CastleWind Wild Life
CastleWind Wild Life
  • Видео 26
  • Просмотров 59 851
Two Peregrine Falcon chicks two weeks after hatching:孵化後2週間経った2羽のハヤブサの雛鳥
Peregrine falcons are known as one of the fastest animals in the world, with a maximum dive speed of over 300 kilometers per hour. Males are 38-45 centimeters long, while females are 46-51 centimeters long, with females being larger.
In spring, the female lays two to four eggs in a depression in the cliff, and the male and female work together to raise the chicks. Generally, the male hunts starlings, pigeons, etc., and the female receives the prey from the male and feeds it to the chicks.
This ...
Просмотров: 293


Cherry salmon climbing a waterfall:サクラマスの滝登り
Просмотров 94День назад
In early summer in Hokkaido, cherry salmon (Scientific name : Oncorhynchus masou) that have made it up the middle reaches of a river are blocked by a waterfall. The waterfall has a large step that is not easy to get over. Despite this, the cherry salmon continue to challenge the waterfall and try to get over it again and again. 北海道の初夏、河川の中流まで遡上してきたサクラマスは滝に行く手を阻まれます。滝の段差は大きく、容易に乗り越えられるものではありません。...
Two fox babies playing together:じゃれ合う2匹の子ギツネ
Просмотров 2,1 тыс.14 дней назад
Among the baby fox siblings, these two are especially close, and are always curious about each other. 子ギツネの兄弟姉妹の中でもこの2匹は特に仲が良く、いつもお互いが気になるのでしょうか。 They are only about two months old, so their behavior is very cute. They tease each other and then play together. 生まれてからまだ2ヶ月程度の子ギツネなので、仕草が可愛らしいですね。互いにちょっかいを出しては一緒にじゃれ合っていました。 Jun-ichi Shirokaze 城風 淳一 Photography Equipment: SONY Alpha 1, SEL200600G, S...
White-tailed eagles fishing in a brackish lake:汽水湖で魚を獲るオジロワシ
Просмотров 403Месяц назад
The brackish lake has tides, so the eagles patiently waited until low tide made the water shallow, then took off to catch fish. 汽水湖には潮の干満があるので、オジロワシは干潮で水深が浅くなるまで辛抱強く待ってから飛び立ち、魚を獲っていました。 The pair of eagles who claim this brackish lake as their territory seem to particularly like to catch bottom-dwelling fish, such as flounder and flatfish. That's why they were probably waiting for low tide when ...
Three baby foxes cuddling with their mother:母キツネに甘える3匹の子ギツネ
Просмотров 7 тыс.Месяц назад
In May in Hokkaido, three baby foxes were born in a nest built in a gap between piled stones near the seashore. When they woke up in the morning and spotted their mother, they ran over to her and started to get affectionate with her. 北海道の5月、海辺近くの積み石の隙間に作られた巣で生まれた3匹の子ギツネは朝目覚めて母キツネの姿を見つけると一目散に駆け寄って母キツネに甘えていました。 The sight of baby foxes getting affectionate is truly pure and adorable. The mother fo...
Hawksbill turtle is very popular with the coral reef fish:タイマイはサンゴ礁の魚たちに大人気
Просмотров 4812 месяца назад
Hawksbill turtles are sea turtles that live on coral reefs, with shell lengths of 50-90cm and weighing 30-70kg. タイマイは甲羅の長さが50-90cmで体重30 - 70kgのサンゴ礁に暮らす海亀です。 They remove dead coral with their beaks and forelimbs, and prefer to eat prey found in the gaps between the coral, especially sponges. サンゴの死骸を嘴や前肢で取り除いて、サンゴの隙間にいる獲物、特にカイメン(海綿)を好んで食べます。 Therefore, when a hawksbill turtle is eating on the sea...
The Japanese long-tailed tit also loves the sweet sap of maples and icicles:シマエナガも大好き カエデの甘い樹液と樹液ツララ
Просмотров 1632 месяца назад
It is still cold in Hokkaido in March, but trees begin to actively suck up moisture and nutrients from their roots in preparation for spring. Maple trees also actively circulate sap throughout the branches, preparing for the season of new greenery. If sap seeps out from branches damaged in winter, it will turn into icicles in the cold of night. 北海道の3月はまだ寒いのですが、木々は春に備えて根から水分や栄養を盛んに吸い上げるようになります。カ...
11 chicks of Spot-billed Duck walking and taking a nap in the park:11羽の雛鳥の散歩と昼寝/公園のカルガモ
Просмотров 2012 месяца назад
The spot-billed duck is a duck with a total length of about 60 cm that is distributed from temperate to tropical regions of Asia. In Japan, it lives and breeds in waterside areas all over the country and can be observed all year round. However, in Hokkaido, it is a summer bird. カルガモは全長約60cmのカモでアジアの温帯から熱帯に分布しており、日本では全国の水辺に住んで繁殖し、一年中観察することができます。ただし北海道では夏鳥です。 Females lay 10 to 14 eggs at a time, s...
Three humpback whales competed in Tail Slap and Flipper Flopping:3頭のザトウクジラが競ったテールスラップとフリッパーフロップ
Просмотров 3053 месяца назад
In winter, many humpback whales gather in the sea around Amami Oshima to breed and raise their young, so it's great fun to see their fascinating performances at sea. 冬、奄美大島の周辺の海には多くのザトウクジラが繁殖と子育ての為に集まってくるので、そこではザトウクジラの様々な魅力あふれるパフォーマンスを海上で見ることができて、実に楽しいです。 For example, they do Pec Slap, where they turn their bodies sideways and slam their pectoral fins on the water. Flipper Flopping, where they ...
60m glide of 4 flying squirrels:エゾモモンガ4匹の60m大滑空
Просмотров 2,5 тыс.4 месяца назад
The jump of a flying squirrel from tree to tree is quite a sight to behold as it spreads the membrane between its hands and feet and performs a spectacular glide. The flying squirrels are completely nocturnal animals, and during the day in winter, several to 10 of them gather together deep in tree holes and sleep huddled together to protect themselves from the cold. The flying squirrel has a he...
White-tailed Eagle on drift ice:流氷上のオジロワシ
Просмотров 2894 месяца назад
The white-tailed eagle is an eagle that breeds throughout the northern part of the Eurasian continent, and many of them migrate from Siberia to Hokkaido in the winter with the Steller's sea eagle. A small number of white-tailed eagles breed in Hokkaido. オジロワシはユーラシア大陸北部一帯に繁殖するワシで、その多くはオオワシと共に冬にシベリアから北海道に渡ってきます。北海道でもオジロワシは少数が繁殖します。 The eagle has a wingspan of 180-240cm, making it slightly smaller...
Steller's Sea Eagle on drift ice:流氷上のオオワシ
Просмотров 3165 месяцев назад
The Steller's Sea Eagle, which migrates from Siberia to Hokkaido to spend the winter, is distributed only in the Far East. It is a large sea eagle with a wingspan of 2 to 2.5 meters, and its staple food is fish. Its scientific name is Haliaeetus pelagicus, and it is a beautiful eagle whose whole body is black-brown, but the front wing feathers, tail feathers, and foot feathers are white, and th...
Japanese cranes return to their roost after sunset:日没後にねぐらに帰るタンチョウ
Просмотров 1375 месяцев назад
The Japanese cranes that gather in Tsurui Village in winter are supposed to return to their roosting place, the Setsuri River, before it gets dark at sunset. But for some reason on this day, after it got completely dark, they took off in large flocks and formed formations, flyed to the Setsuri River. 冬に鶴居村に集まったタンチョウは,日没で暗くなる前にねぐらである雪裡川に戻るはずなのですが、この日はなぜか完全に暗くなってから大きな群れで飛び立ち、隊列を組んで雪裡川に向かいました。 Eve...
Japanese cranes return to their roost while basking in the setting sun:夕陽を浴びて ねぐらに戻るタンチョウ
Просмотров 1295 месяцев назад
Japanese cranes (Grus japonensis) that gather in Tsurui Village in winter roost at night in the shallow waters of the Setsuri River, which does not freeze even in the middle of winter due to the abundance of groundwater. 冬に鶴居村に集まったタンチョウは、豊富に湧き出す地下水ゆえに真冬でも凍らない雪裡川(せつりがわ)の浅瀬を夜のねぐらにしています。 Around sunset, Japanese cranes return to their roosting place, the Setsuri River, so if you wait along the way,...
Gannets diving in Kagoshima Bay:鹿児島湾でダイブするカツオドリ
Просмотров 7326 месяцев назад
Gannets are seabirds with a total length of 70 cm and a weight of 1 kg. Males have blue faces and females have pale yellow faces. When they fly over the ocean and spot a fish, they dive headfirst into the water and catch the fish with their beaks. The moment it dives, it folds its wings, forms a missile-like shape with little resistance, and makes a spectacular dive, making it a sight to behold...
Green sea turtles around Zamami Island;座間味島のアオウミガメ
Просмотров 9086 месяцев назад
Green sea turtles around Zamami Island;座間味島のアオウミガメ
Whale Watching #1 A whale that came close enough to touch:ホエールウォッチング #1 触れるほど近くに来たクジラ
Просмотров 39 тыс.6 месяцев назад
Whale Watching #1 A whale that came close enough to touch:ホエールウォッチング #1 触れるほど近くに来たクジラ
Bird Feeder hustle and bustle #4; Re-challenge of a Hokkaido Squirrel:Bird Feederの喧噪 #4; エゾリスの再挑戦
Просмотров 2227 месяцев назад
Bird Feeder hustle and bustle #4; Re-challenge of a Hokkaido Squirrel:Bird Feederの喧噪 #4; エゾリスの再挑戦
Bird Feeder hustle and bustle #3; Hokkaido Squirrel in a snowstorm:Bird Feederの喧噪 #3; 吹雪の中のエゾリス
Просмотров 1957 месяцев назад
Bird Feeder hustle and bustle #3; Hokkaido Squirrel in a snowstorm:Bird Feederの喧噪 #3; 吹雪の中のエゾリス
Bird Feeder hustle and bustle #2; Birds are strong even in a blizzard:Bird Feederの喧噪 #2; 吹雪でも逞しい鳥達
Просмотров 1087 месяцев назад
Bird Feeder hustle and bustle #2; Birds are strong even in a blizzard:Bird Feederの喧噪 #2; 吹雪でも逞しい鳥達
Stingray hiding in the sand:砂に隠れるアカエイ
Просмотров 1457 месяцев назад
Stingray hiding in the sand:砂に隠れるアカエイ
Courtship dance of Japanese cranes:タンチョウの求愛ダンス
Просмотров 2 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Courtship dance of Japanese cranes:タンチョウの求愛ダンス
Bird Feeder hustle and bustle #1; Calm winter morning:Bird Feederの喧噪 #1; 穏やかな冬の朝
Просмотров 1107 месяцев назад
Bird Feeder hustle and bustle #1; Calm winter morning:Bird Feederの喧噪 #1; 穏やかな冬の朝
Ezon pika at the foot of Mt. Tokachidake : 十勝岳山麓のエゾナキウサギ
Просмотров 1127 месяцев назад
Ezon pika at the foot of Mt. Tokachidake : 十勝岳山麓のエゾナキウサギ
Coral reefs and tropical fish in Ogasawara:小笠原のサンゴ礁と熱帯魚
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Coral reefs and tropical fish in Ogasawara:小笠原のサンゴ礁と熱帯魚
Dolphin swimming around Mikura island :御蔵島でドルフィンスイム
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.7 месяцев назад
Dolphin swimming around Mikura island :御蔵島でドルフィンスイム


  • @alopexau
    @alopexau День назад

    Beautifully shot footage, what a pair of absolute cuties.

  • @Kongka-y6d
    @Kongka-y6d 5 дней назад

    Great water 🌊💎📽️📷🌬️💦 seeing 👀amazing fresh cooling 🌅

  • @bkashiwaza
    @bkashiwaza 5 дней назад

    Good job, it seems parents work is the same as humans!

  • @bkashiwaza
    @bkashiwaza 10 дней назад

    Well captured video plus a good back ground music!

  • @janetriggs6617
    @janetriggs6617 11 дней назад

    How magical thanks for sharing

  • @turbogene3577
    @turbogene3577 22 дня назад


  • @Gardarik33115
    @Gardarik33115 Месяц назад

    Momonga is the best! I am planning to visit Sapporo just to see these tiny cute critters. Thank you for sharing the video and motivating the trip!

  • @somegirl558
    @somegirl558 Месяц назад❤

  • @Bestpethome
    @Bestpethome Месяц назад

    Good vibes plz spot me ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @中野雄一-j1u
    @中野雄一-j1u Месяц назад

    カレイとかヒラメとか 口が肥えてますね(笑)

  • @user-vd7xo1rr2m
    @user-vd7xo1rr2m Месяц назад


  • @일차일라
    @일차일라 Месяц назад

    왓어.... 신이 사랑한 동물인가?

  • @user-gm2tk7uc9k
    @user-gm2tk7uc9k Месяц назад


  • @bkashiwaza
    @bkashiwaza 2 месяца назад

    You've made total 21 videos with music you composed, which my wife said congratulations!

  • @bkashiwaza
    @bkashiwaza 3 месяца назад

    Not only this video itself but also your explanation really makes this whole piece meaningful. Plus, your music composition is pretty good!!

  • @user-pq5rn3kh5o
    @user-pq5rn3kh5o 3 месяца назад

    왜난안돼는데! 0:15

  • @MargaritaStoynova
    @MargaritaStoynova 3 месяца назад

    This is the cutest animal I have seen, after my dog... How is so cute, with them tiny hands, looking chonky, but can fly 😮 🐿️❤

  • @YoshihikoKashiwazaki
    @YoshihikoKashiwazaki 4 месяца назад

    Close up is really good as we can see their eyes, where maybe I could guess what was on their mind,,,,

  • @YoshihikoKashiwazaki
    @YoshihikoKashiwazaki 4 месяца назад

    Watching Ezo-momonga glide is amazing just because we can rarely watch them glide. Thanks for sharing such video!!

  • @martachtman1285
    @martachtman1285 4 месяца назад

    Wonderful magical cranes, thank you very much for sharing this great beauty! It would've been a great tragedy if these cranes had been lost forever.

  • @bkashiwaza
    @bkashiwaza 5 месяцев назад


  • @zhelkoshka
    @zhelkoshka 5 месяцев назад

    Музыка великолепно подходит и украшает эти съёмки!

  • @zhelkoshka
    @zhelkoshka 5 месяцев назад

    Танцы ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @bkashiwaza
    @bkashiwaza 6 месяцев назад

    You are getting close to the world of Mark Smith! The music composition is good, and watching their diving is amazingly well taken. Thanks for sharing.

  • @bkashiwaza
    @bkashiwaza 6 месяцев назад

    I felt so good, when a green turtle swims, the sound follows! Great work!!

  • @bkashiwaza
    @bkashiwaza 6 месяцев назад

    It's amazing to watch the whales, the way they move and swim while people are being watched by them, very interesting !

  • @freeman123
    @freeman123 7 месяцев назад


  • @bkashiwaza
    @bkashiwaza 7 месяцев назад


  • @capturingnaturewithsandip
    @capturingnaturewithsandip 7 месяцев назад

    Amazing and so beautiful video. Thanks for sharing & so lovely courtship dance.

  • @user-je9rc6mc9i
    @user-je9rc6mc9i 7 месяцев назад
