Steve Mcintyre
Steve Mcintyre
  • Видео 5
  • Просмотров 1 826
Rebirth Island PS5
Just a quick Clip to show you should never give up on your team mates. You just never know. I’m not a very good player but I enjoy it.A win is a win in my book.
Просмотров: 11


Roland FP90X faulty keys
Просмотров 8172 года назад
Hi all, just a quick upload of my brand new Roland FP90X having faulty keys/notes. Thanks
C4D Metaballs
Просмотров 3288 лет назад
C4D Metaballs
C4D Metaballs
Просмотров 5028 лет назад
1200 frames at just over a minute per frame render time. Depth of field applied using Standard Renderer. Would have liked to have made the Metaballs loop seamlessly but couldn,t figure out how to do it. I got the ideas from a few C4D tutorials and some inspiration from this guy Any help/thoughts would be great thanks.
Cinema 4D Camera Tracking
Просмотров 1689 лет назад
First real go at camera tracking in C4D. Please let me know what you think.