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Review's Rider
Добавлен 23 ноя 2014
Brand new name, same great content.
Gaming Reviews, Movie Reviews, News of the Gaming Industry.
Games converted into series...
Gaming Reviews, Movie Reviews, News of the Gaming Industry.
Games converted into series...
Tom Clancy's The Division 2
"Episode 4"
In order for the Division to start rebuilding the Capital, their advanced communications system must be rebooted...
De forma a começar a reconstruir a Capital, as suas comunicações avançadas têm de ser reiniciadas...
In order for the Division to start rebuilding the Capital, their advanced communications system must be rebooted...
De forma a começar a reconstruir a Capital, as suas comunicações avançadas têm de ser reiniciadas...
Просмотров: 7
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition
Просмотров 213 часов назад
"Chapter 1: Episode 7" Sheppard aims to confront Fist in order to obtain the location of a Quarian that as proof against Saren... Sheppard quer confrontar Fist de forma a obter a localização de uma Quarian que tem provas contra Saren...
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Просмотров 114 часов назад
"The Way of Darkness - Season 3: Episode 9 "Breaking the Herd"" Multiple gangs are surrounding the Imperial Outpost. Their numbers must be reduced so Imperial forces can gain a foothold in the area... Alguns gangues de criminosos estão a cercar a Base Imperial. A quantidade de criminosos tem de ser reduzido apara que as Forças Imperiais consigam ganhar a vantagem...
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
"Episode 107" One of the Templar spies responsible for Black Beards death as been found. He is infiltrated on one of the liberated forts. Edward as his target now... Um dos espiões Templários responsáveis pela morte do Barba Negra foi encontrado. Ele está infiltrado num dos fortes libertados. Edward irá matá-lo...
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
"Episode 106" Another shipwreck as been found, and Edward is ready to search it for treasure... Outro naufragio foi localizado, e Edward está pronto a explora-lo em busca de tesouro...
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
"Episode 105" Edward is now hunting for clues about more Templars... Edward está agora a caçar Templários...
Star Wars: The Old Republic
"Republic Trooper: What If... - Season 2: Episode 12 "Clearing the Siege"" The Hutt's and their enforcers the Regulators have launched a counter-attack against the Resistance Forces. Havoc Squad must destroy the siege weapons... Os Hutt's e os seus capangas os Regulators lançaram um contra-ataque contra a Resistência. O Esquadrão Havoc tem de neutralizar as armas de cerco...
Star Wars: The Old Republic
"Republic Trooper: What If... - Season 2: Episode 11 "The Ark"" The reality is even worst then imagined. The Hutt's don't have a way to repair the core of the planet, their Project Failsafe is nothing more then a way out of the planet for them. But Havoc Squad intends to obtain control of the massive starship being built and use it to evacuate the entire population... A realidade é pior que o i...
Star Wars: The Old Republic
"Republic Trooper: What If... - Season 2: Episode 10 "Failsafe" Toshion as one mission inside the Govermental Building of Makeb, to find evidence of the Hutt's crime and determine what Project Failsafe really is... A missão de Toshion no interior do Edificio Governamental de Makeb é simples, encontrar provas dos crimes dos Hutt's e determinar o que o Projecto Failsafe realmente é...
Star Trek Online
"Season 10: Episode 12 "Sacrifice"" This is the final stand of the wounded Dominion. With only a few Alliance Ships left on the Gamma Quadrant, the defenders must make their final stand on the shores of the great link... Esta é a batalha final do Dominon ferido de morte. Com apenas algumas naves da Aliança disponiveis no Quadrante Gamma, os defensores vão ter de resistir na costa do grande link...
Tom Clancy's The Division 2
Просмотров 52 часа назад
"Episode 3" The Hienas have kidnapped the outpost leader's daughter. She must be saved... As Hienas raptaram a filha do lider a vila civil. ela tem de ser salva...
Dune: Spice Wars
"First War of Assassins - Episode 43" House Atreides is creating a combat line that could mean a devastating end to House Ecaz. But the soldiers of the House of Artists are preparing a strong attack... A Casa de Atreides está a criar uma linha de combate para travar a Casa de Ecaz de vez. Mas os soldados da Casa dos Artistas estão prontos para um devastador ataque contra os seus inimigos...
"Episode 4" Argentha needs to find another Forge Fragment... Argentha tem de encontrar outro fragmento da sua Forga...
"Episode 3" The Tenno continues to rearm his ship in order to prepare for a war against their ancient enemy the Grineer. This time she needs to rescue a Weapons Smuggler from the Corpus... Os Tenno continuam a rearmar as suas naves para se prepararem para uma nova guerra contra os seus inimigos ancestrais, os Grineer. Desta vez, a Tenno terá de salvar um traficante de armas dos Corpus...
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade
Просмотров 82 часа назад
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade
don't give up bro 👍
Rumor has it Tom Clancy's div is shutting down soon
Yes, I can confirm that they are going to announce that during this year first trimester review. The exact date of the server shutdown is still in the wind even on Ubisoft...
The trade requests from the AI are always horrendously in their favor. And usually offering you something you've already got in abundance
Indeed the commerce side of the game is really not working correctly, even the assassination missions are a pain.
Never saw Ecaz gameplay so this'll be informative
Is this live?
Indeed it is... theres already another new faction besides the Ecaz. The House of Ix.
Keep up
Glad to see somebody still playing. Have fun!
Licking the bones of successful titles once again.
I'm the first first once😊
No givi up
It’s fun to play with people
I still play this game
Amazing game im playing it too its my first ac ever and im loving it
Grande jogo like
Bom video
A suggestion: you might have a better time in space combat if you set your weapon power to 100. If your weapon system power settings are below 100, your ship's energy weapon damage is significantly reduced.
Hello, I will try that setup again. I have done it in the past but died to fast...
Looks like RUclips nuked my replies. The issue you run into on energy weapon builds at 50 weapon power is power drain. At 50 power your weapons do 75% of base damage. But if you're firing 6 energy weapons at a time, that's -50 weapon power, essentially bringing your weapon power to 0 and your beams hitting like wet noodles. I've been playing STO since the open Beta, and I always ran 100/50/25/25 back then. As things evolved, I switched to 100/25/25/50, as more Aux power boosted my heal abilities and there's a rep trait that boosts offensive stats based on aux. Anyway, pre-T6 I used 3 abilities for survival: Emergency Power to Shields, Hazard Emitters, and Transfer Shield Strength. All three share a 45 second cooldown and synergize with each other well if activated simultaneously. Nowadays I run max weapon power, with Engines as my number 2 and shields as my 'dump setting' at 15. For survival I generally rely on ship traits, personal traits, and "lifesteal" via the Iconian rep trait 'Energy Refrequencer' Hull tanking > Shield tanking and taking out the mobs faster is better than trying to tank them and chip away at their HP. I hope this helps! Good luck with your content!!!
Hated this game too.
Sexy video
Granda Reviews
Boas verdades, a série é boa...
Excelente episódio
Review's Rider, wanna collab my guy
Hello, in what games would we collab?
Excelente corrida
Obrigado 👍
Bom jogo, onde está disponivel?
Olá, exclusivo da Steam...
Jogão, vou já comprar...
Olá, fazes muito bem... é complexo, mas um bom jogo.
Bom jogo. Joguei bastante ele no passado...
Grande estreia
O segundo vem este ano acho eu. Finalmente...
Sim, em principio lá para Setembro. Isto se não sofrer atrasos...
Grande jogão.... tinha saudades deste jogo... onde o encontraste?
Olá, e obrigado. Na Steam consegues encontrar a grande maioria dos jogos Warhammer.
Belo Jogo, Rider
Obrigado por veres
Tom Clancy, um dos melhores escritores de histórias de guerra e espionagem... nunca li The Division, estou curioso.
Olá, concordo plenamente. Talvez Ian Flemming seja melhor devido ao Bond... mas Tom Clancy é muito bom.
Bom jogo
Sempre achei este jogo dificil. Vamos ver se sou o único a falhar nele.
Olá, sim ele não é nada fáçil e com lag então é impossível...
Boa estreia Rider. Vou seguir estes episódios.
Jogão... neste sim, temos de ter cuidado com armamento mais que roupa...
Nunca consegui reconstruir a base toda. Vamos ser se consegues.
Olá, nem eu. Mas tentatrei fazer isso nesta série.
Vamos a isso. Ver Nova Iorque assim faz lembrar o 11 de Setembro...
Olá, sim faz lembrar esse dia...
Até que enfim, vamos ver The Division outra vez.
Grande jogão este... espero seguir estes episódios. E sim, imensa pena de ser injogável hoje em dia...
Grande jogão... pena que esteja quase injogável agora...
Concordo plenamente, mesmo na PS5 está muito dificil de jogar com lag constante.
Bom velho The Division...
Sim, grande jogo.
Grande jogo
Sim, pena que já não seja bem mantido.
Thank You 👍 Perfect Movie 🎥
Thank You, more to come...
Hey m8! When are u gonna continue your Republic Trooper's storyline? It's been quite a long time already.
As soon as the Jedi Knight season 3 ends I will start the "What If..." series of Trooper. The only canon story of the DLC's is the Jedi Knight one. I will start with the Trooper season...
Awesome video man keep up the great work, I'm looking forward to watching the next one! If interested I made a video going over 10 new games releasing in December, check it out!! 🙂🙏🏼
Thank you very much... new series coming next year, like God of War and Horizon Zero dawn
Hey man
Hello, welcome to the channel