- Видео 77
- Просмотров 30 552
Добавлен 23 сен 2013
The paths to #spiritual #growth and #healing are infinite. This is a space to help you get to know some of the one's we have chosen to help and serve both mine and yours. And it also help us to achive the #balance between #science and #Religion.
In This channel,we will also talk about
the fine line of madness #Religion and #Spirituality.How what may be considered Sane to one Man might be considered as insanity to another man.And the types of Behavior that makes people to run mad in #African_Spirituality.
Learn how to practice African Spirituality, learn how to connect with the Spirits of your Ancient #African_Ancestors and begin to fulfill your destiny on this planet.
In This channel,we will also talk about
the fine line of madness #Religion and #Spirituality.How what may be considered Sane to one Man might be considered as insanity to another man.And the types of Behavior that makes people to run mad in #African_Spirituality.
Learn how to practice African Spirituality, learn how to connect with the Spirits of your Ancient #African_Ancestors and begin to fulfill your destiny on this planet.
Alan Watts - Live Life Without Effort
Просмотров 7510 месяцев назад
Alan Watts - Live Life Without Effort
Alan Watts Zen Mind [The real you is the Universe]
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.10 месяцев назад
Alan Watts Zen Mind [The real you is the Universe]
Alan Watts - The Power of Nothingness [Void]
Просмотров 61410 месяцев назад
Alan Watts - The Power of Nothingness [Void]
Alan Watts - Flow of nature [Living on The Moment]
Просмотров 39810 месяцев назад
Alan Watts - Flow of nature [Living on The Moment]
ተሞክሮ ምንድነው [እውነተኛው ማንነታችን የቱ ነው?] ፍልስፍና
Просмотров 65910 месяцев назад
ተሞክሮ ምንድነው [እውነተኛው ማንነታችን የቱ ነው?] ፍልስፍና
Eternal Life against the cause of distortions and transcending from duality, P2.
Просмотров 202Год назад
Eternal Life against the cause of distortions and transcending from duality, P2.
From Love to Divine feminine energy verse Neo - Feminism P1.
Просмотров 240Год назад
From Love to Divine feminine energy verse Neo - Feminism P1.
Ere yehe group yet tefa??
Ere yetgebu enfelgachewo eski🚶♂️🙋♀️
Ooohhh I love this!!
If anyone can bs, it is this guy.
I am a Zen monk. And I tell you that we do not think this wayl. Real Zen is the absence of thought. It’s very hard for people to understand this, but things that are hard to understand are usually the best things in life. The lesson is don’t overthink just do what nature wants you to do.
The absence of thought is also a thought ...so you're fooling yourself.
I absolutely LOOOVE the drawings to all these videos!! Profound and beautiful addition to the words of the GREAT WONDERFUL Alan Watts!! Appreciate and thankYOU!! 🥳👑😘
I really enjoy stumbling upon Alan Watts talks
This is some of the most importantly knowledge anyone can hear. Stay game yall
Fact! Thank you🙏
Just dont turn it 45 degrees
Thank you
You're welcome🙏
I love how he instantly starts off talking about how he's not trying to convert anyone to Zen Buddhism, he's just talking about it. 🌌☯️🌌
ZENA ☯️ Zero Expectations No Attachments
I am fooling me , ultimate truth
Thank you for posting. ❤
I love you so much I can eat you is the feeling you get that makes you feel good all over your body and mind with your spirit into this person without loosing yourself. Loving ourselves is the best thing we can do. But not taking advantage of others or ourselves. Loving ourselves is teaching us to live others as well. Knowing ourselves is soooo wonderful for our soul. It always gives us the best wishes for others when it's the good love that's real
Alan Watts is my favorite modern-day philosopher. I get so much insight and inner peace from listening to and meditating on his lectures.
some good laughs too, right? :D
GREAT TALK! Would be better without the graphics, though.
Hi Steve thank you very much for your suggestion. 🙏
I wasn’t sure if I liked it but I quickly realized the green lit up text makes it sink in more and easier to read/follow
In every era egzist program for people...that is front side behind can be diferent mess
Thanks bro betam gin amharena btadirgen turu nebere❤❤
Alan watts a genius master of this century. His teachings are simple , straight and insightful . Even the most complicated teachings he can make it simple and present you.
Yemgerm nw betam ❤❤
ሠላም ወድም ጉርፓቹ ላይ አስገባኝ
እሺ የቴሌግራም አካውንትህን ኮመንት አርግልኝ
ፒራሚድ ኦርዮን ስለ ኢጎ ያልከው ነገር ልክ ነው፡፡ Ego death ከሆነ ብቻ ነው cross over ማድረግ የምንችለው፡፡ አለዛ ክብደታችን ራሱ ቫይብሬሽናችንን ቀንሶ እና የብርሃን አካላችንን አጨልሞ ዘቅጠን መሬት እንቀራለን፡፡ ልክ ነህ
ኢጎ ከሌለ ከሰው ልጅ ጋር እንዴት ይኖራል? ማለት at some point we need to be grounded and interact with life, ለዚህ ደሞ ማንነት ወይም character ያስፈልግሀል ፣ ያም ነው እኮ ኢጎ ሚባለው
የቶ ኢዳቹ ነው በጣም ጠፋቹ..
እረፍት ለይ ነን መሰለኝ፤ ጊዜው ሲደርስ ከች እንላለን
ምነው አሳጠራችሁት
ተቆራርጦ ድጋሚ የተፖሰተ ነው
Near death experience ስለራሳችን ማንነት አይደለም እንዴ የሚነግረን፡ እረ ብዙ ሄዳችሁ ወንድሞች
Near death experieance ማለት በቀላሉ ከመሞትህ በፊት ፤ ሞተህ ሞትን ድል ማረግ ማለት ነው። ያ ማለት እኛ ከሞት በላይ መሆናችንን መረዳት ማለት ነው፤ ያው ስለኛው ነው።
ጭንቅላቴን በጠዋት 😂
ሃብትሽ የታለ
የመጀመሪያዎቹ ቪዲዮዎቹ ላይ አለ፣ የቲክቶክ አድሬሱን ፈልጌ ልክልሀለው
ብፈራችሁም በጣም ነው የምወዳችሁ በርቱ፡፡ እኔ ኦርቶዶክስ ፐርፌክት እንደሆነች አውቃለሁ፡፡ ብዙ ሚስጥራት አሏት ቢነገሩ ግን በሰው ዘንድ ጥፋት ይመጣል
አንቺ ግን ገዳም ሄደሽ የምታውቂ አይመስለኝም፡፡ ሴጣን ጓዙን ጠቅልሎ ያለው ገዳም ነው፡ የሚሻል ምግብ ገዳም አለ የሚል ኃሳብ መስጠትሽ ራሱ ግራ ገባኝ፡፡ ገዳም ስለምግብ የሚያስብ የለም፡፡ ቃሉ እኮ ራሳችሁን ለዩ ይላል ሳትዘጋጂ ገብተሽ ትዘላብጃለሽ
የዛሬ 2ዐ ዓመት አካባቢ አንዲት አዲስ ልጅ ስትቀጠር አንድ የአካሏን ክፍል እንዳየሁ በባሕሪ ችግር እንደሚፈጠር ውሰጤ ተሰማኝና ሳልቀርባት ቀረሁ እንደተባለውም ከተወሰነ ጊዜ በኋላ በባሕሪዋ ጉምጉምታ ተፈጠረ
ውስጥህ ይህ ስሜት እንዴት ሊሰማው ቻለ? ወይም ስሜቱ ለምን ተሰማው? ወይም ውስጥህ ለምን ቀድሞ አወቀ?
በትክክል ክርስቶስ እኮ ከእኔ ይልቅ ልጁን የሚወድ ለእኔ ሊሆን አይገባም ይላል..ስለዚህ ሰው አታችድ ወደሚሆንበት ነው የሚሄደው፡ ሃብታምም ቢሆን ከምድር ወዳለው ሐብቱ አታችድ ስለሚሆን ክሮስ ኦቨር ማድረግ ሊከብደው ይችላል ነው መሠለኝ ነገሩ
ክርስቶስ ወደ ምድር መጥቶ አልሞተም የሚባል ነገር የለም፡፡ ነገር ግን በምሣሌ ሁሉንም ነገር አደረገ የሚለው ልክ ነው፡፡ ያ ሁሉ የሚገርም ታሪክ እንዲያው ተረት ተረት ከመሰላችሁ ደጋግማችሁ አንብቡት ይገባችኋል፡፡ በእርግጥ ስለምሣሌዎቹ የምትናገሩት ግን ብዙ ትምህርት ይሰጣል፡፡ በተለይ ልጅ ዮሐንስ ብዙ ታውቃለህ ግን እንዳልኩህ ነው
ኮመቶችህ ደስ ይላሉም ያስቃሉም
ልጅ ዮሐንስ ተስፋ የሚያስቆርጡ ነገሮች ትናገራለህ
ኢሞሽን ዳርክ ወይም ከባድ ከሆነ ነፍስ ወደላይ ወደብርሃን መሄድ ስለማትችል earth bound spirit or ghost ሆነህ ትቀራለህ ማለት ነው፡፡ አታችመንት ወደመሬት ያስቀራል እንጂ ከሪኢንካርኔሽን ጋር አይያያዝም
ሪኢንካርኔሽን እኮ ብራሱ አታችመንት ነው ፤ sorry ከዩትዩብ ርቄ ስለነበር ነው ምላሼ የቆየው
Guy is not natural.... that is why GOD created as Male and Female.... it is Demonic
የምታነሱት ነገር በውስጤ ካለው ነገር ጋር እየሄደ ግጥም ስለሚል በጣም ይገርመኛል
2፡44፡08 ረዳኢ ይመችህ
2፡36፡25 MM ይመችሽ i want talk you more
እኔ ሄጄ ሳልዝናና በተራራ ያሉ ሆቴሎቿ ሳልጎበኝ ሳላያት ጣልያን ቤንስ እንዳትሰምጥ ፀልዩልኝ 😂
እውቀት ያለገደብ እንደጅረት ይፈሳል ኑና አዳምጡ ትደመማላቹሁ ። እናንተ ምርጦች ተባረኩ ❤❤ እናሠገግናለን።
እያዳመጥን ነው እናመሠግናለን
ሞርፊየስ የሚያወራውን እውነታ በተለይ ከመልከ ጼዴቅ ጋር በተገናኘ እኔ በራሴ አውቀዋለሁ።ትክክል ነው።ቦታውንም አውቀዋለሁ።ኤረር ነዉ።
እያዳመጥኩ ነው አመሠግናለሁ ❤❤
ድንቅ ውይይት ነው እናመሠግናለን
ግሩም ውይይት እናመሠግነለን።
Keep up brothers. Time is the only thing there is to sacrifice!
wow amazing
እኔ ራሱ ተደነቅኩ