- Видео 149
- Просмотров 5 559
Starcodes Academy - Spiritual Awakening
Добавлен 29 янв 2022
Starcodes Academy supports the Earth and humankind on their ascension journey by empowering people to reach their fullest potential and live their divine purpose, with light codes and divine guidance as our key tools.
We empower our participants to transform their existence through honest reflection, healing, creativity, and connection.
We empower our participants to transform their existence through honest reflection, healing, creativity, and connection.
Af hverju reynist okkur erfitt að tjá sannleika okkar?
Hvaðan koma meðvirkni og ótti? Hvernig getum við styrkt sannleikann okkar og lifað samkvæmt honum?
Starcodes Academy was created by Alma Hrönn and Hrabbý in early 2020 after Hrabbý started channeling light codes from ancient Atlantis. They were told by spirit that they needed to work with the light codes and together started channeling material from Archangel Metatron and other beings of light and were soon requested to support others in transforming their lives and living their divinity.
Expect videos around spiritual and personal transformation, light codes, and supporting the Earth and humankind on their ascension journey by empowering people to reach their fullest potential ...
Starcodes Academy was created by Alma Hrönn and Hrabbý in early 2020 after Hrabbý started channeling light codes from ancient Atlantis. They were told by spirit that they needed to work with the light codes and together started channeling material from Archangel Metatron and other beings of light and were soon requested to support others in transforming their lives and living their divinity.
Expect videos around spiritual and personal transformation, light codes, and supporting the Earth and humankind on their ascension journey by empowering people to reach their fullest potential ...
Просмотров: 11
Why is it so hard for us to express our truth?
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What does it mean to be a light worker? A carrier of light?
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How do we take responsibility for ourselves and our energy?
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What does "taking responsibility" mean to us? What does it mean to you? Starcodes Academy was created by Alma Hrönn and Hrabbý in early 2020 after Hrabbý started channeling light codes from ancient Atlantis. They were told by spirit that they needed to work with the light codes and together started channeling material from Archangel Metatron and other beings of light and were soon requested to ...
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The Magic of Connecting With Nature
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Is there a reason for everything that happens in our lives?
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Er ástæða fyrir öllu sem gerist og því sem við erum að fást við?
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Hvað er sálarfjölskylda?
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Í Miðvikudagsspjallinu að þessu sinni ræðum við um sálarfjölskyldur. Hvað eru sálarfjölskyldur? Hvernig vitum við hvaða sálir tilheyra fjölskyldunni okkar? Eiga sálarfjölskyldur eitthvað sameiginlegt með okkar eigin fjölskyldu?
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Hvað er sannleikur út frá gervigreind (AI)?
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Why do we need to work with more than 7 chakras
Hjarta Skotlands 4.-11. júní 2025 - Kynningarfundur
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Hjarta Skotlands 4.-11. júní 2025 - Kynningarfundur
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Af hverju er mikilvægt að vinna með fleiri en 7 orkustöðvar?
Why do we feel disconnected? And how do we connect?
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Why is it important for us to connect with nature?
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Why is it important for us to connect with nature?
Lovely to see you both, thank you 🙏✨
Thank you so much for listening <3
Svo sammála ykkur ❤
Hér finnur þú upplýsingar um hugleiðslupakkana okkar starcodesacademy.com/is/hugleidslur/
Ég er sól í Vatnsbera. Þetta er búinn að vera óvenjulega leiðinlegur dagur með erfiðum samskiptum. En ég er samt óvenjulega æðrulaus í þessum aðstæðum eins og oftast. Takk kærlega fyrir!
Ji, svo sammála ykkur! Svaraði ykkur á FB áður en ég horfði á spjallið ;)
Takk fyrir að taka þátt í samtalinu <3
Hi Elfa. Before you even mentioned it was your light code, I felt so attracted to the painting! 😊 Catherine 😘