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Добавлен 18 сен 2020
📍인스타그램 : queenchoa_
📍비즈니스 문의 : cmmceleb@gmail.com
📍인스타그램 : queenchoa_
📍비즈니스 문의 : cmmceleb@gmail.com
💙Blue Ribbon for 4 years in a row! Cheongdam Galbitang limited to 100 bowls | Choa's fav gukbap ep.7
#초아 #최애국밥 #갈비탕 #국밥 #명인등심 #한우국밥 #육회비빔밥 #된장죽 #청담한식 #한정메뉴
초아의 최애국밥집 ep.7
여러분 안녕~ 초아입니다!😆
오늘은 제가 촬영하면서 너무행복한
최애국밥집 7탄으로 돌아왔어요💕
오늘 소개할 가게는 한우구이 전문점인데요 🐂
점심 특선으로 하루에 딱 100그릇만 갈비탕을 판매한다고 해서 다녀와봤습니다
한정메뉴에 들어가는 고기는 한우가 아닌 미국산이지만
조리를 잘해주셔셔 너무나 부드러운고기와 꽉찬국물맛!
그리고 제가 감히 최고라고 평가한 깍두기와 함께 하니 올해 먹은 갈비탕중에 최고가 되었네요!
원래 김치가 맛있는 집이 진정한 맛집이잖아요😉
제가 추천드린 갈비탕 말고도 소고기 전문점답게 특제 소스로 양념한 한우육회&비빔밥,
매년 4만 그릇 판매하는 된장죽, 한우가 듬뿍 들어간 부드러운 한우 국밥
그리고 안동소주까지!!
저 초아가 직접 맛보고 영상에 담아왔으니
이번 영상도 즐겁게봐주시구
여러분들이 추천하시는 최애 국밥집이 있다면 댓글로 남겨주세요!🍲
오늘도 저의 영상 시청해주셔서 감사드리고 다음 영상도 기대해 주세요🧡
그럼 안녕👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
insta: @queenchoa_
초아의 최애국밥집 ep.7
여러분 안녕~ 초아입니다!😆
오늘은 제가 촬영하면서 너무행복한
최애국밥집 7탄으로 돌아왔어요💕
오늘 소개할 가게는 한우구이 전문점인데요 🐂
점심 특선으로 하루에 딱 100그릇만 갈비탕을 판매한다고 해서 다녀와봤습니다
한정메뉴에 들어가는 고기는 한우가 아닌 미국산이지만
조리를 잘해주셔셔 너무나 부드러운고기와 꽉찬국물맛!
그리고 제가 감히 최고라고 평가한 깍두기와 함께 하니 올해 먹은 갈비탕중에 최고가 되었네요!
원래 김치가 맛있는 집이 진정한 맛집이잖아요😉
제가 추천드린 갈비탕 말고도 소고기 전문점답게 특제 소스로 양념한 한우육회&비빔밥,
매년 4만 그릇 판매하는 된장죽, 한우가 듬뿍 들어간 부드러운 한우 국밥
그리고 안동소주까지!!
저 초아가 직접 맛보고 영상에 담아왔으니
이번 영상도 즐겁게봐주시구
여러분들이 추천하시는 최애 국밥집이 있다면 댓글로 남겨주세요!🍲
오늘도 저의 영상 시청해주셔서 감사드리고 다음 영상도 기대해 주세요🧡
그럼 안녕👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
insta: @queenchoa_
Просмотров: 17 216
※Out of Stock※ Review of the Hottest and Newest 16 Items at Convenience Stores🔥
Просмотров 25 тыс.2 месяца назад
여러분 안녕하세요 초아입니다💝 오늘은 편의점 핫한 제품 리뷰를 하려고 GS25, CU, 세븐일레븐에서 판매 중인 인기 상품을 모아 모아 왔습니다 대유행 중인 두바이초콜릿🍫부터 품절대란템 생과일🍋 하이볼까지 ! 겉모습만 보고 비슷할거란 생각을 했는데요! 예상을 깨고 브랜드 별로 맛이 달라서 너무 신기했답니다 저 초아의 아주아주 개인적인 맛 평가가 담겨있으니 재밌게 봐주세요!❤️ 오늘도 영상을 시청해 주셔서 감사드리고, 다음 영상도 기대해 주세요💕 그럼 안녕!👋🏻 insta: @queenchoa_ #초아 #편의점 #편의점디저트 #편의점먹방 #편의점인기제품 #편의점추천템 #GS25 #CU #세븐일레븐 #두바이초콜릿 #연세우유생크림빵 #치키차카초코 #코코로카라 #푸하하
Choa’s Summer Laundry Tip🫧 All You Need is ‘This’😉 (+ Fabric Softener Recommendation💕)
Просмотров 122 тыс.3 месяца назад
여러분 안녕~ 초아입니다🫧 지난번에 룸투어 영상을 찍긴 했지만 좁은 공간으로 이사를 오다 보니 금방 어지르게 되고 정리를 할 곳이 많아 청소를 미뤄 왔던 공간이 있었는데요! 세탁기를 바꾸면서 자리도 생겼겠다 집 정리를 해봤어요😆 LG 워시타워도 충분히 만족하며 사용했었지만 이사 온 집에는 LG 워시콤보가 정말 찰떡콩떡이랍니다😆 LG 워시콤보가 비교적 건조 시간이 더 걸린다고 하시는분들도 계신 것 같은데요 저는 두 달간 사용하면서 항상 뽀송하고 먼지도 적게 나오구 아주 만족하고 있어요! 세탁하는 동안 정리해본 주방 세탁실 공간의 이후 모습이 아주아주아주 뿌듯하니 꼭 끝까지 시청 부탁드립니다❤️ 영상을 시청해 주셔서 감사드리고, 다음 영상도 기대해 주세요💕 향기나는 하루 되시길 바라요! 🫧LG 워시콤보가 ...
Cute but Practical 🫶🏻 Choa’s Top Picks After Spending $800 on Temu 💸
Просмотров 13 тыс.3 месяца назад
#초아 #테무 #테무깡 #추천템 여러분 안녕~ 초아입니다🧡 오늘은 테무깡 영상이에요 제가 얼마 전 처음으로 테무를 이용해 봤습니다❗️ 담고 담고 또 담다 보니 80…만원이나 썼지 뭐예요🥺 테무에서 뭘 샀을지~ 함께 보러 가보실까요? 오늘도 영상을 시청해 주셔서 감사드리고, 다음 영상도 기대해 주세요🧡 그럼 안녕!👋🏻 insta: @queenchoa_
Was my hair really that bad…? 🥺 Yes~🌸 Everyone, I’m getting hair extensions…🌸
Просмотров 46 тыс.4 месяца назад
#초아 #단발머리 #붙임머리 #숏컷 여러분 안녕~ 초아입니다🩷 제 머리가 잦은 탈색과 염색으로 많이.. 아주 많이 짧아졌는데요 저 이제 숏컷 그만두렵니다❗️ 초.초.초.초단발인 초아는 과연 어떻게 붙임머리를 하는지~💇🏻♀️ 함께 보러 가보실까요? 오늘도 영상을 시청해 주셔서 감사드리고, 다음 영상도 기대해 주세요🩷 그럼 안녕!👋🏻 insta: @queenchoa_
Choa's lovely summer pink makeup🩷+ Cheongdam-dong's best items released
Просмотров 56 тыс.4 месяца назад
#초아 #핑크메이크업 #청담샵메이크업 여러분 안녕~ 초아입니다💛 오늘은 청담동의 금손인 제가 여러분을 위해 메이크업 꿀팁을 전수해 드리려고 찾아왔어요🥰 어떤 화장품을 사용해야 하는지, 어떻게 발라야 하는지 참 어렵잖아요?😞 그.래.서 피부 메이크업부터 아이 메이크업까지, 제가 아는 모든 꿀팁🍯을 가져왔어요~ 그럼 같이 메이크업하러 가보실까요? 오늘도 영상을 시청해 주셔서 감사드리고, 다음 영상도 기대해 주세요💛 그럼 안녕!👋🏻 insta: @queenchoa_
ISFP Choa making meal kit 📌P: Doesn't read the instructions😊ㅣBibim Makguksu, seafood chive pancake
Просмотров 60 тыс.4 месяца назад
여러분 안녕~ 초아입니다💛 다시 돌아온 밀키트 리뷰 2편~! 비가 오면 전에 막걸리 먹어야 하잖아요 (사실 전에다 막걸리 먹어본 거 이번이 처음이에요😅) 오늘 준비한 영상은 여름에 추천하는 밀키트 3종인데요~! 이번 밀키트는 제 기준으로 난이도가 있어서 우당당탕하는 모습까지 함께 담아봤어요!😂 같이 보러 가실까요?🥰 #초아 #밀키트리뷰 #비빔 메밀 막국수 #해물부추부침개 #방아전 insta: @queenchoa_ greatm@greatment.co.kr
70 years of history, passed down for three generations | Choa's favorite gukbap ep.6 with YVES
Просмотров 25 тыс.5 месяцев назад
#초아 #이브 #국밥 #부여집 #꼬리곰탕 #도가니탕 초아의 최애국밥집 ep.6 여러분 안녕~ 초아입니다!😆 오늘은 여러분이 좋아하고 제가 애정하는 최애국밥집 6탄으로 돌아왔어요💛 요즘 날씨가 더워지다 보니까 입맛도 없어지고.. 기력도 떨어지는 거 같아서🥲 기력 보충을 확실하게 해줄 수 있는 꼬리곰탕을 먹으러 갔는데요 서울 3대 꼬리곰탕 맛집이라고 불리는 부여집에 다녀왔어요😉 그리고 이번에는 특별하게 🍎스페셜 게스트🍎분도 초대해서 담백한 국물과 부드러운 고기의 꼬리곰탕, 깊은 맛을 느낄 수 있는 도가니탕, 매콤한 방치찜, 촉촉한 도가니 수육, 쫀득쫀득한 우족초무침까지 여러 가지 메뉴들을 맛보고 영상에 담아왔으니까 이번 영상 재밌게 봐주시고 여러분의 최애 국밥집이 있다면 댓글로 남겨주세요!🍲 오늘도 영상 ...
How many floors are these?.. 🫢 Choa's NEW House First Reveal!
Просмотров 127 тыс.5 месяцев назад
*이 영상은 LG 전자의 유료광고를 포함하고 있습니다.* 여러분 안녕~ 초아입니다✨ 저번 영상부터 살짝 스포했었는데요😉 드디어..! 🎉 랜선집들이 영상으로 찾아왔습니다👏👏👏 집 안 곳곳에 있는 아이템부터 히든 공간까지 가득가득 소개해 드렸으니깐~ 이번 영상도 재미있게 시청해 주세요😊 그럼 다음 영상으로 만나요! 안녕!👋🏻 💜LG전자 구독서비스가 궁금하다면?🤔 👉www.lge.co.kr/care-solutions insta: @queenchoa_ greatm@greatment.co.kr
Goodbye, my beloved camping car..🥲ㅣDaily VLOG l Camping car, self-care, boxing, fairy soup
Просмотров 81 тыс.5 месяцев назад
*이 영상은 페어리 레시피의 유료광고를 포함하고 있습니다. 여러분 안녕~ 초아입니다💛 요즘 날씨가 더워지기 시작하면서 옷이 점점 얇아지더라구요 이제 더 이상 미룰 수 없는 여름맞이 자기 관리를 시작하려고 해요!🔥 저는 든든하게 자기관리 하는 걸 지향하고 있기 때문에 한끼는 요정스프로 병행해가면서 스트레스가 확확 풀리는 복싱까지 해줬답니다🥊 초아가 챙겨먹었던 요정스프가 궁금하시다면🤔 👉bit.ly/45pNsIN 초아의 캠핑카 이별과정은 ‘하차선언’에서 확인가능😉 👉m.youtube.com/@HACHA_SEONEON 🧚🏻 초아 X 페어리 레시피 댓글 이벤트🧚🏻 ✔경품(10명) - 요정스프 3팩 페어리 레시피 굿즈(스티커) ✔기간: 6월 7일(금)~6월 14일(금) ✔발표: 6월 18일(화) 커뮤니티 내 게...
Meal Kit Recommendation For Living Alone Who Miss Home-cooked Meals 🍽️
Просмотров 79 тыс.6 месяцев назад
#초아 #밀키트 #집들이 #오징어초무침 #훈제오리무쌈 #한우사골솥밥 #부대찌개 여러분 안녕~ 초아입니다💛 제가 이번에 새로운 집으로 이사하게 되었는데요~ 이사하면 집들이 해야 하잖아요? 근데 요즘 스케줄도 바쁘고.. 이사 짐도 정리해야 하고..😵💫 집들이할 때 배달 음식을 대접할 수는 없잖아요! 적어도 제 정성은 들어가아죠! 그때 생각난 게 간편하게 만들 수 있는 밀키트 제품들! 제가 한번 도전해 봤는데요👩🏻🍳 요린이 대표인 제가 해도 어렵지 않고 간단해서 좋더라구요 지금 따끈따끈하게 마켓에서 1~2위 하는 제품들 위주로 직접 골라서 리뷰까지 영상에 담았으니까 오늘 저녁은 밀키트를 이용한 나만의 한 끼를 만들어 보는 건 어떠신가요? 앞으로도 간편한 밀키트 제품 자주 소개할게요 추천하는 제품이 있다면...
Soup Fairy Choa’s daily life VLOG🧚🏻♀ | Gukbap, First pitch, Singing the national anthem
Просмотров 35 тыс.6 месяцев назад
#초아 #돼지국밥 #만포돼지국밥 #쌍둥이국밥 #초량밀면 #시구 여러분 안녕~ 초아입니다🧡 최근에 좋은 기회로 키움 히어로즈의 시구와 애국가 제창을 위해 고척스카이돔에 다녀왔는데요! 많은 분들이 계셔서 떨렸지만 그만큼 뜻깊었던 경험이었답니다☺️ 야구 경기도 즐기고 고척스카이돔 근처 돼지국밥 맛집까지 다녀왔어요~ 국밥요정다운 일상을 영상에 담아왔으니까 영상 재밌게 봐주시고 여러분의 돼지국밥 맛집이 있다면 댓글에 남겨주세요! 국밥요정 초아가 출동해볼게요😉 그럼 안녕!👋🏻 insta: @queenchoa_ greatm@greatment.co.kr
I feel it⭐I feel the success of 82MAJOR❗| Choa×82MAJOR Entertainment Workshop
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OINK OINK I just finished this Bottle.. it is Not a small bottle either.. and I can see that it is getting to Me.. and I would back down on the Big ROCK.. placing the Bottle on the ground.. picking up the Picture of YOU.. and I would say looking at the Picture.. why are you hurting Me.. why are YOU so Beautiful that it is killing Me.. I can't even get UP.. can't even walk straight.. and I can hear my Heart looking at the Paper.. the drawing of YOUR HEART just sitting there crying along side with me.. I can't take this Pain any more.. it is hurting Me.. it is killing Me.. YOU are killing me because I love YOU.. YOU are hurting me because I want to be with YOU.. I want to hold you close.. my arms are hurting because it wants to hold YOU close.. Please help me.. because I need YOU.. and as I am looking at YOUR picture.. I can feel my Heart.. crying more.. weeping More and I can feel my soul crash and Burn inside.. just craving for YOU and longing for YOU TO be close.. my arms are crying.. just wanting to hold YOU.. I need YOU so that I can tell YOU that I miss YOU and that I love YOU.. and I turn my Head to LOOK at the MOON and I would say.. Please Help me.. Help me so that I can be with YOU.. can YOU not see what I am going through.. what I am dealing with this.. Just to Love YOU.. just to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I need I need.. and I want it.. YOU..I am sitting down by the shores.. Looking at the Waters coming In.. On a big rock.. I am sitting and just thinking about You.. I am looking at two Empty Bottles.. for some reason.. I started to drink.. the More I think of YOU.. the More I miss YOU.. on this Night.. why do I feel the aching in my Heart.. I wish that I did Not look at your Picture.. I received a Letter from YOU.. and YOU are telling me YOU are going some where so far.. and telling me that It is going to take YOU a while and after hearing these words after I read the Letter you wrote me.. I just could Not take it any more.. I could Not stay inside the House.. so Leaving the House.. and so I wrote YOU a Letter back.. But.. I am wondering at this Point.. what am I suppose to do with the Letter that is In my Hand.. if I am unable to reach YOU.. YOU have Not tell me where YOU are going.. and how long will it take for YOU to come back.. I would look at your Picture.. and looking at the Letter.. I am feeling so much hurt right Now.. it is because I am missing YOU so Much.. All I ever asked for is Your Heart.. I would ask if I can Have your Heart.. is it just too much of asking YOU for It.. because I want to tell YOU that I love YOU.. without Your Heart.. there is Nothing that I can do.. then please tell Me.. How do I win YOU over.. How am I suppose to make YOU mine.. what is the secret so that I can take action.. and also tell YOU because I am Not sure what to do at this Point.. So I have decided to come to the Place.. this Rock has been here ever since I first came.. I would sit on the Top of this Rock.. when I want to see you the Most.. I brought with me a Shot Glass.. of course I did not bring YOU picture with me this time.. because I know if I do.. I would be taking a Look.. which it can make my eyes pop out whenever I see Your Picture.. I wish that YOU knew this Heart of Mine.. why can't you see through.. why can't you understand me.. or relate with me what I am going through right Now.. I have bought three bottles of Rice wine.. so far.. I have finished two Bottles.. I am taking a Look at the third.. the last One.. I don't feel drunk at All.. but I need to wash away what is in my Mind.. what is inside my Head.. I am trying to wash YOU away.. trying to forget.. or to erase YOU off but the More I try.. the More I just can't.. so Please Help me for once.. Help me How to win YOU over.. I am still trying over and over.. but I am asking YOU now.. if you know the answers.. if you know the secrets of How to Make YOU Mine.. I feel like I am dying inside right Now.. I feel like I am ready to die instead because I want to have Your Heart.. if only YOU can show me Your Heart and I be able to hold Your Heart in my arms.. and to able to speak to Your Heart.. will you let me tell YOU something.. will you let me speak to Your Heart.. because that is the Only One thing I want.. what I truly need.. to have your Heart and to tell Your Heart.. I have a Heart too.. and My Heart just loves YOU.. How can I transfer this Message to reach Out to YOU.. How can I tell you that I love YOU.. YOU are so far away.. there is this distance between Us.. and I would like to get close to YOU.. How can I get close to YOU.. to your Heart.. Please tell me and let me Know.. as I am looking at the last Bottle.. my hand grabs.. twist the TOP and open it.. holding the Glass shot in the Other hand.. the One with the Bottle.. my hand pours into the Shot Glass.. what if I get sick.. so sick that I rather die instead.. I feel so sick in my stomach because I need to see YOU.. I need to hold YOU Near in my hands.. in my arms and I would say to YOU.. will you please show me Your Heart.. How can I see your Heart.. Please.. let me see your Heart and Please hear these words of Mine.. that I been here.. always waiting for YOU.. just to Love YOU.. and to tell YOU that I love YOU.. will you let me tell YOU these words of Mine to YOU.. that is why I need your Heart.. I need to know so that I can tell YOU.. but when YOU tell me that YOU are going to take a Long time and YOU are leaving going somewhere very far.. How can I tell YOU.. that is why I been asking YOU.. at least Leave Your Heart with Me.. let your Heart be close to me so that I will not feel like I can't do nothing.. as I am looking at the Shot Glass in my Hand.. I would open my Mouth wide and slam the Shot Glass with rice wine into my mouth.. since I did Not bring your Picture with me.. Now I am dying to see YOU.. I am starting to miss YOU because all I see is the waters coming IN and going Out.. I just can't stop.. but why can't I stop.. I would tell myself to stop.. but How can I stop.. it is because I love YOU.. How can YOU stop someone who loves YOU so much.. that is why I need to hear words from YOU.. If you can tell me to stop Loving YOU.. I know that I can finally rest in Peace.. but.. I still be missing YOU.. still be looking at your Picture and just wondering.. what If something can happen.. How would it be Like if YOU were here with Me.. and I be able to hold YOU in my arms.. and tell YOU.. looking at Your Heart.. even though the Time flies and many weeks and months has passed By.. I still Love YOU.. and If you are asking me.. why do I love YOU so Much.. how is it possible to love YOU this Much.. and if you are asking me and wondering on the Other side.. I would look at the One I am holding the Bottle of rice wine.. Looking at the Other hand holding the Shot Glass.. I would be pouring the Bottle of the rice wine Into the Shot Glass.. placing the Bottle on the ground.. I would be looking at the waters.. I open my mouth wide and pour.. slam the rice wine into my Mouth with the Shot Glass.. and I would close both eyes.. Just thinking about YOU.. I be thinking of YOU.. as I am going back.. I am standing inside the House.. and I hear the Knock On the door.. and I know that YOU are coming over.. after receiving the Message.. the text Message from YOU.. I open the front door.. and I see YOU standing there.. I receive the Letter YOU gave me.. and I wanted to ask if YOU wanted to come inside.. but.. YOU tell me that YOU needs to go.. and I watch YOU turn the other way and YOU start to walk.. where I stop seeing YOU.. as I close the Door.. I would unfold the Letter.. and a Picture falls Out from the folded Paper.. as I go down.. and I pick Up the Picture.. I look at You.. and YOU are wearing a White Dress.. and I just can't believe it.. YOU are so Beautiful.. especially in that White Dress.. But this is Not just an ordinary Dress.. It seems like something is going to happen soon.. It looks like a Wedding Dress to me.. and On the Letter YOU are telling me that YOU are going to get married.. and YOU have invited me to come to see YOU at your Wedding.. I am wondering.. with who are you getting Married too.. because I don't want to receive this from YOU.. why are you telling me to come if I am Not the One who is going to stand next to YOU to make YOU my wife.. If I am invited for the wrong reason.. I do not want to come.. I don't want to watch YOU leave my Life and go with another.. It should be Me who should stand next to YOU.. the One who can put the ring on your Finger.. But why did YOU write me this kind of letter.. It really hurts Me if YOU are telling me to sit and watch the One you love to be taken away from Me.. and I just can't believe you are telling me this.. so I would rip the Letter into pieces.. I just can't take this from YOU.. I don't want to receive this from YOU because YOU are Only hurting me More.. what have I done to deserve this Kind of News.. why hurt me when YOU know my true intentions.. My true Motives.. I know that if I stand next to YOU through Thin and through Thick.. through the good times and the Bad times.. I know that after a certain time
Being the One for me.. the one who I can love forever and say that YOU are Mine.. YOU know that I love you too much.. because I just can't stop but just Love YOU.. because I do.. truly love YOU.. really really.. just love YOU..I am looking Out the Window.. Looking for the Truck.. I know that the time.. looking at the watch.. the Clock in the room and I am looking through the window.. the empty Bottle on the top of the desk.. and I know that I been drinking.. trying to get YOU off my Mind.. ever since the New Picture came.. when I opened the envelope and I would pull out the Picture you have placed inside.. I would be looking at it.. ever since I saw this new Picture.. trying to erase YOU off my Mind because I been thinking of YOU and just looking.. telling your New Picture.. How Much I wanted to see YOU.. asking you through the New Picture.. when can I be close to YOU.. but only thing I been getting is No responses because it is Only a New Picture of YOU.. as I would write YOU another Letter.. telling you how angry I am getting because it seems Like I am the Only One who sees YOU.. am I the Only One who is going crazy.. is it only Me who be missing YOU.. is it only my Heart who misses you the Most.. is it only my Head which I am thinking about Love.. just wanting to say I love YOU.. do you not miss me at All.. do I ever cross your Mind.. how about your Heart.. if only I can ask your Heart.. what do you feel about Me.. am I truly special to YOU.. am I the Only Man who can Love YOU.. please tell me some words so that I can hear YOU.. that I am able to smile knowing even miles apart.. miles which leaves such a long distance.. but I needs to see YOU.. as I would sit by the desk.. pouring on the Shot Glass.. I would be taking shots after another shots.. as I would be looking at your new Picture.. the Photo that YOU gave to the Mail man.. who came last week and gave me the envelope.. Now I am going to ask him if I can go into the Truck and if the Mail Man can take me to the Place you Live.. I may Not walk towards YOU.. but close by I want to stand to see.. I just want to know How you are doing.. How would I feel if I see YOU in person.. even though there will be a distance between Us and I know that I can't come close right Now.. but enough room and space knowing that YOU are there.. I am Not asking you to come close to me Now.. but at least YOU can see that I am doing Good.. and that still I be loving YOU.. I may Not be able to say it to YOU yet.. but when YOU see me inside the Truck.. which the Mail man would drive to take me where you are.. I just want you to know that it is Me.. whose been longing for YOU.. whose been waiting on the Other side.. by my mail Box I would be waiting for the Truck.. for the mail man to stop by on my block as I would wait by the mail Box.. just to give you a Letter putting inside on the envelope so that He can take it to YOU.. but this Night.. I know that I must go.. I must go with the Mail man.. be inside his Truck and I want to deliver the Message in this Bottle.. I want to surprise you.. so that YOU will remember that it is I who is loving YOU.. not to scare YOU but to show YOU that all this Time.. YOU would only think of the Truck.. the mail man who was inside the truck.. and he was the One who gave you the envelope with the Letter that I wrote inside to YOU.. but please.. forgive me when I show Up on this very night.. I must go and see How you are doing.. I must be there to give YOU this Bottle.. inside the Bottle is a Letter that I have written for you.. when YOU see me inside the Truck.. don't think that I am a stranger to YOU because It is me.. it was me all along who gave you the Letters.. inside on this envelope.. after a while.. you are only seeing the Truck passing through and it stops at the Mail Box.. just to give you the envelope.. that is all you see back and forth.. but How about me.. how about the person who sits in this ROOM.. who is the One pulls Out the Clean sheet of paper.. who would be holding a pen or the pencil and who thinks of YOU.. YOU do not see me because I am always behind the scene.. you may think that Am I afraid of YOU.. am I scared to show UP.. you may be thinking maybe it is the truck.. or the mail man being friendly to YOU.. and He would smile inside the Truck as he gives you this envelope.. I know when YOU receive the envelope and once you open the envelope inside is the Letter.. but Do you see my Face.. do you even think of my Name there.. do you know who is the One who is telling you all these things.. expressing Heart to Heart.. when I sit in the ROOM.. by the desk.. I am thinking of YOU.. constantly thinking of YOU.. looking at the new Picture.. my Heart is crying inside for Love.. I am crying in my Heart for Love too.. but it seems like after awhile you begin to forget.. you forget because YOU are looking at some one else but How about Me.. do you know who is the One who be really loving YOU.. all this time.. who is the One putting every thing In and Out.. and telling you how I feel.. I do not want YOU to forget about me.. I am putting into so much work here.. you know that it is not easy to tell YOU all these things.. and it breaks my Heart when YOU forget the face.. forget the person who has a Name.. who is the One loves YOU the Most.. who be missing YOU and thinking of you constantly.. what will happen when a Day Comes.. the Truck stops on your Mail Box.. and you are starting to forget the Man who loves YOU the Most.. and you stand there looking.. the mail man looks at you and says.. there is No envelope today.. and the Truck keeps on coming to your mail Box.. and every time YOU stand there.. the mail man tells you the same thing.. there is NO Letter today.. there is NO envelope.. and I know if you start to forget the One who loves YOU the Most.. I also can be the one to delay the Letters.. because I feel like YOU are forgetting the Face.. the name and the man who loves YOU the Most.. as I would look at the Empty Bottle.. and I would roll up the Letter I have written for YOU.. I do not want YOU to forget me.. because YOU know how much I love YOU.. have been loving you just too Long.. but also I know that I must Man UP.. I must tell you that I am still here.. and that I am going Nowhere but waiting patiently till you are truly ready for Me.. I want to get close when YOU are ready so that I can Love you fully.. and able to speak to YOUR ears.. and tell your ears.. looking at your Heart.. that all this time.. I want your Heart.. I want your Heart to know that I love YOU.. and Now.. sitting by the Window.. I put the Letter inside the Bottle.. and looking out the window.. and just waiting for the Time.. the arrival for the Mail Man in his Truck to stop at the Mail Box.. I been taking few shots on this shot glass.. and it has emptied the Bottle.. I wrote this very night telling you that I missed YOU.. and I just don't want you to forget about Me.. because it is I who loves you the Most.. I would get UP from the chair.. holding in my hand is the Bottle inside is the Letter.. and I would walk Out of the ROOM.. and going to the front Door.. I open and I close behind me.. I am looking at the Mail Box.. and I know that the truck be arriving very soon.. so I would walk down to the Mail Box.. waiting for the truck to come.. and as I am waiting for the Truck.. I see the Lights and I turn to look.. I see the Truck Coming and the Truck stops by the Mail box.. the mail man looks at me and smiles.. and I ask HIM.. can YOU please take me to where YOU are.. and I show him the Bottle.. and inside is the Letter I wrote to YOU.. and the mail Man was kind and telling me to come inside the truck and to stand by the steps.. as I would stand there.. and the truck would be driving.. and the Mail man drives to a Mail Box and he stops the Truck.. and as I am standing there.. I see you on the Other side.. YOU are standing by the front Door and I am standing on the steps and I see your Mail Box.. as I am looking towards the front Door.. I see you looking at me.. I do not know what it is but my Heart.. can YOU hear my Heart beating.. It would not stop beating as I am looking at YOU by your front Door.. and I would say to YOU.. I am Not the Mail man.. and I am Not a volunteer either.. but it is me.. if YOU are not sure who I am and why I am here.. all I wanted is to give you this Message In the Bottle.. I want you to remember a Face.. Please remember my Face and that this face is a person who also has a Name.. I may not be well known name to YOU.. but I am a person.. a MAN who is the One loving YOU.. all I ever wanted is to give you Letters.. Only way that YOU know that I love you is by giving you these Letters.. I don't want you to think that I am afraid of YOU.. that is why I have asked this Mail man if I can go into the truck so that I can tell YOU that I am here because I want YOU to remember me.. remember who is the One.. the One Man whose been loving YOU.. the One whose been thinking of YOU.. whose been missing YOU on the Other side.. who is the One giving you these letters.. so that YOU will not think of some one else is doing so.. that is why I had to tell myself
Be NO OTHER man like myself.. who can give YOU something very simple but has a meaning behind every time I think of YOU to give you letters.. OH PLEASE help me so that YOU don't forget me.. I am giving YOU my Heart and my Love to YOU.. the Only thing that I can do and can be good at in the Long run.. as the Truck stops by the Mail Box.. I get off the steps and I turn to look at the mail man and I thank him for his service by taking me to your mail Box.. and he looks at me.. and smiles.. I see the truck leaves the mail Box and I would look UP at the MOON.. why can't I be there a little longer.. Now I feel it in my Heart that I am Now missing YOU more.. was it a wise choice for me showing UP.. and looking at you from the distance.. seeing YOU eye to eye.. and able to tell YOU how my Heart was heavy because I was feeling like you are forgetting all about me.. and YOU would wonder.. why do I think this way.. it is because there are times I would doubt what if YOU are Not seeing me the same Way.. you can see my Heart and how much I love YOU but.. what if YOU are not loving me in any way.. It is only going to Hurt me in pain because I do also want your Love.. I wish that I knew that I can be Loved by YOU.. so that I know we are in the same page together.. all I ever wanted is to give and tell YOU that I love you but also be loved by YOU too.. that is the Only One thing truly I need and want from YOU.. nothing more and nothing less.. just to be Loved by you because YOU already knows that I love you just too much.. but it is in my blood to just love you more and more.. that is the Only Good thing I can do.. just to share and tell you.. How much I love YOU..I am looking into the Mail Box.. Opening to look inside.. it has been few days since the truck did not come.. I am wondering what do I do with all these envelopes.. I have been writing letters every night.. just thinking about you.. I would sit.. Looking UP to the sky.. I would see the Moon.. and I would turn to look at the stars.. knowing that if you are on the Other side.. can YOU see what I see.. Do you see that Moon.. Do you see the same stars.. is there a Peace and Joy in your Heart.. I would look Up.. and I would smile.. as My Heart is touched.. looking at your Picture.. I would say looking at your Picture.. WHY are you so Beautiful.. Why do you smile so Beautiful.. and My Hand touch my Heart.. as I would stand UP.. turn and look towards the Door.. and I would walk.. going into the Home.. I am thinking.. thinking about the Letters.. thinking about the desk.. pulling UP the chair.. sitting down.. looking at the Clean sheet of white Piece of paper.. with Pen.. or Pencil.. and with the eraser next to the Paper.. as I would be looking at your Picture.. I want to see YOU.. why do I miss YOU.. Do I miss YOU.. Yes.. YOU know that I miss you so much right Now.. but the only one thing I can do is wait.. just wait patiently.. waiting for YOU to Love Me.. and I would ask myself.. looking at the pencil I am holding in my Hand.. will you love me when I write.. WILL you read the Letters that I write.. do you even accept these words that I write.. can YOU Please tell me that YOUR Heart is open to receive the Letters.. and I am looking at the Paper in front of Me.. as I am holding the Pencil in my Hand.. will you please open your heart to accept.. will your Heart accept the Letters because I am writing that comes from MY Heart which I know.. which I believe that I love.. and My hand goes down.. the Pencil starts to write on the Piece of Paper.. I been standing out.. by the Mail Box.. I have Not see the Truck.. the mail Man has not come.. I am wondering what has happen to the Truck driver of the Mail Man.. I been standing out in the front.. by the mail box.. with the envelop.. with the Letter inside the envelope.. as I want to give.. as One day passes by.. I would wait for three hours and I would go back into the Home.. I would go into my Room.. standing by the window which I can see the Mail Box.. I am looking through the window.. still waiting for the truck.. waiting for the Mail man.. but He does Not show UP the first night.. I put the first envelope on the top of the desk.. writing another Letter.. pulling out the clean piece of white sheet of Paper.. and I would write to YOU again.. after I would write with the Pencil.. on the paper.. pulling out the envelope.. I would fold the paper into halves and put inside the envelope.. I am waiting the second night.. holding the two envelope in my hands.. waiting by the mail Box.. for the Truck.. for the mail man to stop by this Mail Box.. another three hours would pass by.. I don't see his truck.. I don't see the Mail man.. so I am wondering.. what is going on.. what is happening.. is the Mail Man sick.. how about these two letters.. I need to give to this Mail man so that He can give to YOU.. I am telling YOU what My Heart truly feels.. expressing How I feel.. because this is the Only way I can share to you my thoughts my Heart.. even to tell you How much I love YOU.. the third Night comes.. I would write a third Letter.. sitting on the desk.. I am looking at the two envelopes sitting on the top of the desk.. I am now thinking.. what does it means if I can't give you these three letters.. for three nights.. this is the third night I am going to be standing by the mail Box.. for three hours I would wait.. going into the room.. I am standing by the window and I would look through the window for the one last time before I go to sleep.. and looking for that truck.. for the Mail man to come.. and I am startled at this point.. but I still go out.. the third Night.. waiting by the Mail Box.. three envelopes in my hands.. by my mail Box I am waiting and waiting.. the three hours goes by.. Now it is really killing me inside.. why isn't the mail Man coming this way.. maybe he does Not want to give you these letters.. for three nights I would stay by the mail Box.. holding.. as I am standing here.. I can see the clouds are changing color.. and the sky darkens.. I feel the light rain falling down on me.. of course it only has been two hours that pass by.. so I am waiting for another Hour to pass by.. I am standing by the mail Box.. as I am getting wet by the rain.. I feel so sad.. because I been waiting for each night.. just to get the Letters out.. I have written a lot so far.. but I am holding it with me right Now.. But I want to get it to YOU.. as I am walking back home slowly.. as the three hours comes to the end.. I walk into the House.. and I walk into the room.. and I would walk closer to the window and I am looking through.. looking at the mail Box.. I don't see the truck.. I don't see the Mail Man at all.. I am on the fourth day.. standing by the mail Box.. thinking about the pass three days.. My Heart is aching.. what if I can't get you these four Letters.. inside the envelopes.. I am holding four in my hands.. maybe do I have to stop.. the mail man seems like He does not want to show UP to this mail Box any more.. as I am waiting and the three hour is going by.. as I turn to walk off and back into the House.. I hear something.. I see two lights coming toward and as I turn to look ahead.. I know that sound.. it is the sound of the Truck.. it must be the Mail man.. and as I see the truck stops and I see the mail Man.. He smiles at me.. and I look at him.. and He sees tears in my eyes.. and I am crying because of these Letters.. I have been waiting and waiting.. but the truck would Not come.. would not stop by to this Mail Box.. as I am wiping my tears.. these Letters inside the envelopes.. Do you know How hard it is to get it Out.. do YOU not know how much Time it takes to get it out.. and just for waiting for three hours every night.. and looking through the window in the room too see if the truck comes.. it is Not easy to Love YOU.. it is Not easy to get this Out to YOU.. and I am beating on my Chest.. the mail man looks at me.. for four days.. I heard YOU been waiting for me too.. the Mail man wanted to know How much do I love YOU.. what if he skips a day.. what I stop telling YOU how much I love YOU.. he wanted to see what was really in my Heart.. that is why He did Not come.. just to know what is truly inside.. is My Love fake.. or is it real.. true love I have for YOU and the mail man says.. He will never do that again.. and I am looking at Him.. these are the four Letters I have written inside this envelope.. every Night.. I sat by the desk.. before I would sit to write you a letter.. I would look at your Picture.. LOOK at the SUN.. Look at the Moon and the stars and just kept on thinking of YOU.. pulling out your Picture.. I would say.. I love YOU.. and Yes.. I miss YOU.. and I would sit by the desk.. looking at your picture again.. wondering why can't we be together right Now.. being so far from YOU hurts me more because I miss YOU.. How can I be with YOU if YOU are miles and miles.. distances away from me.. How can I tell YOU and speak to your ear.. to Your Heart how much I love you in verbal form.. is there another way My words can get to YOU.. will you let me get close to YOU.. will you let me come closer to YOU
Man on the driver's seat and He takes Off.. as I am looking at the truck disappear.. I am wiping my eyes.. it must be love.. It must be because I love YOU.. and YOU know that this is so true.. that I do love YOU.. really really Love YOU.. Oh I love you.. I just wish that YOU do know that I do love you.. only if YOU can believe my Words.. believe my Heart.. to trust me and to know this.. I will never stop but keep on loving YOU forever.. Will you please believe my Words that I love you.. then please Open your Heart.. open so that YOU can receive how much I love you.. I open to look.. Is the Letter here.. inside I don't see any letters from YOU.. of course I never asked for you to ever write me back.. but maybe.. just in case.. maybe you be surprising me with a Letter.. I would wait for the Mail Man.. but for some reason on this Very night.. I do not see the truck coming.. as One hour goes by.. all I can see is the Moon.. I am looking UP at the Moon.. my hand waves at the Moon.. only the Moon knows my Heart.. I guess NO one understands how much I love YOU.. but does that MOON sees my Will.. I am so determined to let it Out.. to tell YOU how much I love YOU.. do you even see my Heart Yet.. only times when it is Hard.. I will go out side.. standing by the Mail Box.. waiting for the Mail man to come.. Of course I have the third Letter.. In my hand is the envelope.. with your address and Your Name written on the envelope.. looking to see if the Truck comes.. I am holding.. the Letter has been written last Night.. and I been waiting all through the day.. hoping that this Letter.. inside the envelope gets to YOU.. I was so happy.. when the Mail man told me.. He saw YOU.. when He was driving the Mail Truck.. on the way to your House.. he saw your mail box.. stopping by the mail box.. the Door opens and the Mail Man waves his hand saying Someone has written a Letter to YOU.. and He opens the mail box and puts the envelope inside the Mail box and he drives away.. Just thinking a glimpse of YOU.. I would only look at your Picture.. but I am so sad because I wish I can be the Mail man who drives that Truck.. only if I can get a glimpse of YOU.. just to even stop by the Mail box.. just to see you stand by your Door.. and to see you Smile.. even if I can wave my hands at you and give YOU that smile.. it means everything to me.. I would say.. here is another Letter.. I know that I would not get close to YOU.. but the Hope to dream of Love.. the Hope to even ask if I can put a Letter in your Mail box.. that Hope to say I love YOU even though YOU may be standing Far.. YOU do not know How much I love YOU.. even the distance between YOUR mail box.. sitting on the Truck.. to Put the Letter inside the envelope there is a HOPE to say I love YOU.. I kiss the envelope.. seal with my Heart of JOY and Love.. but to tell YOU what it means to write you a Letter.. because YOU KNOW it is the Hope of just loving you.. when YOU have a Hope.. it means I can dream of something Bigger.. something greater that can happen one day.. I am not asking for YOUR hand right Now.. but I can still have Hope and Dream to love YOU.. this Letter.. I would kiss the Letter after I wrote.. folding into halves and Placing into the envelope.. writing your name and Your Address.. when I look at the Truck.. the mail Man comes with a smile.. and I give him the envelope inside is the letter I wrote and I tell HIM.. you know who this is too.. Please take it to YOU.. and He smiles and knows.. But now.. I know that he tells me that YOU are receiving the envelope with the Letter I have wrote.. I would be sitting on the Desk.. sometimes I would write so fast.. I make mistakes and I have to use the eraser to erase the Letter I marked wrong.. but knowing that the mail man is delivering to the right Mail Box.. to YOU.. I know that I can put my mind at ease.. Last Night I had a drink of wine.. of course I am standing by my mail box.. I am holding the envelope in my Hand.. the Letter is inside and I am still waiting for the Truck.. Looking at the MOON.. I had a drink last Night.. I wanted to cry.. I had a drink last Night.. I started to miss YOU.. I wanted to see YOU.. but I know that I just can't right Now.. sometimes I am wondering.. How long does this wait must be.. am I going to be here by the mail Box.. I don't want to just stand here by my own mail box.. I would like to be the One to able to go to YOU.. to stand By your Mail Box.. with my hand.. I be holding the envelope.. with the Letter I wrote last night.. and I would love to turn.. look at your door and I walk.. I would like to see YOU open your front door.. and I am able to hand YOU the Envelope and to watch both eyes.. your hand holding the envelope that I give.. and when YOUR hand hold.. I want to tell YOU.. looking at your eyes.. I have loved YOU for a long time.. can you please accept my Heart.. Can YOU please accept my Love.. will you let me Love YOU now.. since I am standing here meeting YOU face to face.. and My hand holding your Hand.. I will touch the envelope and I would tell YOU.. I did Not want to come earlier because I don't want you to be bothered or disturbed.. I been waiting for YOU to Love me.. can I ask YOU if YOU love me.. because if YOU don't love me.. How can I keep on loving YOU.. I only want to accept if YOU are able to open your Heart so that I can love YOU and YOU can love me back too.. I want to be brave.. I want to be bold and have courage to Love YOU more.. but I can't unless YOU open your Heart for Me.. please tell me if I can Love YOU.. as I am looking at my Mail box.. I would lift up my Head to look at the MOON.. I am only talking to myself now huh.. But I know that This letter.. it needs to go to YOU.. it needs to get delivered to YOU so that I want you to open the envelop so that YOU can read.. My Heart knows how much I want to be with YOU.. How much I love YOU.. I am standing here.. by my mail Box.. waiting for the truck.. WHY is the Mail Man Not coming.. I have this envelope.. I have your Letter inside.. I have written it last night.. I got little drunk.. so I am not sure if YOU are able to read it properly.. But I felt like I had to share even when I be so sad.. I would be crying.. siting on the bed.. I be crying because I be missing YOU.. looking at your Picture.. is this ALL I can do.. My eyes be hurting because that is all I can do.. My Hand hits my chest.. I want More.. I want to love More.. but LOOK.. all I can do is look at your Picture.. it kills me inside.. grabbing a Bottle of Wine.. I pour into the shot Glass.. sitting.. I would move to the desk.. I would be looking at the Picture.. open my mouth holding the shot glass and I slam it even though it was a wine.. I couldn't control my own emotions when I would look at you through the Picture.. WHY are you so Beautiful.. WHY do you have to smile like that.. tell me why can't I hold YOU in my arms.. tell me why do I keep on missing YOU.. please.. why can't you ever answer me.. and I would cry.. letting all my tears out of my eyes.. after few pouring into the Shot Glass.. and I would be slamming it into my mouth.. I would sit in silent.. wiping my tears with napkin.. and trying to focus.. I would grab the clean piece of paper.. holding up the pencil and putting the eraser next to the Paper.. I would start to write on the paper.. telling YOU.. I keep on missing YOU.. tell my Heart to stop Missing YOU because my Heart is killing me whenever I start missing YOU.. and I would pick up your Picture.. looking at YOU.. closing my eyes and I would open to look at you through this Picture.. I would put the picture down.. picking up the pencil and I start to look at the paper and write again.. I want to be with YOU.. I want to be the One to love YOU.. why can't I even do that.. WHY don't you tell me that I can Love YOU.. Please answer me.. but it seems like YOU never answer me.. But you know that I just can't stop telling YOU why I needs to keep on telling YOU that I love YOU.. Not sure if that make any sense but.. YOU know that I have never stopped loving YOU till now.. for a long time.. I would find a time and a place.. giving me the space so that I can put the work in time in that space to tell YOU.. I want to be with YOU forever.. can we be together forever.. Please tell me.. I would turn to look at the Bottle of the wine.. I see the Bottle empty.. I did not see that I drank the whole Bottle of Wine.. it should of been filled in a cup.. but I drank it like it was a SOJU instead.. I need to hear from YOU.. I want to hear from YOU.. Please tell me that YOU are able to hear from me.. Tell me that YOU Know my Heart.. and I would stop writing on the clean pieces of paper.. I would open the drawer and I would see an envelope.. and folding the Paper into a half and placed the Letter inside the envelope and I would let it sit on the top of the desk.. all through the Night.. through the day.. and I would grab the envelope and walk out to the Mail Box.. standing out side.. I am thinking about the Last Night.. about drinking the Bottle of the wine.. sitting on the top of the Bed.. even thinking about the shedding of my tears because I would miss YOU.. looking at your picture
Oink Oink.. I am asking you for ONE THING and I can't have It.. I am asking for YOUR BIG HEART.. why can't I have your BIG HEART.. why can't I see your BIG HEART.. I want to be able to see It.. Feel it and touch YOUR BIG HEART.. it has been raining Out side lately.. some days it be pouring Hard.. Other days it be light showers falling down on Me.. I would be walking in the Rain and At Night.. I would grab the Umbrella and I would LOOK toward the Sky.. LOOKING for the MOON if it wants to COME OUT to see Me.. but I think it has been hiding from Me.. because I would use the Umbrella when I am standing in the rain to protect me from the waters of getting me Wet.. I can't even see the MOON out side because I think when the MOON sees me.. it knows that I want to say and share.. express my Heart.. and I know that the MOON can be tired of Me.. I can't tell YOU anything because of the distant.. this Far distance between us is what is killing Me inside because I have SO MUCH WORDS to share.. to say to YOU.. but I can't find YOU anywhere.. that is WHY I AM asking for your BIG HEART.. I have brought this Empty GLASS JAR with me.. and It got bigger because I know your Heart can't fit in the Older Empty Glass Jar.. so I had to go to a store to BUY a Brand New ONE that can FIT the BIG SIZE HEART of Yours and I am asking.. WILL you Please give me Your BIG HEART.. I am dying.. and It feels like the RAIN every Night without YOU.. if I can't tell YOU MY HEART to HEART.. and I am dying inside to tell YOU.. to share and say to YOU.. I needs to say what is in my Heart because I just can't go ON without LOVING YOU.. If I missed YOU.. you told me to COME here.. but I am looking at this BIG WINDOW.. unable to find you standing here at this House.. But I came here this very Night because I wanted to tell YOU.. I been thinking of YOU a lot lately.. and has been missing YOU.. just like It has been raining out side a lot.. with dark grey sky hover over and showers of light rain falling down on me.. when I feel like I can't share or Speak.. or say something because of the MOON has been hiding away.. I would not use the Umbrella anymore.. and let the Light rain fall down on me.. LOOKING at the BIG EMPTY GLASS JAR.. I am holding in my arms.. and I feel sick to my stomach because If I can't tell the MOON any more.. and I am missing YOU.. the longing drives me crazy.. it kills me because if you at least Give me your BIG HEART and I get to place your BIG HEART inside this BIG EMPTY GLASS JAR.. watching the Light rain waters showering and falling from the sky is filling UP the Big Empty GLASS JAR instead.. and I would fall on two knees and I would LOOK down as I am watching the waters Filled UP instead.. I can't find the MOON to speak of YOU.. and share to YOU what My Heart be aching.. I don't see your BIG HEART placed inside this BIG EMPTY GLASS JAR.. if I am able to put and place YOUR BIG HEART inside this BIG EMPTY GLASS JAR.. I would be missing YOU but it would NOT be this Bad.. it would NOT HURT this MUCH.. It hurts that I can't tell YOU WHAT I AM truly FEELING.. it hurts me because YOU know How much I need YOU and HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU.. HELP ME to say and tell YOU what My Heart be breaking inside.. I needs to tell YOU because I know that I love YOU still.. YOU TOLD ME when I missed YOU to come to this WINDOW and I am standing Outside of this House.. LOOKING UP at the BIG WINDOW.. Where are YOU.. Please tell me where YOU At because I came here tonight because I missed YOU too much that My Heart just can't handle this kind of Pain.. this Kind of ache which is hurting me inside.. Please tell me where YOU are At.. let me Know that YOU are doing GOOD.. Please tell me so that I know YOU know this aching of my Heart.. I am holding this BIG EMPTY GLASS JAR.. to let YOU know that I have a Question to ask of YOU.. as I am waiting by this Big Window.. I can hear the thunder roaring and I see the flashes of lightening through the sky as I turn to LOOK back.. I know that it is going to rain very SOON.. if I wait here little longer.. I know that I am going to be Hit by the waters of the rain drops.. as my Arms wraps around this Big Empty Glass Jar.. I turn around to LOOK toward the Sky.. I just can't believe it.. the MOON has finally showed UP.. its been few days that I could NOT find this MOON.. why was it hiding from Me.. why couldn't it show UP sooner.. when I am able to share and tell and say what is ON my Heart.. it does help me because It kills me to NOT say anything about YOU.. WHY show UP when I came to see YOU by this Big Window.. WHY show UP now when I came to ask you for something.. and I would LOOK UP at the MOON.. and I am holding UP the Big EMPTY GLASS JAR.. and in the white dress.. YOU would walk to the Big Window but My back has turned and I am Now facing the MOON.. and I would LOOK UP to the MOON.. I know that I been sharing a lot and it is always been about YOU.. Only if you can be in my shoes.. and Only if I can give YOU my Heart.. and give you My thoughts of what I am dealing with today.. it be so NICE for you to know how it feels to be on My side.. Missing YOU kills me.. Missing YOU aches my Heart and it drives me to where I can fall on two Knees.. it brings tears into my eyes and Aches in Pains my Heart.. I want to breathe and I want to stay ALIVE.. but Loving YOU always starts with WHEN I miss YOU.. WHY I keep on missing YOU.. I can't keep it to myself when I feel this PAIN because I love YOU.. WHY does Love Hurts.. WHY does Love brings so much Pain and why loving you needs to start with MISSING YOU the Most.. I hate it that I have to go ON like this but I can't help it because I love you More when I feel this KIND of sharpness in my SOUL.. that is why I am asking YOU.. Please Help me.. Please give me Your Heart.. YOUR BIG HEART.. I came to this BIG WINDOW with a BROKEN HEART.. full of Sorrows and Pain.. this ache I am dealing with because I be missing YOU like crazy.. WHY do I needs to tell YOU and share you all these things.. Because I loved YOU FIRST.. I love you enough where I can tell you and that YOU DO NOT NEEDS to ask More.. just loving YOU has its UPS and brings true happiness to my LIFE but when I start to miss YOU.. I feel like a KNIFE.. it stabs me into my Heart into my SOUL I can feel a DEEP CUT into it.. DO I love it.. NO.. but it gets me OUT of my Chest what I needs to tell YOU before it is TOO LATE.. I do not want to ever regret because loving YOU is NOW.. NOT Later is what is in my Heart.. I want to be early.. so that YOU KNOW YOU CAN count on Me.. Not a person YOU will regret and that is WHY.. I came to this BIG WINDOW.. even though I am LOOKING UP at the MOON at this Point.. if YOU are able to hear Me.. because I have come from a far distance just to be by this BIG WINDOW of this House.. DO YOU Not remember what YOU told me.. that when the days comes like I am standing Out side in the rain and it feels so Grey and dark out side and I am missing YOU so Bad.. I am missing YOU SO Crazy that you allowed me.. gave me your Word of Permission that I can come and stand by this Big Window.. this very Night.. I did Not come alone.. last time I came is with the Picture of YOU.. but this very night.. I had to go to a store to Buy a NEWBIG GLASS JAR knowing that YOU have a BIG HEART.. I did not come here just to tell YOU something but came to ask YOU if I can Have something.. if YOU can Please give me Your Big Heart.. I needs to Know if I can Have your BIG HEART.. when I go back to My House.. even though I know that I will keep on missing YOU.. at least I would Not feel so Alone.. if I have your BIG HEART placed inside this BIG EMPTY GLASS JAR.. there be Nights when I would walk Out side alone and when the MOON wants to hide from Me.. I be okay standing still because I know that I be having the BIG GLASS JAR.. if your Big Heart is inside it.. I do not needs to LOOK UP at the MOON any more.. I can just LOOK at the BIG GLASS JAR and YOUR BIG HEART is only what matters to me the Most.. because If I have YOUR BIG HEART.. at least I know that ONE DAY.. you will come back for YOUR BIG HEART.. that YOU may be far.. but YOUR BIG HEART here with me is what counts because this is what I can tell YOUR BIG HEART.. even though I may miss you in person.. I know when I do miss you in person.. I can look at your BIG HEART and just share it to YOU.. to tell YOU and say HOW MUCH I am missing YOU.. if I feeling this Ache.. this Pain because I am missing YOU and want to say I love YOU.. I can look at the BIG GLASS JAR.. looking inside is your Big Heart.. I know that I can tell YOU HEART.. your BIG HEART that I love YOU.. what matters the Most is YOUR BIG HEART.. because your BIG HEART is connected to YOU and Knows YOU the Most and having the Most precious Special place and having your BIG HEART is the MOST IMPORTANT to me.. because there is where I can tell you My Love Story.. a Story of how much I love you without being too bored of a person.. I want you to know that I put everything on the Line because I need your BIG HEART and because I love YOU.. whenever you told me when I miss YOU to come.. WHY are you not there and I would turn around to LOOK at the Big WINDOW.. and my jaws drop LOOKING at How beautiful you are.. SO AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL.. Breathless Beautiful.. so Beautiful that I would say to YOU LOOKING UP at the BIG WINDOW.. can I please Have your BIG HEART.. I need it right Now so Please.. give me your BIG BEAUTIFUL HEART.. I needs to Love you More and tell you More how much I do so that I would Not miss you much even though I am always missing YOU
MAH MAH.. I do want to say to you HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. thank you so Much for this Once in a Life time chance.. to able to tell YOU what is really deep in my Heart.. I am hearing noises behind Me.. Kneeling with two Knees down and I turn to LOOK back.. I just can't believe my Eyes.. I am watching the Children.. the Little Boys with Wooden swords are running.. and they stop to see YOU.. and the Parents from the Garden all comes.. falling before YOU.. two Knees down with the Boys.. and I am truly speechless because the War is about to happen very SOON.. but these Children.. these BOYS just can't fight Yet.. they are the Next generations of Boys to grow UP for this NATION.. to help YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I see the Little Boy.. the friend from the Garden.. his SON looks at me with tears in the eyes.. YOU.. the QUEEN raise the Sword and Points to the Little Boy to Speak.. and even the New Recruits.. I see the YOUNG MEN who just came into the training ground.. they all stop.. KNEELS before YOU.. two Knees on the Ground.. and the Little Boy stands UP.. the Father who is my friend growing UP in the Garden.. and How the Father of this Little BOY shared the story of My Heart for YOU.. and knowing HOW MUCH I Love YOU.. the Father of the Boy shared to these Little Boys and NOW they wanted to join in the Fight for freedom.. and willing to DIE for their COUNTRY because it is the only Right thing to do for this NATION.. allowing the Little Boys with the Parents to come into the Palace and to be part of rebuilding this NATION.. the LITTLE BOYS wanted to help.. and even has chosen to give their Lives for this COUNTRY and I am in tears.. crying and weeping.. I just and the Sword points.. I see your sword pointing at Me and I turn to face YOU and I would be kneeling.. two knees down.. MAH MAH.. Please reconsider.. Please.. I have chosen but I am Now grown person.. I am asking for your Permission so that YOU can stay behind.. Please.. Please consider and be with these Little Children.. WHY do you want these Little Ones to choose a Path that they are UN PREPARED for.. they are just too YOUNG for this Age.. I know I left very young age but that is why I am asking if YOU can PLEASE.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. Please stay behind and be with these LITTLE BOYS.. if YOU stay behind.. YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH is the ONLY ONE who can help these LITTLE BOYS to calm their spirits.. FOR ME.. I have lived enough and If I do die in the Battle of this War.. I asked you even in the Prison.. I don't want to die in Prison for Treason when ALL I ever done is LOVE YOU.. HAVE MERCY on Me and Please forgive if I did something WRONG.. but If I do Die and Yes.. taking few MEN DOWN.. but YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH Holds the future for this NEXT generations.. these LITTLE BOYS truly NEED a ruler who understands and who knows what YOU are doing.. if these Little CHILDREN goes to the war and Dies.. HOW about the Future of the next UP COMING.. some of these Boys can be scholars and Be COUNCIL of NOBLEMEN.. Others can have dreams to be Prison Guards.. or even HIGH OFFICIALS who can be a GOOD WORK for YOU.. some can be generals and Others a COMMANDERS or even Generals too.. but YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH is the Only one who can keep their spirits down because when YOU lose many YOUNG boys who are suppose to help to build this Nation in this Palace.. they are truly the Future for reshaping this COUNTRY.. I have fought enough and even with my Passing.. it is not going to do much.. but when YOU have many of these Little Children Gone in the Battle.. it leaves a big HOLE which you HWANG WOO MAH MAH could of NOT let this kind of suffering comes to any ONE.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH PLEASE CONSIDER and PLEASE RE CONSIDER.. it is because YOU are also going to the War.. If you Fight.. these BOYS will go also because I see they have already MADE UP their MINDS.. made UP everything.. and they are ready to go.. BUT they are NOT trained Yet and still too YOUNG.. very YOUNG is what I see and it is fierce Out in that Battlefield.. they need time to grow through training and practices so they would NOT DIE in vain so HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I know that YOU are wise and truly Smart.. that is why I am asking you this request that let the Little CHILDREN.. the Little BOYS live.. only way they will LIVE is when YOU are staying Behind MY QUEEN and I would hear the voices of my Friends.. they would all shout.. Please RECONSIDER for the Future of the NEXT SUCCESSION for these LITTLE BOYS to grow UP and I would hear the Little CHILDREN.. BOYS are crying because they want to JOIN in the Fight.. LOOK and I am just full of tears running down.. LOOK.. they are like your CHILDREN.. they are LIKE your SONS.. would you let YOUR SONS to fight when they are NOT ready yet.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. they are so YOUNG.. and My Head Looks on the Ground.. arm stretches forward and I see you remove the Sword away and YOU raised UP the right ARM.. hand holding the Sword and I hear YOU wanting to stay Behind because of the Little CHILDREN and the men are all crying.. all the Soldiers are crying because YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH has a special place in my Heart.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. Thank YOU MANSAE to HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and the MEN.. soldiers all raises UP the Voices.. MANSAE to HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I am wiping my tears with my arms.. and the Little Boy runs up.. my friend's son in the garden.. he throws his arms around me.. and I see his tears and wipes.. YOU are like a SON to me too.. but a REAL Soldier you will be Better than I.. and I hear Other little Boys running and they are circling around me.. and they all turn around and LOOKING at YOU.. the Little SONS.. the children all falls on the ground.. two knees on the ground.. arm stretches out forward and Heads all look to the ground and your SWORD points to Me and I would say.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH is like your MOTHER even though she is OUR QUEEN.. raise your voices as the SOLDIERS for the QUEEN and I would shout Loud.. MAN SAE to HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. the LITTLE BOYS crying in tears shouts MAN SAE to HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I would shout Louder MORE.. HOO RAY to the QUEEN and the Little BOYS would shout Louder More.. HOO RAY to Our QUEEN and I see your SWORD remove away and I would stand UP on two legs.. and I am LOOKING at YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I did Not mean to cause any trouble.. but I want you to KNOW the clear intentions of My Heart.. because I know How it was like to be in their age when I left the Garden.. but I needed time before I came to the training ground and I had to grow UP and get older to know what it means to LOVE YOU.. to know what it means to fight in the Battles.. to HOLD UP the Sword to Protect and to even defend but the Most is LOVE YOU.. I hear the Little BOY speaking to Me.. the Father told them about How much I loved YOU.. that I made the decision to Leave the garden at a TIME where I could die at their Age.. the LITTLE BOYS must been touched because.. THEY TOO know what to JOIN in this Battle.. but Please Forgive me and thank YOU for reconsidering because I had to get the Point across.. I know WHAT YOU MEAN because YOU are the KEY to build this COUNTRY and the ONLY ONE who can give the Chance for the Next to rise UP and to HELP.. to fight ON your BEHALF because I was there.. If I don't come Back.. YOU have these LITTLE ONES.. if YOU go with me.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and YOU are the TRUE SUCCESSION for this COUNTRY.. PEH HA.. your FATHER is the ONE who left YOU and is the ONE who assigned YOU to take after HE is GONE.. that MEANS without YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. these LITTLE BOYS.. the NEXT WARRIORS and SOLDIERS for YOU.. who is going to take My place and the Other Soldiers when we are GONE and that is WHY I had to ask.. YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. you have to remember why I have come OUT from the Garden to come here I was thinking of YOU.. that YOU are the ONLY ONE who can give me this KIND of chances.. NO OTHER person matters and that is why I started to LOVE YOU.. the day I saw YOU ON that Horse with YOUR FATHER PEH HA.. the KING.. when I saw YOU.. I saw about these LITTLE CHILDREN.. their AGE.. I knew when I saw YOUR FATHER and standing alone with YOU.. the BOND.. the special BOND you had with your Father.. and Knowing YOUR FATHER was the RULER at that time.. HE was telling you something very special.. JUST like how the People who came Out of the garden to come here.. My Friend who I grew UP in the Garden heard that I was here.. could NOT believe that I made it this Far.. that is why HE came with his Family and his Children.. for a chance.. this LITTLE BOY.. I thank you for staying behind because HE too needs a chance only YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH can give.. NO ONE else cares enough but YOU DO and I would see the Little BOYS crying.. and they are all touched and Moved for a chance.. THEY are so YOUNG.. and they NEED YOU as much I needed YOU then.. but they need you more than ever.. I had my time and I want to help and to do what I am called to DO for you and for this NATION.. that I held this SWORD for a reason.. to show YOU that MY LOVE is this MUCH love.. for YOU to be the QUEEN.. MY QUEEN OF my HEART and for this NATION to continue after.. to HELP the NEXT who needs your Hands more than I do.. they NEED YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and a HAND grabs me.. and I would turn to LOOK back
MAH MAH.. I see the Little BOY.. the Friend's SON and I would TURN to LOOK AT HIM and I told HIM.. I will be back SOON.. I PROMISE and I would open my arms to hold him.. like a SON I always wanted.. and I would OPEN to let go of Him.. as I turn to LOOK at YOU.. arm stretches forward and I bow my Head to YOU standing UP.. and the Seven friends of MINE.. they all stand UP behind Me.. with Swords in the hands.. I would LOOK UP at the MOON.. and I would say.. ever since I loved YOU from the YOUNG BOY.. the day I saw YOU.. the first day was sitting on the Horse and my father pulling the strings of the Horse.. going back to the garden I lift UP to look at the SAME MOON.. I remember I would say.. Would I ever be close to YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. do you know that YOU are the QUEEN OF MY HEART.. I know that ONE DAY.. some day SOON I will get very close enough to tell YOU that I love YOU.. and I believe when that day come.. I can tell it to YOU as you are standing close to me as it is very Night.. and I would turn to LOOK at YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. if you look UP at the sky.. the first day I saw YOU.. I told that MOON that I be very close to YOU that YOU are able to see me when we are looking at the SAME MOON.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. if you can please lift UP to look at that MOON.. it has been there ever since I would confess my Heart and I told that MOON.. ONE DAY.. some day SOON.. I can reveal it to YOU before the SAME MOON I told Long ago when I was young.. and my Dreams came true because I never stopped dreaming about YOU.. and still I know I am never stopped dreaming and if I can tell YOU Now.. Please hear my voice and my words.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I love YOU.. Please remember that I never stopped loving YOU even this very day.. I will always love YOU.. Two Knees down and I would grab a Letter from my Back and It is folded into two and I would unfold the Letter.. My Head Looking on the ground and YOU.. MY QUEEN.. pulls out your Sword and the Sharp sword points at Me.. and I would Lift up my Head and I would LOOK UP to YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. while I was In the Prison waiting for my sentence.. the Crime as being the Treason.. I asked the Prison Guard for the Ink and for the paper cloth.. that I needed to Write YOU a Letter before my Passing.. I knew that I could breathe my last in the prison and just waiting for to be executed.. but I knew that I just could NOT leave like this and had to write YOU a Letter.. if I could get the Permission from YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. would you Please allow me to share this Letter so that YOU know my Heart.. how much I love YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I see that YOUR sword keeps on pointing at Me.. and I would LOOK at this Letter and I would say.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. My Father would tell me that UP in the HILL in the Garden.. there is a Tree.. and How my Mother was buried by the Tree and a bed of Flowers were planted by this Tree.. there is this ONE FLOWER.. very Unique in colors that My Mother gave to my Father before she died and told my Father to give this ONE PRETTY FLOWER to some one who I loved the Most.. I knew that if I died in the Prison the Word I must tell YOU and say to YOU.. if it does NOT get to YOU fast enough.. I know that YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH will never see this One Beautiful Flower that has been passed down to Me.. I remember when I was YOUNG and saw you the First time in that Garden.. I gave YOU a ONE FLOWER.. but that was NOT the One because I learned after.. before my Father passed on and died.. he told me where I must go to find this ONE BEAUTIFUL UNIQUE Flower.. I remember the Night before I left the Garden.. I went UP on the HILL.. saw the TREE and went next over and saw the ONE UNIQUE Beautiful Flower that my Mother gave to Me.. My friend who came to this Palace with his SON.. he Knows about the ONE UNIQUE flower and told me that before He came with his SON and his family went UP to the HILL side.. by the Tree where my Mother was buried.. went over to the Bed side of Flowers and could Not believe it.. that all of the Flowers died except that ONE UNIQUE Flower is still kept alive and told me recently that HE saw the Flower.. Now I wrote YOU a Letter of my Heart.. I remember the Night I left the Garden.. I was in full of tears because I was leaving many things Behind me and had to start ALL over from scratch.. I was scary to walk alone and did NOT think that I would ever go to YOU.. I saw the FULL MOON that Night above me and I thought about that ONE SPECIAL FLOWER because it reminds me of YOU.. the ROOT of that FLOWER is so strong that even many years goes DOWN the road and How Times has changed.. and NOW you are the TRUE QUEEN who rules over the Nation and I was looking back how can I make It.. HOW can I go to YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH was the Only thought in my Heart.. I was thinking about will I see you SOON.. or will I be like my Parents who I have lost along the way.. will I make it where I get to be CLOSE to YOU.. or will I die walking alone lost in the WOODS.. I always wanted to HOLD the Sword.. that is the ONLY WAY I can get close to YOU because there is NO OTHER WAY I can get close to YOU MY QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. As I watched and leaving that Garden was the Most hardest I ever had to DO.. leaving the HILL SIDE.. the Tree where My Mother was buried and leaving my Father who was also buried in that Garden but I knew that I had to change.. I needed to leave so that I can get close to YOU.. ever since I met you in the Garden and How I gave you that ONE FLOWER.. and even with the Sword on the neck by the Official Guard.. I was NOT afraid to die when It came loving YOU.. leaving the Garden was the most hardest choice I had to make but I knew if I did NOT.. how can I tell YOU that I Love YOU.. I wanted to say it to YOU many times.. tell you in many different words.. even though YOU are the QUEEN of the NATION who became the ruler and Conqueror.. It did not change of the Person WHO I Loved the most.. WHEN I was at the Garden.. and the Night I left LOOKING UP at the MOON.. a part of me was afraid of the change but there was this OTHER side I had to let YOU KNOW how much I loved YOU.. of course.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH would NOT of believed me with these words yet.. but it was only in the Matter of time.. in due time YOU will really see this LOVE inside of me of HOW MUCH IT is true.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH is Not just going to believe in any Words and I knew.. there are so much things I had to DO and also OVER COME TO give you this Proof.. to Prove to you as a MAN that I am a person when I speak and share.. it means what it is.. that is TRUE.. I am NOT asking YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH to believe all of my Words because Until the END comes.. there will be a time that YOU WILL KNOW that what I have been telling YOU is true.. that I am being real to YOU about the Feelings and the Emotions in my Heart that I do really Love YOU and when I do Miss YOU.. it means that I DO.. I wish that I can show you My WHOLE HEART.. Open up my Heart to really show YOU what it is Like to be IN my Shoes.. to Love you is like crossing Many Mountains.. going across the Rivers of the Lows.. into the deep wooded areas where YOU can meet wild animals who wants to hunt you down.. to fight when the enemies charge to go against YOU but to learn.. to become from a slave boy to the solider.. from the Lowest back ground to go into the Prison for YOU because it means that I love YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. you have to always remember that I came out from the Garden.. from the Most poorest Place and my Father was ONLY a HEAD of servants in the Palace.. that Means I am a slave son.. but it never bothered me to Dream Big.. to Have A Vision of Love to over come the challenge and obstacles.. difficulties to come Long ways but along side to be close to YOU.. when I left the Garden in a young Age.. I had One Dream.. to Tell YOU how much I love YOU.. but I would love YOU deep in my Heart.. I would have this Dream of being close to YOU.. this Dream and Vision of being so close that I am able to tell YOU NOW.. how much I love YOU.. when I think about leaving the Garden.. it felt so Impossible.. so Far away.. the distance was just too Long and reality was harsh and Bitter for Me.. I felt lonely while walking in the Woods.. meeting wild Animals that can hunt me down without any experience of fighting the Military Art.. the ODDS were against me but I did Believe in one thing.. that I loved YOU enough that I would take that challenge.. I had to cross and walk many nights alone.. and I needed to endure but it did NOT matter about the TIME because as long as I was getting Closer.. my steps seems so Far when I was IN the Garden.. leaving that Garden gave me more courage because at least I had the New Day.. and it means I have the chance to take another step closer to YOU.. I was NOT IN the Garden anymore when I left.. and I knew I cannot turn back any more but must keep moving forward.. I would love YOU MORE through this Challenge.. I would unfold the Art Sketch Paper.. the Drawing picture of YOU because it gave me HOPE.. when YOU told the OFFICIAL GUARD to not to strike me with the Sword in the Garden the day YOU left.. I knew I had a Chance to go to YOU because WHO AM I TO TELL YOU then that I love YOU.. it meant nothing at that time when I think of it Now.. but I began to love YOU MORE as I would walk.. going across the Mountain.. and walking through the Rivers of waters.. I would think of YOU more.. to get to YOU more.. to be close to you
MAH MAH.. That One day.. I will have the chance to confess from my Heart that as a MAN that I love YOU.. of course it took my many years to go through trials and errors.. facing hardship and even going into the Prison.. I believe that the TIME is NOW to share to YOU that my Dreams has finally came true.. it came true because I never gave UP on loving YOU.. I could of gave UP HWANG WOO MAH MAH because YOU are just too BIG and too MIGHTY NOW.. at the TOP level and I am STILL at the Lowest Place.. but I never gave UP because I knew that I had to tell YOU.. it was NOT about the position but it was ALL about letting YOU know and finally the truth has to.. needs to come OUT NOW.. MY QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH may Not know this.. but I never gave UP ON you and never gave UP on loving YOU.. I only had this One vision.. it is first getting as close to YOU as Possible and My Dream as a MAN.. to Tell you that I love YOU.. I am Not asking YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH to accept.. because who am I.. but on my Side I only wanted to let YOU KNOW that this MAN.. this Person Never stopped loving YOU.. ever since I had to leave that Garden.. even since I gave you that One FLOWER.. and HOW the Guard put me on the ground raising the Sword to strike me.. I closed my Eyes so that I could die right there.. ever since your Father.. PEH HA put me in prison.. and ever since I went into the Prison recently for the charges brought up against me as Treason.. I was always ready to die for YOU because HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I never stopped loving YOU.. I can die right now and maybe after my passing YOU can finally see how much I loved YOU.. because I told YOU.. when I left the garden.. only in my Heart and my eyes.. visions of getting CLOSE to YOU.. and My Dreams of Heart is to let you know how much I love YOU.. My HOPE and My Wish is just this SIMPLE.. for you to know.. for HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN to know How much I love YOU.. How much truly I love YOU.. it is NOT just by mere Words on this Page I am writing to YOU but to let YOU know even.. I am Kneeling with two Knees down.. holding this Letter before YOU and telling YOU right Now.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I love YOU.. do you know How much I love YOU.. that is why I wanted to show YOU.. if YOU go back to the Garden and UP on the HILL SIDE.. the Tree YOU saw.. and next is the Bed of Flowers.. but I heard only ONE remains with a Special UNIQUE colors on that Flower.. it is YOUR FLOWER that I gave from my Heart.. that I kept as YOUNG.. after I was told.. I had to use New soils.. different soils to protect the ROOTS of that FLOWER and It is a FLOWER that ONLY my QUEEN can Have.. the Flower that ONLY belongs to YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. when YOU get to that Flower.. I named the Flower My QUEEN.. QUEEN OF the Flowers.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH Flower.. and I would fold the Letter into half and I would Lift UP with both hands putting my Head looking at the Ground.. I hear your foot steps walking closer and your Hand receives the Letter.. my Heart is truly touched as My Hands let go of the Letter I wrote in the Prison for YOU and my eyes.. full of tears falls to the Ground.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I love YOU.. My QUEEN.. I always wanted to say and tell YOU this in person Heart to Heart that I always Love YOU.. MY QUEEN I love YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I really Love YOU.. that it hurts me so Much but also the waves of joy fills my eyes with tears because I do wanted to say this to YOU.. in does not matter what any one else things because it is ME who has been loving YOU for so long.. and I still wanted to tell YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. SARANG HAE YO.. I love YOU.. I am Kneeling.. two knees are down and Holding the End of the Sword in the sheath.. I would Pull the Sword Out and the sheath hits the Ground.. and I am Looking at the Blade of this Sword.. it is very Sharp.. and YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH who is standing before Me.. with the Big Crown.. King's Queen's Crown putting Together.. and I am Looking at the Blade.. MAH MAH.. I want to tell you something.. for a Very Long Time I wanted to hold this Sword.. because there is ONLY ONE thing in my Mind.. One thing in my Heart.. I know a LOW BORN like myself who came from the Most Poorest Place really Has Nothing to give YOU.. what can I truly give YOU MAH MAH.. I know that having Nothing.. coming from the Least and from the Most Poorest Place where there is NO CHANCE to survive.. I had One Dream though.. if there is NOTHING that I can Do.. and Only thing I can do is wait to Die.. then I know that I at least needs to do something before I do Go.. and I would watch the Boys who grew UP in the Garden.. Always wanted to hold a real Sword.. and if there was a way MUST have the WILL to do so.. and I know that I had to do something to HOLD.. a real Sword like this.. growing UP as the Poor in the Garden and Only thing was holding the Sticks.. branches of a stick that has fallen off.. when I heard about the Opening for the Military Arts.. the training Camp on the training ground.. I knew that I wanted to Go.. I wanted to grab this real Sword.. but I knew that I was just too young when I first heard the Good News about the Opening wide for New Recruits.. I remember asking my Father if I can go and enter the Camp.. the training camp.. My Father told me that I could NOT go because they would NOT accept Me because of my age being just too YOUNG.. I wanted to Hold this real Sword because I wanted to FIGHT.. Fight on your Behalf.. my Heart is to always to Protect YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. to protect you whatever It takes.. even at the YOUNG AGE I was at.. I would Beg my Father.. I had to go.. if they reject me there.. at least Let me try to ask if I can GO.. but my father told Me that I just could NOT go at that time.. I was heart broken.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I wanted to see YOU again.. at least be in the Camp.. in the training ground even if I can't see you around.. because I knew at least I be much closer if I was at the Training Camp.. breathing Hard because I knew.. I just could Not wait.. but I knew that my Father was right.. He knew that I had to wait until I grew a little Older.. but I never stopped Dreaming.. I would keep on coming OUT at night.. LOOKING UP at the MOON.. should I go and try.. even if I be rejected.. and the Camp will Not allow Me to get In.. should I still try.. maybe some way or some HOW I can go.. and I would LOOK UP at the MOON and Cry.. MAH MAH.. I would shout from the TOP of my Lungs.. and say MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. DO YOU Hear Me.. Can you Hear me because I am dreaming of a way to get more CLOSER to YOU.. I know that YOU are very busy as the HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. if YOU cannot come to Me.. I know for sure I will make the time to go to YOU.. at least help ME to enter the CAMP.. that is the Only way My Dreams can come true closer because here in the Garden.. I know that It is so much Far.. WHAT DO I DO.. ever since I saw YOU by the Ocean Waters with your FATHER the KING.. PEH HA.. I know that I just can't stop thinking of YOU.. with me is the ART SKETCH PAPER.. the Drawing picture of YOU.. MAH MAH.. if I go to the CAMP.. will you ALLOW me to stay there.. will you allow me to be a part of the Military Armed service to become a Fighter and a Protector for YOU.. I NEED the SWORD.. I need the real Sword in my Hand.. so that I can say Finally I am a part and that NOW my Dreams are coming true because I am so much closer to YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. Please help me.. I had to wait for a long time.. when I met the Older MAN.. the Teacher and the One who was a great friend to my grand father.. there was a real Sword in his House and I remember He told me the story of Many Battles He fought with my Grand father next to HIM.. winning many Wars.. it was fierce when YOU fight on the ground in any Wars you must face against the enemies who is trying to KILL YOU.. and I remember that the Older MAN.. the Teacher told me that when HE gives me and writes the OFFICIAL SEAL for me to go into the Training Camp.. and I was able to take the Sword that my Grand father had with him.. When I passed the test the Older MAN.. the Teacher gave me with the Official SEAL.. the Letter.. he also gave me the Sword which my Grand father would Have.. WHEN I held the Sword.. the REAL SWORD.. I thought of YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. pulling the end of the Sword Out of the Sheath.. and LOOKING at the Blade of the Sword.. ONLY YOU.. I would LOOK at the sword of the Blade and I cried that very NIGHT.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I now have a real SWORD in my Hand.. that means I am getting closer to YOU.. NOT JUST for Me.. I know that there is NOTHING FOR ME to give.. I am very Poor.. what can a POOR man do.. but coming this Far and had to wait this Long.. and leaving the Garden and leaving the POOR life behind me.. I am entering a NEW LIFE stage that is going to YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I always dreamed of holding a real Sword so that I can HELP rebuild.. I can support YOUR RULING to defend.. to HELP defend YOUR NATION and even to Protect YOU.. I have put ALL of it.. My Heart has go ALL IN to get this Real sword to be held by my hand.. because ALL I think of YOU.. I know that I may Not give Much or can't give YOU anything at all.. But I do want to say that I love YOU.. that I never stopped believing in Loving YOU that ONE DAY SOON I will see you again.. that I am going to get closer to YOU.. Looking at the Blade of the Sword.. I fell on my two knees
MAH MAH.. I am LOOKING toward the MOON.. and I would put my arm stretch Out forward and I would LOOK my Head to the Ground.. the proper way to TELL YOU that I am Going to YOU.. to TELL YOU MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I have passed.. the Teacher.. the Older MAN who took care of ME and has teach me the Military Arts.. He told me that I am now ready to enter the Camp to make a Soldier.. a Warrior for YOU.. I just could NOT believe that I was holding this real Sword.. and It belonged to my Grand father.. I am NOTHING LIKE my grand Father because HE was the CHIEF COMMANDER.. but I am Nothing.. but having this Sword held in my Hand meant that NOW I am able to use it with a Purpose.. that I can NOW fight.. and go into the CAMP to be a REAL Soldier to know More about the Military Arts and that is the way to get MORE CLOSER to YOU.. Knowing this is the Key Point.. that I can NOW enter the CAMP means a lot.. and Looking UP at the MOON.. and waiting for the New Day to Come so that I can go to the Palace.. to the training CAMP and trying to Pass the exams.. that was the Only Focus I had because I knew that was the Only way I can see YOU AGAIN.. that I can be closer.. that when something Happens I can be right There ready to FIGHT to defend and to protect YOU MAH MAH.. and it has been such an Amazing Journey ever since I passed even at the Training Camp.. and entering the Training Ground.. BUT MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I am holding the Sword that my Grand father once held who was here at the Palace.. who was serving Your Father who was the Late King.. PEH HA.. and I heard He would enter many Wars that broken here.. NOW I am holding the Sword which it is the ONLY ONE THING I had in my Heart that can ONLY be the Key to get closer to YOU.. MAH MAH.. I never stopped Loving YOU.. that was the engine in my Heart.. that WILL and the Drive only can COME because I knew that I kept on loving YOU.. for one Purpose is to Protect.. I never stopped the Promise of making to YOUR FATHER.. to My FATHER and to YOU MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH is the PROMISE I made to keep my Word because I kept on loving YOU still.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. the reason why I am sharing this Story is because Letting YOU know still.. that I love YOU.. that it is because I kept on thinking of YOU and I would miss YOU most times.. and Only this SWORD helped me to keep me alive this very Day.. losing YOU and knowing that YOU.. MAH MAH was so far.. but I had One set in mind.. that I only needed to have and held this Real Sword.. Once My hand gets to it and my Hand can hold this Sword.. I believe loving YOU and Letting YOU know how much I do love YOU will come sooner.. that I be closer to let YOU MORE as the time keeps ON going.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. can YOU please Look at this Sword I am holding.. it is the Sword that I never thought that I can have.. but it is a real Sword Now that I am holding into my Hand.. and It meant to always Fight and to Protect YOU MAH MAH.. for this People and for this Nation when danger comes around.. when the enemies attack.. it is this Sword who is going to help YOU to rebuild this Nation to be in its right Place.. and I would see YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. the QUEEN.. as YOU would walk closer and YOU STOP.. my hands both holding the Side of the Sword and arms lift up and I see your hands grabbing and holding into your Hands.. it is because of this I am allowed to get into the Camp.. into the training camp because without this Sword.. the real Sword.. I know that I would NOT be here today letting YOU Know how much YOU means to me and that YOU are the Love of my Life.. that I love YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I am letting YOU know because.. My Heart truly Loves YOU this Much.. loves YOU this Far.. that NOW you can see How much and How far I came because I never stopped Loving YOU and kept on dreaming of getting Closer to YOU.. I just wanted to say to YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. thank YOU for Opening the Gates and receiving the Letter.. the Official seal stamped by the Teacher.. the OLDER MAN to help me get inside to the CAMP.. I know my Words can't express enough.. my Words are Never enough but I started from the Poorest Place.. who had NO DREAMS at ALL.. I came from where People just can't have dreams at ALL.. but just be ready to Die.. and I would ask myself why even be born if there is NOTHING MORE to Life than to wait to Die doing Nothing.. and having Nothing.. and It really crushed my Heart when I only saw that at the Garden.. that is why I wanted to flee for a Long time.. to a Better place to have a Better chance to see a Better future.. that is when I met YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. when YOU were sitting on the Horse.. and Your Father.. PEH HA.. the KING.. who was walking on bare Feet.. pulling on the strings of the Horse.. when my Father FELL before the King.. PEH HA.. and I heard him say PEH HA.. I knew that YOU were his Daughter.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. who can give a chance to better Life.. better Place and a Better Future to Fight and to protect for YOUR NATION.. and seeing How Big your Heart really is.. I knew that Only way is to Go to YOU.. GO to the camp with the Real Sword is the Only way I can enter the Training camp for the Training Ground.. and I want to say NOW as my QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. thank YOU for accepting Me and allowing me to enter this Camp.. Now do YOU see that Sword in your hands.. I had to fight to get that sword into my Hands and Now.. I am holding that Sword just to Protect YOU and to say that I really Love YOU.. that I do Love YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. YOU know that I love YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. Please let my Words hits Your Heart that I wants to make it clear.. that I love YOU.. I am kneeling before You.. two knees are down with my arm stretch forward.. my Head looking at the ground.. I just cannot believe that YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. which I was sitting in the prison.. waiting for the day for me to die.. waiting for the death sentence.. YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH giving me another chance.. and I see you.. MY QUEEN.. wearing the White dress with the Big KING QUEEN Crown on top of your Head.. behind you is the Master Black Smith.. who was making my Sword sharper and stronger for the War.. and He is walking and He falls before YOU.. two knees are down.. Head looking to the ground.. hands holding the Sheath of the Sword.. hands UP.. arms raised UP and I see YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH turning around to LOOK at the Master Black Smith.. I hear shouting behind me.. and is this real HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. you are giving me back my Position.. are you really letting me enter the War.. and as I turn back my head to LOOK back.. the Seven Friends of Mine.. they are standing there with Tears in the eyes and I turn my Head to look at YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MAH MAH.. and My Head looks on the ground.. WHY are you doing this to Me.. YOU know that I deserve the death penalty and I was ready to DIE.. even if I can't enter the war.. the battle ground and If I was sure to Die for this Nation this WAY.. I still of been the Most Happiest Man.. happiest person that I get to serve and be right CLOSE to you as I am.. YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. has allowed me to be at the service.. even it was YOU who allowed me to come into the training Camp.. into the Training ground to practice More.. I remember YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. when I was practicing at the Military Arts and I showed YOU the Official Seal.. and YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. you could of rejected me at the Door of the entrance of the gates.. I remember One Night.. sleeping in the tent with the Recruits.. and they were as New as I was.. I saw YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. sitting on the Horse.. and with the TOP CHIEF OFFICIALS.. and I walked out of the tent.. just to see the New Morning of the day.. I saw one of the Men.. who were the Highest Chief standing and He comes to me.. and gave me a Key.. I had no idea what this was all about but the COMMANDING OFFICIAL in the highest position at that time looks at me.. if I go with this Key.. it is where the BOOKS are located and has many studies of the military Arts that I can look at.. it be enough once I read all of the Books there.. I be able to Protect and to defend HWANG WOO MAH MAH and I saw him leaving me and walking to YOU.. I just can't believe that YOU gave me this One key.. and I knew I had to check it Out.. and has to start looking into these BOOKS.. to study and to learn.. to train and practice the Military Arts.. My HOPE and DREAMS is to bring this NATION to you so that YOU CAN RULE over and be at the Head over.. and I knew.. if I did NOT do this NOW.. I believe some one else can do it before Me who has Power and has family line connection to your Father.. the KING.. PEH HA.. as I watched YOU sitting on the Horse I see the Horse turning around leaving the Training camp where I was in the Tent as the New Recruit.. I remember early in the Morning.. I would get UP.. the HIGHEST CHIEF officer gave me this paper Map.. so that I can enter the DOOR.. with this NAME BADGE only to go into the BOOK keeping Place.. I went into the Door into the room.. thousands of BOOKS all over the Place only for the Military Arts.. I remembering having the Art Sketch Paper.. the Drawing picture of YOU.. and I would unfold to LOOK at you in this Picture.. I started to cry.. I just could Not believe that YOU are giving me this Kind of chance that can change My Life for ever and I was NOT going to waste no time trying
MAH MAH.. I would look at the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing Picture of YOU and I would say.. How can a Low Born person like me ever learn like this.. How can I ever thank YOU for this KIND of chance.. I had No idea there would be knowledge for the Military Arts but I would Keep dreaming that I needs to always fight ON your Behalf.. I had to see something greater because I came from the Garden.. there was NO Learning at the Garden.. NO HIGHER education.. where I can grow.. I needed to grow More and as I be looking around this ROOM filled with BOOKS everywhere.. I just could NOT stop.. opening ONE BOOK and I would cry flipping page to page reading and looking at the pictures of hand movements of Arts.. the MILITARY ARTS.. even though I may be very small as a Person.. I know that I want to do bigger and greater things to help YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH to accomplish YOUR PLACE as the TOP HEAD over the Kingdom.. the NATION you will rule.. with this KIND OF help.. I would be looking at your Picture.. the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU.. and I would say.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I see how Big your Heart really Is.. I see that YOU Have a BIG HEART.. Not even a person like me can think of this.. who would ever help a LOW BORN like Me.. NO ONE cares about me but I see that YOU DO and I would start weeping Loud as I be looking at the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing picture of YOU.. I remember grabbing One Book.. leaving the ROOM and locking the Door and walking to the training Camp.. to the training Ground.. in the morning practicing with the New Recruits and at Night.. I would be looking at the BOOK reading and studying the Military Arts.. I would LOOK at the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing Picture of YOU and say.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. ONE day YOU will see that this Key that YOU gave me.. It was NOT a waste of Your time of giving the key to the person.. because I am going to do what is right to HELP to rebuild YOUR NATION.. as I am Looking at the Ground and thinking about when I first came to the training Camp.. and started to practice on the training Ground.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I would return back to that ROOM where the BOOKS were and I would start to read Another Book after I finished the Previous One I had in my Hand.. I knew that It was the starting point for this NATION to become.. without the Knowledge and understanding.. without the Learning I believe that I would of been just Another Recruit who never had anything More to give.. but when I saw YOUR HEART HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I knew that YOU.. MY QUEEN.. YOU are going to do greater things.. I believe that I am NOTHING.. I came from the Most POOREST PLACE.. who would ever thought that I can do anything.. but when I saw that YOU HAVE received the OFFICIAL SEAL.. and gave me the key to enter the ROOM to have BOOKS.. my Heart of loving YOU grew so Large.. because I knew I was at NO MATCH.. there are these royal PRINCES.. from different kingdoms who would Love to make you their WIVES.. WHEN YOU received the Flower.. the rare flower that was at the Garden which My Mother gave to my Father before her passing.. telling me to give this Flower to the ONE WHO I truly Love and when I saw YOU receiving it even though I knew it had NOT much of meaning at that time.. for Me it means the World to Me.. I cried watching you taking that Flower because it came from my MOTHER giving it to me.. I never saw my Mother and I know it mean something when she gave it to me through my Father.. when I saw that.. even though it may not be much to YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I knew I wanted to change to be the Strongest and smartest for YOU.. YOU ARE the QUEEN of the NATION.. I wanted to be the best I can Be for YOU.. just to protect and to defend is all I wanted to give YOU.. but that is the HEART I always have for YOU.. and I started the Process.. NOW I am here.. even with much BOOKS of reading and learning.. knowing and understanding.. I begin to see that I wanted to be More closer to YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. to be the right MAN for the MILITARY ARTS as the warrior who can protect YOU and this NATION for ever.. and I would hear the Seven friends of Mine.. they all came running and Kneeled.. two knees goes DOWN.. arms stretched forward and the Heads all looks on the Ground.. and the 1st Top General with His seven Men and the 2nd TOP General.. with his Seven Men.. all goes Down.. kneels before YOU.. two knees hit the floor.. arms stretched forward and Heads all Looks on the ground.. My QUEEN.. I see you holding the Sheath of the Sword from the Master Black Smith and I see you turn and I raise UP my arms and you laid if down on my hands.. I can't believe I am having this SWORD BACK.. YOU have helped me to get me where I am At.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I would put my arms down and my Hand grabs the end of the SWORD and I pull it Out of the sheath and LOOKING at the BLADE.. it shines through.. I put the Sheath down and raise UP the Right ARM hand holding the Sword.. closing Both Eyes.. I would shout Hard.. MAN SAE to HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I head all of the MEN behind me raising UP their VOICES.. pulling Out their Swords with the RIGHT ARMS HOLDING the SWORDS.. HOORAY TO MY QUEEN.. and I would raise UP MY VOICE HIGHER.. MAN SAE TO HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I hear all of the MEN BEHIND ME SHOUTING OUT LOUDER MORE after hearing the story I shared to THEM.. HOORAY TO MY QUEEN and I would be in tears crying.. MY HEART is truly Moved and touched by your kindness to me and I shout LOUDER MORE.. MAN SAE TO HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. HOORAY TO MY QUEEN.. and the MEN BEHIND ME SHOUTS OUT LOUDER MORE.. MAN SAE TO HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. HOORAY TO MY QUEEN and all of us are in tears crying.. and I put the sword down on the ground.. thinking about the key.. thinking about reading the pages of the BOOK when I had NO CHANCE to do so.. I am thinking about YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. sitting on the Horse as I would watch the Highest CHIEF COMMANDING OFFICER returning back to YOU after giving me the Key to enter that ROOM full of BOOKS.. and I just can't stop thinking that DAY.. waiting in the Line with all the new MEN wanting to join the military arts.. and when I came to the entrance.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH is standing with the Guard sitting on the table and I gave you and show you the Official Seal and YOU looked at me.. the Guard tells me to leave but YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH lets me in with my friend.. and I just can't stop thinking about those days of the beginning because I just had to be with YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I never stopped dreaming of the day that we would meet again.. I have looked UP at the MOON.. days walking alone thinking about when can I see YOU again.. that I needed to be close to YOU that I needed to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I would be looking at the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing Picture of YOU.. I had many nights and weeks.. days and months and years to practice telling it that I love YOU.. I would say it to the Art sketch paper.. the drawing Picture of YOU.. MAH MAH.. I love YOU.. but.. I know that YOU do Not know it that I do.. even though I may be able to say it to the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing Picture of YOU.. after a time.. I would feel so Sad because I want YOU to hear it and for YOU to know it.. what good is it if I say it thousand times or millions of times to the ART SKETCH PAPER.. the Drawing picture of YOU but never be able to say it to YOU In Person MAH MAH.. and I knew I had to say it before I die one day.. does NOT matter If I die by the sword that day I say it to YOU because at least YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH will know it before I am gone.. I would sit and LOOK at the Art sketch Paper.. Nights pulling to look at the Picture of YOU.. I would say it to the Picture of YOU.. MAH MAH I LOVE YOU.. WHY CAN'T you hear Me.. MAH MAH.. do YOU hear my words telling you that I love YOU.. can YOU Hear me.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I love you.. put the blade of the sword on my neck.. Let me say it to YOU ONCE.. before I die.. and I had to get to YOU even if I died in the road traveling to YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. but one thing about loving YOU is this.. that I am NOT afraid to Die because of loving YOU.. when YOU are always prepared to die.. and YOU KNOW that ONE DAY YOU WILL.. you don't be scared any more.. but when YOU start to love.. the way I do Love YOU MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. dying becomes something you are ready to give because that Is HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU.. the day I do die.. at least YOU WILL remember that there was a PERSON of the Least.. the smallest person you have known who never stopped Loving YOU because even then I never stopped LOVING YOU.. even this very day My Heart of loving YOU is still the same but Stronger.. I have become more stronger Loving YOU.. I had to face many storms just to get to YOU and still facing.. but.. I love YOU.. NO MATTER what comes in the way.. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I love YOU.. MY QUEEN.. I LOVE YOU.. and I would lift UP my Head.. LOOKING at YOU standing before YOU with tears in my eyes.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I LOVE YOU.. MAN SAE to HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I LOVE YOU.. HOO RAY TO MY QUEEN.. I LOVE YOU.. and my arm stretches out forward and My Head looks at the ground.. I am looking at the Sun rising.. and I am standing next to YOU.. MAH MAH.. why are you crying.. and I am looking at you holding
음 그닥..
This is what i was looking for 🔥🔥🔥
I was looking for your voice girl 🫠
아 귀엽다😊
여기는 홈쇼핑 전문 채널이야? 뭔 콘텐츠가 전부 광고야?
광고 오지네 소름돋아... 캐나다 김밥천국이 한국에 오더니 패밀리레스토랑이 됐어
Nice singing 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊hi
Making all these dishes I made on the Plate for YOU.. ONLY is YOU.. for YOU to come Home.. and for YOU to sit on this Empty Chair.. this Chair misses you so Much.. I feel like this Chair.. when I pass by Your Chair.. and I stop too look at Your Chair.. I can feel and relate the Pain of missing YOU.. this Pain of ache and longing that It just don't go away because of missing YOU.. and WHEN My hand touches your Chair.. I feel something.. a sharp pain because I feel like this chair.. LIKE an Empty chair.. without YOU.. I feel like I can't go on.. I need you here.. I need to see YOU.. I want to see YOU.. just to tell YOU.. Please sit on this Chair so that IT does not feel so empty like HOW MY HEART feels without YOU.. I need you because I love YOU.. will you please come Home.. Please come back to Me.. I am missing YOU like crazy.. I am just missing you.. and as I turn to LOOK toward the window.. I am starting to see the rain falling.. it just keeps on getting worse as days go by.. without YOU it feels like I can't go ON.. that is why I need YOU.. that is why I needs to tell you that I love YOU.. Please Come HOME and help me to Love YOU again.. I need YOU.. I need to love YOU again and only way is if YOU come home.. where this Chair.. empty chair is waiting.. just like ME.. waiting for YOU To come home.. I am looking at the Chair.. the Empty Chair.. and I just can't take my eyes off.. just wondering when are YOU coming Home.. I been calling you on the Phone.. Do you not here the Phone ringing.. I know that the number is correct because I can hear YOUR voice.. I can here you saying to leave the voice on the message.. I been wondering.. why aren't you picking up the Phone.. you know that this is killing me when YOU do this.. I been thinking a lot lately.. and I even left you a voice message.. telling YOU that I am so sorry.. how many times Must I tell YOU that what I did was wrong.. and I told you that I am so sorry.. will you please give me another chance.. I know that I can do better this time.. of course YOU heard me telling YOU this before.. so what do you want me to do.. So do you want me to stop calling YOU.. I know that I am the one who did fault.. and I even plead and even begged YOU.. I left you a Message on the Phone.. I am still calling you.. because we needs to talk.. YOU needs to tell me something so that I know what Not to do.. so please Pick up the Phone.. as I am dialing Your number.. I am putting my Phone on the ear.. I hear the ringing going through.. as I am standing on the living room.. I walk to the diner room.. standing there.. I see Your Empty chair.. I just can't believe YOU are doing this to Me.. why are YOU hurting me.. I know that it is me who shouted at YOU.. and I was angry.. but.. does it means YOU have to hate me like this.. DO you really Hate Me.. YOU told me that you will Never hate me.. then why are YOU not answering the Phone.. it is getting late.. few days.. Now weeks went by.. I am still here waiting for YOU.. just wondering How you are doing.. Please.. Baby.. Please answer the Phone.. tell me something so that I know.. I can let go.. I can let go of this frustration that is in me.. I know.. I told you already.. I am so sorry.. as I am looking at the empty Chair.. I have set another Plate.. it is by Your Chair.. I would place a cup of water.. with utensils.. with napkin on the side.. I made YOU a steak.. green beans and mash potatoes.. next to the cup of water is another cup of wine.. I have set it.. maybe YOU will come tonight.. Maybe you will stop by later tonight.. but.. just in case you are hungry.. I have placed Your Plate.. Your food on the table by the Chair.. Your Empty Chair.. as I would walk to the front door and I open.. looking outside.. I would walk out with a jacket.. it is pretty cold and I can see the Moon.. as I am walking.. and I stop.. I see the light rain falling from the sky.. I am wondering are you close by.. Can you see the rain.. I know that I am getting hit by the rain.. it does not matter now because I am sick.. My Heart is sick because I am missing YOU.. its been weeks.. and each night.. I would be waiting by the empty Chair.. I would be in the kitchen cooking a meal.. each time I would eat dinner.. I am always looking for YOU.. I would be thinking of YOU.. as I would be sitting down on my side.. I would get back UP.. going back into the kitchen.. I know that I have to bring out another Plate.. I know that you may not come tonight.. maybe Not.. but still.. I am thinking what if YOU would show UP.. what if YOU come.. I would always make a meal for two.. Just in case YOU may show UP later deep in the night.. when I am asleep.. who knows when and I would put Your Plate.. Your dinner on the top of the table.. if I sleep and I don't see you for that day.. at least YOU can come into the night.. late if you want too.. the Meal is ready for YOU.. come and eat if You are hungry.. it has been all prepared and done.. what you love the most.. your favorites I would ask.. and I would watch YOU taking the picture of each plates YOU love and would remind me this is what you like and dislike.. and I would put the picture of the plates YOU love.. in my room.. and from time to time I would take a look at it.. and I would make those meals just for you.. as I am outside in the cold.. with my jacket on.. I am getting wet.. light rain hitting me.. and I would stop.. My Heart hurts Now.. I would go into my room.. and day to day.. I would pull out the picture of the Plate.. each Night I would be in the kitchen.. cooking each of the Meals YOU love.. every night comes.. One Plate.. the Next Night Another Plate YOU love.. your favorite dishes.. and I would sit on my Chair.. waiting for YOU to come Home.. as I would wait.. it becomes late.. and yes.. I would feel so sleepy.. getting UP out of the Chair.. I am looking at the Plate.. and Looking at the Empty Chair.. I can feel my Heart crying inside.. as I would wait for YOU and YOU do not show UP.. I would turn the Other way and walk into the room.. closing the Door behind.. and I lay on the bed.. and I start to cry.. crying a lot because I would miss YOU.. calling YOU on the Phone.. I would sit still just to hear Your Voice.. I would hear the Phone be ringing.. asking myself.. why is it this Hard to love YOU.. why are you making it so Hard for me to get closer.. am I that evil person.. why Hurt me.. I feel only tears in my eyes.. I told YOU that I am so sorry.. I told YOU that I missed YOU and that I love YOU.. but why don't you pick up the Phone.. why don't you even show UP to the House.. YOU don't miss me at all.. YOU know that I miss YOU.. I call you every day.. I only want to listen to Your Voice.. I want to hear YOU.. but only at the end to leave the Message YOU tell me too.. it breaks my Heart when YOU do this to Me.. it breaks my heart when YOU stop caring about me.. it breaks my Heart when YOU don't answer.. I even would leave in the Night.. I have prepared YOU a Meal.. a Dinner I made to eat.. I have already eaten.. If you don't want to see me.. I am Not going to force YOU to come to see me.. But Please.. if YOU get hungry and YOU are near by.. Please stop by.. I am ready to sleep for the night.. so Please come tonight.. by the time you get this message.. when YOU come.. I am sure I am already at bed by then.. if YOU ever feel you want to eat Your Favorite FOOD.. and I would take a picture of the Plate I made for YOU and I would send the picture to YOU so that YOU can see what I have made and prepared for that night.. and I be sitting on my side of the chair.. and I would get UP and I would leave.. going into the room so that If you want to show UP.. YOU can without seeing Me being there.. as I am standing Out side.. feeling the Light rain falling down on me.. I begin to feel My Heart be hurting.. I can feel my Heart be breaking.. I just can't take it any more.. why can't I see YOU any more.. YOU telling me YOU love me.. was all those words nothing but a Lie.. My Words.. when I tell YOU that I love YOU.. it is NO lies.. I am telling YOU because I am saying it from my Heart.. why do you tell me YOU love me.. and when I call YOU on the Phone.. YOU never pick UP to answer.. YOU tell me that YOU love me so much.. LOOK at what YOU are doing to me.. it is because I love YOU.. I been loving YOU for so Long.. I am standing Out here.. it is cold Out here.. I see the rain falling down on me.. and I am waiting for YOU.. but I know that In my heart.. even tonight YOU will Not show UP.. I know that YOU will not show UP but just in case YOU do.. I have faith in love.. I have faith in us because I know that I love YOU.. YOU know how much I love YOU.. I wrote YOU songs.. I would sing YOU songs even though I may not have the voice to sing.. but.. In my heart I can still sing telling YOU that I love YOU.. and How much I love YOU.. showing YOU and sharing to YOU how much I do.. as I am walking back.. I been walking for a while.. just thinking about YOU late in the Night.. as I am can feel the rain hitting me.. and I know that I am going to get sick.. I guess I did it on Purpose so if I do get sick.. and I am laying in the Hospital Bed.. will you come and visit me.. or am I going to be sick alone.. I been walking
Leaving YOU a message.. taking a picture of the plate with your Favorite meal and I would send it too YOU.. standing and looking at Your side.. I would still see.. YOU did not come.. You did Not show UP even after I would tell YOU I be sleeping.. it breaks my Heart that YOU just don't care.. I would realize.. If I did not shouted at YOU.. then all this would not come.. if I was more patient with YOU and more understanding,, caring and kind to YOU.. I would been seeing YOU sitting ON that Empty Chair.. I would watch YOU holding the Giant Teddy bear.. and YOU be smiling at me.. and YOU be asking me.. what am I cooking tonight.. what Meal.. and I would pull out a picture of the Plate YOU love and show you how about this Meal.. this Plate.. would you like this One for tonight.. and YOU be smiling Big.. and I be smiling back with tears in my eyes.. the joy of being able to give back.. giving you how much I love YOU.. the little things I would miss about YOU.. even just Your smile.. I would tell YOU.. YOU have the most beautiful smile in the world.. the Most prettiest.. Most beautiful smile.. and I would Hold a camera.. looking through the lens.. LOOKING at you and the smile and press the Click the picture of YOU.. why are you so beautiful.. why are YOU so Beautiful to me.. Please tell me why and I would cry looking at YOU because YOU are.. I would be standing by the front door.. thinking about YOU.. your smile.. and as the door opens I walk into the House.. I Just can't believe it.. I am looking at the Empty Chair.. I am looking at the Picture of YOU sitting on the Chair.. I want YOU home.. I want you here next to Me.. sitting on this chair which right Now I don't see you here.. as I am looking at the table.. I want to sit but I can't.. because I know that I am going to miss YOU if I don't see you across the table.. with YOUR beautiful smile.. I just keeps on missing YOU.. Please come Home.. Please come Home to me because I am missing YOU so bad.. will you please come back.. and I walk over.. I am standing by the Chair.. Your Chair.. the empty chair.. I am asking myself.. when will I see you again.. My hand.. holding your picture.. I lift up my hand.. holding Your picture in my hand.. YOU are holding the Giant Teddy Bear.. YOU are sitting on this chair.. the empty chair which right Now I am standing by.. on your lap is the Giant Teddy Bear sitting.. I can't believe YOU are not here.. I still can't believe YOU are Not here.. I been waiting for YOU more than a Month.. where are YOU now.. I been asking for YOU.. even begging YOU to come home.. I am taking pictures on the Phone.. sending you Plates.. your most favorite dishes I would make for dinner.. and Yes.. YOU are receiving the pictures.. because it goes direct to Your Number and yes.. I see that YOU are able to see the Pictures I would take.. looking at the Plates.. the dishes every Night so that I want YOU to come Home.. there are Nights I be waiting.. sitting on my side of the chair.. I am eating alone.. looking across is the empty Chair.. I feel so hurt.. I feel so Bad.. I feel like I have messed UP so bad this time.. I am not sure what am I suppose to do next.. But I need YOU here because I have called you several times.. I would tell YOU with the Voice Message How much I have messed UP and that I am so sorry.. so tell me this.. are you with some one new.. are you with another guy because I truly want to know.. if YOU are leaving me Now for another guy.. please tell me so that I can let YOU go.. I would even write text messages asking you about this many times.. But YOU would Not answer me.. it breaks my Heart because I would call.. Phone number dials.. my ear listening to the ringing on the Phone.. and I am asking Please.. pick UP the phone.. Pretty Please answer so that I can at least hear YOU say that YOU are alright.. But I would call. I would not hear any answers.. and I am speaking to YOU through the Phone asking YOU Please come back to me because it does not matter if YOU are with another guy.. as long as I am still in your Heart.. just please come home.. as I am standing by next to Your Chair.. which is an Empty Chair.. I just want YOU HOME.. I want YOU close to me and I am missing YOU.. why can't you tell me that YOU miss me too.. tell me what is in your Heart so that I know how you are doing.. I am looking at the Chair.. the Empty Chair.. I just want to cry.. I want to just pour out my eyes out.. just pour out my tears because I want to see YOU.. it is so hard not seeing YOU for Month.. I need to see YOU.. at least say that YOU do know my Heart.. as I am looking at the Phone.. I have made another Dinner dish.. a steam fish with veggies and I would look at the camera and I would be looking as I would click and I am looking at the picture of Dish I made for YOU this very night and I would look for YOUR Number and I would send it to YOU.. I would be look at my chair.. I would walk and sit on the chair.. and I would start to eat late into the night.. I would be looking across.. looking at Your chair.. the Empty Chair.. I can feel the Heavy in my Heart.. I would look across looking at the Empty Chair.. the Chair YOU sat when we would eat dinner together.. I would open my mouth and say.. I really miss YOU.. why do you have to be the one to Break my Heart.. shattering my Brains and my thought into pieces.. YOU know how much I love YOU.. you know that by NOW.. I am truly sorry and yes I can feel the suffering and pain in my Heart.. I am in so much ache because I need YOU here.. I am missing YOU so much.. why do you have to do this to me when YOU know that I love YOU.. Please come home.. I am looking at your Picture.. YOU are sitting on the Chair.. smiling with the Giant Teddy Bear sitting on your Lap with the Plate.. as I have the Bottle on the top of the Table.. I also placed the Shot Glass.. I just hate feeling this Pain.. Out side I can hear the wind blowing.. and it is lightly raining out side.. I just came from the Out side waiting for YOU.. wondering if I would stand out there.. I would see YOU coming Home.. still having that ray of Hope that YOU would come Home.. knowing at least YOU are receiving all of the Pictures of the dishes I made each night I send.. asking YOU I made this and that.. if YOU come home.. I would be in my room sleeping.. but YOUR Plate.. dinner is set by the Chair.. on top of the table waiting for YOU.. I would wake up each morning.. Hoping that YOU came late last night and had that dinner.. each Night and every morning I walk out of the room.. I would look at the top of the table.. LOOK at the plate and looking at Your Chair.. the empty Chair.. I be heart broken because Nothing has been touched.. the food still be on that Plate.. never been touched.. and I would grab the Plate.. the Food goes into the trash and my Heart be broken because I am hoping that YOU came because I made it just for YOU.. but each night.. I would make it.. and after I am done eating.. I go into the room to sleep.. expecting you to finish the Plate when I wake UP the new next day.. its been a month now.. and I am still wondering.. are you going to come.. because I am waiting for YOU.. but I know that I have to still make the Favorite dinner dish.. the Plate just in case YOU come home and I don't want to see YOU hungry.. I want to see YOU.. I been missing YOU and My Heart is crying inside me.. I just came from Out side.. that is How my Heart feels inside this Home.. like it wants to rain down.. I am looking across.. sitting on my chair.. but my eyes keeps on looking across.. asking for YOU.. I want YOU close.. I want you in my arms so that I can love YOU.. but all my eyes can see right now is Your Chair.. the Chair is empty.. and I feel empty inside like that chair which is empty because YOU are not here.. But I need you here so that I can say it to you how much I am so sorry.. I want to say it to you so that YOU know my real Heart.. that I am missing YOU.. I want you here.. but Now.. I see that I can't see YOU.. as I open the top of the Bottle.. and I would pour into the shot glass.. and I put the bottle Down.. I raise UP the shot glass.. with liquor inside.. I open my mouth and take a Shot.. I hear something ringing.. and I am not sure if it is the Liquor getting to me.. and I would turn too look at my phone.. I see that someone is calling me.. I raise up the Phone to look. I just can't believe it.. and I am wondering.. it must be the Shot glass playing tricks on me.. it must be my eyes seeing things.. and I would pick UP the Phone.. and I hear YOUR voice.. it has been about a Month.. and I have not heard anything from YOU.. and I hear you saying something and only thing I can say is that I am so sorry and that I miss YOU.. YOU know how much I miss YOU and how much I love YOU because Now I know what YOU really means to me.. YOU means everything to me.. You always been everything but I just couldn't express it how.. but now I am able to tell YOU.. How much I missed YOU because I am looking across.. I have seen that the Chair has been empty.. its been missing.. missing YOU
Oink Oink.. I look at the Glass Jar.. I have set in on the floor.. I been asking YOU that I need your Heart.. as I would wait.. there is no answer on the other side.. so I know that I must keep waiting.. as I am holding the Glass jar.. which it changes to a new place.. I was in the room.. but I decided to walk Out.. and I been looking back.. thinking back when I was at my Room.. sitting on the floor.. looking through the Glass jar.. which was empty.. Now I must walk off.. I am now sitting Out side.. sitting by the shore.. I just love the waters.. I would drive alone.. and come to this One spot.. where I am able to get Out of the Car.. and I am able to sit.. this One Lake.. and I would watch the waters.. so Peaceful and Nice out.. I would always bring a Bottle.. and with me is the Shot Glass next to the Bottle.. and I would sit still.. I would be looking at your Picture.. makes me think more of you when I am by the Lake.. of course I know that I am not going to find you near.. but.. knowing you are so Far.. I still feel like YOU are near.. as Long as I have your picture in my hand.. and I am able to tell YOU some how.. How I feel this very night.. I would be asking for Your Heart.. I even brought the Empty Glass jar.. I know that your Heart can't fit in this Empty Glass Jar.. I know YOU have a Big Heart.. But I still want Your Heart.. I would be sitting down.. looking at your Picture.. my Chest burns when my eyes looks at YOU.. holding your Picture in my Heart.. Can I please imagine that YOU are here.. Can YOU please tell me that I can close both of my eyes and say that YOU are here.. that YOU are near.. but when both of my eyes are opened.. I know that YOU are gone.. leaving this space between us.. this distance which makes me even miss YOU more.. when Can I see YOU.. when will you ever be close to me.. Do you know the times when we can see each Other.. but every time I close my eyes and I imagine.. I know that I feel you so close.. so Near to me.. that I want my arms to hold YOU.. Hold you close and tight.. and I want to tell your ears.. How much I missed YOU.. ever since the day One.. I have been missing you ever since.. Please.. tell me that YOU are near.. I would grab your Picture.. and I would keep on looking at YOU.. this Picture.. it burns my Chest.. Burns like I put my hand on the stove.. and I can feel the fire burning.. it hurts when My chest burns.. like I get too many chest pains.. I get a lot of chest pains when I look at your picture.. I wonder why.. I want to stop these pains I get.. my chest hurts.. and I can feel my Heart screaming from inside.. I can Hear my Heart hurting.. with Chest pains of asking me.. WHY does my Heart keep on hurting.. only if my eyes can stop looking at your picture.. I know it can stop all these attacks in my Heart causing my Chest to Burn.. I just want to drop my Heart.. maybe Toss my Heart into the lake where the Waters are near to cool my Heart down.. But.. I don't want to lose my Heart.. I need my Heart so that I can love YOU and tell YOU How much I love YOU when I have my Heart close to Me.. as I would be looking at the Bottle.. I open the top of the lid.. I know that I should stop drinking.. the more I drink by taking shots.. the More I miss YOU and wish that you are here.. I would be wondering.. when I can I see you.. when will it be the day where I don't have to miss YOU.. and stop these pains.. these aching of longing for your presence.. to Hold YOU.. Hold you in my arms and to look at Your Heart.. I am going to be looking for your Heart to tell YOUR Heart.. look what you have done to my Heart.. Keep on missing YOU.. I would place the shot Glass close.. and pour the bottle into the Shot Glass.. placing the Bottle on the ground.. as my hand grabs the Shot Glass.. I would open my mouth.. and take a Shot.. I wonder if this is going to cool my Chest down.. but It burns as it goes in.. I can feel the burning and this ache just won't go away.. my hand grabs your Picture and I would look at your Picture.. why do YOU have to be so far from me.. I know that I be missing YOU like crazy.. when I look at your Picture.. sitting by the lake.. looking at the waters.. Looking at the stars.. asking the Moon.. I want wings.. I need wings.. Please give me two wings.. so that I don't have to be suffering like this.. and taking shots.. and keep on missing YOU.. How do I get me two wings.. I know that be the fastest way for me to get to YOU.. so that I don't have to miss you.. whenever I miss YOU.. I know that the two wings can help me.. lift me Out of this Misery.. so even from the distance.. looking at you from distance and able to see YOU.. I think the missing YOU will go away.. but when YOU are sitting here out by yourself.. and knowing there is a space and distance and my eyes can't see YOU.. On this very Night.. I would start to think of YOU more and more.. I want to tell YOU.. I want to hold YOU.. I want to hear Your voice.. your laughter.. I want to see your expression when I am near YOU.. what would you do If I was near YOU.. and knowing how much I love YOU.. what would you do if I am able to get me two wings.. I am able to fly over and just to see YOU.. because of missing YOU.. would you let me stay by your side.. would you push me away.. or would you greet me with a smile.. because I don't want to show UP if you think that I am a creep.. if I would scare you when my intentions.. my motives is all about loving YOU and telling YOU how much I love YOU.. I only want to show up to tell YOU that.. Not asking for anything More.. would you open your Heart to receive.. accept how much I love YOU.. or are you going to tell me to get Lost and push me out of the way.. I want to be near so that I can tell YOU I can be gentle.. and be more tender.. and too tell Your Heart.. showing YOU the Picture.. the picture of YOU.. and holding the empty Glass Jar.. that I been waiting for Your Heart.. that I want Your Heart.. and this is the proof.. that there is nothing more in this world I want.. but I need your Heart.. all I need is your Heart and to show YOU the Empty Glass jar.. and the reason why I have brought it empty.. to show YOU,, I want what is inside of YOU.. that is Your Heart.. Nothing more.. and I would wait.. wait for Your answer.. and I will show YOU the two Wings.. this is the wings I have received when I was sitting by the shore.. I was at the Lake.. looking at the waters.. and I would show YOU the picture.. I know that this picture belongs to YOU.. but I had to keep it for myself.. ever since I have seen your Picture.. I just got lost by Your Beauty.. by your presences.. and I knew.. YOU are the only One for Me.. so Please.. take my word as being so true.. so real.. because it is My Heart.. coming from my Heart.. Now.. ever since I got this Picture.. I just could not keep away.. I wanted you close.. I wanted you near to myself.. I am so sorry if I have your Picture.. I am so sorry for looking at your picture and falling in love with Your Beauty.. YOU know that YOU are so Beautiful.. there is NO Other words I can say to YOU but to say.. YOU are the Most Beautiful.. when I look at YOU.. and I see you smile.. whenever I see your Smile.. I feel like a foot kicks my Heart.. very hard it kicks that I feel my Chest Burns.. and keeps on burning.. But I just can't keep it to myself.. I just can't help it but to share.. to tell YOU.. I need Your Heart.. so that I know for sure I can really Love YOU.. as I would pull out a Note.. with me is a Pen.. and I would start to write on this note.. LOOKING at Your Picture.. grabbing the BOTTLE and pouring into the Shot Glass.. placing the Bottle on the ground.. I pick UP the Shot Glass and I would take a SHOT at it.. placing the Shot Glass on the ground next to the Bottle.. I can feel it.. I can feel my Heart.. It tells me that My Heart is burning.. it is burning me from the inside.. I needs to take a breathe.. because YOU are taking my Breathe away.. as I am looking at the Note.. writing with the Pen.. telling YOU that I miss YOU.. when can I see YOU.. It burns me.. giving me Chest pains because I am missing YOU.. over and over again.. I keep on missing YOU.. will this Note goes to YOU.. if I put this Note in this Bottle.. I wonder how far the current of this water can push the Bottle through.. will it goes to YOU.. will you receive this Message that I wrote on the Note in this Bottle.. if the Current of the waters are strong enough to let this Bottle goes across.. I want this Message in the bottle to go to YOU.. I don't want another hand grabbing this Bottle because it is all written to tell YOU How Much I love YOU.. and How much I miss YOU.. I don't think it can go far.. I don't want the wrong person.. wrong hand opening the Bottle and reading the Message when It is not for that Person.. I am sending it to YOU.. Only YOU I can tell YOU.. but It hurts.. How am I suppose to get this Message Out if the Bottle goes not far.. DO I have faith.. Am I suppose to believe that YOU will receive this Message.. that the Bottle will go to YOU.. and I would lift UP my Head.. looking at the Moon.. will you please help Me.. help me and rescue my Wish.. I want to believe and I want to trust that this Bottle.. this Message I am placing into the Bottle.. it will goes to YOU.. and as I sat there.. I put my hands together.. LOOKING at the MOON.. and closing my eyes.. Please help me.. help
Bottle to go into Your Hands.. let it be YOU who can read the Message.. the Note inside this Bottle.. only YOU can make my dreams come true and my wishes be reals.. and I would put the Note into the Bottle.. and TOSS the Bottle into the Lake waters.. My arms around the Empty Glass Jar.. I look down and start to cry.. my tears runs down.. I need your Heart.. I really want Your Heart.. There is writing and typing.. I can write and type you many letters.. and tell you through all these letters.. but I am thinking about telling you with Words.. if I was to see YOU.. and meet you face to face.. how am I going to tell YOU with those words.. I want to tell YOU with my lips how much I love YOU.. and tell you so that it is Not only by the letters of writing.. but I am imagining when I see you.. will I tell you the right words.. will I scare YOU.. will I push you away because you say.. and for a long time.. I never stopped loving YOU.. I been here.. telling YOU.. telling you how much I love you.. letting YOU know the shape of my Heart.. how much My Heart truly loves YOU.. because I will never stop loving YOU.. as I would sit on the floor.. I would get up slowly.. leaving the Glass Jar on the floor and I see the Sun above me and It is so Hot out here.. sometimes I wonder why do I come to this Tree when it is in the Middle of the day.. when it is the Most hottest of the day.. But.. I have Your Picture with me.. I just love looking at YOU.. the Most Beautiful.. and before I came to this Tree.. I saw a field.. full of flowers and I would stop by to see this One Flower.. the Sun Flower.. and I remember I had to go and grab it.. before someone else can grab this Flower.. walking down.. I would start to sing.. I don't know where the song comes from but as I was walking.. holding the Sun Flower.. holding the Empty Glass Jar.. and I was told that there is a Big Heart.. it is sitting on the Top of a branch.. and told me to go and see it.. I wonder whose Big Heart it is.. but.. I received a Picture of YOU.. and it was a Drawing on a Piece of paper of a Big Heart sitting on top of the Branch.. I received it on the mail box and when someone told me about the Big Heart sitting on the Top of a tree on the Branch.. I smiled and knew whose Heart it is.. SO I would come to this Tree.. Before I was stopped by the Tree.. the field and the Sun Flower.. in the Room I had to go and grab the Empty Glass Jar.. just in case if The Big Heart falls off.. I want to use this Empty Glass Jar to catch Your Heart.. I have placed soft cottons.. many many around.. so fluffy and so soft so that the Heart will not get hurt.. I have come to this Tree.. I know if someone has spotted the Big Heart.. I am sure more people are able to see this Big Heart.. I don't want any one to take Your Heart.. But.. I can't believe it.. I see few people surrounding the Tree.. Cameras are flashing.. finger points at the Big Heart and I would hear some boys talking about getting to that Big Heart.. I am wondering.. there is a large numbers of people here and more people are coming to this Tree.. I turn and next to me is another man.. He has a empty Glass jar and turns and looks at me.. I am holding the same glass jar.. I smile big because I have placed a SUN FLOWER inside the Glass Jar.. so I know that when your Big Heart is able to look.. YOU can look at the Head of the Sun Flower.. so that YOU will know that it is me.. I want to give YOU this Flower.. in the middle of the day.. more people comes to this tree.. but many just stand around and complains it is so hot.. and starts to leave.. I am waiting for the people to leave.. I just want to be here alone and I will wait until all People goes.. people are talking.. and hungry.. I am waiting still.. as I am waiting for the time for all these people.. fifty people.. and I see the numbers goes down.. and It becomes Night.. I see the Moon comes UP.. and I see the stars shine.. I can't believe it.. the Man with the empty glass jar is still here with me.. I think He does not want to leave.. what am I suppose to do.. He keeps on looking up.. waving the Empty Glass jar around.. I smile because the Big Heart.. YOUR Big Heart is still sitting on the TOP of that Branch.. He be waving all through the day.. and I see that He is tired.. and he looks at me.. puts his head down and starts to walk off.. I am so glad.. so happy that everyone is gone.. I am able to take out the Picture of YOU.. Paste it and stick it on the Tree.. I am able to look at your picture.. do I get inspired by your Beauty.. I do love that YOU are so Beautiful.. I am Not going to lie to you that YOU are so amazingly Beautiful.. so Beautiful that I would walk close.. and press my lip on the Picture of YOU.. I will say.. MY MY.. YOU are so Beautiful.. WHY do you have to be this Beautiful.. what if my eyes decides to leave me.. my eyes can cry looking at your picture and will ask my Hand to open wide and both eyes can fall off crying because when I look at YOU through the Picture.. my Heart catches on fire.. it burns me from the inside.. I feel so Hot suddenly because my eyes look at your picture and I would say MY MY.. YOU are so Beautiful.. and I would be looking at Your Picture.. I would place the Glass Jar down.. PULLING out the Sun Flower and I would be looking at you through the Picture.. I want to give you this flower.. How can I give you this Flower.. Please tell me How.. I been waiting out here.. I been waiting where it be YOU and I alone.. in the middle of the Day.. it was pretty crowded.. and many people were waiting too like myself.. wanted to see Your Big Heart.. wanted to get close to Your Big Heart.. I know that Your Heart is sitting way up on the Top of the branch of this Tree.. I would look around.. I saw many people come.. even people would be leaving.. another group of people comes.. every time I wanted to pull out Your Picture and paste it on this tree.. I would hear group of people.. voices talking.. I would grab Your Picture pulling back to the pocket.. and I had to just stand here all day.. the SUN had to go down because people still came around.. and at last.. all of the people are gone.. but.. all the eyes were looking at.. It is Your Big Heart.. I even brought the empty Glass jar.. do YOU see it on the ground.. when I received a Picture of YOU.. and also a sketch drawing of Your Big Heart sitting on the top branch of the Tree.. I was so excited because I knew that YOU were telling something.. I would be standing by the window of my room in the House.. asking for Your Heart.. I be asking and asking.. begging for Your Heart.. I been praying if I can have Your Big Heart.. of course I would always ask.. never stopped asking.. keep asking until the answer would be answered.. so I would keep on trying.. asking.. give me a sign.. send me a miracle and I guess YOU must heard me.. I am here by this Tree.. and you gave me the answer.. telling me where Your Heart is.. but Why did you choose on this tree.. this tree is so Big.. I am so small compared to the size of this Big Tree.. I am thankful you gave me a sign.. But look at how tall this Tree is and how short I am compared.. I don't want to just stand here and look UP.. just wondering how I can get to that Big Heart.. as I am looking at your Picture pasted on this Tree.. I am holding the Sun Flower.. I want to give YOU this Flower.. But How.. if YOU are not here.. but Your Big Heart is way UP sitting on the branch of this Tree.. I want to give you this flower.. Tell me How can I give You this flower.. this SUN FLOWER first.. My next is.. I want to touch Your Big Heart.. is there a way I can touch and Hold your Heart.. my hands wants to touch and feel.. the warmth of Your Big Heart.. and My Arms wants to wrap around Your Big Heart.. I want to put my ear next to your Heart.. can I please listen to the beating of Your Big Heart.. I want to hear How Your Heart.. Your Big Heart sound.. I am here so I can ask YOU.. I want to get close to YOU.. I want YOU to know that I really want to get closer to YOU.. but Your Big Heart is sitting on the top of the Branch.. it is on the Highest Branch way UP there.. and YOU know that I am way down here on the ground.. so How do I get to that Big Heart.. It looks so beautiful.. I needs to Hear YOU.. I needs to tell YOU.. I want to talk to Your Heart.. but if Your Big Heart cannot hear me because I am way down here to the ground.. and Your Big Heart way UP on the top.. the highest branch of the Tree.. when I am looking UP.. do you know that my neck hurts.. that is How High it is for me to LOOK at Your Big Heart and yes.. I do see Your Big Heart.. it is so Big.. I am spreading my arms wide.. I want to hold Your big Heart.. and Hug Your Heart and say to Your Heart.. I been waiting for this day for a very long time.. to tell Your Heart How much I love YOU.. I want to bring Your Big Heart closer so that I can tell Your Heart.. speak to Your Heart and tell Your Heart.. I love YOU.. I wonder will you accept my words.. I am I allowed to tell YOU this to Your Heart.. that I do love YOU.. what would happen if I get Your Big Heart closer to my lip and I can whisper to Your Big Heart.. I love YOU.. I know for me.. on my part to able to tell you these words.. I am going to be hopping around like a big kid.. because to able to tell YOU these words.. It is a miracle for me.. How can a person like myself be able to tell
That I love YOU.. the I love YOUR BIG HEART.. will you allowed me to speak these words to Your Heart.. that is why I am here.. I am here at the bottom.. at the ground.. I am looking UP.. but I am able to look at your picture because it is pasted on the tree.. Showing Your Picture I am holding something in my hand.. a Flower which I want to say it came from the Middle of the day at the hottest.. the SUN.. can I please give YOU this Flower.. I want to give you to tell you where my Heart is.. why I am giving this flower to YOU.. I know that when I do give you this Sun flower.. I know I be at the most happiest place.. and for YOU to receive it.. the JOY that YOU give me just to give it away.. as I am looking at you through this Picture.. why can't you answer me.. I am looking at the paper.. the drawing of a Heart.. and I am standing by this Tall tree.. is this the Right Tree.. can YOU please tell me if I am standing at the right Place.. I see about twelve more Trees behind and All around this Park.. WHY are you telling me to come to this Park without telling me Which Tree to go too.. Is it because I have delayed my Coming.. DO I needs to tell YOU that I am so Sorry.. I am so sorry for Not coming to the appointed Time.. I did Not expect the changing of the weather.. Of course I did have that chance.. the day when It started to rain.. it was the Light rain at first.. then I heard the thunder and saw the flashing of lightening across the Sky.. I know that I should of come.. But when I saw the rain.. and it started to rain down Hard.. I was Not sure if Your Heart.. would YOU of still Put your Heart Up on the Tree Branch.. I want to Know.. I want to know because what if I came.. but.. I did Not see the Heart UP on the Tree Branch.. YOU know How much I wanted to see Your Heart.. but I was Not sure if YOU would of came.. Not saying that I don't trust Your Words but the condition that has taken place.. the situation that was causing to change the direction.. I still would of come.. but.. I had to truly wait.. truly had to delay the Time.. I wanted to say I am so Sorry that I could Not make it on time.. NOW I am paying the price of not coming.. as I am Looking.. I am standing.. which Tree.. is it the Second Tree.. Is it the Third Tree.. am I suppose to walk down to every Tree.. and to LOOK UP at every thirteen Trees that is standing around.. as I am holding the Paper.. I drew a Heart Shape.. Not sure How Big of the Heart it suppose to be but I drew the Heart.. Your Heart very Big on this Sheet of Paper.. I did Not find Your Heart on a Tree Branch on the First Tree.. as I would stop.. standing next to this Big Tree.. I would stand.. holding the Piece of paper.. it is a Drawing of Your Heart.. I want to show YOU.. I want to see if the Drawing on this Piece of Paper matches the Shape and the Size of Your Heart.. I want to show Your Heart.. and compare does it comes very close to your Heart.. I needs to know.. I needs to Know truly.. can YOU Please.. as I am looking at the First tree.. I would show this Tree.. the Piece of paper.. Am I suppose to talk to this Tree.. Maybe this Tree Knows.. maybe this Tree will answer and tell me if YOU put your Heart.. I have One picture.. the Picture of YOU.. and on the Other Hand is the Piece of paper.. the drawing of the Shape and the Big Size of Your Heart.. and I will say.. Please tell Me.. Please Help Me.. and as I am looking at this Big Tree.. the first Tree at this Park.. I know that YOU probably will not speak back to Me.. or tell me anything.. But I wanted to show YOU and ask YOU.. as I would turn the Picture and to show this Tree Your Beautiful Picture of Your Face.. I am Lost.. and I have not come at the Appointed time and had to delay the Time of the coming.. I even asked to forgive Me.. I wanted to say Sorry for Not coming on time.. But.. I did still come even though it was suppose to be few weeks back.. the weather was Not on my side.. it was Not helping me with the time of appointed me to come.. so I had to delay the time to today.. SO I am wondering.. DO YOU know the One who I love.. I know that YOU told me YOU Have left the Heart here.. the Heart.. and I would show this First tree.. the Piece of Paper of the drawing of the Heart.. showing the Shape and the Size of the Heart.. and also showing Your Picture to this Tree.. the first tree.. as I would wait in silent.. I wanted to hear an answer.. But it seems Like this Tree is Not going to answer me.. I feel like maybe this First tree Never saw YOU here at the Park.. or Not see your Heart.. I would Look UP.. looking at the branches.. to the One at the Top of the Branches and I do Not see the Heart.. Your Heart.. I would see people walking and they would pass by.. I see a Man walking By.. and I would stop the Man.. and He turns to face Me.. I would show the Man the Picture of YOU.. and I would ask.. DID YOU ever saw YOU before.. the Man looks at me and smiles.. and I say.. SO you do know who YOU are.. and I asked HIM.. and show him the Piece of paper and it is the drawing of Your Heart.. the Shape and the Size of Your Heart.. the Man looks at a Tree.. and He knows where YOUR Heart is at.. and On the Third Tree.. ON the top of the Branch is a Heart.. and I thanked this Man because He knows where YOUR HEART is at.. the Man goes ON his Way.. and I just can't believe It.. so it was Me who delayed.. if I knew at that TIME.. I should of come but YOU have come at the appointed time.. as I would walk leaving the First Big Tree.. I would pass by the Second Big Tree and I would walk.. Looking at the Third Big Tree.. I am Not sure why would YOU put and I would stop next to the Third Tree.. why.. and as I would compare the height.. I see WHY.. the third Tree is the Biggest Tree and the tallest tree from the twelve Other trees around.. and as I stand next to the Third Big Tree.. I Look UP.. looking at every tree branches to the TOP of.. and I see Your Heart.. I have never seen such a Big Heart.. it is so Big.. the size and the shape.. there is NO match to compete of the Size of Your Heart.. because it is SO BIG as it is.. HOW did that Heart get way UP there.. and what am I suppose to do.. as I am looking at the Piece of Paper.. the drawing of.. looking at the shape and the Size.. I know that I can't even draw at all.. I want to know.. How did YOUR BIG HEART reach UP way UP there.. and It is Not going to fall on the ground.. It seems like the branches are unable to HOLD because the SIZE is SO BIG.. YOUR HEART is so Big.. as I turn.. I am looking at the Third tree.. I would say.. I know that I am so Small.. and Yes.. many times I can feel so weak.. but I know that what I want and what I need is that Big Heart.. I know that YOU are Not here.. that is why I have chose to LOOK at this third Tree.. and If YOU can Hear me.. I can only speak to this Third Tree.. even though I want to tell YOU my Heart.. When you compare the size of Your Heart.. I want my Heart to be as Big as YOUR HEART.. so that I can tell YOU that I love YOU.. Only if the Shape and the Size of My Heart can grow.. and can expand as Big as Your Heart.. can I tell YOU then that I love YOU.. I need to say It to YOU.. I want to say it to YOU.. telling YOU that Course of time.. My Heart.. it was able to reach its height as Big as Your Heart.. if two Hearts are the right Size and Shape.. I know that I can Love you as Much as I can.. but it needs to grow and expand its reach Like Your Heart.. If my Heart is so Small.. How can I love your Big Size Heart.. Please.. tell me How can My Heart be as Big as Your Heart.. If My Heart can be big as Your Heart.. I know that I am able to float into the air.. and as I can be lifted UP.. I can Open my Arms wide.. and grab.. and PULL your Heart closer to my Heart.. TO my Chest and Let Your Heart hear my Heart crying inside because finally Our Hearts can meet each Other.. for the first time in a long time I can really let my tears fly Out of my eyes because I can say Finally I can tell Your Heart.. How much I love YOU.. How much I missed YOU.. able to share and tell Your Heart.. I have missed YOU so Much but also been loving YOU so much.. waiting over and over.. letting the time pass by.. but even when the TIME kept on going.. I have Never stopped loving YOU.. I have never stopped missing YOU.. always thinking of YOU.. thinking of when can I see YOU so that I can tell Your Heart.. I love YOU.. holding Your Big Heart into my Arms.. I would kiss your Heart.. your BIG HEART and say.. I can't breathe.. ready to exhale.. when I kiss Your Big Heart.. I can inhale.. when I exhale I will say.. can YOU Hear my Heart Beat.. wants to follow the Beating of Your Heart.. let our Hearts beat together and can make sound and music inside.. but I need YOUR Heart.. I first am asking for Your Heart.. so that I can tell YOU what My Heart truly feels inside when I am close to YOU and close to YOUR HEART.. able to let it ALL OUT and I would again.. Kiss your Heart and whisper to Your Heart.. I love YOU.. I wanted to say and tell YOU.. by telling YOUR Heart.. I have been longing for this day to Come.. I wanted this day to come sooner but it seems like the TIME is Not on my side right Now.. NO matter How many times I would say.. I would write and to tell YOU.. I wanted to say it a lot sooner.. waiting part can be very Hard.. can be difficult when YOU are unsure about the situation or about the TIME.. will it ever come.. WILL I ever able to tell YOUR HEART that I love YOU.. but.. as I am looking at this Big Tree.. the Third Tree in this Park.. when the rain came the first Night.. the SNOW started to fall on the second Night.. through the winter storm I saw.. nothing but SNOW was Out.. staying inside the House.. felt like I was locked.. because I knew that I had to go to see Your Heart.. it was killing me while waiting.. it was killing me because even I started to think about.. what if YOU did COME.. and YOU have placed Your Heart on the TOP of the Branch
Heart away so that I cannot see Your Big Heart any more.. there was One Part.. maybe YOU did Not come.. but another side of me told Me.. I know that YOU will keep your Part.. You will keep your Promises which when I asked the MAN who was passing By.. He told me He saw YOU coming.. You were Holding Your Heart.. Your Arms around Your Big Heart.. and as He stood there watching YOU.. it started to rain.. YOU would start to climb UP on the Third Tree.. with Your Big Heart On your Back.. and saw Your BIG HEART crying as YOUR arms and hands let go climbing back down ON the Big Tree.. the MAN looks UP.. Your Big Heart keeps on crying Out to YOU.. as YOU turn away.. getting Hit by the rain.. and had to run Off because YOU were getting HIT.. a lot by the waters of the rain.. HE said He was touched and deeply Moved of YOUR WORD keeping the promise.. when I heard this as the MAN leaves.. who saw all these things.. He came to stop by.. Just to see if Your Big Heart was still there and that is when I ran to HIM.. that is why the Only words I can say.. I am so Sorry for delaying on my Part.. I should of Know that YOU are so determined to keep Your Word.. I know that YOU are so Strong.. your WILL.. YOU are very determined.. and YOU are so Strong.. that is One part of YOU that I saw is what Made My Heart to say I love YOU.. where my Heart.. it tells Me to love YOU more.. because I know that YOU are so special.. YOU are so unique and so Different.. and even though I was delayed of coming.. I still had to come just in case.. when I heard that YOUR BIG HEART was still here at this Park.. that It was located on the Third BIG TREE.. I would be walking with tears in my eyes.. because I knew that I should of Came before.. that I should of come on the appointed time that YOU TOLD ME to come.. I could of saw YOU.. if I saw YOU.. I would of grabbed unto Your Arms.. and pull YOU closer into my arms because I would say.. I love YOU.. I would say to YOU.. if I came that day.. the appointed time that YOU gave me the Note to come.. I would asked YOU.. it is very dangerous to climb up.. when the rain comes Hard.. things can happen where YOU would Not believe but.. that Courage and being so brave.. I just wanted to say.. I am so sorry that I did Not come that day.. But.. I now see why YOU have a Big Heart.. such a Big Heart that I want My Heart to be as big as YOURS.. so that I can tell YOU in many words.. how much I love YOU.. and to tell YOU how much I been missing YOU lately.. that I know deep inside.. I need YOU.. I need YOU to need me too.. I need to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I need to say to that Heart.. Your Big Heart.. that I love you.. and I am so sorry that I love YOU and I thank YOU.. thank you for being YOU and also having that Big Heart.. NOW I know how much My Heart needs to grow.. so when My Heart starts to grow as BIG as YOURS.. I can finally say.. holding YOUR BIG HEART.. I love YOU and kiss Your Big Heart and tell Your Heart over and over.. this is why.. I love YOU.. that is why I need YOU so that I can continue to say to YOU that I love YOU.. Feels like the Spring time.. as I am holding the Empty Glass Jar.. around my arms.. I am thinking of Your Heart.. I know that I am missing your Heart.. I want to see your Heart.. WILL you let me see that Heart of Yours.. and I am walking and I stop by this Tall Tree.. and I am wondering if it is this Tree.. I been waiting for this very day.. the weather Out side has been very cold.. looking at the Snow falling.. even it has been raining a lot around this time.. I could Not come to this Tree.. I do missing this Tree.. which I received a Note.. YOU be telling me to come to this Tree.. and I just could not come around for a while.. But.. I am here today.. wondering.. DID YOU leave your Heart here.. I had a dream.. dreaming of the day.. my arms can wrap around.. looking at YOU.. but.. asking if I can see your Heart.. if I am allowed to speak to your Heart.. will you let Me.. will you allow me to talk to Your Heart because that is all I want.. that is ALL I need.. I want to first tell Your Heart.. how much I love you.. but I needs to say It.. I needs to tell It to your Heart.. without Your Heart.. My Love will Not last.. it cannot go very far.. that is why I am asking first for Your Heart.. so Please.. tell me that YOU have left your Heart behind.. as I would sit on the ground.. I would pull out the Paper which was inside this Glass Jar.. I started to Miss you Last Night.. for some reason.. I started to Miss you all over again.. I would be sitting at the desk.. and ON the corner of the Desk.. I would put your Picture.. and as I turn to LOOK at the corner of the Desk.. I would grab Your Picture and I would take a closer LOOK at YOU.. looking through the Picture.. I would say to YOU.. even though YOU may Not hear me.. YOU may never hear my voice.. I would look at Your Picture.. looking at YOU.. I would smile and say to YOU LOOKING at the Picture.. I miss YOU.. and I do Love YOU.. but first.. why do I keep on missing YOU even though I have your Picture with me.. why do I keep telling myself but Looking at YOU through this Picture.. I know that YOU can't hear me now.. But I know.. I believe that One Day YOU will hear me Loud and clear.. Holding YOU close in my arms.. I will say to YOU.. LOOKING at and asking.. is this YOUR HEART.. can I tell YOUR HEART that I love YOU.. will you please let me say it.. that I love YOU.. as I would be looking at the Picture of YOU.. I be very sad.. because when I start to think about missing YOU.. I really really do Miss YOU.. and I would pull out a clean piece of paper.. there is nothing written but just a Blank sheet.. I would grab me the Pencil.. and of course I have Never seen Your Heart.. but start to draw a Picture of Your Heart.. thinking maybe this is How YOUR Heart Looks Like.. the shape and the size of It.. I wish that I can have a picture of Your Heart.. How Big is it.. the shape of It.. can I take A picture of It.. only If I can see YOU.. and YOU holding a Heart in the hands.. I want to click to take a Picture with the camera.. but.. only thing I can do at this Point.. just draw a Picture.. Picture of Your Heart.. and I would put.. Can I write My Name in Your Heart.. would you say something about It if I do.. Please tell me if YOU don't want me too.. because I want to write my Name in your Heart and speak to this Piece of paper of drawing of Your Heart.. I love YOU.. I want to say It.. and tell YOU what My Heart truly feels.. I received few months back.. a Note from You because I have been asking for Your Heart.. that I want to see your Heart.. I been calling YOU On the Phone.. only hearing your Voice.. that is all I can receive from YOU.. but.. I want More than just hearing your Voice.. that is why I started to ask.. If I can see Your Heart.. will you allow me to see Your Heart.. can I get close to Your Heart and Know what is really in your Heart.. I want to hear Your Heart.. even though it can be very far.. even it can be from a long distance.. but I am just asking for this One thing.. Can YOU Please tell me where is Your Heart.. and I be putting YOU on the Loud speaker.. wanting to hear your Voice.. and YOU telling me you be sending me a Note.. when the Note arrives.. YOU are going to tell me where to GO.. and There.. YOUR HEART is going to be there too.. after I heard this from your voice.. I waited for the Note.. day would go by but it be very long as I would wait for the Note.. the Note comes and it arrives.. as I received the Note from YOU.. I open the front door and some one put the Note on the ground.. I do remember when I opened the front door.. I only found the Note on the ground.. I would go to the Note to pick It UP.. as I hold on and looked at your writing on the Note.. I would read it.. It is at the Park.. there is a Tree.. on a top of the Branch.. the Heart is there waiting.. I should of gone when I received it.. I should of walked right when I received It.. but it was raining Hard and I would hear the wind blowing Hard.. and I wanted to go but why on this day.. and I would just close the Door behind.. I do regret not going at that time.. I should of Gone because It is YOU.. I even told YOU that I be waiting for YOU.. for the Note which it came to me.. I do remember grabbing the Note.. walking into the House.. the Next day.. the Snow comes.. and It be very cold.. for weeks it would be cold with the Snow falling from the sky.. I should of Gone is what I should of done.. the weeks turned into Months now.. I would be waiting for the Snow weather to die down.. But why did I not come at the time YOU send the Note to Me.. as I am sitting on the Ground.. I am just looking UP at this Tree.. hoping maybe your Heart is still here.. am I just too Late.. did I come at the wrong time.. It is because I did Not come right.. I am looking at this Note.. with the Date YOU have written it to tell me when.. But.. LOOK at the time now.. I have decided to wait a little more longer.. and I should of come at the time.. at the Moment YOU wanted me to come and to show the Heart.. as I am sitting.. I would pull the Paper.. the Drawing of Your Heart.. I am still wondering.. will YOUR Heart be here.. I know that deep inside YOUR Heart is not going to be here.. because it is ME to be blamed for Not making it ON time.. I am the One to be blamed.. I was asking YOU.. I was begging for a Chance to see Your Heart.. I wanted too.. I also even brought the Camera with Me.. it has the straps around my Neck so that I can take a picture of Your Heart.. Just in case Your Heart falls from the Branches.. I can catch YOUR Heart with the Glass Jar.. as I would sit on the ground.. I feel so Sad.. I feel so Hurt all of a suddenly.. because I missed Out.. was I afraid to come because of the rain.. if it did Not rained at all.. I know that I would of showed UP 100 percent.. and I would push back saying.. maybe tomorrow.. but even when the tomorrow became today.. the weather did
Just for one day.. I choose not to come because of the weather.. but if I should of known that I would Not see your Heart here today.. then I could of made up my mind to show UP.. because do you not see that Now I am here.. I have come to see your Heart.. prepared and brought everything I told you that what I am going to do.. I told you that I wanted to take a picture of Your Heart.. to get the closer look.. I even told YOU that I drew a Picture of Your Heart.. Not sure the shape or the size but I wanted to know if it is going to be the same imagine of the drawing and Your Real Heart.. I want to see It.. I want to see Your Heart.. I want to hear Your Heart.. even it can be at the Way top of the branch.. as long as it is You.. it is Your Heart.. as I am looking at the Piece of paper.. looking at the drawing of Your Heart.. I wish that I came sooner.. I wish that I came early.. I wish that I would of walked and ran in the rain.. Just to see Your Heart.. just to see the Shape and the Size of Your Heart.. no Matter How wet I be.. or can be sick from the rain.. I could of catch the flu from the cold rain.. but at least I could see Your Heart.. taking the Picture of it.. your Heart.. and when I get the Photo picture of your Heart.. I would of pulled Out the Blank sheet of paper.. and LOOKING at the Photo picture of Your Real Heart.. I would try to draw the One that is in the Photo picture of Your Heart.. and let you see that this is the Heart I see on the Top of the branch and I would of called YOU and ask YOU.. sending the Picture of it.. and I know that at least YOU will know that I came and saw It.. I would be standing in the cold rain.. as I would lift UP the Camera.. as the rain waters would hit me.. I would be standing still.. cold and wet.. but.. as Long as I am Looking at Your Heart.. even for few seconds.. just for blink of an eye.. and I am able to lift UP too take the Picture .. ZOOMING in closer and I would hit the click of the Button of the camera.. I be standing still.. crying in the rain.. and I be saying to myself.. I have been waiting for this very day.. just to look at your Heart.. even from the far.. the distance that leaves me cold and wet.. but I have showed UP.. I have come because I wanted to look at Your Heart.. to see your Heart and to say loud from the afar.. I love YOU.. I came to tell Your Heart.. it is standing on top of the Branch.. so Beautiful.. I want It.. I want that Heart and I would scream from my Heart.. I want It.. I want Your Heart.. Please.. Please give me YOUR Heart because I love YOU.. why can't YOU give me Your Heart so that I can tell YOUR Heart and say to your Heart How much I truly.. really really love YOU.. but the feeling would be at the Best as I would be able to turn the other way.. after I get to see Your Heart.. after I get to LOOK at the Drawing Picture of what I think your Heart looks Like and looking UP at the TOP Branch of this tree and looking actually at Your Heart.. and taking that picture.. taking the picture of Your Real Heart.. and I am able to print out the Photo Picture.. and I do not have to think if it is right but when I am holding the Actual Photo Picture of what I have taken of the Real Heart.. I know that I do not have to imagine it.. but can trace it and copy drawing on a Clean Blanket of Piece of paper.. and I can tell YOU.. I have seen Your Heart.. and here is the proof.. here is what I saw.. and when I saw Your Heart.. I just had to take a closer LOOK.. looking from the ground UP with my eyes was very Hard to know.. but when I put the Camera up.. and I looked through the Lens of the Camera.. able to focus and ZOOM it to get a closer look of your Heart.. I was Moved.. my Heart was moved.. I was touched deep inside.. because It is Your Heart I am looking at.. it is Not another person's heart.. but it is Your Heart who I be loving.. and wanting to see even from afar.. I would say.. even though it be hard for Your Heart to hear me from the ground.. I will tell Your Heart.. I love YOU.. for the first time.. I am saying it loud to YOU.. will you please accept these words of Mine to YOU.. that I love YOU.. and I am just waiting for the day.. I can Hold Your Heart in my arms.. I want to hold Your Heart and tell YOUR Heart.. I am so sorry that I missed YOU.. but I am Not sorry for loving YOU.. missing YOU hurts me More than anything else in the world.. but as long as I can get close to Your Heart.. I only want to see this Heart.. to tell YOU that I love YOU.. allow me to love Your Heart please.. will you please let me love YOU more.. love your Heart too.. as I am sitting on the ground.. I would start to cry.. I know that I came just too late.. I am only looking at the Piece of Paper.. the One that I drew thinking this is the shape and the size of Your Heart.. but I needs to see Your Heart.. not what I think it should be.. I should of come.. I have waited just too long or delayed too long.. Now I am missing Your Heart.. tell me where is Your Heart so that I can go.. go where your Heart is so that I can tell YOU how much I love YOU.. I am so sorry that I came just too later.. Please forgive me and help me again so that I can see Your Heart.. I want to say to Your Heart.. I love YOU.. please tell me.. where do I go now.. where is Your Heart so that I know where to go.. please tell me.. please.. I am looking at the Tree.. standing and it is so Hot.. I see the Sun above me and It is so Hot out here.. sometimes I wonder why do I come to this Tree when it is in the Middle of the day.. when it is the Most hottest of the day.. But.. I have Your Picture with me.. I just love looking at YOU.. the Most Beautiful.. and before I came to this Tree.. I saw a field.. full of flowers and I would stop by to see this One Flower.. the Sun Flower.. and I remember I had to go and grab it.. before someone else can grab this Flower.. walking down.. I would start to sing.. I don't know where the song comes from but as I was walking.. holding the Sun Flower.. holding the Empty Glass Jar.. and I was told that there is a Big Heart.. it is sitting on the Top of a branch.. and told me to go and see it.. I wonder whose Big Heart it is.. but.. I received a Picture of YOU.. and it was a Drawing on a Piece of paper of a Big Heart sitting on top of the Branch.. I received it on the mail box and when someone told me about the Big Heart sitting on the Top of a tree on the Branch.. I smiled and knew whose Heart it is.. SO I would come to this Tree.. Before I was stopped by the Tree.. the field and the Sun Flower.. in the Room I had to go and grab the Empty Glass Jar.. just in case if The Big Heart falls off.. I want to use this Empty Glass Jar to catch Your Heart.. I have placed soft cottons.. many many around.. so fluffy and so soft so that the Heart will not get hurt.. I have come to this Tree.. I know if someone has spotted the Big Heart.. I am sure more people are able to see this Big Heart.. I don't want any one to take Your Heart.. But.. I can't believe it.. I see few people surrounding the Tree.. Cameras are flashing.. finger points at the Big Heart and I would hear some boys talking about getting to that Big Heart.. I am wondering.. there is a large numbers of people here and more people are coming to this Tree.. I turn and next to me is another man.. He has a empty Glass jar and turns and looks at me.. I am holding the same glass jar.. I smile big because I have placed a SUN FLOWER inside the Glass Jar.. so I know that when your Big Heart is able to look.. YOU can look at the Head of the Sun Flower.. so that YOU will know that it is me.. I want to give YOU this Flower.. in the middle of the day.. more people comes to this tree.. but many just stand around and complains it is so hot.. and starts to leave.. I am waiting for the people to leave.. I just want to be here alone and I will wait until all People goes.. people are talking.. and hungry.. I am waiting still.. as I am waiting for the time for all these people.. fifty people.. and I see the numbers goes down.. and It becomes Night.. I see the Moon comes UP.. and I see the stars shine.. I can't believe it.. the Man with the empty glass jar is still here with me.. I think He does not want to leave.. what am I suppose to do.. He keeps on looking up.. waving the Empty Glass jar around.. I smile because the Big Heart.. YOUR Big Heart is still sitting on the TOP of that Branch.. He be waving all through the day.. and I see that He is tired.. and he looks at me.. puts his head down and starts to walk off.. I am so glad.. so happy that everyone is gone.. I am able to take out the Picture of YOU.. Paste it and stick it on the Tree.. I am able to look at your picture.. do I get inspired by your Beauty.. I do love that YOU are so Beautiful.. I am Not going to lie to you that YOU are so amazingly Beautiful.. so Beautiful that I would walk close.. and press my lip on the Picture of YOU.. I will say.. MY MY.. YOU are so Beautiful.. WHY do you have to be this Beautiful.. what if my eyes decides to leave me.. my eyes can cry looking at your picture and will ask my Hand to open wide and both eyes can fall off crying because when I look at YOU through the Picture.. my Heart catches on fire.. it burns me from the inside.. I feel so Hot suddenly because my eyes look at your picture and I would say MY MY.. YOU are so Beautiful.. and I would be looking at Your Picture.. I would place the Glass Jar down.. PULLING out the Sun Flower and I would be looking at you through the Picture.. I want to give you this flower.. How can I give you this Flower.. Please tell me How.. I been waiting out here.. I been waiting where it be YOU and I alone.. in the middle of the Day.. it was pretty crowded.. and many people were waiting too like myself.. wanted to see Your Big Heart.. wanted to get close to Your Big Heart.. I know that Your
Is sitting way up on the Top of the branch of this Tree.. I would look around.. I saw many people come.. even people would be leaving.. another group of people comes.. every time I wanted to pull out Your Picture and paste it on this tree.. I would hear group of people.. voices talking.. I would grab Your Picture pulling back to the pocket.. and I had to just stand here all day.. the SUN had to go down because people still came around.. and at last.. all of the people are gone.. but.. all the eyes were looking at.. It is Your Big Heart.. I even brought the empty Glass jar.. do YOU see it on the ground.. when I received a Picture of YOU.. and also a sketch drawing of Your Big Heart sitting on the top branch of the Tree.. I was so excited because I knew that YOU were telling something.. I would be standing by the window of my room in the House.. asking for Your Heart.. I be asking and asking.. begging for Your Heart.. I been praying if I can have Your Big Heart.. of course I would always ask.. never stopped asking.. keep asking until the answer would be answered.. so I would keep on trying.. asking.. give me a sign.. send me a miracle and I guess YOU must heard me.. I am here by this Tree.. and you gave me the answer.. telling me where Your Heart is.. but Why did you choose on this tree.. this tree is so Big.. I am so small compared to the size of this Big Tree.. I am thankful you gave me a sign.. But look at how tall this Tree is and how short I am compared.. I don't want to just stand here and look UP.. just wondering how I can get to that Big Heart.. as I am looking at your Picture pasted on this Tree.. I am holding the Sun Flower.. I want to give YOU this Flower.. But How.. if YOU are not here.. but Your Big Heart is way UP sitting on the branch of this Tree.. I want to give you this flower.. Tell me How can I give You this flower.. this SUN FLOWER first.. My next is.. I want to touch Your Big Heart.. is there a way I can touch and Hold your Heart.. my hands wants to touch and feel.. the warmth of Your Big Heart.. and My Arms wants to wrap around Your Big Heart.. I want to put my ear next to your Heart.. can I please listen to the beating of Your Big Heart.. I want to hear How Your Heart.. Your Big Heart sound.. I am here so I can ask YOU.. I want to get close to YOU.. I want YOU to know that I really want to get closer to YOU.. but Your Big Heart is sitting on the top of the Branch.. it is on the Highest Branch way UP there.. and YOU know that I am way down here on the ground.. so How do I get to that Big Heart.. It looks so beautiful.. I needs to Hear YOU.. I needs to tell YOU.. I want to talk to Your Heart.. but if Your Big Heart cannot hear me because I am way down here to the ground.. and Your Big Heart way UP on the top.. the highest branch of the Tree.. when I am looking UP.. do you know that my neck hurts.. that is How High it is for me to LOOK at Your Big Heart and yes.. I do see Your Big Heart.. it is so Big.. I am spreading my arms wide.. I want to hold Your big Heart.. and Hug Your Heart and say to Your Heart.. I been waiting for this day for a very long time.. to tell Your Heart How much I love YOU.. I want to bring Your Big Heart closer so that I can tell Your Heart.. speak to Your Heart and tell Your Heart.. I love YOU.. I wonder will you accept my words.. am I allowed to tell YOU this to Your Heart.. that I do love YOU.. what would happen if I get Your Big Heart closer to my lip and I can whisper to Your Big Heart.. I love YOU.. I know for me.. on my part to able to tell you these words.. I am going to be hopping around like a big kid.. because to able to tell YOU these words.. It is a miracle for me.. How can a person like myself be able to tell YOU.. that I love YOU.. the I love YOUR BIG HEART.. will you allowed me to speak these words to Your Heart.. that is why I am here.. I am here at the bottom.. at the ground.. I am looking UP.. but I am able to look at your picture because it is pasted on the tree.. showing Your Picture I am holding something in my hand.. a Flower which I want to say it came from the Middle of the day at the hottest.. the SUN.. can I please give YOU this Flower.. I want to give you to tell you where my Heart is.. why I am giving this flower to YOU.. I know that when I do give you this Sun flower.. I know I be at the most happiest place.. and for YOU to receive it.. the JOY that YOU give me just to give it away.. as I am looking at you through this Picture.. why can't you answer me.. I needs to hear you say something.. but I am not hearing anything right now.. I needs to know.. I want to know.. so Please tell me.. I wants to hear YOU.. and as I am looking at the picture of YOU pasted on this tree.. I would look UP.. at the top branch of the tree.. YOUR BIG Heart still sitting there.. I want that Heart.. I want Your Heart.. NO matter how many times I tell YOU and ask your Picture.. YOU don't answer me.. I look UP at Your Big Heart.. is it because Your Big Heart just can't hear me what I am saying by looking at your picture pasted on this tree.. But I know that I am Not too far.. of course there is a distance.. but I am able to stand here and look UP.. I can see Your Big Heart.. I know that Your Big Heart can here me right.. I been asking and asking.. looking at your picture.. I am looking at this big Window.. and I am wondering is this the right House.. I am holding the Big empty Glass Jar.. around my both arms.. will you please show me if this is the right House.. because I am standing out side looking at this window.. I received Your Picture and YOU wrote me the address to the house telling me that I can stop By.. I wrote you the Letter and the Answer.. finally the responding to the Letters.. YOU have gave me this Picture.. and as I am holding this Big Empty Glass jar.. I asked you for the Big Heart.. I am Not asking for anything else but just this One request.. if YOU can Please give me Your Heart.. WHY do you think that I am standing Out here.. there are many people who are passing By and they would be looking at me if I am so crazy.. Yes.. it looks like I am a Homeless man.. who has No place to Go.. holding this Big Empty glass jar looks like I am begging and asking for money when I don't care about it.. I came here today because I wanted you to know that I am serious about this Big Heart.. Please show me your face once.. Please come to this Big Window and let me know that I am at the right Place of the location of your House.. I been waiting for a while Now.. I came here last Night.. and the Night is almost to end as I am seeing the Day setting In.. Please show me your Beautiful Face.. Please show me that this is the right Address.. I needs to Know.. only YOU can let me know if this Place belongs to YOU.. as I am holding the Big Empty Glass jar.. I am looking at the Sky.. and it suddenly grows pretty Dark.. showing me signs that It might be raining soon.. I cannot go until YOU show me your face.. I did not come all here just to stand here looking like a HOMELESS Beggar man.. I came because I have been asking you for One thing.. that One thing to me is so Special.. it has taken me more than three hours trip.. on a Bus I came.. I had to sleep in the Bus for about two hours.. did Not think that It be this Long of a trip but I had to come.. I would remember.. I would remember.. and I would hear the Loud roar of the thunder.. and as I look UP at the sky.. I see the rain drops falling from the sky.. what if you do Not show UP.. what if I am at the wrong Location.. what if I am at some one else house.. is this the right window because I am looking at the Number of the Address and It is correct from the Back of the Picture YOU gave me.. YOU are the One who wrong this Number and the Address down.. am I suppose to knock on the door.. if I knocked on this Big Window.. will you be hearing the Knocking.. and if you hear the Sound of the knocking of the Window.. will YOU please show me your Beautiful Face.. I think my arms are getting a little tired because Now.. few hours has pass down.. I been standing here as I am waiting for the Rain to pour down on me.. even though YOU may Not give me Your Big Heart.. at least if YOU can just show yourself and come to this window.. at least I know that it was YOU who really send me this Picture with this Address.. and as I would wait.. I see the rain falling down slowly.. I can feel myself getting little wet.. and I am still standing.. my arms around this Big Empty Glass jar.. I did Not bring this Empty Glass Jar to fill it with rain Water.. I should of known that It was going to rain today before I came.. But this is How my Heart feels when I don't see YOU.. when My Heart wants to be filled with water instead.. I came with a great big smile.. with tears in my eyes for Joy.. but I feel like I be leaving with this Empty Glass jar.. filled with waters of rain instead because IN my Heart.. as I am watching the Empty Glass Jar.. this Big Empty Glass Jar with rain waters instead.. My Heart feels like Tears of cry.. I feel like crying instead because I came here to see YOU.. YOU are not even at the Big Window.. I have been waiting out here and Now.. the Rain keeps on falling down from the sky.. I can feel my clothes are getting more wet as the Rain falls down harder from the sky.. as I am looking Up at the Big Window.. Please show me Your Beautiful face.. YOU know that the Bus is coming very soon.. and I do not want to leave without seeing YOU.. My Hope was to have Your Big Heart inside this Big Glass Jar.. I feel so sick.. I feel so Hurt because I came with a Hope.. I came with a one wish.. even though it may NOT be your Big Heart inside the Big
hope i see you in real life someday you are still my ultimate kpop crush 🥹
Love your unboxings.💕💕
All of these look delicious. 😊😍
초아 근본 있노
안녕하세요 CHOA님, 저는 터키 안탈리아 출신입니다. 물론, K-pop을 듣는 터키 사람들도 자신이 좋아하는 밴드의 콘서트에 가고 싶어하지만 그럴 수는 없습니다. .
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 도랏네 😅😅😅 죄송
하루에 기본적으로 10번씩 듣습니다 너무 좋아요 초아의 아름다운 얼굴도 노래도
참 곱다...
Oink Oink.. I am looking at the Little Piano sitting in the room.. I am asking myself.. How do I show you that I want to share More to YOU.. I want to tell you a story through the Little Piano and wants to express my Words out from the Mouth and speak direct to YOU.. NO Matter how much I tell you through the writings and the Letters I share to YOU.. it is NOT going to be enough for YOU to know and understand My Heart.. But I am willing.. I wish that I can tell you through the Music and Play the tune.. play the songs and write you Lyrics to show you the Bigger Picture of My Heart.. but I know that I can't.. and No Matter how much I tell you and share this to YOU.. it is NOT the same as doing to show it to YOU.. that is why I am sitting in this Room.. and I feel like My Heart can only Cry.. it gets to Me.. it gets to me because I want to share and tell you More.. want YOU to explore the Love.. HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU.. I want to share even through the Music.. through the SONGS.. through the speaking through the Lyrics to make you know that MY HEART.. the way I love you can go further just be each Letters YOU receive.. I wish that I can change a scene.. I know that taking this LITTLE PIANO OUT of the room.. going Out side in the Night.. NO matter How much I press onto the Key Bars of the LITTLE PIANO.. making sounds and Making noises.. I know that YOU can't hear me on the Other side.. NO MATTER HOW MUCH I press onto the Key Bars of each bars of this Little Piano.. I be looking UP to the MOON.. and Just pointing UP at the MOON.. what good is it I am pressing all these Key Bars on this LITTLE PIANO and YOU can't hear me at ALL.. it kills Me.. it kills my Heart that I can't do Much with it.. so only thing I can do to show you the Bigger Picture.. is for me to be More creative to show YOU HOW MUCH I Love you.. I can show you through the Mind.. through My MIND.. inside my Head how much I love YOU.. inside my Heart.. but I want to show YOU and share to you so MUCH MORE.. that MORE is the word I wanted to always enlarge for YOU TO SEE my Heart of that I love YOU.. I can take you to a Stage.. and I know that I am standing on the stage alone.. there are a lot of seats.. a lot of chairs but they are all empty chairs.. there is ONE chair through.. reserved for YOU this very Day.. if YOU can only come and sit on that Chair.. I have brought the Little Piano with me.. but with me leaving a distance.. I see you walking into and I see that YOU walk over down to the front row.. in the middle.. with MANY CHAIRS.. the One that has YOUR NAME is reserved for YOU.. Please.. have a seat on that Chair.. please come for a short time.. I will be truly Honest with YOU when YOU come to join this very night.. there are NOT going to be anyone here but YOU alone sitting on that Chair.. Now.. I am NOT going to be pressing on key bars of the Little Piano.. and when I see you sitting on that ONE CHAIR that is reserved only for YOU.. there will be some one who will sit on the Piano Bench and the person will be playing a SONG for me.. but I will tell you.. grabbing the Microphone in my hand.. I will speak into the Microphone and I will be sharing my Heart to YOU.. telling YOU about that Little Piano.. my Mother is the One who bought it for Me.. when I was young.. how much My Mother wanted me to learn How to Play on that Little Piano which NOW I truly regret for NOT being that GOOD son she always wanted to see.. and It hurts me NOW.. it kills me Now but I will tell YOU.. whenever I see that Little Piano.. I want to cry.. I want to cry my Heart Out.. because if I was truly serious about learning the Little Piano and took my Mother's Word for it.. I would been going after the Music Art and would of went into years of schooling trying to be the Best at playing the Little Piano.. if I did then I would of been the One sitting on the Piano Bench.. able to write Music and even compose.. writing lyrics to tell you that this is much more I wanted to share and to tell you that I love YOU.. I would of wrote as much music.. much lyrics and be practicing playing on that Little Piano and singing Songs to YOU.. People would of heard about me because it be Me who loves YOU.. I will tell you how much I love you because it is the ONLY JOY that can bring to my Heart when I think of Love and just loving YOU.. but I am unable to tell YOU anything through the Music because I did Not take the Word of my Mother when I had to then.. but I would still show you in a different way.. I am standing on the stage alone.. holding the Microphone in my hand.. behind me with distance is the Little Piano I was sharing to YOU about and the Person has been practicing playing the Piano for a long time.. would be playing a SONG.. I would be holding a Letter in front of Me.. just it be YOU and ME.. watching you sitting on the Chair.. the middle of the front ROW.. and YOU are going to wonder.. am I going to sing to YOU.. NO.. because I have Not learned anything about singing songs.. but as the Little Piano is playing and YOU can hear music.. songs are coming out from that LITTLE PIANO.. I would hold the Microphone in my Hand and I would tell you my Heart and My soul of this Letter how much I love YOU.. I would say to YOU as I open the Letter in front of Me.. I been waiting for this very Day.. do you know how long I had to wait.. sometimes I feel like waiting can be the Most difficult thing that ANY MAN can do.. it is so hard being patient and also waiting for the right time.. YOU JUST do not know when is it the right time and wonder about HOW LONG do you must wait and wonder.. even if I wait.. will anything can happen down the road.. will anything happen at ALL is what waiting does and sometimes YOU wonder.. what if Nothing ever happens while waiting.. when I think of the negative.. it does not help me at all.. because I believe that LOVE is Patient.. it means to love YOU NO matter what or HOW.. if I truly love YOU. it does NOT matter about the time frame because I just Love YOU.. even though NOTHING can happen.. even YOU may Never come.. even I can just Die alone waiting and it can be nothing to YOU.. BUT.. for me.. I told you already that I love YOU.. you can tell me NOT to love YOU or tell me STOP to love YOU because it can be bugging YOU or bothering YOU a lot knowing that.. But I am Like the DOG.. a DOG who sits by the Shore of waters.. when the Owner of the DOG leaves on the Boat and goes Off.. the DOG does NOT know when the Owner will come.. but it waits for the return.. and believes it will return back.. five years ten years it waits by the shore.. the Owner comes back to the shore and finds the Bones of the DOG who waited but what will always be a reminder is HOW MUCH it waited because of loving.. that is like ME right Now.. that I can DIE waiting for YOU.. when YOU come to see me.. YOU might end looking at my Bones instead.. or looking at the Grave stone.. but a real love is because I have waited for YOU.. being Patient is what makes me different.. I am able to wait.. I been writing for 22 years Now.. I know what it means to wait for something GOOD.. I been waiting and has learned HOW TO WAIT for YOU when YOU LOVE.. I love writing with Passion and with tears.. but with YOU is the same because I can NOW transfer that LOVE through what I do Love the Most.. I love YOU.. and I believe that when the LOVE YOU receive becomes just too real.. I believe the More I spend the time telling YOU that I love YOU.. it may not be NOW.. I am Not looing for Now but I am looking in the due time.. that DOWN the LINE.. YOU are going to wonder.. Like the Owner of the DOG wondered of the DOG who was by the shore waiting because of LOVE.. I love you like HOW the DOG can wait by the shore of the waters for that person.. for YOU TO return back to Me.. I believe that ONE DAY.. you will say.. I wonder HOW I am doing.. if I am still around.. wondering about DO I STILL Love you and I would be waiting till you know that I do.. that is why it takes years of giving.. it takes me years of telling YOU how much I love YOU.. but I know HOW TO WAIT because I have found the thing that I loved the MOST.. I have found my gift and the passion to write and give you letters.. now that passion and JOY.. the ART the Gift that is in me that I have found.. I can Now transfer into the Letters of telling YOU which it gives me MORE HEART to love you much more BIGGER.. I can love you more and more because I know HOW TO WAIT for something that is the Best.. if I have waited 22 years of writing to know that this is an ART that I posses and I can transfer into Love and into writing to YOU LOVE LETTERS.. it means everything to Me because I always loved writing when I was YOUNG.. but NOW I can share that and transfer into writing YOU LOVE LETTERS because I really LOVE YOU MORE.. that is NOW I have the experiences to know what it means to wait.. if I don't have the experiences.. I will not have the confidence to tell YOU how much I love YOU because lack of patient.. learning HOW to wait helps me now to knowing HOW to wait for YOU which it is MUCH more BIGGER in my life because I want to LOVE YOU MORE.. I want to give YOU everything I have but it starts with this VERY LITTLE that I learned over the period of time.. Waiting for YOU.. I am waiting for YOU TO LOVE me.. I am only waiting for YOU to open your eyes.. to open your Heart and your MIND and I believe as long as I KEEP ON waiting and keep on telling YOU how much I LOVE YOU.. I know that in time.. SOMETHING has to happen.. SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN.. and I know something great will happen because I know that NOT MANY MEN can wait.. there are just too many IMPATIENT PEOPLE.. especially when it comes to LOVE.. and MANY MEN are dying for love but cannot have.. impatient.. but I have learned because I had to wait for this very day.. I had
MAH MAH.. I am Kneeling.. two knees are down and Holding the End of the Sword in the sheath.. I would Pull the Sword Out and the sheath hits the Ground.. and I am Looking at the Blade of this Sword.. it is very Sharp.. and YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH who is standing before Me.. with the Big Crown.. King's Queen's Crown putting Together.. and I am Looking at the Blade.. MAH MAH.. I want to tell you something.. for a Very Long Time I wanted to hold this Sword.. because there is ONLY ONE thing in my Mind.. One thing in my Heart.. I know a LOW BORN like myself who came from the Most Poorest Place really Has Nothing to give YOU.. what can I truly give YOU MAH MAH.. I know that having Nothing.. coming from the Least and from the Most Poorest Place where there is NO CHANCE to survive.. I had One Dream though.. if there is NOTHING that I can Do.. and Only thing I can do is wait to Die.. then I know that I at least needs to do something before I do Go.. and I would watch the Boys who grew UP in the Garden.. Always wanted to hold a real Sword.. and if there was a way MUST have the WILL to do so.. and I know that I had to do something to HOLD.. a real Sword like this.. growing UP as the Poor in the Garden and Only thing was holding the Sticks.. branches of a stick that has fallen off.. when I heard about the Opening for the Military Arts.. the training Camp on the training ground.. I knew that I wanted to Go.. I wanted to grab this real Sword.. but I knew that I was just too young when I first heard the Good News about the Opening wide for New Recruits.. I remember asking my Father if I can go and enter the Camp.. the training camp.. My Father told me that I could NOT go because they would NOT accept Me because of my age being just too YOUNG.. I wanted to Hold this real Sword because I wanted to FIGHT.. Fight on your Behalf.. my Heart is to always to Protect YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. to protect you whatever It takes.. even at the YOUNG AGE I was at.. I would Beg my Father.. I had to go.. if they reject me there.. at least Let me try to ask if I can GO.. but my father told Me that I just could NOT go at that time.. I was heart broken.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I wanted to see YOU again.. at least be in the Camp.. in the training ground even if I can't see you around.. because I knew at least I be much closer if I was at the Training Camp.. breathing Hard because I knew.. I just could Not wait.. but I knew that my Father was right.. He knew that I had to wait until I grew a little Older.. but I never stopped Dreaming.. I would keep on coming OUT at night.. LOOKING UP at the MOON.. should I go and try.. even if I be rejected.. and the Camp will Not allow Me to get In.. should I still try.. maybe some way or some HOW I can go.. and I would LOOK UP at the MOON and Cry.. MAH MAH.. I would shout from the TOP of my Lungs.. and say MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. DO YOU Hear Me.. Can you Hear me because I am dreaming of a way to get more CLOSER to YOU.. I know that YOU are very busy as the HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. if YOU cannot come to Me.. I know for sure I will make the time to go to YOU.. at least help ME to enter the CAMP.. that is the Only way My Dreams can come true closer because here in the Garden.. I know that It is so much Far.. WHAT DO I DO.. ever since I saw YOU by the Ocean Waters with your FATHER the KING.. PEH HA.. I know that I just can't stop thinking of YOU.. with me is the ART SKETCH PAPER.. the Drawing picture of YOU.. MAH MAH.. if I go to the CAMP.. will you ALLOW me to stay there.. will you allow me to be a part of the Military Armed service to become a Fighter and a Protector for YOU.. I NEED the SWORD.. I need the real Sword in my Hand.. so that I can say Finally I am a part and that NOW my Dreams are coming true because I am so much closer to YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. Please help me.. I had to wait for a long time.. when I met the Older MAN.. the Teacher and the One who was a great friend to my grand father.. there was a real Sword in his House and I remember He told me the story of Many Battles He fought with my Grand father next to HIM.. winning many Wars.. it was fierce when YOU fight on the ground in any Wars you must face against the enemies who is trying to KILL YOU.. and I remember that the Older MAN.. the Teacher told me that when HE gives me and writes the OFFICIAL SEAL for me to go into the Training Camp.. and I was able to take the Sword that my Grand father had with him.. When I passed the test the Older MAN.. the Teacher gave me with the Official SEAL.. the Letter.. he also gave me the Sword which my Grand father would Have.. WHEN I held the Sword.. the REAL SWORD.. I thought of YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. pulling the end of the Sword Out of the Sheath.. and LOOKING at the Blade of the Sword.. ONLY YOU.. I would LOOK at the sword of the Blade and I cried that very NIGHT.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I now have a real SWORD in my Hand.. that means I am getting closer to YOU.. NOT JUST for Me.. I know that there is NOTHING FOR ME to give.. I am very Poor.. what can a POOR man do.. but coming this Far and had to wait this Long.. and leaving the Garden and leaving the POOR life behind me.. I am entering a NEW LIFE stage that is going to YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I always dreamed of holding a real Sword so that I can HELP rebuild.. I can support YOUR RULING to defend.. to HELP defend YOUR NATION and even to Protect YOU.. I have put ALL of it.. My Heart has go ALL IN to get this Real sword to be held by my hand.. because ALL I think of YOU.. I know that I may Not give Much or can't give YOU anything at all.. But I do want to say that I love YOU.. that I never stopped believing in Loving YOU that ONE DAY SOON I will see you again.. that I am going to get closer to YOU.. Looking at the Blade of the Sword.. I fell on my two knees.. and I am LOOKING toward the MOON.. and I would put my arm stretch Out forward and I would LOOK my Head to the Ground.. the proper way to TELL YOU that I am Going to YOU.. to TELL YOU MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I have passed.. the Teacher.. the Older MAN who took care of ME and has teach me the Military Arts.. He told me that I am now ready to enter the Camp to make a Soldier.. a Warrior for YOU.. I just could NOT believe that I was holding this real Sword.. and It belonged to my Grand father.. I am NOTHING LIKE my grand Father because HE was the CHIEF COMMANDER.. but I am Nothing.. but having this Sword held in my Hand meant that NOW I am able to use it with a Purpose.. that I can NOW fight.. and go into the CAMP to be a REAL Soldier to know More about the Military Arts and that is the way to get MORE CLOSER to YOU.. Knowing this is the Key Point.. that I can NOW enter the CAMP means a lot.. and Looking UP at the MOON.. and waiting for the New Day to Come so that I can go to the Palace.. to the training CAMP and trying to Pass the exams.. that was the Only Focus I had because I knew that was the Only way I can see YOU AGAIN.. that I can be closer.. that when something Happens I can be right There ready to FIGHT to defend and to protect YOU MAH MAH.. and it has been such an Amazing Journey ever since I passed even at the Training Camp.. and entering the Training Ground.. BUT MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I am holding the Sword that my Grand father once held who was here at the Palace.. who was serving Your Father who was the Late King.. PEH HA.. and I heard He would enter many Wars that broken here.. NOW I am holding the Sword which it is the ONLY ONE THING I had in my Heart that can ONLY be the Key to get closer to YOU.. MAH MAH.. I never stopped Loving YOU.. that was the engine in my Heart.. that WILL and the Drive only can COME because I knew that I kept on loving YOU.. for one Purpose is to Protect.. I never stopped the Promise of making to YOUR FATHER.. to My FATHER and to YOU MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH is the PROMISE I made to keep my Word because I kept on loving YOU still.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. the reason why I am sharing this Story is because Letting YOU know still.. that I love YOU.. that it is because I kept on thinking of YOU and I would miss YOU most times.. and Only this SWORD helped me to keep me alive this very Day.. losing YOU and knowing that YOU.. MAH MAH was so far.. but I had One set in mind.. that I only needed to have and held this Real Sword.. Once My hand gets to it and my Hand can hold this Sword.. I believe loving YOU and Letting YOU know how much I do love YOU will come sooner.. that I be closer to let YOU MORE as the time keeps ON going.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. can YOU please Look at this Sword I am holding.. it is the Sword that I never thought that I can have.. but it is a real Sword Now that I am holding into my Hand.. and It meant to always Fight and to Protect YOU MAH MAH.. for this People and for this Nation when danger comes around.. when the enemies attack.. it is this Sword who is going to help YOU to rebuild this Nation to be in its right Place.. and I would see YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. the QUEEN.. as YOU would walk closer and YOU STOP.. my hands both holding the Side of the Sword and arms lift up and I see your hands grabbing and holding into your Hands.. it is because of this I am allowed to get into the Camp.. into the training camp because without this Sword.. the real Sword.. I know that I would NOT be here today letting YOU Know how much YOU means to me and that YOU are the Love of my Life.. that I love YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I am letting YOU know because.. My Heart
MAH MAH.. YOU this Much.. loves YOU this Far.. that NOW you can see How much and How far I came because I never stopped Loving YOU and kept on dreaming of getting Closer to YOU.. I just wanted to say to YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. thank YOU for Opening the Gates and receiving the Letter.. the Official seal stamped by the Teacher.. the OLDER MAN to help me get inside to the CAMP.. I know my Words can't express enough.. my Words are Never enough but I started from the Poorest Place.. who had NO DREAMS at ALL.. I came from where People just can't have dreams at ALL.. but just be ready to Die.. and I would ask myself why even be born if there is NOTHING MORE to Life than to wait to Die doing Nothing.. and having Nothing.. and It really crushed my Heart when I only saw that at the Garden.. that is why I wanted to flee for a Long time.. to a Better place to have a Better chance to see a Better future.. that is when I met YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. when YOU were sitting on the Horse.. and Your Father.. PEH HA.. the KING.. who was walking on bare Feet.. pulling on the strings of the Horse.. when my Father FELL before the King.. PEH HA.. and I heard him say PEH HA.. I knew that YOU were his Daughter.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. who can give a chance to better Life.. better Place and a Better Future to Fight and to protect for YOUR NATION.. and seeing How Big your Heart really is.. I knew that Only way is to Go to YOU.. GO to the camp with the Real Sword is the Only way I can enter the Training camp for the Training Ground.. and I want to say NOW as my QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. thank YOU for accepting Me and allowing me to enter this Camp.. Now do YOU see that Sword in your hands.. I had to fight to get that sword into my Hands and Now.. I am holding that Sword just to Protect YOU and to say that I really Love YOU.. that I do Love YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. YOU know that I love YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. Please let my Words hits Your Heart that I wants to make it clear.. that I love YOU.. I am kneeling before You.. two knees are down with my arm stretch forward.. my Head looking at the ground.. I just cannot believe that YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. which I was sitting in the prison.. waiting for the day for me to die.. waiting for the death sentence.. YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH giving me another chance.. and I see you.. MY QUEEN.. wearing the White dress with the Big KING QUEEN Crown on top of your Head.. behind you is the Master Black Smith.. who was making my Sword sharper and stronger for the War.. and He is walking and He falls before YOU.. two knees are down.. Head looking to the ground.. hands holding the Sheath of the Sword.. hands UP.. arms raised UP and I see YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH turning around to LOOK at the Master Black Smith.. I hear shouting behind me.. and is this real HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. you are giving me back my Position.. are you really letting me enter the War.. and as I turn back my head to LOOK back.. the Seven Friends of Mine.. they are standing there with Tears in the eyes and I turn my Head to look at YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MAH MAH.. and My Head looks on the ground.. WHY are you doing this to Me.. YOU know that I deserve the death penalty and I was ready to DIE.. even if I can't enter the war.. the battle ground and If I was sure to Die for this Nation this WAY.. I still of been the Most Happiest Man.. happiest person that I get to serve and be right CLOSE to you as I am.. YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. has allowed me to be at the service.. even it was YOU who allowed me to come into the training Camp.. into the Training ground to practice More.. I remember YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. when I was practicing at the Military Arts and I showed YOU the Official Seal.. and YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. you could of rejected me at the Door of the entrance of the gates.. I remember One Night.. sleeping in the tent with the Recruits.. and they were as New as I was.. I saw YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. sitting on the Horse.. and with the TOP CHIEF OFFICIALS.. and I walked out of the tent.. just to see the New Morning of the day.. I saw one of the Men.. who were the Highest Chief standing and He comes to me.. and gave me a Key.. I had no idea what this was all about but the COMMANDING OFFICIAL in the highest position at that time looks at me.. if I go with this Key.. it is where the BOOKS are located and has many studies of the military Arts that I can look at.. it be enough once I read all of the Books there.. I be able to Protect and to defend HWANG WOO MAH MAH and I saw him leaving me and walking to YOU.. I just can't believe that YOU gave me this One key.. and I knew I had to check it Out.. and has to start looking into these BOOKS.. to study and to learn.. to train and practice the Military Arts.. My HOPE and DREAMS is to bring this NATION to you so that YOU CAN RULE over and be at the Head over.. and I knew.. if I did NOT do this NOW.. I believe some one else can do it before Me who has Power and has family line connection to your Father.. the KING.. PEH HA.. as I watched YOU sitting on the Horse I see the Horse turning around leaving the Training camp where I was in the Tent as the New Recruit.. I remember early in the Morning.. I would get UP.. the HIGHEST CHIEF officer gave me this paper Map.. so that I can enter the DOOR.. with this NAME BADGE only to go into the BOOK keeping Place.. I went into the Door into the room.. thousands of BOOKS all over the Place only for the Military Arts.. I remembering having the Art Sketch Paper.. the Drawing picture of YOU.. and I would unfold to LOOK at you in this Picture.. I started to cry.. I just could Not believe that YOU are giving me this Kind of chance that can change My Life for ever and I was NOT going to waste no time trying.. I would look at the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing Picture of YOU and I would say.. How can a Low Born person like me ever learn like this.. How can I ever thank YOU for this KIND of chance.. I had No idea there would be knowledge for the Military Arts but I would Keep dreaming that I needs to always fight ON your Behalf.. I had to see something greater because I came from the Garden.. there was NO Learning at the Garden.. NO HIGHER education.. where I can grow.. I needed to grow More and as I be looking around this ROOM filled with BOOKS everywhere.. I just could NOT stop.. opening ONE BOOK and I would cry flipping page to page reading and looking at the pictures of hand movements of Arts.. the MILITARY ARTS.. even though I may be very small as a Person.. I know that I want to do bigger and greater things to help YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH to accomplish YOUR PLACE as the TOP HEAD over the Kingdom.. the NATION you will rule.. with this KIND OF help.. I would be looking at your Picture.. the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU.. and I would say.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I see how Big your Heart really Is.. I see that YOU Have a BIG HEART.. Not even a person like me can think of this.. who would ever help a LOW BORN like Me.. NO ONE cares about me but I see that YOU DO and I would start weeping Loud as I be looking at the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing picture of YOU.. I remember grabbing One Book.. leaving the ROOM and locking the Door and walking to the training Camp.. to the training Ground.. in the morning practicing with the New Recruits and at Night.. I would be looking at the BOOK reading and studying the Military Arts.. I would LOOK at the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing Picture of YOU and say.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. ONE day YOU will see that this Key that YOU gave me.. It was NOT a waste of Your time of giving the key to the person.. because I am going to do what is right to HELP to rebuild YOUR NATION.. as I am Looking at the Ground and thinking about when I first came to the training Camp.. and started to practice on the training Ground.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I would return back to that ROOM where the BOOKS were and I would start to read Another Book after I finished the Previous One I had in my Hand.. I knew that It was the starting point for this NATION to become.. without the Knowledge and understanding.. without the Learning I believe that I would of been just Another Recruit who never had anything More to give.. but when I saw YOUR HEART HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I knew that YOU.. MY QUEEN.. YOU are going to do greater things.. I believe that I am NOTHING.. I came from the Most POOREST PLACE.. who would ever thought that I can do anything.. but when I saw that YOU HAVE received the OFFICIAL SEAL.. and gave me the key to enter the ROOM to have BOOKS.. my Heart of loving YOU grew so Large.. because I knew I was at NO MATCH.. there are these royal PRINCES.. from different kingdoms who would Love to make you their WIVES.. WHEN YOU received the Flower.. the rare flower that was at the Garden which My Mother gave to my Father before her passing.. telling me to give this Flower to the ONE WHO I truly Love and when I saw YOU receiving it even though I knew it had NOT much of meaning at that time.. for Me it means the World to Me.. I cried watching you taking that Flower because it came from my MOTHER giving it to me.. I never saw my Mother and I know it mean something when she gave it to me through my Father.. when I saw that.. even though it may not be much to YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I knew I wanted to change to be the Strongest and smartest for YOU.. YOU ARE the QUEEN of the NATION.. I wanted to be the best I can Be for YOU.. just to protect and to defend is all I wanted to give YOU.. but that is the HEART I always have
MAH MAH.. And I started the Process.. NOW I am here.. even with much BOOKS of reading and learning.. knowing and understanding.. I begin to see that I wanted to be More closer to YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. to be the right MAN for the MILITARY ARTS as the warrior who can protect YOU and this NATION for ever.. and I would hear the Seven friends of Mine.. they all came running and Kneeled.. two knees goes DOWN.. arms stretched forward and the Heads all looks on the Ground.. and the 1st Top General with His seven Men and the 2nd TOP General.. with his Seven Men.. all goes Down.. kneels before YOU.. two knees hit the floor.. arms stretched forward and Heads all Looks on the ground.. My QUEEN.. I see you holding the Sheath of the Sword from the Master Black Smith and I see you turn and I raise UP my arms and you laid if down on my hands.. I can't believe I am having this SWORD BACK.. YOU have helped me to get me where I am At.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I would put my arms down and my Hand grabs the end of the SWORD and I pull it Out of the sheath and LOOKING at the BLADE.. it shines through.. I put the Sheath down and raise UP the Right ARM hand holding the Sword.. closing Both Eyes.. I would shout Hard.. MAN SAE to HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I head all of the MEN behind me raising UP their VOICES.. pulling Out their Swords with the RIGHT ARMS HOLDING the SWORDS.. HOORAY TO MY QUEEN.. and I would raise UP MY VOICE HIGHER.. MAN SAE TO HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I hear all of the MEN BEHIND ME SHOUTING OUT LOUDER MORE after hearing the story I shared to THEM.. HOORAY TO MY QUEEN and I would be in tears crying.. MY HEART is truly Moved and touched by your kindness to me and I shout LOUDER MORE.. MAN SAE TO HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. HOORAY TO MY QUEEN.. and the MEN BEHIND ME SHOUTS OUT LOUDER MORE.. MAN SAE TO HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. HOORAY TO MY QUEEN and all of us are in tears crying.. and I put the sword down on the ground.. thinking about the key.. thinking about reading the pages of the BOOK when I had NO CHANCE to do so.. I am thinking about YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. sitting on the Horse as I would watch the Highest CHIEF COMMANDING OFFICER returning back to YOU after giving me the Key to enter that ROOM full of BOOKS.. and I just can't stop thinking that DAY.. waiting in the Line with all the new MEN wanting to join the military arts.. and when I came to the entrance.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH is standing with the Guard sitting on the table and I gave you and show you the Official Seal and YOU looked at me.. the Guard tells me to leave but YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH lets me in with my friend.. and I just can't stop thinking about those days of the beginning because I just had to be with YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I never stopped dreaming of the day that we would meet again.. I have looked UP at the MOON.. days walking alone thinking about when can I see YOU again.. that I needed to be close to YOU that I needed to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I would be looking at the Art sketch Paper.. the drawing Picture of YOU.. I had many nights and weeks.. days and months and years to practice telling it that I love YOU.. I would say it to the Art sketch paper.. the drawing Picture of YOU.. MAH MAH.. I love YOU.. but.. I know that YOU do Not know it that I do.. even though I may be able to say it to the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing Picture of YOU.. after a time.. I would feel so Sad because I want YOU to hear it and for YOU to know it.. what good is it if I say it thousand times or millions of times to the ART SKETCH PAPER.. the Drawing picture of YOU but never be able to say it to YOU In Person MAH MAH.. and I knew I had to say it before I die one day.. does NOT matter If I die by the sword that day I say it to YOU because at least YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH will know it before I am gone.. I would sit and LOOK at the Art sketch Paper.. Nights pulling to look at the Picture of YOU.. I would say it to the Picture of YOU.. MAH MAH I LOVE YOU.. WHY CAN'T you hear Me.. MAH MAH.. do YOU hear my words telling you that I love YOU.. can YOU Hear me.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I love you.. put the blade of the sword on my neck.. Let me say it to YOU ONCE.. before I die.. and I had to get to YOU even if I died in the road traveling to YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. but one thing about loving YOU is this.. that I am NOT afraid to Die because of loving YOU.. when YOU are always prepared to die.. and YOU KNOW that ONE DAY YOU WILL.. you don't be scared any more.. but when YOU start to love.. the way I do Love YOU MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. dying becomes something you are ready to give because that Is HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU.. the day I do die.. at least YOU WILL remember that there was a PERSON of the Least.. the smallest person you have known who never stopped Loving YOU because even then I never stopped LOVING YOU.. even this very day My Heart of loving YOU is still the same but Stronger.. I have become more stronger Loving YOU.. I had to face many storms just to get to YOU and still facing.. but.. I love YOU.. NO MATTER what comes in the way.. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I love YOU.. MY QUEEN.. I LOVE YOU.. and I would lift UP my Head.. LOOKING at YOU standing before YOU with tears in my eyes.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I LOVE YOU.. MAN SAE to HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I LOVE YOU.. HOO RAY TO MY QUEEN.. I LOVE YOU.. and my arm stretches out forward and My Head looks at the ground.. I am looking at the Art sketch Paper.. the Drawing picture of YOU.. in the Prison.. I am missing YOU already.. even though YOU just left HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. if you never came to visit Me here in the Prison.. I think I would not feel this Hurt in my Heart.. even though I love you where It has end me here.. I know that I must face what is ahead of Me.. but I wish that YOU came remember Me if I die in here.. if I do not get Out of here in the Prison and I know that I am ready to Die if I have too.. it is all UP to YOU MAH MAH.. it is ALL UP to YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I am going to go where I needs to go if there is NO NEXT.. and if this is where I am suppose to end right here.. I know that I did my Best to get where I am at.. but if there is Next.. Please HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. please reconsider.. Please think of Me HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. know that I get do and go a little More for this Nation.. for this Country if YOU are willing to help Me.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. you know that I did ALL this because I love YOU.. even to able to write and to tell YOU a LOVE STORY that I needed to share.. I needed to tell YOU THIS in a way that ONLY YOU can receive.. How can I tell YOU and write YOU this Kind of a story.. it is because I loved YOU when I first saw YOU.. of course I did NOT KNOW what it was at first.. but I knew that there was going to be some kind of a story I wanted to tell YOU.. I wanted to tell YOU this because It comes from the Bottom.. the very soul and the root of my Heart.. I just could not get YOU OFF my Mind when I saw YOU smile.. I just could not believe you even came to the Garden.. in the Garden is the Poorest Place.. at the rock Bottom of People.. that NO ONE looks for and NO ONE cares for.. it is a place where I came from.. I knew that I was at the Most Poorest place that NO ONE thought about.. But when YOU came to visit the Garden the first time.. I am here sitting in the Prison.. having this Much time gives me the space to think about the very first day.. I am looking at this Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing picture of YOU.. and given me this much time here.. I am able to think about the first day.. before It was so busy of trying to bring people together.. MEN to train and practice for the War.. but I had no time to really think about anything then.. but here in the Prison.. sitting here and LOOKING at the ART SKETCH PAPER.. the drawing picture of YOU.. it gives me more time of HOW Important it is for me to have this space.. to really think of YOU MAH MAH.. to Know that I been loving you for such a Long time.. that I been always loving YOU but never given a time like this to think of HOW much I love you.. I asked the Prison Guard for a sheet of Paper.. and with the brush and Ink.. and I am putting the time to write you this Letter.. if it is time for me to go soon.. if My time is coming to the Close.. coming to the end and I am suppose to die here anytime soon.. before I breathe my Last breathe and MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. you can't get me Out.. then I want to tell YOU through this Letter before I go.. before I am gone.. and to tell YOU this Heart of HOW MUCH I Love you.. YOU know this MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. you know this as much as I know.. the First time YOU came to the Garden.. I was on the UP HILL.. standing by the tree.. Looking at the Bed of Flowers.. that was the day that changed the COURSE of my Life.. I never thought or even dreamed of YOU.. MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN ever visiting the GARDEN.. when I heard from the friend calling me to get down.. and that IT was YOU MAH MAH.. I thought it was a prank.. a JOKE.. why would HWANG WOO MAH MAH come visit the MOST LOWEST PLACE.. why come to this GARDEN when YOU belonged in the Palace.. where ALL of the People who are looking for work.. they would ditch and relocate to the Palace.. asking the KING.. your FATHER.. PEH HA for a place of work.. NO ONE LIVES in the Garden and everyone who does lives here wants to escape the Life of this POOR.. the most poorest poverty and they go.. and I am thinking
MAH MAH.. the NEXT SUCCESSION.. after watching YOUR FATHER PEH HA.. the KING.. walking alone with YOU.. I knew at that TIME.. something very important MESSAGE is being passed down to YOU THAT DAY.. why would the NEXT RULER on the LINE come to a place.. there are so many people from the TOP NOBLE FAMILIES that goes to the Palace.. wanting a Place of seat to be close to the RULER.. the SUCCESSION.. and I came down thinking.. if this is a prank.. I am going to choke and WHEN I SAW YOU on the SAME HORSE that day.. sitting and waiting.. I fell down.. my face flat touching the ground.. I just could NOT BELIEVE it is HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. is it really HWANG WOO.. IS IT REALLY MAH MAH who is sitting on that HORSE and I am thinking to my self.. WHY WOULD YOU COME to the GARDEN.. and of course I never knew because I Heard you walked in that Garden before I was called by the friend which I was at the HILL TOP by the tree.. HE called me when YOU were leaving the GARDEN.. of course I did Not know any of this but after YOU departed.. after I gave you the FLOWER and before YOU left for good.. the Guard who put the sword on my neck which HE could of executed on that spot.. when YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH told that GUARD not too.. my eyes both closed SHUT.. and when I opened the eyes to LOOK.. I saw you on the HORSE.. sitting on the TOP of the Horse and I saw the Guard behind walking.. following the Horse.. and I knew.. there must be a reason WHY you came.. WHY WOULD HWANG WOO MAH MAH come to the Most LOWEST PLACE like here in the Garden.. I heard also.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH went to the VILLAGE and has visited the People there too.. and you.. MAH MAH looked around the Place.. just like here.. the VILLAGE is like the POOREST.. the second too.. so the Poor people are always fighting against each Other because we just can't live like this.. and WHEN I saw YOU on that HORSE.. and HOW you commanded that GUARD not to strike Me.. I went into the TENT.. like the HUT HOME and I sat to think about this Situation and It really touched my Heart.. some one told me in the Garden that YOU are looking for the People who can join the Military Arts and looking at the YOUNG BOYS the Next in line.. to help to rebuild the Armed forces.. the MILITARY MEN.. giving them ranks in the future.. WHEN I heard this News from the Friend who called me.. because HWANG WOO MAH MAH spoke to HIM.. I was truly alarmed at the News because it became a GOOD NEWS.. and I knew at that moment.. YOU are giving the POOREST YOUNG MEN chances to do something for the future.. the NOBLE FAMILY MEMBERS are the Lucky Ones I would think and yes.. many of them get the better shot of making it.. but I heard.. many people who grew UP Here in the Garden.. when they go to the Palace asking for a place of work.. they get declined and many dies living in the Poverty unable to feed the families.. and I would sit crying.. and I would be thinking of YOU.. that It must be true.. that how MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH is giving this chance for Us.. YOU look at the Hearts of young MEN TOO who are uneducated and who are the POOREST who has no chance at anything.. WHEN I HEARD from the Close friend of MINE.. I would cry in the Night.. because I know that there is a way.. there is a DREAMS even for the MOST UNWORTHY PEOPLE.. that there is a HOPE and a WILL.. Dreams can come true when YOU MEET the right person who wants to give and NOW I am sitting here in the Prison.. of course I did NOT think of this because long time has passed.. but when I am sitting here alone.. and LOOKING at this ART SKETCH PAPER.. the DRAWING PICTURE OF YOU.. and Just thinking of the beginning.. and it takes me here to think back and to appreciate and to thank YOU for that chance.. and when that came UP.. and when I was told about how YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH is also opening the DOOR for the People who lives in the Garden and even in the VILLAGE.. a great celebration has taken Place.. feast was happening and hearing songs and dancing going On.. the fathers in the garden looks at their young sons.. the CHANCE to change to live a better life.. and people celebrated all through the Night.. I did Not join in the celebration but I saw the MOON.. the MOON APPEARED very big that NIGHT and that is when I saw the SIZE of your HEART.. LOOKING UP at the MOON.. I would stand still and say.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. your HEART is so BIG.. I believe your FATHER.. the KING.. PEH HA knows that YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. it is the ONE with the BIG HEART for the People.. RICH or POOR.. NOBLE or the GARDEN.. it does not matter what families you come from but.. as long as it is People who YOU LOVE.. the SIZE OF that BIG HEART.. and I would fall on the two knees and Head LOOKS UP at the MOON.. is that HOW BIG your HEART is.. can I touch that BIG HEART.. will my arms NOT be able to go around that BIG HEART that the QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH HAS.. but even the Broken People.. who has no chance.. means there is NO CHANGE.. but when YOU OPEN the door and even allow the Poorest people to come.. and to accept.. I believe it starts with YOUR BIG HEART.. I love that BIG HEART.. the MOON SIZE HEART that YOU HAVE HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. Now I am thinking about why so many men has come.. More people are coming all over the world just to join the Military Arts.. and there is NO ROOM for these New Recruits.. but when the NUMBERS keeps on growing I believe that UNITY is what is going to HELP YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH to win this WAR.. even the CHILDREN are ready to fight.. and I was crying watching little boys walking ahead.. holding UP the sticks to fight.. I could NOT stop the tears because I was truly Moved.. touched in my Heart because I would ask.. YOU are just too young and I hear.. for the LOVE of this NATION and for the TRUE SUCCESSOR.. we must fight to live if I SHALL DIE and I would cry Harder because even myself feels this way.. I WILL FIGHT for YOU MAH MAH.. and I will die if I have too for YOU and for this NATION.. but I don't want to just die yet.. I want to first see PEACE JOY LOVE AND UNITY in the LAND before I die.. and I believe.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MANSAE.. TO MY QUEEN.. HOORAY.. and I am in the Prison alone.. two knees down.. both eyes closed.. Head looking down.. arms raising UP for YOU MAH MAH.. for MY QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I would shout in the Prison ALONE.. IF I DIE.. Please remember these words of MINE.. MANSAE to HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MANSAE.. arms raises UP.. HOORAY TO MY QUEEN.. HOORAY.. ARMS raises UP and in tears I am crying thinking of YOU.. HOOR RAY AND MAN SAE to My QUEEN.. to HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I am sitting Down in the Prison.. Shouting Out Loud.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I love you.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. I love YOU.. Please reconsider and Help me Get out of this Prison.. YOU know that deep inside.. It is because I love YOU.. ALL this time I been telling YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. Please reconsider and Get me Out of this Prison WALL.. after the War.. you can put me back into the Prison and I call be executed as the TREASON if you still want to put me to Death but I am asking YOU.. Please reconsider.. I can at least take some Men down in the War.. YOU know that I have been here all along.. just to fight On the Behalf of this Nation.. for this Country and I know that I can be a help.. a useful some How.. and my Hands holding onto the Prison Bar.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. why are you doing this to Me.. why are you.. YOU know that I have made an Oath.. a Promise to the KING.. Your Father.. I have made the Promise to your FATHER PEH HA.. when I was young.. YOU do not remember.. but you.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. YOU told me that YOU do remember when I came on that Horse.. I made and swear an Oath.. Not just to YOU MY QUEEN.. but to your Father and to My Father.. after the Peace of this Country and the Nation.. YOU can put me to death or let me fight in the BATTLE FIELD and if I die there.. at least I have serve my Nation.. the Country to help to Build for YOU.. I just can't die here in the Prison WALLS.. at least give me the chance to fight if I shall pass as Treason.. I rather die with the Men out who fights with me and for YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. and I would sit.. letting going the Bars of the Prison.. and I would turn to LOOK DOWN.. looking at the Art sketch Paper.. the Drawing picture of YOU and I start to cry.. MY FIST hitting my Chest.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. at least I want to die as a soldier.. I came this Far for this reason.. for this Purpose.. I came out of the Poorest Place.. and I had to come this very far so that I can serve my Country.. My Nation to love YOU.. after I started to find Out that I loved YOU.. I wanted to do much more than This that I too have my own worth and value.. to be a Soldier so that I can at least be a help to fight.. to fight on your Behalf.. HELP ME to finish the reason WHY I am here.. Please reconsider so that I can fulfill my purpose who Loves YOU to fight on your Behalf for this NATION.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. Please consider and reconsider for Me.. and I am Looking down.. LOOKING at the Art Sketch Paper.. the Drawing picture of YOU and I am touching.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. why are you making me to suffer like this.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. and I am hearing some kind of noises and Loud sounds out side.. like a CANON BALLS hitting against the Walls.. and I would lift UP
MAH MAH.. Am looking around.. WHAT IS that Noise.. what is happening.. and I hear the PRISON DOOR OPENS and and I turn around.. a Prison Guard with the Keys and I lift UP to look at.. the Closest friend of Mine comes with the Prison Guard and He looks at me.. that the QUEEN is allowing me to step Out.. and fight in the WAR.. I Just can't believe it.. and I start to cry MORE AND MORE.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. thank YOU so Much to do what I am called here to DO.. MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. and I would fold the Art Sketch Paper.. the Drawing of YOU.. MAH MAH.. and I would get up and walk Out of the Prison DOOR.. and with the Closest Friend behind me.. I step Out side.. and I see you standing there.. In the White Dress with the BIG CROWN ON top of your Head.. and YOU are standing with the TOP MILITARY OFFICIALS and Officers.. and I look MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I would drop on two Knees.. and My Head looks Down.. my arm stretches Out forward.. and I see that YOU PULL out the King's swords and points to Me.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I can't stop my tears and I am looking at the Ground.. giving me the Permission to speak as I am shedding my Tears.. I thank YOU.. you know that I love YOU.. and that is why the main reason I was able to get out from the Garden is because I knew that I started to Love YOU.. there was NO Other way to express to get it Out.. when I find Out that My Heart started to Love YOU.. I knew that I was going to face the Prison.. and Yes.. the Prison was the Only door that was looking for Me.. I knew that One day I was going to go to prison.. even the great warning sign came to me from my Father.. my Father told me that if I keep on loving YOU.. how he showed me the grave of my Mother and I saw my father come in a wagon but it was his dead body that came to the garden.. I lost both parents at the young age and I remember my father's words telling me.. if I continue to love YOU MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. the Prison Door awaits for me and Death will come knocking on the door.. Many people that I knew warned me when they saw the ART SKETCH PAPER.. the drawing picture of YOU.. I was told by many elders growing UP.. if I keep up loving YOU.. the Prison is waiting for me and I shall die in Prison.. even though I heard many words and faced so much oppositions.. I just could not stop give UP loving YOU MAH MAH.. I went to Prison Once and going back twice.. and I knew this time I will not get Out.. and I was ready to Die.. but never imagined that YOU would become HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and yes.. My Heart.. I knew if I die today and to die in the Prison.. I would be the Happiest to made it to this Place but what Got to me before I would die.. the WAR.. I wanted to finish one last time before I take my last breathe which kept up late into the Night.. that I could Not sleep.. If I would choose to die.. I wanted to Die in the Battlefield in the War.. with the MEN who came out with me.. to die as Brothers in band and I would say.. at last Breathe I served my Country.. I die for a great cause and THAT is to serve my country and to Let YOU SEE.. MY QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I wanted to show you at least I fought hard to get to the Place I am at and to show YOU HOW MUCH I Love YOU.. it started with finding out that I loved YOU or else I could Not come this very far.. thinking of you many Nights.. far and distance YOU were at.. and thinking of ways HOW TO get to you and to be close to YOU MAH MAH.. I never gave UP the dreams of getting close and to let YOU KNOW MAH MAH.. what is in my Heart.. to let YOU know.. even though I can die by your SWORD as the ROYAL BLOOD LINE.. at least I can share and show YOU.. even though I can die in your hands.. let me tell you before I die was the only thing that was in my Heart.. I was never afraid to tell YOU because I always loved.. I was never afraid to go to Prison walls because If I had.. I would of never started in the first place.. which it leads me where I am at now.. to show YOU that I never stopped loving YOU.. I already been in this Prison WALLS twice but I am asking for a permission.. to allow me to finish the WORK that has been placed in my hands.. I rather die serving my country as the Military soldier who fights for YOU.. MY QUEEN.. on your Behalf.. I am NOT afraid of anything NOW because.. I do remember leaving the Garden and I was set alone.. I lost everything when I left that Garden.. I had to face the WINTER storm all alone with me there was NO ONE.. Most people left the Garden and I had to leave too.. facing the storm all alone.. only place I was thinking was the Palace.. I will try to go and ask the help there.. and I would walk alone.. it was cold and scary at first but I had YOU IN my MIND.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO.. I had YOU in my Heart.. walking into the woods.. LOOKING UP AT THE sky.. looking at the stars leading the direction.. did not think that the WINTER would come so soon and so fast.. snowing did not help me.. and I could not eat for many days.. it got to the Point my Body just could not go ON.. so I knew.. I can't go on and I would fall in the SNOW.. with me I would say.. AM I going to die without ever seeing YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I could Not move.. and I would close my eyes thinking that I am going to die here.. I knew that it was my last.. and I was thinking in my mind.. I should not of left the Garden if this was going to happen.. if the WINTER was coming soon.. I should of waited.. I heard the People in the village next to the Garden came to attack and raided.. most people in the garden died of the raided Band of People in the Garden.. either way.. But I woke UP and was in a Home.. and I am looking at the ground.. the tears would not stop because.. I knew.. and I would lift UP my Head to show you my tears.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I faced many difficulties.. many obstacles against the ODDS.. I had hard time coming to this Place.. I lost many people along the way but I never lost the HOPE and the WILL.. because of this.. and behind me I take out the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing picture of YOU and I would unfold and place in on the ground.. I would remember two things.. My Heart for always LOVING YOU.. and the Promises I made to the Fathers.. My Father and Your FATHER the KING.. PEH HA that I am going to be next to you.. that I will be a soldier who will protect and to defend and also to serve the NATION to HELP you to build.. I had those to things set in my MIND and My Heart and I would look at this Picture.. the Drawing picture of the days I wanted to lose hope or wanted to give UP.. Looking at this ART SKETCH PAPER.. the drawing picture of YOU.. the BOY WHO lost his life for drawing this for me to show me because he believed that I will love YOU always More.. I never gave up.. I just can't because the Promises.. the first is to ALWAYS LOVE YOU.. NO Matter how hard or challenging life can be or bring.. to never stop Loving YOU and to promise to protect and to defend YOUR NATION to help to build.. YOU are the ONLY ONE who can help me to keep on going at it.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I just wanted to say.. thank YOU for allowing this day to happen.. THANK YOU for reconsidering and helping me to get out and helping me to finish the task that is up ahead of me.. I love YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I LOVE YOU and I thank YOU.. I am surprised right Now MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I truly thought YOU did Not know who that Little Boy was.. I am Looking at the Art Sketch Paper.. the Drawing Picture of YOU.. watching YOU turn away and Leaving.. the Prison Wood Door closes.. I did Not show you the Art Sketch Paper.. the Drawing Picture of YOU was hidden below the Paper I drew of the two Horses.. the One YOU were sitting Down and your Father PEH HA.. the King walking with the Bare Feet.. My Heart.. I can't believe that YOU knew who I was at that Time.. I only thought that I am the Only One who knew.. then if I were to ask YOU.. did you know that I was the One who has been living in the Garden.. even though I was very Poor.. the Boy with the Flower in his Hand.. it was me who wanted to give you that Flower and It was I who gave it to YOU for you to smile as YOU went back to the Palace.. Ever Since that Day.. the Day I saw you sitting on that Horse.. with your Father.. PEH HA.. the King beside YOU.. My Heart.. I did Not know what I was feeling that day.. I felt so Stuffy inside and it was hardly that I could Breathe.. I don't why it was Hard to breathe.. I went with my Father back to the Garden that Night.. I just could Not sleep.. I kept on thinking of YOU.. asking when can I see you Again.. I would RUN up the Hill Top.. going to the Tree and the Bed of Flowers that was planted.. another Bed of Flowers was there beside it and I wanted to give you this ONE that kept on looking at me and I felt this is the way YOU made me feel HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. It was the One SUN FLOWER I kept on looking.. Every Morning when I would wake UP.. I would get Out of the Hut my Father build.. a shelter only for two People.. and I would LOOK UP to the HILL TOP.. running Up there in the garden.. and Next to the Tree the Bed of Flower.. That One SUN FLOWER.. I would smile.. and I would say.. IF I EVER Meet the QUEEN.. MAH MAH.. if YOU ever come to this Garden for some reason even though I knew YOU would Not.. I am going to show YOU my Heart.. this is HOW MY HEART Feels when I see YOU.. even when it is cold Out side.. even when It snows Out side.. LOOKING UP to the HILL TOP.. running UP even though I would sometimes slip and fall.. I would get Up.. I want to see that SUN FLOWER.. determined that I was then.. I would grab HOLD UNTO the ROCKS and PUSH up my Body thinking of YOU.. and I would CLIMB UP to
Hello ...could u cover d-holic chewvy?
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So much talent... ❤
Oink.. I been waiting and just kept on missing YOU.. every time I write YOU a Letter.. and I think of YOU and every time I take a Look at your Picture.. I can feel something inside of me wants to cry.. I want to cry More as I keep on missing YOU.. holding YOU in my arms is my first Wish.. and the second is to tell YOU how much I love YOU and how much I missed you.. that I know one day it needs to stop.. that I do not have to miss YOU any more.. I am standing Out here.. LOOKING UP at the MOON.. when would that TIME BE.. when I can stop be missing YOU.. I would be wiping these tears.. most of the nights are very harsh for Me.. because my arms.. my arms wants to hold YOU.. hold you close and hold you still.. just to feel you close and that I get to call YOU mine forever.. will you Let that Happen to me.. Please tell me that I do have a hope still.. that I still have a chance.. a hope to tell you that I need YOU.. I miss YOU and that I love YOU.. Please give me the hope so that I can dream being US together for ever.. I am just waiting for that day to come.. but some nights I would say when.. what if It never happens.. what if you don't want to see Me.. what if YOU are happy being there.. but what I want to say is that I need YOU.. I need you more and more.. so Please tell me that YOU do on the Other side think of me too.. and still there is HOPE for me.. as time goes by.. I start to lose more HOPE.. but when I just think of YOU.. when I say your Name.. call out your Name.. I can feel my Heart once again coming alive.. it is because I know ON my part.. I still do Love YOU and never given up that HOPE on you.. that Hope just to say I love YOU.. the Hope to write YOU a Letter and tell you what is in my Heart.. I just Love YOU.. that I can't live with out you.. that I know that I needs YOU.. and as I am looking at the Little Piano in front of Me and on the Top of the Little Piano is the Glass jar.. looking at my Heart just sitting inside.. my Blood covers and has filled UP.. as I want to show YOU.. I want to show YOU this Heart of Mine.. to tell YOU.. it happens when I think of YOU and when I be missing YOU the Most.. I just can't get YOU off my Mind.. I just can't get YOU off my Head.. off my Heart.. and it feels this way.. LOOKING Up at the MOON.. I feel so sad in the days when I can't see YOU.. only thing my eyes can see is Your Picture.. I guess just the picture just don't cut it when YOU love.. when YOU start to love.. I want More.. More of YOU as I am missing YOU at the same time.. IT did not help at all when the Rain poured down as it showered from the SKY.. it did Not help me at all because I started to miss YOU more and more.. My Heart hurts.. and it aches when I don't see YOU.. that is why I be missing YOU all along.. when can I see YOU.. I am looking at the Piano.. as I would walk into the room.. I look at your Picture.. wishing that YOU can see what I just got.. even though YOU may be far from Me.. at least send me Your Heart.. if I can have your Heart.. I will keep Your Heart safe here with Me.. looking at the Empty Glass jar.. I would Place the Empty Glass Jar on the TOP of the Piano.. and I wish that I can Place your Heart inside this Empty Glass Jar.. even though YOU are far.. Knowing and Looking at your Heart.. I know that YOUR HEART is close with me.. I pull up the Piano Chair closer to the Piano.. and I would sit on the chair.. only if I can get You here.. will YOU ever come closer to Me.. How do I get you closer to Me.. and I would look at the key bars of the Piano.. But.. I can't play the tune.. I can't even sing with my voice.. just sitting here.. it seems like it be better if I was Not here at the first Place.. But.. I can write YOU a Letter.. I know that I can tell YOU how much I miss YOU.. I can tell YOU with the Words.. with the Lips.. with my voice.. What I truly feel deep inside my Heart.. I put all my time when I grab the Pencil.. when I grab the paper.. and I grab the piece of paper.. I know that for sure I can write and tell you.. How I feel.. How it feels to be me here on the Other side.. as long as the Letter is able to get to YOU.. will you please receive the Letters.. will you please unfold the piece of Paper which be folded when I give it to YOU.. will you please open your Heart.. hear the words of Mine that comes from my Heart.. how much I love YOU.. How much I adore YOU and admire YOU and How much I miss YOU too.. you are wondering.. what is it about the Piano.. why am I bringing UP the word Piano to YOU if I can't sing.. or can't play tunes of the keys of the piano to bring Music alive.. why am I telling YOU or sharing you about the Piano.. because I want YOU to know.. I want to Place Your Heart.. I want to place your Heart on this Empty Glass Jar.. which is on top of the Piano.. so that when I look at Your Heart.. I can learn How to play the Piano.. it make take some time for me to Know How to Play.. but when I look at your Heart.. when I look at your Heart inside the empty glass jar.. I would look at your Heart.. it may inspire me to say I love you in a way YOU never felt before.. I would think of many different ways to tell YOU.. that I love YOU and that I want to say to Your Heart first.. I would like to tell Your Heart first so that YOU can truly trust me with Your Precious Heart.. without any trust.. there is NO way I can love YOU where YOU are able to love me back One day.. that is why I need Your Heart first with Me.. I remember when I was Young.. my Mother wanted me to Learn something new.. and bought a Piano for Me.. I wanted to learn something New.. wanted to tell a story through but when my Mother bought the Piano.. it was just too complicated for me to learn.. I would watch the Teacher come.. and she would play on the Piano.. I wish that I learned at that time because Now.. when I look at you.. I would LOOK at your Picture.. and I would say WOW.. I would say YOU are so Beautiful.. I would stand by the Piano and say.. YOU are as beautiful like the Piano because Now.. I want to play and make a Music for YOU.. I want to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I want to tell YOU MORE.. I want to step Out of the comfort zone and tell YOU what YOU means to me.. when ever I look at you.. through the Picture.. I would regret when I look at the Piano sitting in the Room.. because.. Now I want to play and make music so that I can tell YOU.. even though I may Not be able to sing YOU a SONG.. I would bring a recorder.. and would record my voice.. as my fingers would press on the key bars of the Piano.. I can at least speak to the recorder.. but before I would play on the Piano making Music to come alive.. I would be sitting in my bed room.. taking Out the Piece of paper.. I would write YOU a Letter first.. telling YOU my Heart.. speaking from my Heart.. and writing that comes from My Heart to let YOU know.. the Letter is Not the Only way I can tell YOU my Heart.. I would sit on the Piano Chair.. regretting because I did Not learn at that time.. I had the chance to learn when I was young.. but I only watched the teacher play.. looking at her back as she played and making Music.. pressing the Key bars.. to the sound of my ears it tingled because she Played so well.. if I only learned from that teacher.. only if I took the time to be more serious about learning the keys.. composing and writing the music Notes.. the keys.. I wonder what could of happened Now.. if I learned at that time.. which My Mother would say.. It be wise to learn this kind of instrument because when it is gone.. YOU will regret it when TIME passes by.. I would stand by the Piano.. I would sit on the Piano Chair.. looking at the key bars.. pressing the key bars.. only sounds but weird sounds will hit.. and I feel so terrible Not because I wish that I learned.. so that I can play for YOU.. so that I can tell YOU.. there is Much more ways to Tell YOU how much I love YOU.. I would even take the Piano out side.. even looking at the MOON in the Night.. when I miss YOU.. when I know that YOU are so Far away and I keep on missing YOU.. at least.. with tears in my eyes of Not able to hold YOU.. unable to be close to YOU and It hurts some nights.. I can play the Piano in the Night.. telling YOU.. looking UP at the MOON.. as my fingers hits the Key bars bringing music.. I would be pulling Out the Letter that is written for YOU and tell YOU a story of How much I love YOU.. if the neighbors would come out telling me about the Noises.. I would turn to that person and say.. DID YOU ever miss someone.. when it hurts.. it just hurts so much when YOU start missing.. I needs to say.. I needs to tell YOU this Heart of Mine.. there are times that it feels so painful.. it hurts.. I see tear drops out of my eyes.. so to take this anger out of My Heart for Missing YOU.. I needs to play YOU a SONG.. this Piano is my friend.. helps me to express what I feel when I am dealing with so Much sorrow in me.. that I love YOU but I miss YOU more.. why.. why do you keep on making me feel this way.. when YOU are so far off.. what am I suppose to do when I miss YOU.. and only thing that I can do is taking out the Picture.. the only thing I can do is pull the Picture out of my pocket.. and LOOK at YOU
Is that a problem.. Is that A Sin just to Love YOU.. I want to hold you close.. I want to hear YOUR Heart.. I want to feel YOU close and warmth.. is it Bad for me to Want this.. Is it Bad for want to Hold YOU and only to Love YOU.. am I being a Bad person just for THIS.. because Only way is to Love Your Heart.. Then I know YOU will show up later On.. But let me First tell YOU.. I first Loved YOU when I first saw YOU.. when YOU became the Best.. strongest smartest and TOP Tier.. I want it More.. I want it More Now because I want it.. YOUR HEART.. I want your Heart so Give it to me.. I will Not Hurt YOUR HEART.. but just LOVE YOU.. I promise that I can only LOVE YOUR HEART.. SO tell me.. I walk out of the Room and Stops.. a Big Box in the middle of the room.. On the Floor lays a Picture.. On top of the Big Box is a Ribbon.. and there is a Door.. I walk to the Middle and Stops.. I look down.. grabbing the picture.. It is You.. I stop to breathe In and Out.. My words.. What words should I say about Your Picture.. Leaving me Confused because.. My Heart just can't Beat right.. My eyes wants to jump out.. shivers down my Spine.. brings me Chills all over me because.. YOU are so Beautiful.. I do not know how many times I must tell YOU this.. But BEAUTIFUL.. is the only word.. Why are you so Beautiful.. WHY is this Picture laying On my Floor.. where did this Picture Come from.. I am standing here.. wondering.. I am Not a Photographer.. I do not take pictures and Have never taken a Picture of YOU.. BUT.. Your picture is here.. and has been waiting for me.. I am looking at your Picture.. Why are you so Pretty Pretty.. how is that YOU are so Beautiful.. Oh WOW.. YOU are so Beautiful.. I can kiss Your Lip and say.. YOU are so Beautiful.. leaving me to Lose My Mind.. Your Picture came out of nowhere.. I was heading to go to Eat.. and CHAM.. this Picture.. Out of nowhere.. in the middle of me Room.. it sits here.. I guess wanted to lay down and say.. here.. Look at Me.. and I look at your picture.. I am wondering.. is my Heart going to jump Out of my Chest and run.. I feel something inside.. it is beating.. WHY is my Heart beating.. What is it about YOU.. What have you done to My eyes.. that ran to My Mind and to My Heart.. Now you have awaken me heart.. It is beating.. My Heart is beating faster as I keep On looking at your Picture.. but.. YOU are so Lovely.. YOU are so Beautiful.. But.. How is it that YOU LOOK this Good.. YOU are the Most beautiful.. the most amazingly Beautiful Flower.. YOU are so Beautiful.. my eyes are glued to Your Picture.. My eyes just cannot stay away from Your picture because.. I am losing my Mind.. Now.. I feel like MY Heart is losing me.. It keeps On beating faster.. I tell my Heart to stop.. Stop the beat.. stop the beating faster because it keeps ON beating.. The More I look at your picture.. My heart wants to pop out of my Chest.. Now.. I am looking at this Big Box.. What is this Now.. I am trying to go Out to eat.. I am hungry but this Big Box plus this Picture stops me from where I want to go.. it is to Eat.. I am hungry.. It is growling inside of me belly.. I am wondering.. am I hungry for food or is it Love.. I standing here.. Now I am confused.. But YOU are so Beautiful.. WHY are you so Beautiful.. WHY do you have to look this Good.. WHY are you stopping me from eating.. WHY are you teasing me and making me want to cry.. I look at this Ribbon.. and I pull it.. the four sides of the Box falls Down.. I just can't believe it.. a Big Glass Jar.. I am looking at this Picture.. Makes me Hungry of wanting YOU.. I want Your Love Now.. I want to ask YOU.. is it me suppose to speak to this Picture.. and I turn to look.. a Heart.. In the Glass Jar.. am I suppose to speak to this Heart.. How can I approach this HEART when it is inside this Glass jar.. I am looking at the Heart.. Can I touch Your Heart.. may I feel Your Heart.. How about.. Can I smell Your Heart.. How about tickle Your Heart.. Can I put my Lip and Kiss Your Heart.. I want to see what does this Heart Do.. WHY is it that This BIG GLASS JAR.. with a Heart inside.. WHAT are you doing in my Living Room.. I am trying to Go somewhere.. Am I suppose to eat this Heart.. Does She taste like a steak.. But.. I look at the picture.. WHY.. tell me WHY do you have to be this Beautiful.. and WHY did YOU stop me from heading else where.. I need to go.. I need to go somewhere but Now.. I am very curious.. WHAT AM I suppose to do with Your Picture.. With your Heart inside this GLASS JAR.. Now I put the picture on the Floor.. My hands on the Glass jar.. My mouth get close to the glass jar.. can I love YOU tonight.. can I tell your Heart something.. CAN I lower my voice and whisper to Your Heart.. How Much I love You.. How much I want to get close to Your.. and tell Your Heart.. How much I missed YOU.. why don't Your Heart answer.. I put my right ear close to the Glass jar.. why can't Your Heart say something.. tell me something so that I know that It is YOU who is listening to my Voice.. I turn and my mouth closer to the Glass jar.. I love YOU.. I love you because YOU are everything.. that YOU are so Special.. SO precious in my eyes.. If you are asking.. WHAT do I think of YOU.. I think you are adorable.. Incredible.. Most beautiful in the world.. the TOP world class.. But I want to Hear Your heart saying something to Me.. tell me that YOU know who I am.. tell me that YOU know that this is Me.. all I want to know.. DO you know who I am.. I am not asking Much to YOU but DO you know who Loves YOU.. DO you know that I love YOU so that YOU know who I am.. I do not want you to think I am another Person.. because Don't be confused for me being ME.. Now I sit on the floor.. Why can't Your Heart speak back to Me.. why can't Your Heart say.. yes.. I know WHO you are.. and knows who be loving me.. because.. It is me who loves YOU.. not another man.. My finger touch the Glass Jar.. I want Your Heart.. How many times do I needs to tell YOU this.. I don't know.. I have lost all the counts because I told you many times.. Give me Your Heart.. Will you please give me Your Heart.. I want Your heart and I mean it.. I want it.. because if you are not willing to give.. I am going to take your heart some way.. but I want Your Heart.. How do I get it.. How do I get Your heart.. I been here trying and trying.. but.. Your heart still does not give me any answers.. I do not want Your Heart in no Glass Jar.. I want it IN my hands.. I want to hold Your Heart and close to My heart.. But I do not know how at this Point.. I want to feel and I want to hear your heart.. will you let me Have your heart.. because that is ALL I am wanting and asking.. Give me Your Heart.. I want it.. I want it every day.. Your Heart.. and if you are asking WHY do I want Your heart.. I want to speak to Your Heart.. I want to tell Your Heart.. I want YOU.. I need You.. because I do Not have to miss YOU if I have your Heart and to Tell YOU.. How you are the most beautiful.. but also to Love YOU.. is it truly bad or wrong for me to tell YOUR HEART how much I love You.. is it this hard just to love YOU or to tell your heart.. How much I love you.. are these requests this hard of asking.. I am not asking much but ONE thing.. YOUR HEART.. so that One day I can see you close.. IF you Leave your heart with me.. and I am able to tell and speak to your Heart.. Every day I will tell YOUR HEART.. I love you in the morning.. I miss YOU in the day of work and I love you at night before I go to bed.. and I will speak to your heart.. How Beautiful You are.. so Amazing and so Inspiring.. but SO beautiful.. WHY is it this hard for you to give me Your Heart.. I want it.. I want it because I love YOU.. I want it because I miss YOU.. I want it because YOU are everything.. to make you and feel Forever young.. I want to tell YOU that I am hungry for Your Love.. that I want to love you over and over and over.. To keep on loving you so that YOU become more prettier.. I want to love you where YOU have never felt and gone before.. I just want to see YOU at the best.. more prettiest and most beautiful in the world.. SO please.. Give me Your Heart.. I need Your heart.. I am dying to touch
My hands wants to touch and feel your heart.. My lip wants to kiss Your heart and say.. I love you.. Kiss Your heart.. and kiss again and over I kiss your heart.. and say.. SO beautiful.. So So so beautiful.. but.. I love you my darling.. and hold your heart and draw your heart close to me and I kiss your heart again and say.. I love you.. I just want to love You and Love your heart.. will you let me love Your Heart.. will you let me hold your heart.. so I can speak.. tell you a secret.. That is I love you.. My hands touch the glass jar.. I am looking through the Glass jar.. straight to the Heart.. WHY WHY.. I need to see your heart Move.. I need to heart Your Heart say something to me.. But Only looking through this Glass Jar.. YOUR Heart just sits there and does Not move.. What am I suppose to do to make that Heart to move.. I am trying to ask your heart something.. there is NO response on the Other side.. am I saying something wrong.. Why does YOUR heart Not move.. I want to see Your heart move or say something to me.. But I want it.. I want that heart.. WHY can't you give me That Heart.. why does that heart just sit still.. I want it.. tell me.. WHY can't I have it.. I am asking YOU.. I need it.. give it to me.. because I want it.. I want it so that I can Love you.. give me a chance to Tell YOU my words.. I want to love YOU.. I want to love YOU.. let me love YOU.. help me so that I can love YOU so that I can say these words.. I love you.. My love.. I love you.. I am sitting down.. my hands covers my face.. I want it.. I want your heart.. why can't you give me that Heart.. Finger points and touch the glass Jar.. that Heart.. Your Heart I want it.. let me love you.. help me to Love you.. so I can say I love you.. give me Your Heart.. I want it.. I want it Now.. I want that Heart Heart inside this Glass Jar.. it can't be stuck Right.. because I want to take that Heart away.. I am going to Love Love Love Love all your Heart.. and I am going to give Your Heart all the Kisses YOU NEED.. give it to me.. I want it.. I want Your Heart.. Is that really Your Heart.. Why is this Heart so Big.. I wonder if I can Hold Your Heart.. I am looking at your Picture.. right Now.. I am smiling so Big.. why.. because I just want to know if I can Have Your Heart.. would YOU let me Have this Heart.. I can't stay away from this Giant Heart.. I am standing by the Line.. looking through the Glass Wall.. the Big Window.. But I know that I just can't cross.. I want to step on this Line.. but what would happen if I can cross over this Line.. would YOU open the Door.. would this Glass Wall slide over and let me in.. so My foot would cross over the Line.. and I would just look through the Glass Wall.. But that Heart.. my finger Points to Your Heart.. Can I touch this Heart.. I want to Have this Heart.. I wonder how does Your Heart feel.. if it is Soft.. Can I lay on top of Your Heart like it is a Pillow.. I am just standing here just dreaming.. wondering and wishing that I have this Heart.. How about my other Foot cross over this Line.. I wonder what would happen.. Can I cross the Line.. can the Other Foot cross over too.. I want to go over and touch.. Hold this Giant Heart and I want to see if Your Heart is Soft.. is it tender.. can Your Heart be so Kind and so Sweet.. How about my lip kisses Your Heart.. would my Lip be sealed to Your Heart.. attached.. all I can do is think and wonder.. but my two eyes are just looking through this Glass Wall.. this Big Window.. I just want to go over.. but why would not Open.. I know that the door has been opened and lead me to this Line.. One foot crosses over.. But I want it all.. I want Your Whole Heart.. this Big Heart.. this Giant Heart.. to me.. it is like a Teddy Bear.. Because all I need is Your Heart.. there is Nothing more I want or asking for but Your Heart.. Please.. Pretty Please.. Help me how to get to this Heart.. Your Heart.. this Giant Heart.. I really really want this Heart.. but.. there is NO way I can go over cause there is a Glass Wall.. this wall is the main reason why I can't get to Your Heart.. But.. I came this Far.. why don't you open this Glass wall.. I am here to have this Heart.. SO Please.. Open this Glass wall or tell me how to get in.. I know there is NO door or lock.. then what Am I suppose to do.. How do I get to this BIG GIANT Heart.. I want it.. I want to have this Heart but it seems impossible.. even crossing the line over.. there is another Line I see and has written X over it.. means I cannot cross over no more.. so what am I suppose to do.. and I turn to the right to look over.. there is a Microphone.. and I am wondering.. is this the answer.. is this the key.. Am I suppose to say something on this microphone.. what if my Voice is very loud.. and wakes UP your Heart.. I don't want to sound like a person who makes Your Heart to feel shiver or scared.. I want to tell Your Heart.. and I turn to look at Your Picture.. OH YEAH.. and I am looking through the Glass wall.. Looking at the Giant Heart.. so I am suppose to tell YOU how My Heart feels HUH.. I am suppose to say the words what YOUR HEART wants to hear or what is on my Mind and Heart.. Let me try my way then.. so My hand grabs the Microphone.. and my lip gets close to the Microphone.. I want Your Heart.. DO you know how much I want Your Heart.. I would look at your Picture.. do YOU know that I want to see YOU.. that YOU are the Most prettiest.. Most Beautiful that my eyes ever seen.. I know you have left this picture.. because why Would you leave this Picture behind.. did YOU know that I was the one to enter the Door.. and yes.. I stopped to have a peek.. and walk through the door.. I saw this Picture laying on the Floor.. I went over to pick it up.. but I knew.. I wanted your Heart.. when I stopped by the Line and I looked through the Glass wall.. My Breathe was taken away and my Mind was blown into pieces.. because I saw How BIG.. the Giant Heart was by the center of the floor.. I am not sure how many fellows in this world would be able to know this but I knew when I first saw Your Heart.. this Big.. This Giant Heart.. I fell in love.. I wanted this Heart.. I wanted to touch this Heart.. I want to have Your Heart right Now.. would you please show or tell me the answer.. that I need Your Heart.. I just can't live without Your Heart because I need Your Heart right Now.. How am I suppose to get this Heart.. as my hand holding the Microphone and I am speaking through the Microphone.. I am looking through the Glass Wall.. I want to see Your Heart.. this Giant Heart to Move.. Would you show me How to win Your Heart.. I want Your Heart so bad.. I know that I can't leave without first getting Your Heart.. as I am looking around.. I look down.. there is a Third Line and I see the Glass Jar.. it is an Empty Glass Jar.. now My lip smiles more because.. if I can cross two Lines.. and by the time I go to the third line I know I am able to go to the Glass Jar.. so.. is this Glass jar for Me.. is this really for me.. you have left this Behind so that I am able to go get this Glass Jar.. I know it is empty right Now.. but once I have put my hands on it.. I know I am going to grab Your Big Heart.. But.. I need to know.. How do I get to Your Heart after I am able to have the Empty Glass Jar.. I would hold the Microphone in my hand and I would speak.. Please tell me.. I want to know how to get to Your Heart.. If I don't have a clue.. I know I have no answers then I am asking the One who knows and has the answers.. and I am sure YOU know how to Open this Glass wall because I have no idea.. I have no clue.. Please tell me.. and I am looking through the Glass Wall.. I see this Giant Heart Move.. I just can't believe it.. I would smile Big.. I see this Heart.. this Giant Heart be moving.. I put my lip on the Microphone.. can I say something.. How does Your Heart feel.. if I can hold and touch Your Heart.. is Your Heart soft and tender.. if I lay my head ON top of Your Big Heart.. is it like a Pillow.. would it be soft.. I want to hold Your Heart if it is soft and I want to love it.. and I would turn to Look at your Picture.. I put my Lip on the Microphone.. and I would speak.. Do you know that I loved YOU since I put my eyes on You.. from the first time I glanced Your way.. toward your direction.. My Heart has been skipping beats
Is it really You.. I am looking at the Letter.. is it written by YOU.. can YOU please tell me if this writing belongs to YOU.. I want to know because I want it from YOU.. from NO ONE else but just YOU.. and I am looking at the Letter in my hands.. and I just opened the envelope and inside is Your Picture.. as I pulled out your Photo Picture.. YOU are so Beautiful.. I have never seen such a Smile.. but.. I want to tell YOU that YOU are so Beautiful to Me.. I don't care what any one else says about YOU.. as Long as I know that I love YOU.. Not just love YOU.. I do admire YOU.. as I would open the folded Letter and I would look.. It is written by YOU.. I can smell the perfume.. the scent.. I know that I have been writing YOU many letters.. and One of the Letters I have written asking to send me a Letter and a Photo Picture of YOU.. a New Picture of YOU.. I have an Older picture.. but the recent which I can look at YOU.. I watched the Mail Man putting the envelope into the Mail Box and I saw the Truck takes off.. I did Not think that YOU be sending me a Letter.. Of course for a long time I was hoping that YOU would tell me something.. that YOU would write me a letter and give me a New Picture of YOU.. I wanted to see how you looked recently.. hoping that YOU be more beautiful than the One.. the Older Photo Picture I have.. I do remember.. walking Out.. looking out through the window of my Room.. I saw the truck arriving.. I saw the Mail Man putting an envelope into the Mail box and He takes Off.. of course I did not think that It be a Letter from YOU.. Not even a Photo picture added into it.. but On this very night.. I would open the front door of the House.. I would walk and I stopped.. LOOKING at the sky.. I saw the Moon.. the Moon looks at me and I wanted to wave at the Moon.. but I just did Not.. I went to the Mail Box.. and I opened.. my hand grabs the envelope and I just could Not believe it.. It was hand written.. and It had YOUR NAME.. I am wondering.. what if this Does not belong to this Mail Box.. what if the Mail Man brought to the wrong Mail Box which goes to the wrong person.. but is it really for me.. and I am not sure just by looking at the envelope.. I know this Mail Man.. He gets to the right Box into the right hand into the right House.. so I know this Mail Man because He has been around this block for a long time.. So I take the envelope into the house.. I stop and I turn to LOOK UP.. holding the envelope into the air.. I am Not sure if it is to the right person.. BUT I am only hoping that it is to Me.. I see the Name.. and I know it must be for Me.. hoping that it was Not placed into the wrong person's hands.. and I would turn to look at the front door.. and I would walk into the House.. In the room.. I am standing there.. my hands together.. like I am wishing.. that I am hoping.. that I am praying that it is for Me.. I wanted it for Me.. and I opened the envelope.. pulling Out is the New Photo Picture of YOU.. My Heart.. am I going to have an Heart attack.. do I needs to go see the Doctor.. and ask why is My Heart acting this way.. that I am getting a Heart attack.. OH Help me.. help My Heart to stay calm.. I am dying.. as I am looking at the New Photo Picture of YOU.. I feel like it is so Hard for me to breathe.. I feel it be aching inside.. It is so Hard to breathe looking at YOU in this New Photo Picture.. WHY.. WHY do you have to be this Beautiful.. YOU are so gorgeous that It hurts me more to LOOK at this Picture.. should I of asked.. If I asked.. I know that YOU are going to give but when YOU are wearing a White Dress.. and YOU are smiling.. if YOU are so Beautiful.. and I can't do nothing.. it aches and it hurts me More.. it hurts my eyes too keep on looking at this Picture.. I needs to turn away.. My eyes needs to look another way.. because I can get a heart attack.. Now I want to see YOU more.. I want to ask for YOU and I be saying.. I need YOU more.. what if I ask YOU.. can I see YOU.. can I meet YOU.. can I go over and knock on your Door.. can I be the one to get closer to YOU.. and I would look at your New Photo Picture.. it gets harder to look the other way.. and as I would look into the envelope.. I grab the Letter.. the scent.. the perfume.. soft smell.. the sweet smell of YOU.. as I open the Letter which is written by YOU.. I am thinking.. did I do the right thing for asking YOU to write and to respond.. what if I can feel like I am dying inside.. I just can't sleep.. I won't be able to sleep because I be thinking of YOU.. I am already thinking of YOU just too much.. now it is going to add the fuel inside of me because I see the new Photo Picture and Now.. this Letter.. I get to see what YOU be thinking.. as I open the Letter.. and I would read the Letter you written to me.. I only hear.. you only wrote the word Hi.. just wanted to say and Your name is written.. but.. even just the word Hi.. it means everything to me then Not saying or written anything.. but.. it is this Picture.. the New Photo Picture.. I just can't take my eyes off of you.. why can't I just let it rest.. why can't I.. it hurts me More just by looking because YOU are so Beautiful.. why did YOU have to look so Beautiful like this.. as I would sit by the desk.. I am thinking of YOU.. Is my Heart so broken.. am I broken.. do I feel so broken inside.. I feel so sad because Now there is a reason for me to want to get more close to YOU.. then.. what am I suppose to do.. if we are apart and the distance.. this miles of distance.. and when I look at the new Photo Picture of YOU.. My Heart wants to cry.. I want to cry when YOU look this Good.. and I just can't be there for YOU.. My Heart wants to cry.. I want to cry because I want to pull you closer but I know I can't.. I know that I just can't even though I want to get close.. to Hold YOU.. to HOLD you close and smell the same perfume.. this aroma.. it is driving me insane.. it is driving me crazy.. because I want to hold YOU and tell YOU.. what Words should I say to YOU.. can I hold YOU close.. may I hold YOU close.. can I hold your hands Please.. as I would pull a New Piece of Paper.. clean Piece of paper.. with the envelope on the side.. I grab a pencil to tell YOU my Heart.. but the word only Beautiful comes into my Mind.. leaving me speech less.. My Heart.. feels like an Attack.. getting this Heart attack.. I just can't hold back the tears.. my tears of this over joy.. but sadness because I want to love YOU more.. I want to tell YOU who loves YOU.. I want to say it to YOU.. but I can't tell YOU.. I needs to tell YOU.. will you let me say it to YOU.. I need your ears.. I really need your ears.. so that YOU can listen to my words telling YOU.. I know that by now I can say it to YOU.. after a time of writing YOU for a long time.. Now it builds this confident to say it.. I want to say it to YOUR ears.. to Your Heart that I love YOU.. but I need YOU to be hear with me be close by me.. as I am looking at the New clean white piece of paper.. I would begin with.. I have received Your Letter.. and I have gotten a New Photo Picture of YOU.. when I pulled it Out of the envelope.. My hand could not take it.. because of my eyes.. YOU blew my mind to pieces.. my hands opened letting the New Photo Picture to hit the desk.. I couldn't take it.. My Heart couldn't take it any more.. because of the radiant of Your Skin.. YOU are so Beautiful.. why did YOU have to be this Beautiful that it got me caught off guard.. I could not control my emotions.. My Heart crying inside.. telling me that YOU are so Beautiful.. My hand wouldn't to pound on my chest like I am a GORILLA.. I just couldn't hang on to your Beauty.. as I would stop.. I wanted to breathe.. can I breathe.. But it was so Hard for me to breathe.. leaving me speechless.. I wanted to say something.. but it is a Picture.. a New Photo Picture.. it can't speak back or Hear me say a word.. but I wanted to say it any ways.. but How can I say something.. that is why I just had to grab a Piece of paper to write YOU a Letter.. I just can't keep it to myself any more.. any longer because YOU are the Most Beautiful.. Like a Flower.. just too beautiful to be true.. as I am writing this Letter to YOU.. I just opened a wine.. pouring into the glass and I am drinking while I am writing and thinking of YOU.. turning to look at Your New Photo Picture of YOU.. I feel like I needs to cry.. Cry because I can't be with YOU right Now.. even though I want to be close.. My arms wants to hold YOU and tell YOU.. what are you doing to Me.. why does Love have to be this Hard.. why can't I be with you.. YOU know that I can love you right.. YOU know that I be telling YOU that I love YOU.. I be close to YOU.. asking for Your ear.. instead of always turning to look at the Photo Picture.. I can look at YOU.. holding your hands and pull YOU close.. and I will look at your Ear and say.. can YOUR Heart hear me.. will YOU open your Heart so that YOU can hear me right.. I been struggling and dealing this Pain.. the pain and this ache inside because of YOU.. longing for YOU.. crying in the night.. trying to go to sleep but I can't sleep.. my mind rushes of YOU.. seeing you every where and it is YOU who is haunting me every where.. I need YOU
Oink Oink.. I am standing by the Window in my room.. Looking Outside from inside the room.. in my hand I am holding unto your Picture.. asking myself.. I do miss YOU.. why do I keep on missing YOU.. wondering about the Truck.. the Mail man who drives his truck has Not arrived yet.. I been waiting for this Truck.. and I am looking at the rain.. it is falling Hard as I am looking in the room.. looking through the Window.. waiting for the Truck.. I have wrote YOU a letter.. for few days I have Not written because I was sick.. I been dying in the bed.. could Not get UP out of the Bed.. and when YOU are so sick.. I think it is My Heart.. My Heart is dying because I am missing YOU.. and just can't handle this Pain of missing YOU so much.. for few days as I would be laying in the Bed.. only thing that I could do is grab hold unto your Picture.. and it made me so Mad.. made sick to my stomach because when YOU are so sick.. and having fever.. and trying to eat has been so hard.. coughing and throwing UP all over the Place.. and only thing I be thinking is YOU.. writing you the Letter.. and turning toward looking at the desk.. and every time I would get Out of the bed.. and my Head be killing me.. trying to pull the chair to sit by the desk.. and I would PULL out the Piece of Paper.. holding the Pen in my Hand.. wanting to write.. wanting to tell You something that I needs to say.. and I just can't write YOU On the paper.. and when YOU have to lay back down on the bed because YOU are so sick.. a doctor came to see me.. and told me for few days I needed to rest.. and I knew that is the only thing I could do.. but when I look toward the Desk.. only thing I can think of is the Mail Man who drives his truck.. coming to the Mail Box.. and I know that I am suppose to write YOU the Letter and fold it into half and put into the envelope and give it to HIM so that He can take it to YOU.. when YOU are unable to sit UP.. and the Moment YOU sit up.. trying to move.. my Head be banging Hard from the Inside.. with a fever that won't leave me alone.. it hurts me the Most because I am thinking of YOU.. and I am wondering.. what if YOU are standing out by the front door.. and YOU are waiting outside.. and YOU be looking at the Truck.. the mail Man who takes you the Letter to YOU.. I remember last time I went.. I was in the truck with the Mail Man.. and I wanted to be the One to tell YOU that It is me who has been writing you all these letters. that I wanted to show YOU for the first time.. that the One who sits be this side.. who sits in the room.. who sits on the chair by the desk.. that it is I who would pull out the Clean sheet of paper in front of Me.. and I would sit looking at your Picture.. I would stare at your Smile.. and I would ask myself.. is My Heart be moving because of YOU.. am I allowed to move my Heart.. am I allow to tell YOU that my Heart is moved when I see YOU.. that I do have a Name.. that I do have a Heart and yes.. most times I be missing YOU.. wanting to see YOU again and over and over I want to see YOU.. that I wanted YOU to know for sure that even though YOU may not see me Much.. but I just wanted to show UP one day to tell YOU.. I do have a Face.. that I do have a Name and that I want you to remember me.. Not to forget who is the ONE who loves you the Most.. and Not to forget me at all.. so I remember asking the Mail MAN.. if I can go with him to the Place where YOU live.. just to see YOU.. I just wanted to see YOU for the first time without Having Your Picture in my Hand for once.. How does My Heart feel when I see YOU face to face.. to meet YOU even from afar.. from the distance but enough to know that I am looking at the One who I love the Most.. I remember you took my breath away as I stood there.. I told the Mail MAN not to leave so fast.. that even with this much of space and distance I am alright as long as I am standing there looking at YOU.. I felt my Heart and it started to beat so fast.. did Not know that It was my Heart making the Noise.. beating from inside.. it felt like I was listening to a Drum beating somewhere but I believe.. I know that It was My Heart when I saw YOU standing by the front door.. I wanted to walk over.. and go to YOU and give you the Letter inside the envelope but.. I had to tell myself.. Not Now.. Not yet.. so I do remember opening the Mail Box and putting the envelope inside your mail box.. as the mail man asked me if He could go.. and I told HIM that He can go now.. as the Truck started to leave your mail box.. I just could not hold it in anymore.. I felt my tears.. and It ran down two lines as I would watch the Truck.. the mail man drives off.. because I am wondering now.. when can I see YOU again.. How long is it going to be from that time I was there.. will YOU let me visit you again or are you going to react the same way.. standing by your front door and Not moving at all.. YOU know that I am Not a stranger anymore.. but I feel like YOU are treating me as One.. you know that I been telling YOU what is in my Heart.. at least you can let me know that YOU been receiving the Letters and Knows that YOU been reading the Letters right?? Do you even take the time to read or do you just look at the envelope and PUT it on the side so that It can sit there to ROT like my Heart.. when the Mail MAN drove the Truck back to the My Mail Box.. I would thank him for taking me to the Place.. where YOUR MAIL BOX was.. and the mail man looks at me and noticed that I was crying and asked me why.. and I would turn to him and tell him.. what if YOU don't read any of the Letters that I write and give to YOU.. what if YOU do not open any of the envelope and the mail man tells me.. if I love YOU.. just to believe in the Love of giving.. if I really do Love you so much.. for me to always have the open Heart and just to wait.. to be patient with YOU will heal in time.. Just to Wait on YOU.. and it breaks my heart that this is the Only words I would hear.. I wanted to hear that YOU do take your time and you would open the envelope and YOU would sit and read the Letters.. and I started to cry louder.. of course He looks at me and decides He should go.. and I would watch the Truck.. the Mail Man drives Off.. I felt so broken hearted.. I do remember that it started to rain as I would stand there crying.. maybe this is the reason why I gotten so sick.. I stood there and it started to rain down on me hard.. as I would just turn and LOOKING at the MOON.. and did not care about how heavy the rain waters hit me.. getting me wet.. very wet all over the place.. but ALL I think was.. the distance that YOU made me feel.. and that I am Not a stranger any more.. I know that I can't be just a stranger to YOU right.. I been telling YOU.. writing you Letters.. and I have been telling YOU My Heart.. that from my Heart.. when I grab HOLD unto your Picture.. all I can think of is telling YOU how much I love YOU.. and I stood looking UP at the Moon.. and I do remember just going to sleep after getting wet.. for few days it has been so hard.. when you feel like YOU are dying from the inside.. with Hot fever.. and your burning UP because YOU are so sick.. can't get UP to eat.. and coughing and just feeling so down and Hurting all over.. the few days goes by.. and I am able to move Now.. and able to eat well.. and I been thinking of YOU more clearly.. but for some reason.. when I did Not touch the paper.. and did Not hold UP the Pen to write a Letter to YOU and Only thing I did was to Hold Unto your Picture and just stare at YOU and Your smile.. YOU start to miss something deep within.. I started to miss writing you a Letter.. and I knew I had to get the Letter Out.. so I went over to the Desk.. pulling out a clean sheet of White piece of paper.. and started to write YOU what is in my Heart.. and do YOU know what I been saying to you through the Letter.. I started to tell YOU about the few days that has been happening.. How I had to lay on the Bed and just could Not move much.. about the time I went over with the Mail man.. in his truck.. I would tell YOU through the writing that I felt like YOU giving me the distance and felt like a stranger instead but in my Heart.. I wanted YOU to feel close to Me.. for YOU to know that I been waiting for something that YOU can open UP with a smile.. just like the Picture YOU gave me with this Big Smile.. but My Heart broke when I saw the distance.. of course I know that it does take time for YOU to come close and Yes.. meeting YOU and seeing you the First time when YOU did Not expect was My Mistake.. maybe YOU did Not think that it was me in the Truck with the Mail Man.. or just surprised to see me without telling you in the Previous Letters I wrote to YOU.. and even though I wanted to surprise YOU.. I wanted in a way that Not like I am a stranger but that close person.. and I would share and write about the experience with the doctor who came into the home.. and How much I did Not like the fact that I had to lay there and do Nothing.. I just wanted you to know that I wanted to see YOU because I wanted to see if YOU loved Me.. if YOUR Heart would ever open to accept me as I am.. and to know that I been loving YOU for a Long time.. that I just can't stop but still be missing YOU and still be waiting for YOU because I know that I love YOU.. I wrote a Long Letter.. two Letters and folded into Halves and Put into the envelope.. Right after I finished the two Letters.. I had so much on my Mind and so much to say.. which is needed to come Out to tell YOU the Heart of Mine.. I would put the One Letter in One envelope and the second one in a different envelope.. and as I stand UP to leave.. I turn to Look at the window in the room.. and I just could Not believe what my eyes were seeing.. It started to rain down Hard.. this time I am not going to stand Out there to get very wet.. because of the rain.. it torn me into pieces and I got so sick because of it..
You are all I think about and All who I miss the Most.. I am in the ROOM.. sitting by the desk with the Picture.. I am LOOKING at the new BOOK you gave me and has told me that I can Now be a part of the circle for the BOOK club at the Library.. I could not believe that I can Now and HOW you have given me the permission and allowing me to open my Heart to YOU.. I am looking at the Note Book in front of Me.. Looking at the pen and with the New Book.. I just can't stop smiling.. when YOU love deeply.. this kind of experience takes you so much deeper that I never Knew.. How can I even explain this Kind of feeling.. this Kind of experience that I never had.. but I would put your picture in front of the desk.. and I would look at you.. YOU are so Beautiful.. WHY are you so Beautiful to Me.. just remembering going to the Library I had No expectation.. I only wanted to try something New.. wanting to start reading some Books.. I been writing on the NOTE BOOK for a Long time and wanted to go further on my Learning on this Journey of becoming truly the strongest and smartest MAN there can Be.. and I would be looking at few books that would interest me and while I grabbed a book to read.. I saw YOU walking with your Friend.. and you were checking OUT.. and my eyes watching you out of NOWHERE.. I would not know why but I knew there was something Different.. I just could NOT KNOW WHY.. and I saw YOU with your Friend and sitting on a table.. what drew me to you is the LINES that the people came across your table.. I was Not sure.. may be you were an Author writing a BOOK.. and I wanted to see what was going On.. I would stand far giving the ROOM and the distance because I was NOT sure what was happening at the table you were sitting.. People sat Down.. like an Interview they wanted to be a part.. I went out of that Library wondering.. what is this ALL about.. YOU were NOT signing any BOOKS.. so it must be something More personal NOT business.. I remember I would show UP at the same Library.. few times I would go.. on the day I saw you the first time.. leaving he distant.. giving you the room and the space and just looking at the table from a far.. always there would be a LINES of people.. lining UP for something.. I remember after few times.. and ONE day at the Library I was Not thinking but walking and I ran across and Bump into YOU Out of accident.. and when I lifted UP to look.. it was YOU and YOU were picking UP the Books on the ground.. I saw you close UP.. and I knew.. it was YOU.. with your friend at the table in this Library.. and How people were making lines waiting for YOU.. I remember I was nervous to ask YOU as a stranger.. but I had to ask YOU something before I would Never get to say to you what I needed to say at the MOMENT.. I grabbed your wrist.. but gently let go to grab YOUR ATTENTION and YOU looked at me surprised but I would say.. I wanted to ask YOU something.. because I would watch a LINES of people waiting and I would see you and your Friend sitting on the Table and ONE BY ONE.. they will come and it seems like YOU were doing some kind of Interview.. YOUR friend which is a lady smiles.. and Tells me.. YOU are the Owner of several big Libraries around.. and I am thinking.. for people to work here and I see that YOU smiled looking at me.. the friend would say to me.. YOU created circle for only very small group people can come and sharing this BOOK CLUB you are creating for the group to get close too.. and Yes.. a lot of people are showing UP lately after knowing who YOU are.. the Owner of chains of BIG LIBRARIES.. and I am thinking.. and you would smile as YOU collected the BOOKS.. and I do remember following you at the table.. and asked YOU.. I want to be a part of this BOOK Club.. HOW do I get IN to this Club.. and I do remember.. you giving me this BIG BOOK.. telling me to read It and finish it about a week and Write a summary of and show it to YOU.. I do remember doing a research On you and that is when I find Out about your Child hood.. as a YOUNG GIRL.. you fell in love with reading BOOKS.. and became a Librarian and became the Owner of MAJOR BIG LIBRARIES and how it just kept on growing over time.. and I started to fall in Love with the Person who has so MUCH BIG DREAMS of becoming major for the Companies.. but when I look at YOU.. YOU are so ordinary.. that is when I saw the BIG HEART.. that YOU did not have to show Off to LOOK so Big.. People all knew already who you are and that is what makes PEOPLE falls so in love with YOU and even Myself.. I did NOT know and I did NOT even ask YOU but I wanted to know More about YOU so I would do some research.. which I was blown into pieces of How you worked so Hard to get to that Place.. and Now.. after YOU TOLD ME and after I gave you the full report and the summary of the BOOK I read and I would sit.. waited in the Line for few hours for me to get to YOU and when My turn came to YOU.. I just did NOT tell you about the story and the summary of the Book you gave me to read but I also showed YOU the NOTE BOOK.. just thinking about the Library and the table.. I would sit across looking at YOU.. and I would put the NOTE BOOK down on the Table.. while you were holding the Summary paper I wrote about the BOOK and YOU would look at me wondering about this NOTE BOOK.. and I would open to share with YOU.. I wrote YOU a LOVE LETTER.. can I read it for YOU.. WILL you please have the Heart to listen to what I wrote to YOU in this LOVE LETTER.. it is NOT going to be that LONG.. please.. just give me few minutes.. I will not take much time.. I see you smile and I grabbed the paper out of the NOTE BOOK which was attached at first.. and I would look at the Letter.. there is something that I must tell you.. that I am NOT much of a BOOK reader.. and ever since I did a research on you and found a lot about you through the Search.. I am NOT sure how much of it is truth but.. I am sure many things that was written on you must be true.. and I would think of it as being true to me so I wanted to tell YOU my Heart.. was it the Ambitious Heart.. the WILL or the Determination of.. is it the BIG DREAMS you have.. the education.. I am NOT sure what it is about YOU.. but I look at your Heart.. the Heart to Dream BIG means YOU have a BIG HEART.. which is so Beautiful to Me.. I begin to feel something inside my SOUL.. maybe the story of HOW YOU.. and at first I was NOT sure if I be the fit for this CLUB.. the More I think of YOU and the More I would LOOK at your Picture.. I wanted More.. I wanted to be close to YOU.. and I wanted More.. I started to look at my Heart and It started to Tell me.. the More I looked at the Picture of YOU.. I just wanted More.. I needed More.. the More I asked myself.. the More I think of YOU.. the Picture would come into my hands as I would LOOK at you.. I know that right Now it is the early stage of anything that could Happen.. I know that YOU would say HOW CAN I want More or Need more when I just met YOU and it wasn't too long ago.. I am NOT sure why I am able to tell YOU THIS.. but.. it started with me asking myself WHY I want More of YOU.. the More becomes a NEED to start loving YOU.. but when I make a decision for something.. when I know this is It and I want More.. I know myself just too well never to Let YOU go.. of course YOU WILL say I am crazy.. that something is NOT clicking right with YOU but.. Just How you are able to fulfill your DREAMS and DESIRES to come true.. I do also have DREAMS and DESIRES that I do have made something work.. and that is why I am asking YOU to Open your Heart for me and you will see HOW FAR MY LOVE for you can go.. I truly believe that WHEN YOU LOVE.. it starts very small.. loving YOU may seems so small at this Point but remember that I never give UP.. when I need or want More.. YOU WILL see HOW BIG it can grow because that is HOW BIG MY HEART will show YOU when I do prove to YOU that I really do Love YOU.. ALL I am asking you is a SMALL CHANCE.. do Not think of it much because when you give me the TIME.. I can show you How BIG and REAL MY HEART can be the way I love YOU.. just the WAY you have become the major share holders and Owner of Many Libraries in business.. it starts with One Piece of paper in this NOTE BOOK.. all it takes it take ONE PIECE of paper Out and let me share something.. tell you something that is real.. tell you how real MY HEART can be.. and HOW LOUD the Love can be when I tell you how much I love you.. and I would look at you.. will you accept this Paper I am giving you.. and I would look at you.. and I see your hand grabbing the One Piece of paper.. I just could NOT believe that YOU have taken it.. and it got to My Heart.. I thought YOU would reject me but when I saw the hand grabbing to see.. YOU are looking at me HOW FAR can I go to tell YOU that I love you.. it means everything to Me when YOU take it because I am putting everything on the Line for YOU.. telling you that I am giving my Heart to you and that when I do.. it means I want to tell you something that I believe NO OTHER MAN can tell you because that is HOW FAR I shall go where YOU will find NO OTHER MAN in this world who can tell you the words that I can tell you as long as YOU are taking the Letter from ME.. I will promise you that I don't give UP that easily and I will never start something that I just cannot finish.. I am here to WIN.. I am here to WIN to Love YOU.. to tell YOU that I want to win so that I can keep on telling YOU how much I love you.. even when I die and be in the grave I can tell you in the grave that I love you after I am gone.. I will appear to you in Dreams if I can't as a person to tell YOU that I love you.. as LONG AS you can open the door.. and I am able to look at the NOTE BOOK
Takes ONE SHEET of paper at a time is all I am asking for.. Please.. only One paper is needed to say as much as I can to tell you.. I LOVE YOU.. YOU are the ONLY ONE who can let this happen.. so Please.. help me so that I can love YOU.. HELP ME so that I can really really Love YOU or who can tell you that I love YOU.. and as I am in the room.. I am looking at the NOTE BOOK in the top of the desk.. and I start to cry.. looking at your Picture next with the New BOOK you just gave me.. of course I need to read another BIG BOOK but it is okay as long as I can give you a Letter.. to tell you that this Letter in this NOTE BOOK belongs to YOU because it can only come out of my Heart to tell you HOW MUCH I really love YOU.. as I can feel the tears running down my cheeks.. I can't believe that YOU have accepted me to join the BOOK CLUB.. but I know that I am Nothing.. that I am just NO BOBY.. I saw lawyers and Doctors lined UP.. I saw Producers and Actors and all these big timers.. BUSINESS OWNERS TOO showing you their Cards.. executives and presidents and CEOS of companies and they would sit.. as I would also wait in the Line.. making me feel so small.. feels like I should NOT ever be there.. why am I at this LINE when I know I just got nothing.. BUT even though I may feel so SMALL and feels like I can't amount to anything.. I do have one thing that I can share with YOU.. HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU.. the size of my Heart of loving you can only GROW wider and bigger because I know that ONE PIECE of PAPER is small but think about enduring through time.. that can OUT LAST anything when it comes from the SOUL of the Heart.. because I know that MY HEART of loving YOU WILL grow to be the SIZE as BIG as the MOON and the SUN you see.. WHY.. because I just love you as YOU are.. I love you as the person and as the woman of my Dreams and the DREAMS of loving YOU is BIG as the MOON and the SUN.. ALL I can say to YOU.. Please give me the room and the time.. I can show YOU that YOU WILL see later down the road that I love you that MUCH and that BIG.. that YOU are the LOVE of My Life.. my everything.. my ALL.. my forever and ever LOVE.. I love you and I miss you.. Thinking about meeting you at the Library and seeing you sitting on the chair with your friend.. as you open the Note book and holding the Pen.. and the way you love to study and love to learn drives me crazy.. the smile that makes your face to shine.. My Heart.. I just could not help but to say to YOU.. WHY are you so Beautiful.. why are you so Beautiful is the only words that came OUT of my Mouth.. I remember before I walked into the Library.. after finishing reading the Book you gave me and walking In.. the table where I met you.. wanted to be a part of the circles and How I saw nothing but Lines of people standing there.. felt like YOU were an author.. who just wrote and published a BOOK and giving signatures of your NAME.. felt like YOU are a star when I was standing in the Line waiting to come to YOU.. I would wonder what makes you so Special.. why does people keeps on going and standing in the Line and I would watch More people walking into the Door and looking at the Book I just read.. and How you wanted me to share what I read with YOU.. but looking at the Line.. people were holding their books and they are all different books.. and I remember when I sat for my turn and I would ask YOU.. there are so many people waiting in the Line.. the BOOKS are all different.. and I would hear you share.. that YOU LOVED to read BOOKS.. that when you were young.. your ROOM was filled with many books and it would just grow by the Day and YOU would fall in Love with reading BOOKS ever since.. and it became your Best friend.. and I would look at you.. and I am thinking How hard it must be to choose people to get into your circles because by Now.. I know that YOU have read millions of Books and how it is filled and I would look at you.. and I would say.. I know that I may Not be able to read BOOKS as much as YOU DO.. but there is something that I must tell YOU before YOU Let me go.. you would LOOK at me telling me to go on and to share.. and also I would bring OUT a NOTE BOOK.. I see that YOU have a NOTE BOOK and a Pen.. I too have a NOTE BOOK and a Pen with me.. when YOU were young.. YOU Loved to read BOOKS right.. but I wanted to tell YOU a secret.. when I was YOUNG.. I would open this NOTE BOOK and with the Pen I would write.. I would use the time I have to write a Letters.. I know it may not be Much to YOU what I can bring to the Table.. will you please give me Your ear to hear me OUT what I wrote on the NOTE BOOK before I go.. it is a Love Letter I wrote to YOU.. I am NOT much of a reader and I am sure there are MANY PEOPLE who has shown UP.. who can read A lot more books than me.. but I been writing many letters and sharing a lot of stories when I was young.. that something that It has been with me since I was young.. I remember my Mother told me once.. when She was young.. she had two things she loved to enjoy.. ONE was drawing Pictures and the Other is writing stories.. and in years of her schooling.. My Mother told me that when she went into the Contest.. the Teachers would say my Mother was the best writer and won in the classes and I know that I have this thing in me.. that when I share and I write.. like HOW you love to read MANY BOOKS.. I can write letters like I am writing a BOOK.. can I share with You before I go and I see you smile.. and I would Open the NOTE BOOK.. and I am looking at the Page of the paper filled with the ink letters.. my hands would touch the sheet in front and I would tell you this.. I been practicing writing a Love story to YOU.. I would try to spend Hours of thinking of what I should tell YOU.. My Heart hurts and my Mind hurts too.. because trying to figure Out what to say to YOU.. it is NOT easy.. it is NOT that simple at all because it needs to be something that can capture your Attention.. what Should I say to YOU.. what truly inspires me to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I would sit and think.. looking at the sheet of Piece of paper before Me.. what should I say to YOU.. and I would close my two eyes.. thinking of YOU.. and missing YOU.. and I would open my eyes and I would look for your Picture.. when I am able to pull the picture out of the BOOK and I am looking at YOU.. my Heart says.. DON'T be afraid to love YOU.. and just be real.. have Heart to Heart and just share and tell YOU HOW it is to be Me.. on the Other side.. just to be ME.. and I would smile after I see your Picture.. as I would hold the Pen in the hand and LOOKING at the Piece of Paper.. my eyes filled with tears.. my Heart aches and it is like.. I want to be with YOU.. but why can't I be with YOU.. why can't I be the One who is next to you to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I want to say it to YOU.. but is it this difficult to let you know this Heart of Mine.. I know that I am trying to finish reading this BOOK.. I did finish it reading but it has taken me A lot more longer because I kept on thinking of YOU.. opening to read.. from the page to page.. my hands would be looking for your picture.. hands are touching the top of the desk.. My Heart is crying inside of me asking me where is YOUR PICTURE.. but I know that when I spend more time looking at your Picture.. the time that I needs to read.. I know I would rather LOOK at you and the Picture of YOU.. more than LOOKING at the page to page to of reading.. I am more touched and inspired of the Beauty of you.. the way YOU are so Beautiful.. which blows my mind.. I can spend hours of looking at YOU and the Picture you gave me but I know that YOU have given me a BOOK to read.. and wanted to see if I would keep my Word.. to keep my Promises to YOU and that is why I had to lay it down but after reading the pages of the BOOK.. I just could Not stop my Mind of thinking of YOU and just wanting to say something to YOU.. that is when on the Break times I would get.. I would open the NOTE BOOK and I would grab the Pen and had to tell YOU before it is just too late.. if I can't get these words out to YOU NOW.. then I know that I can't tell you anything Later because what If.. I see lines and I see Many young Men.. they too join in the Line.. just to be a part of the growing circle.. but I have one thing that I have been practicing for a LONG TIME.. I was given to write.. I was made to be a writer ever since I was young.. and ON my lonely days when I be in the room alone.. I would write my Heart Out.. I would practice writing on pieces of papers.. filled in my eyes because I felt alone and lonely in some nights.. when YOU were shy.. and could NOT speak as much as some people could.. and that is when I started to practice my craft to become the Best writer I can be.. I know I may not have the BIG Vocabulary or you can sense that I am smart.. I know that I am NOT but I do have Heart.. I have the Heart to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I have the Heart to tell YOU that I miss YOU.. that NO MATTER where you are.. that I want to tell YOU that I miss YOU and that I am so sorry that I love YOU.. I have the Heart to keep on going on until YOUR HEART can open to receive and to know that MY HEART to love YOU is as BIG as the MOON you see up in the sky at NIGHT.. that when YOU know how much I love you and YOU know that on the Other side I am waiting for YOU TO love me back.. that ONE DAY or some day soon.. when YOU GO out at night and see the BIG MOON.. you will then realize HOW much I Love YOU.. that I am waiting until your Heart opens UP to me and to know that I will never stop but keep on telling you that I love YOU.. and I would be waiting until you see me through it ALL.. and I know it will happen one day.. I believe it will because.. when I was young and I saw that I was able to write on this NOTE BOOK.. I am able to know if it will
Succeed or NOT.. if I was wasting my TIME or NOT.. when I saw the NOTE BOOK and I grabbed the Pen.. I just knew that One Day I am able to share to a lot More than just to Me.. when I first wrote on the Piece of Paper.. it was just to myself.. looking at the paper that was in front of me.. I was Unable to share to anyone because I knew that I was not that smart.. who ever thought that I would come this very far.. who in this world ever thought I would still able to write and so much time has passed by since I wrote to myself.. but Now.. I am able to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I am able to tell you that I had to practice.. Night after Night alone in the room.. crying looking at myself and saying that I am just a NOBODY.. but NOW to share.. I love YOU.. that is how much I had to work with myself.. How much I had to practice alone in the room with a Pen and a Paper.. Now I am able to say to YOU.. I miss YOU.. DO YOU Hear me.. do you feel me on the Other side.. can YOU PLEASE see my Heart that I love you as YOU can look UP at the MOON.. when YOU are standing on the ground and YOU LOOK UP at the MOON.. even that far of the distance.. HOW far it was to reach YOU and STILL HOW FAR it is to reach YOU today.. but I kept on trying until YOU can see that I never give UP on loving YOU.. I wanted to tell YOU.. that back then there was NO reach for Me.. but Now.. I am able to share to YOU and to tell YOU that I love YOU.. it took me years of work and trying Hard.. practicing through the Night.. writing on Pieces of papers.. my fingers would hurt.. and now.. I had to endure that Pain of going and doing alone.. but I know that I can't let my Heart go of loving YOU.. it is because I love you too much Now.. and as I would be sitting down.. opening the Pages of the BOOK to read.. I would think about.. IF I wanted to love YOU.. how can I show you that I love you this MUCH.. is it by reading many books.. but I know that I can't tell you by showing you all these BOOKS I have read because YOU wanted me too.. YOU WILL never see my side.. YOU WILL never see my Heart and that is when I opened the NOTE BOOK and LOOKING at the Blank sheet of papers and its pages to write.. I started to write on the NOTE BOOK to tell YOU.. HOW it feels to be me here on the Other side.. sharing something that is MORE than the BOOKS you can read.. it is my Heart.. Heart to Heart of telling YOU that I love YOU.. I wanted to show to share to tell YOU that It is just more than impression.. but my expression to share that I really do LOVE YOU.. as I would be sitting on the table.. looking at you on the other side sitting next to your friend.. I would be reading you the Letter I wrote to tell YOU.. but I know it is just the beginning to tell YOU face to face that when I put into the WORK.. it goes far more than YOU expected.. if you tell me to go one mile.. I will show you two miles instead because it is MY HEART that I love YOU.. I love you enough to show you I can go more than what YOU expect of me because that is what a LOVE is.. to Love you more than the next person standing next to YOU.. that I believe in Love.. I came from the Lowest Place.. I started to share and write when I was YOUNG and it started me sitting in the room alone.. that I had no one to share with in the Beginning when I was in the room.. but NOW.. all the years of practice the art and the craft.. I am NOW able to share and tell YOU this.. I never gave UP and NOW I am here to tell YOU this.. I miss you and I love YOU.. a MAN of my own words to KEEP on sharing and telling YOU that I love you for ever and ever MORE.. I love you.. I am waiting for you to call me on the Phone.. You told me that YOU are going to ask me something.. am I the One who suppose to call YOU.. but I heard.. last night you messaged me on the Phone.. and YOU send me a picture.. and below the Picture YOU send.. you wrote and said to me.. YOU wanted to tell me something.. and I have been waiting.. I just could not go to Sleep.. just keep on thinking about what YOU needs to say.. are you trying to break UP with Me.. is this the Word true what I am feeling.. we have been together for few years Now.. and when YOU told me YOU have something to say.. it felt so Serious that I got sick in my stomach.. YOU know that I love YOU.. ever since the first day I laid my eyes on you.. It was at the Library.. I saw you walk into the Library and YOU were with Your friend.. and as I was checking OUT a book to read at Home.. I stopped.. My Book in my hands dropped on the Floor.. and you stopped.. with your friend.. both helping me to gather some few Books.. of course I was thinking about just One book to take home.. but.. I just wanted to start over.. wanted to get into the Books and to know More.. when I saw YOU helping me Out.. My Heart felt troubled.. because I never felt this way before.. and I saw YOU looking at the front covers of the Books.. and YOU would look at me as you would gather some of the Books and putting into my hands.. I begin to wonder.. what is this that My Heart be feeling.. I told YOU thank YOU for the Help.. as I got UP.. I wanted to drop the books again on the Floor.. because what if this is the last time I see you again.. But.. at least I know that I have met you in this Library.. and I would walk out of the Library front door.. But.. I did Not even give YOU my Name.. How about asking for Your Name.. I don't even know your Name.. but.. I think it is just too late to ask for Now.. I would be in the room.. sitting by the desk.. holding a Book.. and I would open to read from Page to page.. I wanted to read further.. but my eyes would stop.. my Mind would go to a different place.. I just could Not focus on these pages of the BOOK.. I am wondering.. what is wrong with Me.. why can't I just focus and zoom into these pages.. I went to the Library to borrow Books so that I can read.. but I would be looking back.. thinking of YOU.. I don't even have any pictures of YOU.. so I can see vague picture of YOU in my mind.. I would lift the Book closer.. and I would look at the page and looking into the words.. the sentences of the written word on the page of this Book.. but I would smile.. blinking my eyes fast.. I feel so hot.. and Now.. I just can't read this Book.. and I would close the BOOK.. and I would stand UP.. stretch.. but it is YOU.. what are you doing to Me.. I don't even know your Name.. I did not even give YOU my Name.. will I be able to see YOU at that Library.. will you be there at the same location.. YOU took me by a great surprise.. Now I feel so dumb.. I should of asked for YOUR name.. or gave YOU my Name.. what did I just walk off without any introduction.. is it just too late Now to ask for Your Name.. and I am standing alone in the room.. trying to get YOU off my Mind.. but I just can't.. I would sit back down.. looking at the Book on top of the desk.. and I would Open the book.. looking into the page.. I would start to read Out loud.. trying to get YOU off my Mind.. My Heart is crying inside because YOU have done something to My Heart.. as I would sit.. looking at the Page.. reading.. trying to even finish the first page.. But I just keep on thinking of YOU.. and I would smile.. WHY am I smiling if I don't even know your Name.. and I just sat down.. and I am thinking about going back to that Library tomorrow.. I try to sleep.. after brushing my teeth.. and laying inside the covers.. this warm blanket.. trying to sleep laying in the bed.. I would sit UP on the Bed.. tell me WHY.. I needs to sleep.. but WHY can't I just sleep.. I would lay back down on the bed.. thinking of YOU.. I would have these flash backs.. I would be at the counter.. as I am getting the Books check Out.. and I would take the few Books in my arms.. and when I turn around and I start to walk.. I see two Ladies walking side by side.. One is YOU.. and your dress.. Your dazzling smile.. holding a cup of coffee and YOU are smiling as YOU are looking at your Friend as walking together.. I just could Not help it.. my body wanted to fall to Hit the ground but it was the Books instead that came Out of my arms and Hits the floor.. I am laying on the Bed.. this part keeps on flashing back and forth.. looking at YOU.. just my mind was blown.. YOU are so Beautiful.. and I would say it is so WOW.. YOU are truly beautiful.. that it made my arms to tremble and shake.. made the Books to jump Out of my arms and wanted to hit their heads on the Floor.. I guess the Books knows what my eyes sees and it blown them into pieces like pages are falling apart and ripping.. because YOU are so Beautiful.. I just could not help it but to fall with the Books.. when I saw YOU helping me on the Floor.. I was truly amazed of Your Heart.. even Your Heart is so Beautiful.. those hands which came to help even though it was all at my fault.. I am the One who dropped the Books.. and It was Not for you to act upon it but.. when I saw How you helped.. those hands of giving free service.. It really took my breathe away as I watch YOUR hands be moving and helping.. gathering and I felt something in my Heart.. I felt my Heart wanted to exhale and kick the breathe Out of me.. as I am laying trying to sleep.. I just couldn't.. Moved by the thought of Your hands and Your Heart of help.. I would be looking UP at the ceiling.. I just could not sleep through the Night.. Maybe because the Next day.. I am going to that Library.. what if YOU show UP.. what If YOU come.. at least I needs to know Your Name.. or if I can give YOU my Name.. I can't rest until I know that Name of yours.. the Next Day comes.. I am laying in the covers.. did Not sleep through the Night.. just thinking about what if I see you there again.. what am I suppose to say to YOU.. HOW DO I tell you that I have a Name and if I can know your name.. I am standing and looking at the Phone.. Looking at your Picture.. and reading over and over the Message YOU sent me.. I been waiting for Your Call.
This Phone.. maybe YOU are busy.. Maybe you have forgotten to call me.. and It is just getting to My Head because I truly want to know what YOU want to say.. I know that lately it has been rough.. YOU been pushing me back and telling me that YOU don't want to hang out much.. and I felt the distance of YOU pushing me away.. YOU use to call me a lot on the Phone.. but lately.. I haven't received much calls from YOU.. and Now.. I feel like an End is coming to this relationship.. I remember you be asking me.. what happened to the TIME I was at the Library.. that urgency I had.. just to know Your Name.. what happened to that thrill and the excitement I brought to the relationship because so much change has come.. and YOU been wondering and asking.. do I even matter to YOU.. DO I even love YOU much and It really got to my Heart.. that this feeling.. what has happened to Us is what YOU would say and asking me.. what happened to Me.. and YOU would sent me a New Picture.. and YOU are looking so Beautiful in this picture.. and YOU look so much happier.. But I am wondering.. where are YOU at.. who are you with that is making YOU this Happy.. YOU are smiling a lot lately but you and I have not been around.. I have been missing in action for awhile and I know that something that YOU are going to say.. I know it is going to Hurt Me more than it hurts YOU.. are you leaving Me.. is there another Man who been loving YOU.. is something going on that YOU are Not telling me.. something that I needs to Know and YOU are going to break out a very Hurtful news.. as the Phone rings and I know that it is YOU.. I see your number.. should I pick UP the phone.. if this news YOU are going to break Out is going to Hurt Me and crushes me.. I don't want to hear it from YOU.. I don't want to lose YOU.. I just can't lose YOU now.. we been together for awhile and Now.. and as I pick UP the Phone.. I hear Your Voice.. of course I don't say a word and I hear You telling me.. and YOU ask me.. DO I love YOU.. and I would be still.. I hear YOU asking me again.. DO I LOVE YOU.. but why are you asking me this if YOU know the truth.. YOU know that I love YOU.. I told you many times how much I love YOU but when YOU ask me like this.. it seems like YOU don't get it.. or you just don't know.. if I tell YOU that I do really love YOU.. what are you going to say next.. so I would answer YOU.. I do really really Love YOU.. I have told YOU many times that I do.. and I hear you say.. why Don't I tell YOU lately.. that YOU don't feel it any more.. and I would be still and silent.. and I would say.. I guess the relationship grows.. and it can mature because I am thinking that YOU already Know this.. I have been telling YOU for a long long time Now that I always loved YOU.. maybe YOU are changing.. or am I the One who is changing.. we are suppose to grow and change even in this relationship.. and I would hear you say.. YOU don't feel it any more and I don't say it much to you.. and I would say.. YOU know that I can't never let YOU go and I would say.. are you trying to break things off with me.. do YOU want to leave me.. and I would hear the word Yes.. that YOU wanted to spend some time alone and that YOU had to go.. I would hear the Phone hang UP on the Other side.. it crushed me hard.. I knew that it was going to come.. but did Not think that it would last this Long.. What am I suppose to do Now.. I feel so Hurt.. I feel so Hurt because I been loving YOU for a long time.. why don't you see it.. why don't you feel like.. what more do I must do to let YOU know How much I love YOU.. am I not good for YOU.. is it because I am Poor.. It is because I am poor right.. and what YOU saw was nothing.. that YOU knew there is Nothing more I can give YOU and that you wanted much More stuff.. but why did it last for years.. it could of ended sooner right.. but It took this Long.. for a very long time and Now YOU wanted to end this relationship.. how about my Pain.. what about my suffering and how about my tears.. my Heart gets broken easily.. it tears and torn because I loved YOU.. is it because I love YOU more.. YOU Know that I can love you more and more.. but WHY.. you told me that YOU never felt this way before.. so those words meant empty.. because I do truly tell YOU what I means.. I share to YOU that I do Love YOU.. why can't you see my Heart.. the way I tell YOU.. why can't you see me.. Please see Me.. see me as I am who do love YOU.. I am wondering why did YOU want to break up with Me.. Did you not told me that YOU loved me.. One night.. when we were sitting Out by the park.. you were inside the front passenger of the car.. I was sitting on the driver side.. I saw you unlocking.. opening the door.. and YOU went Out.. telling me to come out side.. I have never heard the excitement of your Voice.. I do remember unlocking the driver side of the door and I went out side.. YOU are the One who told me that YOU loved the night.. of course I am truly Opposite because I love the new Day.. love watching the Sun in the middle of the day.. YOU are looking UP toward the sky.. finger Points and I turn to LOOK toward your finger pointing.. telling me that YOU love the Moon.. and looking around the sky are many stars shining across the sky and telling me.. if I have the camera.. please take the Picture of the Moon for YOU.. and I am wondering.. why do YOU love the Moon so much.. why are you telling me these things when I love the Sun.. in the day.. but.. I did not say a Word to you because I saw that big smile on your face.. YOU looked so lovely.. so Beautiful.. so wonderful this very night.. I just did Not want to say.. I brought the Camera which was in the back seat.. so Opening the Door behind the driver's door.. I would take the Camera Out.. when I look at the camera.. I think of you the Most.. because I am most happiest when I get to take a picture of YOU.. when YOU are smiling and when YOU are at the most happiest. just watching you smile.. makes me smile inside.. because I don't like to see you sad at all.. as I showed you the camera in my hand.. I see you turning.. Looking UP towards and finger Points at the MOON.. telling me to take the picture of that Moon.. but.. I want to take a picture of YOU instead.. because YOU are so much prettier.. much beautiful than that Moon I see up on the sky.. of course I did what YOU say.. I would look UP.. putting my eyes close and looking through the Lens.. and I press the button and it click to take a Picture.. and I would look at you after I taken the picture.. Can I take a Picture of YOU too.. I know that this camera is crying for me to see through the lens o this Camera because I love taking pictures of YOU.. when YOU smile.. the Picture comes out just too perfect.. and I see you telling me yes.. I would move back.. walking few steps back and I stop.. you are standing by the Door.. the passenger door.. my eye get closer and looks through the lens.. and I am Zooming in closer.. looking at YOU.. and I see you smile.. that is when My Finger presses and it clicks.. taking the Picture of YOU.. and that very Night.. I just found something More about YOU.. that YOU love staring at the Moon and loves the Night.. and I remember you be saying.. the reason why YOU love the Moon.. it brings true Peace in your Heart.. everything is silent.. everything is still and that is just the way YOU like to live.. of Course.. when YOU told me this.. I did not want to bring any problems to YOU.. but No one is perfect.. I am Not perfect.. and I am standing in the Room.. all by myself.. after I heard from YOU.. on the Phone telling me that YOU wanted to break UP with me.. I would stay still.. walking into my room.. looking at the desk.. there is two pictures on the top of the desk.. and the first picture is the MOON.. and the second picture is YOU standing by the passenger door of the car.. with that Big Smile.. I just could not hold my emotions In.. so I started to cry.. tears kept on running down my eyes.. what did I do.. what did I say to YOU.. when was the last time we fought or argued.. as I am wiping the tears from my eyes.. next to the two pictures is this One Book.. and I know that I must return this Book back to the Library.. even though I want to read the Book.. I am feeling so much pain right Now.. I am feeling so much Hurt.. why does it hurt so Much to Love YOU.. why does it has to hurt so much.. did YOU ever loved Me.. that Night.. I remember after I took the two picture.. I went closer to YOU.. and I asked you.. can I hold you and wrap my arms around YOU.. would you please let me feel you close.. because YOU know that I love YOU.. as I would walk closer.. I see you walk closer to me and My arms fold and wrap around YOU.. and I just could Not breathe because My Heart kept on beating so fast.. I know that It must means that I really really love YOU.. I remember you be telling me in my arms.. YOU can feel and hear my Heart Beat.. and I would turn to your ear and I would whisper.. because I love you so much.. and from the words of YOUR lips I heard.. I love you.. and it just melted my Heart.. I wanted to fall down.. making my legs grow so weak.. because hearing this from YOU.. like my Heart always wanted to hear.. and Now.. I am in the room.. thinking about the Park.. and How you told me these things.. and even realized How much YOU loved the MOON.. many nights I would walk out side at Night now.. after knowing these things about YOU.. I would walk out side alone.. looking UP toward the Sky.. I would come across the Moon.. some days I will Not see it.. but from time to time when I do see It.. I would point my finger at the Moon.. just thinking about YOU when YOU did It.. My Heart.. OH My Heart.. and just going back when My arms.. Holding YOU close.. my Heart kept on racing and Beating.. and I just wanted to be still and stay still for a Long time.. it was not even too long ago when this happened to Me.. But
I am starting to like the Moon.. and it became loving the MOON and I realize.. it does bring Peace because of the stillness of the Night.. quiet and silent.. and I would be staring at the MOON.. and whenever I see that Moon.. I think of YOU.. I think of YOUR smile.. I think of the camera.. and taking the picture of YOU with your Smile.. and Now.. it is heart breaking.. It hurts me so bad because I still love YOU.. why did you tell me that night that YOU loved me.. I heard from the words of your lips that YOU too love me.. when I held you and wrapped my arms around YOU.. I meant those words that I have spoken to YOUR ear because it came from my Heart.. I felt it that Night because it was the Night when you shared something that YOU told me you never told before.. and knowing that I loved to take pictures of YOU.. even what you loved the Most.. you have expressed your Heart to me.. I felt your words when YOU told me holding you still.. underneath the Stars and the Moon.. but.. why are you telling me now that YOU want to break up.. why don't you tell me the reason for the breaking UP.. is it because of Me or is it because of someone else.. or you never loved me in the first place but just wanted to say it to make me feel good at that moment.. my hand grabs the Picture of YOU.. smiling.. standing by the passenger car door.. and I am looking at YOU through the picture.. I am aching so Much right Now.. I feel like YOU have torn my Heart into pieces.. why is it hurting me so bad.. why are you hurting me like this.. and I would starts to close both of my eyes.. My Heart.. WHY does it feel like my Heart is tearing from the Inside.. Like I want to grab this BOOK.. and tear the pages into pieces.. why does it hurt me so Hard.. and I open both eyes and tears runs down from both eyes.. It hurts.. It hurts me so Bad.. these tears.. is it turning to red.. it burns my Heart as my tears just running down.. and I would pull out the chair and sit.. putting the picture on the top of the Desk.. why does it has to hurt me so Much.. I know that Night.. I told YOU because I really do love YOU.. my Heart hurts.. and I feel these tears from out of my eyes.. this pain that is killing me and eating me from the inside because I love YOU.. and I wanted to call YOU on the Phone to explain.. but I am Not going to make myself look so dumb.. maybe I do deserve this Pain.. maybe there is something I have been holding back.. I am still wondering why do you have to tell me those two words.. Break Up.. and Now it hurts me deeply.. so trying to get YOU off my Mind.. I would grab the Book.. and I would open the front.. the first page and I would look at the first chapter of the Book.. and I start to read the sentences of the first Page.. but I just keep on thinking of YOU.. My Heart just can't read.. my eyes just don't want to read right Now.. only thing is that tomorrow I must go to the Library.. I know that YOU will be there.. a project with friends.. so I know that if I go there tomorrow.. I may find you working on a project.. but I am thinking.. I am not invited.. so I would get UP on the Chair.. and I would go to the Bed.. and just sit on the top of the Bed.. I know that I won't be sleeping through the Night.. I am thinking of YOU just too much.. so I would get Out of the Bed.. and I would walk out of the front Door.. and I would be walking Out side in the Night.. and as I would turn to Look UP.. I see the Moon.. I don't want to see the Moon this very Night.. because I know that I be thinking of YOU.. I am already thinking of How much I am hurting inside.. now.. Knowing How much YOU love looking UP at the MOON.. at this Very Night.. I just can't deal with this Pain More.. it is hurting More and More as I am looking UP at it.. I have the Picture.. the first Picture.. the One I took of the Moon in my hand.. and I would start to cry looking at It.. When we went back into the Car.. and we both are sitting.. I am on the driver side and YOU on the Passenger side.. YOU would ask me.. when the Picture comes Out.. Please show it to YOU.. and if YOU can have this Picture.. as I am standing here all alone.. I would say.. DID you not tell me that YOU wanted this Picture.. YOU asked me if I have this Picture.. please give it to YOU and that you wanted to keep it forever in your Heart.. I have the picture with Me.. YOU told me to bring the Camera Out.. when we were at the Park.. YOU told me if I have the camera.. if I can take a Picture of the Moon.. I saw your Finger pointing UP toward this MOON.. I have taken the Picture.. it is Not my picture but Your Picture of this Moon.. can YOU please come and get it.. YOU told me when I get this picture to give it to YOU.. you wanted to keep it forever.. what am I going to do with this picture when it is Not mine but Yours.. and I turn to LOOK UP at the Moon.. Please come and get your Picture because I love YOU.. I asked you to love me.. I even told YOU that I love YOU.. you told me that you loved Me.. then why are you not getting this Picture.. YOU told me how much YOU loved the Moon.. Here is the Moon that YOU love.. I just want to give it back to YOU because YOU can hate me.. but I will always love YOU.. I will still love YOU until you know that I love YOU and that YOU know in your Heart that YOU love me too.. I am sitting by the desk.. Looking at the Book.. I opened the Book.. trying to focus to read this Page.. for some reason.. YOU keep on showing UP in my Mind.. I can feel My Heart Beating faster when I think of YOU.. trying to tell My Heart to stop beating so Fast.. I needs to erase YOU off my Mind.. I have your Picture laying on the TOP of this desk.. I know that I should put it away.. because I know that when I turn my Head and I look towards your Picture.. I know that I would think of YOU first.. but I have this ONE BOOK.. and I went to the Library to borrow it.. I am still stuck with the first Page.. the first chapter and whenever My eyes tries to read the first line sentence of this first page.. I would turn my Head towards your Picture and I get stuck right there looking at YOU.. I can feel my Heart beating fast from the Inside.. and My hand.. into the fist wants to Beat down on the chest.. so that I can stop hearing.. or feeling the Beating so Fast of this Heart.. I would turn to look at your Picture and tries to put the face Down.. turning the Picture over so that I don't look at your Beautiful face of this Picture.. my hand just can't.. I am shivering and shaking.. my hand whenever I touch the picture.. My Heart wants to cry every time I turn the Picture over so that I don't look at YOU.. why am I so addicted to YOU.. it is like a Cup of Coffee.. I just can't stop.. I tell myself I needs to stop because but I just don't.. Please tell me How to stop.. because My Heart keeps on beating so Fast.. when My Head turns to look at YOUR picture.. my eyes looks at YOU.. I can feel my Heart.. the beating grows faster and Louder I hear My Heart keep on crying and calling Out Your Name.. I am spinning around and around because It feels so crazy all of the sudden Attack that has been happening to me recently.. but I have borrowed this One Book.. and I do remember YOU are telling me that YOU loved this Book.. and Have read many times.. and the Next time we meet at the Library.. YOU are asking me if I can share and tell you the story about what I felt about this Book that came from YOU.. so I am trying Hard at this Point.. to get it right.. to go on this Pace.. I saw YOU smiling and YOU asked me.. can we be Library Partners.. and I am thinking what is that.. I do remember asking YOU.. what is the meaning of being the Library Partners.. YOU smile so Big and told me that we can share the Books we read together.. I can share my Heart and my thoughts to YOU about the BOOK and that YOU also able to give your Point of view.. I remember our hands touched and we shake our hands being the Library Friends.. of course that is How I left the Library.. but for some reason.. I asked you another before I left the Library.. I asked.. can I have your Picture.. and I am speaking to my own Head.. why would I ask you this if we are Just Friends.. YOU SMILED and gladly given me a Picture of YOU.. I was shocked that YOU did because I wanted to see if YOU would really give me Your Picture.. of course at the Library.. YOU were holding a Book and told me.. YOU have just finished reading this One BOOK that was in your hands.. and it can be a start and gave me the Book.. of course I would look at the title and I would look at the Cover of this Book.. it seems so Boring.. it is a History BOOK.. I did so horrible when I have taken the History class because It was so Boring and it felt Like I was going back to school.. I guess.. of course YOU are so Beautiful.. I did not decline it because I wanted to show YOU that I can be Your Library Partner.. my Heart came alive after we shaken our hands.. it was my first day going to the Library and Never expected to Meet YOU.. SO Beautiful.. I felt something in my Heart.. I do not know what it was but I felt My Heart.. it Bumped into something.. LIKE the Beating was very fast I felt.. I am trying to read this History Book.. about someone's Life.. I do not like the Cover of this Book.. it seems so Boring to Me but I know that I Must.. I would read the Back.. it seems interesting but.. at the same time It seems like a BORING story to Me.. I am trying to read the first line of the sentence.. I am yawning Out loud.. My Head turns too keep on looking at your picture.. YOUR Picture is more exciting to Me.. because I just can't pass the first Line of the sentence of this BOOK.. What have YOU done to Me.. I am also asking myself a question.. am I making the right decision.. Usually when I make a decision.. I try to keep it all the way.. but this.. It be hard.. I am flipping through the pages.. and It also got pictures.. black and white pictures of the Old Times.. and I know.. it is Not going to be easy for me
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Wow Choa looks very different from AOA days
Oink Oink.. I want to ask you this Question.. I want to be your Angel.. how can I be your Angel.. I know that the Angels don't have a Heart.. maybe has NO emotions or any feelings to express right?? of Course I would Not know How to answer this kind of a Question because I am Not an Angel.. but I do wonder sometimes if they do Not have any Heart.. NO emotions and NO feelings to express.. then How about Love.. and YOU are wondering then WHY do I want to be Your Angel.. these things ARE not required to Have.. and it would NOT hurt me this Bad.. Yes.. I am going through a lot right Now because I love YOU.. I feel like My Heart is like this BIG BALLOON ready to Pop any moment because it is FILLED with just thinking of HOW to love YOU MORE.. and to love you more means More Heart.. More emotions and feelings of expression to tell YOU HOW much More.. and sitting by this Lake.. I am looking at an EMPTY BOTTLE which is finished by Now.. sitting here in the Dock of the Lake.. and thinking of YOU.. LOOKING at my phone and Looking at the screen is the Picture of YOU.. of course I need my Phone and I really Need your Picture there too.. if I don't see your Picture and I can't see YOU.. I know I go crazy.. feels like something is Missing.. My Heart feels like I am MISSING YOU More.. because of the Picture on the Phone Screen and I get the time to check.. whenever I think of YOU.. whenever I start to miss YOU over and Over.. when I try to sleep at night and I just can't.. I would LOOK at the Phone and the screen turns ON and I would switch the Screen and I see your Picture.. I want to hold YOU and tell YOU that I love YOU.. when I look at your Picture on the Phone Screen.. I want to Hold you and tell YOU that I miss YOU.. and that it is MY HEART telling me Arms.. My Arms which feels cold and empty.. my arms wants to HOLD YOU and I would tell you again.. I love you and I miss YOU.. why does these words comes OUT like it is twin words to Me.. that I want to say to YOU.. it has been since so Long.. and I been missing YOU like crazy.. why couldn't you come to Me sooner.. why couldn't I tell you this SOONER and say to YOU that I love YOU again.. as I am sitting on the Dock of this Big Lake.. watching the waves and waters.. and I lift UP to LOOK at the MOON.. and I am thinking of YOU.. on the Other side.. what If I be Your Angel instead.. will you Let me be Your Angel.. can I walk next to YOU even though YOU may Not see me.. as long as I can see YOU and be close to YOU.. I would Open my arms wide.. But will I get to Hold you close.. wrap my arms around YOU and whisper and tell YOU that I love YOU.. and YOU are wondering why do I want to trade this OFF.. why be an Angel who has NO HEART.. NO EMOTIONS and Feelings to express to YOU.. It hurts Me More when I tell YOU how much I love YOU.. YOU may not know it unless YOU are in my Shoes.. but YOU have to always remember that I am sharing to YOU HOW MUCH YOU means to Me.. How much I love YOU and letting YOU know that a Part of loving YOU means that I needs to HIT HARD.. that It hurts Most nights without YOU.. it is dreadful and in pain that I feel when I can't be close to YOU.. It crushes me that I want you here with Me but I know that the timing is difficult at this Point and that is why It kills Me more than YOU.. when YOU Put your Heart and GO ALL in to Love YOU.. when it takes days.. and goes into weeks and into Months and to years of telling YOU.. it feels like I am sitting in the winter time most.. everything is COLD outside and YOU feel lonely most days because of MISSING YOU.. the sharp pains I feel inside.. I can feel it hurting me More and More as time goes By and YOU are wondering.. if it hurts me this Much with being cold and lonely and feels these sharp pains inside.. why keep on telling YOU.. that is why I know that I needs to DIE for Love.. LOVE just do NOT happen or appear any where.. when YOU love it needs to grow and expand to KNOW that it is the real DEAL.. I want to Love YOU as a REAL MAN.. not be someone who tries but who DOES IT.. I want you to Know that I am Not a PHONEY person but truly the REAL DEAL that YOU CANNOT FIND OUT OF any MEN out there.. that YOU will say ONE DAY.. I am the real Deal that NO WOMAN can just be with because when I love YOU.. I know that I will never stop until I am the One who will be the ONE to die for in the end.. I have this Kind of Spirit.. because the LOVE is a real kind of Love that ONLY a person can experience ONCE in a Life time and that is it.. I want to Love YOU where YOU can NOT go find it from any Man out there and I want to be the ONE to see YOU later down the road.. that ONE day YOUR HEART opens and YOUR eyes opens to see that I really did Love YOU.. Love you where YOU will say.. YOU LOVE ME TOO.. that YOU NEEDS to be with Me.. I believe that day will find.. I be asking the Angel.. if I can change to be an Angel.. and the Angel changes me to be YOUR ANGEL.. when YOU finally see it to believe that I really truly Loved YOU.. and NOW I am YOUR ANGEL.. what will happen then is then YOUR EYES will open and once YOU see the truth of My Heart of just loving YOU and just love that I have for YOU.. when Your eyes finally sees because the Heart opens to receive it.. YOU will see me standing there Next to YOU.. but when YOU see me.. the Only thing that I can do is to write YOU more Letters which I been all this TIME.. when YOU see me.. I am Not the Man before because I asked the Angel to be Your Angel.. which I will lose my Heart.. Lose my emotions and feelings of expression because I love you just too much of this Pain.. this suffering that I can't take it any more of missing YOU.. YOU do not know how many nights of PILLOWS I must hold with tears in my eyes.. crying because I am missing YOU.. when I miss you it hurts.. it hurts me to death that I needed to say to the Angel.. can YOU make me into YOUR ANGEL.. the day will come when YOU WILL see me but I am NOW your Angel.. only to Protect and to defend YOU.. but YOU will not be able to hear me.. and I will say.. It is Me but Now.. I have two wings.. I can't tell YOU WORDS because I been muted.. I loved you so Much that I needed to change to be Close to YOU.. I needed to be near you or I feel like I am going to Die.. that is why I made this One wish and the Angel came and heard my prayer.. of course I may not be able to say much to YOU.. but as Your Angel.. you can see me staying close by your side.. to be close to YOU.. even though I may not be able to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I know that YOU Heard me before.. you Heard through the Letters that I wrote to YOU.. how much YOU means to me that I am everything to YOU.. that YOU are my everything that I love you forever.. I had to make this Choice.. because I couldn't take it any more.. sitting along and just telling YOU.. I wanted it More.. I wanted to see YOU close by.. so that if anything ever happens.. I can use this Sword.. only the Angels can receive to Protect the ONE WHO I love.. and It is YOU who I want to protect and to Love in silent.. I be crying as I watch you close by because.. I know that when YOU stand near me.. I want to say the Words.. to tell YOU that I Love YOU.. to tell you that WHY can't I say these words to YOU.. I feel it inside.. I feel it in my Heart.. will you please listen to the Words because it is really Important me to tell YOU.. that I love YOU.. I would stand there as YOUR ANGEL.. wanting to describe and express.. the deal with the Angel would be taking away My Heart.. MY EMOTIONS and My Feelings to tell you that I love YOU.. the Words I must say to YOU.. the WORDS that I want you to Hear from Me and I know that being Your Angel can also kill me if I just stand there as the Mute Angel.. as I am sitting on the Dock of this Big Lake.. I am thinking of all these things LOOKING UP at the MOON.. wondering if it be a Good trade or Not.. wondering If I made this Trade will YOU be Happy.. WILL I be Happy as your Angel.. But I know that for a Moment I will feel happy just being close and Near YOU.. But if I can't tell YOU MY Heart.. my emotions and express my Own feelings to YOU that I love YOU.. I think I would rather NOT make that Kind of trade because I rather be who I am who was made to be.. a MAN WHO just Loves YOU.. who is just waiting for that Right time to see YOU ONE DAY.. as I am LOOKING UP at the MOON.. and I look at the second Bottle of SOJU.. I am thinking.. should I open this Bottle.. Should I start to drink this Second Bottle.. when I sit out here alone.. and I am Looking at the Phone and LOOKING at the screen.. I swipe to see YOUR PICTURE.. I would LOOK and I would smile.. and I would start to say to the PHONE SCREEN.. to your Picture that I miss YOU.. and I would turn to LOOK UP at the MOON and ask.. WHY can't YOU see my Heart.. WHY can't you understand my Heart.. Can you truly relate with what I am going through.. knowing How Painful and How it can Hurt when It comes Loving YOU.. It hurts because I want to be with YOU NOW.. that is the truth.. that I want to see YOU here with me.. taking you to this Dock by the Big Lake.. and Watch the waters together.. and I would ask YOU.. can YOU Please LOOK UP at that Sky and when YOU LOOK at the MOON UP in the sky.. I would say to YOU.. I have come to this Big Lake by the Dock many times and from time to time the MOON will come UP to visit.. I would bring some Bottles of SOJU with me.. and with the Phone.. I would LOOK at the Phone Screen and Swipe to see Your Picture.. I would OPEN one Bottle of SOJU and start to drink.. the More I would sip and drink the Bottle of SOJU till it goes empty.. I believe that MOON UP there is waiting for me to speak to It because It stands UP there waiting for me to speak About YOU.. I can feel
MAH MAH.. My Heart chest be burning.. Missing YOU starts.. I am looking at the Art sketch Paper.. the Drawing picture of YOU.. in the Prison.. I am missing YOU already.. even though YOU just left HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. if you never came to visit Me here in the Prison.. I think I would not feel this Hurt in my Heart.. even though I love you where It has end me here.. I know that I must face what is ahead of Me.. but I wish that YOU came remember Me if I die in here.. if I do not get Out of here in the Prison and I know that I am ready to Die if I have too.. it is all UP to YOU MAH MAH.. it is ALL UP to YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I am going to go where I needs to go if there is NO NEXT.. and if this is where I am suppose to end right here.. I know that I did my Best to get where I am at.. but if there is Next.. Please HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. please reconsider.. Please think of Me HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. know that I get do and go a little More for this Nation.. for this Country if YOU are willing to help Me.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. you know that I did ALL this because I love YOU.. even to able to write and to tell YOU a LOVE STORY that I needed to share.. I needed to tell YOU THIS in a way that ONLY YOU can receive.. How can I tell YOU and write YOU this Kind of a story.. it is because I loved YOU when I first saw YOU.. of course I did NOT KNOW what it was at first.. but I knew that there was going to be some kind of a story I wanted to tell YOU.. I wanted to tell YOU this because It comes from the Bottom.. the very soul and the root of my Heart.. I just could not get YOU OFF my Mind when I saw YOU smile.. I just could not believe you even came to the Garden.. in the Garden is the Poorest Place.. at the rock Bottom of People.. that NO ONE looks for and NO ONE cares for.. it is a place where I came from.. I knew that I was at the Most Poorest place that NO ONE thought about.. But when YOU came to visit the Garden the first time.. I am here sitting in the Prison.. having this Much time gives me the space to think about the very first day.. I am looking at this Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing picture of YOU.. and given me this much time here.. I am able to think about the first day.. before It was so busy of trying to bring people together.. MEN to train and practice for the War.. but I had no time to really think about anything then.. but here in the Prison.. sitting here and LOOKING at the ART SKETCH PAPER.. the drawing picture of YOU.. it gives me more time of HOW Important it is for me to have this space.. to really think of YOU MAH MAH.. to Know that I been loving you for such a Long time.. that I been always loving YOU but never given a time like this to think of HOW much I love you.. I asked the Prison Guard for a sheet of Paper.. and with the brush and Ink.. and I am putting the time to write you this Letter.. if it is time for me to go soon.. if My time is coming to the Close.. coming to the end and I am suppose to die here anytime soon.. before I breathe my Last breathe and MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. you can't get me Out.. then I want to tell YOU through this Letter before I go.. before I am gone.. and to tell YOU this Heart of HOW MUCH I Love you.. YOU know this MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. you know this as much as I know.. the First time YOU came to the Garden.. I was on the UP HILL.. standing by the tree.. Looking at the Bed of Flowers.. that was the day that changed the COURSE of my Life.. I never thought or even dreamed of YOU.. MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN ever visiting the GARDEN.. when I heard from the friend calling me to get down.. and that IT was YOU MAH MAH.. I thought it was a prank.. a JOKE.. why would HWANG WOO MAH MAH come visit the MOST LOWEST PLACE.. why come to this GARDEN when YOU belonged in the Palace.. where ALL of the People who are looking for work.. they would ditch and relocate to the Palace.. asking the KING.. your FATHER.. PEH HA for a place of work.. NO ONE LIVES in the Garden and everyone who does lives here wants to escape the Life of this POOR.. the most poorest poverty and they go.. and I am thinking.. WHY MAH MAH.. the NEXT SUCCESSION.. after watching YOUR FATHER PEH HA.. the KING.. walking alone with YOU.. I knew at that TIME.. something very important MESSAGE is being passed down to YOU THAT DAY.. why would the NEXT RULER on the LINE come to a place.. there are so many people from the TOP NOBLE FAMILIES that goes to the Palace.. wanting a Place of seat to be close to the RULER.. the SUCCESSION.. and I came down thinking.. if this is a prank.. I am going to choke and WHEN I SAW YOU on the SAME HORSE that day.. sitting and waiting.. I fell down.. my face flat touching the ground.. I just could NOT BELIEVE it is HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. is it really HWANG WOO.. IS IT REALLY MAH MAH who is sitting on that HORSE and I am thinking to my self.. WHY WOULD YOU COME to the GARDEN.. and of course I never knew because I Heard you walked in that Garden before I was called by the friend which I was at the HILL TOP by the tree.. HE called me when YOU were leaving the GARDEN.. of course I did Not know any of this but after YOU departed.. after I gave you the FLOWER and before YOU left for good.. the Guard who put the sword on my neck which HE could of executed on that spot.. when YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH told that GUARD not too.. my eyes both closed SHUT.. and when I opened the eyes to LOOK.. I saw you on the HORSE.. sitting on the TOP of the Horse and I saw the Guard behind walking.. following the Horse.. and I knew.. there must be a reason WHY you came.. WHY WOULD HWANG WOO MAH MAH come to the Most LOWEST PLACE like here in the Garden.. I heard also.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH went to the VILLAGE and has visited the People there too.. and you.. MAH MAH looked around the Place.. just like here.. the VILLAGE is like the POOREST.. the second too.. so the Poor people are always fighting against each Other because we just can't live like this.. and WHEN I saw YOU on that HORSE.. and HOW you commanded that GUARD not to strike Me.. I went into the TENT.. like the HUT HOME and I sat to think about this Situation and It really touched my Heart.. some one told me in the Garden that YOU are looking for the People who can join the Military Arts and looking at the YOUNG BOYS the Next in line.. to help to rebuild the Armed forces.. the MILITARY MEN.. giving them ranks in the future.. WHEN I heard this News from the Friend who called me.. because HWANG WOO MAH MAH spoke to HIM.. I was truly alarmed at the News because it became a GOOD NEWS.. and I knew at that moment.. YOU are giving the POOREST YOUNG MEN chances to do something for the future.. the NOBLE FAMILY MEMBERS are the Lucky Ones I would think and yes.. many of them get the better shot of making it.. but I heard.. many people who grew UP Here in the Garden.. when they go to the Palace asking for a place of work.. they get declined and many dies living in the Poverty unable to feed the families.. and I would sit crying.. and I would be thinking of YOU.. that It must be true.. that how MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH is giving this chance for Us.. YOU look at the Hearts of young MEN TOO who are uneducated and who are the POOREST who has no chance at anything.. WHEN I HEARD from the Close friend of MINE.. I would cry in the Night.. because I know that there is a way.. there is a DREAMS even for the MOST UNWORTHY PEOPLE.. that there is a HOPE and a WILL.. Dreams can come true when YOU MEET the right person who wants to give and NOW I am sitting here in the Prison.. of course I did NOT think of this because long time has passed.. but when I am sitting here alone.. and LOOKING at this ART SKETCH PAPER.. the DRAWING PICTURE OF YOU.. and Just thinking of the beginning.. and it takes me here to think back and to appreciate and to thank YOU for that chance.. and when that came UP.. and when I was told about how YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH is also opening the DOOR for the People who lives in the Garden and even in the VILLAGE.. a great celebration has taken Place.. feast was happening and hearing songs and dancing going On.. the fathers in the garden looks at their young sons.. the CHANCE to change to live a better life.. and people celebrated all through the Night.. I did Not join in the celebration but I saw the MOON.. the MOON APPEARED very big that NIGHT and that is when I saw the SIZE of your HEART.. LOOKING UP at the MOON.. I would stand still and say.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. your HEART is so BIG.. I believe your FATHER.. the KING.. PEH HA knows that YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. it is the ONE with the BIG HEART for the People.. RICH or POOR.. NOBLE or the GARDEN.. it does not matter what families you come from but.. as long as it is People who YOU LOVE.. the SIZE OF that BIG HEART.. and I would fall on the two knees and Head LOOKS UP at the MOON.. is that HOW BIG your HEART is.. can I touch that BIG HEART.. will my arms NOT be able to go around that BIG HEART that the QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH HAS.. but even the Broken People.. who has no chance.. means there is NO CHANGE.. but when YOU OPEN the door and even allow the Poorest people to come.. and to accept.. I believe it starts with YOUR BIG HEART.. I love that BIG HEART.. the MOON SIZE HEART that YOU HAVE HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. Now I am thinking about why so many men has come.. More people are coming all over the world just to join the Military Arts.. and there is NO ROOM for these New Recruits.. but when the NUMBERS keeps on growing I
MAH MAH.. That UNITY is what is going to HELP YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH to win this WAR.. even the CHILDREN are ready to fight.. and I was crying watching little boys walking ahead.. holding UP the sticks to fight.. I could NOT stop the tears because I was truly Moved.. touched in my Heart because I would ask.. YOU are just too young and I hear.. for the LOVE of this NATION and for the TRUE SUCCESSOR.. we must fight to live if I SHALL DIE and I would cry Harder because even myself feels this way.. I WILL FIGHT for YOU MAH MAH.. and I will die if I have too for YOU and for this NATION.. but I don't want to just die yet.. I want to first see PEACE JOY LOVE AND UNITY in the LAND before I die.. and I believe.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MANSAE.. TO MY QUEEN.. HOORAY.. and I am in the Prison alone.. two knees down.. both eyes closed.. Head looking down.. arms raising UP for YOU MAH MAH.. for MY QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I would shout in the Prison ALONE.. IF I DIE.. Please remember these words of MINE.. MANSAE to HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MANSAE.. arms raises UP.. HOORAY TO MY QUEEN.. HOORAY.. ARMS raises UP and in tears I am crying thinking of YOU.. HOOR RAY AND MAN SAE to My QUEEN.. to HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I am sitting Down in the Prison.. Shouting Out Loud.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I love you.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. I love YOU.. Please reconsider and Help me Get out of this Prison.. YOU know that deep inside.. It is because I love YOU.. ALL this time I been telling YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. Please reconsider and Get me Out of this Prison WALL.. after the War.. you can put me back into the Prison and I call be executed as the TREASON if you still want to put me to Death but I am asking YOU.. Please reconsider.. I can at least take some Men down in the War.. YOU know that I have been here all along.. just to fight On the Behalf of this Nation.. for this Country and I know that I can be a help.. a useful some How.. and my Hands holding onto the Prison Bar.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. why are you doing this to Me.. why are you.. YOU know that I have made an Oath.. a Promise to the KING.. Your Father.. I have made the Promise to your FATHER PEH HA.. when I was young.. YOU do not remember.. but you.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. YOU told me that YOU do remember when I came on that Horse.. I made and swear an Oath.. Not just to YOU MY QUEEN.. but to your Father and to My Father.. after the Peace of this Country and the Nation.. YOU can put me to death or let me fight in the BATTLE FIELD and if I die there.. at least I have serve my Nation.. the Country to help to Build for YOU.. I just can't die here in the Prison WALLS.. at least give me the chance to fight if I shall pass as Treason.. I rather die with the Men out who fights with me and for YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. and I would sit.. letting going the Bars of the Prison.. and I would turn to LOOK DOWN.. looking at the Art sketch Paper.. the Drawing picture of YOU and I start to cry.. MY FIST hitting my Chest.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. at least I want to die as a soldier.. I came this Far for this reason.. for this Purpose.. I came out of the Poorest Place.. and I had to come this very far so that I can serve my Country.. My Nation to love YOU.. after I started to find Out that I loved YOU.. I wanted to do much more than This that I too have my own worth and value.. to be a Soldier so that I can at least be a help to fight.. to fight on your Behalf.. HELP ME to finish the reason WHY I am here.. Please reconsider so that I can fulfill my purpose who Loves YOU to fight on your Behalf for this NATION.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. Please consider and reconsider for Me.. and I am Looking down.. LOOKING at the Art Sketch Paper.. the Drawing picture of YOU and I am touching.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. why are you making me to suffer like this.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. and I am hearing some kind of noises and Loud sounds out side.. like a CANON BALLS hitting against the Walls.. and I would lift UP.. and I am looking around.. WHAT IS that Noise.. what is happening.. and I hear the PRISON DOOR OPENS and and I turn around.. a Prison Guard with the Keys and I lift UP to look at.. the Closest friend of Mine comes with the Prison Guard and He looks at me.. that the QUEEN is allowing me to step Out.. and fight in the WAR.. I Just can't believe it.. and I start to cry MORE AND MORE.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. thank YOU so Much to do what I am called here to DO.. MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. and I would fold the Art Sketch Paper.. the Drawing of YOU.. MAH MAH.. and I would get up and walk Out of the Prison DOOR.. and with the Closest Friend behind me.. I step Out side.. and I see you standing there.. In the White Dress with the BIG CROWN ON top of your Head.. and YOU are standing with the TOP MILITARY OFFICIALS and Officers.. and I look MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I would drop on two Knees.. and My Head looks Down.. my arm stretches Out forward.. and I see that YOU PULL out the King's swords and points to Me.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I can't stop my tears and I am looking at the Ground.. giving me the Permission to speak as I am shedding my Tears.. I thank YOU.. you know that I love YOU.. and that is why the main reason I was able to get out from the Garden is because I knew that I started to Love YOU.. there was NO Other way to express to get it Out.. when I find Out that My Heart started to Love YOU.. I knew that I was going to face the Prison.. and Yes.. the Prison was the Only door that was looking for Me.. I knew that One day I was going to go to prison.. even the great warning sign came to me from my Father.. my Father told me that if I keep on loving YOU.. how he showed me the grave of my Mother and I saw my father come in a wagon but it was his dead body that came to the garden.. I lost both parents at the young age and I remember my father's words telling me.. if I continue to love YOU MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. the Prison Door awaits for me and Death will come knocking on the door.. Many people that I knew warned me when they saw the ART SKETCH PAPER.. the drawing picture of YOU.. I was told by many elders growing UP.. if I keep up loving YOU.. the Prison is waiting for me and I shall die in Prison.. even though I heard many words and faced so much oppositions.. I just could not stop give UP loving YOU MAH MAH.. I went to Prison Once and going back twice.. and I knew this time I will not get Out.. and I was ready to Die.. but never imagined that YOU would become HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and yes.. My Heart.. I knew if I die today and to die in the Prison.. I would be the Happiest to made it to this Place but what Got to me before I would die.. the WAR.. I wanted to finish one last time before I take my last breathe which kept up late into the Night.. that I could Not sleep.. If I would choose to die.. I wanted to Die in the Battlefield in the War.. with the MEN who came out with me.. to die as Brothers in band and I would say.. at last Breathe I served my Country.. I die for a great cause and THAT is to serve my country and to Let YOU SEE.. MY QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I wanted to show you at least I fought hard to get to the Place I am at and to show YOU HOW MUCH I Love YOU.. it started with finding out that I loved YOU or else I could Not come this very far.. thinking of you many Nights.. far and distance YOU were at.. and thinking of ways HOW TO get to you and to be close to YOU MAH MAH.. I never gave UP the dreams of getting close and to let YOU KNOW MAH MAH.. what is in my Heart.. to let YOU know.. even though I can die by your SWORD as the ROYAL BLOOD LINE.. at least I can share and show YOU.. even though I can die in your hands.. let me tell you before I die was the only thing that was in my Heart.. I was never afraid to tell YOU because I always loved.. I was never afraid to go to Prison walls because If I had.. I would of never started in the first place.. which it leads me where I am at now.. to show YOU that I never stopped loving YOU.. I already been in this Prison WALLS twice but I am asking for a permission.. to allow me to finish the WORK that has been placed in my hands.. I rather die serving my country as the Military soldier who fights for YOU.. MY QUEEN.. on your Behalf.. I am NOT afraid of anything NOW because.. I do remember leaving the Garden and I was set alone.. I lost everything when I left that Garden.. I had to face the WINTER storm all alone with me there was NO ONE.. Most people left the Garden and I had to leave too.. facing the storm all alone.. only place I was thinking was the Palace.. I will try to go and ask the help there.. and I would walk alone.. it was cold and scary at first but I had YOU IN my MIND.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO.. I had YOU in my Heart.. walking into the woods.. LOOKING UP AT THE sky.. looking at the stars leading the direction.. did not think that the WINTER would come so soon and so fast.. snowing did not help me.. and I could not eat for many days.. it got to the Point my Body just could not go ON.. so I knew.. I can't go on and I would fall in the SNOW.. with me I would say.. AM I going to die without ever seeing YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. and I could Not move.. and I would close my eyes thinking that I am going to die here.. I knew that it was my last.. and I was thinking in my mind.. I should not of left the Garden if this was going to happen.. if the WINTER was coming soon.. I should of waited.. I heard the People in the village next to the Garden came to attack and raided.. most people in the garden died of the raided Band of People
MAH MAH.. Garden.. either way.. But I woke UP and was in a Home.. and I am looking at the ground.. the tears would not stop because.. I knew.. and I would lift UP my Head to show you my tears.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I faced many difficulties.. many obstacles against the ODDS.. I had hard time coming to this Place.. I lost many people along the way but I never lost the HOPE and the WILL.. because of this.. and behind me I take out the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing picture of YOU and I would unfold and place in on the ground.. I would remember two things.. My Heart for always LOVING YOU.. and the Promises I made to the Fathers.. My Father and Your FATHER the KING.. PEH HA that I am going to be next to you.. that I will be a soldier who will protect and to defend and also to serve the NATION to HELP you to build.. I had those to things set in my MIND and My Heart and I would look at this Picture.. the Drawing picture of the days I wanted to lose hope or wanted to give UP.. Looking at this ART SKETCH PAPER.. the drawing picture of YOU.. the BOY WHO lost his life for drawing this for me to show me because he believed that I will love YOU always More.. I never gave up.. I just can't because the Promises.. the first is to ALWAYS LOVE YOU.. NO Matter how hard or challenging life can be or bring.. to never stop Loving YOU and to promise to protect and to defend YOUR NATION to help to build.. YOU are the ONLY ONE who can help me to keep on going at it.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I just wanted to say.. thank YOU for allowing this day to happen.. THANK YOU for reconsidering and helping me to get out and helping me to finish the task that is up ahead of me.. I love YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I LOVE YOU and I thank YOU.. I am surprised right Now MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I truly thought YOU did Not know who that Little Boy was.. I am Looking at the Art Sketch Paper.. the Drawing Picture of YOU.. watching YOU turn away and Leaving.. the Prison Wood Door closes.. I did Not show you the Art Sketch Paper.. the Drawing Picture of YOU was hidden below the Paper I drew of the two Horses.. the One YOU were sitting Down and your Father PEH HA.. the King walking with the Bare Feet.. My Heart.. I can't believe that YOU knew who I was at that Time.. I only thought that I am the Only One who knew.. then if I were to ask YOU.. did you know that I was the One who has been living in the Garden.. even though I was very Poor.. the Boy with the Flower in his Hand.. it was me who wanted to give you that Flower and It was I who gave it to YOU for you to smile as YOU went back to the Palace.. Ever Since that Day.. the Day I saw you sitting on that Horse.. with your Father.. PEH HA.. the King beside YOU.. My Heart.. I did Not know what I was feeling that day.. I felt so Stuffy inside and it was hardly that I could Breathe.. I don't why it was Hard to breathe.. I went with my Father back to the Garden that Night.. I just could Not sleep.. I kept on thinking of YOU.. asking when can I see you Again.. I would RUN up the Hill Top.. going to the Tree and the Bed of Flowers that was planted.. another Bed of Flowers was there beside it and I wanted to give you this ONE that kept on looking at me and I felt this is the way YOU made me feel HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. It was the One SUN FLOWER I kept on looking.. Every Morning when I would wake UP.. I would get Out of the Hut my Father build.. a shelter only for two People.. and I would LOOK UP to the HILL TOP.. running Up there in the garden.. and Next to the Tree the Bed of Flower.. That One SUN FLOWER.. I would smile.. and I would say.. IF I EVER Meet the QUEEN.. MAH MAH.. if YOU ever come to this Garden for some reason even though I knew YOU would Not.. I am going to show YOU my Heart.. this is HOW MY HEART Feels when I see YOU.. even when it is cold Out side.. even when It snows Out side.. LOOKING UP to the HILL TOP.. running UP even though I would sometimes slip and fall.. I would get Up.. I want to see that SUN FLOWER.. determined that I was then.. I would grab HOLD UNTO the ROCKS and PUSH up my Body thinking of YOU.. and I would CLIMB UP to the TOP of the HILL.. and I would LOOK at the SUN FLOWER.. when I would stand by the Other Bed of flowers.. I can see the View of the Royal Palace and I would shout.. and say.. Even though YOU may Not see me Close.. I will go to that Royal Palace.. I can be a Guard.. by the Door of the Palace.. even you.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. You may never notice me.. but I will be around enough to see YOU there.. and I do remember.. I hear the friend I grew UP.. telling me that the People from the ROYAL Palace has Come.. of course I thought He was joking.. and when I went Out the Door gates of the Garden.. I just can't believe that what he said was true.. YOU were sitting On the Horse.. just like the first time I saw YOU by the Ocean waters with YOUR FATHER PEH HA beside YOU.. I trembled and FELL before YOU... face looking at the grounds.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MAH MAH.. is it really YOU.. is it the ONE WHO I LOVE.. even though I never told YOU.. but I knew.. this was the Only time to tell YOU what My Heart felt.. ever since I saw YOU with Your FATHER PEH HA.. the KING besides the waters.. I wanted to show YOU the Joy that I felt in my Heart.. and I asked YOU for the Permission.. asking YOU.. MAH MAH.. can I show YOU something.. before YOU go I wanted to show you something.. I wanted to show you the SUN FLOWER.. when I see it.. the way that FLOWER made me feel inside is the same way I feel when I SEE YOU MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. PLEASE.. allow me to get you what I wanted to show and share.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. and I heard your Voice telling me to go.. and I get UP from the FLOOR.. facing looking at the ground.. and I turn to run the Other Way.. running UP the Hill and ran to the TOP.. and I would run to the tree.. next beside.. MY HEART was beating so Fast.. My Heart just could NOT BEAT FAST BUT I can hear My Heart running like my FEET going UP to the HILL to the TOP FAST.. I looked beside the Special Flowers.. there.. the SUN FLOWER was there.. I took by the END of the stem and pulled if Out slowly.. and ran down the HILL.. I could Not believe that YOU waited.. you were still sitting on the Horse.. and I stood next to the HORSE you were sitting down.. this IS what I wanted to give YOU.. can YOU please MAH MAH.. take a LOOK at this Flower.. OH PLEASE.. LOOK at it closely and tell me MAH MAH what do you see and what do you truly FEEL.. my Heart was racing fast when I saw YOU.. and even when I ran UP the HILL to the TOP.. My Heart was still racing very FAST.. still my Heart just can't stop running fast.. PLEASE take this Flower with YOU.. because It belongs to YOU.. it is YOU that I saw in YOU.. this SUN FLOWER gave me the Joy that I need.. Please.. OH HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN please take this flower away from Me because IT is YOURS.. I saw you LOOKING at me.. and Your eyes Looking at the SUN FLOWER.. YOUR HAND opens and grabs the stem of this SUN FLOWER.. and My eyes.. it ran Tears from my eyes.. and I see you turn away and watching the Horse starts to leave.. I would fall on the ground.. MY HEART.. It keeps on crying for YOU.. when I saw that SUN FLOWER.. it brought me that joy to get me through the Day.. because I was thinking of YOU that ONE DAY.. some day Just in case YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH come.. even though I never had any kind of Hope you would come.. but.. just wishing and Hoping that YOU would one day.. some day come to visit this Old Garden.. and I would watch YOU leave sitting on the Horse.. and with Many Guards beside you.. I wanted to say something.. I wanted to tell YOU that It needs water.. and I would get UP.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. Please.. Wait and I would start to run towards.. there was one guard who turns around to block me coming to YOU and I would scream.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. OH PLEASE.. wait.. and the Horse stops.. as YOU raise your right hand and turn to look back.. the Guard would Not let Me.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. that Flower Means that I love YOU.. that YOU gave me the SUN like Life.. it means that I love YOU.. shouting Hard for YOU to hear my Voice.. I don't care If you kill me right Now.. but that FLOWER.. the SUN FLOWER.. when I saw it the first time.. My Heart started to race Hard.. I did Not know what that mean at first.. but the More I would RUN up to the HILL TOP to look at that SUN FLOWER.. WHY my Heart raced so Fast when I saw it beside the Other Flowers and wanted to give you this ONE SUN FLOWER.. right Now I am telling YOU when I ran UP.. and ran down the Hill with that SUN FLOWER.. my Heart kept on racing Hard and racing fast.. I did Not know it at that time but NOW I know it.. it is because I wanted to tell YOU MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. that I love YOU.. I know that I should not tell you this in front of all these important People.. if YOU want to put me into prison for this.. PLEASE let me die here and I would get down on two Knees.. My Arms stretched Out forward and My Head looking on the ground.. the Guard turns to LOOK at you sitting on that horse and He pulls out the Sword and puts to my Neck.. and I would close my two eyes.. ready to Die even though I made a Promise.. that I am going to protect MY QUEEN and serve the QUEEN for the Nation.. but if I can't.. I rather die here and just break the Promise.. and I am just waiting for that BLADE to strike my Neck and I would say.. PLEASE KILL ME and Let me die right NOW HERE.. I would wait and I would wait.. but.. when I opened both eyes.. and I lift UP to look.. YOUR
MAH MAH.. RAISED and showed NOT TO KILL ME.. the Guard puts his sword back and He turns to walk away following.. I am crying watching YOU on that Horse.. and I see the Horse moving forward.. I knew that I was going to love YOU MORE.. I knew that It was a LIFE or DEATH situation.. because I knew I should of NOT said it in front of all of the top Officials but.. It was My Heart which it moved me to tell you what I was truly FEELING inside and I kept on crying with tears falling down my face.. watching you Vanish as the Horse kept on walking forward.. I am sitting in the prison.. LOOKING at the Art sketch Paper.. the Drawing picture of YOU.. I just can't believe that day.. that Guard wanted to strike me for disrespecting the QUEEN.. MAH MAH.. But to be honest with YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I was Not trying to ever disrespect YOU or to dishonor YOU IN any ways.. My Heart was moved and It kept on beating so fast.. when I saw the SUN FLOWER.. My Heart would be moved and Kept on moving so Fast because it made me to come Alive.. just the way YOU make me feel when I see you.. that I would come Alive.. that I can do anything even it can cost my own Life that I can die right Now and I am Not afraid to die because the Chance that YOU gave me.. that Day.. I knew I was going to die but I was ready.. if I can't keep the Promises.. what was the reason for me to live any ways.. if I were to be Homeless and Only can live in the Poverty in that Garden with the Poor People.. it was better for me Not to even have a chance at Life.. so I wanted to see YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. if I had NO chance to succeed.. why Life with Nothing.. can't even Dream or go anywhere but to always stay POOR AND DIRTY.. I saw so many people give UP their Lives in that garden because they had NO chance.. NO shot for anything.. even they would murder each Other in that Garden or starve to death.. that day I knew.. when I saw YOU.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I was on two Knees.. ready to die like a soldier even though I had NO chance at that time.. I knew I would Never made it to be but.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. that Day I saw something different about YOU.. YOU told that Guard Not to KILL me even YOU had all of the rights.. the Guard would be shouting at ME saying I am dishonoring and disrespecting the QUEEN.. and even that Guard Knew that YOU were to be the QUEEN.. and I cried when YOU told him not to kill me.. when I got UP.. and as I am staring at your Picture.. the Art sketch Paper.. the Drawing Picture of YOU.. sitting in this Prison.. my hands holding unto the Art sketch paper.. the drawing picture of YOU and I would say.. YOU had all of the rights.. you had the Power with the words to tell that Guard.. to Kill me.. and I am wondering why did YOU not.. I am sitting here in the Prison.. and I am locked in chains at this Point.. and I am facing the death penalty for Treason for this Nation.. if YOU.. MAH MAH.. told that Guard that day.. I know that I would Not come this very far.. I only wanted to do what was right.. and I saw YOU that day leaving with the SUN FLOWER.. and I knew.. One day.. some day YOU are truly going to know my Heart.. going to understand my Heart.. maybe connect and relate with My Heart.. but YOU have let me live that Day.. that Is why I wanted to always keep that Promises that I made to YOU.. to Your FATHER PEH HA the King and My Father too.. I just wanted to keep my promises to the End.. when I gave you that SUN FLOWER.. that was the Mark of my Promises to YOU that I would always love YOU and would keep my word to the End.. Maybe you did Not know at that time.. but I am glad that NOW you know.. when I saw you come visit me and I told YOU who that BOY was.. and that same boy was the One in the Garden.. and the ONE who gave you that FLOWER.. the SUN FLOWER.. I made the promises looking at the SUN FLOWER.. I was standing by the Tree asking My Mother if she can help me in this One.. that I wanted to give this Flower as a PROMISE to always Love YOU and to always keep my Words that I made the DAY I first time saw YOU beside the waters and Now.. I am glad that NOW YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. My QUEEN knows all these truth.. I wanted you to Know before I be executed.. before I die very soon.. that I always loved YOU and always wanted to keep my part of the Word because now I am telling YOU.. I love you Now.. and still I will always love YOU MAH MAH.. MY QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. that it was me all this TIME who never stopped loving YOU.. I am looking at the Wall of the Prison.. my back on the Bars and I am Looking at the Art Sketch Paper.. the Drawing of YOU.. and also I drew the Picture I was thinking about My Father and me.. also YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH and your Father the King with the Ink Pen in my hand.. I remember it was the Most Happiest time in my Life.. the first day I saw YOU.. and How.. My QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH has taken my Breathe away.. I wanted to serve YOU and Protect YOU all through my Life.. even in this Prison Time I am sitting.. and I hear the Prison Door Opens and it closes behind Me.. DID not expect anyone to visit Me and I would hear the Foot steps behind me and stops.. and I would turn around slowly to Look.. I just could Not believe who is visiting Me.. it is YOU.. My QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. MAH MAH.. and I would move Back.. and face looking at the Floor.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. it is pretty Late and I know that YOU are suppose to be sleeping.. why would you come to visit Me here in the Pitch dark of the Prison.. YOU know that I am life in Prison and ready to face death soon.. for Treason.. and I would hear the Sword touch the Bar.. and I would lift UP my Head.. and YOU.. My QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. the sword points at the Picture of the drawing.. It is YOU.. My QUEEN sitting on the Horse.. Your Father the King holding the strings of the Horse on bare feet.. me and my Father.. Face DOWN before YOU and Your Father who was the Late King before His Passing.. and I would.. both hands grab hold unto the Drawing picture that I drew when I first Met YOU.. and I would Lift UP with both hands UP to show YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I am Not sure if you ever remembered this time.. and It was the First time I ever saw YOU.. My father was appointed by your Father.. the KING.. PEH HA at that time to be Head over the servants and He was celebrating with Me.. telling me that He just became the Head over the servants and who was at that Time serving YOU as the Head servant.. and He wanted to take me down this Road and wanted to show me who you were.. and that is when I saw YOU.. sitting on top of the Horse.. your Father PEH HA.. the King who was walking bare feet.. holding on the strings of the Horse.. He wanted to be left alone with YOU where there was the Ocean waters.. it was the day when I first saw YOU but also the day I fell in Love with YOU.. I never told my Father this at that time because I did Not even know it for myself.. I saw you and I wanted to serve.. I wanted to Protect YOU for some reason.. of course I was just too young to know the Life that would be leading me here.. but that day I saw YOU.. I do remember.. My Father and I.. I saw my Father falling before the King.. YOUR FATHER PEH HA.. as the Head Servant.. head looking to the ground.. and I knew.. this must be the King.. Must be the ruler of the Nation.. Must be the One to rule over and Must protect and to defend and I knew.. I got of that horse and ran where My Father was at and I fallen.. looking at the Ground.. My Heart wanted to be a Part of the Nation that was rebuilding for the future to come.. I remember that day.. for some reason I wanted to be a Military Soldier.. wanted to be a warrior.. a Guard.. some one to be very Close to YOU but to have a part to protect the NATION you.. my QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH was going to build.. I am not sure what it was when I saw YOU.. but I saw your Father.. I saw the KING.. PEH HA.. I saw him walking alone wanting to spend TIME WITH YOU.. which it moved me.. Behind the HORSE you were sitting On.. I saw large companies of People who belonged to the ROYAL PALACE and I just knew.. there must be something very SPECIAL about YOU for the FATHER to care and Love so much that HE had other sons too is what I heard.. but.. walking the Horse alone and pulling it by himself with the Large COMPANIES to leave YOU and your Father.. I knew that YOU were going to be HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I was Not sure HOW you were going to get there but.. I just knew that YOU were going to do something BIG for this Nation where People are going to see and I just wanted to be a PART to help to Build a stronger Nation helping and Supporting you all the way.. I remember that DAY.. your FATHER the KING.. PEH HA TOLD both Me and my Father to stand UP.. my father stood UP before the King and I did Not.. two Knees down.. my Head looking at the ground.. arms stretch forward to salute that I am going to be a military soldier who will serve the QUEEN.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH was my Heart showing YOU.. My QUEEN and your Father the KING.. I remember both.. the Fathers looked at me.. my father smiled and the KING.. your Father has spoken out loud and said.. He can see me protecting YOU and being by your side rebuilding this NATION to make it more stronger for YOU TO RULE and to CONQUEROR.. your Father.. PEH HA said.. a YOUNG BOY like myself has Courage.. has BOLD HEART and smiled LOOKING at me as I am LOOKING at the Ground.. I remember that DAY.. I made a Promise to YOU from my Heart.. that ONE DAY we will see.. that ONE DAY I will see the QUEEN
MAH MAH.. That I will be close to the QUEEN.. and I would say to YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I made a promise to be here because I knew YOU are going to make this NATION stronger.. I just want to be a part to HELP YOU to build it.. I needs to see it so that I can finally let go of.. BUT I can't let it go unless I see it what I truly Believe to come this Very Far for YOU.. and I am looking at the Ground of the Prison and tears fills me eyes and I see the Tear drops running down and it hits the Prison Floor.. I have made this Promise to YOU and I have come so Close.. LOOK at it when YOU GO back.. MAH MAH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I am so CLOSE to see YOU rebuilding this NATION.. I have made this Promise to be BY your Side.. to defend and to Protect YOU.. to HELP YOU.. to SUPPORT you for your People.. that my Dreams has come true where I get to see YOU as the RULER.. YOU are the TRUE CONQUROER.. YOUR FATHER.. PEH HA saw it that YOU were going to take his Place.. and WHEN HE saw Me.. and HE LOOKED at me when I was very young.. before the KING.. PEH HA.. I raise UP me voice to YOUR FATHER that day.. to PEH HA the Late King that I have made the Promise to this NATION to serve YOU and to Protect YOU and to LOVE YOU forever.. but when I am chained UP in Prison.. and now I am being punished to death for Treason when I have done nothing Wrong but to fight ON your BEHALF MAH MAH.. Before I die.. before the sentencing to put me to Death HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I have made a Promise to YOU.. and this is the Picture which I drew.. when I saw you the First time.. and How my Father has lead me to YOU.. I made a Promise to YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I even made a Promise to Your Father PEH HA.. and even to this NATION.. YOUR FATHER PEH HA.. the KING has received my Words when I spoke.. after HE said LOOKING DOWN ON ME that day.. He sees that I will be there for YOU.. that I will help YOU as My QUEEN.. so Please reconsider and HELP ME to finish what I have started.. help me to KEEP MY promises that I made to YOU as the QUEEN.. as HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. even to your Father PEH HA.. my Father who is in the grave.. I know that My time is very short and that Is why I need Your Help.. that is why I need you to HELP me so that I can keep my promises that I made to YOU.. that I know I may not be able to be with YOU.. But I can always Love YOU from the Far.. and I can be close to watch the rebuilding of the NATION to grow stronger.. YOU have the WORDS to do.. YOU have the power in your Words to help me to keep my Word I have made to YOU since when I was very YOUNG.. when I came into this Prison WALL.. I would sit quietly and as I close both of my eyes.. it took me back when I was with my Father.. How my father wanted to tell me something very Important.. and it was when I saw you for the first time.. I remember sitting on the TOP of the Horse my Father who had the strings pulling it forward.. tells me.. that is the KING and His Daughter.. and He goes over to Lower himself.. I just knew at that Moment.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH is going to rule.. that YOU are going to take over your Father's Place and be the One to rebuild the NATION in the greater Heights and to make it more stronger than what it was at that TIME.. I wanted to be a Part.. I wanted to see it Happen.. I wanted to be there to HELP YOU.. to FIGHT FOR YOU and to protect.. to defend if it means something to YOU because that day is when I saw myself just falling and my Heart be saying to ME that I love YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. that I love YOU and has never let that GO and still.. as I am here in the Prison.. and YOU can see the chains on both of the wrists.. I can't do anything if I am here with the chains in my wrist and that I am locked UP.. I know that the War is coming SOON.. and Like I said to YOU HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. please reconsider.. I have already made a Promise to YOU and for the NATION you are trying to Build.. Please let me be a part to see it happening with YOU.. Please HELP ME so that I can too help YOU to conqueror and for YOU to RULE all the way.. and I see your hands.. as the Paper that I drew of YOU and Your Father.. PEH HA.. and Me and my Father by the Ocean Waters.. I see you.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. the QUEEN looking at the paper which I drew with the Prison Ink and I am LOOKING at the Prison Floor.. and I would say LOOKING at the FLOOR.. DO you remember that time.. I am Not sure if YOU remember back then because Now.. I remember the Promise.. but One thing that I do know is that I am here.. I have seen you become the QUEEN.. my eyes has seen that YOUR FATHER'S Words were true and He was right about what HE has decided at that TIME.. also.. My Heart was right when I saw you the first time.. and I fell in Love with YOU.. and when I did.. I knew I had to give it ALL IN and just go ALL IN for YOU.. YOUR FATHER.. PEH HA was right about me too.. that I was to help YOU.. to support and to defend and to protect YOU.. HE was right when he saw me that I was going to be Close to YOU.. that I be your Soldier and which I am NOW.. but Only YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH can change what is to COME.. you.. MY QUEEN has the Power with your Words to HELP ME to keep my Promises to Finish the Promises that I made to YOU LONG AGO.. I am still willing to go fight and to Protect.. to defend ONLY if you are WILLING MY QUEEN.. that is why I am begging here on two knees to HELP me to keep my WORD before I die.. I want to die with peace.. I don't want to die like this if I did NOT FINISH.. or ACCOMPLISH the Promises I made to YOU and for YOUR NATION.. so you are the ONLY ONE who can change the times which I am at the TIME OF DEATH.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. PLEASE help me to keep my Word I made to both Fathers.. My Father and Your FATHER PEH HA.. as I watch YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I would lift UP my Head to LOOK at YOU.. and I see you.. the QUEEN.. YOU would sit on the Floor.. and point at the HORSE where I was sitting.. and point at ME as I am looking through the Prison Bars.. and I would tell YOU YES.. that I was the ONE who sat on that Horse.. I am sure if YOU saw ME sitting on the TOP of the Horse as my Father was the ONE who was pulling the strings of the Horse walking forward and I see YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. I see you with Tears.. and I am not sure is it for JOY or sadness and I see your Head telling me yes.. that YOU do remember that DAY.. and It was ME who was the ONE to show you that I WILL PROTECT YOU always and be by your Side and also to LOVE YOU forever in my Heart.. and I would start to cry looking at your crying.. It was me that DAY.. My Promises I made to YOU has come true this Far.. and I am sure YOU heard what YOUR FATHER.. PEH HA said that day because I saw YOU.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. sitting on the top of the Horse and YOU LOOKED at me and gave me that smile.. I still remember YOUR SMILE.. How can I NOT.. I WILL NEVER forget that day because it is YOU who I love.. it is YOU who I wanted to protect and to be close to YOU and to help you to rebuild this NATION.. because I never stopped Loving you and still I love you this Day.. and as I would look at you through the Bars.. I see you crying LOOKING at the Drawing Picture of and NOW you remember.. NOW THE QUEEN REMEMBERS.. HWANG WOO MAH MAH remembers Me.. that was ME and Now here I am in the Prison.. ready to DIE.. but before I die.. let me keep my Word.. my promises I made to YOU.. Just please HELP ME HWANG WOO MAH MAH.. HELP ME.. YOU are the Only ONE who can Help me.. so that I can still have the time to Love YOU MORE.. I just want to love you until I die.. My QUEEN.. I am looking at the Bow.. I am pulling the strings of the Bow.. wondering if I can shoot this arrow correctly.. How can I protect YOU.. How can I defend YOU and fight the Battles.. the UP coming Battles if I cannot shoot these arrows correctly.. as I am looking at the Art Sketch Paper.. the drawing of YOU.. I would put the Bow down after pulling the strings.. My hands grabs the Art sketch paper.. and I would LOOK at You.. LOOK at your Beautiful Face.. MAH MAH.. and I would Lower.. both on knees.. LOOKING at the Art Sketch Paper.. HWANGTAEJABI MAH MAH.. Crown Princess.. and I would LOOK across.. the Board.. the Target that is ON the Middle of the Tree.. I have been trying.. trying to shoot these arrows.. I would pull on the strings of this Bow.. that is LAYING on the Ground.. I been in this forest.. inside the forest are these trees.. which I would come at Night.. and I would look at the Target.. I would pull on the strings of this One Bow.. and my Father made this Bow for Me.. He has made the arrows.. and would give it to me.. and I would grab these Arrows and walk for few Miles.. It becomes Dark when I arrive to this Forest.. Having your Picture.. the Art sketch paper with me always.. On my Side.. On my Chest.. I think of YOU.. and I would say.. One Day I will see YOU soon.. WANGSEJABI MAH MAH.. CROWN PRINCESS.. I will see you One Day.. I will meet YOU some Day.. just wait and see.. and I would always Unfold this Art Sketch Paper.. and I would look at YOU.. the Drawing of YOU and I would say.. WHY does my Heart hurt so Bad.. is it because I am missing YOU right Now.. and I would put the arrows on the ground.. and My Father would tell me.. first I needs to warm It UP.. PULLING on the strings of this BOW.. and I would PULL the strings till my hands.. my arms would hurt.. I would keep on pulling and Pulling it many times before I would shoot the arrows.. I remember I pulled it too many times
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