- Видео 99
- Просмотров 4 224
Добавлен 23 апр 2018
香港音G玩家,主打phigros, dynamix
[Dynamix] Neptune (MEGA 11) with index fingers only
Music: Neptune
Speed: 1.3
My rating: 11.4
BPM: 130
Timing window: +- 71.875ms
First try: 8-7
How long I played: 69mins
Tbh idk what I tapped there.
Speed: 1.3
My rating: 11.4
BPM: 130
Timing window: +- 71.875ms
First try: 8-7
How long I played: 69mins
Tbh idk what I tapped there.
Просмотров: 9
[Dynamix] Reason of Fallen (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 137 часов назад
37th Lvl15 Omega Music: Reason of Fallen Speed: 1.3 My rating: 15.3 Personal score on chart: 86 BPM: 145 Timing window: ±64.375ms First try: 98-58 (863k) How long I played: 231mins 尾段1100cb 開始的側面翻車了大約10次,又是一些平常練習很少失誤但一到要收時就會因緊張/自信不足而不斷漏的配置。失誤率最高的883-955cb反而翻車次數不多,但平常練習沒過幾次,真奇怪。 和Lucid Trigger 都是鍵盤力分高下,而且BPM都是偏低,手法設計方面可在扛和多指利用之間互相平衡,亦是鴨曲 鴨譜,譜風相似。但這譜節奏變化會更多,而Lucid因為有6k而令推分門檻提高。個人覺得整體來說這譜會簡單一點,Luc...
[Dynamix | 2024 END] Curtainfall! (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 4821 день назад
1:42,暫停是為了抹緊張時出的水汗,推分時已經因為水汗而在後段震鍵了三次。 視頻最後成績圖不知道為什麼有一個地方凹了。 36th Lvl15 Omega Music: Curtainfall! Speed: 1.3 My rating: 15.5 My score on chart: 33 BPM: 208 Timing window: ±59ms First try score: 131GOOD 60MISS (854k) How long I played: 365 minutes 不太了解本曲被列為”secret track”的原因,和平常的活動曲沒大分別,雖然個人本身也不抱太大期望。另外最後的1是指…? 如果下星期沒有大活的話那恭喜Abyss Breaker成為年度最難譜 (也大機會是最糞譜) 譜面難度集中在中段 (具體是512-1090cb),正側關係需要很長時間研究,協...
[Dynamix] Rondo of the 3nd (HARD 12) Omega with index fingers only
Просмотров 12Месяц назад
Recorded on 2 June 2024 Music: Rondo of the 3nd Speed: 1.4 My rating: 13.6 Score on chart: 95 BPM: 230 Timing window: ±59ms How long I played: 96mins 用了高密度紅鍵還原本家的蛇,紅鍵佔了接近三分之二的物量。 有不少人說大部份都是還原本家,我沒打過本家譜,但這絕對是我打過最爽的雙指譜之一。 用雙指打需要花點時間研究譜面和記譜。有不少同側雙押,令正面有些接近右側的鍵要用左手打,因此手指分配方面要安排一下(尤其1258cb之後)。滑鍵突如其來出現的單鍵(靠底的滑板鍵很難看到)也要記一記,加上BPM很高,令思考時間進一步減少,要養成肌肉記憶。大位移也增加了譜面難度。 譜面注意點: 1347, 1402, 1454cb 滑板上滑之後再滑到中下位置...
[Dynamix] BOUNCE THE TECH (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 32Месяц назад
對不起黑矢先生但真的越看越像一坨史23333333 錄製於2024年7月7日,10th Lvl15 Omega 歌曲:BOUNCE THE TECH 速度:1.4 個人定數:14.9 譜面評分:76 BPM:154 判定範圍:±60.625ms 總推分時間:約5小時 (當天43分鐘) 感覺黑矢的15都寫得普通,個人覺得這張是三張黑矢15中寫得最好的一張,但還是有不少有待商榷的地方,尤其個人真的不理解為什麼黑矢這麼喜歡把drop段寫成全譜最水段。 難點只有一開始的側面切和818cb開始的6k,其他都是以底力致勝。 譜面注意點: 0-18cb 一手打大鍵一手打小鍵,形成16分交互。 40-52cb 中間夾了兩個24分的3k樓梯 97-138cb 正面鍵都和側面靠上的鍵成雙押。 133cb 側面切完連接正面是16分,所以交互的第一個鍵由左手按。 411cb 滑板鍵可以放置。 641-673...
[Dynamix] Virtual Nature (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 16Месяц назад
清了14個金體,共鞭了3次。33rd Lvl15 Omega 歌曲:Virtual Nature 速度:1.4 個人定數:14.8 譜面評分:76 BPM:145 判定範圍:±64.375ms 總推分時間:108分鐘 (首收) 新設備收音有點問題,只能接收人聲,但完全接收不到敲擊音。 又是一張我擅長的譜,BPM145 16分能隨便扛的就是個15下下位,唯一難點是一開始的節奏殺和1033cb 的出張定位和誤觸。 雖然很多人都應該會覺得後半段有卡手正側關係和出張,比前半段難很多,但個人覺得前半段的細節也不少,失誤率甚至比後半段高。 譜面注意點:(註:BPM145的12分音和24分音分別為BPM217.5的8分音和16分音) 56-120cb 左手留意一下節奏,手癖導致失誤率出奇地高。 86-92cb 這里是24分音。 166cb 如圖所示,右側黃條在正面黃條頭判後16分音就要接,而不是在...
[Dynamix] Kyubi (GIGA 15) Omega with index fingers only
Просмотров 36Месяц назад
Much more fun than MEGA, so I omega giga first. 32nd Lvl15 Omega Music: Kyubi Speed: 1.3 My rating: 15.2 Personal score: 72 BPM: 200 Timing window: ±59ms How long I played: about 4hrs (127 mins today) 錄影時不小心把麥克風關掉了,所以沒有敲擊音。 手法設計很多,但同時誤觸也很多,改善誤觸問題就會更好玩。尾殺有好幾次太手緊而翻車。 個人推分有三大難點:一、譜中多次出現48分紅鍵,滑太快會MISS,滑太慢會GOOD,滑紅鍵的時間點要控制得好,得看清楚才滑。二、後段出張位移能大,不少時候出張手點得不夠側面而點不到。三、正側關係不易讀,花了點時間研究,而且在大位移的情況下更難精準打出,很多時候雙...
[Dynamix] Beyond the Rainbow (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 76Месяц назад
Recorded on 12th Nov 2024,31st Lvl15 Omega Music: Beyond the Rainbow Speed: 1.3 My rating: 15.5 My score on chart: 64 BPM: 216 Timing Window: ±59ms Sightread score: 105-51 How long I played: about 5 hours (86 minutes that day) 會切的就是15.3。但對我來說能切得動已經是個奇蹟,當晚收了後第二天再打已經切不動了,當晚三次1-0後有點想放棄,幸好有堅持推下去,不然又不知道要等到何時才有機會收了。 個人覺得最難點是1091cb的鍵盤6k,只是這段已經練了超過1小時,只能說我多指太弱。500cb 會切的話其實不難處理。後半段要注意的地方比前半段多很多。 老實說這譜有接...
[Dynamix] Dahlia (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 362 месяца назад
Recorded on 14/9/2024, 25th Lvl15 Omega Music: DahliaSpeed: 1.4 My rating: 15.5 My score on chart: 86 BPM: 187 Timing Window: ±59ms How playing I played: about 35 hours (66minutes that day) 第一爆發段手法抽獎,第二爆發段防糊抽獎,基本上沒有一部份是穩的,還好休息段較多。這是切力弱比的定數。 解析不會太多,但手法練起來都需要不少時間,原本打算4次側面切都改成對拍,但有兩段實在太不穩了比正攻成功率還低所以換回來了。 收後也挺激動的,但歌曲這麼柔和就忍住了。 譜面注意點: 126-131cb 右側黃條用無名指接,在131cb 黃條尾判有雙押。 365-380cb 右側黃條和正面雙押成三押,所以右手是先接...
[Dynamix | Happy Halloween!] Spooky Macaron (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 412 месяца назад
First kill on phone?Recorded on 17/10/2024,28th Lvl15 OmegaMusic: Spooky MacaronSpeed: 1.4My rating: 15.5 My score on chart: 77BPM: 201Timing window: ±59msHow long I played: 40hrs (38mins that day)老爸在最緊張時刻居然闖入房間,當時我害怕極了,已經準備開駡,但又居然抽上了,那我也不多說什麼了。去年12月復刻時買下的,當時只是覺得歌曲很有意思就打打,7月時還是30個誤差,又是突然飛升導致我有研究的動力,但推分過程很痛苦,後三分之一全是爆點,不會手癖但抽獎地方太多了,尾殺更是心態大考驗。8月中推到 -3 10月中下旬才收,總算成功了。個人覺得這譜是紅米寫得最有想法的一次,思路很好,出張手法設計也...
[Dynamix] Polaris Australis (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 452 месяца назад
Recorded on 24/10/2024, 30th Lvl15 OmegaMusic: Polaris AustralisSpeed: 1.4My rating: 15.2My score on chart: 48BPM: 205Timing window: ±59msHow long I playede: 146mins歌真的很好聽,drop段直接把我聽高潮了。聽了純音樂去除雜音才勉強理解B翅寫這譜時的思路,可能這曲的曲師和Rain的曲師一樣然後就學鴨不斷塞。這譜最難點是正側關係很複雜,採的音很難聽到,導致打時很模糊很難跟上。基本上了解整張譜的正側關係已經花了45分鐘了,但最後到收其實還是糊的。譜面注意點32-63cb 右側鍵距為3個4分音,除了49cb和63cb的右側鍵離前一鍵為4分音。165cb 不想切,左側靠下的鍵右手出張接。186cb 左側第一個藍鍵和正面黃條成異側雙...
[Dynamix | shit ending] Beyond the Rainbow (MEGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 2862 месяца назад
29th Lvl15 Omega Music: Beyond the Rainbow Speed: 1.4 My rating: 15.45 My score on chart: 66 BPM: 216 Timing Window: ±59ms How long I played: 5.5hrs (105mins today) 藍的盆,只看尾殺已經崩了4次,若再算尾段那個16分三連誤觸雙押段應該超過10次。個人認為MEGA思路上比GIGA好不少,前段的drop段打得真的爽。但處理上還是很多劣點,900cb開始的多指很卡手,這種寫法在Rondo GIGA也出現過,手感比Rondo好一點,但都是差。843cb, 1133cb, 1275cb開始的雙/多押極容易誤觸,不管掐縫、硬扛,甚至出張也很易崩,想不通B翅的正攻手法是什麼。尾殺更是不知所謂。 難度比Rondo低一點,難點全在後段,前段...
[Dynamix | HARDEST HARD] Beyond the Rainbow (HARD 13) Omega with index fingers only
Просмотров 982 месяца назад
Music: Beyond the Rainbow Speed: 1.3 My rating: 14.4 (multi-finger), 14.9 (index fingers only) BPM: 216 Timing window: ±59ms How long I played: about 3hrs (128mins today) 個人認為雙指難度遠超Ennor和witm. 這譜BPM高之餘還有大量出張,對手速、手法設計和記譜要求高很多。原本以為雙指難度可達15中下位,打明白後其實沒想像中那麼複雜,但要打明白已經花了超過兩小時了 有機會昨天就殺,但昨天太累所以放棄了,手法在B翅和Jky老師發片已經全部設計好了,所以有些部份和他們兩人手法不同。對這譜,我只能說很好玩,個人很享受拆譜過程,打起來卡手但起碼沒什麼誤觸。不評論太多,畢竟不少人都很抗拒這種雙指寫法。解析也不會太多,始終...
[Dynamix | Primitive Boss] Hemisphere (MEGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 1372 месяца назад
Recorded in 3/10/2024, 27th Lvl15 Omega 全港三殺(?) Music: Hemisphere Speed: 1.4 My rating: 15.6 My score on chart: 77 BPM: 193 Timing window: ±59ms 總推分時間:不明 (當天37分鐘) 當年在油管看到無名鼎鼎收半球,受到啟發而買全包,真的想不到能收,很開心能在dy收魔王譜。 遠古魔王,也是dy裡很經典的鍵盤譜。個人認為推分門檻比其他魔王低不少,後段基本上都能拆成4k,會點多指都能透過練習而打得動。米粒為自己設計了舒服的手法也能靠運氣糊過,多指力低 準度低的up也能收算是個證明吧。只要有耐心推,相信很多人都能收,只是時間問題。 不喜歡米粒,前三組米粒還能說排鍵舒服、手感不錯,但第四組真的難以接受,純靠塞音寫高難 (感覺沒這段米粒,很多人都會覺得這譜...
[Dynamix | choking ending] You Psy (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 353 месяца назад
Recorded in 9/7/2024, 11th Lvl15 OMEGA Music: You Psy Speed: 1.4 My rating: 15.2 My score on chart: 79 BPM: 160 Timing Window: ±59ms How long I played: unknown (95 minutes that day) 視頻開頭的NG全是當天錄的,尾殺一共崩了約30次。1470cb 也很考協調,還好BPM低,打起來難度不算太高。 譜面注意點: 8cb 交互是左側開始 48-64cb 左右手交替外滾 264cb 右側黃條在正面三連縱的16分音後。 269cb 黃條中的藍鍵在尾判前8分音,不用墊指。 296-368cb 正面藍鍵是24分音,短黃條鍵距為12分音 1050cb開始建議右手食指接紅鍵,因為1138cb左手有個同側雙押 1419cb 右...
[Dynamix | side 16ths triple] Grimoire Heart (GIGA 14) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 1313 месяца назад
[Dynamix | side 16ths triple] Grimoire Heart (GIGA 14) Omega All Perfect
[Dynamix] War in the MirrorWorld (Normal 7, Hard 13, Mega 15, Giga 15) 4 difficulties in 1 video
Просмотров 513 месяца назад
[Dynamix] War in the MirrorWorld (Normal 7, Hard 13, Mega 15, Giga 15) 4 difficulties in 1 video
[Dynamix | skill test] The Endless of Traveler (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 903 месяца назад
[Dynamix | skill test] The Endless of Traveler (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
[Dynamix | classic drop] The Endless for Traveler (MEGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 113 месяца назад
[Dynamix | classic drop] The Endless for Traveler (MEGA 15) Omega All Perfect
[Dynamix] The Endless for Traveler (MEGA 15 / GIGA 15) 2 in 1 Video
Просмотров 333 месяца назад
[Dynamix] The Endless for Traveler (MEGA 15 / GIGA 15) 2 in 1 Video
[Dynamix | cheese 3 times in a single chart?] CHAKA (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 383 месяца назад
[Dynamix | cheese 3 times in a single chart?] CHAKA (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
[Dynamix | All In One Chart] Type-Rebellion (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 714 месяца назад
[Dynamix | All In One Chart] Type-Rebellion (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
[Dynamix | Count the beats] Before Sunrise (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 254 месяца назад
[Dynamix | Count the beats] Before Sunrise (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
[Dynamix | Stairs] Re_Construct (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 284 месяца назад
[Dynamix | Stairs] Re_Construct (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
[Dynamix] Startail (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 234 месяца назад
[Dynamix] Startail (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
[Dynamix event] Mamba (GIGA 14) Omega All Perfect with index fingers only except 3 parts
Просмотров 315 месяцев назад
[Dynamix event] Mamba (GIGA 14) Omega All Perfect with index fingers only except 3 parts
[Dynamix] War in the Mirrorworld (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 365 месяцев назад
[Dynamix] War in the Mirrorworld (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
[Dynamix] War in the Mirrorworld (Mega 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 665 месяцев назад
[Dynamix] War in the Mirrorworld (Mega 15) Omega All Perfect
[Dynamix] War in the Mirrorworld (Hard 13) Omega All Perfect with index fingers only
Просмотров 335 месяцев назад
[Dynamix] War in the Mirrorworld (Hard 13) Omega All Perfect with index fingers only
[Dynamix event] scualee (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Просмотров 385 месяцев назад
[Dynamix event] scualee (GIGA 15) Omega All Perfect
Better than aplo. Also 1:52 wtf
aplo cannot
@@Hauke347 true
Better than aplo gdo
Better than aplo gdo
A regular chart?!
first upload of omega this chart with index fingers only 😎
Better than aplo. @0:15 I thought you weren't good at one hand trills 🤔
@@conquest039 one hand trill at bpm lower than 160 is ok for me, but as u can see the miss rate is still very high 😞
Better than aplo 🎉
Better than aplo
Actually better than aplo
@@conquest039 as always >:)
Happy Halloween!
Better than aplo
Why do all Dynamix players touch their dick before and after playing?
如此谎言。我放游戏。 从经验来说,我不接近,但是我知道你开了自动模式。况且,如果你玩得好好的话,你会累积一些经验分数。那零分就表示你不在玩,只在按。不要上当。看下面
How about Beyond the Rainbow (GIGA 15)?
I'm trying to omega but it may be a bit too hard for me
@@Hauke347Mega 15 in beyond the rainbow is extremely hard too! It’s hard as MEGA 15!
mottob eht ta kooL .deloof eb t'noD .gniyalp ton dna gnisserp tsuj erew uoy taht snaem orez gnuttiG .ti morf ecneirepxe teg dluow uoy n3ht yltcefrep siht od did uoy fi odlA .citamotua no siht tup na uoy wonk od I tub esolc ton ma I ,ecneirepxe morF .emag ecalp I .eil a tahW
What a lie. I place game. From experience, I am not close but I do know you an put this on automatic. Also if you did do this perfectly th3n you would get experience from it. Getting zero means that you were just pressing and not playing. Don't be fooled. Look at the bottom
Bruh not u too :(
@@Hauke347 oof
What a lie. I place game. From experience, I am not close but I do know you an put this on automatic. Also if you did do this perfectly th3n you would get experience from it. Getting zero means that you were just pressing and not playing. Don't be fooled. Look at the bottom
dude this is the stupidest thing i’ve read all day i’m at MAX LEVEL AND MAX EXPERIENCE. of course i cannot get anymore. just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean you get to look at players who can and say “ooh this is auto” bruh if it was it would say that at the end on the results screen. finally, you can literally check the leaderboard and see my username on there. come on now. dude this is the stupidest thing i’ve read all day i’m at MAX LEVEL AND MAX EXPERIENCE. of course i cannot get anymore. just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean you get to look at players who can and say “ooh this is auto” bruh if it was it would say that at the end on the results screen. finally, you can literally check the leaderboard and see my username on there. come on now. dude this is the stupidest thing i’ve read all day i’m at MAX LEVEL AND MAX EXPERIENCE. of course i cannot get anymore. just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean you get to look at players who can and say “ooh this is auto” bruh if it was it would say that at the end on the results screen. finally, you can literally check the leaderboard and see my username on there. come on now. dude this is the stupidest thing i’ve read all day i’m at MAX LEVEL AND MAX EXPERIENCE. of course i cannot get anymore. just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean you get to look at players who can and say “ooh this is auto” bruh if it was it would say that at the end on the results screen. finally, you can literally check the leaderboard and see my username on there. come on now.
2 in 1 video Beyond The Rainbow (MEGA 15 & GIGA 15)
How did you download it
You mean the game? I can be downloaded in app store / google play
@@Hauke347 the song :(
@@luxxeso2 i just download the audio from a video with this music on youtube.
Better than aplo
better than aplo gdo 🎉
better than aplo gdo 🎉
Better than aplo
Better than aplo
Don’t forget 終の舞姫 (MEGA 15 / GIGA 15)
Don’t forget Pandemik (GIGA 15), Emulisy (GIGA 15), Kyubi (GIGA 15), Polaris Australis (GIGA 15) and remain video Dynamix LV15 OMEGA RANK!
Why don’t you make a video Dynamix 2in1 War in the MirrorWorld (MEGA 15 / GIGA 15)?
I uploaded this video because there are many similar patterns in the two charts. But actually I made a video of 4 charts in WitM (N/H/M/G) before and uploaded on BiliBili. So sure, I will upload here as well. ruclips.net/video/myvJLgtptac/видео.html
@@Hauke347I know but massacre || 3rc4224m (MEGA 15 / GIGA 15) too!
Don’t forget to massacre || 3rc4224m (Mega 15)
Don’t forget to massacre || 3rc4224m (Giga 15) also hard as Mega!
Don’t forget to [Dynamix] 2in1 video massacre || 3rc4224m (Mega 15) & (Giga 15)
Request: アリス失格 (GIGA 15)
Request: INNOceNsION (GIGA 15)
Request: Lacrimosa (GIGA 15)
Request: Persephone (GIGA 15)
Request: Pandemik (GIGA 15)
Request: Kyubi (GIGA 15)
Request: Hemisphere (MEGA 15)
Request: Emulisy (GIGA 15)
Request: Polaris Australis (GIGA 15)
Hey, im sorry to bother you but how could you open dynamix? I mean most of people can't enter the game because of save sync fail. Can you explain me how did you open? Because I want to play this game so bad and I can't anything about it.
Save snyc fail happens occasionally when the server is down, but dynamix recently had a server maintenance (12 Augest 2024), so it should be fine now. Try checking whether you can update in the game, or simply delete it and redownload. If these don't help, you may ask for help by private messaging Dynamix in Facebook. They are busy, so be patient.
@@Hauke347 thank you for answering. I'm gonna try it again then.
Better than aplo
Nice 🔥
@@conquest039 ur turn
Bruh, I can only rank A😭
@@CringeCringe. I got A in first try too, but got it eventually after 8 months. It is just a matter of understanding the chart and practicing
Thumbs up. :)
Nice work mate. :) Thanks for playing
Session 2: ruclips.net/video/R3jiC8AdsoY/видео.html