
    @ifrah234 28 дней назад


  • @ifrah234
    @ifrah234 28 дней назад


  • @user-qz8ec4si8p
    @user-qz8ec4si8p 28 дней назад


  • @mmabuelmagd
    @mmabuelmagd 29 дней назад

    May Allah swt reward you sheikh Abdelhamid

  • @masjidikhlas
    @masjidikhlas 29 дней назад

    Surah Al-An'am Ayah 125 to 127 in Riwaya Hafs 'An Asim at Masjid Al-Ikhlas in Cambridge, UK.

    • @adnanbinabdullah7837
      @adnanbinabdullah7837 28 дней назад

      He is also Imam of Dereham Mosque in Norwich. He has a really wonderful voice Ma Shaa Allah

  • @masjidikhlas
    @masjidikhlas 29 дней назад

    Surah Al-An'am Ayah 125 to 131 in Riwaya Hafs 'An Asim at Masjid Al-Ikhlas in Cambridge, UK. Donate to the Masjid at

  • @ahmedalajlony2610
    @ahmedalajlony2610 Месяц назад

    جزاك الله كل خير Well organised, you've just turned our blind eye to this point which we are trying to ignore.

  • @CineRanter
    @CineRanter Месяц назад

    Some very intelligent young men in the audience of this lecture! MashAllah