- Видео 70
- Просмотров 86 419
Elisabeth Kastanakis Tantra
Добавлен 16 ноя 2011
A channel for those who have chosen the Tantric Path... a path that can lead us out of daily suffering, violence, separation and frustration, deep into conscious understanding, freedom, pure joy of life, abundance and absolute love....
Ein Kanal für alle, die den tantrischen Weg gewählt haben... einen spirituellen Pfad, der uns aus dem täglichen Leid, der Gewalt, Trennung und Frustration, tief in das bewusste Verstehen, die Freiheit, die pure Lebensfreude und Fülle und absolute Liebe führen kann...
Un canal pour ceux qui ont choisi la voie tantrique, une voie qui peut nous laisser sortir de la souffrance quotidienne, de la violence, de la separation et de la frustration et nous conduire a la comrehension consciencte, la liberte, la joie pure de la vie, la plenitude et l'amour absolu ...
Ein Kanal für alle, die den tantrischen Weg gewählt haben... einen spirituellen Pfad, der uns aus dem täglichen Leid, der Gewalt, Trennung und Frustration, tief in das bewusste Verstehen, die Freiheit, die pure Lebensfreude und Fülle und absolute Liebe führen kann...
Un canal pour ceux qui ont choisi la voie tantrique, une voie qui peut nous laisser sortir de la souffrance quotidienne, de la violence, de la separation et de la frustration et nous conduire a la comrehension consciencte, la liberte, la joie pure de la vie, la plenitude et l'amour absolu ...
MAITHUNA - Der Liebestanz von Shiva und Shakti
Die Vereinigung von Shiva und Shakti erschafft den Kosmos. Dann verteilt sich das inkarnierte Bewusstsein in Materie, was zur Trennung der Einheit und zur Polarität führt. Diese inkarnierte Schöpfung sucht sich wieder zu vereinigen in der sich ewig erneuernden Erfahrung des Spiels der Geschlechter und der Energie…
Tantra ist der Königsweg ihrer Wiedervereinigung ...
Dieses Video zeigt die tantrische Schöpfungsgeschichte in einem Tanz, den ich laut der uralten tantrischen Texte kreiert habe, um anschaulich darzustellen, was MAITHUNA eigentlich bedeutet.
Die Vereinigung von Shiva und Shakti erschafft den Kosmos. Dann verteilt sich das inkarnierte Bewusstsein in Materie, was zur Trennung der Einheit und zur Polarität führt. Diese inkarnierte Schöpfung sucht sich wieder zu vereinigen in der sich ewig erneuernden Erfahrung des Spiels der Geschlechter und der Energie…
Tantra ist der Königsweg ihrer Wiedervereinigung ...
Dieses Video zeigt die tantrische Schöpfungsgeschichte in einem Tanz, den ich laut der uralten tantrischen Texte kreiert habe, um anschaulich darzustellen, was MAITHUNA eigentlich bedeutet.
Просмотров: 508
THE DIVINE TOUCH - Die Geheimnisse der tantrischen Kaschmir-Massage
Просмотров 1463 месяца назад
🕉️ THE DIVINE TOUCH - Intensivtraining jetzt online auf Telegram☯️ Liebe(r) Tantra- und Berührungs - Begeisterte 🫶 Ich lade Dich herzlich in meine neue Telegram Gruppe THE DIVINE TOUCH - DIE GEHEIMNISSE DER TANTRISCHEN KASCHMIR-MASSAGE ein. Dort bringe ich Dir in Wort und Bild detailliert diese hohe tantrische Kunst des bewussten, absichtslosen Berührens ganz nahe, die mit liebenden Händen unse...
Elisabeth Kastanakis: Tantric Yoni Empowering Ritual
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Unser nächstes Retreat: DARK TANTRA, 14.08.2024-18.08.2024, Deutschland, Hof Oberlethe elisabethkastanakis.com/?avada_portfolio=valentines-special-the-high-art-of-tantric-love-2-2-2-2-2-3&lang=de&portfolioCats=229 Special thanks to my video artist George Kingkong Unsere Tantrische Familie blüht und gedeiht... Schließe Dich uns an und trage auch Du dazu bei, Liebe, Weisheit, Mitgefühl, Menschli...
Sei herzlich willkommen im DARK TANTRA RETREAT, 14.-18.August 2024, Deutschland, Teil 1
Просмотров 3719 месяцев назад
Alle Informationen und Anmeldung: elisabethkastanakis.com/?p=18257&lang=de
Sei herzlich willkommen im DARK TANTRA RETREAT, 14.-18.August 2024, Deutschland, Teil 2
Просмотров 1479 месяцев назад
Alle Informationen und Anmeldung: elisabethkastanakis.com/?p=18257&lang=de
Sei herzlich willkommen im DARK TANTRA RETREAT, 14.-18.August 2024, Deutschland, eil 3
Просмотров 1019 месяцев назад
Alle Informationen und Anmeldung: elisabethkastanakis.com/?p=18257&lang=de
Sei herzlich willkommen im DARK TANTRA RETREAT, 14.-18.August 2024, Deutschland, Teil 4
Просмотров 1129 месяцев назад
Alle Informationen und Anmeldung: elisabethkastanakis.com/?p=18257&lang=de
TANDAVA III - Freude ... das Glück im Herzen der Dinge entdecken
Просмотров 4789 месяцев назад
Freude sollte unser Wegweiser im Leben sein... Alles, was uns so richtig GUUUUUUT tut ....❣️❣️ TANDAVA sensibilisiert uns für das Erleben der tiefen Freude, die einem geöffneten Herzen entströmt und in es einströmt.... Wir werden dann fähig, so tief in die physische Manifestation einzutauchen, dass wir in allem die Göttliche Essenz entdecken können... Dann beginnen wir, wirklich ekstatisch zu l...
TANDAVA II - Den inneren Glücksraum entdecken
Просмотров 71710 месяцев назад
Diese bewegte und bewegende Meditation aus dem Kaschmirischen Tantrismus der SPANDA-Tradition schenkt uns alle Qualitäten, die wir für ein erfülltes Leben auf höchstem Niveau brauchen: mentale Ruhe und Gelassenheit, das Gefühl, eins mit allem zu sein, geschmeidige Beweglichkeit, tiefes Erfühlen unseres physischen- und Energiekörpers, Sensibilisieren unserer Sinne, erweiterte Wahrnehmung des une...
TANDAVA - Der ekstatische Tanz mit dem Kosmos
Просмотров 62010 месяцев назад
Unser nächster Workshop: TANTRIC TRANCE DANCE, 9.&10. März 2024, Wien events/1135659074095924/?ref=newsfeed Unser nächstes Retreat: DARK TANTRA, 14.08.2024-18.08.2024, Deutschland, Hof Oberlethe elisabethkastanakis.com/?avada_portfolio=valentines-special-the-high-art-of-tantric-love-2-2-2-2-2-3&lang=de&portfolioCats=229 This video was created in deep gratitude and appreciation to m...
Tantric Goddess Retreat 2023
Просмотров 28811 месяцев назад
Unser nächstes Retreat: DARK TANTRA, 14.08.2024-18.08.2024, Deutschland, Hof Oberlethe elisabethkastanakis.com/?avada_portfolio=valentines-special-the-high-art-of-tantric-love-2-2-2-2-2-3&lang=de&portfolioCats=229 In unserem beglückenden TANTRIC GODDESS RETREAT haben wir die Essenz unserer göttlichen Weiblichkeit ganz tief erlebt und die Göttin in uns auferstehen lassen. Täglich Grenzen zu über...
The Sacred Prayer
Просмотров 3822 года назад
DER ZAUBER DES ÄGYPTISCHEN TANTRISMUS In unserem Retreat SEXUAL MAGIC sind wir in eine mystische, kosmische Sexualität eingetaucht, die jede Zelle unseres Körpers lustvoll vibrieren lässt, heilig und heilsam ist, uns erwachen lässt und unser gesamtes (Liebes-)Leben transformieren kann... Ich mag mich an dieser Stelle bei meinen wunderbaren Teilnehmern und meinem kompetenten und einsatzfreudigen...
Fit for ... Tantra 🕉 , part 3
Просмотров 4712 года назад
Meine nächstes Retreat: TANTRIC GODDESS RETREAT, Greece, August 2023 elisabethkastanakis.com/?avada_portfolio=valentines-special-the-high-art-of-tantric-love-2-2-2-2-2-2&lang=de&portfolioCats=228 Informationen & Anmeldung zum TANTRISCHEN PAARCOACHUNG: info@elisabethkastanakis.com Wenn Du über alle Aktivitäten unserer blühenden Tantrischen Community informiert sein willst: ABONNIERE MEINEN NEWSL...
WAS UNS NIEMAND SAGT: Wie wir uns vor Viren und Zivilisationskrankheiten schützen können...
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WAS UNS NIEMAND SAGT: Wie wir uns vor Viren und Zivilisationskrankheiten schützen können...
Elisabeth Kastanakis zu Gast in der Barbara Karlich Show - Let's talk about Sex ...
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Elisabeth Kastanakis zu Gast in der Barbara Karlich Show - Let's talk about Sex ...
Elisabeth Kastanakis: Tantrische Liebeskunst & Herzöffnung
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Elisabeth Kastanakis: Tantrische Liebeskunst & Herzöffnung
Elisabeth Kastanakis: Von der Diplomatin zur Tantrischen Dakini - Mein Weg in die absolute Liebe
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Elisabeth Kastanakis: Von der Diplomatin zur Tantrischen Dakini - Mein Weg in die absolute Liebe
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Tantric Masterclass 2021 - THE DIVINE TOUCH
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Tantric Masterclass 2021 - THE DIVINE TOUCH
Elisabeth Kastanakis: Lasst uns gemeinsam eine neue Welt kreieren ...🌏💙❣️
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Elisabeth Kastanakis: Lasst uns gemeinsam eine neue Welt kreieren ...🌏💙❣️
Elisabeth Kastanakis: Let‘s create a new world together... 🌏💙❣️!!
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Elisabeth Kastanakis: Let‘s create a new world together... 🌏💙❣️!!
Elisabeth Kastanakis: Wie Du wieder in Deine Macht gelangst !
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Elisabeth Kastanakis: Wie Du wieder in Deine Macht gelangst !
Let's talk about ... SENSUAL HOLIDAYS - Part 2
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Let's talk about ... SENSUAL HOLIDAYS - Part 2
TANDAVA - Impressions, Valentins Special Seminar, Vienna, February 2020
Просмотров 3144 года назад
TANDAVA - Impressions, Valentins Special Seminar, Vienna, February 2020
TANDAVA - The lovedance of Shiva & Shakti
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TANDAVA - The lovedance of Shiva & Shakti
THE HEALING EMBRACE OF KIZOMBA - Seminar with Joshua dos Santos Campos und Elisabeth Kastanakis
Просмотров 5565 лет назад
THE HEALING EMBRACE OF KIZOMBA - Seminar with Joshua dos Santos Campos und Elisabeth Kastanakis
couldn't agree more
Liebe Elisabeth ! Sehr schön - das hat gut getan - eine wirklich super Morgenroutine !
Sexy and beautiful
Warum umarmest du nicht in disem video ein mann ?
love it
You guys need to improve your body positions. The lady is uncomfortable. Round up your arms and make sure you have arm connection first, almost elbow to elbow and rounder. Then his arm must be firm but rounder, giving her some space. As far as he "free" arms are concerned, loosen them at the edges and let pressure come from the back-shoulder towards the palm. This way, you get a better connection and energy flow and the lady avoids the usual chicken arm. Well done and go on!
lovely video! please create more content like this
I Love...You are very beautiful, in the light... Thank you...
I feel so deeply moved in seeing this that tears come to my eyes. It echoes something deeply true, that subsumes India and Egypt into a unity of spirit, at a higher level than the cultures that developed in 3D physical earth time.
You are blessed, because you have this subtle feeling for coherences and the mystical essence... And I guess, you understand also the secret symbols we have woven into this video... Thank you for your sharing!
Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I discovered Tandava, the yoga of meditation-in-movement. Much of the day, yesterday, I spent listening to and watching your youtube videos on Tandava. I've also printed out a commentary on Spandakarika, and I've studied your website. I've distilled your material on Tandava into printed instructions which I intend to work with today. I was above all drawn to your exquisite, profound and skillful movements, centered as I intuit they are, on a deep inner heart connection with your essence, and expressed through a supple and fully responsive and sensitized physical body. Over and over again I watched your Egyptian Temple dance; it expresses something mystical and profound as you say. I've been meditating daily for several decades, but have always wanted to discover a form of meditation in movement that felt right (tai chi and chikung did not). When dancing to House Music, my move were naturally those of Tandava, have been from the start. When I went to the village of Nadi Astrologers in India, years ago, my deep connection with Shiva was pointed out. It all fits together magically. Today, I will be watching again, and beginning to "practice", although really, what I feel is that it is simply "entry into the cosmic flow). I have crystals all around the place where the movements will be done, and thoroughly cleaned and prepared the setting yesterday. To you I offer profound respect and my heart's gratitude for manifesting the sublime, divine power of Tandava. You will feel what is behind these words, I doubt not! (www.rogercalverley.com)
You are writing beautiful books... Love & light Elisabeth
Thank you for the beauty of sound, light and thaught! what is the fourth phase?
You are welcome ...:-)! The fouth phase is sitting in stillness and making a journey inside your body... and then... perhaps... ypu will feel the SPANDA, the subtle vibration with the Cosmos...
I didn't know that it was called Spanda but I felt it since long time for short glimpses triggered by exercises of Tai Chi, musical inspiration, walking in nature or looking at the clouds...Tandava like it was taught to Daniel just seems to be a universal bodylanguage connectet to all senses and to all formes of expression, the forth phase beeing the link to Vipassana, the only real formless practice I met before discovering Tandava few times ago...
It is exactly as you describe...:-) In nature we are feeling the Spanda very often... Since I was a little girl, I am feeling it when I am watching leaves moving in the wind... And when we are dancing we can deel it strongly... It is said, that Tandava is the source of all forms of Yoga and also of Tai Chi... the ancient Cashmiris of North India where very connected to the Chinese and Tibetians...
Is that near what the Chinese call the silk road ?which was where people would trade goods in ancient times .
Please,can you make longer videos in english where you explain more,give more details?
wunderschön Elisabeth, der Tanz und du auch!
Sehr schön! :-)
beautiful, peaceful and shakti moving... very inspiring. Thank you for sharing a piece of Daniel Odier's teaching:)
+Douchka Lecot Daniel's teaching opens us a space for real freedom, fluidity, oneness and a heart vibrating with cosmic love...Thank you too for your sharing :-)
Brilliant as always!
Thank you, Dear ...:-) !
Why is this dance "sacred"? The gestures and movements of Oriental Dance originate from prehistoric matriarchal societies and the temples of ancient civilizations such as the Sumerians, Greeks, Egyptians, and Indians. At that time a broad range of female deities - eg fertility-, mother-, wisdom- and love goddesses - symbolized the many faces of the One Goddess, the Cosmic Mother and the positions that women occupied in these early societies - the mother, the creator, the preserver, the seer, the healer, the lover, the initiator ... Since the activities of the priestesses who served in these temples took place in the power-field of the Goddess, they were called "Saints" and they had "sacred bodies". Through dancing they connected themselves with the Goddess - whether she was called Innana, Demeter, Isis or Shakti - and entered into her energy field. Through dancing they reached higher levels of spirituality and consciousness . The energy released in their bodies through this sacred movements, was passed on to the temple visitors who were nourished by this divine force. The mysteries of the first ancestresses The temple dance of ancient high cultures were developed from the shamanic dances of matriarchal cultures of prehistoric times. In diverse scientific publications matriarchy is described as a type of society in which all social and legal relations are based on the descent of the maternal line. All religious ideas originate from an ancestress or primordial goddess and women play a central role in society and religion. They can develop themselves freely and are highly respected. Men then were hunters, women collectors. The women contributed a lot more to survival than men, because hunting was uncertain, but fruit, tubers, roots and small animals were always available. This created a deep connection with nature, which nourished people and kept them alive. They believed in the Great Cosmic Mother, in the wholeness of the Female and oneness with nature and in women's ability to be power-transmitters and initiators. In these cultures, dance was the most elementary spiritual expression. At night the women came together - in the absence of men - to celebrate the Female Mysteries . Their whole being vibrated by worshipping the Great Mother, the Primordial Goddess. Through dancing the women brought themselves into harmony with the Cosmos, surrendering to life and to the divine. They used their bodies to achieve a higher spiritual state in which they could open their hearts completely to unconditional love. The Bayaderes - Indian temple dancers Long after south indian temple dancers, the Bayaderes, came to Egypt (ap 1500 BC) where they transformed the strong, stiff movements of the court dance into soft flowing movements, women on the north coast of Africa, in the southern and eastern Mediterranean and in the deserts of the Middle East created a dance of great skillfulness, in which the power of the pelvis was the foundation. The original movements of the sacred archaic dances were preserved. Even in today’s oriental dance you can feel archaic remnants of female power, spirituality and sensuality. However, it’s sacred and spiritual character were lost, especially in the West, where it developed into a dance solely for entertainment purposes. Eastern dances, however, never dissolved their connection to sacred rituals, where body and mind were joined together in union. The erotic-sexual aspect in eastern dances always refers to a sublime sacred love - human love as a symbol of love for the divine…