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RROC International
Добавлен 13 май 2023
The mission of the Remnant Revival Outreach Center is to raise up an end-times army of believers committed to holiness, repentance, and the transformative power of Jesus Christ. We are dedicated to reaching the lost, equipping disciples, and mobilizing revival teams to carry the gospel locally and globally. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we aim to see lives restored, chains broken, and communities set ablaze with the love of God. Our mission is to bring heaven to earth by proclaiming truth, living in radical faith, and preparing people for the soon return of our Lord and Savior.
Don't Listen To Your Heart... (Here's why)
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Connect with like-minded believers and grow together.
👉 t.me/+-5wE9y2dsuwwZWYx
Follow The Remnant Revival Outreach Center!
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Support Our Ministry, click here to give through church center⬇️
⛪︎Church Center: therroc.churchcenter.com/giving/to/rrocfamily-org
Просмотров: 802
Unlocking The Power of Submission
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.19 часов назад
Join Our Online Community! Connect with like-minded believers and grow together. 👉 t.me/ -5wE9y2dsuwwZWYx Follow The Remnant Revival Outreach Center! Stay updated on all ministry events and outreach. 📷 Instagram: @the.rroc 👍 Facebook: The Remnant Revival Outreach Center ➡︎ TikTok: @rrocinternational Support Our Ministry, click here to give through church center⬇️ ⛪︎Church Center: therroc.church...
Your Secret To Winning This Season
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.День назад
Join Our Online Community! Connect with like-minded believers and grow together. 👉 t.me/ -5wE9y2dsuwwZWYx Follow The Remnant Revival Outreach Center! Stay updated on all ministry events and outreach. 📷 Instagram: @the.rroc 👍 Facebook: The Remnant Revival Outreach Center ➡︎ TikTok: @rrocinternational Support Our Ministry, click here to give through church center⬇️ ⛪︎Church Center: therroc.church...
What Happens When Depression and Anxiety Fail to Break You
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What Happens When Depression and Anxiety Fail to Break You
From Pain To Healing: His Miraculous Recovery After A Hit-And-Run!
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From Pain To Healing: His Miraculous Recovery After A Hit-And-Run!
RROC Testimonies: How Surrendering To Christ Broke Chains of Sexual Sin and Depression
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RROC Testimonies: How Surrendering To Christ Broke Chains of Sexual Sin and Depression
The Dark Influence Taking Control Of Churches Today!
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The Dark Influence Taking Control Of Churches Today!
RROC Testimonies: Over Coming Anxiety, Finding purpose, Evangelism & more
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RROC Testimonies: Over Coming Anxiety, Finding purpose, Evangelism & more
The Judgement of God Is Falling On The Church!
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The Judgement of God Is Falling On The Church!
Worship God Even In Your Darkest Moments
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Worship God Even In Your Darkest Moments
Finding Purpose in Christ: Why We Keep Turning Back to Worldly Desires
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Finding Purpose in Christ: Why We Keep Turning Back to Worldly Desires
Pastor Rebukes Christians for Celebrating Halloween & Wearing Costumes 😱
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Pastor Rebukes Christians for Celebrating Halloween & Wearing Costumes 😱
The Power Of God Is Evident At This Church❤️
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The Power Of God Is Evident At This Church❤️
Proof That God Exist 😳😱(MIRACULOUS HEALINGS)
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Proof That God Exist 😳😱(MIRACULOUS HEALINGS)
If You Keep Falling In Christ, This Is What Your Missing!
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If You Keep Falling In Christ, This Is What Your Missing!
If We Win, We Get To Pray For You 🏀🙏🏽
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If We Win, We Get To Pray For You 🏀🙏🏽
Many People Don’t Want to Hear About This Truth😳
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Many People Don’t Want to Hear About This Truth😳
Rejection Couldn’t Take Her Away From Gods Love 😳..
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Rejection Couldn’t Take Her Away From Gods Love 😳..
She was Lukewarm Until This Happened, Her Testimony Is Life-Changing!😳
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She was Lukewarm Until This Happened, Her Testimony Is Life-Changing!😳
From Witchcraft to Jesus 🧙♀️✝️😳 (MUST WATCH)
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From Witchcraft to Jesus 🧙♀️✝️😳 (MUST WATCH)
This Might Be The Reason You Are Spiritually Stagnant! 😳
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This Might Be The Reason You Are Spiritually Stagnant! 😳
Jesus Transformed Her Life 😳 (MUST WATCH)
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Jesus Transformed Her Life 😳 (MUST WATCH)
She Experienced Freedom After Getting Delivered by Jesus! 😱
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She Experienced Freedom After Getting Delivered by Jesus! 😱
She Thought Christian’s Can't Have Demons Until This Happened..😳
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She Thought Christian’s Can't Have Demons Until This Happened..😳
From Hinduism To Christianity😱 Watch What The Holy Spirit Did!
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From Hinduism To Christianity😱 Watch What The Holy Spirit Did!
I Was Breaking Into Cars at 13 Years old But Jesus Did This.....
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I Was Breaking Into Cars at 13 Years old But Jesus Did This.....
Miraculous Healings Caught on Camera 😳- MUST WATCH!
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Miraculous Healings Caught on Camera 😳- MUST WATCH!
Yall are gonna have a ball!! Sure wish I could afford to fly me and my family out.
rich i got to telll u spmetthing u saved my life in 2019 when j was depressed thank you for all ur services and continue doing it ur a powerful warior for god !!!! Amen!!❤
I wish I had the funds Richard I’m from Massachusetts. I would love to visit Florida for your church.
Amen bro!!
We serve an Awesome Mighty Powerful God of the Most High, I love him !! God bless yall :)))
SO good tonight!!!!!!! GLORYYYYYY to God!!!!
Extremely powerful Pastor Carlos! Thank you brother!
Pour it out Lord 1:49:49
Awesome service, thanks 🕊️
1 I Have Just Surrender my Life to JESUS Fully from This Service Marianno Procoro Ruiz age 19
Wow.. Amen 🙏🏽
Oh wow this is calling out many! And that includes me. Thank you
Brother thx u for that message my lord strengthen me to fight these sins in Jesus name amen
Needed this revelation thank you JESUS
Amen thank you brother 💚
Amen brother. This helped me
Awesome message
That's TRUTH my brother so true keep preaching the truth IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN
1:45:46 bro got autotune on for a second
Gloria dios
I have been praying this over you for a year. I'm so happy f9r you.
Sermon starts 1:29:32
Love you pastor benji 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤❤
Very transparent Pastor Richard you truly share your heart and humble and honest I was lead from the beginning of this year to follow the teaching of the Holy Spirit through you it truly changing and convicting me brother.
I needed this word Amen 🙏🏿. This was needed. Thank you Jesus
This spoke to me completely 🙏🏼🙏🏼Ty Jesus because you always show up
Thank you RROC, may God continue to bless you all, visiting your church lit a fire in my heart, thank you!
@pastorrichardlorenzojr I Need directions from the lord please pray for me I’m stuck in a situation that it’s to long to explain plz pray for clarity my name is Kevin the lord knows what I’m going through
This is the single most important message - why do satanists care so much about abortion
Amen 2:04:00 to 2:05:00 is so true the Lord has me and my brothers pastoring people we are in the 10th and 9th grade and we don’t force it or keep asking did people pray or read we tell them or whatever and hope that God grants repentance
1:28:57 1:46:14 1:47:16 👑
So good 🔥🔥