  • Видео 37
  • Просмотров 535 431
OS H60-GP propeller Reduction System
★ 元はコントラ2号機として製作したものですがコントラとしては今一パワーに不満が残り、ただの卓上オブジェじゃつまらないのでリダクションシステムに改造してみた‥(^^;
☆ 元2号機の動画はこちら→видео.html
Просмотров: 601


Просмотров 2664 месяца назад
★ pixhawk2自作ドローンの手動飛行モード、所作動画です。 ★ 自動飛行他、セッティング等はARDUPILOT(missionplanner)より    ご参照下さい。 ★ 同機他動画はチャンネル内より検索願います。
Contra rotating Propellers4号機 OS MAX 65 VR システム耐久試験 System Stress Test
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.5 месяцев назад
★エンジン交換パワーアップにより部品破損が頻発したが今度こそ目標推力(7㎏以上)が出せそうな気がする!(^^)! ☆Although there were many parts damages due to the engine replacement and power up, I feel like this time I will be able to achieve the target thrust (over 7kg)!(^^)!
Contra rotating Propellers(3号機)その2 Propeller Test
Просмотров 7207 месяцев назад
☆新作4号機アップしました(New 4th machine uploaded )→видео.html ★ 実飛行に向けて粛々とシステム・ベンチテスト中‥(^^;
Contra rotating Propellers (Unit 3) Performance test
Просмотров 7228 месяцев назад
☆新作4号機アップしました(New 4th machine uploaded )→видео.html ★ 注文してあった試験用のペラが届いたので早速テストしてみたが‥。
Contra rotating Propellers (Unit 3) Cooling head replacement.
Просмотров 7668 месяцев назад
☆新作4号機アップしました(New 4th machine uploaded )→видео.html ★ エンジン冷却効率アップ用のシリンダーヘッド交換作業♪ ★ 同、3号機運転動画→видео.html
Contra rotating Propellers (Unit 3) OS H60 Golden Head. spur gear drive "Rolls Royce Griffon" style.
Просмотров 1,7 тыс.9 месяцев назад
☆新作4号機アップしました(New 4th machine uploaded )→видео.html ★試行錯誤の繰り返しで3度目の正直となるか‥?。1、2号機のデータより学び、結果として今回は全・ギァ駆動システムとした、本番テストペラが手元に届くのが待ち遠しい。 ★実用飛行目標としては頑丈さを優先した素人設計故、ユニット重量があるのでエンジン換算大まかなサイズで5~6㎏とし、推力比で最低0.8は欲しいところだがさて、夢の?垂直上昇まではかなり厳しい目標となりそうだ‥(^^;
Contra rotating propellers (No. 2) in OS 60-GP
Просмотров 3,5 тыс.10 месяцев назад
☆新作4号機アップしました(New 4th machine uploaded )→видео.html ☆ ENYA 60X の実験1号機に続き改良版のOSengine搭載2号機を制作・テスト中 ♪ ‥重量:馬力&推力:回転抵抗etc‥課題山積。電動なら近代式実用品多々有りし、「エンジンLove❤」の自己中研究開発の実用化はもう少し先になりそうだ‥(^^;。 ★ 1号機→видео.html ★ 1号機構造解説→видео.html
Contra rotating propellers in ENYA60X Vol-2 Structure edition
Просмотров 6 тыс.Год назад
☆新作4号機アップしました(New 4th machine uploaded )→видео.html ☆Vol-1 で回転システムとか中身はどうなってるの?とのコメントを多くいただいているのでこちらの動画を参考にして下さい。(^^)
FOX FALCON60 in Reduction Drive Unit
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.Год назад
contra rotating propellers (No. 1) in ENYA60X
Просмотров 446 тыс.Год назад
☆新作4号機アップしました(New 4th machine uploaded )→видео.html ★ Vol-2 Structure edition(構造編)→видео.html ☆ 2号機はこちら→видео.html ☆ (New work)新作3号機はこちら→видео.html ★ Contra とは何ぞや‥♪♪ 現代文明社会あらゆる模型も電動式の進化はなはだしいが模型飛行機ではエンジン式コントラが見あたらない‥。時代の流れであれ「エンジンヲタク?」としてはさみしい限り‥。プロペラ一万回転で空中を舞わそうとするが故、難題山積である...
FOX59LS adjustment operation
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.Год назад
骨董エンジンを回してみました♪ 第10弾 ☆ 世界中に名の通ったエンジンですが意外と実運転の資料が少ないので自前で回してみました、FOXファンの方々に参考になれば幸いです。   ★動画ではスタートしにくい様にみえますが初期調整ゆえ、一度ニードル設定の開度を把握すれば以後問題なく始動できます。 ニードル調整幅のノッチ・コマはグローより狭く敏感になるので感覚要です。 ★ガソリン仕様ではグローの様にスターティングノックはほとんど無いのでこれも混合気濃淡のコツをつかむまでは若干の馴れが必要かと思います。  ★手動タイマーは鈍い部類と思います、本エンジンでは前所有者(使用者?)様でシャフトを差し替えた痕が有り、スパークは遅れた設定となっていました。 現状あと20°程進めればMAXで調整バーは真上に来ると思いますがカムのシャフトは打ち込み式なので頻繁にいじるのはお勧めできません。 ★スピード機な...
Просмотров 653Год назад
★ 実験試作で使ったパーツが余ってたので5インチフレームにでかいモーターで強引に組んでみました、結構静かでホバリング・マイルドですが通常操作ではスロットル無抵抗(タイムロス無し)で飛び上がるので注意必要‥(^^;         ♪
Pixhawk2 学習中♪ その②MPU・FPVカメラ設定
Просмотров 477Год назад
★ 一般的Betaflightは失敗しながらも強引にこなして来ましたがGPS自動操縦・ほぼ商業用となってしまっている国内Pixhawk説明動画はあまりアテにならず、他国の動画では言語説明が理解しずらいのでpixhawkサイト原文をGoogle翻訳を頼りに自前の機体製作で使う、より実質的調整や作業法を学習してますが専門用語は??だらけなので勝手な説明ですが間違っていてもご容赦願います‥(^^;        ♪
Pixhawk2 学習中♪ その①ホバーテスト
Просмотров 558Год назад
★ Pixhawk 学習用自作機です。 こまジャイロ一個でR/Cヘリと格闘していた昭和アナログ世代の「コマンドやらパラメーターってなんちゃら?」の脳内思考がトイドローンやメーカードローンの様に容易に操れる代物でないことを認識した次第です。まともに「アーム」するまでまる3日要し、17種類のフライトモードの内、最も基本的な stabilisモード設定(ほぼ手動操作)までは来たものの‥(^^;   ・
3.15" ドローン、サッカードリブルプレイ?(4号機)
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5" FPVドローン 室内ホバー・練習日課
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Highspeed strength rescue DRONE
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Highspeed strength rescue DRONE
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  • @holdurhorse9149
    @holdurhorse9149 День назад

    Awesome design with annoying music…..

  • @emirhansayhan5857
    @emirhansayhan5857 4 дня назад

    Hay senin müziğine ...

  • @sammoore9120
    @sammoore9120 5 дней назад

    I had an Enya .15 some time around 1975, started easily easy to adjust but weaker than cat pee. I also had an old Fox .15 that once I found the proper needle position started easily and ran fantastic. Then I bought a Cox conquest .15. Started easily ran like a demon. That engine was rated to produce almost 2 hp. It screamed.

  • @jojo-lk7bc
    @jojo-lk7bc 10 дней назад

    Congratulations! But I wonder if there isn't a simpler solution for cooling family jewels? Enjoy research work and be safe! Btw, i came here from my wind turbines info inquiry and have the question: Was that sistem been checked at wind turbines already?

  • @RedneckSpaceman
    @RedneckSpaceman 25 дней назад

    Too Cool for School!!! So, it's got a Glow Plug. I assume the Fuel has Some kind of oil mixed in? Essentially it's a 2 stroke Diesel, right?? Fuel is ignited via high compression! Just like those Cox & Testors micro engines from the 60s & 70s!! Way back in 1971, Testors, STP snd Coca-Cola were giving away Indy Style Cars with Glow Engines. All you had to do was send in a coupon from the bottom of a 6 pack Bottle holder for a chance to get one! I actually grabbed about 6 or 7 from a Trash Can in a park! I sent them in, separately of course....and I actually got one!! I already had a Cox 57 Chevy, so had the Battery & Glow Fuel!! It was a bit difficult, but I finally got it to start and run!!!

  • @AngelDriver7
    @AngelDriver7 26 дней назад

    Very impressive. How about an estimated thrust output for this engine? Can you also provide an estimate for a much larger engine? Could certainly be beneficial to the industry if so.

  • @thunderdick6117
    @thunderdick6117 28 дней назад

    You have mastered these small nitro engines and have done things with them that the people who originally designed them would be proud to see their engines capabilities when in your hands

  • @scottyreeves8179
    @scottyreeves8179 Месяц назад

    That's EXACTLY what I was thinking ! You have sandals on, that slippery floor ??!!! That close to ?? Just like Pink Floyd says,, "one slip and down the hole we fall"... Great craftsmanship !! But BE CAREFUL !!!

  • @johnjunde1907
    @johnjunde1907 Месяц назад

    You ruined your video by adding queer music! I clicked off of it after 10 seconds

  • @williampollock1274
    @williampollock1274 Месяц назад

    Cool! So what are you going to put it in?😁

  • @tonybranton
    @tonybranton Месяц назад

    I know you call yourself being safe, I am a machinist too and have made many notable devices in my 40 years doing so BUT, Your safety adjustment needs some attention! The best of us can slip or at our age, have a nerve twitch that can cost you more than a missing finger!

  • @frandre_s
    @frandre_s Месяц назад


  • @NeroontheGoon
    @NeroontheGoon Месяц назад

    Loose the music!

  • @NeroontheGoon
    @NeroontheGoon Месяц назад

    First big model aircraft engine I owned, I put it on a control line Voodoo combat plane. Like to make my right arm about five inches longer!

  • @kalvinnoble488
    @kalvinnoble488 Месяц назад

    Awsome design for a contra-rotating propeller system! In one of your comment replies, uou stated that it was suffering power loss. Have you taken into account that you're using the equivalent of a 4-blade propeller? Taking that into account, you might need to change the prop diameter and the prop pitch to get the equivalent power of a 2-blade prop.

    • @ken23p
      @ken23p Месяц назад

      Thank you for your comment. It's very helpful.

    • @kalvinnoble488
      @kalvinnoble488 Месяц назад

      @ken23p That may help with your power loss. All I can remember when switching to a 3-bladed prop fromna 2-bladed prop, keeping the pitch the same, you reduced the prop length by aprox. 1". I just couldn't remember the formula in how it's done. You might need to Google that. I do believe it keeps the rpms the same. You'll have yo check for that as well. It's been awhile since I looked at that formula and how it worked. Do some of the rc hobby aircraft engine manufacturers make counter-rotating engines?

  • @gregmodelle7343
    @gregmodelle7343 Месяц назад

    Three more and you're on your way to creating a scale avro shackelton . Known later as a million rivets flying in close formation.

  • @klesmer
    @klesmer Месяц назад

    Once again, music ruins the video.

  • @Watson1
    @Watson1 Месяц назад

    Filming a running aircraft engine with all the trip hazards and you with flip flops on not good. But an amazing job, congratulations on your success. Drop the music, let us hear it running.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • @justtim9767
    @justtim9767 Месяц назад

    Super neat.

  • @simianwarthog
    @simianwarthog Месяц назад

    Ugh music! Otherwise, great project.

  • @NikolayAtanasov-c1v
    @NikolayAtanasov-c1v Месяц назад

    Второто витло увеличава мощността, но само ако се върти с по-висока скорост😊

  • @Xplanker
    @Xplanker Месяц назад

    Incredible workmanship. Are you going to put it in an airframe? Great job

    @MARKLOCKWOOD2012 Месяц назад

    Howard Hughes had this set up on his experimental X-F-111. During a test flight even when they re created it for the movie The Aviator with Leonardo DeCaprio. My guess loss of oil pressure or hydraulic. Or the whole engine went when she crashed into a subdivision. Too bad least build the model 70% size

  • @XRakkgruntX
    @XRakkgruntX Месяц назад

    What is the reason these are not on gyrocopter? It seems like very little weight to add for such an increase in thrust, it would also neutralize prop torque. Is there a reason?

  • @oldtimer2192
    @oldtimer2192 Месяц назад

    I wouldn’t be sitting in front of any engine like that! Test bed “looked” secure but…

  • @Своимируками-т5ю
    @Своимируками-т5ю Месяц назад

    Прекрасная работа.

  • @ya-to4718
    @ya-to4718 Месяц назад


  • @stewartgrant9832
    @stewartgrant9832 Месяц назад

    Why not try getting right in front of the prop incase it comes off? And then try reaching around the deadly spinning blades with your bare hands and wrists to throttle it?

  • @MyZxcvb12
    @MyZxcvb12 Месяц назад

    Great work. How does it work power to weight ratio?

  • @ioannisbatas1614
    @ioannisbatas1614 Месяц назад

    SUPERB !!!!

  • @hansburk2830
    @hansburk2830 Месяц назад

    absolut super

  • @raylawrence1
    @raylawrence1 Месяц назад

    Some impressive design and engineering. To achieve vibration-free running with all that overhanging contra-rotating shaft is a measure of this fine work. Beautifully executed !

    • @sideshowbob5237
      @sideshowbob5237 Месяц назад

      That's what got my attention when I realised how it went together: the overhang. A masterclass in machining really. I note the last surviving Enya brother is Ken Enya. Could ken23p be Ken Enya? I hope so, marvellous engines. I only use Enya engines myself - most bought direct from the man himself.

  • @おいしいたけ-u8k
    @おいしいたけ-u8k Месяц назад


  • @rupertgethin-u5p
    @rupertgethin-u5p Месяц назад

    Turn off stupid annoying irrelevant distraction pointless music and tell us.

  • @Mouss-44
    @Mouss-44 3 месяца назад

    c'est une de vos réalisation ou vous l'avez acheté ?

    • @ken23p
      @ken23p 3 месяца назад

      Merci pour votre commentaire. C’est ma conception et ma production.😄

    • @Mouss-44
      @Mouss-44 3 месяца назад

      @@ken23p On aimerais bien connaitre les secrets du maitre ! 😅

    • @ken23p
      @ken23p 3 месяца назад

      @@Mouss-44 Je suis juste un vieil homme qui aime les modèles réduits d'avions et de machines. 😁

    • @Mouss-44
      @Mouss-44 2 месяца назад

      @@ken23p Non Monsieur vous êtes un maitre et un artiste humble ! Vous avez un niveau élevé et peu de gens arrivent à construire çà ! Nous partageons la même passion pour les avions Rc et les machines!

    • @ken23p
      @ken23p 2 месяца назад

      @@Mouss-44 Merci pour vos aimables paroles. Profitons ensemble des avions radiocommandés.😊😊😄😄😄

  • @xKmotx
    @xKmotx 3 месяца назад

    It is very nice. :)

    • @ken23p
      @ken23p 3 месяца назад

      Thank you for your comment, it's encouraging.😄

  • @TriBui-m5r
    @TriBui-m5r 3 месяца назад

    Che may nay hay taa.cuc ky

  • @johndd8186
    @johndd8186 3 месяца назад

    music drives me crazy!!

  • @gordonsinkler8831
    @gordonsinkler8831 3 месяца назад

    Would sound better without the dumb music.

  • @Mouss-44
    @Mouss-44 4 месяца назад

    C'et un beau projet,je vous souhaite bon vols depuis la France👍

    • @ken23p
      @ken23p 4 месяца назад

      Merci pour votre commentaire. C'est encourageant.😄

  • @garyhooper1820
    @garyhooper1820 4 месяца назад

    A world apart from the Cox 049 engine I had as boy !

  • @nadahere
    @nadahere 4 месяца назад

    Too complex and heavy. A planetary gear would do the same function

  • @Mouss-44
    @Mouss-44 5 месяцев назад

    Votre chaine est vraiment intéressante , je vais m'abonner pour suivre la suite des travaux et il faut que je visionne les anciennes videos...Pour ce moteur vous pouvez commencer la commercialisation je pense... 😅👍 il faut juste modifier les engrenages plastique et les faire usiner dans de l'aluminium en CNC Your channel is really interesting, I will subscribe to follow the rest of the work and I have to watch the old videos...For this engine you can start marketing I think... you just have to modify the plastic gears and have them machined in aluminum in CNC

    • @ken23p
      @ken23p 5 месяцев назад

      Merci pour votre commentaire. Il y a encore de nombreuses expériences Nous nous préparons à faire des avions comme étape suivante. Veuillez vous attendre et soutenir.😄

  • @penihandayani741
    @penihandayani741 5 месяцев назад

    Why this design not use in boat, even double propeller is not available in market. Just wondering Why?

    • @ken23p
      @ken23p 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you for your comment. The main purpose of this system is to eliminate the counter torque and stabilize the direction, and it is not effective enough to flip the ship over due to the reaction of the screw rotation on the ship. The engine model system needs to maintain the strength of the system, which increases the weight and costs a lot to manufacture, so it cannot be easily controlled by the battery capacity like the F3A motor system.😅

    • @penihandayani741
      @penihandayani741 5 месяцев назад

      @@ken23p ah, thank for the explanation, finally i understand. Good luck for your work.i hope it will be succes soon. 😊

  • @BlueSkyMaster-o4z
    @BlueSkyMaster-o4z 5 месяцев назад

    Wow! Good Idea. This is the mechanism I want and I really want to buy it.

    • @ken23p
      @ken23p 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you for your comment. This is made in the same way as the Rolls Royce Griffon engine. The power loss of the engine itself is small, but the model needs to work harder on the strength and weight reduction of the parts.😁

  • @czkarting
    @czkarting 5 месяцев назад

    Really nice job again! 👌

    • @ken23p
      @ken23p 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you for your comment. It's encouraging.😄

  • @WayneCook306
    @WayneCook306 6 месяцев назад

    Hi, Ken, another great job and run looking good. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

    • @ken23p
      @ken23p 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you for your comment. It's encouraging.😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

  • @filipporossifavilli68
    @filipporossifavilli68 6 месяцев назад

    beautiful work ....that propeller in the direction is very dangerous while you are sitting legs open ...

    • @ken23p
      @ken23p 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you for your comment. If there are propellers circulating, it's dangerous no matter where you are.😅

  • @barnstormingbandit2611
    @barnstormingbandit2611 6 месяцев назад

    Once again a great video!, I have a question regarding the gears which is how do you make them? they look to be 3d printed, if made by hand how would you go about calculating the diameter needed to have the required tooth count? lastly is about lubrication, how would you go about lubricating the inner shaft as I assume it runs on bearings? Also something that might be worth considering for the sake of reliability is incorperating a thrust bearing between the rear propellor hub and the spur gear. Hope to see more as I'm certainly interested in doing something similar!

    • @ken23p
      @ken23p 6 месяцев назад

      Thank you for your comment. Gears are made from high-strength industrial resin because 3D printing is not strong enough. The inner diameter is machined to fit the shaft. The number of teeth is calculated according to the thrust load of the engine speed and the aircraft weight. The bearings are greased and are strong enough to withstand dry operation. There are three radial bearings holding the thrust direction, so no thrust bearings are necessary. We are currently testing the No. 4 unit, which has had its engine replaced, so we will soon release a new video, so please use it as reference. 😄

  • @DatBlueHusky
    @DatBlueHusky 6 месяцев назад

    music ruined it