Fireside Creators
Fireside Creators
  • Видео 152
  • Просмотров 15 352
Angel at Eden's Gate - Wild Goose Festival 2023
Angel at Eden's Gate - Wild Goose Festival 2023
Просмотров: 88



  • @carolcooper729
    @carolcooper729 2 дня назад

    So proud of my Dad great job!! love you

  • @nicolegraham1238
    @nicolegraham1238 20 дней назад

    Thank you to dare to question... I had questions too....❤

  • @korbendallas5318
    @korbendallas5318 21 день назад

    Hate to be the attention-deficit millenial boomer whatever, but I'm 15 minutes in the video and so far nobody explained what this is about. It would help _a lot_ to start the video with a three-minute overview.

  • @bobsluys9606
    @bobsluys9606 Месяц назад

    can / will a narcissist continue if no one fuels their fire? Drinks their Kool aid? Apparently not if Trump still has 47% followers . . . oooops- it sounds like you're addressing this just as I post this question . . ..

  • @bobsluys9606
    @bobsluys9606 Месяц назад

    Jerks for Jesus! Good one!

  • @jdstillwater7C
    @jdstillwater7C Месяц назад

    Correction to what I said at 38:50 - the correct number is 100 quadrillion rather than 500 quadrillion. Still incomprehensibly bigger than the universe Galileo described, which was itself incomprehensibly larger than the geocentric universe.

  • @PatienceBushey-z2z
    @PatienceBushey-z2z 2 месяца назад

    I cannot find the movie

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 2 месяца назад

      @@PatienceBushey-z2z here you go

  • @adamwalker2377
    @adamwalker2377 2 месяца назад

    You're the literary equivalent of someone selling quack cures. Your market is the people desperate to believe that they don't have to choose between fidelity to God and their temptations. You're what Aaron Clarey calls the "lying industrial complex", which is the same industry that sells the lie that one can eat whatever he or she wants while remaining attractive to the opposite sex or that college is always a good idea. Just accept that you're choosing your disordered desires over fidelity to God. At least you'd have my respect. I wonder when the movie will come out saying that "adultery" is a mistranslation.

  • @adamwalker2377
    @adamwalker2377 2 месяца назад

    "Reverend" Sheri disagrees with the historical Christian understanding of gender and gender roles? No way... Gay animals is an excuse? Just wait until you figure out how male ducks mate or how mother wolves clean up after bladder accidents.

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 2 месяца назад

      “Historical Christian” isn’t 1946. History proves the biblical alterations.

    • @adamwalker2377
      @adamwalker2377 2 месяца назад

      @@FiresideCreators you're right. The entire edifice of distinctions in gender roles and expectations was invented in 1946. Everyone else derived it for thousands of years before that from whatever the chronologically correct version was of the Cracker Jack box.

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 2 месяца назад

      @@adamwalker2377 before 1946, it meant rape, pederasty. Your ignorance would be funny if it wasn’t so hateful. In the Bible, there was same sex couples like David and Jonathan, Naomi and Ruth, and Jesus spoke of the Eunuchs, who are what we now call trans. Stop being a troll and educate yourself. Your behavior is antiChrist.

    • @adamwalker2377
      @adamwalker2377 2 месяца назад

      @@FiresideCreators yes, holding to the original understanding of gender and gendered roles is so hateful. Everything liberals don't like is "hate".

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 2 месяца назад

      @@adamwalker2377 no, it’s ignorant. Your trolling is what’s hateful

  • @klarity1111
    @klarity1111 2 месяца назад

    Male animals tend to to turn to homosexuality when isolated from females, or when there are not enough females for all males to pair with. When a female penguin became available, one of those penguins abandoned his male partner in order to mate with her.

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 2 месяца назад

      I was taught the same things, but scientists noted that even when the 1500 different species they studied had opposite sex options, they still chose same sex partnerships. The size of the gay animal populations are between 3% and 20%. Humans are about 5%, but could be as high as 7% if more people felt free to be authentic.

    • @klarity1111
      @klarity1111 2 месяца назад

      @@FiresideCreators Is there a link to this?

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 2 месяца назад

      @@klarity1111 I cover it in my book, and there are about a dozen books about it. Google is your friend 😉 But this has references:

    • @elibell5098
      @elibell5098 Месяц назад

      @@FiresideCreators I recommend the book Biological Exuberance.

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators Месяц назад

      @@elibell5098 yes! That’s a good one, but older. The newer books update the science.

  • @HumanResponseProject
    @HumanResponseProject 3 месяца назад

    The translations in English come from the original Greek in which most of the New Teatament is written. The Greek word arsenokoitai is a combination two Greek words that combined mean "male-bed", which is obviously referenced in the context of sexually immoral practices. The Old Testament describes any sexual or romantic relationships outside of male -female relationships within the context of marriage as immoral because it is outside of God's design and purpose. Other like descriptions of sexually immoral behaviors appear in multiple places in the New Testament as being evil in the eyes of the Lord and unacceptable for believers in Jesus. Satanism is the worship of the self that seeks to shape a god in our own image rather than seeking to know the One True God and live in the purpose as those created in His image. This false doctrine of dismissing Scripture that you do not like ar agree with and attempting to twist it into approving of something evil is the height of blasphemy against the Lord and is dragging others to hell with those who believe it and teach it. Satan did the same thing in the Garden of Eden to Eve, and he use the same perverse attempts to twist Scripture during the temptation of Christ. Read the Bible, seek the truth in the Word--not looking for what you want it to say or support your desires, and reject false teaching. Repent of evil doctrines and sinful practice, and trust in the work of Christ in His death and resurrection alone for salvation and a relationship which seeks His truth continually and calls us to obedience so that we may love God above all.

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 3 месяца назад

      You’re trusting humans, not unconditional love

    • @HumanResponseProject
      @HumanResponseProject 3 месяца назад

      @@FiresideCreators Can you define the unconditional love that you speak of? Unconditional love has nothing to do with accepting a behavior that is not only condemned in the original text of Scripture, but is also never supported or promoted as something sanctioned by God. Even if you were to make the case that Scripture isn't referring to homosexuality as something evil, you cannot make any case for it being ordained by God as something He has both approved of and designed us for. Unconditional love is something only God has perfectly demonstrated to us, in that while we were yet sinners--including those who practice perverse sexual practices such as homosexuality--Christ died for us. In His redemption of those who believe in His diety and His complete work of His death and resurrection to pay the price for our sins in His place and have victory over sin and death, He also bids us to repent of sinful ways, such as resisting temptations of the flesh, including perverse sexual practices like homosexuality. I trust in His unconditional love. Do you? It is not hateful to call out sinful things as God has categorized them. It is loving to seek that all should understand what is sinful so that they can instead seek to do what is righteous by God's decree. It is sinful to not condemn evil for the sake of truth. You accused me of trusting humans over the unconditional love I have described above. Are you referring to my trust in God's use of His specifically chosen human authors to record Scripture? If so, then yes, I also trust that work. For by no other authority can we know God except by His Word, which is Scripture. However, I do not trust the desires of the flesh over the truth of God; I do not love or value the doctrines of self-seeking pleasures over the discipline of the Lord. Jesus gives two commands in Matthew 22:37-40 and Mark 12:29-31 that talk about love. The first and greatest commandment is to love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind. This means that we obey God's commands; Jesus says if you love Him, you will obey His commands (John 14:15). The second commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. This means that we seek the good of one another, even if it is confronting someone with a truth that opposes what they want. It means proclaiming that there is only one truth--God's truth--and that we should help others to seek His truth and humbly submit to it. Aptly-named "pride" values oppose God and His truth in a haughty spirit that leads to a fall and destruction. (Proverbs 16:18)

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 3 месяца назад

      @@HumanResponseProject there are gay Saints. 3 sets of gay couples. "Judge not?" You seem to think you have the mind of God? Or at least know his ways? Same sex relationships and sex is seen throughout the animal kingdom. So it is completely natural. If "God" had a problem with it, wouldn't "he" just stop creating them? Homophobia is a new doctrine. The Bible addressed child rape, not same sex relationships. And the Pride in the LGBTQ+ community is not what the Bible is referencing. That would be your beliefs. The LGBTQ+ pride is in remaining alive while bigots like you try to make them hate themselves. Love does not control. Love guides, not demeans. Love accepts, religion doesn't.

    • @HumanResponseProject
      @HumanResponseProject 3 месяца назад

      @FiresideCreators there may be believers who struggle with temptation of the flesh for things which God has ordained as sinful. After all, we live under the curse of sin. God did not create homosexuality among human beings because it states in Genesis His plan for sexual relationships between a man and a woman. Instead, human beings began to lust for each other in perverse ways (see Romans 1:18-32, especially verses 26-27) contrary to the nature in which God created them. However, God has called to resist those temptations and seek fulfillment in pursuing the things which He has ordained as good. Trust me--I've struggled with plenty of temptations to evil and unnatural things. But by the grace of God, He has given me hope and has fulfilled me through what He has given me to do: preach the Gospel, raise a family, serve others in His name, and stand against evil and untruth. You can be fulfilled in this way, too. But it requires that you give up passions of the flesh and foolish things in order to pursue a right relationship with the Lord. As far as judging goes...yes, I do judge the LGBTQ values and practices as evil--because that's how God judges it. It's in His Word, the Bible. The verse, "Judge not, lest you be judged'" is qualified by the rest of the verse : " For by that which you judge, you will also be judged." Since I am using God's Word to know and discern evil, I am calling out sinful doctrines and behaviors by its authority. I use the Bible to hold myself to the same standard as I would hold others because that is the standard that God provides for us to live by. I still mess up and fall short of that standard, of course, but we are all called to do our best. So, yes, I also know some of the mind of God because He has expressed it in the Bible. If we faithfully study His Word without wanting the Scripture say what we want it to say, we can know some of the mind of God. We can never know all of His thoughts and ways, but He is faithful and good to provide us with what He thinks we need in order to properly worship, obey, and love Him. As far as homosexual activity in the animal kingdom, there is no comparison to sexual and romantic relationships of human beings. Firstly, human beings were created especially different from all the rest of God's creation; we were made in the image of God (Genesis 1:24-31). We are moral creatures, while animals are not. We were given dominion over animals and the rest of creation, which asserts the value of human beings over animals. In other words, we are not animals. However, we debase ourselves to be more like animals when we operate on instinct and pleasure as they do, rather than by sobermindedness and will to control our passions. Same sex attraction in the animal kingdom is just that--attraction based on pleasure and the instinct to satisfy that pleasure. There is no evidence of a rational mind in animals to comprehend love. Human beings have the capacity to comprehend love and to love. But again, live must be defined by the originator of love because God's character is that of love. So the argument that we should do as animals do is simply absurd. God does not designate the same-sex attraction in animals as sin because they are not created with the same purpose and designation as human beings are. "Homophobia" is a relatively new term created to demonize those who do not hold or support the same view of homosexuality that you embrace. It's fine if you want to resort to ad hominid attacks with terms like "homophobe" and "bigot" because they mean nothing to me. It's merely an attempt on your part to try to place guilt upon me for believing in the truth of God's Word. It just has no effect. On thr other hand, I could use the term "bigot" in like manner against those who despise my beliefs and speak out against me for boldly holding to them. I could also say that you are a "orthodoxophobe" for being so openly opposed to my beliefs. Probably doesn't mean much to you, does it? The Bible does address child rape, but it also addresses same-sex relationships as sin. In fact, God calls it an abomination (Leviticus 18 and 20). Leviticus 20 actually goes into all manner of details about sexually perverse relationships and that God sees them as wicked and worthy of punishment. Thankfully, we are not subject to the same penalties as the people of Israel were back then because Christ fulfilled the Law and we now can live under God's forgiveness and grace. The Bible does reference pride as haughtiness of spirit and an unwillingness to submit to God. Because the LGBTQ community celebrates sinful sexual practices and unbiblical romantic relationships, they are not submitting to God but are seeking what they want above what God wants for those created in His image. They are celebrating sin, and God hates sin. The Bible says "He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way." (Psalm 25:9). My beliefs are based on what the Bible clearly teaches, not some self-seeking, flimsy, muddled doctrine that has no evidence to support homosexual relationships in any of Scripture. I humble myself in obedience to God's Word and I pray that He teaches me and removes any pride that would keep me from Him. Ido not desire for individuals in the LGBTQ community to hate themselves; I want them to abandon that community and that label of themselves. This really is the crux of the issue when individuals who hold to LGBTQ values also claim to follow Christ: what is your identity? Do you identity as LGBTQ or as a follower of Christ? You must choose. You cannot identify as both because those two identifiers do not express the same purpose in God's creation and for His will. If God told you that you must give up a homosexual lifestyle, would you still choose to follow Him? Or would you lose any faith in Him? You have attempted to describe love, but you are basing it on your own understanding, which is insufficient. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6) Let us use God's description of love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a: "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends." So I will practice love in this way toward you and others who embrace sin or are simply lost in sin: I will patiently minister to you through the Word of God. I will seek the good for you for the sake of God's glory. I will not put myself above you as someone greater than you or put you down. I will be gentle and sensitive to your need for truth and right understanding, forgiveness and reconciliation to God. I will not rejoice at wrongdoing, but I will rejoice in the truth and rejoice when you have come to know the same truth. I will still act in love toward you in spite of your anger, hatred, fear, and persecution of me. Love never ends.

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 3 месяца назад

      @@HumanResponseProject you quote Proverbs but are justifying your own understanding. If you put this much effort into loving instead of judging, gay kids would stop killing themselves. You justifying judgment and hate in the name of God is the abomination. Deuteronomy says to kill disrespectful kids. Ezekiel talks about lusting after donkey dicks. Numbers talks about giving an abortifacient to suspected adulterers. Or throughout the OT about raping women, killing kids, and enslaving rival tribes. So dont even try to use it as a source for “goodness” for your bigotry. Jesus overthrew the laws of the religious elite. And here you are acting like them, not him.

  • @galaxymediaworldwide4214
    @galaxymediaworldwide4214 3 месяца назад

    Where is the movie 🎥

  • @susandefalco7803
    @susandefalco7803 3 месяца назад

    Fantastic show!

  • @ZXGAMER22
    @ZXGAMER22 3 месяца назад

    All these people with afterlife are only self promoting there books I don't believe anything anyone says if there only here to promote there books and making money from people

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 3 месяца назад

      So do you have something against books or people’s stories? You do know that writing is a career, right? 😂

  • @someoneweird785
    @someoneweird785 3 месяца назад

    Cannot find this movie any where to watch. It looks like people are too scared to showcase this.

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 3 месяца назад

      No, distribution is always challenging on small budget films. They regularly air it for free on streaming.

    • @nova-wp5rd
      @nova-wp5rd 3 месяца назад

      I can’t find it anywhere either😔

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 3 месяца назад

      @@nova-wp5rd here you go!

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 3 месяца назад

      Here you go

    • @nova-wp5rd
      @nova-wp5rd 3 месяца назад

      @@FiresideCreators thank you so so much for sharing. I just finished watching it. Absolutely incredible. It deserves a standing ovation.

  • @sarathompson6628
    @sarathompson6628 3 месяца назад

    18:10 mind blown! 🤯

  • @Missi-Forensic-Astrology
    @Missi-Forensic-Astrology 4 месяца назад

  • @susandefalco7803
    @susandefalco7803 5 месяцев назад

    That's why I always say that I'll never marry again! Great show!

  • @alexv3l128
    @alexv3l128 6 месяцев назад

    There's only One, above and around every thought and system concerning creation and destiny, formulated and established by any human beeing, even above Annunaki

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators 6 месяцев назад

      I hear you, but there is not one of anything in our existence

  • @susandefalco7803
    @susandefalco7803 6 месяцев назад

    Happy Birthday my friend 🎉😊. Show as always was good!

  • @BRQTh702
    @BRQTh702 7 месяцев назад

    As always, you speak the language of my heart. Just beautiful.

  • @john211murphy
    @john211murphy 7 месяцев назад

    Who was Jesus?. A FICTIONAL Character in a Book Of Fairy Tales

  • @susandefalco7803
    @susandefalco7803 7 месяцев назад

    Great show last night!

  • @susandefalco7803
    @susandefalco7803 8 месяцев назад

    Fantastic show last night!!!

  • @susandefalco7803
    @susandefalco7803 8 месяцев назад

    Great show!!!

  • @francesbrisco776
    @francesbrisco776 9 месяцев назад

    Good to hear Lenny Dunkins

  • @susandefalco7803
    @susandefalco7803 Год назад

    I really enjoyed the show!

  • @cjshine7984
    @cjshine7984 Год назад

    I'm as confused with this conversation as I am with Tim Whitaker's statement on TNE. We don't need to hear ANYTHING about the advantages or disadvantages of a business, tickets and excusing the others platformed on the same conference. If no one shows up at that conference because of Tony. That is the best way to get rid of abuse. Pete Enns is just as responsible to keep Tony away as any other speaker, leader or facilitator of the conference. You never support a victim by being with their abuser, period. The reality is, Tony is not in jail because of our corrupt court system. I didn't gather from this conversation that their is any realization of that. If the female host in this podcast can speak at the same conference as the person who stole from her, she's living denial. She's not even giving herself a voice. Having Tony at a speaking event is no different than having a serial killer at the event. Our society has not yet comprehend how serious abuse is, at least not this podcast facilitator. I'm wondering by this conversation if either person has even read the court documents recording what the therapist and physicians have recorded. Obviously they aren't comprehending Julie's pain.

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators Год назад

      “Female host” here. Part of life is working with people you don't like, but you must do your job any way. Silencing others because of Tony, is giving him way too much power. He shouldn't be that important. He should be a pariah. But people have jobs to do. This isn't a party. It's work. And I am assuming this is the first show you watched, let me give you the back story. I was forced into marriage at 18 by purity culture. Once married, my husband regularly raped me, because the patriarchy said my body was his. Once I left him, he tried to kill me twice. Julie is not the only victim of this twisted ideology. And it's bigger than Tony. All of it must be dismantled. I understand that you want to napalm it, but that isn't effective. And asking people to silence themselves because of Tony, is beyond reason. Like I said, go after his platform- the people paying to see him speak or the churches that hire him. That will be far more effective than holding everyone else accountable for Tony. But, we can agree to disagree.

    • @cjshine7984
      @cjshine7984 Год назад

      @@FiresideCreators I'm sorry that you think that you must work for someone that stole so much from you. You deserve better than that. There's a huge difference between working with someone who we don't like, quite another with someone who abused and steals from you.I understand their are situations where women are forced to be used just to survive. But I don't think they should EVER feel responsible for doing ANYTHING for an abuser, be it the workplace, church or school. Giving them what they want and "doing our job" only gives the abuser more power. As for not blaming Pete, think about how much quicker Tony would be "dethroned" if he stood and said "For Julie's sake I will not work along side this abuser, regardless of what it costs me." That is real leadership and integrity. And as a person in leadership of a business, we should expect nothing less. It is cruel to Julie to once more provide a platform for Tony, directly or indirectly. I agree we also need to go after the audience. But holding leadership accountable has to go along with that as well.

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators Год назад

      @@cjshine7984 You must have missed where I said I quit. Yes, ideally the men would have the courage and conviction to stand up for what's honorable. But how many times in history has that happened? 😂 Women create change. United, we will get it done.

  • @fender0942
    @fender0942 Год назад

    1st - These have to be the most disconnected poorly educated and narcissistic women I have ever seen on RUclips. Literally. So misinformed and self victimized. Shame. 2nd - she claims facisim is taking over the US. Then goes on to say that we should have legislation that would force a business owner to do a website for somebody who they morally disagree with. That’s peaceful protest. You may view it S hate and that’s your opinion. But you are the fascist for wanting to legislate that.

  • @stevierusso945
    @stevierusso945 Год назад

    💔 "Promo sm"

  • @denisejanowicz2684
    @denisejanowicz2684 Год назад

    Excellent! So intriguing!

  • @michaelcamp2134
    @michaelcamp2134 Год назад

    Great interview. She's got such a creative way to share her faith deconstruction journey.

  • @NC-vz6ui
    @NC-vz6ui Год назад

    I love this conversation. I could listen to Chrissie all day! So true!

  • @cjfroese70
    @cjfroese70 Год назад

    Such brilliant insights… I hope this conversation helps a lot of people.

  • @amqknbofficialchannel5192
    @amqknbofficialchannel5192 Год назад

    Proud of you baby boy!

  • @susandefalco7803
    @susandefalco7803 Год назад

    I was somewhat confused tonight!

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators Год назад

      Oh no! Think of it as a new way of looking at astrology and learning things about yourself. Use this link to figure out your chart: Let me know your thoughts! Xoxo

  • @susandefalco7803
    @susandefalco7803 Год назад

    Another great show tonight!

  • @susandefalco7803
    @susandefalco7803 Год назад

    Just watched the show! Great show! I'm off Facebook so text if you ever need me!

  • @cjfroese70
    @cjfroese70 Год назад

    I appreciate this conversation so much! Absolutely therapeutic for me and others who are deeply into deconstruction.

  • @susandefalco7803
    @susandefalco7803 Год назад

    Good show last night!!

  • @francesbrisco776
    @francesbrisco776 Год назад

    Instead of the word God I prefer SOUL as the Eccence of Being

  • @francesbrisco776
    @francesbrisco776 Год назад

    I really liked this message I'm over here in Battleground Washington.. Will be going to Powell book store in Portland Oregon . Are their any new books by Duncan written since Her Church?

  • @Dramatika2
    @Dramatika2 Год назад

    And priest are supposed to be Celibate, so why do priests need to identify as gay?! Ohhh to see if they are going to abuse little boys or little girls.

  • @billieduff8118
    @billieduff8118 Год назад

    No they r.not God says they r!!!!

  • @MaLiArtworks186
    @MaLiArtworks186 Год назад

    Psalm 111 King James Version 111 Praise ye the Lord. I will praise the Lord with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation. 2 The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. 3 His work is honourable and glorious: and his righteousness endureth for ever. 4 He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered: the Lord is gracious and full of compassion. 5 He hath given meat unto them that fear him: he will ever be mindful of his covenant. 6 He hath shewed his people the power of his works, that he may give them the heritage of the heathen. 7 The works of his hands are verity and judgment; all his commandments are sure. 8 They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness. 9 He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name. 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever. Verses 1-8 Talks about the nature of God Verses 9. Comes to the conclusion that only God the Father is to be revered and called Reverend.

  • @MaLiArtworks186
    @MaLiArtworks186 Год назад

    No real Christians are openly gay. Some may have been gay before but can't be gay after becoming a Christian.

  • @ayehay
    @ayehay Год назад

    I love you all Pls, we cannot add to the word (like dominionism), PRACTICE murder or fornication, or homosexuality, or orgies or drunkenness adultery etc.. be not willing to forgive, not willing to surrender..And expect to enter the Kingdom.(which is beautiful, perfect and where there are no more tears). Although we fall and We all have certain desires but we are told not to live according to the flesh. This is why we Christ followers are warned not to be DECEIVED ., bc God loves us, he warns us. 🤍💝🌷💗💕💌 Don’t let Satan wash it over as he wants you to perish and HATES you. 1Cor 6. 9-10 Gal 5 19-21

  • @donnahammon5581
    @donnahammon5581 Год назад

    Cant be that and Christian

  • @mrsvictor9914
    @mrsvictor9914 Год назад

    You cannot be gay and be a christian. You can be struggling and have issues...but fight the desires! Fight and turn away from all wickedness and sin! There must be a change! For he who is in Christ is a new creation, old things have passed away, behold...All things become new. Jesus Christ was brutally beaten and tortured and the crucified for a reason, not for us to remain the same!

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators Год назад

      People are born gay, which means God made them that way. "Do not question the ways of God" Being a Christian means loving your neighbor, not judging them. So who exemplifies Christ in this message?

    • @mrsvictor9914
      @mrsvictor9914 Год назад

      @@FiresideCreators People are born with demon spirits attached to them, this is why they struggle, because of generational curses. Jesus Christ cast out several demons of all kinds from many different people of all language's and cultures. I encourage you to study the new testament sir. God bless and love you👀🙏❤

  • @candicewitzkoske3155
    @candicewitzkoske3155 Год назад

    Do the two agree?! Repent and sin no more.

    • @FiresideCreators
      @FiresideCreators Год назад

      "Remove the log in your own eye before looking at the splinter in your neighbor's"