so glad I stumbled into ur channel. Learning the sword right now and watching your combos back at .25x speed 😅 extremely interesting stuff! I love how you always aim to sit outside of their sight lines. Constantly dashing behind them and breaking angles at every opportunity. The mix of slides and dashes too... insanity. Makes me stoked to see how far you can take this weapon amazing stuff!
How can you make it so fluid and consistent, I be trying in ps5 but sometimes the games just doesn’t do what I want
Nujabes ❤️
와 무빙이 로프반동마냥 움직이네 개잘한다
와; 절대 적으로 나타나지 마쇼
Average sword player. And this is just a normal match bcs he can't do this when they use gitch mine lol
Someone's mad
nice video :D
wow i'm a big fan of yours!
How have you done since latest patch? Are you finding some inconsistency with lunge?
melee weapons are almost no skill, change my mind
What's yr resolution?
POV of a scummy sword player:
Best in the world 🌍 😂
This is the type of sword user I fear XDD
my toxic trait is thinking that i can do this
1:30 that steal was hella nasty XD
you know hes good when he dosnt cut out his deaths
피오라를 보는 느낌인데 ㅋㅋ::
0:29 무슨 처형도 아니고... 미친...
Bro just play wrong game. Go to the Chiverly 2 kid
how do you feel about it after the nerf what about bow, do you master it?
need more
장검 너프.. 어찌 생각하십니까
전 상관없음
근데 전보다 회돌을 더 신중하게 써야될 거 같아요
이야ㅑ 무빙 본 피해자(상대방)은 잠 못 잘듯 ㅋㅋㅋ
lol and im playing with more than 200ms on europe server.. so unfair lol
Ngl and am sword main myself, but holllyyy those dashes are nasty. I watch your vids with my fist infront of my mouth and shouting "shiiiiiitttt"
Nice game!
so glad I stumbled into ur channel. Learning the sword right now and watching your combos back at .25x speed 😅 extremely interesting stuff! I love how you always aim to sit outside of their sight lines. Constantly dashing behind them and breaking angles at every opportunity. The mix of slides and dashes too... insanity. Makes me stoked to see how far you can take this weapon amazing stuff!
혹시 지금 인게임 닉네임 Alvin 이신가요?
아니요 알빈님이면 외국 장검 잘쓰시는분이신데
hello bro, can u please teach us your ways? show us how u train pls
imagine flexing using a melee weapon in a shooter. CRINGE
absolutely neck breaker
Bro stunned the box carrier, stole it from him, and deposited it in his face. Disrespectful
this guy is up there with pullkia and eidorian
가이드나 무빙 스킬좀 알려주실 수 있을까요?
Can you perhaps upload full matches, its hard to know how i should play around the map, like entries, defense, etc.
You make your nation proud
Tapping the vault before getting the squad wipe should put you in jail cause that was criminal. Nice shit man
1:30 was foul, i love it
Ur the actual goat
Holy shit
‘사이토 하지메 ‘ 21세기로 환생해서 더 파이널스 즐기는중
bros actually insane
Great plays bro🫡
오매불망 카타나 스킨 재출시만 바라는 주인장이면 개추 ㅋㅋ
장검 올스킨인 주인장 부러우면 개추
@@user-fp8dd7fq7h 걸려들었어 당장 카타나 스킨 끼고 영상을 찍어주십쇼 선생님