Twice Spring
Twice Spring
  • Видео 76
  • Просмотров 505 448


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2024.05.06 안산국제거리극축제 폐막작 "불의 축제" 제일 마지막
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  • @4KWalkthrough
    @4KWalkthrough 2 месяца назад

    긴 영상을 만들어 보세요. 인도 뉴델리에서 인사드립니다.

  • @시우-h5g
    @시우-h5g 9 месяцев назад

    4400번 리무진BUS 안산시청<>인천국제공항

  • @JW-7
    @JW-7 Год назад

    미국의 포드가 기획하고 일본의 마쯔다가 설계하고 한국의 기아가 생산. 한미일 기술본위 자동차회사들이 뭉쳐 만든 시대의 명차

  • @jjlee1460
    @jjlee1460 Год назад

    에어컨이 옵션이였던 시대 ^^

  • @ryhd323
    @ryhd323 Год назад

    성우 양지운???

  • @촉법소년단
    @촉법소년단 Год назад

    저때는 원액이라도 소량 있었지 2000년대이후로는 깡 알콜

  • @김진국-j2z8p
    @김진국-j2z8p Год назад

    경원여객52번 1228호도 현재 말소되었습니다.

  • @김진국-j2z8p
    @김진국-j2z8p Год назад

    그러고보니 여기서 현재도 그대로 대차,노선이동,예비격하,면허말소,휴차 없이 여기서 현재 운행중인건 경원여객30번 1472호, 써클라인 125번 3138호말곤 하나도 없네요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ😢😢😢

  • @김진국-j2z8p
    @김진국-j2z8p Год назад

    성우운수909번 1227호는 현재 22년식 유니시티 개선형으로 대차됨

  • @bocikris94
    @bocikris94 Год назад

    I think is a Greek advertisement of Daewoo TV.

  • @connornunnari793
    @connornunnari793 Год назад

    Peter the Brother £232 Bye But Buses can't cab

  • @彭貝果
    @彭貝果 2 года назад

    mmmmmmmm,,klllllllllllllllllll,mm m,llll

  • @양민지-g7r
    @양민지-g7r 2 года назад

    살을 빼고 싶으면 "닥터래시오"를 드셔 보세요. 저도 살이 안빠져서 고민이었는데 뱃살 빼는데 도움을 줘서 요즘에는 매번 챙겨 먹고 다닌답니다.

  • @이재욱-j9l6m
    @이재욱-j9l6m 2 года назад


  • @이재욱-j9l6m
    @이재욱-j9l6m 2 года назад

    레일이통제로 음직이는 거내요 저도 2021.12.26일에 월미바다열차 타보타봤어요 영상 올려주셔서 감사합니다

  • @jean-pauladam6803
    @jean-pauladam6803 2 года назад

    Amusant, ce fond de musique de jazz, quand on sait que le jazz a longtemps été interdit, puis très mal vu en RDA... Cela dit, c'est une chouette voiture. Ceux qui en ont une vous le diront...

  • @JackieAhn2000
    @JackieAhn2000 2 года назад

    저 광고 기획직원은 이후로도 회사 잘다닌거죠?

  • @diegosilang4823
    @diegosilang4823 2 года назад

    Imagine you are a middle class in Eastern Germany and you can only afford a Trabant and wait for 6 years or pay extra money for getting it sooner while a blue collar American and Western Germans drives a vastly superior designed USED vehicle for a lot less time and money. All the shortcoming aside, Trabant (specially the earlier models) are fairly nice looking cars, the noisy 2 stroke engine sounds more like motorcycle, being small and light, it will handle like a go kart, so it is blast to drive without breaking the speed limit. Undoubtedly a great car for car collectors or car lovers.

  • @irenevankoppen8863
    @irenevankoppen8863 2 года назад


  • @Williamhyperion4
    @Williamhyperion4 2 года назад

    I think 99,9999 % of the people of EAST GERMANY have known that there are better cars in any part of the world, but it's better to have a TRABANT , as no car.

  • @mjack1935
    @mjack1935 2 года назад

    plaste... cotton with epoxy

  • @thomasjordan5578
    @thomasjordan5578 2 года назад

    Are things getting ready to be like this here ?

  • @martinsaunders7925
    @martinsaunders7925 2 года назад

    Where can I get one of these modern marvels of central planning? Did the smog maker come standard or was that extra? Love the security gas tank to stop gas thieves.

  • @ЮрийКривощёков-ш3ж

    У немцев тогда уже было стремление всё автоматизировать.

  • @op-sz7cx
    @op-sz7cx 2 года назад

    To je vozidlo iluzionistov. Že prečo? Lebo tí, čo na ňom jazdili, žili v ilúzii, že jazdia v aute.

  • @rocknrollschool6099
    @rocknrollschool6099 2 года назад


  • @piodambrosio1427
    @piodambrosio1427 2 года назад

    Come era fatta la trabant: nè più; Ne meno di come erano fatte le Fiat 500; le citroen 2cv; le Renaul R4; La NSU Prinz! Anche noi all'est abbiamo avuto auto scatolette di tonno con ruote e motori! Auto che davano l'illusione di eessere automobilisti! Ne vogliamo parlare?

  • @onemoremisfit
    @onemoremisfit 2 года назад

    After they dunked the unitized chassis into that prime coat they needed to slather it with an epoxy or urethane bed liner to give it enough corrosion protection to keep it from rusting away from under its unique plastic body panels. But of course that isn't going to happen on a mass production line.

  • @andrzejzdziejowski5666
    @andrzejzdziejowski5666 2 года назад

    Miałem i miło wspominam. 20 st. mrozu nie robiło na nim wrażenia nawet w wersji z instalacją 6V. Po latach zastąpiłem prądnicę alternatorem od fiata z elektronicznym regulatorem i było jeszcze lepiej.

  • @paullacey2999
    @paullacey2999 2 года назад

    It looks like it handles better than a Mercedes-Benz,flies down the road like a Porsche,and costs less than a VW.... Whats not to like?😍😍😍

    • @nelutu6506
      @nelutu6506 2 года назад

      Two stroke engine...

    • @franksmith6683
      @franksmith6683 2 года назад

      @@nelutu6506 what's wrong with that? A couple of updates and a two stroke is the way forward. New ones have been shown to be cleaner than four strokes Mazda is trying one now in 2022 and they're much simpler with less internal friction. I saw Jaguar testing a V6 in the UK a few years ago , it sounded awesome but it was unconventional and did sound very much like an F1 car, not very luxury limosine, so they went with a good old four stroke 5 litre supercharged V8 instead, because that hardly pollutes at all....

  • @adid.5585
    @adid.5585 2 года назад

    These things really look like a lot of fun. It's hard to keep up with today's auto park into one of these, but back then, when all other people had the same car, there was no problem. Everyone was driving at the same speed anyway and there were definitely lesser cars on the streets like there are now, given the fact that fewer could afford their own car.

    • @mireknovacek9680
      @mireknovacek9680 2 года назад

      Trabant is very faithfull and easy repairable car, but they was here in middle Europe more interesting cars too, it had name Velorex.

    • @adid.5585
      @adid.5585 2 года назад

      @@mireknovacek9680 I wanted to get one too, but my dad who is a former Wartburg driver advises me against it, saying that it’s rather a pain than a help. But I don’t know what to say here. I just love the shape of the Trabant and how the engine sound.

  • @krisyung
    @krisyung 2 года назад

    They were certainly a very fast car as it showed testing 0 to 100 in 6 seconds and totally rust free too.

  • @mbreckwoldt9813
    @mbreckwoldt9813 2 года назад

    Communism at its best. Complete garbage. Meanwhile the US was producing works of art with air conditioning, West Germany was producing reliable cars, and Italy was producing works of art. Looks like something from an early 60's spy movie.

  • @Techie1224
    @Techie1224 2 года назад

    is that white staff in roof aspestos ?? lmao

  • @KiwiCatherineJemma
    @KiwiCatherineJemma 2 года назад

    So a story I heard... So back in the day (1970's-80's etc) some East German factory worker had saved up all his Rubles (or East German Pesoes or whatever) and put a deposit down on a shiny new Trabant. He was told there was a waiting list, but that his car would be delivered to his home on the 12 of May, in 6 years time. With a worried look on his face he asked the car sales agent "Really, a 6 year wait, and then delivery on the 12th of May that year ?" The salesman assured him it would be so. "Oh ok, but can you please tell me if it will be a morning or afternoon delivery ?" ("Why?" asked the salesman). "Well I'm busy, I've already got an appointment for the morning" he said, "as the plumber will be coming then to fix the toilet".

    • @krisyung
      @krisyung 2 года назад

      Yes if it was a Polish plumber as have found out they are extrmely Punctual ,

    • @onemoremisfit
      @onemoremisfit 2 года назад

      You no doubt got that one from Ronald Reagan.

    • @andrewmantle7627
      @andrewmantle7627 2 года назад

      @@onemoremisfit Hear hear

  • @stevenpollard5171
    @stevenpollard5171 2 года назад

    The Trabant did not upgrade nor increase production output because communism is a classless society with everyone being in the same worker class by design. That means no one will, for example, drive a Beetle while someone else has a T-Bird. All have the same car, and will have to wait years to even get one. That gives a person something to work for and hope for when they have little hope for anything else.

  • @Antares53de
    @Antares53de 2 года назад

    Ein nachhaltiges, klimaneutrales und vermutlich veganes Auto.

  • @subliutenant
    @subliutenant 2 года назад

    I first saw one of these little cars on Brighton sea front, while I was working down there. Driven by a young Student looking lad, I put my thumb up to him! I'd have one as a play thing but I think my wife would object! But fun car... Definitely!!

  • @gijsv8419
    @gijsv8419 2 года назад

    It reminds me of a James Bond movie

  • @WindlePoones
    @WindlePoones 2 года назад

    Typical Russian propoganda. They probably describe this car a a large quality saloon car.

  • @WindlePoones
    @WindlePoones 2 года назад

    The only word I understood was "der flashen bangun" translated to English means "Fuse" :o)

  • @karstenschneider8406
    @karstenschneider8406 2 года назад

    JUNK CAR!!!!

  • @bertthebird6175
    @bertthebird6175 2 года назад

    Amazing how that car part shrunk while she carried it from the pressing machine (5:15) to the testing point (5:25). Also note the typical street conditions in the GDR at 11:25. 😀

  • @jefferyhurley151
    @jefferyhurley151 2 года назад

    Love the music.made me want to get out of my chair,grab the ole lady and start to do the stinky leg.🎸💃🕺

  • @free-birdrocker8809
    @free-birdrocker8809 2 года назад

    Was für ein Groovie-Video über die Entstehung des Brabant 601, es lässt mich mit den Fingern schnippen.😎

  • @thomasfrancis5747
    @thomasfrancis5747 2 года назад

    Seems a bit odd that they made large interior steel pressings (good quality with no rippling) and then used a naff composite for the exterior panels - possibly no double action presses?

    • @taunteratwill1787
      @taunteratwill1787 2 года назад

      Steel was too expensive in the Commie block. Most steel went to the military. 😎

  • @LCdrDerrick
    @LCdrDerrick 2 года назад

    Das muss ein Leben gewesen sein? Keine gescheiten Drogen, keine gescheite zeitgenössische Musik, keine gescheiten Autos und wirklich alles hat nach Steinkohle und Zweitakter Russ gestunken. Darüber keine bunten Farben, nur schmutzige Fassaden, alles war grau-braun-beige und dreckig, Autos inclusive! Echte Sehnsüchte nach Kultur, nach Freiheit und Würde sollten besser nicht artikuliert werden, da das die Schergen des Systems auf den Plan brachte oder den nächsten 'IM', der im Zweifel auch der eigene Bruder oder Arbeitskollege hätte sein können. Ich hasse den Kapitalismus unter US-Hegemonie wirklich leidenschaftlich, genau wie diese ständigen, als "humanitär" abgetarnten, imperialistisch motivierten Rohstoffkriege (bzw. Farbenrevolutionen zur Etablierung austauschbarer Marionettenregimes (s. Ukraine)), aber noch mehr hasse ich als Deutscher die Idee, dass meine östlichen Brüder keine gescheiten Platten zu hören und kein gescheites Gras zu rauchen, keine gescheiten Südfrüchte zu essen hatten! Wir waren vor der Wende einmal da gewesen, ohne Visum! Wir waren einfach von der Transitautobahn (eine Buckelpiste) Richtung Polen runter und nach Plauen reingefahren, entfernte Verwandte zu besuchen. Das war vielleicht ein Kulturschock! Die Leute waren ausnahmslos freundlich, nett und offen, aber ich kann die Eindrücke dieser schmutzigen und verfallenen Stadt nicht vergessen. Wie unser kleiner, mickriger, quietscherote Ford Escort (im Grunde ein Unterschichtsauto, aber das einzig farbige weit und breit), vor der Hauptpost geparkt, Trauben von Menschen anzog, die dieses Westauto in einer so außergewöhnlichen Farbe unbedingt bestaunen und anfassen wollten. Mein Vater hatte aber auch einen Schock weg. Der Idiot war in das Postamt reingegangen um nach dem Weg zu fragen und hatte die dort Versammelten allen Ernstes mit "Grüß Gott" begrüßt! Wer "Die Körperfresser kommen" aus 1978 kennt, der kann sich ungefähr die Reaktion der Einheimischen vorstellen. Naja, zumindest verhaftet haben sie uns nicht und der Baumkuchen war lecker.

  • @emausderratsuchende5447
    @emausderratsuchende5447 2 года назад

    Alleine dieses Vehikel einem Volk als Auto zu verkaufen ist Grund genug für eine Revolution....unglaublich. Mag man das noch in den 50er und 60er tolerieren,aber später diese Kiste fast unverändert bis zum bitteren Ende zu bauen war der klarste Indikator wie es um den Real existierenden Sozialismus stand....

  • @sfenodonte
    @sfenodonte 2 года назад

    Sicherlich interessantes Auto, Anfang der 60er Jahre, wenn man bedenkt, dass es bis 1990 ohne nennenswerte Änderungen gebaut wurde und für einen DDR-Bürger nicht so günstig war, dazu noch 18 Jahre Wartezeit darauf (offensichtlich ohne freunde und geld im umschlag) wenn ein gebrauchter mehr kostet als ein neuwagen vertrag, ein neuer null km, das kostet ..... ich weiß nicht mehr 2 oder 4o10 mal mehr. Che dore BÜROKRATIE UND KOMMUNISTISCHER IMMOBILISMUS ....

  • @78recorddude
    @78recorddude 2 года назад

    Ja ja die Wattekutsche……..