Life's Journey 🌞
 Life's Journey 🌞
  • Видео 189
  • Просмотров 149 744
Sweet Dreams | Relaxing piano music, guiding you into dreamland in 10 minutes
Dear friends:
This music video is specially created for you to relax your mind at night and gradually fall asleep with the soothing piano melody. Each selected song is like a soft pillow whisper, taking you away from the daily busyness and finding inner peace and tranquility.
Whether you gently close your eyes or just let your mind wander, this music will be your warmest companion at night. Let go of your fatigue and let music pave the way to sweet dreams for you. May you have a deep and sweet sleep every night.
Просмотров: 83


甜美夢境 | 放鬆心靈的鋼琴音樂 ,10分鐘引導你進入夢鄉
Просмотров 637 часов назад
星光微微閃爍, 在夢境的邊緣輕輕牽引, 每一個音符,化作夜空中的微風, 慢慢將你引入 寧靜的深處。 親愛的朋友: 這段音樂影片特別為您打造,讓您在夜晚放鬆心靈,隨著舒緩的鋼琴旋律,逐漸進入夢鄉。每一首精選的曲子都如同柔軟的枕邊低語,帶您遠離日常的繁忙,找到內心的平靜與安寧。無論是輕輕地閉上眼,或只是放空思緒,這段音樂都將是您夜晚最溫暖的陪伴。放下疲憊,讓音樂為您鋪就一條通往美夢的道路,願您每一晚都能擁有深沉且甜美的睡眠。
爵士音樂 | 放鬆舒緩 咖啡館氛圍音樂
Просмотров 20719 часов назад
. 星光 在夜的懷抱中流轉, 疲憊的靈魂, 在微醺的月色下悄然釋放。 ................ 親愛的朋友: 這段音樂影片為您的夜晚帶來一絲溫柔與安詳。輕柔的爵士音符,如同夜風拂面,為您靜謐的時刻增添一抹細膩的情感。無論您是沉思,或是在一天的忙碌後輕鬆休憩,這段音樂將伴您進入一個放鬆且舒緩的心境。隨著每一個溫暖的音符,釋放壓力,讓心靈在這片安詳中找到片刻的平和與靜謐。
晨光鳥語 | 適合早上的音樂 舒緩而放鬆,帶給你滿滿的能量
Просмотров 338День назад
. 微光滲透, 靜靜流淌在每一片葉脈, 一點一點 將夢染成溫暖的金色, 溫一壺咖啡, 啜飲一段嶄新的時光。 . 親愛的朋友: 這段音樂影片為您的早晨帶來寧靜與放鬆。溫柔的樂器演奏彷彿晨間的第一縷陽光,為您開始新的一天注入清新的能量。無論是品味咖啡、閱讀,或僅僅是放鬆心靈,這段音樂將為您創造一個溫暖且祥和的氛圍。透過細膩的旋律,希望帶給您一個美好而平靜的早晨。放下壓力,讓這段音樂為您開啟一個充滿正能量的全新一天。
巴哈無伴奏大提琴:古典音樂的經典之美 | Suite No. 1 in G major, BWV 1007 | Suite No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1008
Просмотров 26514 дней назад
. 那柔情的音色 呢喃 如月光下的詩句 音符 是溫柔的掩護 才能有勇氣 想你 像蹭著酒意壯膽 的醉漢 . 親愛的朋友: J. S. 巴哈的無伴奏大提琴音樂,讓您沉浸在古典音樂的精髓中。這些優雅的旋律和細膩的演奏將帶您領略大提琴獨奏的魅力。無論您是古典音樂的愛好者還是大提琴的粉絲,這段音樂都將為您帶來一場感官盛宴。隨著巴哈的旋律起伏,您將感受到音樂帶來的情感深度和美妙,讓心靈得到舒緩和滿足。敬請享受這段充滿藝術感的音樂旅程! 00:00 Cello Suite No. 1 I. Prelude 02:51 Cello Suite No. 1 II. Allemande 07:13 Cello Suite No. 1 III. Courante 09:59 Cello Suite No. 1 IV. Sarabande 12:37 Cello Suite No. 1 V. Menuets...
Просмотров 30414 дней назад
- 風在葉間遊蕩 低語著季節的秘密 光影斑駁,是時光的碎片 在無聲的流動中 我們拾起一片片炎熱的呢喃 - 在這個悶熱的夏天,《夏日微風》為你帶來一系列優雅、平靜的音樂,讓你在酷暑中感受到一絲清涼與舒緩。這些音樂節奏輕柔,適合在午後、下班後或 何需要放鬆心情的時刻播放。無論是忙碌一天的片刻休憩,還是想尋找片刻的寧靜,這些旋律都能撫平煩躁的情緒,帶來心靈的放鬆與治癒。讓這些夏日音符成為你夏天的一部分,陪你渡過每一個悶熱的時刻。
Просмотров 24214 дней назад
躲進靜謐角落中 卸下所有白天的虛華 沒有手機通知 沒有時間的催促 只剩下手中的 海尼根 與 純真的靈魂 親愛的朋友 這部影片精心挑選了優雅而放鬆的爵士音樂,在城市和工作中拼搏了一整天,獨處與放鬆是修復心靈最好的方式。壓力堆積,節奏加快,我們都需要片刻的放鬆,讓身心重新找回平衡。這些旋律能幫助你遠離喧囂,在家中或辦公室中創造一個安靜、舒緩的氛圍。隨著音樂的輕柔流淌,讓身體與心靈一同沉浸,釋放壓力,找到內心的平和與放鬆。
Просмотров 65814 дней назад
. 夜晚,雨聲輕輕響起 每一滴都敲打在水塘心坎上 那些飄散在四周的 憂愁與喜悅 隨著雨滴 都溶解在水中    於是我 重新獲得了片刻的自由 親愛的朋友: 雨可以是浪漫的,可以是陰鬱的,連日的雨紛紛,希望這些選曲可以平靜你的內心,並讓你感受到正向的能量。 影片中,精選了多首平靜、優雅的鋼琴曲,為你在雨天時提供心靈的安慰與支持。無論是陰雨連綿的下午,還是夜晚窗外的雨聲,都能在這些柔和的音符中找到心靈的平靜。 透過音樂,我們希望帶給你溫暖的陪伴,幫助你釋放壓力,重新找回內心的力量。這些鋼琴旋律如同輕柔的雨滴,細膩而悅耳,讓你在悠揚的樂聲中找到一片屬於自己的寧靜與希望。 00:00 01.Lingering Teardrops - Indigo Days 02:14 02.June 16th - Autumn Cheek 04:09 03.Flavours of Summer - Autum...
優雅鋼琴 | 適合放鬆、休息、專注或睡前聆聽
Просмотров 10321 день назад
This video features a selection of calm, elegant, and relaxing piano pieces under the theme "A Piano Piece Written for You," aiming to provide a delightful listening experience. Whether enjoying a quiet afternoon, calming your mind, or winding down before sleep, these melodies create a gentle and peaceful atmosphere. Let the music gently touch your soul, bringing moments of relaxation and tranq...
Bossa Nova Easygoing Music to Relax
Просмотров 27021 день назад
Let this relaxing Bossa Nova music accompany you through beautiful moments. With light rhythms and soft melodies, it brings a refreshing feeling like a gentle breeze. Whether for a leisurely afternoon, a relaxed work environment, or a calm evening, this music creates a soothing atmosphere. Let the light notes flow through your heart, release your worries, and enjoy a moment of tranquility. It’s...
Relaxing Jazz Night | Midnight Reflections
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Relaxing Jazz Night | Midnight Reflections
Soothing Jazz | Echoes from the Soul
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Soothing Jazz | Echoes from the Soul
莫札特精選 | 古典音樂之美 | 小星星變奏曲 | A大調第23號鋼琴協奏曲
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莫札特精選 | 古典音樂之美 | 小星星變奏曲 | A大調第23號鋼琴協奏曲
Sounds of Serenity: A Musical Journey That Soothes the Soul
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Sounds of Serenity: A Musical Journey That Soothes the Soul
Gentle Piano Moments | Calm Your Mind
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Gentle Piano Moments | Calm Your Mind
Jazz Melodies for a Relaxed Mind
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Feel Bach's Purity and Beauty: Cello Suite No. 1 in G major, BWV 1007
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Feel Bach's Purity and Beauty: Cello Suite No. 1 in G major, BWV 1007
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Piano Music : Melodies of Longing Wishing You Well from Afar
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Piano Music : Relaxation and Focus.🎵 The Gentle Night Notes🌛A Date with Yourself.
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🎹🎵Romantic Piano Performances 🌛Sweet Dreams
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♫ LOFI Music ♪ Immersed in the Scent of Books
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Relaxing and Focused LOFI Background Music
Delightful Jazz Tunes for a Cheerful Mood
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Delightful Jazz Tunes for a Cheerful Mood


  • @elvisisalive2716
    @elvisisalive2716 13 дней назад

    Your AI narration blows

  • @soccerliam3115
    @soccerliam3115 14 дней назад

    Like and subscribe to the Aa family

  • @danielcoetzee5793
    @danielcoetzee5793 18 дней назад

    Very confusing..! How do Eister change appearance so often, even turning black from being white and the white from being black..! Get it straight, man. It's basic, not rockety science..!

    • @jacobharris2373
      @jacobharris2373 17 дней назад

      I noticed that too but it's 2024 I just figured he identified differently during different takes 😅

  • @azizapeters2734
    @azizapeters2734 18 дней назад

    Stay Blessed

  • @FionaCrockery
    @FionaCrockery 18 дней назад

    How quiet and cool as that ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @wilburpotter6121
    @wilburpotter6121 18 дней назад

    I love this story! ❤

  • @wj5442
    @wj5442 19 дней назад

    What a wonderful story :)

  • @janehowlett5158
    @janehowlett5158 21 день назад

    That’s wild! I hope they do tours

  • @M-E-l6q
    @M-E-l6q 21 день назад

    AI slop

  • @carmenbyrne6521
    @carmenbyrne6521 27 дней назад

    . . . .and in real need of a haircut! Tough lass, Fiona! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

    • @Abeautifullife-tk7xr
      @Abeautifullife-tk7xr 27 дней назад

      @@carmenbyrne6521 That's right, haha

    • @carmenbyrne6521
      @carmenbyrne6521 27 дней назад

      @@Abeautifullife-tk7xr Do you have an after photo? Bet she's a stunner!

    • @Abeautifullife-tk7xr
      @Abeautifullife-tk7xr 27 дней назад

      @@carmenbyrne6521 I don’t have a photo, but it should be a plump and beautiful sheep.

  • @stelaanabichea4593
    @stelaanabichea4593 28 дней назад

    Brava! Nice tune!❤

  • @Travis-4U
    @Travis-4U Месяц назад

    Its alright,its super clunky and its controls suck

    • @Abeautifullife-tk7xr
      @Abeautifullife-tk7xr Месяц назад

      I haven't actually played it myself, but watching my friend play, I thought the graphics were pretty cool.

  • @johncyclops
    @johncyclops Месяц назад

    It looks very good I love it❤

  • @yupengming
    @yupengming Месяц назад


  • @mitsuevo8mr
    @mitsuevo8mr Месяц назад

    Fun fact: the roar in the intro is a tiger's!

  • @melissarunske1368
    @melissarunske1368 Месяц назад

    I’m not sure if it’s too many to list, but wondering if you are willing to share the playlist (titles in order)?

    • @Abeautifullife-tk7xr
      @Abeautifullife-tk7xr Месяц назад

      I'll try to sort it out, or if you have a specific track that you want to know about, so that I can find that track faster.

  • @1973wendigo
    @1973wendigo Месяц назад

    thx for sharing this beautiful classical music :)

  • @donyy1904
    @donyy1904 2 месяца назад

    Chris Kyle had more than 150 kills lol

  • @ThatoneWarThunderKid-fc6sz
    @ThatoneWarThunderKid-fc6sz 2 месяца назад

    Hancock worked alone so that means he didn’t have a spotter and commanding officer present when the kill was made

  • @ThatoneWarThunderKid-fc6sz
    @ThatoneWarThunderKid-fc6sz 2 месяца назад

    Bro that’s confirmed not kills

  • @coleray7016
    @coleray7016 2 месяца назад

    Ridiculous. Level of difficulty puts Hathcock first. He wrote the book on counter sniper tactics, camouflage and patience. Sitting in a building shooting skinnys ain’t the same.

  • @joegarrity6284
    @joegarrity6284 2 месяца назад

    The phrasing used in the description of the Hiroshima bicycle is strongly misleading, intending to show the U.S. in a bad light. 1. Hiroshima was a military target (Headquarters of the Japanese 2nd Army). 2. America requested surrender 10 days before the bombs were dropped, and warned of "prompt and imminent destruction". Japan declined. 3. Pamphlets in Japanese were dropped on the potential targets days before, requesting that civilians leave, in order to minimize civilian casualties. 4. Japan was developing it's own nuclear weapons, intended to be used on the U.S. 5. The bombing of Hiroshima (8/6/1945) did not end the war because when the U.S. requested surrender again, Japan guessed that the U.S. only had one bomb. 6. The bombing of Nagasaki (8/9/1945) caused Japan to unconditionally surrender on 8/10/1945. 7. The dropping of the bombs did mot "profoundly impact" the end of WW2, it ended the war in 5 days. 8. Not dropping the nuclear bombs would have extended the war another 12-18 months (according to historians and experts). Using conventional bombs dropped on Japanese targets (including the mainland) would have much higher death tolls, and the destruction of most of Japanese history and culture.

  • @vbmaxg6575
    @vbmaxg6575 2 месяца назад

    Fifteen Hundred or One Thousand Five Hundred are correct.

  • @mikehherron4800
    @mikehherron4800 2 месяца назад

    How about FIFTEEN instead of FIVETEEN?

    • @Abeautifullife-tk7xr
      @Abeautifullife-tk7xr 2 месяца назад

      @@mikehherron4800 Yes, the subtitle software made an error. I also neglected it the last time I checked.

  • @rp9772
    @rp9772 2 месяца назад

    Tf is fiveteen

  • @sabinewiesbauer6716
    @sabinewiesbauer6716 2 месяца назад


  • @helenegrootenboersecondant5474
    @helenegrootenboersecondant5474 2 месяца назад

    It is pronounced De Koh-ning

  • @nicktheboomboxguy
    @nicktheboomboxguy 2 месяца назад

    I don't know what the word 'cute' means in your dictionary but it's not these creatures.

  • @mars-likes-stars
    @mars-likes-stars 2 месяца назад

    That’s not cute!

  • @benbenbenben-qy2yp
    @benbenbenben-qy2yp 2 месяца назад


  • @Vocalbano
    @Vocalbano 3 месяца назад

    Morning meditation, Relaxing music, Soothing music for yoga

  • @Johns.tube222
    @Johns.tube222 3 месяца назад

    81' LEGEND

  • @coreydebruin7001
    @coreydebruin7001 4 месяца назад

    Background music is from the War movie; Bridge on the river Kwai. 👍🏻

  • @alisonw5150
    @alisonw5150 4 месяца назад

    Geese do not get married!

  • @gggg-gb8zm
    @gggg-gb8zm 4 месяца назад

    😢 What a cruel man ! 😢

  • @johnrogan9420
    @johnrogan9420 4 месяца назад


  • @whatswiththatgrin291
    @whatswiththatgrin291 4 месяца назад

    If you can physically see it in one spot it is already everywhere below the surface that wasn’t mentioned, never just cut mold off or wash it off something

  • @Amogus21538
    @Amogus21538 4 месяца назад

    These ai image is HORRIBLE.

    • @Abeautifullife-tk7xr
      @Abeautifullife-tk7xr 4 месяца назад

      Indeed, it is much worse than the original.

    • @Amogus21538
      @Amogus21538 4 месяца назад

      @@Abeautifullife-tk7xr why don't you use the original images then?

    • @Abeautifullife-tk7xr
      @Abeautifullife-tk7xr 4 месяца назад

      @@Amogus21538 Because I am worried about copyright issues.

  • @GreyTime
    @GreyTime 4 месяца назад

    Bro, just work at Chipotle

  • @Motivaemania
    @Motivaemania 4 месяца назад

    0:15 look at ronaldo's cursed picture with zlatan's nose

  • @qmares
    @qmares 4 месяца назад

    The solution to fermi paradox: The goverment is hiding the evidence 😂

    • @Abeautifullife-tk7xr
      @Abeautifullife-tk7xr 4 месяца назад

      Wow~ you finally solved the Fermi Paradox!

    • @qmares
      @qmares 4 месяца назад

      @@Abeautifullife-tk7xr i know right, my friend asked me once "when will the aliens come?" Im like dude they are already here 🤣

    • @Abeautifullife-tk7xr
      @Abeautifullife-tk7xr 4 месяца назад

      @@qmares You're right, I think so too

  • @mariaselby9409
    @mariaselby9409 4 месяца назад

    Why is she yelling me?

  • @nightisright1873
    @nightisright1873 5 месяцев назад

    Dude loose the annoying background noise

    • @Abeautifullife-tk7xr
      @Abeautifullife-tk7xr 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you for such good advice, I will pay attention to future videos😊

  • @Gaelic183
    @Gaelic183 5 месяцев назад

    Who woke the onocker uppers up

  • @libbyhobbs4637
    @libbyhobbs4637 5 месяцев назад

    Shades of Viet Nam , bad intelligence, retreat when you're winning,no public support....😮

  • @Nic7320
    @Nic7320 5 месяцев назад

    His positive personality attracts negative charges.

  • @furkot-775
    @furkot-775 5 месяцев назад

    This true?????????????