Safak Atahan
Safak Atahan
  • Видео 9
  • Просмотров 1 337


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8 saat boyunca dinlendirici yağmur sesi
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The economic contribution of textile exports of mohair products in Africa is at an unignorable scale. Accepted as the motherland of mohair, Turkey has a lot to gain from facilitating further investment into this underappreciated gold mine. While, declared as a national value since the Ottomans, Mohair Goats are prohibited from being taken abroad, I, as a textile producer and development entrepr...
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"The future is now to be created by us, for us & through us" Şafak Atahan
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I believe the future of design will flourish through employing participatory methodologies, specifically benefiting from the interaction and cooperation of young creative minds and artists. My motto is "The future is now to be created by us, for us and through us". To this end, I work with artists and designers to help K.12 children explore life through arts (future imagined real time) and then...