Ryan Nuno
Ryan Nuno
  • Видео 99
  • Просмотров 165 499


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THIS NEGLECTED SHOT Can Improve Your Baseline Game Immediately (ALL LEVELS)
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THIS NEGLECTED SHOT Can Improve Your Baseline Game Immediately (ALL LEVELS)
HOW TO PERFECT The Overhead Slam (Beginner - Advanced)
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HOW TO PERFECT The Overhead Slam (Beginner - Advanced)
Two MORE EFFECTIVE Tennis Patterns For ALL Levels
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Two MORE EFFECTIVE Tennis Patterns For ALL Levels
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Where AND How To Put Away SHORT HIGH BALLS For ALL Levels
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Where AND How To Put Away SHORT HIGH BALLS For ALL Levels
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How To Use Your Legs On Your Forehand To Hit MASSIVE Forehands
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How To Keep Your Forehand Low Over The Net LIKE A PRO
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One Tip To Improve Timing On The Ball
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  • @tonio84
    @tonio84 2 дня назад

    Good explanation but video needs to be more down..to see the leg drive..wich gave you more push upward.

  • @mouselim72
    @mouselim72 8 дней назад

    Nothing taught in this video. Sorry.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 8 дней назад

      Sorry you felt like that! Any other tips you’d like to see?

  • @robertcapetillo8779
    @robertcapetillo8779 10 дней назад

    Hitting the ball on the rise was what made Andre Agassi so successful. Good tips, good video, keep it up.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 8 дней назад

      Thanks for watching! Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @somescorpio1798
    @somescorpio1798 16 дней назад

    Looks like Monrovia, Arcadia.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 16 дней назад

      Yes that’s correct!

    • @somescorpio1798
      @somescorpio1798 15 дней назад

      @ that’s so cool!! Grew up there many years ago. Those mountains are unmistakable.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 15 дней назад

      Absolutely beautiful location! Did you play tournaments as well?

    • @somescorpio1798
      @somescorpio1798 15 дней назад

      @@ryannuno8624 no, I was a swimmer and swam at the Rose Bowl. Daughter now plays tennis. Private lessons since she was 5. She’s now 8.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 12 дней назад

      That’s great, great area to play tennis

  • @gydscutroo9973
    @gydscutroo9973 17 дней назад

    One of the least-cited advantages of working like crazy on consistency in the up-the-line BH is that, if you can really master it, going cross-court with the BH seems so easy by comparison because the net (as you note) is lower and you have more air-time to get the top-spin to bring the ball down within the court (allowing you to hit it harder but flatter). Indeed, I almost never practice the x-court version anymore (unless working on shot combination patterns) because of this.

  • @JoJo-nm1dh
    @JoJo-nm1dh 20 дней назад

    Yeah, but also the most difficult shot in tennis as you have to hit the ball on the rise with your weaker stroke, imagine your opponent can hit with crazy amount of heavy topspin😂

  • @EdmonBegoli
    @EdmonBegoli 20 дней назад

    Thanks, Ryan. Please do make more videos on this subject. I do like to hit 1HBH down the line but timing is often tricky and if I am just a little bit late the ball goes wide.

  • @alexandermayer2026
    @alexandermayer2026 20 дней назад

    The secret to hit the ball low is hook spin. You are referring to a door knob. Not bad but it still involves turning over; that move you make at the end will confuse people. You clear the net by how low you come from. You keep it low by hooking the ball and finishing low. For extreme low dips, extreme hook. And six inches over the net is an easy goal then.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 20 дней назад

      Yes that’s a good point. Will keep in mind!

  • @EdmonBegoli
    @EdmonBegoli 24 дня назад

    Thanks for the video, Ryan. Could you please cover on how you “chase” the lob most efficiently?

  • @nznige
    @nznige 29 дней назад

    I wouldn't say that the cross court backhand duel into a drop shot is a pattern for all levels, I would say that's fairly advanced tbh, thanks for the vid

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 29 дней назад

      You are actually right, I didn’t think about that! The drop shot is definitely a harder shot to hit! Do you have any tips you’d like me to go over? Also what level are you nznige?

    • @nznige
      @nznige 29 дней назад

      @@ryannuno8624 not sure what I would equate to in US levels, I play at a reasonably high club level. Drop shot would be a good one, I hit a deep ball with heavy top spin. I still struggle with not ballooning the drop shot and seeing Alcaraz hitting it so beautifully definitely inspired to add a good drop shot. Something I haven't seen anyone do is playing volleys (doubles) at a lower club level when the ball isn't coming on fast and you have less power to work with and your partner isnt effectively setting you up at the net.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 28 дней назад

      Oh ok that’s great! So you mean when the ball is sitting for you at the net and you try to put it away when playing doubles?

    • @nznige
      @nznige 28 дней назад

      ​@ryannuno8624 yes or when you feel you can't move because the other player is not being pushed back, your partner has a weak serve etc, it's hard to move and not leave the line way open etc

    • @nznige
      @nznige 28 дней назад

      ​@ryannuno8624 yes or when you feel you can't move because the other player is not being pushed back, your partner has a weak serve etc, it's hard to move and not leave the line way open etc

  • @EdmonBegoli
    @EdmonBegoli Месяц назад

    Thanks for the video!

  • @Topspindrive-j9i
    @Topspindrive-j9i Месяц назад

    Can’t thank you enough for this awesome content 👍

  • @mjmassi11
    @mjmassi11 Месяц назад

    Great tip! I've been trying to learn this shot.

  • @mattroland5943
    @mattroland5943 Месяц назад

    Awesome tip. One of the very few people on you tube who provides something useful!

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      I appreciate that!

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      What level are you at Matt?

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      What level are you at!

    • @mattroland5943
      @mattroland5943 Месяц назад

      @@ryannuno8624 Former College player 1979-1980, former pro player , never made it on the ATP tour but played in satellite events , now known as Futures and Challengers. Been teaching since 1984.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      Nice! Where do you coach out of Matt! You must be a very good coach!

  • @zacharylore3400
    @zacharylore3400 Месяц назад

    Thanks for the tip. On those high short balls it has always felt more natural to let the ball drop but I’ll give this technique a try for high balls.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      Yes let me know how it goes! What level are you at Zachary!

    • @zacharylore3400
      @zacharylore3400 Месяц назад

      @@ryannuno8624 Stuck at 3.5. Learned as an adult. I'm discovering that to take it to the next level I have to really improve technique and put more time into playing.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      Yes that’s right! How often are you playing right now? Any tournaments or leagues?

  • @Caribbeer
    @Caribbeer Месяц назад

    5ft over the net is the kind of clearance the tour has. So the tv deceives us slightly. The ball is not as low as we think.

  • @damon123jones
    @damon123jones Месяц назад

    devils door knob 😁

  • @awangsafrisafri476
    @awangsafrisafri476 Месяц назад

    Good technique 👍

  • @EdmonBegoli
    @EdmonBegoli Месяц назад

    Fantastic! Makes total sense and will work to put it to practice this week.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      Glad to help Edmon! Thanks for the constant feedback!

  • @EdmonBegoli
    @EdmonBegoli Месяц назад

    @ryannuno8624 - could you please make a separate video on the mid court / put away shots and drills. Like how you did for big, flat serve (“improve serve speed”). That was fantastic for self learning. You rip those mid-court floater with ease, pace and placement. I’ve developed a decent serve and at my 3.5/4.0 level I often get a high loopy or short, skidding return. My current issue is the shot selection and technique on these easy, point ending opportunities. I need to learn what shot to hit and how to balance spin and pace. Thanks, D1 king.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      Just did! Thanks for the idea Edmon!

  • @Topspindrive-j9i
    @Topspindrive-j9i Месяц назад

    Awesome stuff 🔥

  • @lernenundwachsen
    @lernenundwachsen Месяц назад

    Hi Ryan. Thanks for these patterns, iam going to try to implemente it in my game. Just a question out of curiosity: in which country/city is this beautiful tennis court with a view on the mountains? 😊

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      Of course! And it is in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California! What country/ city are you from?

    • @lernenundwachsen
      @lernenundwachsen Месяц назад

      @@ryannuno8624 looks amazing there. Iam from Düsseldorf in Germany :)

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      @@lernenundwachsen I have a friend who plays tennis for my college who is from there as well!

    • @lernenundwachsen
      @lernenundwachsen Месяц назад

      No way. Is it by any chance Max?

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      @@lernenundwachsen no it is not, he is Elias!

  • @djbrownlee6510
    @djbrownlee6510 Месяц назад

    Guy knows his stuff!

  • @alvaroishere
    @alvaroishere Месяц назад

    How to close pushers long rallies!

  • @Chad-dl3yn
    @Chad-dl3yn Месяц назад

    I believe what the 'door knob' Ryan is refering is also cud be understood for FH-pronation.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      That is correct. It is the pronation of your right wrist or the dominant side that you’re hitting the forehand with.

  • @jamescullen8122
    @jamescullen8122 Месяц назад

    Lately I have been focusing on my elbow remaining level to keep the ball low and in, maybe the door knob swing though will give me a little wiggle room on the trajectory of the swing to keep my shot in. Thanks

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      That is a great tip as well. Any other videos you’d like to see?

  • @glenberberet8418
    @glenberberet8418 Месяц назад

    Great job ryan. I will pass this along to my high school single players today

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      Glad you liked it! Any videos you’d like to see in the future?

    • @glenberberet8418
      @glenberberet8418 Месяц назад

      @@ryannuno8624 I play a lot of doubles so anything on that would be great

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      Great idea! What level do you play?

    • @glenberberet8418
      @glenberberet8418 Месяц назад

      @@ryannuno8624 l consider myself a 4.0 player with a good lefty serve , good forehand and like playing at the net

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      Nice being a lefty has a lot of advantages, including that a wide serve on the Advantage side and the lefty forehand

  • @gydscutroo9973
    @gydscutroo9973 Месяц назад

    So simple, really, but so practical and effective. Tennis strategy isn’t 3-dimensional chess. It’s really just the mastering of a handful of tactics that can work very well a lot of the time, dependent in the end upon your ability to execute the shots and your opponent’s ability to battle back with their own counter-offensive plans to disrupt yours. Would love to see a few more of these routinely-used patterns.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      I completely agree with you. There is too much complexity with many of the teachings in today. All it takes is simple patterns like this with constant repetition to be able to get to a very high level. You understand.

  • @koplaklawaks5770
    @koplaklawaks5770 Месяц назад

    This is what I’m looking for, thank you!

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      No problem! Any other videos you’d like to see?

  • @robertcapetillo8779
    @robertcapetillo8779 Месяц назад

    Nice work Ryan, awesome breakdown and easy to understand. Keep it up!

  • @EdmonBegoli
    @EdmonBegoli Месяц назад

    @ryannuno8624 Thanks for following up! I’ve started to practice this already, but you reinforced it. My issue is that I need to hone my down the line - I tend to over hit or hit the net often, so I am working to calibrate it.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 Месяц назад

      @@EdmonBegoli No problem! The down the line shot is one of the most difficult shots. You can hit effectively because the net is higher and you have to hit with a lot of spin to keep it in.

  • @opalpearl3051
    @opalpearl3051 2 месяца назад

    Great video, you are the first to touch on this subject. Thank you.

  • @Topspindrive-j9i
    @Topspindrive-j9i 2 месяца назад

    💡moment for me here, thank you so much for sharing this.

  • @gydscutroo9973
    @gydscutroo9973 2 месяца назад

    “Door knob” Hmmm. Never heard that one. I always hear “windshield wiper.” Either works, I guess, so …

  • @gydscutroo9973
    @gydscutroo9973 2 месяца назад

    This is exactly how I hit (having modeled my FH on Fed’s), … but your thesis here begs the question: why then do so many high-level players speak of the “high/heavy ball” as the Holy Grail, and work so hard to do the (so-called) “next-gen” style FH (a la Sock, Kyrgios, and Draper), or even just the buggywhip style (a la Nadal)? While I must confess that it is much less fun - at least for me with my 1HBH - to face guys that play like that (if they can consistently drop it just inside the baseline, and causing it to jump like a kick serve), none of those violent style strokes have anything close to the aesthetically smooth fluidity, apparent effortlessness and elegance of the “modern FH” (at least when Master Fed does it). And when I play guys that give me the high/heavy ball all day, my only real chance to come out alive is to live at or even inside the baseline and take everything on-the-rise (also a la Fed). But that ain’t so easy. When you hit low’ish but very hard, penetrating balls to the baseline (like I do, and like you’re advocating for here), they will indeed kick, but they will kick FAST, not high, and it’s the height of the high/heavy balls that’s very challenging to play against aggressively (rather than just defensively). All of this is just to say that the high/heavy ball really does have a lot of competitive advantages. Thoughts?

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 2 месяца назад

      Hi Gyd, Very well thought out question and comment! I agree that there are many advantages to hitting the high heavy ball, especially against players who do not like to step in and take everything on the back foot. In these cases, it is very easy to hit with this type of shot to approach the net and attack them. Or you can simply stay in the point if you are very physically, be strong and have a lot of stamina and wait for them to try to take the balls on the rise, which is usually much , more risky than waiting for them. It does have a lot of advantages as well as you mentioned.

  • @roaldh.8778
    @roaldh.8778 2 месяца назад

    Great stuff, could you do vid with overheads?

  • @Folkstone1957
    @Folkstone1957 2 месяца назад

    How is keeping the ball low a good idea in & of itself ?

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 2 месяца назад

      @folkstone1957 Great question! Keeping the ball lower over the net is usually a sign that you hit with more drive and less spin! It is still possible to hit with a lot of spin over the net while keeping it low but just much harder. To answer your question there is nothing inherently good about keeping it low over the night, but it usually represents that you are driving the ball with a lot of power, which is good.

    • @Folkstone1957
      @Folkstone1957 2 месяца назад

      @@ryannuno8624 Actually, no, that’s not the case. You can hit with drive as well as lots of spin & keep the ball low, especially if you use topspin to make the person at or approaching the net deal with a low ball.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 2 месяца назад

      You are right, that is a great example! As I mentioned in my reply, it is still possible to hit this shot just a bit harder!

  • @Emolga6274
    @Emolga6274 2 месяца назад

    What’s funny Patrick mortaglou keeps saying over and over is to hit ball high and deep. Yet I don’t see any pro players hitting high over net

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 2 месяца назад

      Hi Charmander! Great observation! I have to admit it is a bit deceiving on the TV, if you watch a ground level practice with pros you can see how much it varies with their height!

  • @LowUTR
    @LowUTR 2 месяца назад

    What a stupid video lol

  • @Topspindrive-j9i
    @Topspindrive-j9i 2 месяца назад

    Awesome content. I do have a question on the use of the legs for ground strokes. A former coach advised that I stay low throughout the shot by imagining a ceiling above my head, timing the leg drive to the contact, and then push forward while staying at the same height. I’ve also heard others say to load and then rise a bit before contact. Could you do a video on this or explain if there are scenarios in which both methods are correct or is one better than the other? Thank you!

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 2 месяца назад

      That is an interesting idea! I will dive into this on a video in the future!

    • @Topspindrive-j9i
      @Topspindrive-j9i 2 месяца назад

      @@ryannuno8624 Awesome, thanks so much!

  • @clydewmorgan
    @clydewmorgan 2 месяца назад

    Nice and the one thing you have over every other tennis instruction video is you talk over the action thanks for not making me watch a minute or two before you hit it once and talk for another minute or two

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 2 месяца назад

      Thank you for the feedback Clyde!

  • @EdmonBegoli
    @EdmonBegoli 2 месяца назад

    @Ryan - would you ever get a chance to record some of these tips with a partner or student? You had some of those earlier videos hitting with the partner and those were great.

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 2 месяца назад

      Hello Edmon, I will try to see if I can! Most of my videos are taken alone and after my lessons but I could try to see if I can with others!

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 2 месяца назад

      What is your level Edmon? You are one of my most active subscribers so I can imagine you are big into the game!

    • @EdmonBegoli
      @EdmonBegoli 2 месяца назад

      ​@@ryannuno8624 I am considered high 3.5, progressing towards 4. I am BIG into the game and I like to play with and learn from real-deal players (D1) like you.

    • @EdmonBegoli
      @EdmonBegoli 2 месяца назад

      @@ryannuno8624 Thanks, Ryan. I am high 3.5, progressing towards 4. I am BIG into the game and following your channel very closely because you are a real-deal D1 player with a real, practical competitive background from which I have lot to learn.

  • @t-bone7988
    @t-bone7988 2 месяца назад

    this is so good. Can't wait to try this out! 9 UTR here! beautiful forehand btw

  • @koplaklawaks5770
    @koplaklawaks5770 2 месяца назад

    Thank you so much!

  • @Topspindrive-j9i
    @Topspindrive-j9i 2 месяца назад

    Super video, I can’t wait to try this out 👍

  • @koplaklawaks5770
    @koplaklawaks5770 2 месяца назад

    Is that ‘door knob’ coming by rotating wrist consciously?

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 2 месяца назад


    • @koplaklawaks5770
      @koplaklawaks5770 2 месяца назад

      @@ryannuno8624 Im wondering.. can I apply it on backhand too?

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 2 месяца назад

      It won’t be as noticeable on the backhand side since you have two hands, but yes this same thing applies!

  • @hoanglinhofficial8017
    @hoanglinhofficial8017 3 месяца назад


  • @osamasoliman9757
    @osamasoliman9757 3 месяца назад

    Thank you I love it

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 3 месяца назад

      I'm glad you like it Osama!

  • @perk3391
    @perk3391 3 месяца назад

    What about the form of the backswing, is it important?

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 3 месяца назад

      Yes it is! Check out my other video on how to take your racket back!

  • @Topspindrive-s5g
    @Topspindrive-s5g 3 месяца назад

    Awesome video! For some reason, this topic really got me thinking about how it could help prevent being pushed back by big hitters. Could you explain how to absorb pace both during a rally and on a return of serve?

    • @ryannuno8624
      @ryannuno8624 3 месяца назад

      During a rally, you can absorb pace by shortening your backswing and making sure you make contact with the ball early. On your return you want to do the same thing but sometimes need to shorten the swing even more! The most important thing is the contact point and making sure it is in front of you and hit correctly

    • @Topspindrive-s5g
      @Topspindrive-s5g 3 месяца назад

      @@ryannuno8624 Awesome will do, thank you for the advice 👍