Amulet City
Amulet City
  • Видео 290
  • Просмотров 703 341
昭坤诺 Chao Khun Nor 的一生及其冥想力量。
昭坤诺 (Chao Khun Nor),原名特里·钦塔农 (Trik Chintanon),1897 年 2 月 5 日出生于曼谷索玛那·毗怛罗寺 (Wat Sommanas Vihara) 后面的一所房子里。他是五个孩子中的老大,父亲是 "帕亚纳拉帕迪" (Phraya Narachphakdi),母亲是 “普” (Phuk)。特里 (Trik) 在索玛那·毗怛罗 (Sommanas Vihara) 学校完成了小学教育,在本查马波比 (Wat Benchamabophit) 寺学校继续中学教育,之后攻读政治学。
1914 年,17 岁的他在拉玛六世国王的资助下进入公务员学校,以政治学专业优异成绩毕业。随后,他在王宫中迅速晋升,成为国王值得信赖的密友和私人助理。
Просмотров: 119


The Life of Chao Khun Nor and His Meditative Powers
Просмотров 5812 часов назад
Chao Khun Nor, originally named Trik Chintanon, was born on February 5, 1897, in a house behind Wat Sommanas Vihara, Bangkok. The eldest of five children, he was the son of Phraya Narachphakdi and Phuk. Trik completed his primary education at Sommanas Vihara School and continued his secondary studies at Wat Benchamabophit School before pursuing political science. In 1914, at the age of 17, he e...
力泥石 @ 不仅仅是一块石头。
Просмотров 148День назад
如何使用和供奉力泥油。将其放在佛架或托盘上,坚定您的思想。念诵咒语来供奉力泥油。将力泥油浸在额头、鼻子、胸部和手掌上。无论您想要什么,许一个愿望,您的所有愿望都会实现。 最有价值的保护来自良好的习惯:以善意行事、清晰的思维、诚实的沟通和乐于助人的行为。同样重要的是致力于积累功德、坚持道德原则并通过冥想培养内心的平静。
The Leklai Stone @ More Than Just a Stone
Просмотров 165День назад
How to use and worship Leklai Oil. Put it on the Buddha shelf or tray, and set your mind firmly. Chanting mantras to worship the Leklai oil. Dip the Leklai anointing on the forehead, nose, chest, and in the palms of your hands. Whatever you desire, make a wish, and all your wishes will be granted. The most valuable protection comes from good habits: acting with kindness, clear thinking, honest ...
从新手到大师 @ 龙普年的旅程。
Просмотров 11014 дней назад
一枚引人注目的坤平佛牌被包裹在红色幽灵油中,并浸在里面,由龙普年进行了几次强大的周六祝福仪式,该佛牌以其非凡的魅力、好运和保护力量而闻名。坤平幽灵佛牌采用神圣材料制作而成,已经经历了几次周六祝福仪式。它召唤坤平的祝福,为佩戴者带来爱情、好运和成功。 魂魄勇嫂哈玛哈严 (Hoon Payon Sao Ha Mahayan) 佛牌起源于泰国黎逸府备受尊敬的班卡塞通塞提寺庙 (Wat Ban Kaset Thung Setthi),是受人尊敬的龙普年的创作。这个强大的佛牌融合了五个伟大扬特拉的复杂设计,据信拥有强大的精神能量。龙普年是一位备受尊敬的僧侣,以制作强大佛牌的专业知识而闻名。他以班卡塞通塞提寺为基地,因其佛牌的功效而吸引了大量追随者。 这个小型的神圣小雕像与星期六有关,人们相信它拥有神奇的力量,尤其是吸引、保护和带来好运。它于 2024 年 3 月 30 日星期日在黎逸府 蓬通区...
From Novice to Master @ The Journey of Luang Pu Nen
Просмотров 11314 дней назад
A striking Khun Paen amulet encased and dipped in red ghost oil was blessed with several powerful Saturday ceremonies by Luang Pu Nen Khammiro, known for its exceptional powers of charm, good fortune, and protection. The Khun Paen Ghostly Charm amulet, crafted with sacred materials, has undergone several Saturday blessing ceremonies. It invokes the blessings of Khun Paen and will bring love, lu...
龙普碰玛 Luang Pu Promma 的传奇和他的精神之旅与鲁士的咒语。
Просмотров 14521 день назад
龙普碰玛是一位真正有德行的僧侣,是许多人的精神避难所,他以同情心和对弱势群体的极大关怀而闻名。他被佛教徒尊为神灵,尤其是乌汶叻差他尼和老挝的佛教徒。由于他的高尚品质,他的名声远播,他不费吹灰之力就声名鹊起。他制作并分发给亲近弟子的许多佛牌都创造了奇迹。这些佛牌大多是鲁士(圣人)的形象,因为龙普非常信 他们。据说龙普碰玛有一位老师,是一位名叫达辉的隐士,拥有强大的魔法知识。
The Life of Luang Pu Phromma @ The Legendary Monk Spiritual Journey
Просмотров 15321 день назад
Luang Pu Promma Khemajaro, a truly virtuous monk and a spiritual refuge for many, was renowned for his compassion and his great care for the disadvantaged. He is revered as a divine being by Buddhists, especially those in Ubon Ratchathani and Laos. His reputation is widespread due to his virtuous qualities, and he gained fame without any publicity. Many of the amulets he created and distributed...
向邦帕利亞奈寺 (Wat Bang Phli Yai Nai) 的龙婆多 (Luang Phor Toh) 佛像祈祷。
Просмотров 137Месяц назад
现在,让我们以向龙婆多祈祷开始我们的咒语。我们谦卑地寻求他的祝福,并祈求他的仁慈将消极转化为积极,为我们的生活带来好运。愿他强大的能量引导我们走向富足和成功的道路。 Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sam Buddhassa (3 次) It-mina, Sakka-rena, Buddha, Maha-nu-phawo, It-mina, Sakka-rena, Dhamma, Maha-nu-phawo, It-mina, Sakka-rena, Sangka, Maha-nu-phawo, It-mae-yanta, Mahā-taejā, Mahā-nu-bha-ta-jā-ti-ka, Mahā-monkala, Sum-puttā, An-tara-yea, Vina-saka, Sabba-tha-sukha, Sum-puttā,...
Prayer to worship Luang Phor Toh @ Wat Bang Phli Yai Nai Temple
Просмотров 102Месяц назад
Now, let us begin our incantation with a prayer to Luang Phor Toh. We humbly seek his blessings and ask for his benevolence in transforming negativity into positivity and attracting good fortune into our lives. May his powerful energy guide us towards a path of abundance and success. Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sam Buddhassa (3 times) It-mina, Sakka-rena, Buddha, Maha-nu-phawo, It-mina, ...
普鲁士奇沃 Phu Lersi Chiwok 的故事 @ 泰国受人尊敬的医生和佛教弟子。
Просмотров 150Месяц назад
了解普鲁士奇沃 (又名吉瓦卡·古玛拉巴卡) "Jivaka Komarabhacca" 的励志故事。他是泰国历史和医学界的传奇医者和佛教弟子。了解他的生平、贡献和持久的传承。本视频探索了他的一生,从卑微的出身到成为受人尊敬的医生和精神领袖。揭开他治疗能力背后的秘密以及他与佛教的深厚渊源。
The story of Phu Lersi Chiwok @ Thailand's Revered Physician and Buddhist Disciple
Просмотров 171Месяц назад
Discover the inspiring story of Phu Lersi Chiwok, also known as Jivaka Komarabhacca. A legendary healer and Buddhist disciple figure in Thai history and medicine. Learn about his life, his contributions, and his enduring legacy. This video explores his life, from humble beginnings to becoming a revered physician and spiritual leader. Uncover the secrets behind his healing abilities and his deep...
阿赞坎鲁迪 "Archan Khamrudee" 的迷人草本油 @ 吸引男人和女人 。
Просмотров 116Месяц назад
這種迷人的草藥油被認為具有迷倒男人和女人的力量,吸引您理想的伴侶。這種油由著名的精神人物阿赞坎鲁迪 "Archan Khamrudee" 創建,據說注入了強大的魔法特性。 體驗阿赞坎鲁迪迷人草藥油的力量,吸引您一生的摯愛。 重要提示:此魅力旨在用於積極目的,不應用於傷害他人。以尊重和積極的意圖使用它,為您的生活吸引愛和幸福。 想亲自体验 Archan Khamrudee 的迷人草本油的神奇功效吗?点击以下链接立即购买!链接
Charming Herbal Oil by Archan Khamrudee @ Attracts Men and Women.
Просмотров 94Месяц назад
This enchanting herbal oil is believed to possess the power to captivate both men and women, drawing your ideal partner towards you. Created by Archan Khamrudee, a renowned spiritual figure, this oil is said to be infused with potent magical properties. Experience the power of Archan Khamrudee's Charming Herbal Oil and attract the love of your life. Important note: This charm is intended for po...
来自 9 位大师的智慧 @ 探索 10 个古曼童咒语。
Просмотров 309Месяц назад
什么是古曼童? 古曼童是东南亚传统中受人尊敬的精神物品,人们相信它蕴含着孩子的灵魂。大师们会举行特定的仪式,将灵魂邀请到古曼童中,而主人则通过供品和咒语与灵魂建立关系。人们相信古曼童会给主人带来好运、保护和繁荣。 咒语的力量: 咒语是一种强大的咒语,用于唤起古曼童中的灵魂。每位大师都拥有自己独特的咒语,这些咒语通过他们的血统传承下来。人们相信,理解和正确背诵咒语对于与古曼童建立联系至关重要。据说,只有怀着纯粹的意图和虔诚背诵咒语,才能释放古曼童的全部力量。
Wisdom from 9 Masters @ Exploring 10 Kuman Thong Kathas.
Просмотров 140Месяц назад
Wisdom from 9 Masters @ Exploring 10 Kuman Thong Kathas.
灭魔仪式刀的咒语 @ 由龙婆盖制作,位于富考通寺。
Просмотров 3732 месяца назад
灭魔仪式刀的咒语 @ 由龙婆盖制作,位于富考通寺。
The Katha of Mitmor Ritual Knife @ Blessings from Wat Phu Khao Thong.
Просмотров 1882 месяца назад
The Katha of Mitmor Ritual Knife @ Blessings from Wat Phu Khao Thong.
激活你的内在指南针 @ 如何与你的守护天使联系。
Просмотров 1982 месяца назад
激活你的内在指南针 @ 如何与你的守护天使联系。
Unlocking Your Inner Compass @ How to Connect with Your Guardian Angel
Просмотров 1092 месяца назад
Unlocking Your Inner Compass @ How to Connect with Your Guardian Angel
马来西亚 1970 年代的头号通缉犯。莫达清的传奇,神秘的强盗和他的帕必打。
Просмотров 86 тыс.2 месяца назад
马来西亚 1970 年代的头号通缉犯。莫达清的传奇,神秘的强盗和他的帕必打。
Malaysia's Most Wanted in the 1970s. The legend Botak Chin, The Enigmatic Robber and His Phra Pidta.
Просмотров 3752 месяца назад
Malaysia's Most Wanted in the 1970s. The legend Botak Chin, The Enigmatic Robber and His Phra Pidta.
魂魄勇 - 塔巴考的咒语: 来自富考通寺、龙婆盖的祝福。
Просмотров 4403 месяца назад
魂魄勇 - 塔巴考的咒语: 来自富考通寺、龙婆盖的祝福。
The Katha of Hoon Payon Ta Pa Khao Blessings from Wat Phu Khao Thong, Luang Phor Kloy.
Просмотров 2963 месяца назад
The Katha of Hoon Payon Ta Pa Khao Blessings from Wat Phu Khao Thong, Luang Phor Kloy.
信仰之旅 @ 通赛寺(Wat Thong Sai)的著名大师龙普Up
Просмотров 2613 месяца назад
信仰之旅 @ 通赛寺(Wat Thong Sai)的著名大师龙普Up
A Journey Through Faith @ Exploring Luang Phor Up of Wat Thong Sai
Просмотров 2043 месяца назад
A Journey Through Faith @ Exploring Luang Phor Up of Wat Thong Sai
古巴苏斌的帕比打克拉杜披 “鬼骨雕像” 背后的历史。
Просмотров 3084 месяца назад
古巴苏斌的帕比打克拉杜披 “鬼骨雕像” 背后的历史。
The History Behind Kruba Subin's: Phra Pidta Kraduk Pee - The Ghost Bone Statue.,,
Просмотров 3854 месяца назад
The History Behind Kruba Subin's: Phra Pidta Kraduk Pee - The Ghost Bone Statue.,,
杨艾寺 Wat Yang Yai 和潘文 Phran Boon 的崛起
Просмотров 3244 месяца назад
杨艾寺 Wat Yang Yai 和潘文 Phran Boon 的崛起
The Rise of Wat Yang Yai and Phran Boon
Просмотров 2344 месяца назад
The Rise of Wat Yang Yai and Phran Boon


  • @teeplee9621
    @teeplee9621 День назад

    saduh saduh saduh

  • @ancientreincarnation
    @ancientreincarnation 5 дней назад


  • @sunjoehim
    @sunjoehim 7 дней назад


    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity 4 дня назад


  • @ณฐวรรณชีวสุทธาวรรณ-ฌ7ฏ


  • @ณฐวรรณชีวสุทธาวรรณ-ฌ7ฏ


    @BLACKSAIYAN-R.56 11 дней назад


  • @donjan6950
    @donjan6950 15 дней назад


  • @donjan6950
    @donjan6950 16 дней назад


  • @Antwie.Myslor
    @Antwie.Myslor 20 дней назад

    Om Phra LP Nen

  • @CarmenClaireLSalvani-ph4hv
    @CarmenClaireLSalvani-ph4hv 20 дней назад

    I want to buy Kumanthong from thailand to Dubai

  • @Thaiamuletguide
    @Thaiamuletguide 23 дня назад

    thank you very much for you explanation...

    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity 20 дней назад

      You are welcome. I'm glad it helped!

  • @SoonHingWong
    @SoonHingWong 24 дня назад

    😏魔佛童吃神肉 你认为他是正还是邪😏

  • @sohkimwhaysohkimwhay5184
    @sohkimwhaysohkimwhay5184 24 дня назад


  • @stevelyYunus
    @stevelyYunus Месяц назад

    mae nang kwak

  • @vinslifestory
    @vinslifestory Месяц назад

    Hello, May i know if i can apply this katha to my Phra kring from Wat Bowon? Thanks.

    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity Месяц назад

      Hi, yes, You can use the Katha if you have faith in them. Faith is the great miracle worker and the true power behind all amulets and talismans. It will work within the framework of our faith in them.

    • @vinslifestory
      @vinslifestory Месяц назад

      ​@@amuletcity 谢谢你!Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu.

  • @selvadurai6058
    @selvadurai6058 Месяц назад

    Luang phor tuat date pf birth pls

    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity Месяц назад

      Sorry, I believe that nobody knows. Even if you go to his residence temple to ask, they cannot get you the answer. haha

  • @lewwaimeng
    @lewwaimeng Месяц назад

    Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

  • @ณฐวรรณชีวสุทธาวรรณ-ฌ7ฏ


  • @mrmoey7000
    @mrmoey7000 Месяц назад

    Sadhu sadhu sadhu 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @art6548
    @art6548 Месяц назад


  • @ak68812
    @ak68812 Месяц назад

    Kindly can you provide the meaning of the wordings of the mantra

    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity Месяц назад

      Hi, Chanting Mantras, There is no meaning in the Mantras text. Something like Amitabha or in Chinese 阿弥陀佛。To know more click this link:видео.html

  • @nverlinw
    @nverlinw Месяц назад

    您好!可以把泰文貼出來嗎 ,謝謝

    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity Месяц назад

      你好,这是泰文的咒语: จะขอลาภหลวงปู่หลิวจะมะหาเถรา สุวรรณณะมามา ระชะมามา เพชรชะมามา อาหาระมามา ขาทะนียะมามา โภชะนียะมามา สัพเพชะนา พะหูชะนา สัพพะบูชา ภะวันตุเม นะชาลีติ อาคัจฉัยยะ อาคัจฉาหิ

    • @nverlinw
      @nverlinw Месяц назад

      @@amuletcity 非常感謝您的幫助

    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity Месяц назад


    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity Месяц назад


  • @salesvodoo1778
    @salesvodoo1778 2 месяца назад

    What is the katha for phra rahu as i just bought one eye coconut Phra Rahu amulet? Thanks 😊

    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity 2 месяца назад

      Hi, you may click the following link to learn more about Phra Rahu:видео.html

    • @salesvodoo1778
      @salesvodoo1778 2 месяца назад

      @@amuletcity tq so much

  • @uggwattheman
    @uggwattheman 2 месяца назад

    Phra pidta does not support violent crimes, people just take advantage of the power he has.

  • @uggwattheman
    @uggwattheman 2 месяца назад

    I never knew this is from 2024, no wonder I’ve never seen it more than once or twice. When I first looked at it I thought it was dangerous and very powerful, but I didn’t realize it was a Buddhist amulet and not an animist one, but I suppose he was using the same magic system that they use for many evil animist amulets, so uhhhhh,yeah.

  • @uggwattheman
    @uggwattheman 2 месяца назад

    Every Thai god, amulet, Buddha, deva, has a power that only becomes stronger the more you believe in it.

  • @gunasaegaransachee6640
    @gunasaegaransachee6640 2 месяца назад


  • @salimdavid2617
    @salimdavid2617 2 месяца назад

    Please Share LP.Saen Lersi Mitmor Katha Thank You.

    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity 2 месяца назад

      Hi, I am sorry I am unable to find this master, can you provide me with the Temple name?

  • @yongfeelee7323
    @yongfeelee7323 2 месяца назад


    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity 2 месяца назад


  • @terenceseow9166
    @terenceseow9166 2 месяца назад


    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity 2 месяца назад

      Thank you for your tips. There is more to find with this link:видео.html

  • @terenceseow9166
    @terenceseow9166 2 месяца назад


  • @3kloe
    @3kloe 2 месяца назад

    Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samoa Sam Buddhassa (X3) Na-reik-Nguni, Mo-raik-thong, Phut-raik-Khaw, Ka-raik-Khong, Ya-Lai-Ma-Kong, Ngein-thong-Lai-ma, Khun-Chang-na-Ma, Ar-Kat-Ca-hit, Na-Ma-Pa-tha. (X3)

  • @beethao9380
    @beethao9380 2 месяца назад

    About the counterfeit section making a loud noise, are you sure about this? I just rented one from Thailand through a group that is close with a buddhist monk. It makes a loud noise like Phra Kring. I'm sure my is not a counterfeit. As soon as I held it I can feel its power.

  • @beethao9380
    @beethao9380 2 месяца назад

    Hi, I was looking for a job for a long time with no success despite having good skill set and such. Then 2 weeks ago I started chanting the katha with a Phra Pidta Toj a monk gave me. After a week people started contacting me for interviews. After around two weeks I got an offer and I have accepted it. Thank You I will go make merit soon at the local temple and send merit to both the Thevedas and the Phra Pidta amulet.

  • @beethao9380
    @beethao9380 2 месяца назад

    Hi, I was looking for a job for a long time with no success despite having good skill set and such. Then 2 weeks ago I started chanting the katha with a Phra Pidta Toj a monk gave me. After a week people started contacting me for interviews. After around two weeks I got an offer and I have accepted it. Thank You I will go make merit soon at the local temple and send merit to both the Thevedas and the Phra Pidta amulet.

    • @debos6445
      @debos6445 28 дней назад

      Apakah anda mengucapkan katha seperti di atas?🙏😊

  • @Budismo7917
    @Budismo7917 2 месяца назад

    Interesting life in 🇹🇭🙏🏻❤️

  • @polynomial
    @polynomial 2 месяца назад

    I see online amulets made for Gay people, but I don't know if they are real or for tourists.

    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity 2 месяца назад

      Hi, Yes, they are real. But be aware of fake! This type of amulet mostly shows sexual images. With the open and accepting nature of the people in Thailand, it should come as no surprise that there are a large number of amulets made for attracting sex, even from monks. This may come as a surprise to some because monks abstain from sexual practices, but it should be remembered that he is also there to serve and provide aid to the population of laypeople. Admittedly, lay masters who are not subject to Buddhist monks' rules are responsible for the majority of the wilder and overtly sexual images found on some of these amulets. Amongst the ordinary folk, they care less about sexual image as long as they lead a happy life and find a partner to love, and these amulets offer help with this pursuit.

  • @yuethancheung5218
    @yuethancheung5218 2 месяца назад


  • @polynomial
    @polynomial 2 месяца назад

    I purchased over 20 of these. I got them in many different types of materials and stuff, but the same designs. They are amazing! I am going to make a small shrine for them.

  • @dahneshravichandran4347
    @dahneshravichandran4347 2 месяца назад

    What are some miracle stories of LP Pern?

    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity 2 месяца назад

      Hi, the video link on the following will be useful if you have his Tiger Spirit amulet:видео.html

  • @虚拟币热友
    @虚拟币热友 2 месяца назад

    这是官方(警)对他的评价和印象(臭名昭彰)…可是在人民心中,他劫富济贫,住在一个区里,只要是有陌生人进入,就会有人通知他,所以他经常不被抓到,许多百姓都是向着他的…在那个年代,他是属于英雄,帮助过很多人…这是老人家和我说的~ 不过我自己认为,时势造英雄,那个年代都是靠自己的硬实力打出来的…

    • @NKKHOO-Malaysia
      @NKKHOO-Malaysia 15 дней назад

      我的中学马来老师在课室公开称赞莫达清是大马的罗宾汉. 我是不赞同搶劫是正当行为.

    • @虚拟币热友
      @虚拟币热友 15 дней назад

      @@NKKHOO-Malaysia 你和他生活在不同年代,就像为什么老一辈的人说到他,都认为罗宾汉,都认为他是好的一样…我们不属于那个年代的,所以想法和以前的人不同…

    • @NKKHOO-Malaysia
      @NKKHOO-Malaysia 15 дней назад

      @@虚拟币热友 我和他是同一年代的人,别胡扯把错说成对.

    • @NKKHOO-Malaysia
      @NKKHOO-Malaysia 15 дней назад

      @@虚拟币热友 @虚拟币热友 我和他是同一年代的人,别胡扯把错说成对.

  • @wongying1595
    @wongying1595 2 месяца назад


  • @marcomaru6154
    @marcomaru6154 2 месяца назад


  • @jasoncwki
    @jasoncwki 2 месяца назад


    • @hxqing
      @hxqing 2 месяца назад

      影片开头部分就已经说明莫达清的原名是 黄瑞清 。

  • @adv.q770
    @adv.q770 2 месяца назад


  • @当当-k5l
    @当当-k5l 2 месяца назад


    • @DavidLenovo-fe2mm
      @DavidLenovo-fe2mm 2 месяца назад

      人地上个月成功抢了三间金店... 兴奋过头呢可能😅 😂😂

  • @jianxinglee8331
    @jianxinglee8331 2 месяца назад


  • @SerSer-c6j
    @SerSer-c6j 2 месяца назад


  • @alexho532
    @alexho532 2 месяца назад


  • @art6548
    @art6548 2 месяца назад

    Good story

    • @amuletcity
      @amuletcity 2 месяца назад

      Thank you for your tips.

    • @wongying1595
      @wongying1595 2 месяца назад
