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High Desert Bible Church
Добавлен 18 апр 2020
We are a nondenominational church located at 200 N 5th St Sierra Vista Az 85635. Please come join us every Sunday at 10AM and Wednesdays at 6PM.
12/08/2024 Colossians 4:7-18 Be an encourager
Просмотров 18Месяц назад
12/08/2024 Colossians 4:7-18 Be an encourager
12/01/2024 Colossians 4:1-6 Grace with salt
Просмотров 23Месяц назад
12/01/2024 Colossians 4:1-6 Grace with salt
Thanks. Great teaching. Needed today love angelique
God bless. ❤️
Thnx Rick
Chapter 5:10-11
❤From dunedin. New Zealand. Pray for yous. Please pray. Our nation is in trouble. God bless rick
So beautiful! So awesome Sean! Praying for you!
Solid message, great exposition, brother!
I found you Pastor Rick. I saw Rachael last night. We miss you and Deb so much. God bless your ministry!
Awesome word. Keep serving the meat!
Great message!!!!
Great message!!❤❤
Great message!!❤❤
I John 2:7-
Sorry to hear about your sister brother! Thanks for the timely video
Love it! You did great! And yes you deserve a gold star!!!!
He brews eleven
I Peter 2
I John 2
i cant believe I was in that church while they was filming-GOD BLESS YOU ALL💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
hope u guys have a great day bless u all ! ❤️❤️-kiki
That's a Lie...you placed that Seal upon your Forehead as a Mark regarding what is held in your Hand! .....The Holy Spirit did not do that, and if you did not Receive from an actual Angel...then you did not, and it is not.
Beyond this one Lie, I cannot finish! I am sorry, ....This Video was not Truth, at all, not by any stretch of Rome, because that is what it is. Christianity is the Vanity of the Dragon. Islam is the False Prophet, and Judaism is the Beast!
Three Unclean Re-Legion's, for they are Many!
That is my Number...the Number of his Name..it is why my Birthday holds it, and why my Licenses show it....666. Here is Wisdom!
9 is Completion before the One, as that 10 is but One with a Patch over one Eye! It is I. 666=9 ...it is the Spirit of the Care-Giver, as it is the Spirit of the Care-Taker...either-or, it must be Asked upon!
The 7 is an Angle, as that Angel, ...and turned over, it is the "L", as EL is he who Fell and went to Hell. The 7 means Privacy, it is within....it is Graduation for the Student!
4G, 5G, 6G, oh 7....now they done it! LOL....Atom's up!
Paul...he caused all to take of the Cross as that Mark, the Image of a Man as GOD, and the Number of "his" Name, that of their own Birth-Record's for purposes of Taxes/Census/Rome! It is done, but two Days ago!
No man may Buy or Sell in the Temple (Body); unless they prescribe to Paul's Doctrine of Rising on the 3rd Day. It didn't happen that way! They Received of an Angel of Light! Rome Destroyed everyone who failed to Accept them! Wickedly, and Horribly...to the Stake, to the Bow, and those bows you put upon those Presents!
St. Nick, or Nicholas had the Mantle of Elijah, all the Disbelief of Israel...it is why they see a Jolly Fat Man and his Elves!
Paul allows you to Sell GOD for a Living, to Raise your Family, to own your House...all on Rome...if you Agree to Pay them!
Do you want to know how I was Raised?
It is as it would be expected...I was Raised with the Beast! I am but a Servant unto the Beast!
Yeah...Isaiah 58...that is how old I am now, that the "Thus Sayeth, the Lord" folks will find Redemption! It is the Mystery of the Ages...locked into Isaiah!
I told you, I do not Oppose the Dragon, the "Christ"...no, he is the God-Father, nothing more! He is who comes, to be Served!
I encourage him to Covet all that he has, all that has Worshiped him in Heaven!
In Fact, I intend to Bind him to his own Words....his own Chains were his own! :) I intend to Bind the Dragon by his own Word! Truly!
The "Christ" is who Paul Received...Allah is what was given unto the Muslim....what were you given?
Yeshua is in the Grave Fulfilling 3-Days, as Mashiach, as Ben'David...he is not Ben'Yosef, as Joseph was not his Father....he is Ben'David through his Mother, Mary, and that of the Bright and Morning Star!
Ben'Yosef is the Messenger Sent, the Vagabond Beggar who offers up Wisdom as that Silver, for Passages! Ben'Yosef because he is of the House of Manasseh!
Manasseh means, "GOD makes me to Forget", for a Reason! ....If you do not Believe, then you can never Perceive of it, so who Conceived of it?
I am sorry, as the Son of Perdition, I am the First to tell you..you Failed!
I know if an Angel of the Lord has not come upon you, personally, and placed a Seal upon your Brow, informing you of your House....placing you into that House...then it did not happen! Pure and Simple, the Elect New Son's of GOD are to Sing an old Song as if it were New, and no one else can Learn of it....even if they try! It is Done, on Earth as it is in Heaven, only this time "On Earth"....not in Heaven!
Ben'David is the 1st Witness...the Beast has already delivered that Head-Wound, for which they suffered not to Bury the Body, for which they Rejoiced and gave unto each other Gifts (you call this the Holy Spirit). Ben'Yosef is the Messenger Sent, as that Son of Perdition, as the Man of Sin....it is not so as to Teach you how to be, it is to Teach you how not to be! Truly! Besides, it is for Judah. Sin is the Comforter Sent! Sin has always been the Comforter of all Men...and Love is the Restrainer, for which the Lord told us, "Fear Not"!
The Beast, that False State-of, Overcomes the Two Witnesses!
The Mashiach must Fulfill 3-Days in the Grave, ....that is the Condition!
We are but upon the Beginning of that 3rd Day, when that Rock shall Roll a-Way (Milne-Stone), when the Dead Rise up to Face Paradise...or, what is left of it. Are you aware of where you are? Yes, this is Paradise! What a Filthy Mess!
Yeah...a "Strong's" Delusion is upon them...through that Concordance!
What Free Will...there is an Angel of Light Seated upon the Right Hand, and he is holding the "Will" of-GOD! It is called a Scroll with 7 Seals!
John, in Revelation, sees this Splendid Angel all Adorned...and John weeps, because he knows it is not the Lamb!
The Son of Perdition is the Lamb of GOD, the Anointed One...and you missed it! Why? Because Paul Deceived you, the Dragon Deceives the Whole World!
The Best you can Hope for is the Apocalypse! :)
The Will of-GOD is the Inheritance held by the God-Father and not the Father-God....it is the Inheritance of the Lamb to Destroy all of it, all of the Creators, so that they may be Restored unto GOD!
You are of the "Christ", you are of Paul, you are of Rome! Yeah, we got'cha!
The Lamb with 7-Eyes is not a Vial Person...those are reserved for Angels to pour out! I don't do that, please For-Give yourself of such things!
The Lord For-Gives you of your Sin! :) How Vile!
Pence is the "Little Horn"..he sold the Country for a Piece of 8...we saw this on Jan 6. He appears as a Lamb, yet, he Speaks as that Dragon! Mike "Michael" Pence Rebuked Trump in the Name of the Lord...over the Body of Moses!
You speak of that Missing 400-years...well, there you go! Public Law 115-102 reveals who Judah really is, as 400-year's of Captivity is now Complete, and Judah has yet to be Delivered unto the Land's of their Fathers! Judah is Black! We are Jer-USA-lem, "Spiritual" Egypt and Sodom where our Lord was Crucified, in the Heart of a Nation, One Nation Under GOD! The False State-of this Republic is the Lie, the Construct, and "The Mask of US" shall become a Ruinous Heap! Truly, Jerusalem in that False State is the True City of Damascus, as Syria is a Construct, a Lie. Spoken of in the Book of Daniel, that City of "Joy" is but a Nephilim City, that of Nephilim Stones to Prove it....Continuously Occupied!
So Divide it, don't add unto it! A "Pair of EL", wherein EL is "L", he who Fell and went to Hell...Two Luminaries ...Two Suns/Sons...one is the Prodigal Sun! They are Twins, they are Brothers, the Bright and the Mourning Star.....once reunited, then they are the Bright and Morning Star, as the Destroyer is the Deliverer, then comes the Restoration of the Body!
LOL...yes, very close, closer than you think! I-Ron, House of Manasseh, Ben'Yosef, the Son of Perdition in the Flesh! It is I.
Oh..you are confused...the Covenant upon Many was Roe vs Wade, which places us in the Midst of that Week. Abortion is the Oblation that must End...that "Daily" Sacrifice! We were told, and the Woman does cry out in Pain to be Delivered! ....this is why the Destroyer comes, to Deliver Israel, as they are Seeking the King, and Yeshua is in the Grave Fulfilling 3-Days! We are too Soon because it is too Late, the Abomination which causes Desolation has been placed throughout the World, and the Overspreading of that Abomination is the Child itself! You cannot Repent!
Anyone who Pays Taxes supports both Abortion and War...they are found as Hypocrites as they are Crying out for the King to come...he cannot, lest the Father Above cut these Days Short!
..for the Elect's Sake...not anyone else!
Those who Seek the King must be Delivered unto the King! It is why they must enter the Barn...the Grave! They must enter that Great Sleep, so they too can be Restored. It is the Dead who Rise First, and Judgment begins in the House of the Lord!
Since I really am the Son of Perdition in the Flesh, ..it is by my perspective that it is the Beast that Overcomes the Two Witnesses!
That is why you are confused...I am not against the Dragon...and so, I cannot be Anti-Christ!
it is why you were told there shall be Many Anti-Christ's...Good Lord! I am not against thee!
There was one who came in his own Name, and it is he whom they Believed, just as the Lord told them...."I-Paul", the Apostate!
It is how Paul Addressed himself, and Paul told you who he had Received from, the "Christ", and Paul told you what was Promised. The First Resurrection! This is not the First Resurrection...no, this is the Harvest Supper of the Lamb. This is why there shall be no place for a "Paul-Bearer" at the Wedding! .....think about that, think about how awkward it would be to have Death Attend such a thing! For such a thing, there is a Millstone Sent..with a B'Lessing! :) Winnie the Pooh is who knew!
Christ-o-pher Robin Milne....there is your Stone! He never Received the Love of the Father! He never took of it!
LOL...the "Little Horn"...we know who that is...Pence! Mike Pence!
It goes back to the Body when you speak of a "Pair of EL" as that Parallel, for which we are in a Fractal "Borrowed" Story, that is telling Half-Truth's through the Lie! It is why the "Christ" is the Dragon of Revelation, and it is why Revelation is his Testimony, he who sits upon the Right Hand of GOD! He is holding a Scroll!
Daniel 9...yes, I know this well enough to tell you that I am Cut-off, but not for myself! It is why this is Sanctuary! It is why the people of the Prince that Comes doesn't head to the Border (like that little child), but rather across it...Illegally, by-the-Way!
You are so misled....the Rock in Heaven is but a Millstone, it is not the Almighty! It is the one man who showed up at the Wedding without a Garment, the one who was found Speechless before the King, ...this Millstone is the one who was bound by his Hands and his Feet, and cast into the Abyss (Wilderness), from whence he came! I know this one! :)
I remember my first Bible...it took about 6 months before I realized it was by Two Voices for which there is "Bi" upon that Bull...a "Bull" means War! Two Witnesses unto GOD, the Old and the New? ....I knew one thing was for certain, I needed to send it unto GOD, so I took that Bible and threw it into a Fire, immediately! I swore that I would Accept the Spirit for which it was given! .....However, this is not why I am the Son of Perdition, as Perdition is Everlasting, and throwing a Bible into a Fire doesn't do anything! :) Not a thing!
No playing, Little Children! LOL I don't think so...I don't believe you! I don't!
This is why I do not attend Church...it is not the Body!
Everyone runs to History to explain Daniel.....History is not "His-Story", it is Romes! the Mystery is the "Missed-Story", Rome is the "Christ" as the Dragon!
You are speaking about the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar...it is there before thee, and it Speaks!
You have Forgotten the Body...the Sol-Body above you...you are Standing before the Foot of that Great Statue...it is called "Immortality"! The Sun is the Foot!
good morning high desert
Thank you, church, for your continued prayers for Paul and Dorothy.
Son unos SEXBABY.Uno de los mejoress conciertos Mañas no 10 se l 💯💞😍
God bless. Thanks Rick. Love ❤️
Loved your sermon. Thanks Rick and great to see Debbie singing and looking lovely still
Thank you pastor Rick, for reminding me I have His blood running through me! Thank You Yashua! HalleluYAH!❤☝🏼🙏🏼👏🏼🤲🏼🙌🏼❤✌🏼
This was perfect for brian and I!! God works in many ways!! He’s working through you to reach us!!❤️
Hello church 😉