  • Видео 3
  • Просмотров 48 534
嗚呼銃弾に正義あり (歌詞付き)
Просмотров: 36 444


Просмотров 584Год назад
Просмотров 12 тыс.Год назад


  • @成田茂之
    @成田茂之 Месяц назад


  • @NSTG-q6r
    @NSTG-q6r Месяц назад


  • @反共青龍-w7p
    @反共青龍-w7p 3 месяца назад


  • @いぶき8008
    @いぶき8008 8 месяцев назад


    • @真幹堂
      @真幹堂 8 месяцев назад


  • @chairmandropwort2851
    @chairmandropwort2851 8 месяцев назад

    2:41 3:43 3:45

  • @central162
    @central162 10 месяцев назад

    侵略戦争に正義? アホか、ロシアか!

  • @たろ-y2l
    @たろ-y2l 10 месяцев назад


  • @演劇大好きまぁーちゃん


  • @報国臣民社
    @報国臣民社 Год назад

    銃弾云々のの時代が懐かしい 今やロケット砲やミサイルの時代である

  • @junjinagahama2439
    @junjinagahama2439 Год назад


  • @おぽん-w1v
    @おぽん-w1v Год назад


  • @negihakone1762
    @negihakone1762 Год назад


  • @森本珪子
    @森本珪子 Год назад


  • @日の丸至誠会
    @日の丸至誠会 Год назад


  • @田織園斎
    @田織園斎 Год назад


    • @真幹堂
      @真幹堂 Год назад


  • @荒井誠-h2p
    @荒井誠-h2p Год назад


  • @doromamire
    @doromamire Год назад

    Thank you for your good rating. Here is a revised, full text translation. I hope this is better. Yes, Justice Lies in Bullets 1 Despite her brilliant and glorious history, Our Japan is under the threat of the ominous clouds looming large, With the anxiety of suffering cataclysms at home and abroad. What would our ancestors think of us? How would our mountains and rivers feel? How could the plants and trees give us the words? 2 In our ruthless and merciless life getting more degenerate, Where not only judgment and reason but also law Is violently suppressed under the pretext of liberty, We are confronted with the insubstantial authoritarianism Of the haughty, arrogant and ignorant masses. Who has to be waiting for heaven's order? 3 With the absence of the soul of independent sovereignty, The imposed constitution of Japan totally rules us, As an inevitable consequence of the White Peril. Our unilateral pacifism is nothing but a shattered dream. Are we still pursuing pseudo-westernization as a mere illusion? There is no light at all, where our national prestige is at stake. 4 The endless warfare is still raging on all over the world. The cold war in Asia is also far from over, Having built a red blockade at the 38th parallel. We observe hundreds or thousands of our compatriots Being unjustly detained on the north side of it. Do you shut your ears to their lamentation, grief or wail? 5 Keep in mind how alarm bells resound piercingly. You must recognize what you are given As a grave warning for the critical fate of our nation. It is now the time to bid farewell to campus. As genuine men with the Japanese imperial tradition, We shall fully realize the virtue of loyalty and bravery. 6 Deeply and strongly in the hand loading bullets Runs the blood with sincerity and purity. The eyes filled with sharpened vigor Reflect the determination with indomitable forcefulness. In every beating of the heart The Japanese spirit is aware of its presence. 7 We will not cease until we defeat our dishonorable enemies, A mob of foes abhorred by heaven and earth And collapse the tower of those conspicuous for their religious name. Justice must be done and be seen to be done. Yes, we are convinced that justice lies in bullets, Which reveal the evil to the world. 8 Hear the thunder of our shouts for justice. Behold our troop of steadfast warriors. The progress of the young students, Who have risen as guiding leaders, Patriotically concerned about our nation, Shows in itself the way of righteousness.

    • @令和の歌声
      @令和の歌声 Год назад

      I would like to express my gratitude.

    • @doromamire
      @doromamire Год назад

      Welcome. The original lyrics well represent the righteous way for contemporary Japanese people in their spirit and mentality. However, concise expressions and traditional words frequently appearing in the lyrics are so rich in their connotation and association, making it difficult to translate them into foreign languages. On the same reason, the translation could not avoid to contain a certain amount of interpretation by the translator. (So I have a lot to talk about the translation.) Anyway, I think there is room for improvement or revision. Your comments, opinions and suggestions are particularly welcome. Of course, Japanese is also acceptable here.

    • @許碧玥-j2x
      @許碧玥-j2x Год назад

      日本是個好戰國家· 麻生太郎還想讓台灣變成戰場~這次風災就是為它而來·一定死傷慘重! 原子彈爆炸~真心想問:當年有多少日本人支持這場侵略戰爭?為著這場戰爭,侵略與被侵略的國家都付出計算不到的人命財產,真值得嗎?把自己的國民在不必要的情況下推上戰線,是滿足當政者的私慾,可恨! 佛言:「多欲為苦,生死疲勞,從貪欲起,少欲無為,身心自在。」 佛言:「諸行無常,是生滅法,生滅滅已,寂滅為樂。」 佛言:「過去心不可得,現在心不可得,未來心不可得,是名三心不可得。」

    • @doromamire
      @doromamire Год назад

      > 日本是個好戰國家 This is an unfounded slander, which falls under hate speech against Japanese. youtube must remove it immediately. you who read this post now should also report it to the admin at once.

    • @許碧玥-j2x
      @許碧玥-j2x Год назад

      @@doromamire 總有些人對別人受自然災害幸災樂禍,冷嘲熱諷;當中國兩年前發生疫情、當香港出現暴亂,這些人就像過年一樣,每天不知道多開心,當中國疫情被控制、當香港暴亂被平息,他們就像死了爹娘一樣,痛苦不堪;中國在你們心裡已經崩潰幾十年了,可是奔潰中變成了世界第二,在不久將來·很快要世界第一了,那時你們應該可以暝目了吧! Co Co李玟生前多次強調自己是中國人,曾在佩洛西窜台時發文:中國人要團結!不要讓外人干涉咱們! 如果從人類的道德以及佛陀的教育來看,美國是邪惡的大國,假自由民主之名,處處造作惡業,例如,同性婚、廢死刑、搞墮胎、吸毒、搶劫,放縱人民私慾,「殺生、偷盗、邪淫、妄言,綺語、兩舌、惡口、顛倒是非、造謠抹黑」使人下墮三惡道,來世難得到人身。(還處處干涉人家內政, 讓世界處於二分法)。 佛陀大覺者預言,人類會越來越沒道德心, 放縱人類私慾的結果,就會使這個世界人類越來越沉淪! 六四那些反動份子,造成國家動亂,害死那麼多人,應該以古代刑罰罪誅九族,才能夠對得起人民。 佛言:「人從愛欲生憂,從憂生畏。無愛即無憂,不憂即無畏。」 中國從古至今受聖賢教導,再壞也壞不到哪裡去,(不要刻意做個案的突顯對立,整體上還算是好的)反而西方國家,崇尚言論自由,可以為所欲為,容易違背道德,而且兩黨像是雙頭馬車,能做什麼事。 佛言:「世間無常,國土危脆;四大苦空,五陰無我;生滅變異,虛偽無主;心是惡源,行為罪藪。如是觀察,漸離生死。」 佛言:「一切有為法,如夢幻泡影,如露亦如電,應作如是觀。」

  • @doromamire
    @doromamire Год назад

    We will not cease until we defeat our dishonorable enemies, Foes who are abhorred by heaven and earth And bring down the towers of those naming for the afterlife. Justice must be done and be seen to be done. We believe that justice lies in the bullets, Which reveal the evil to the world.

  • @doromamire
    @doromamire Год назад

    In the ruthless and merciless world still getting more degenerate, Where even judgment and reason, let alone law, Are suppressed under the pretext of liberty, We are facing the prevalent infestation of The utterly futile authoritarianism by the arrogant vulgar masses. Who would be waiting for the receipt of Heaven's Mandate?

  • @doromamire
    @doromamire Год назад

    Hear how alarm bells resound piercingly. You must know you receive a grave warning For the critical fate of our nation. Let us bid farewell to campus. As genuine men with the Japanese imperial tradition, We strongly hope to realize the virtue of loyalty and bravery.

  • @doromamire
    @doromamire Год назад

    Warfare is still going on in the world. The cold war in Asia is also far from over, Having built a red blockade at the 38th parallel. We witness hundreds or thousands of our compatriots Being unjustly detained on the north side of it, Whose lamentation, grief and wail should strike us so poignantly.

  • @doromamire
    @doromamire Год назад

    Oh, in the hand loading bullets Runs the blood with sincerity and purity. The eyes filled with sharpened vigor Reflect an indomitable forcefulness. In every beating of the heart The Japanese spirit is aware of its presence.

  • @doromamire
    @doromamire Год назад

    Hear a thunder of yells for justice. Behold a steadfast warrior. The progress of a young student, Who has stood up as a guiding leader, Patriotically worrying about our nation, Shows in itself the way of righteousness.

  • @桂小次郎-x4p
    @桂小次郎-x4p Год назад


    • @4se22MV
      @4se22MV Год назад

      銀の龍の背に乗って です。

    • @桂小次郎-x4p
      @桂小次郎-x4p Год назад

      @@4se22MV ありがとうございます!

  • @doromamire
    @doromamire Год назад

    Nevertheless of her glorious and honorable history, Our Japan is under the ominous clouds continuing to loom large, With the anxiety of facing the critical troubles at home and abroad. What would our ancestors think of us? How would our mountains and rivers feel? How could the plants and trees give us the words?

  • @阪本ちょむすけ
    @阪本ちょむすけ Год назад

    2番の歌詞で「非理法権天」を 埋め込みつつこれだけの歌詞を 書けるって凄いな〜

  • @utasuki5
    @utasuki5 Год назад

    わー😁歌詞が 見れる! ありがとうございます😂

  • @rougesentinelle8923
    @rougesentinelle8923 Год назад

    専制君主制から立憲君主制を経て人類はフランス革命で民主主義を手に入れました。 民主主義とは多数の利益は少数の利益に優先するが、少数意見も尊重すると言う二律背反のシステムです。もし少数意見が尊重されず否定され続けたら、闘争は言論の議会闘争を離れ実力行使の武力闘争に移行せざるを得ません。何故なら民主主義の母体が革命だからです。

  • @たろ-y2l
    @たろ-y2l Год назад


  • @矢口竹一
    @矢口竹一 Год назад
