- Видео 116
- Просмотров 47 904
Добавлен 7 июн 2013
IFOTES is an international federation founded in 1967 that brings together National Associations of Helpline which offer emotional support, immediately accessible to any person suffering from loneliness, in a state of psychological crisis, or contemplating suicide.
The Human Touch – Comparing perspectives on social well-being
Creative expressiveness, even in its amateur forms, is a vehicle of communication able to create valid conditions for individual and collective well-being. This was the basis of the project "The Human Touch": an exhibition of amateur works and artistic performances by young people and adults, with different backgrounds and skills, to talk about a healthy approach to relationships, in a perspective characterized by attention, respect and kindness and by the recognition of each person in their uniqueness and value as a human being. The presentation illustrates the project to which the exhibition “The Human Touch” is connected.
Diana RUCLI is a trainer in social skills, manager of European pr...
Diana RUCLI is a trainer in social skills, manager of European pr...
Просмотров: 9
Wie kann ich gut zuhören? Zuhörkompetenz testen und einüben - ein IFOTES-Projekt
Просмотров 13Месяц назад
Im Vortrag geht es um sogenannte „Learning Nuggets“, Beispiele zur Verbesserung der eigenen Hörfähigkeiten. Sie sind eine innovative neue Komponente im Lernprogramm für das Hörverständnis. Learning Nuggets sind spezielle onlinebasierte Lernaufgaben für Teilnehmer. Diese Lernaufgaben können den Teilnehmern im Sinne des adaptiven Lernens zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die App mit Lernnuggets ist ...
Give helplines a future, integrating the communication method of the younger generations
Месяц назад
In recent years, chat seems to be the most suitable tool for reaching young people, both as callers and as volunteers. Indeed, helplines need to recruit, train and mentor young volunteers, who are most proficient in using the new devices and current communication tools. Furthermore, by increasing the presence of young volunteers and the availability of emotional support via chat, helplines can ...
Closing greetings
Просмотров 2Месяц назад
Final thanks and greetings to the congress participants. Sonja Karrer, president of IFOTES - International Federation of Telephone Emergency Services - Zurich, Switzerland, at the IFOTES Congress "Winds of Hope - acceptance and capacity for change", Lignano (I), 22 October 2023. lignano-2023.ifotes.org/en/program/22-october/11-05-12-30-plenary-session/plenary-6
Learnings for Telephone Emergency Services
Просмотров 3Месяц назад
At the end of the congress, some guidelines are outlined that will inspire the action of the helplines in the near future, taking into account the new intervention models and the resources available today, but also the complexities and challenges that contemporaneity presents for the development of the role of helplines and their position as social services for emotional emergency. Yaël Liebkin...
How to face future challenges: resilience, awareness and sustainability
Просмотров 12Месяц назад
Of all the challenges, this is probably the most difficult: finding new ways to deal with changes and complexities, "recontextualising" man in his contact with nature and the planet, experimenting with new organizational and communication approaches, above all finding in solidarity and resilience, awareness and sharing, sustainability, the key to understanding the world. Human action, as Hannah...
Consequences of the pandemic and war on mental health and coping possibilieties
Просмотров 118Месяц назад
A web conference to get closer to the theme of the XXII IFOTES congress "Winds of hope". The framework for the first reflections on the congress theme is outlined with the support of Prof. Dr. Dóra Perczel-Forintos (HU) Head of Department of Clinical Psychology, Semmelweis University, Budapest; National representative of Hungary in the European Association of Clinical Psychology and Psychologic...
Riconoscere la violenza contro le donne per sostenere le vittime
Просмотров 23Месяц назад
La violenza - in tutte le sue forme, fino al femminicidio - contro le donne e le ragazze rappresenta un problema immenso a livello mondiale, per la sua frequenza e per le conseguenze gravissime sulle vittime e le loro figlie/i e su tutta la comunità. Di questo parla la Prof. Patrizia Romito nella sua relazione al congresso IFOTES "Winds of Hope - acceptance and capacity for change", a Lignano (...
Orlo del caos e metamorfosi nei processi di cambiamento / Edge of chaos and metamorphosis in change
Просмотров 16Месяц назад
Introduzione al tema del convegno IFOTES "Winds of Hope - accettazione e capacità di cambiamento" tenuto il 19 ottobre 2023 dal Prof. Alberto Felice de Toni, Professore Emerito di Ingegneria Gestionale ed Economica presso l'Università degli Studi di Udine e direttore scientifico del CUOA Business School. Edge of Chaos and Metamorphosis in Change Processes Introduction to the theme of the IFOTES...
Crisis Lines - What do they offer and can they prevent suicide?
Просмотров 244 месяца назад
This presentation will report on in-depth qualitative research about the experiences of callers to crisis lines and examine the implications for how crisis lines operate. The importance of crisis lines being available for all people worldwide will also be discussed, noting the barriers that exist in some countries where suicide remains a crime and where strong social stigma and attitudes preven...
Der "Papageno Effekt"
Просмотров 254 месяца назад
Suizidalität ist in weiten Teilen unserer Gesellschaft nach wie vor ein Thema über das man ungern spricht. Es besteht die Angst Betroffene wie Hinterbliebene zu verletzen. [...] Golli Marboe, selbst Hinterbliebener, spricht über diesen sogenannten „Papageno-Effekt“ aus Sicht eines Journalisten, wie auch als Mitglied von SUPRA (der Koordinationsstelle für Suizidprävention des Bundesministerium f...
The global campaign for the decriminalization of suicide
Просмотров 274 месяца назад
Suicide remains a crime in some 40 countries. These laws take - not save - lives. When suicide is a crime, it isolates help seekers, makes help harder to access, and entrenches stigma and shame. LifeLine International will campaign to change laws that prevent anyone, anywhere, in suicidal distress from accessing life saving help. In countries where we campaign for decriminalization, we will sup...
Freunde des Zuhörens - die Kraft des Lernens freisetzen
Просмотров 1254 месяца назад
Zugehört zu werden ist wie sich zu Hause zu fühlen... In Momenten der Krise, der Verzweiflung , der Ungewissheit ist es von unschätzbarem Wert, jemanden zu haben, der Verständnis und emotionale Unterstützung bieten kann. Die ehrenamtlichen Zuhörer der europäischen Helplines haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, einen kostenlosen und jederzeit zugänglichen Dienst des Zuhörens und der emotionalen Un...
Ami·e·s des écoutant·e·s. - Libérez le pouvoir d’apprendre
Просмотров 104 месяца назад
Être écouté·e, c’est comme se sentir chez soi… Dans les moments de crise, de difficulté, d’incertitude, avoir quelqu’un qui peut apporter compréhension et soutien émotionnel est inestimable. Cela aide à « voir » et mettre en ordre pensées et sentiments, pour avancer ainsi dans sa propre vie avec plus de sérénité et de conscience. Les bénévoles des services européens d’aide par téléphone s’engag...
Friends of Listeners - Release the power of learning
Просмотров 1774 месяца назад
Friends of Listeners - Release the power of learning
Disastri e disastri: aspetti chiave della resilienza comuni a diverse scale
Просмотров 124 месяца назад
Disastri e disastri: aspetti chiave della resilienza comuni a diverse scale
Minding the gap between expectations and practice field
Просмотров 154 месяца назад
Minding the gap between expectations and practice field
Telefonseelsorge als Hoffnungsfeld der Gesellschaft
Просмотров 384 месяца назад
Telefonseelsorge als Hoffnungsfeld der Gesellschaft
Narrative medicine. The wounded narrator
Просмотров 94 месяца назад
Narrative medicine. The wounded narrator
Die Qualität des Zuhörens. Felder und Bereiche für Zuhörkompetenz
Просмотров 464 месяца назад
Die Qualität des Zuhörens. Felder und Bereiche für Zuhörkompetenz
La capacità di combinare e ricombinare i saperi
Просмотров 204 месяца назад
La capacità di combinare e ricombinare i saperi
Listening Skills, die Kunst, Fragen zu stellen
Просмотров 204 месяца назад
Listening Skills, die Kunst, Fragen zu stellen
Comment gérer la formalité (distance) et les émotions (proximité) dans une session de chat ?
Просмотров 184 месяца назад
Comment gérer la formalité (distance) et les émotions (proximité) dans une session de chat ?
Kommunikation auf digitale Art: wie man Menschen auch ohne Mimik, Gestik und Stimme begleiten kann
Просмотров 214 месяца назад
Kommunikation auf digitale Art: wie man Menschen auch ohne Mimik, Gestik und Stimme begleiten kann
Das Leben annehmen und inneren Frieden finden
Просмотров 2595 месяцев назад
Das Leben annehmen und inneren Frieden finden
Hoffnung - die Beziehung zum Leben halten
Просмотров 685 месяцев назад
Hoffnung - die Beziehung zum Leben halten
Brücken bauen - wie man mit Verschwörungsgläubigen spricht
Просмотров 2605 месяцев назад
Brücken bauen - wie man mit Verschwörungsgläubigen spricht
Mi scusi, Lei dice che la pelle si riproduce ogni pochi giorni, io so un po’ di dermatologia, la pelle sì… ma il collagene e L’ elastica non vengono più prodotte nello stesso modo, dopo i trent’anni anni circa… fino ad arrivare a pochissimo in età senile. Queste fibre sono nell’ ipoderma?! È L’ ipoderma che sostiene il derma e quindi la pelle… le cicatrici sono lesioni del tessuto ancora più profondo dell’ ipoderma, per questo non si possono riparare, come non si riparano i muscoli strappati… che non tornano mai come prima… Questo che le dico si riferisce al fatto che ho bisogno di elementi sicuri! Perché la pensò esattamente come Lei sulle emozioni come parte dell’ apprendimento e del riconoscimento dell’ altro come me stesso! Grazie
Ascoltarla ogni volta mi arricchisce
È un pò di tempo che la ascolto....poi come a volte succede mi ero un pò persa....le sue conferenze.... ma ormai da diverso tempo la ascolto praticamente ogni giorno.... e condivido praticamente tutto quello che lei ci spiega con chiarezza e AMOREVOLE GENTILEZZA....è questo che io ammiro in lei oltre il grande studio scientifico e molto serio c'è ammiro in lei... grazie di esserci... di esistere... e mi raccomando Daniela abbia cura di sé stessa.... tutti abbiamo bisogno dei suoi ragionamenti e riassunti 😂... le mando un grande abbraccio ❤
Grazie grazie grazie..... Per le sue parole ,sono stimoli a provare a fare qualcosa di utile ai nostri bambini. Se è possibile vorrei qualche suggerimento su come aiutare i bimbi di genitori serarat. Un nonna in ansia
Genitori separati
E cosa succede quando l'aspettativa del desiderio viene delusa? Mi riferisco al video delle caramelle...
Les institutions autorisées qui fabriquent eux-mêmes de la violence dont on se plaint mais à laquelle on nous renvoie pour trouver des solutions à la souffrance
Oddio.....Grande e cruda verità!!!🤦♀️ Bisogna assolutamente recuperare l'umanità Grazie Prof.❤
Prof Lucangeli … oggi le ho stretto la mano ma in lei e nei suoi occhi ho visto la mia stessa preoccupazione … io Le chiedo … cosa possiamo fare
Parlarne, studiare il video, i dati e organizzare serate
Patrimonio dell'umanità
ancora vogliono sbolognare farmaci per curare malanni o inventati o prodotti dalla loro stessa 'scienza' ... questa non è scienza è nazismo . vergogna.
Grazie grazie grazie infinito!
Grazie professoressa bisognerebbe fare di più per i nostri ragazzi
Parlarne può essere un inizio, scuola, casa, società sportive e dare esempio
Grazie infinite professoressa Daniela.
Servus, Wo oder wann hat Einstein ,,Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, durch die sie entstanden sind" dir Wörter gesagt? Sie würden mir sehr helfen, wenn Sie mir beantworten könnten. Danke im Voraus!
ein sehr interessantes video, besonders das chemtrail beispiel. ok das hat sich zwar als wahr erwiesen, aber immerhin hat das mit caesar erwähnt.
Die leute wachen auf.... "Wie eine Sekte" hahaha
haha ja das hat mir auch gut gefallen, unglaublich! und verschwörungtheoretiker sind jetzt verschwörungsgläubige... weil die verschwörungtheoretiker zu oft recht hatten. deshalb muss ein neues wort her denn auch zu viele schwurbler hatten recht
Das ist eine steile These, die ich gerne mal belegt gesehen hätte.
Schöne Grüße aus Deutschland vielleicht sollte die Psychologin Ulrike Schießer, deren Leben jetzt ausgefüllt ist, mit Verschwörungsbekämpfung sich fragen, warum die Regierung, die sie beschäftigt, nicht zu einer Sekte gehört. Vielleicht als Psychologin mal mit Bellizismus beschäftigen und warum der so verbreitet in europäischen Regierungen. Danach noch mal selbst reflektieren, was man warum zu Verschwörungen macht.
Der größte Lump im ganzen Land ist und bleibt der Denunziant. Sind also die Gedanken auch nicht mehr frei? Braucht man mittlerweile Seminare um zu lernen wie man miteinander umgeht? Fragen über Fragen
dein kommentar hat jetzt schon mehr liks als das video haha
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. - Joshua J. Marine
....conosco bene questa canzone molto popolare nella mia regione; ma questa interpretazione è particolarmente dolce e struggente.... grazie
Vielen Dank für diese stimmungsvolle Erinnerung.
He took his own life only 2 month after this speech. So sad that the world lost such a good soul. But happy for YOU Viktor that you are finally at PEACE🙏
please lord let me dont wake up one day
this guy suicided himself after 2 months later. How ironic life is.
Not ironic at all. This is very sad.
@@lilli9408yeah he didnt mean it in a bad way. these mental states and problems are torture.
RIP Viktor. He's the proof that this is an endless battle until you finally die. So sorry.
I think he never was cured of his depression. He mayby fled from something by moving to Italy, Poland, etc. He was not settled anymore in the end.
... IHR seid ja auch NUR *CoroNAZIS!!!!*
Yes, unfortunately he's gone ...
Is he gone? Is he not alive anymore?
He has committed suicide in September 2019.
знаю несколько подобных русскоязычных инструментов
Its so stupid people want to kill themselve but of bad execution skill the fail and survive and then they go preach about not killing youreself as motivation. Doesnt make sense. But most cases kill themselve again and end op dead. And didnt "rescue " anybody
Your statement sends shivers down my spine. So cruel. So unreflected.
The last time I heard his voice, the voice from my brother, before he died.
Very sad. We have all this technology to "connect". Yet, today we are more disconnected than ever before.
Hello Werner, it is still hard to believe that he has left. I have spoken a lot with him 2019 in Udine. We stayed in the same hotel and spoke a lot about life, ups and downs.....
So sorry you lost your brother, Werner.
Social networks killed social life
No Sound.
Hi Marion, we hear the sound - try checking your device settings :)
Finally I got it. Thanks!
RIP Viktor.😓
Has he died then?
@@ivorwood5892 yes. He committed suicide.
@@velasquez7141 oh .. when was that, do you know?
@@ivorwood5892 Viktor killed himself on 5th September 2019 in Italy. So sad.
@@velasquez7141 Indeed! VERY sad indeed .. was he still troubled then?
Kann ich nur gut heißen!
Grandissimo Prof.
touching and utterly charming