Nancy K.
Nancy K.
  • Видео 132
  • Просмотров 169 645


조나리사이틀 11/24/2024
Просмотров 1514 дней назад
조나리사이틀 11/24/2024
Sprit mountain casino seafood buffet Reopen(스프릿마운틴카지노부페재오픈)#fresh crab #fresh oyster #grand ronde,OR
Просмотров 532 месяца назад
Sprit mountain casino seafood buffet Reopen(스프릿마운틴카지노부페재오픈)#fresh crab #fresh oyster #grand ronde,OR
Mexican traditional fork dance(멕시코 전통민속춤)#bailando folclorico#bailables folcloricos#라틴아메리카전통춤#cultur
Просмотров 413 месяца назад
1멕시코 전통춤 2.민속무용. 3.bailando folclorico 4.bailable folcloricos 5라틴아메리카 전통춤( Latin America traditional dance) 6문화 예술( culture art) 7춤 공연(dance performance)
안정적인은퇴를위한 자금예측과투자전략(retirement planninga and investment;insight from retiree#은퇴자금예측#은퇴준비#예상수명#은퇴자금투자
Просмотров 395 месяцев назад
안정적인은퇴를위한 자금예측과투자전략(retirement planninga and investment;insight from retiree#은퇴자금예측#은퇴준비#예상수명#은퇴자금투자
2024 kindergarten graduation at capital christine school Salem,OR(크리스챤학교유치원졸업)#유치원졸업식 #graduation
Просмотров 286 месяцев назад
2024 kindergarten graduation at capital christine school Salem,OR(크리스챤학교유치원졸업)#유치원졸업식 #graduation
역사속으로 의 드라이브:클래식카쇼(cascade high school classic car show)##수집 자동차 동호회#클래식카#auto show#old timer car
Просмотров 1496 месяцев назад
역사속으로 의 드라이브:클래식카쇼(cascade high school classic car show) 수집 자동차 동호회#클래식카#auto show#old timer car
은퇴자가 전하는삶의지혜;6가지조언(wisdom from retiree;6essential Tip)#은퇴준비#은퇴계획#건강유지#은퇴자금마련은퇴
Просмотров 3886 месяцев назад
은퇴자가 전하는삶의지혜;6가지조언(wisdom from retiree;6essential Tip)#은퇴준비#은퇴계획#건강유지#은퇴자금마련은퇴
Kindergarten basketball game (유치원생들의즐거운농구게임)#YMCA kids basketball game #유치원생들농구시합#sporteducation
Просмотров 339 месяцев назад
Kindergarten basketball game (유치원생들의즐거운농구게임)#YMCA kids basketball game #유치원생들농구시합#sporteducation
크리스마스 어린이 율동(Christmas children’s cute dance)#징글벨# jingle bells #크리스마스#성탄절#christmas#carol#캐롤
Просмотров 5611 месяцев назад
크리스마스 어린이 율동(Christmas children’s cute dance)#징글벨# jingle bells #크리스마스#성탄절#christmas#carol#캐롤
Magic Christmas lights (크리스마스전구장식)#festiveglow#sparkle#happy#크리스마스트리
Просмотров 4711 месяцев назад
Magic Christmas lights (크리스마스전구장식)#festiveglow#sparkle#happy#크리스마스트리
Turner christian church kids carol service(터너크리스챤교회어린이성탄예배)#크리스마스#carol#kids#성탄절#joy#어린이#christmas
Просмотров 4911 месяцев назад
Turner christian church kids carol service(터너크리스챤교회어린이성탄예배)#크리스마스#carol#kids#성탄절#joy#어린이#christmas
고추나무가지치기와겨울나기(overwintering korean hot pepper)#고추나무가지치기#korean pepper#Garden#식물겨울나기#원예
Просмотров 190Год назад
고추나무가지치기와겨울나기(overwintering korean hot pepper)#고추나무가지치기#korean pepper#Garden#식물겨울나기#원예
유산균당근피클만들기(Lacto fermented genger carrot)#super sweet probiotic food#easy to make
Просмотров 1 тыс.Год назад
유산균당근피클만들기(Lacto fermented genger carrot)#super sweet probiotic food#easy to make
Columbia River gorge national scenic (콜럼비아강 협곡 드라이브)#portland #oregon state #포트랜드#오레곤#자동차여행#멀티노마폭포
Просмотров 41Год назад
Columbia River gorge national scenic (콜럼비아강 협곡 드라이브)#portland #oregon state #포트랜드#오레곤#자동차여행#멀티노마폭포
Lego brick fest 2023 Hillsboro,OR(레고블럭페스티벌)#brick fest #lego#레고블럭
Просмотров 72Год назад
Lego brick fest 2023 Hillsboro,OR(레고블럭페스티벌)#brick fest #lego#레고블럭
Aumsville 55th annual corn festival 8/19/2023#hot butteredcorn #free corn#parade#good place to live
Просмотров 79Год назад
Aumsville 55th annual corn festival 8/19/2023#hot butteredcorn #free corn#parade#good place to live
자연산미역채취하기및채취시주의점(how to be cautious when havesting sea vegetables)
Просмотров 76Год назад
자연산미역채취하기및채취시주의점(how to be cautious when havesting sea vegetables)
터너크리스찬교회여름성경학교(turner Christian church vacation bible school )#vacation bible school
Просмотров 131Год назад
터너크리스찬교회여름성경학교(turner Christian church vacation bible school )#vacation bible school
또먹고싶은라면(dungeness 🦀 with ramen noodle)#crab#게손질#게탕라면#게장
Просмотров 313Год назад
또먹고싶은라면(dungeness 🦀 with ramen noodle)#crab#게손질#게탕라면#게장
초간단 커피크리머만들기(only 2 ingredients making coffee creamer)#건강 커피크림#커피 믹스# coffeelover#Coffee cream
Просмотров 649Год назад
초간단 커피크리머만들기(only 2 ingredients making coffee creamer)#건강 커피크림#커피 믹스# coffeelover#Coffee cream
미국 편의점 상품쑈( convenience store trade the show by haborwholesale)#과자,약품,육포,커피,담배 등등
Просмотров 159Год назад
미국 편의점 상품쑈( convenience store trade the show by haborwholesale)#과자,약품,육포,커피,담배 등등
1가지재료로10분만에버터만들기(make butter with just 1 ingredients in 10 min)#home madebutter#수제버터#생크림#supereasy
Просмотров 236Год назад
1가지재료로10분만에버터만들기(make butter with just 1 ingredients in 10 min)#home madebutter#수제버터#생크림#supereasy
감기 예방을 위한 민간요법(ancient home remedy against cold&cough#cold&cough#homeremedy
Просмотров 63Год назад
감기 예방을 위한 민간요법(ancient home remedy against cold&cough#cold&cough#homeremedy
겉보리가루로생크림케익만들기(easy to bake hullbarley cake)#겉보리케익#낯은혈당지수케익#hullbarelycake#low G.I index cake
Просмотров 117Год назад
겉보리가루로생크림케익만들기(easy to bake hullbarley cake)#겉보리케익#낯은혈당지수케익#hullbarelycake#low G.I index cake
집에서고추가루만들기(super easy make hotpepper powder at home)#koreanpepper#greenpepper#텃밭#청양고추대용# kimch
Просмотров 250Год назад
집에서고추가루만들기(super easy make hotpepper powder at home)#koreanpepper#greenpepper#텃밭#청양고추대용# kimch
Jonah’s 5th birthday friend helped opening gift(조나의 다섯번째 생일에 선물 친구와 같이 열기)#happybirthday#cake#어린이생일
Просмотров 902 года назад
Jonah’s 5th birthday friend helped opening gift(조나의 다섯번째 생일에 선물 친구와 같이 열기)#happybirthday#cake#어린이생일
그녀들의수다(미국동포의한국과미국주부비교(life of Korean / American house wife
Просмотров 832 года назад
그녀들의수다(미국동포의한국과미국주부비교(life of Korean / American house wife
Halloween decorations (할로윈 장식)#short
Просмотров 722 года назад
Halloween decorations (할로윈 장식)#short
미국호박밭구경하기(pumpkin patch family field trip)# 할로윈#pumpkinpatch
Просмотров 1032 года назад
미국호박밭구경하기(pumpkin patch family field trip)# 할로윈#pumpkinpatch