Nice!!! exactly what I thought, This is my all time favorite game and I play GTA, Saints Row,Fallout, Counter-strike, COD, Persona, TF2, and a whole list of other M rated violent games. Now don't get me wrong I love those games, but all of those COMBINED, couldn't touch this game. (p.s. anyone looking forward to Rune Factory 4!!!!! :))
I like how it they don't shove the main heroine down your throat in this opening. Here you can hardly tell Shara's the main heroine... Unlike Myst in RF1 and Mana in RF2
This game was stupid random, and I loved it for that. Rainbow hammers, random wooly guy, finding things like rice cakes and dumplings in bushes, random mermaid girl, fish clothes... The list goes on! Fuck yeah Rune Factory 3!
RF3 was cool and I love but I sometimes wish that the Main character was a half Wolf/Werewolf/Demon/Dragon rather than a Golden Wooly it would be awesome especially in battles......
Dam the pixels
what I like about this opening is that it won't make me feel bad when I choose another girl
喵的... 這段超催淚
有阿 最新的歌是 男人都一樣
天阿 金鍾國竟然有出過專輯
緒 或許這結局對我來說 或許是最好的的吧 為他而犧牲 我有這樣做的資格嗎
能擁有真正了解自己 能不顧一切的支持自己的同伴 是令人欣羨的 每次看到這段 我總是有種羨慕心情 我是能在這一生中遇到我的那個"他"呢 還是我必須孤單的活下去呢 我不想 也不敢去想
Nice!!! exactly what I thought, This is my all time favorite game and I play GTA, Saints Row,Fallout, Counter-strike, COD, Persona, TF2, and a whole list of other M rated violent games. Now don't get me wrong I love those games, but all of those COMBINED, couldn't touch this game. (p.s. anyone looking forward to Rune Factory 4!!!!! :))
You mean "Now we Ungodly need the anime"
Now we need the anime
I like how it they don't shove the main heroine down your throat in this opening. Here you can hardly tell Shara's the main heroine... Unlike Myst in RF1 and Mana in RF2
恩阿~我那時玩到這裡 再配上這首歌,我的眼眶都發熱了! 淚水是忍住不哭
我覺得這真的要自己玩過才會有感覺 雖然這段是最高潮 但如果從一開始討人厭的劉緒開始看,而後慢慢改變 最後代替紫丞死亡...更能體現出這段的悲苦之處
so sad!首太悲喇!聽日開學喇.冧起就想死!
@HajimotoSaito Sure, it would be awesome for battles, but I don't think the villagers would be as easily convinced if you were :P
This game was stupid random, and I loved it for that. Rainbow hammers, random wooly guy, finding things like rice cakes and dumplings in bushes, random mermaid girl, fish clothes... The list goes on! Fuck yeah Rune Factory 3!
RF3 was cool and I love but I sometimes wish that the Main character was a half Wolf/Werewolf/Demon/Dragon rather than a Golden Wooly it would be awesome especially in battles......
LMAO what r u guys talking about!! any way nice upload GREAT song
我找不到教學的影片 可以教我嗎 >"<
幻想系列 是我最深的羈絆 不論是FF。仙劍。古劍。軒轅劍。。。 都不能打散我的那份悸動
@NobyukiHiyama2008 你不要跟我說你喜歡有內涵的醜女 就算長得像如花 你也照樣喜歡嗎 少自以為清高了
@jackyesyes2000 FF13是PS3的畫質好那是沒話說 但是國產遊戲做成這樣很好了 而且這是好幾年前出的了
@JumboMunch221 Eh, ok...I didn't knew you could change so much in a year, so...sorry?
@JumboMunch221 The fuck?
畫面好爛 看的我好難過 還是玩我的FF13
me too