Straycat view
Straycat view
  • Видео 62
  • Просмотров 48 404
[4K 60fps] 大溪月眉人工濕地生態公園 | Daxi Yuemei Constructed Wetland Ecological Park | iPhone16Pro
Yuemei Constructed Wetland Ecological Park is located in Daxi District, Taoyuan City, just a 10-minute drive from Daxi Old Street. Established in 2019, the park features over 300 aquatic bald cypress trees, which have since flourished into a thriving forest. Known for its rich ecological environment and seasonal beauty-especially the stunning bald cypress scenery in autumn and winter-it has become a must-visit natural attraction in the Taoyuan area.
#4k ,#taiwan ,#taoyuan ,#iphone ,#iphone16 ,#iphone16pro ,#桃園 ,#大溪 ,#落羽松 ,#濕地公園 ,#風景
Просмотров: 116


[4K 60fps] 走小徑登上基隆塔 | Take the trail to the top of Keelung Tower | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 754 месяца назад
2023年完工的基隆塔,是位在基隆的一個全新的景點。要登上基隆塔,除了可以使用內部的直達電梯之外,也可以使用一旁的環形小徑。塔上除了可以俯瞰整個基隆港景色,內部還有可供休憩的咖啡廳。 Completed in 2023, Keelung Tower is a brand new attraction in Keelung. To climb the tower, you can use the internal elevator or the circular path on the side. The tower overlooks the entire Keelung Harbor, and there is also a café inside for relaxation. #4K,#Taiwan,#keelung,#iphone15 ,#iphone15pro ,#基隆 ,...
[4K 60fps] 2024台北漫畫博覽會 | 2024 Taipei comic exhibition | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 2526 месяцев назад
每年吸引無數台灣動漫迷的台北漫畫博覽會,再次在台北世貿中心舉辦。其中除了各種商品的展出與販賣之外,現場更有各種豐富的表演與互動節目,場外還有許多熱情的coser聚集,為台灣首屈一指的動漫盛事。 The Taipei Comic Expo, which attracts countless Taiwanese animation fans every year, was once again held at the Taipei World Trade Center. In addition to a variety of merchandise on display and for sale, there were also a variety of live performances and interactive programs, and many enthusiastic c...
[4K] 台北關渡碼頭貨櫃市集 | Guandu Wharf Taiwan Taipei | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 686 месяцев назад
#4k ,#taiwan ,#taipei ,#iphone15 ,#iphone15pro ,#台灣 ,#台北 ,#市場 ,#關渡 ,#guandu ,#夜市 ,#nightmarket
[4K 60fps] 中壢觀光夜市 | Zhongli Night Market | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 7417 месяцев назад
中壢觀光夜市每日營業,在桃園規模稱得上數一數二。交通方便,除了多種遊戲攤位外,飲食攤位更是多樣不重複,適合觀光客造訪。 Jhongli Night Market is one of the largest night markets in Taoyuan and is open every day. Conveniently located, the market offers a wide variety of game stalls and food stalls, making it an ideal place for tourists to visit. #4k ,#taiwan ,#taoyuan ,#iphone15 ,#iphone15pro ,#台灣 ,#桃園 ,#市場 ,#中壢 ,#zhongli ,#夜市 ,#nightmarket
[4K 60fps] 湖口老街 | Hukou Old Street | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 1688 месяцев назад
從廟宇開始,走到教堂結束。老街並不長,充滿客家風情的市集,適合經過的時候來逛一逛。 Start at the temple and walk to the church to finish. The old street is not very long, and the market is full of Hakka flavor, so it's a good place to visit when you are passing by. Recorded with iPhone15 Pro on April 27th #4k ,#taiwan ,#hsinchu ,#iphone15 ,#iphone15pro ,#台灣 ,#新竹 ,#市場 ,#客家 ,#hakka ,#散步 ,#湖口 ,#hukou
[4K 60fps] 拜訪亞庇中央菜市場 | Pasar Besar Kota Kinabalu | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 18 тыс.9 месяцев назад
亞庇中央菜市場是亞庇最大的傳統市場,除了一般的蔬菜水果之外,建築物後面還有魚市場,除了本地人採買之外,也很適合遊客拜訪。 Kota Kinabalu Central Market is the largest traditional market in Kota Kinabalu. Apart from vegetables and fruits, there is also a fish market at the back of the building, which is suitable for locals as well as tourists to visit. Recorded with iPhone15 Pro on March 14th #4k ,#malaysia ,#kotakinabalu ,#iphone15 ,#iphone15pro ,#馬來西亞 ,#...
[4K 60fps] 沙巴馬努幹島的絕美夕陽 | Beautiful Sunset on Manukan Island, Sabah | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 569 месяцев назад
00:00 小徑pathway 23:40 夕陽sunset 從接待中心出發,沿著小徑走向觀景點,全程1500公尺,可以欣賞到絕佳的夕陽。雖然途中並沒有太多的風景,回程途中也沒有路燈,但走一次絕對不會讓人後悔。只想看夕陽的朋友們可以直接跳到片尾 From the reception center, you can follow the trail towards the viewpoint for 1500 meters, where you can enjoy a great sunset. Although there is not much scenery on the way and there are no streetlights on the way back, you won't regret taking this walk once.For those who j...
[4K 60fps] 漫步沙巴馬努幹島 | Walking around Manukan Island, Sabah
Просмотров 41910 месяцев назад
遊客散去之後的馬努幹島特別清幽,連蜥蜴都出來散步了 Manukan is especially peaceful after the tourists have gone, even a lizards came out for a walk. Recorded with iPhone15 Pro on March 14th #4k ,#malaysia ,#kotakinabalu ,#manukan ,#iphone15 ,#iphone15pro ,#馬來西亞 ,#亞庇 ,#風景 ,#沙巴 ,#sabah ,#散步
[4K 60fps] 丹絨亞路沙灘上熱鬧人群欣賞落日美景 | Lively crowds on the beach enjoy the sunset in Tanjungaru
Просмотров 17910 месяцев назад
Recorded with iPhone15 Pro on March 15th #4k ,#malaysia ,#kotakinabalu ,#tanjungaru ,#iphone15 ,#iphone15pro ,#馬來西亞 ,#亞庇 ,#風景 , #sunset ,#沙巴 ,#sabah ,#散步
[4K 60fps] 2024台北燈節 | 2024 Taipei lantern festival | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 5011 месяцев назад
現場充滿了元宵節的氣氛,多種主題燈區帶大家迎接龍年 The scene is full of the atmosphere of the Lantern Festival, and a variety of themed light areas take everyone to welcome the Year of the Dragon. #4k ,#taiwan ,#taipei ,#iphone ,#iphone15 ,#iphone15pro ,#台北燈節 ,#lantern ,#festival ,#元宵節
[4K 60fps] 六福村蒸汽火車 | Leofoo Village Steam Train | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 52811 месяцев назад
耗資三億台幣打造的英式復古蒸氣火車「奈落比號」可是您輕鬆暢遊非洲部落草食區的好幫手,軌道全長約一千公尺,每列火車約可搭載一百二十人,繞行一圈約十五至二十分鐘。 您可以搭乘「奈落比號」,瀏覽非洲部落獨特開放式風貌,全回首見的「疣豬」、「非洲水牛」以及長頸鹿、白犀牛、斑馬、羚羊、美洲野牛…等多種草食動物的生活習性都可一覽無遺,不用走的滿頭大汗就能輕鬆舒服地近距離觀賞非洲野生動物生態之美。 You may take the unique and very firs retro British steam train costs NTD 300million to freely travel the herbivorous animal zone in African tribe. The total distance of the track is about 1000 meters wi...
[4K 60fps] 六福村馬戲奇幻樂園 | Leofoo Village Circus Party | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 28811 месяцев назад
每日下午兩點都會舉辦的歡樂遊行,這次是馬戲團風格 Daily parade at 2pm, this time circus style! #4k ,#taiwan ,#hsinchu ,#iphone ,#iphone15 ,#iphone15pro ,#六福村 ,#leofoovillage ,#circus ,#馬戲團 ,#新竹 ,#樂園
[4K 60fps] 台北迪化街商圈 | Taipei Dihua Commercial District | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 6 тыс.Год назад
迪化街是台北歷史最久的商圈,除了傳統的中藥布疋和年貨之外,街邊也有許多小吃甜點, 何時候都非常熱鬧。另外以月老聞名的霞海城隍廟,香客更是絡繹不絕 Dihua Street is the oldest shopping district in Taipei. Apart from traditional Chinese medicine and fabrics and New Year's goods, the street is also full of snacks and desserts, and is always bustling with activity. The Xiahai City God Temple, famous for its god of love, is also crowded with visitors. Recorded with iPhone...
[4K 60fps] 國家漫畫博物館 | NATIONAL TAIWAN MUSEUM OF COMICS | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 168Год назад
[4K 60fps] 國家漫畫博物館 | NATIONAL TAIWAN MUSEUM OF COMICS | iPhone15Pro
[4K 60fps] 2024 八卦山彰化月影燈季 | 2024 CHANGHUA Baguanshan MOON SHADOW LANTERN FESTIVAL | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 129Год назад
[4K 60fps] 2024 八卦山彰化月影燈季 | 2024 CHANGHUA Baguanshan MOON SHADOW LANTERN FESTIVAL | iPhone15Pro
[4K 60fps] 散步 | 三峽老街 | Sanxia Old Street | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 107Год назад
[4K 60fps] 散步 | 三峽老街 | Sanxia Old Street | iPhone15Pro
[4K 60fps] 2023 桃園仙草嘉年華 | Land of Mesona | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 59Год назад
[4K 60fps] 2023 桃園仙草嘉年華 | Land of Mesona | iPhone15Pro
[4K 60fps] 散步 | 2023新北耶誕城 | 2023 Christmasland in New Taipei City | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 306Год назад
[4K 60fps] 散步 | 2023新北耶誕城 | 2023 Christmasland in New Taipei City | iPhone15Pro
[4K 60fps] 2023新北耶誕城主燈秀 | 2023 Christmasland in New Taipei City main light show | iPhone15Pro
Просмотров 65Год назад
[4K 60fps] 2023新北耶誕城主燈秀 | 2023 Christmasland in New Taipei City main light show | iPhone15Pro
[4K 60fps] 日本環球影城-哈利波特魔法世界 | USJ ウィザーディング・ワールド・オブ・ハリー・ポッター | Galaxy S23 Ultra
Просмотров 415Год назад
[4K 60fps] 日本環球影城-哈利波特魔法世界 | USJ ウィザーディング・ワールド・オブ・ハリー・ポッター | Galaxy S23 Ultra
[4K 60fps] 乘坐聖瑪利亞號遊覽大阪港 | サンタマリア号で大阪港観光 | Galaxy S23 Ultra
Просмотров 153Год назад
[4K 60fps] 乘坐聖瑪利亞號遊覽大阪港 | サンタマリア号で大阪港観光 | Galaxy S23 Ultra
[4K 60fps] 日本大阪道頓堀水上觀光船 | とんぼりリバークルーズ | Galaxy S23 Ultra
Просмотров 134Год назад
[4K 60fps] 日本大阪道頓堀水上觀光船 | とんぼりリバークルーズ | Galaxy S23 Ultra
[4K 60fps] 日本環球影城-耀西冒險 | USJ ヨッシー・アドベンチャー | Galaxy S23 Ultra
Просмотров 9 тыс.Год назад
[4K 60fps] 日本環球影城-耀西冒險 | USJ ヨッシー・アドベンチャー | Galaxy S23 Ultra
[4K 60fps] 大阪城御座船上看到的景色 | 大阪城御座船からの眺め | Galaxy S23 Ultra
Просмотров 49Год назад
[4K 60fps] 大阪城御座船上看到的景色 | 大阪城御座船からの眺め | Galaxy S23 Ultra
[4K 60fps] 2023桃園萬聖城 | Taoyuan Halloween City | Galaxy S23 Ultra
Просмотров 67Год назад
[4K 60fps] 2023桃園萬聖城 | Taoyuan Halloween City | Galaxy S23 Ultra
[4K 60fps] 散步 | 萬聖節到華泰名品城 | Halloween in GLORIA OUTLETS | Galaxy S23 Ultra
Просмотров 80Год назад
[4K 60fps] 散步 | 萬聖節到華泰名品城 | Halloween in GLORIA OUTLETS | Galaxy S23 Ultra
[4K 60fps] 2023八里城市沙雕展 | Bali sand sculpture | Galaxy S23 Ultra
Просмотров 49Год назад
[4K 60fps] 2023八里城市沙雕展 | Bali sand sculpture | Galaxy S23 Ultra
[4K 60fps] 埔心牧場萌萌村 | Pushin ranch cute village | Galaxy S23 Ultra
Просмотров 398Год назад
[4K 60fps] 埔心牧場萌萌村 | Pushin ranch cute village | Galaxy S23 Ultra


  • @WongVuiSeong
    @WongVuiSeong 7 месяцев назад


    @LOVERSGUYS 8 месяцев назад

    I realy mis this place my last visit is june 2022

  • @小黑宅
    @小黑宅 Год назад


    • @jerrylin1119
      @jerrylin1119 Год назад


    • @小黑宅
      @小黑宅 Год назад

      @@jerrylin1119 我也是到處觀摩學習怎麼拍主場的好嗎 XD

  • @biodavos
    @biodavos Год назад


  • @kurosawahikaru
    @kurosawahikaru Год назад


  • @lizvasquez8195
    @lizvasquez8195 Год назад

    thank you

  • @changslifeintoronto
    @changslifeintoronto Год назад

    三月的高雄天氣感覺好好! 異鄉的我只能望著大雪接小雪、小雪接大雪的天氣 來自多倫多的高雄人

  • @焱焱-b5h
    @焱焱-b5h Год назад
