  • Видео 2
  • Просмотров 6 659 944
Say My Name || Beetlejuice The Musical
Say My Name || Beetlejuice The Musical
Просмотров: 6 642 118


Curtain Call || Beetlejuice The Musical | BeetleDrink
Просмотров 19 тыс.2 года назад
Curtain Call || Beetlejuice The Musical | BeetleDrink


  • @artemismeow
    @artemismeow 16 часов назад

    Makes me want to give someone a handy in public like a good Christian politician 😂

  • @xmafuyu
    @xmafuyu 4 дня назад


  • @LucasLloyd-h6r
    @LucasLloyd-h6r 10 дней назад

    I never knew there was a musical, I lived my hole life with only one Beetlejuice, the Beetlejuice movie

  • @dragonjerstudios2603
    @dragonjerstudios2603 12 дней назад

    It sounds like the official audio was put over the vid

  • @Its_MonsTeRTop
    @Its_MonsTeRTop 17 дней назад

    Голос как у Физзи из *Адского босса*😳😔🤘🏻

    • @СветланаГладышева-ж2е
      @СветланаГладышева-ж2е 13 дней назад

      А также как у Адама и сэра Пентиуса из "Отеля Хазбин". Я надеюсь, Вы догадываетесь почему?😏

  • @emilyrenfrow1500
    @emilyrenfrow1500 17 дней назад

    I love when he says fake cartwheel 😂😂❤❤❤

  • @emilyrenfrow1500
    @emilyrenfrow1500 17 дней назад


  • @jobliar937
    @jobliar937 17 дней назад

    Bro beetle juice is offering a FULL TIME specter why are they clowning on him

  • @brittanyhavens906
    @brittanyhavens906 18 дней назад

    "ok so whats the plan" always hits hust right

  • @psflfootball
    @psflfootball 19 дней назад

    2:15 basically a cereal commercial

  • @aidenplayzz9896
    @aidenplayzz9896 21 день назад

    3:15 to the end is my absolute favorite part lol

  • @c0zybun
    @c0zybun 22 дня назад

    where did you get a recording of the original broadway cast?

    • @СветланаГладышева-ж2е
      @СветланаГладышева-ж2е 21 день назад

      Официальной бродвейской записи не существует. Отрывок где у Битлджуса зелёные волосы, взят из отрывка который снимали для рекламы. Остальные отрывки взяты из нескольких бутлегов (в отрывке мелькает Уилл Блум в роли Битлджуса и Пресли Райан в роли Лидии)

  • @Z_Galaxy
    @Z_Galaxy 22 дня назад

    What does Barbara say at 3:07?

    • @СветланаГладышева-ж2е
      @СветланаГладышева-ж2е 21 день назад

      Она повторяет фразу "Удиви друзей, повеселись на вечеринке", которую сказал Битлджус когда показывал им этот трюк.

  • @Freedom-qz9zc
    @Freedom-qz9zc 23 дня назад

    where can I watch the whole show?

  • @Nasuto1702
    @Nasuto1702 24 дня назад

    that girls voice is incredible

  • @graveraider1029
    @graveraider1029 25 дней назад

    her voice is so good

  • @Twix_DamnImSoGood
    @Twix_DamnImSoGood 27 дней назад

    Все слышат битлджуса,а я слышу Физзаролли и Октавию😂

    • @aidenplayzz9896
      @aidenplayzz9896 21 день назад

      I can hear that lol

    • @СветланаГладышева-ж2е
      @СветланаГладышева-ж2е 20 дней назад

      Физзароли понятно, Алекс озвучивал и его, и сэра Пентиуса, и Адама. Но вот ни София, ни Кэри не принимали участия в озвучивании "Адского боса" и "Отеля Хазбин".

  • @JimmyScribbles
    @JimmyScribbles 28 дней назад

    In a weird way BJ kind of kept her from jumping so he kind of saved her XD

  • @ikemeaudu4246
    @ikemeaudu4246 29 дней назад

    If he was smart he would have said say it 4 times

  • @Scarlett-b4s
    @Scarlett-b4s Месяц назад


  • @zonnawolfy5794
    @zonnawolfy5794 Месяц назад

    Love alex brightman!

  • @Hinata_Hyuga027
    @Hinata_Hyuga027 Месяц назад

    Nah, 2:15

  • @KeithsAdvetures
    @KeithsAdvetures Месяц назад

    I have seen clips of all the actresses that played Lydia on the Stage production and I think Sophia is the best one of them all

  • @Gappletheapple
    @Gappletheapple Месяц назад


  • @ryanhill7318
    @ryanhill7318 Месяц назад

    I'm sorry.....this isnt going to be a popular opinion on here.......why in God's name they had to make musicals of this, and back to the's one of the reasons I hate most musicals. Shameless lack of imagination

  • @Lizzy-du8oq
    @Lizzy-du8oq Месяц назад

    For those who are wondering, the girl was an actress in The School for Good and Evil

  • @SergioCortes62105
    @SergioCortes62105 Месяц назад

    I like the OG cast

  • @gordey2569
    @gordey2569 Месяц назад

    0:45 Just tell me my name

  • @mysterysunfurled
    @mysterysunfurled Месяц назад

    This actor is on so many shows I love 💕 From seeing him as Beetlejuice to Adam and Pentious in Hazbin, plus Fizzarolli in Helluva, it's always a joy to hear his voice

  • @Thesillyguyunderyourbed
    @Thesillyguyunderyourbed Месяц назад

    I haven’t watched the musical so I was watching this and the end of Barbara’s and Adam’s but literally shocked me like I knew Barbara was the more forward one but Jesus bj 😭

  • @Fuusfandom
    @Fuusfandom Месяц назад

    Who’s after the Hazbin Hotel

  • @onlytrixxowo
    @onlytrixxowo Месяц назад

    He should be acting beetlejuice ✨️😭

  • @SarrammaAlias
    @SarrammaAlias Месяц назад

    The voice is perfect ❤

  • @OMARG431
    @OMARG431 Месяц назад

    I'm sorry but I can't listen to him sing without hearing fizzzaroli from helluva boss

  • @jervistetchMadHater
    @jervistetchMadHater Месяц назад

    Beetlejuice edging is real in the musical

  • @howlywolf
    @howlywolf Месяц назад

    Anyone here in 20224?

  • @millashka938
    @millashka938 Месяц назад

    Обзор Текст песни Слушать You could use a buddy Don't you want a pal? (Yes I do! Yes I do) Girl, the way I see it Your daddy should be leavin' And you should stick around What? Nothing So, Lydia, don't end yourself Defend yourself Daddy is the one you should maim Together we'll exterminate, assassinate No The finer points can wait But first you gotta say my name Go ahead and jump but that won't stop him Here you got a solid plan B option I can bring your daddy so much pain All you gotta do is say my name Girl, just say it three times in a row And you won't believe how far I'll go I'm on the bench, but coach Just put me in the game All you gotta do is say my name I don't know your name Well, I can't say it How 'bout a game of charades? Yes, let's play it Two words Right Second word Uh-huh Drink? No Beverage? No Wine? No Juice? Yes Okay First word Okay Bug? No Ant? Close, but no Beetle? Yes Beetlejuice ? Wow, I'm impressed And all you gotta do is say my name three times Three times in a row it must be spoken unbroken Ready? Yeah Okay, go Beetlejuice Yes Beetlejuice Yes Be Oh, oh, this is gonna be so good 'Cause What? You're so smart A stand-up bro I'll think about your offer Let you know But I prefer my chances down below Beetlejuice Yes Beetlejuice Yes Being young and female doesn't mean that I'm an easy mark I've been swimming with piranhas I don't need a shark Yes, life sucks But not that much Okay, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Be a doll and spare the lecture I'm offering you a full time specter But are you any good? You bet'cha Trust me, baby I just met ya Really it's a flattering offer Don't you wanna see dad suffer? I think I'd rather just jump off No I may be suicidal But Beetlejuice , it's not as if I've lost my mind So, playing hardball, huh? You are tougher than you look Just wanna make sure I know who I'm working with Got any references? Lydia, there you are Are you alright? A-Dog, B-Town, my old pals You, get away from her Lydia, this is a dangerously unstable individual Beetlejuice is sexy Beetlejuice is smart BJ is a graduate of Juilliard He can help We found him on Yelp Our troubles all ended on the day that we befriended him Every word is the truth Beetlejuice , Beetlejuice , Beetlejuice What the heck was that? So violating There you go, kid Couple of five-star reviews What was that? That was possession Any ghost can do that in less than one lesson Any ghost? Pretty much, any ghost'll do sure Then, Beetlejuice , what do I need you for? Woah, woah, woah woah woah Hold up, hold up, girl, I'm your pal They're sweet, but I'm a demon straight from Hell I know, I went a little hard on my sell But we're BF-F-F-F's forever Agh Lydia What? He was already dead And you heard what he said, any ghost can do that possession stuff We don't need that demon The three of us alone can wreck dad's evening Together we can make a grown man weep Guys, I got a dinner date to keep Okay, so what's the plan? Teach dad a lesson He's gonna freak when we possess him So he wants the perfect daughter I'll lead that lamb to slaughter Yeah, I got game I'm gonna make him say my name (Make him say your name) I'll make him say my name (Make him say your name) I'll make him say my name (Make him say your name) Not running away I'll make him say my name

  • @EmberDawn-r2v
    @EmberDawn-r2v Месяц назад

    Is this from Beetlejuice 2 because Beetlejuice 2 hasn't even came out yet I think we did do a good voice I mean suicidal pages is not as I lost my mind

  • @YaGreekGirl
    @YaGreekGirl Месяц назад

    'Together we'll exterminate' Hazbin mind sets 'Extermination day is here b!tches'

  • @ShaylaFreeman-jq7er
    @ShaylaFreeman-jq7er Месяц назад

    ✨karma got him back ✨😂

  • @30NICHOLA
    @30NICHOLA Месяц назад

    "Fake cartwheel" lol

  • @thegbandbcllc
    @thegbandbcllc Месяц назад

    She already said it three times lol

  • @Miss.Lioness.
    @Miss.Lioness. Месяц назад

    He plays beetlejuice, an imp, a snake, and the first man. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

    • @Zeno_wolf
      @Zeno_wolf Месяц назад


  • @Memocruz-k7y
    @Memocruz-k7y Месяц назад

    If he was smart he would have say"say mind name four times in a row "

  • @Healingwithflo
    @Healingwithflo Месяц назад

    She sings amazing and so does he

  • @MichaelAftonOG
    @MichaelAftonOG Месяц назад

    Help I have a addiction to this song

  • @Karl_Ivanovich
    @Karl_Ivanovich Месяц назад

    Miss Bommmmmmm.... do u like to do a song with miiii?)))))

  • @jenene6bullock386
    @jenene6bullock386 Месяц назад


  • @eleazarbravo111
    @eleazarbravo111 Месяц назад

    This is cringe as fuck! Beetlejuice’s voice it’s not even close to the real thing. Why would they even make this?🤔🤨

  • @Filiphrahry12
    @Filiphrahry12 Месяц назад