water 1116
water 1116
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ROC Navy dd-902 衡陽號 Destroyer 中華民國海軍dd-902 衡陽號 驅逐艦剪輯
Просмотров 344 часа назад
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美國海軍 弗蘭克·S·貝松將軍級滾裝/滾卸艦 剪輯 USA Navy General Frank S. Besson Jr.-class roll-on/roll-off
Просмотров 612 часа назад
以下有艦艇資料提供參考~ 如果喜歡請幫我按訂閱及分享~謝謝~ If you like, please help me by subscription and share~Thank you~ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USAV_General_Frank_S._Besson_Jr.
ROC Navy PGG-614 鄱江號 patrol ship 中華民國海軍 PGG-614 鄱江號 巡邏艦剪輯
Просмотров 752 часа назад
獻給中華民國海軍學長學弟 If you like, please help me by subscription and share~Thank you~ 如果喜歡請幫我按訂閱及分享~謝謝~ zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/...
俄羅斯海軍 677級 拉達級柴電動力攻擊潛艇 剪輯 Russia Navy Type 677 Lada-class diesel-electric attack submarine
Просмотров 524 часа назад
以下有艦艇資料提供參考~ 如果喜歡請幫我按訂閱及分享~謝謝~ If you like, please help me by subscription and share~Thank you~ zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/拉达级潜艇
ROC Navy PFG2-1103 Zheng He frigate 中華民國海軍 PFG2-1103 鄭和號 巡防艦剪輯
Просмотров 3064 часа назад
獻給中華民國海軍學長學弟 If you like, please help me by subscription and share~Thank you~ 如果喜歡請幫我按訂閱及分享~謝謝~ zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/鄭和號巡防艦
USA Navy AH-5 USS Solace 美國海軍 AH-5 慰藉號醫療艦 剪輯
Просмотров 227 часов назад
If you like, please help me by subscription and share~Thank you~ 如果喜歡請幫我按訂閱及分享~謝謝~ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Solace_(AH-5)
ROC Navy PGG-618 Tuo Chiang patrol ship 中華民國海軍 PGG-618 沱江號 巡邏艦剪輯
Просмотров 2637 часов назад
獻給中華民國海軍學長學弟 If you like, please help me by subscription and share~Thank you~ 如果喜歡請幫我按訂閱及分享~謝謝~ zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/沱江號巡邏艦
England Navy HMS Ark Royal (R09) aircraft carrier 英國海軍 HMS皇家方舟號R09航空母艦 剪輯
Просмотров 999 часов назад
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ROC Navy AP526 新康號 transport ship 中華民國海軍 AP526 新康號 人員運輸艦剪輯
Просмотров 3939 часов назад
獻給中華民國海軍學長學弟 If you like, please help me by subscription and share~Thank you~ 如果喜歡請幫我按訂閱及分享~謝謝~ zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%...
933鳳陽ROC Navy FFG-933 ROCN Fong Yang frigate 中華民國海軍 FFG-933 鳳陽號 巡防艦剪輯
Просмотров 11612 часов назад
獻給中華民國海軍學長學弟 If you like, please help me by subscription and share~Thank you~ 如果喜歡請幫我按訂閱及分享~謝謝~ zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/鳳陽號巡防艦
中國834飲馬湖號半潛艦中國海軍 834飲馬湖號半潛艦 剪輯 China navy 834 Yinmahu semi-submersible
Просмотров 8212 часов назад
以下有艦艇資料提供參考~ 如果喜歡請幫我按訂閱及分享~謝謝~ If you like, please help me by subscription and share~Thank you~ today.line.me/tw/v2/article/vXm3BE0
烏克蘭海軍 捷爾諾波爾號 護衛艦 剪輯 Ukrainian Navy Ternopil corvette
Просмотров 4614 часов назад
如果喜歡請幫我按訂閱及分享~謝謝~ If you like, please help me by subscription and share~Thank you~ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_corvette_Ternopil
ROC Navy PGG-611 湘江號 patrol ship 中華民國海軍 PGG-611 湘江號 巡邏艦剪輯
Просмотров 14714 часов назад
獻給中華民國海軍學長學弟 If you like, please help me by subscription and share~Thank you~ 如果喜歡請幫我按訂閱及分享~謝謝~ zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/...
ROC Navy SS-792 海豹號 submarine 中華民國海軍 SS-792 海豹號 潛艇 剪輯
Просмотров 37816 часов назад
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英國海軍 82型 布里斯托 驅逐艦 剪輯 England Navy Type 82 Bristol -class destroyer
Просмотров 14416 часов назад
英國海軍 82型 布里斯托 驅逐艦 剪輯 England Navy Type 82 Bristol -class destroyer
ROC Navy DDG 911當陽號 Destroyer 中華民國海軍 DDG 911當陽 驅逐艦剪輯
Просмотров 26119 часов назад
ROC Navy DDG 911當陽號 Destroyer 中華民國海軍 DDG 911當陽 驅逐艦剪輯
烏克蘭海軍 格特曼·薩蓋達奇內號護衛艦 剪輯 Ukrainian Navy Hetman Sagedachny frigate
Просмотров 6819 часов назад
烏克蘭海軍 格特曼·薩蓋達奇內號護衛艦 剪輯 Ukrainian Navy Hetman Sagedachny frigate
ROC Navy AP522 凌雲號 transport ship 中華民國海軍 AP522 凌雲號 人員運輸艦剪輯
Просмотров 15221 час назад
ROC Navy AP522 凌雲號 transport ship 中華民國海軍 AP522 凌雲號 人員運輸艦剪輯
伊朗哈姆澤級護衛艦伊朗海軍 莫吉級護衛艦 剪輯 Iranian Navy Moudge-class frigate
Просмотров 6321 час назад
伊朗哈姆澤級護衛艦伊朗海軍 莫吉級護衛艦 剪輯 Iranian Navy Moudge-class frigate
印度尼西亞海軍 塞芒卡灣級戰車登陸艦 剪輯 Indonesia Navy Teluk Semangka cass landing ship
Просмотров 116День назад
印度尼西亞海軍 塞芒卡灣級戰車登陸艦 剪輯 Indonesia Navy Teluk Semangka cass landing ship
ROC Navy ddg-907 富陽號 Destroyer 中華民國海軍ddg-907 富陽號 驅逐艦剪輯
Просмотров 439День назад
ROC Navy ddg-907 富陽號 Destroyer 中華民國海軍ddg-907 富陽號 驅逐艦剪輯
ROC Navy LCU 405 雲台號 Transport boat 中華民國海軍 LCU 405 合潮號 交通船 剪輯
Просмотров 345День назад
ROC Navy LCU 405 雲台號 Transport boat 中華民國海軍 LCU 405 合潮號 交通船 剪輯
土耳其海軍 TCG UFUK(A 591)情報船剪輯 Turkish Navy TCG UFUK(A 591)INTELLIGENCE SHIP
Просмотров 28День назад
土耳其海軍 TCG UFUK(A 591)情報船剪輯 Turkish Navy TCG UFUK(A 591)INTELLIGENCE SHIP
蘇聯海軍 格里沙級護衛艦 剪輯 Soviet Navy Grisha-class corvette
Просмотров 306День назад
蘇聯海軍 格里沙級護衛艦 剪輯 Soviet Navy Grisha-class corvette
ROC Navy PFG2-1101 Cheng Kung frigate 中華民國海軍 PFG2-1101 成功號 巡防艦剪輯
Просмотров 226День назад
ROC Navy PFG2-1101 Cheng Kung frigate 中華民國海軍 PFG2-1101 成功號 巡防艦剪輯
朝鮮海軍 鴨綠江級 護衛艦 剪輯 North Korea navy Yalujiang-class corvette
Просмотров 412День назад
朝鮮海軍 鴨綠江級 護衛艦 剪輯 North Korea navy Yalujiang-class corvette
ROC Navy LCU481 合群號 Landing craft 中華民國海軍 LCU481合群號 通用登陸艇剪輯
Просмотров 122День назад
ROC Navy LCU481 合群號 Landing craft 中華民國海軍 LCU481合群號 通用登陸艇剪輯
英國海軍 LCVP Mk5登陸艇 剪輯 England Navy LCVP Mk5 landing craft
Просмотров 14014 дней назад
英國海軍 LCVP Mk5登陸艇 剪輯 England Navy LCVP Mk5 landing craft
ROC Navy PCE-866 武勝號 patrol ship 中華民國海軍 PCE-866 武勝號 巡邏艦剪輯
Просмотров 44114 дней назад
ROC Navy PCE-866 武勝號 patrol ship 中華民國海軍 PCE-866 武勝號 巡邏艦剪輯


  • @maricidevamega939
    @maricidevamega939 7 дней назад

    Thank you for sharing these photos.

  • @kevinlo77777
    @kevinlo77777 7 дней назад

    哇靠!當初我還526 到金門

  • @apin_1120
    @apin_1120 10 дней назад


  • @oldoldnavy
    @oldoldnavy 12 дней назад


  • @SokMean-c1w
    @SokMean-c1w 17 дней назад


  • @Ned-r4t
    @Ned-r4t 17 дней назад


  • @江富-p5l
    @江富-p5l 18 дней назад


  • @RM-jy3js
    @RM-jy3js 24 дня назад

    曾經在澎湖當兵搭過920萊陽。那時後的陸戰隊 要有一個班上去協助護航。我是海陸555梯 看到陽字號 當兵的回億又出現了

  • @不死三振-f3u
    @不死三振-f3u Месяц назад

    萬安艦是在1978年下水,萬安演習是從1978年開始,蔣萬安是在1978年出生。 為什麼那麼巧合?

  • @廖志帆-p5r
    @廖志帆-p5r Месяц назад


  • @well-blazeredman6187
    @well-blazeredman6187 Месяц назад

    Nice ships. When the Royal Navy announced the Type 31 frigate, I was hoping that they might purchase something like this.

  • @蔡炳璋
    @蔡炳璋 Месяц назад


  • @蔡炳璋
    @蔡炳璋 Месяц назад


  • @Chickenworm9394
    @Chickenworm9394 Месяц назад


  • @michaellewen2305
    @michaellewen2305 Месяц назад


  • @MrBoss0113
    @MrBoss0113 Месяц назад

    518 。當年新兵時就是坐這艘軍艦從基隆到東引報到頂著七八級風浪 。回頭一想多是三十年前的事了 。

  • @sunponyboy
    @sunponyboy Месяц назад


  • @老房-j8h
    @老房-j8h Месяц назад

    這艘船我搭過 來去太平島 53工兵群1983T

  • @DanielChang555
    @DanielChang555 Месяц назад


  • @robertosovietunion7567
    @robertosovietunion7567 2 месяца назад

    Chinese PLA Navy procure these Type 051Luda Class Destoryer or Frigate from Russiam Navy Riga class firgate during Soviet years and then refurbished by China

  • @王暐婷-b7k
    @王暐婷-b7k 2 месяца назад


  • @雨过未必晴
    @雨过未必晴 2 месяца назад


    • @davidmurphy8190
      @davidmurphy8190 2 месяца назад

      Prior to launch, ready for launch-to-commissioning phase.

  • @henrywang3739
    @henrywang3739 2 месяца назад


  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 2 месяца назад

    Nice mine countermeasures ship. Keep the sea lanes swept clear.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 2 месяца назад

    The ARS type of fleet auxiliary is an essential element of the ROCN force structure.

  • @xx331
    @xx331 2 месяца назад

    戰力極強的DDG-921遼陽鑑.1994年曾在澎湖海域捕獲中共潛艦.通報總部後.左營港內剛成軍的二代艦全數緊急出港進行圍獵.當年的新聞報導得很大條.遼陽鑑紅透全台灣.成為當時的明星艦艇.據悉發現潛艦的遼陽聲納手因此受邀至總部與一堆星星將官吃飯. 2004年本人有幸受邀參與DDG-921遼陽鑑除役典禮.典禮完畢後在新濱碼頭.我親自為她解了最後一纜.由拖駁拉至旗津保管組停泊.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 2 месяца назад

    The OTO/Melara 5/54 or 127/62 gun mounts are considerably lighter than the Mark 42 5”/54-cal. Mount. More projectiles as well.

  • @蔡登陽
    @蔡登陽 2 месяца назад

    海軍406梯 1989.10.16~1991.8.31,電機下士。

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 2 месяца назад

    Good-looking DDG.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 2 месяца назад

    The PGG-608 patrol ship can be fitted with a 76-mm or 40-mm rapid fire cannon on the foredeck. The most recent ammunition developed for the 40 and 76-mm naval guns have increased lethality against aerial and surface targets. The VT/proximity fuzing available for those weapons improves the likelihood of single-shot kill probability (SSKP). The Israeli Navy took the CMN/Lurssen PTG platforms and used them effectively against the Syrian Navy in October 1973. With upgraded naval guns and ammunition, ships like the ROCN PGGs could inflict considerable damage on PLAN and paramilitary naval forces.

  • @juweikwen4030
    @juweikwen4030 2 месяца назад

    Taiwan => operates 2 Newport-class tank landing ships and 4 LST-542-class tank landing ships, all purchased from the United States. Wow, 50 years junk - n commission 1969.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 2 месяца назад

    Great images of the VNN warship. Good detail on the SS-N-25 SWITCHBLADE missile loadout. Eight ASCMs is quite a step up from the older four STYX missiles. The AK-176 Mount forward has proved reliable for a PGG. Good sensor suite.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 2 месяца назад

    The unmanned surface vessel (USV) and the unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) offer much to large navies as well as navies like the ROCN. The minimally-attended USV and UUV might be a better option by permitting operations in EMCON ALFA or in situations where an electronic warfare jammer USV could be positioned in an “ambush”. The UUV would provide a capacity to operate in an archipelago waiting for a hostile force to enter friendly waters. A UUV fitted with ASW torpedoes could act like a CAPTOR mine but with a multi-shot capability. A UUV if given a loadout consisting of one shot-one kill mine neutralization vehicles could damage or cripple small enemy combatants.

  • @bon-dv3my
    @bon-dv3my 2 месяца назад


  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 2 месяца назад

    The GODETIA is a ship class needed by Taiwan for the ROCN.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    Fleet tugs are the true workhorses of the Navy. The ATF can perform many missions for a navy. Minesweeper, salvage tug, minelayer, weapons retrieval, and submarine rescue are all within its range of tasks.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    EDO made a prototype pressure mine sweep device.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    The FF-1052 frigates always had a problem with seakeeping, specifically with taking seas over the bows due to the SQS-26 sonar dome causing the ships to “dig in” their bows in high Sea States. The eventual “fix” to the problem was the addition of bulwarks forward and spray rails further aft abreast Mount 51.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    The aft deck area of the MSO is equipped with all the tools of the mine sweeping trade. The large and distinctive buoys are carried port and starboard. The otter is carried to port. Forward of the otter is acoustic device to trip bottom mines fitted with an acoustic sensor. The towing winch is aft of amidships for streaming the mine clearance gear. The cables for triggering magnetic mines are stowed. The housing for the minehunting sonar is fitted forward of the bridge. 1306 has the necessary communications antennae for the MCM mission.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    Nice detailed images on the business end of the MSO.

  • @leftyo9589
    @leftyo9589 3 месяца назад

    the Frez 90-92.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    This vessel appears to be derived from the two-ship class of water tankers (AWT) which were acquired in the time of the Shah. The AWTs were responsible for transfer of drinking water to the many offshore islands under Iranian control. During the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-1988, the AWTs were used in a similar fashion as this vessel including being armed with STYX-type antiship missiles.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    During the Vietnam War, several USN warships fitted with ASROC launchers were fitted with single-rail launchers for SHRIKE anti-radiation missiles (ARM). These proved effective against North Vietnamese shore batteries using radar fire control. This also helped the STANDARD ARM development effort which resulted in some of the ASHEVILLE PG Class being fitted to knock out Soviet Navy fire control radars.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    Great imagery of the KHUKRI Class.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    The KHARG was designed to employ the design, layout, and configuration of a RN replenishment ship (AOR). The IRIN upgraded the KHARG by installing additional AA guns, short-range SAMs, and the helicopters were intended to be H-3 SEA KING helicopters for VERTREP, ASW, and ASuW.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    The ATFs, ARSs, and ASRs all employ similar hulls, power plants, ship’s equipment, weapons, and sensors. There are many in service around the world.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    Does the ROCN LST-232 Class have T-Mk 6 FANFARE?

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    Instead of building the LCS ships, the USN should have bought an upgraded LST-1179 Class.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    Beautiful warships.

  • @davidmurphy8190
    @davidmurphy8190 3 месяца назад

    Did the ROCN have to correct the finish on the La Fayette Class to improve its RCS?