Matman Bass Covers
Matman Bass Covers
  • Видео 19
  • Просмотров 285 443
Metallica - Ride The Lightning (Bass Cover)
Another classic track from Metallica of Cliff period!
AMP - Orange Crush Bass 50
Bass: Yamaha TRBX 174
Bass 6
Middle 10
Treble 9
Gain 4/5
Blend 7
Added some low-mid freqencies.
Strings: Rotosound RB 35 (.35 .55 .75 .95)
#metallica #Cliffemall #TotalCliff #ridethelightning
Просмотров: 1 585


Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls (Bass Cover)
Просмотров 7542 года назад
No surprises here - Metallica again. I'm gonna record some more of Metallica songs from Cliff's era. Also I'm certain that I will record some Iron Maiden and rerecord some of my covers of some Radiohead songs. Tone maybe off since I used no pedals or effects (all you can hear is my amp and posproduction. _calytenmatman AMP: Bass 6 Middle 10 Treble 9 Gain 7 Blend 7/8 Added lots of...
Metallica - Creeping Death (Bass Cover)
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.3 года назад
It's been a while,I know. I had many things going on in my life I bought new AMP (Orange Crush Bass 50), also my PC broke down and I couldn't make my covers properly. I'm planning keep making videos with tabs but those videos takes much time to prepare. Today I've got for you "Creeping Death" by Metallica. During my absance I've become big,big Cliff Burton fan. Honestly, at this moment I think ...
Rammstein - Du Hast (Bass Cover with Tabs)
Просмотров 5843 года назад
Guten Tag! This time I've got cover of Rammstein's hit - "Du Hast". Hope you'll like it and find it useful. Bassline is fairly simple and fun to play,so it's great song to learn when you're starting with playing bass. * Year release: 1997 Band: Rammstein Album: "Sehnsucht" Bassist: Oliver Riedel * Played with pick close to pickups.Most of notes are downstrokes. * Setup: Treble:6 Middle:5 Bass:8...
Radiohead - Just (Bass Cover with Tabs)
Просмотров 78 тыс.3 года назад
Sorry to keep you waiting. I promise next cover (Rammstein - Du Hast) will come out faster than this one. * Year release: 1995 Band: Radiohead Album: "The Bends" Bassist: Colin Greenwood * Played with pick close to pickups. * Time signature is 4/4 and tuning is standard EADG * Setup: Treble:7 Middle:9 Bass:6 Gain:7 * No effects or pedals were used. * Enjoy!
Radiohead - My Iron Lung (Bass Cover with Tabs)
Просмотров 69 тыс.4 года назад
Hello guys! Today I've got for you cover of Radiohead's "My Iron Lung. Song was released in 1994 on "My Iron Lung EP" and again in 95' on "The Bends".Song showcases "triple guitar assault" (consisting of Thom Yorke,Ed O'Brien and Jonny Greenwood) at its best.Colin bass on this one is rather simple for most of time.Tricky part is hardly heard slapping on choruses.Tried my best on that one but as...
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son (Bass Cover with Tabs)
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.4 года назад
I've got nothing to say about this song except one thing - C L A S S I C. Creedence Clearwater Revival might have accidentally written Vietnam War theme with this song. Opening guitar riff is one of the best and most recognizable intros of all time. Bassline is fairly easy to play but you have to keep your timing and watch for passing notes. Chords used are: G,F,C and D. Very simple bassline bu...
TOOL-Sober (Bass Cover)(Tabs Play Along)
Просмотров 10 тыс.4 года назад
Hi there! Today I've got for you Tool's 93' classic entitled "Sober".Song was released on band's debut album "Undertow". * "Undertow" is only Tool record that features bassist Paul D’Amour throughout the whole album.Main riff is based around open D chord with octaves played on A and G string.There's a lot of muting and ghost notes (x) going on throughout whole song.Riff itself is rather easy to...
The Beatles - Eight Days A Week (Bass Cover)(Bass Tabs Play Along)
Просмотров 5 тыс.4 года назад
Hey there! Today I've got for you cover of Beatles' 64' "Eight Days A Week".Song was originally released on album "Beatles For Sale".Paul McCartney is one of my music heroes. His songwriting and bass playing was one of a kind and fit Beatles very well. In "Eight Days A Week" Paul's playing is reminiscent of walking bassline that's orbiting between D-E-G chords.In the bridges he follows guitar.P...
Radiohead - Airbag (Bass Cover)(Bass Tabs Along Play)
Просмотров 6 тыс.4 года назад
Hello there! Today I've got for you cover of Radiohead's "Airbag" from 97' release "OK Computer"."Airbag" is opening track from Radiohead massively succesful third album.I covered one song from "OK Computer" which is of course "Paranoid Android".I mentioned previously that "Airbag" is one of my favourite track by this great band so it was a matter of time for me to cover it.Song's beginning is ...
Black Sabbath - Paranoid (Bass Cover)
Просмотров 2,4 тыс.4 года назад
Hi there! Today I got you Black Sabbath's 1970 classic from album of the same name."Paranoid" was meant to be filler,meanwhile it became most recognizable Sabbath's song along such tracks as "Iron Man","N.I.B" and "War Pigs".Song is based around Tony Iommi riff in Em and D.Gezzer backs riff with his distinctive bass playing which personally reminds me some kind of galloping through the strings....
Radiohead - Paranoid Android (Bass Cover)
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.4 года назад
This time I'll cover for you Radiohead's 1997 single called "Paranoid Android".It was released as lead single from Radiohead groundbreaking 1997 album "OK Computer".Song itself has four disctinctive sections and is one of the most complex songs of last 3 decades.You can really tell these guys were up to something when you listen to album such as "OK Computer" and this song in particular.Colin's...
Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart (Bass Cover)
Просмотров 8504 года назад
Hello there! Today I'm covering Joy Division's 1980 single called "Love Will Tear Us Apart".Song was released month after lead singer Ian Curtis committed a suicide.Peter Hook who played line on the original recording has one the most unique way of playing.There's a lot of strumming chords in his lines and he tend to play very high notes (take "She's Lost Control" for example).The line itself i...
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away (Bass Cover)
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.4 года назад
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away (Bass Cover)
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop (Bass Cover)
Просмотров 6364 года назад
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop (Bass Cover)
Radiohead - The Bends (Bass Cover)
Просмотров 2,3 тыс.4 года назад
Radiohead - The Bends (Bass Cover)


  • @rahambajo
    @rahambajo 8 дней назад

    thank you Sr.

  • @brian_nirvana
    @brian_nirvana 2 месяца назад

    Mankind has tried since the dawn of time to be the heaviest. This may be that.

  • @nomnom112
    @nomnom112 3 месяца назад

    is it judt me, or are you lagging a bit during the slap/pull part? awesome cover anyway!

    • @matmanbasscovers5520
      @matmanbasscovers5520 3 месяца назад

      @@nomnom112 yess, that's rather old video and I don't think my skills were up the par while recording it

  • @heyspencuh
    @heyspencuh 3 месяца назад


  • @fray.Sai_73737
    @fray.Sai_73737 3 месяца назад

    too fast :( ❤️

  • @kalebaguilar928
    @kalebaguilar928 4 месяца назад

    What tuning fam?

  • @vidensk5346
    @vidensk5346 5 месяцев назад

    What bass is that?

  • @user-vg5ez5dx4m
    @user-vg5ez5dx4m 5 месяцев назад


  • @JohnMartin-ct8km
    @JohnMartin-ct8km 5 месяцев назад

    Thanks for decoding this one, having you playing and the tab displayed simultaneously really sped up the learning process for me. Great job!

  • @centinela881
    @centinela881 6 месяцев назад


  • @quarternipp
    @quarternipp 6 месяцев назад

    you're rushing ahead of the track a bit

  • @cinnamaldehyde
    @cinnamaldehyde 6 месяцев назад

    1:57 3:04 3:58

  • @ceec165
    @ceec165 7 месяцев назад

    ahhhhhh yasss! I am finally gonna stop just playing air (bass) guitar now. Thanks man!

  • @mauricioceballos1441
    @mauricioceballos1441 7 месяцев назад

    from argentina. espectacular

  • @mauricioceballos1441
    @mauricioceballos1441 8 месяцев назад

    i don't know how to tell you my feel in my basic english, but talking of feelings it's clear that you respect deeply the magic of all the song. As i see it. Humbly. desde el interior profundo de la Argentina saludo y festejo tu sentir la canciòn!. Abrazo bro

  • @AA-yc1kz
    @AA-yc1kz 8 месяцев назад

    God bless your soul

  • @miajackson216
    @miajackson216 9 месяцев назад

    Helpful cover but the tabs don’t exactly match what you’re playing and the tabs of the real song🙏

  • @Rei_N7
    @Rei_N7 9 месяцев назад

    Doesn't seem like it but this song is pretty tiring to play

    • @heyspencuh
      @heyspencuh 3 месяца назад

      Little bit

    • @Esazeez
      @Esazeez Месяц назад

      Especially for Jonny Greenwood's arm

  • @thelastfairy_
    @thelastfairy_ 10 месяцев назад


  • @paulinapizarro8375
    @paulinapizarro8375 11 месяцев назад


  • @GR28
    @GR28 11 месяцев назад

    와 존나 멋있어!!!

  • @suzethekoolkid1139
    @suzethekoolkid1139 Год назад

    i love this song bless your soul kind sir

  • @baked5654
    @baked5654 Год назад

    Nice cover, i want to ask how you record the sound? planning to make my own covers and i know that a phone microphone will not get the best quality

    • @matmanbasscovers5520
      @matmanbasscovers5520 10 месяцев назад

      Hi, sorry for late response, these old videos were recorded via pretty cheap microphone and to get this sound I used audacity, so as you can see very economic solution :))

  • @funnyhit-mz6tn
    @funnyhit-mz6tn Год назад

    is that the amazon bass if it is i got the same one

  • @thewanderingpeanut1685
    @thewanderingpeanut1685 Год назад

    2:41 keep struggling on this little part idk why 😂😭

    • @covingtoncreek
      @covingtoncreek Год назад

      It's tough for sure. Just a little riff but you have to move a long way quickly and keep in tempo.

    • @katieryan1188
      @katieryan1188 10 месяцев назад

      its hard fpr my strumming hand to keep up

  • @indiolaser
    @indiolaser Год назад


  • @westom-m4v
    @westom-m4v Год назад


  • @BradyIsAfagInHeat
    @BradyIsAfagInHeat Год назад


  • @tangentedelgol
    @tangentedelgol Год назад


  • @MrDepartedcrew
    @MrDepartedcrew Год назад


  • @juan3m53
    @juan3m53 Год назад

    Don't know if it has something with the edit but you are rushing just a hair.

  • @languagephile5703
    @languagephile5703 Год назад

    didn't even know this song had a bassline! this is amazing

  • @jarvis___73
    @jarvis___73 Год назад


  • @MasterShiFu714
    @MasterShiFu714 Год назад

    666 000 666 000 wtf man

  • @robbyraystewart6978
    @robbyraystewart6978 Год назад

    You play with style

  • @bigqwerty7349
    @bigqwerty7349 Год назад

    my first slap song... so incredibly fun

  • @robertkappa8069
    @robertkappa8069 Год назад

    Wow. 👍🏻

  • @sambartelt8206
    @sambartelt8206 Год назад

    This shit is brilliant

  • @qwerwolf69
    @qwerwolf69 Год назад

    Cool 😎 👍

  • @gearkis3425
    @gearkis3425 Год назад

    Love it

  • @lilymorgan1037
    @lilymorgan1037 Год назад


  • @80Labmonkey
    @80Labmonkey 2 года назад

    Great video (Thank you) I would love a version that is just the bass. I came here because I've been watching a lot of Davie504 New to Bass, do people bother you about using a pick?

    • @matmanbasscovers5520
      @matmanbasscovers5520 2 года назад

      Truth said I don't use pick anymore but when I did no one made any remark about it. Glad you liked the video!

  • @zorak0044
    @zorak0044 2 года назад

    Do you know to get sheet notes? Good cover by the way!

  • @Payn333
    @Payn333 2 года назад

    So clean!! Good stuff

  • @shartatttack
    @shartatttack 2 года назад

    Hey is the tuning one key up or is the D on the 4th string meant to be E??

    • @matmanbasscovers5520
      @matmanbasscovers5520 2 года назад

      You have to detune your E string 2 half steps to get to drop D. D stays on 7th fret on 4th string.

    • @odebrito
      @odebrito Год назад

      This is what is called Drop D, ma man! A lot of metal bands work this Way!

    • @SHOTGUN-Z
      @SHOTGUN-Z 9 месяцев назад

      You tune the guitar to standard tuning then only drop the biggest string down a whole step to D. Instead of E the biggest string is D. I'm only explaining simple because I went years without knowing certain things because I was never taught

  • @ranger7605
    @ranger7605 2 года назад


  • @PeterWGuitar
    @PeterWGuitar 2 года назад

    Learnt the bass through *just* this video , very useful and great cover !!

  • @jullinanaa
    @jullinanaa 2 года назад

    hi! can you play motley crue - shout at the devil?

  • @BradyIsAfagInHeat
    @BradyIsAfagInHeat 2 года назад

    fucking right on man.

  • @luiszeppeli5316
    @luiszeppeli5316 2 года назад

    Amazing! I love slap