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40.天 2024, 第四十天: 刻不容缓, 张福裕牧师
这是《爱新加坡 40.天 2024》第四十天的祷告事项:
1. 为着新加坡转向上帝来祷告。求上帝赐给我们属祂的领袖;众人合一渴慕行善,满有怜悯;众教会委身分享福音的盼望。祷告上帝会光照每个黑暗的地方,每位信徒也会成为这道光的代言人。
2. 热切祷告求上帝感动新加坡的年轻人,吸引他们归向上帝的基要真理和不可撼动的盼望。祷告有机会邀请他们去到教会、小组和敬拜聚会。求上帝装备我们、赐我们能力,好在这段属灵旅程中带领他们。
3. 为着祝福万国来祷告,无论是参加短宣,还是以其他方式服事上帝的国度,求主赐你坚信和勇气,勇敢踏出第一步。
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40.Day 2024, Day 40: The time is now! Pastor Jeff Chong
Просмотров 8 тыс.2 месяца назад
This is Day 40 of LoveSingapore’s 40.Day 2024 prayer devotional, featuring Pastor Jeff Chong, Chairman of LoveSingapore and Senior Pastor of Hope Singapore. PRAYER POINTERS: 1. Pray for a Godward Singapore. Ask for godly leadership, a people united in the desire to do good and be compassionate, a Church committed to sharing Gospel hope. Pray that God’s light will shine brightly in every area of...
40.Day 2024, Day 39: The Great Commission revisited, Pastor Benny Ho
Просмотров 10 тыс.2 месяца назад
This is Day 39 of LoveSingapore’s 40.Day 2024 prayer devotional, featuring Pastor Benny Ho, Senior Pastor of Faith Community Church, Perth. PRAYER POINTERS: 1. Pray for our worship to be so authentic, so transformative, so joyful, that we long to share the Lord whom we worship with those who lack it. "We must never rest until everything inside us worships God." (AW Tozer) 2. Pray for obedience ...
40.天 2024, 第三十九天: 重新审视大使命, 何宝全牧师
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.2 месяца назад
这是《爱新加坡 40.天 2024》第三十九天的祷告事项: 1. 祷告我们的敬拜是如此真挚、如此喜乐、拥有转化的大能,以至于我们渴慕与人分享我们所敬拜的主。“我们绝不停歇,直到全人全心都敬拜上帝。” (陶恕) 2.祷告我们能坦然无惧地回应上帝的呼召,离开舒适圈,寻找并拯救失丧之人。求基督的爱大大充满我们,好叫我们迫切地将福音传给失丧之人。 3. 祷告上帝会扩张新加坡众教会的眼界,不专注于眼前的困难,而要为上帝在国内外各种族群体中所行的美事欢呼雀跃。 今日灵修内容: 中文: 英文: 家庭: lovesingapore.or...
40.天 2024, 第三十八天: 为万国而合一, 梁伟汉牧师
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.2 месяца назад
这是《爱新加坡 40.天 2024》第三十八天的祷告事项: 1. 在新加坡政权交接的特殊时刻,求主赐下合一与和平在多元种族和不同世代中。求上帝带领我们为着新加坡的命定努力奋斗,让我们的国家走在公义、智慧、怜悯的道路上,好让我们能 “在上帝一切的旨意上得以完全,信心充足,能站立得稳。” (歌罗西书4:12) 2. 为个人的渴慕来祷告,渴慕不只在信仰上,也要在行为上活出福音。将你生命中的每个人都交托给上帝,为他们祷告求福祉。 今日灵修内容: 中文: 英文: 家庭:
40.Day 2024, Day 38: A church united for the nations, Pastor Andrew Leong
Просмотров 9 тыс.2 месяца назад
This is Day 38 of LoveSingapore’s 40.Day 2024 prayer devotional, featuring Pastor Andrew Leong, Senior Pastor of Kingdomcity Singapore. PRAYER POINTERS: 1. Pray for unity and peace to abound among the diverse people and different generations who make Singapore their home, especially in this year of leadership change. Contend for the destiny of Singapore that He may cause our nation to walk in a...
40.Day 2024, Day 37: You were born for a purpose, Anne Deborah Ng
Просмотров 10 тыс.2 месяца назад
This is Day 37 of LoveSingapore’s 40.Day 2024 prayer devotional, featuring Anne Deborah Ng of Evangelist of Christ For All Nations. PRAYER POINTERS: 1. Pray for your speech, actions and choices to win those in your circle of influence for Christ. 2. Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Act 2:17) upon the communities and nations you have been sent to preach the Gospel, believing that ...
40.天 2024, 第三十七天: 你的生命意义非凡, 黄智婷
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.2 месяца назад
这是《爱新加坡 40.天 2024》第三十七天的祷告事项: 1. 为你的言行举止和每一个选择来祷告,好叫你为基督赢得人心。 2. 求圣灵再一次浇灌你所传福音的群体和国家 (使徒行传2:17),相信上帝渴望他们得着祂救赎的恩典。 3. 用马太福音4:19祷告:“耶稣对他们说:来跟从我,我要叫你们得人如得鱼一样。” 唯有先跟从基督,才能成为得人的渔夫。我们要有更严格的属灵纪律、更深层的祷告生活、更敬虔地研读祂的话语,才能坦然无惧地成为得人的渔夫。 今日灵修内容: 中文: 英文: 家庭:
40.天 2024, 第三十六天: 你会为“最小”的人做什么?黄爱平
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.2 месяца назад
这是《爱新加坡 40.天 2024》第三十六天的祷告事项: 1. 为着新加坡转向上帝来祷告。求上帝赐给个人及教会强烈的坚信和热忱去传福音,尤其是那些还没有听过福音的人。祷告上帝会光照每个黑暗的地方,每位信徒也会成为这道光的代言人。 2. 当你寻求祝福万国时,求主赐下恩典。祷告你能有勇气踏出第一步,无论是参加短宣,还是以其他方式服事上帝的国度。 3. 祷告你能以耶稣的眼光看待他人,尤其是那些与你不同的人。 祷告你的言行举止都能彰显耶稣的柔和、慷慨和恩典。 今日灵修内容: 中文: 英文: ...
40.Day 2024, Day 36: What would you do for the least of them? Jemima Ooi
Просмотров 10 тыс.2 месяца назад
This is Day 36 of LoveSingapore’s 40.Day 2024 prayer devotional, featuring Jemima Ooi, Missionary of Love In Action Missions Global (LIAM GLOBAL) . PRAYER POINTERS: 1. Pray for a Godward Singapore. Ask God for deep conviction and fervour among individuals and churches to share the Gospel, especially to those who have not yet heard it. Pray that God’s light will shine brightly in every area of d...
40.Day 2024, Day 35: What matters most to you? Pastor Esther Lim
Просмотров 9 тыс.2 месяца назад
This is Day 35 of LoveSingapore’s 40.Day 2024 prayer devotional, featuring Pastor Esther Lim, Executive Experience Pastor of Victory Family Centre. PRAYER POINTERS: 1. Pray to grasp the magnitude of God’s desire for none to perish but for all to come to repentance. Ask God to stir up a similar passion in your heart to be part of His plan to carry Good News to the ends of the earth. “The Gospel ...
40.天 2024, 第三十五天: 什么对你最重要?林淑慧牧师
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.2 месяца назад
这是《爱新加坡 40.天 2024》第三十五天的祷告事项: 1. 祷告我们能紧紧抓住上帝不愿一人沉沦,乃愿人人都悔改的渴望。求上帝把同样的切慕放在你心中,按祂的旨意将好消息传到地极。“来得及被听闻的福音,才算是好消息。” (卡尔亨利) 2. 求问上帝你在宣教禾场里的角色,你是被呼召透过祷告、赞助、策划、筹募来帮助宣教士,还是被呼召成为宣教士? 3. 祷告你对周遭的需求有更强的意识, 能有机会主动关心身边的家人、邻居、同事、朋友,求上帝带领你有效地向他们分享祂的仁慈与福音。 今日灵修内容: 中文: 英文: 家庭: lovesingapore.or...
40.Day 2024, Day 34: ALL IN for Jesus, Pastor Sarah Chan
Просмотров 10 тыс.2 месяца назад
This is Day 34 of LoveSingapore’s 40.Day 2024 prayer devotional, featuring Pastor Sarah Chan, Missionary, East Timor, Covenant Evangelical Free Church PRAYER POINTERS: 1. Pray for a Christ identity within individuals and the Church that is so rooted in His Truth, that collectively we reflect the unshakable plans of God to a world adrift in confusion. Pray that we live “without anxiety, but not ...
40.天 2024, 第三十四天: 上帝言出必行, 曾丽清牧师
Просмотров 3,2 тыс.2 месяца назад
这是《爱新加坡 40.天 2024》第三十四天的祷告事项: 1. 祷告个人和教会都能保有属基督的身份,深深扎根于祂的真理,好让我们共同彰显上帝对这混乱迷失的世界,不可撼动的计划。祷告我们 “没有焦虑,但不是毫无关心;没有恐慌,但不是毫无警觉;没有偶像,但不是毫无热忱和关爱。” (慕迪) 2. 祷告我们在乱世中也能活得坚定无畏,相信上帝的旨意和应许必定成就。求上帝显明祂为你预备的天国角色,“为现今的机会” (以斯帖记4:14),坦然无惧活出命定。 3. 无论在新加坡或国外,求上帝打开你属灵的眼睛去发现身边的需要。求祂的恩典临到还没听到福音的人,求祂的怜悯临到远离祂心意的人。祷告能有机会向他们分享上帝的真理,好让他们愿意敞开心来领受。 今日灵修内容: 中文: 英文: lovesing...
40.天 2024, 第三十三天: 走出教会, 邝健雄牧师
Просмотров 4,2 тыс.2 месяца назад
这是《爱新加坡 40.天 2024》第三十三天的祷告事项: 1. 请用这段经文祷告: “这天国的福音要传遍天下,对万民作见证,然后末期才来到。(马太福音24:14) 2. 请为这应许祷告:“但圣灵降临在你们身上,你们就必得着能力,并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地,和撒玛利亚,直到地极,作我的见证。” (使徒行传1:8) 3. 祷告上帝向我们显明如何持之以恒,成就祂心所想,让每个国家的每个人都认识祂救赎的恩典。 今日灵修内容: 中文: 英文: 家庭: ...
40.Day 2024, Day 33: Get out of the church! Pastor Lawrence Khong
Просмотров 17 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.Day 2024, Day 33: Get out of the church! Pastor Lawrence Khong
40.Day 2024, Day 32: 无墙的教会, 赵仁牧师 - Churches without walls, Rev Bobby Chaw
Просмотров 12 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.Day 2024, Day 32: 无墙的教会, 赵仁牧师 - Churches without walls, Rev Bobby Chaw
40.Day 2024, Day 31: Believing beyond, Pastor Charissa Seaward
Просмотров 10 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.Day 2024, Day 31: Believing beyond, Pastor Charissa Seaward
40.天 2024, 第三十一天: 超乎想象的信靠, Charissa Seaward 牧师
Просмотров 3,5 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.天 2024, 第三十一天: 超乎想象的信靠, Charissa Seaward 牧师
40.天 2024, 第三十天: 兴起安提阿教会, 黄志文牧师
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.天 2024, 第三十天: 兴起安提阿教会, 黄志文牧师
40.Day 2024, Day 30: Let the Antioch Church arise, Pastor Ng Zhi-Wen
Просмотров 9 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.Day 2024, Day 30: Let the Antioch Church arise, Pastor Ng Zhi-Wen
40.Day 2024, Day 29: Youths, step up to win the youth, Pastor Daniel Khong
Просмотров 10 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.Day 2024, Day 29: Youths, step up to win the youth, Pastor Daniel Khong
40.天 2024, 第二十九天: 青年人去赢得你的世代, 邝保亮牧师
Просмотров 3,6 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.天 2024, 第二十九天: 青年人去赢得你的世代, 邝保亮牧师
40.天 2024, 第二十八天: 拿起你的宝剑, 杨瑞凤传道
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.天 2024, 第二十八天: 拿起你的宝剑, 杨瑞凤传道
40.Day 2024, Day 28: Pick up your sword! , Janelle Ong
Просмотров 9 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.Day 2024, Day 28: Pick up your sword! , Janelle Ong
40.Day 2024, Day 27: Respect the youth and win the youth, Pastor Cecilia Chan
Просмотров 8 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.Day 2024, Day 27: Respect the youth and win the youth, Pastor Cecilia Chan
40.天 2024, 第二十七天: 尊重青年人 赢得青年人, 曾秀萍牧师
Просмотров 3,3 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.天 2024, 第二十七天: 尊重青年人 赢得青年人, 曾秀萍牧师
40.天 2024, 第二十六天: 以上帝为先, 陈家伟牧师
Просмотров 3,6 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.天 2024, 第二十六天: 以上帝为先, 陈家伟牧师
40.Day 2024, Day 26: Make God’s priority your priority, Pastor Joel Tan
Просмотров 9 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.Day 2024, Day 26: Make God’s priority your priority, Pastor Joel Tan
40.Day 2024, Day 25: Wait on the Lord, Rev Joey Asher Tan
Просмотров 11 тыс.2 месяца назад
40.Day 2024, Day 25: Wait on the Lord, Rev Joey Asher Tan


  • @gh8066
    @gh8066 25 дней назад

    my mans is highly anointed

  • @yeosky1
    @yeosky1 Месяц назад

    Thanks for your wonderful sharing. Pastor Ho.

  • @hiichian9830
    @hiichian9830 2 месяца назад

    Why Sin gaporeans hate the genuine Chinese language and most Sin gaporean Chinese never master genuine Chinese language accurately soundly and comprehensively Chinese Sin gaporean SAF Sargent Tan said cannot speak Mandarin in Army camp. NUS Dr Seah said is not right to use Mandarin Chinese in NUS ? Jesus wants to slap the face of those hypocrites who don't know how versatile is Chinese language in genuine complete whole。。Who wants to be an arrogant Sin gaporean snob? Genuine Christian will learn Chinese language righteously and accurately using Chinese language application with grace and living love and depth both theologically and philosophically..

  • @TommyC5777
    @TommyC5777 2 месяца назад

    Make certain that the Church does not partake in the Interfaith agenda.

  • @TommyC5777
    @TommyC5777 2 месяца назад

    Most believers are oblivious of what is happening spiritually within the Institutions (Christendom) let alone the Brand New Believers who are not biblical enough to handle complicated questions. However, the Ministry of Christ has and always will be exposing the False with the Truth in Love. That said, True Believers is *the Church* therefore how can a believer get out of itself...??? Or you should say "come out of her my people" (Revelation 18:4). (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" Remember that Pastors and Teachers are judged more severely the blood of the pre-believers will be on your own heads.

  • @TommyC5777
    @TommyC5777 2 месяца назад

    Sorry you don't pray to the holy spirit...

  • @hiichian9830
    @hiichian9830 2 месяца назад


  • @MyHanck
    @MyHanck 2 месяца назад

    There is no such thing as revisiting anything . To revisit is pure law. The work is finished and Christ is revealed to sinners with given ears a long time ago already. The new eschaton has already begun , the ship has sailed the rice is cooked and the clay is already baked. No revisiting or turning back. It is all over.

  • @paifamily
    @paifamily 2 месяца назад

    We believers are the players. Jesus Christ's authority of heaven and earth are to be impacting us to share his salvation gospel which is the core message. God's grace and mercy shows by him made faith in him simple through John with the key in John 3:16-18. Without this confession prescribed by John made by anyone who hears the gospel he will miss the gift of salvation.

  • @susanang9125
    @susanang9125 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for the reminder 😊

  • @paifamily
    @paifamily 2 месяца назад


  • @gsuren999
    @gsuren999 2 месяца назад

    "unless God is in it, our best efforts are in vain" ....time is now to PRAY!

  • @MyHanck
    @MyHanck 2 месяца назад

    Are you referring to chronos time or kairos time? Huge difference. Law and Gospel. The hidden and revealed God.

  • @chuaseahhui
    @chuaseahhui 2 месяца назад

    Thank you, Pastor Jeff.

  • @patloh777
    @patloh777 2 месяца назад

    Blessed National Day!🎉

  • @justintheproroblox
    @justintheproroblox 2 месяца назад

    happy national day

  • @budwan5843
    @budwan5843 2 месяца назад

    The seed of truth will be useless on the ground of delusion Mat13:23(parable of the sower) Also Mat 7:5,6 The great commission is to nations. What constitutes a nation? Territory under a government. The meaning of "baptise" carries far deeper implications than your theological dissertation on the "great commission " Your "fathers" may not welcome or be too happy to be "baptised" in the name of the "father, son and spirit". Which means to say you are the "third type of ground". You are too rich to back down, as a nation.

  • @gsuren999
    @gsuren999 2 месяца назад

    "the main power base is Christ!" .... "go, baptize, MAKE, teach" >> final measurement "how many became true disciples of Jesus?"

  • @kevineu6098
    @kevineu6098 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for the fresh revelation!

  • @hiichian9830
    @hiichian9830 2 месяца назад

    When we pray 🙏♥️ to God in Jesus name we cannot see and perceive the spiritual realm not knowing whether God is smiling!? The judgement of God and the accusation of Satan!? God is good unconditionally loving and kind or wrathful? The character of God ... How God view the majority of Sin gaporeans about more than 80%are non Baptised non Christian...? Gehenna and hell !? Why highly modern educated PM Lee Hsien Loong a good 👍 balanced mature Romantic Brigadier general don't know how to remove the wrong wrathful depraved wicked superstitious idol dirty temples in Sin gapore and call in the Trinitarian Theological philosophy of Methodist Christian faith of the Awesome Divine Christendom of Jesus Christos where PM Christian Methodist Lawrence Wong has !? How the Sin gaporean Government authorities politically view the scenario of Judaism Christianity Islam of the Abrahamic Jewish Israel at the Jerusalem..? What is eschatology to the Sin gaporean society..?

  • @chuaseahhui
    @chuaseahhui 2 месяца назад

    Thank you, Pastor Benny.

  • @陳阿月-v9w
    @陳阿月-v9w 2 месяца назад


  • @MyHanck
    @MyHanck 2 месяца назад

    Our problem is we live in a closed system of law and don’t see the world thanking us for the Gospel

  • @gsuren999
    @gsuren999 2 месяца назад

    “but by our LOVE for another” ❣️🙌🏾🙏

  • @MyHanck
    @MyHanck 2 месяца назад

    Anyway we cut it it is still law

  • @tohkwaichunteresa1458
    @tohkwaichunteresa1458 2 месяца назад

    Amen 🙏

  • @derrickkua8440
    @derrickkua8440 2 месяца назад

    Amen 🙏 Praise the Lord ❤️

  • @petrinaowyeong9096
    @petrinaowyeong9096 2 месяца назад

    Thank you pastor

  • @gracelee4703
    @gracelee4703 2 месяца назад

    0:22 Agreed 👍 We lack of true love in the body of Christ. May God pour His Holy Spirit to convict each individual to truly repent of our sinful characters and love our Lord with all our hearts,souls minds and bodies. Only then there will be true love and oneness in the bodies of Christ to bring glory to His Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen

  • @chuaseahhui
    @chuaseahhui 2 месяца назад

    Thank you, Pastor Andrew.

  • @JaneTan-g6j
    @JaneTan-g6j 2 месяца назад

    So touching to see so many young people shared

  • @tohkwaichunteresa1458
    @tohkwaichunteresa1458 2 месяца назад

    Amen 🙏 ❤

  • @anthonypng9257
    @anthonypng9257 2 месяца назад

    配音 很不协调

  • @linaang9992
    @linaang9992 2 месяца назад

    Amen. Thanks Anne.

  • @gsuren999
    @gsuren999 2 месяца назад

    "many are ready to hear the gospel BUT few are ready to preach the gospel"

  • @jascheen7042
    @jascheen7042 2 месяца назад

    Thank you the very encouraging message ❤

  • @chuaseahhui
    @chuaseahhui 2 месяца назад

    Not all of us are called to be preachers of God’s Word, but all His Christians are called to PREACH the Gospel: PREACH = Purposefully Relate with Each one, especially pre-believers, And Communicate Heartily …the Word of God and see many believe in our Lord Jesus and accept Him.

  • @chuaseahhui
    @chuaseahhui 2 месяца назад

    Thank you, Anne.

  • @meilahpoon7243
    @meilahpoon7243 2 месяца назад

    Praise the Lord ! Young people coming up

  • @josephwee3768
    @josephwee3768 2 месяца назад

    so cool 🙏🕊

  • @tohkwaichunteresa1458
    @tohkwaichunteresa1458 2 месяца назад

    🙏 ❤

  • @gsuren999
    @gsuren999 2 месяца назад

    “this is the humility of our God. He was born to be poured out “🙏🙏❣️🙌🏾

  • @evelyntan8414
    @evelyntan8414 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for sharing . God bless you abundantly

  • @chuaseahhui
    @chuaseahhui 2 месяца назад

    Thank you, Jemima,.

  • @MyHanck
    @MyHanck 2 месяца назад

    Don’t you think what we do or have to do is in the realm of the law?

    • @generousglow896
      @generousglow896 2 месяца назад

      Jn 14:12 I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works..... It's the Holy Spirit who empowers n moves us to do works, not by compulsion to follow the law.

  • @silverag9
    @silverag9 2 месяца назад

    The church be the life of every community.

  • @RodneyTan
    @RodneyTan 2 месяца назад


  • @budwan5843
    @budwan5843 2 месяца назад

    The kingdom is about the salvation of nations, not individuals - individuals are part of the nation. As such, there won't be "a god" coming to save you or rule over all nations. Such a concept is idolatrous(antichrist). Neither is there such "a spirit" who lives in you to achieve righteousness. Justice and righteousness are required at the national level, not individual. That said, It does not mean one can live irresponsibly and disobey the law of the land. Most of us follow laws, with or without religion. Biblical righteousness has been misconstrued(misrepresented)by religion(Christianity) because of idolatry.

  • @gsuren999
    @gsuren999 2 месяца назад

    “we should all get caught up in what matters the most”… let’s build each other up … 🙌🏾🙏

  • @nirmal3028
    @nirmal3028 2 месяца назад

    May the Lord are really doing the best far away from Singapore