- Видео 99
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Добавлен 5 сен 2023
In a midnight call, doctor Leonel Sherard falls for impoverished student Mira Lark
#短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總
#chinesedrama #romanticstory #comedy #engsub #lovestory
#短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總
#chinesedrama #romanticstory #comedy #engsub #lovestory
Просмотров: 582
After my husband forced me to kneel down to his lover's dog, I got a billion-dollar inheritance
Просмотров 3532 часа назад
结婚三十年,周月香 劳 怨地照顾家里,五十岁生日这天,周月香被逼着和丈夫情人的狗一起庆生,被要求给狗下跪。周月香忍无可忍地提出离婚。离家后,周月香却意外地收到了二叔留给她的百亿遗产。 #短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總 #chinesedrama #romanticstory #comedy #engsub #lovestory
Waking in the modern era, she's a rich man's wife who, haunted by her past, contemplates divorce
Просмотров 3204 часа назад
陆瑶是大夏王朝太子妃,皇子战云 谋权篡位,杀了皇上,太子战云霆在战斗中为了保护陆瑶被杀,陆瑶随之自杀。再次醒来后,陆瑶穿越到了现代,成为了顶级富豪云霆的妻子,但因为原身的种种恶劣行为,云霆要和陆瑶离婚。陆瑶为了再续前缘,决定好好在现代生活,并把自己天工师的手艺发扬光大,好不再成为云霆的拖累。 #短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總 #chinesedrama #romanticstory #comedy #engsub #lovestory
I went back to the past,this time, i won't let anyone take my child away
Просмотров 6 тыс.7 часов назад
前世我即使成为了亿万女总裁,仍然牵挂着我的孩子!没想到发生意外,我竟然重生回到过去!这一世我不会让 何人夺走她,我要发家致富养崽崽! #短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總 #chinesedrama #romanticstory #comedy #engsub #lovestory
As an eminent figure, she returns to her stepfather's home, no longer the person they once bullied
Просмотров 6799 часов назад
故事围绕着主人公沈念展开,她年幼时父亲离世,随后与母亲郭晓梅一同进入刘家生活,却在那里遭遇了来自刘家两兄弟的无情对待和诸多辛酸。机缘巧合之下,沈念的才华被顾氏集团慧眼识中,集团不仅出资助她一臂之力,还安排她远赴海外深造。岁月流转,五年光景匆匆过去,二十七岁的沈念以全新的姿态回归江城,此时的她已蜕变成为这座城市的风云人物,备受瞩目。 #短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總 #chinesedrama #romanticstory #comedy #engsub #lovestory
The CEO's wife takes a job in a small firm to prove her worth, only to face deceit and bullying
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.12 часов назад
苏乔小时候被故意掉包,导致父母养大了假千金苏贻柔。 而苏乔凭着自己的聪明才智,高中时被保送国外名校,毕业后创立了顶奢珠宝品牌,是国外著名珠宝设计师。遇到霍云修后,两人一见钟情,婚后一年在国外生下女儿霍婷。 归国后,苏乔为了孩子暂停事业,却被婆婆高美珠以为是混吃等死的家庭主妇,两人打赌,苏乔才决定去小公司从基层开始打工证明自己。 只因宠妻狂魔霍云修的一句关照,导致小公司的人事误将苏乔的初中同学周美舒当做了总裁夫人,无下限的巴结讨好,周美舒则不仅冤枉苏乔小学偷盗被苏乔开除,还联合公司的主管、同事一起对苏乔进行职场霸凌。 苏乔从容面对,还凭着专业能力揭穿周美舒买假的贵族陶瓷杯,没能力签单,买不起真品等,恼羞成怒的周美舒让她的债主帮忙解决苏乔才能赚到钱,合谋了绑架一事。 最后在小公司的年度表彰会上,霍云修直接宣布了苏乔的总裁夫人身份,让周美舒和一众势利眼的主管和同事被开除通报... #短劇 ...
They had a one night stand five years ago and now, unexpectedly, they have become roommates
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.14 часов назад
夏晚晚送外卖时偶遇逃婚男主陆闻殊,还敲诈了他一笔。之后陆闻殊误闯入夏晚晚家,两人成为室友却不知对方身份。而陆闻殊要寻找五年前发生过关系的人正是夏晚晚。他们历经各种巧合与误会,最终相认…… #短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總 #chinesedrama #romanticstory #comedy #engsub #lovestory
Mountain ascetic-raised Echo Sholl marries the sick Gyles Jarveis to avert disaster.
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.16 часов назад
被夏家借运后遗落在山上的不灵被无缺道人收养、修炼有成后,为了历劫,下山寻找命定之人江弦成婚;恰逢此时的江弦病入膏肓,并面临胞弟江澈篡位之危,关键时刻不灵出现与其闪婚,并驱除威胁江弦性命的煞气,这才暂时将危机化解。 夏家人和江弦不甘,故而再次联手屡屡发难,却被不灵、不悔和江弦联手挫败阴谋,夏家更是因为向不灵借运带来的反噬支离破碎;夏家崩解后,夏梦舒在神秘人的支持下伪装成不灵的样子招摇撞骗欲要拆散不灵和江弦,更是将不灵抓住侮辱,但不料此举惹怒了视不灵为逆鳞的师姐,最终师姐出手,夏梦舒惨死。 很快,不灵和江弦命劫同至,众人设计抓获这一切背后的主使者-天缺道人,然而就在大家以为一切平息时,江澈忽然出现刺杀江弦,不灵为救江弦命悬一线,最终两人相互救赎,脱离险境。 #短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總 #chinesedrama #romanticstory ...
A high school senior kindly escorts an elderly person home, only to unexpectedly step into an abyss
Просмотров 62419 часов назад
雷婷和雷万钧本是对普通夫妻,不料因高三女儿雷雅被大人物抓走,而卷入一起拐卖人口,贩卖器官的恶性组织中,原是大人物需要雷雅的肾脏骨髓救助自己小儿子。二人利用万钧前特种部队有人的势力,一路探踪迹,查线索,寻子追凶。 #短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總 #chinesedrama #romanticstory #comedy #engsub #lovestory
In her relentless pursuit to marry the emperor, she unknowingly mistreated his mother......
Просмотров 63321 час назад
两年前,身为皇后的谢婉卿因从荒淫无度的老皇帝手中救下儿子楚珩险些丧命,并紧急前往苗疆医伤治病,在苗疆的日子中学得一身神医医术。两年后,谢婉卿以大商太后身份重返皇宫,参加皇帝楚珩的封后大典。阴差阳错之下,准皇后曹宝儿误以为谢婉卿是勾引皇帝楚珩的狐媚子,于是对其百般羞辱,伤害。直到楚珩来到大典,一切才终于真相大白…… #短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總 #chinesedrama #romanticstory #comedy #engsub #lovestory
She had a one-night stand with CEO. Discovering her pregnancy, He offered to take responsibility
Просмотров 2 тыс.День назад
姜时雨从小父母双亡被姑姑一家收养,姑姑一家却一直想把父亲留下来的花店据为己有,所以打算把她卖给傻子换一笔彩礼钱,被下药的姜时雨却阴差阳错和季氏总裁季凌寒发生了一夜情。事后姜时雨发现自己怀孕了,而季凌寒也在寻找她想要对她负责。二人经历了重重阻碍,最终发现彼此的真心,走向幸福的旅程。 #短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總 #chinesedrama #romanticstory #comedy #engsub #lovestory
To foster romance with the male protagonist, she secretly works as his assistant at his firm
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.День назад
真假千金错换20年,导致傅小北在简家长大。20年后,简家得知抱错真相认回亲生女儿简思羽,并毫不留情的把傅小北逐出家门。傅小北回归“一贫如洗”的傅家,但她和简思羽都不知道的是,傅家真实身份是北城首富。 傅小北回归傅家后,一脑门子想着挣钱改善家里生活条件,开始摆摊卖咖啡,父母和三个哥哥一直在背后帮助她,尤其是养子三哥,更是在相处的过程中对傅小北有了不一样的情愫。当傅家看到傅小北并不是像简思羽一样嫌贫爱富后,也决定对其公开北城首富的情况。 而另一面,北城韩家继承人兼青年企业家韩二少一直在寻找他的救命恩人,得知救命恩人是简家小姐后立马上门提亲,从而认识了刚刚回归简家的简思羽。但当韩二少与在街边摆摊的傅小北相识后却对傅小北有一种很熟悉的感觉,也开始怀疑当年救命恩人到底是谁,开始通过一系列线索寻找真相。 就这样,同时对傅小北动心的傅家三哥和韩二少开始了一场明里暗里的较量,同时,简思羽在从中作梗,...
Hiding her CEO status, two years into marriage she discovers her husband's affair with a new intern
Просмотров 16 тыс.День назад
婚后两年,我发现贺铭出轨了新来的实习生。小姑娘得意又倔强地朝我扬起下巴。“姐姐,我和你不一样,我爱的是贺铭这个人。” 我看着她身上几年工资都买不起的裙子嗤笑一声。 #短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總 #chinesedrama #romanticstory #comedy #engsub #lovestory
After being betrayed by husband, she discovers her long-lost father is the wealthiest man in town
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.День назад
曾经抛弃了自己和母亲的爸爸变成了首富,夏之晴本不想接受这一事实,但被欺负的女儿,抛弃自己的渣男前夫,趋炎附势的领导 ,生活的处处不如意让她必须复仇。 #短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總 #chinesedrama #romanticstory #comedy #engsub #lovestory
After years of her husband's infidelity, and her son's disrespect, she decided to reclaim her life
Просмотров 108 тыс.14 дней назад
秦岚曾是外科医院的第一手术刀,为了报答丈夫对自己的捐肾之恩,自愿辞职成为 劳 怨的家庭主妇。十五年之后,秦岚惨遭恶婆婆折磨丈夫出轨背叛,儿子冷落看不起,觉醒之后的她,决定重拾自己的人生秦岚重拿手术刀,在师弟顾长卿的帮助下,重回人生巅峰,实现自我价值收获真爱的同时,也找到了真正爱护自己的家人。 #短劇 #爽劇 #甜劇 #甜寵 #一口氣 #全集 #狗血 #虐戀 #霸總 #chinesedrama #romanticstory #comedy #engsub #lovestory
Persecuted by her father and stepmother, she faints, only to awake with untold superpowers
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.14 дней назад
Persecuted by her father and stepmother, she faints, only to awake with untold superpowers
After a grueling three-year marriage, her ex-husband realizes his love for her post-divorce
Просмотров 2,3 тыс.14 дней назад
After a grueling three-year marriage, her ex-husband realizes his love for her post-divorce
Guided by her newborn daughter, she meets the city's richest man, leading to a miraculous life
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.14 дней назад
Guided by her newborn daughter, she meets the city's richest man, leading to a miraculous life
The single mother remarries to a CEO, unaware that he is actually the father of her child
Просмотров 6 тыс.14 дней назад
The single mother remarries to a CEO, unaware that he is actually the father of her child
Years later, the leading tycoon discovered that the daughter she had miraculously regained was...
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.14 дней назад
Years later, the leading tycoon discovered that the daughter she had miraculously regained was...
The heiress conceals her identity at a hospital, but stirring envy amongst her colleagues
Просмотров 2,6 тыс.14 дней назад
The heiress conceals her identity at a hospital, but stirring envy amongst her colleagues
She marries the man she meets for the first time, only to astonishingly discover that he is...
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.21 день назад
She marries the man she meets for the first time, only to astonishingly discover that he is...
Two sisters exchange identity life, unexpectedly each found true love
Просмотров 4,3 тыс.21 день назад
Two sisters exchange identity life, unexpectedly each found true love
She realizes her new boss is the father of her child, but her best friend stole her identity
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.21 день назад
She realizes her new boss is the father of her child, but her best friend stole her identity
Heiress loses everything overnight, to reclaim what is hers, she takes a path of revenge
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.21 день назад
Heiress loses everything overnight, to reclaim what is hers, she takes a path of revenge
The wealthy heiress marrying against her family's wishes, is betrayed by her penniless husband
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.21 день назад
The wealthy heiress marrying against her family's wishes, is betrayed by her penniless husband
Meeting at the wrong time, they fall in love despite dire circumstances
Просмотров 4,5 тыс.21 день назад
Meeting at the wrong time, they fall in love despite dire circumstances
She hide her identity, returns to her old village, intending to rescue her mother and sister
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.21 день назад
She hide her identity, returns to her old village, intending to rescue her mother and sister
An unexpected encounter leads to her pregnancy, resulting in the birth of four children.
Просмотров 4,9 тыс.28 дней назад
An unexpected encounter leads to her pregnancy, resulting in the birth of four children.
【乱世婚宠夫人要逃婚】(下集)狭窄的衣柜里,妹妹的未婚夫在我耳边低语:“那个姿势不错,我们也试试?” #孙樾 #徐艺真
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.28 дней назад
【乱世婚宠夫人要逃婚】(下集)狭窄的衣柜里,妹妹的未婚夫在我耳边低语:“那个姿势不错,我们也试试?” #孙樾 #徐艺真
Funny drama however, FL is stupid. Only relying on men to survive and hence suffering. After argument with ML, she moved in with another guy. When he breaks her trust, she moves in back with ML. She suffers with him again and now moves in with third guy only to suffer more. The entire time I was thinking why can she not get a place of her own. What kind of kink is it - wanting to get locked in a house/ humiliated by various men… yikes! The only good thing about the drama is comic delivery of dialogues.
I dont understand 7 year no calls ...not coming to see your own kid..these dramas are disgusting
Peran Maggie adalah peran yang paling menyebalkan dalam drama ini. Karena sudah lebih dari 20 adegan kejahatannya tidak pernah mendapat pukulan yang telak. R.I.P untuk otak penulis yang menurutku gila dan tak bermoral karena menciptakan karakter Maggie yang tak pernah mati sampai menit terakhir 😢😢😢😢😢😢 Bad drama
Subtitles starting at around the 55minute mark are either absent or the timing is way off 😢
Thank you for uploading this drama ❤ actually I saw this drama a few months back but forgot to save...❤
【良辰多相宜】💝💝 左銘飾演陸懷川 💖💖 翟一瑩飾演沈相宜💖💖
Why do the mothers throw tantrums like that
Did/does this happen in China? I know this is fiction and based on entertaining the audience, but certain actions are also based in fact just exaggerated. 🤷♀️ 🤷♀️ 🤷♀️ 🤷♀️ 🤷♀️
У них что нет полиции
神劇 嘴砲一流
2:01:48, i hate movie where they don't punish/send the bad guys to jail and end it all, instead they forgive and the bad guys keep on doing bad stuff like seriously send those 2 evil stuff to jail. They already cause more harm than good. Was expecting the last 7min to just be about the couple and their families but no they had to throw in last minute kidnapping why 🙄
男主的样子成熟稳重 很适合演暖男的角色😂
Love can really make a person blind but that's not true they just ignore their loved ones wrong doings just like a mother do for her child
1:55:10 這個男的,果然是演渣男的料😂
Ambot sa langaw sa inyo...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
格格 真是好看❤
I wanted to feel sorry for the fl at first but then realised that she doesn't deserve it! Infact I am so mad at her for letting that scumbag treat her like trush when she was just having a good career ,any woman who doesn't respect herself because of love is just useless to the society nonsense
nama pemain cewe nya siapa itu kaya lisa bp
Can anyone please tell me the Uncles real name, I've watched him in many movies . I thinks he's the best❤❤❤❤
Does anyone know the ML's name. I really enjoyed this drama. Thank you for posting!!
Liu Xiaoxu, i wanna to find his name too, just find it!
@@DéboraSilva-m6c Thank you
nice story
Absolutely worth a watch! The leads are very good looking and excellent at acting. The kids are also actually played by child actors who can actually act. I'm in love with the FL actress. Name please. FL goes back in time and stops her in laws from selling her daughter. Somehow, her husband who has been away to study medicine gets a premonition during the rebirth and returns. Previously, FL was tricked by the daughter of the dean of her husband's hospital to divorce her husband, thinking he didn't want them anymore. Her ex-con brother and son were killed and daughter trafficked. In the rebirth, her husband STEPS UP!!! HE HAS ONLY LOVE AND RESPECT FOR HIS WIFE!!!!!! HE FINALLY FINISHES HIS STUDIES AND IS GRATEFUL TO HIS WIFE FOR RAISING HIS KIDS AND PAYING FOR HIS EDUCATION!!!!!!!!!!!! DESPITE HER BITTERNESS FROM HER PAST LIFE, SHE STILL TRUSTS HIS UPRIGHT CHARACTER FROM WHAT SHE SEES!!!!! GREEN FLAGS ONLY!!!!!!
Was this the part 2 for I give you every heartbeat
Dari setiap film yang dibintanginya semua alur ceritanya sama sangat disyangkan
Yes agree but I like him more with Zhai YiYing😊
男主是劉蕭旭嗎 ?? 如果是 就一定要追了~
Beautiful drama and cast❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Muy buena la historia, ambos son extraodinarios me han hecho reir mucho
😍 Super! 🤩
Wang GeGe ❤ She's such a favorite of mines especially in these strong smart and funny roles.. She never disappoints ❤😊 ML is handsome and his voice.. hmmmm 😍❤️ His family is hilarious and they obviously stole the show 😂 This was very good and enjoyable.. recommend 100%
I don't want to judge anyone based on their looks but did she really have to leave her career for a man like that!🤣
that luckily i know another language. sign language’ line was COLD. it’s been 10 minutes & i’m still laughing. i had to comment on it. & a line i am definitely using. 🤣💀
funny :-) ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Peran wanitanya tk keras. Mudah di rayu