1:17 right here you should be charging a 5shot to release at the enemy side of point. Possible easy kill or ult charge for you. 1:34 good discord calls BUT i want you to start calling a location of the discorded enemy as well, "discord hammond middle of point" "discord phara right point", etc. 2:07 you discord hog then move from behind your orissa shield, which is safe to left side to attack him, which is not safe. 1v1 in front of hog = dead zen. Lucily monkey comes in to save you and he missed hook so you live. Stay safe, in the rear, don't risk your life. You are the #2 most important player on your team. Worse, you have trans here that can save your team, if you die the enemy could wipe you. Don't risk your life like this. 2:14 right here you and entire team should be pushing to enemy side of point to pressure them coming back to point from spawn. You are conceeding too much ground just standing around on point waiting for them to come back. 2:18 - 2:30 you position here is very bad. You have orissa shield to your left and monkey bubble. To your right is cover and a health pack. Instead you stand right in the middle of point. No cover, in the open, exposed. You might as well have a sign that says "enemy please kill me". Stay safe, use cover, don't risk your life. A better hammond would have killed you at 2:28. 2:47 harmony is on genji and he is now full and safe on your left. Monkey takes pharah damage, but you don't move harmony to him. Watch for any player in need of heals and move harmony quickly to them. 2:55 good awareness with the orissa behind you shooting, but here you know there is an enemy back there, so charge your 5shot while moving to help and release it at the enemy for a possible instant kill. 3:07 you have trans, it's 55% point cap. I see no tracking what ults the enemy has and use for your trans. You need to be discussing both with your team right now so ults don't get wasted. 3:12 you check roster and see you have: primal, blade and supercharger. Here i'm saying "I have trans for their blossom or barage. Lets use supercharger first, blade if we need and primal last if we need to stall point". Instead no plan for ult use is made at all. 3:35 monkey is purple (anti healed) but you waste your harmony on him. Be careful of this when playing against Ana. 3:46 right here I'd use tran in the hammond ult. It's 94%. You win this fight you win round. So you need to stay up at all costs. Ults are exchanged after you die and you still win round, but be careful of dying with trans in a round / game winning fight. 5:06 be careful of getting distracted by this hammond. You can't 1v1 him and he's alot faster, so just let him go. 5:39 you should have put harmony on your Moira here. She's RIGHT in front of you! Moira (primary healer) is your top #1 healing priority all game long. Anytime primary healer is low they get your orb. Everytime. Main healer dead = team dead = point lost = round lost = game lost. 5:57 you let your moira walk away with 1/2 health and you just start attacking pharah. 6:05 again harmony is on (full health) sym and your moira is critical but you ignore her. Very bad. Always watch the location and health of your primary healer. 7:01 bad position and play. You move in front of your team, exposed, no cover to shoot at enemy spawn area. Your monkey asked for healing and you didn't even turn around to help him. Enemy monkey jumps you and you die for no reason due to your bad position. Play safe, behind your team, use cover, don't risk your life. You're too valuable. 7:42 Enemy uses coalescence and barrier, your Dva is demech and team is scattered. Here i'm calling "back out! let them have it! not winnable, reset and we will take point back with trans". Watch the fights for "winnable" and "not winnable" conditions and call them to your team. At this level, they have no idea what to do and YOU are the shot caller. 7:54 again you are peeking the enemy team, exposed for no reason. Dva just passed you low on health and you have harmony out on no teammate. 8:01 Your moira used voiceline indicating they would use their ult. You ignored it and used trans during her ult, in essence wasting your trans. Bad trans here. a) wait until coalescense is done, never use them together b) put discord out before you trans c) call to your team "using trans! fight on left side of point" This misused trans cost you the easy point recapture and the round / game win. 8:21 You are trying to re-cap point, and you have advantage, you just need to clear the enemy on point contesting. Instead you start attacking random enemies not even on point. Here you need to say "who is contesting? kill the enemy on point!". They enemies coming from spawn don't matter. All you have to do is clear the enemy contesting on point. 8:34 you die fighting enemies irrelevant to the point re-cap. 9:08 you should be telling your team "kill hammond, he's the only one contesting point". 9:29 your Dva is critical right in front of you, but no harmony to help her. Instead you just keep attacking and she dies. 9:45 you needed discord on an enemy before the trans and called "USING TRANS, FIGHT ON POINT NOW!" 9:51 you're safe IN the monkey bubble, but you move OUT of it for no reason......then die. 11:08 your Dva is critical right next to you. You take heals OFF and put on speed and attack enemy Dva. Your Dva gets De-meked due to no lucio heals from you. 11:36 with your moira critical you have speed boost on. If you are not moving teammates from spawn or out of harms way, you need to keep speed off and healing on. You do not have the awareness to be changing between them like you are. 12:24 you die from skating right into a hammond mine. You should have backed out and not been on point. Enemy had point and you cannot re-take it alone. 13:34 no idea why you are skating around middle with speed boost. You need to be on point healing and your team capture. You're taking 1v1 with enemies that don't matter. The entire game is for the POINT, not enemies walking back from spawn. 13:39 Bad play. You boop the enemy hanzo ON to point. In essence helping the enemy team keep you from capping. Then you die from being in a position that was totally wrong. Stay with your team. Your bad plays at 8:01 and 13:34 probably cost you the game. Work on these things and you will improve. Focus on healing first and attacking second and you will improve as a support.
It's ok. You cant get better if you dont understand your mistakes. Work on looking at the big picture of the game. Dont get too focused on killing. Ask yourself all fame "what does the team need to do here to win". Focus on healing more than attacking. You will improve.
I mean you're basicaly full build and Ori is a control mage, they're all strong at this point
nice man.
*promo sm* ❗
this is the saddest game i've ever seen
LMFAO i mean i did my best thats all that matters really matters :D
as lucian you should be using first strike with milio its similar to nami lucian
'Promo sm'
pushed way too fast early
Yeah I was hardly able to stage 2 trade level 2 at all bc of it
what is that
It's just a video of me playing a game of league ranked. I made it because I'm getting coached by someone
1:17 right here you should be charging a 5shot to release at the enemy side of point. Possible easy kill or ult charge for you. 1:34 good discord calls BUT i want you to start calling a location of the discorded enemy as well, "discord hammond middle of point" "discord phara right point", etc. 2:07 you discord hog then move from behind your orissa shield, which is safe to left side to attack him, which is not safe. 1v1 in front of hog = dead zen. Lucily monkey comes in to save you and he missed hook so you live. Stay safe, in the rear, don't risk your life. You are the #2 most important player on your team. Worse, you have trans here that can save your team, if you die the enemy could wipe you. Don't risk your life like this. 2:14 right here you and entire team should be pushing to enemy side of point to pressure them coming back to point from spawn. You are conceeding too much ground just standing around on point waiting for them to come back. 2:18 - 2:30 you position here is very bad. You have orissa shield to your left and monkey bubble. To your right is cover and a health pack. Instead you stand right in the middle of point. No cover, in the open, exposed. You might as well have a sign that says "enemy please kill me". Stay safe, use cover, don't risk your life. A better hammond would have killed you at 2:28. 2:47 harmony is on genji and he is now full and safe on your left. Monkey takes pharah damage, but you don't move harmony to him. Watch for any player in need of heals and move harmony quickly to them. 2:55 good awareness with the orissa behind you shooting, but here you know there is an enemy back there, so charge your 5shot while moving to help and release it at the enemy for a possible instant kill. 3:07 you have trans, it's 55% point cap. I see no tracking what ults the enemy has and use for your trans. You need to be discussing both with your team right now so ults don't get wasted. 3:12 you check roster and see you have: primal, blade and supercharger. Here i'm saying "I have trans for their blossom or barage. Lets use supercharger first, blade if we need and primal last if we need to stall point". Instead no plan for ult use is made at all. 3:35 monkey is purple (anti healed) but you waste your harmony on him. Be careful of this when playing against Ana. 3:46 right here I'd use tran in the hammond ult. It's 94%. You win this fight you win round. So you need to stay up at all costs. Ults are exchanged after you die and you still win round, but be careful of dying with trans in a round / game winning fight. 5:06 be careful of getting distracted by this hammond. You can't 1v1 him and he's alot faster, so just let him go. 5:39 you should have put harmony on your Moira here. She's RIGHT in front of you! Moira (primary healer) is your top #1 healing priority all game long. Anytime primary healer is low they get your orb. Everytime. Main healer dead = team dead = point lost = round lost = game lost. 5:57 you let your moira walk away with 1/2 health and you just start attacking pharah. 6:05 again harmony is on (full health) sym and your moira is critical but you ignore her. Very bad. Always watch the location and health of your primary healer. 7:01 bad position and play. You move in front of your team, exposed, no cover to shoot at enemy spawn area. Your monkey asked for healing and you didn't even turn around to help him. Enemy monkey jumps you and you die for no reason due to your bad position. Play safe, behind your team, use cover, don't risk your life. You're too valuable. 7:42 Enemy uses coalescence and barrier, your Dva is demech and team is scattered. Here i'm calling "back out! let them have it! not winnable, reset and we will take point back with trans". Watch the fights for "winnable" and "not winnable" conditions and call them to your team. At this level, they have no idea what to do and YOU are the shot caller. 7:54 again you are peeking the enemy team, exposed for no reason. Dva just passed you low on health and you have harmony out on no teammate. 8:01 Your moira used voiceline indicating they would use their ult. You ignored it and used trans during her ult, in essence wasting your trans. Bad trans here. a) wait until coalescense is done, never use them together b) put discord out before you trans c) call to your team "using trans! fight on left side of point" This misused trans cost you the easy point recapture and the round / game win. 8:21 You are trying to re-cap point, and you have advantage, you just need to clear the enemy on point contesting. Instead you start attacking random enemies not even on point. Here you need to say "who is contesting? kill the enemy on point!". They enemies coming from spawn don't matter. All you have to do is clear the enemy contesting on point. 8:34 you die fighting enemies irrelevant to the point re-cap. 9:08 you should be telling your team "kill hammond, he's the only one contesting point". 9:29 your Dva is critical right in front of you, but no harmony to help her. Instead you just keep attacking and she dies. 9:45 you needed discord on an enemy before the trans and called "USING TRANS, FIGHT ON POINT NOW!" 9:51 you're safe IN the monkey bubble, but you move OUT of it for no reason......then die. 11:08 your Dva is critical right next to you. You take heals OFF and put on speed and attack enemy Dva. Your Dva gets De-meked due to no lucio heals from you. 11:36 with your moira critical you have speed boost on. If you are not moving teammates from spawn or out of harms way, you need to keep speed off and healing on. You do not have the awareness to be changing between them like you are. 12:24 you die from skating right into a hammond mine. You should have backed out and not been on point. Enemy had point and you cannot re-take it alone. 13:34 no idea why you are skating around middle with speed boost. You need to be on point healing and your team capture. You're taking 1v1 with enemies that don't matter. The entire game is for the POINT, not enemies walking back from spawn. 13:39 Bad play. You boop the enemy hanzo ON to point. In essence helping the enemy team keep you from capping. Then you die from being in a position that was totally wrong. Stay with your team. Your bad plays at 8:01 and 13:34 probably cost you the game. Work on these things and you will improve. Focus on healing first and attacking second and you will improve as a support.
Lmao im sorry if my Vod was hard to watch
It's ok. You cant get better if you dont understand your mistakes. Work on looking at the big picture of the game. Dont get too focused on killing. Ask yourself all fame "what does the team need to do here to win". Focus on healing more than attacking. You will improve.