TCM Express
TCM Express
  • Видео 289
  • Просмотров 14 895
Health Cultivation Diary|Winter Calls for Warm Nourishment 养生日记丨寒冬宜温补
In #TCM, winter is the season of preservation. Embrace warm and nourishing foods to protect your vitality. Click on today's #HealthCultivationDiary to explore the art of seasonal wellness and staying balanced during the colder months! #TCMTips
Просмотров: 20


Mysterious Palm Diagnosis|Li Palace 神奇的手诊丨离宫手诊揭秘
Просмотров 18312 часов назад
Unlock the hidden messages of the #LiPalace in #TCM! Explore how changes in its color and shape reflect your body's physiological state and potential health concerns. Decode the signals your palm is sending about your well-being! #PalmDiagnosis 色泽诊断在中医诊断中占据着举足轻重的地位,它直接反映了脏腑气血的状态,除了色泽诊断,形态诊断也是中医手诊的重要组成部分。如何通过观察离宫色泽变化来判断身体健康状态?如何通过观察离宫的凹凸、丰盈状态来判断病变的性质和部位?点开本期视频,一起来学习这些小技巧吧~
Dialogue with Chinese Medicine|Astronomy and Chinese Medicine PART3 对话中医丨星辰中的养生之道3
Просмотров 2514 часов назад
Explore the fascinating connection between #Astronomy and #TCM at the Beijing Ancient Observatory. Discover how ancient wisdom aligns the cosmos with the principles of health and balance. Join today’s #DialoguewithChineseMedicine and continue your journey! 本期的对话中医,我们深入探讨了天文学与中医五运六气学说的紧密联系。通过分析太阳系天体运动与地球环境的关系,揭示了中医如何将这些天文知识应用于预测和治疗人体疾病,以及如何根据不同的干支纪年,来分析当年的气候特点和疾病趋势,如何根据五运六气学说来调整生活习惯,进行健康养生。点开本期视...
TCM Self-care Practices | Self-Massage for Tinnitus Hearing Loss 阴阳游-中医保健自我疗法|指尖下的护耳技巧
Просмотров 2821 час назад
Wearing headphones for long periods can lead to #Tinnitus or #HearingLoss. In today’s video, discover two simple #TCM massage techniques to relieve ear discomfort in no time. Take action now and give your ears the relaxation they need! #TCMTips 在现代快节奏的生活中,耳机成为我们不可或缺的“时尚单品”。然而,长时间佩戴耳机、音量过高、持续的压力以及缺乏休息等因素,都可能悄悄地伤害我们的听力,甚至引发耳鸣等不适症状。本次我们向大家介绍两种简单而有效的自我保健方法 “拉揉耳朵”和“鸣天鼓”。通过疏通经络,促进血液循环,来缓解因过度用耳带来的疲劳和损...
Dialogue with Chinese Medicine|Astronomy and Chinese Medicine PART2 对话中医丨星辰中的养生之道2
Просмотров 1314 дней назад
Unveil deeper insights into the harmony of #Astronomy and #TCM at Beijing Ancient Observatory. Dive into ancient wisdom that bridges the cosmos with the principles of health and balance. Click on today's #DialoguewithChineseMedicine and continue this captivating exploration! 通过古老的圭表,我们了解到古人如何通过立杆测影来精确测定季节变换,这种智慧至今令人叹为观止。四季的更迭不仅仅是自然现象,更与人体健康息息相关;二十四节气也不仅仅是时间的划分,更是古人对自然规律深刻理解的体现。跟随本期视频,让我们学习在不同的季...
Beyond the Table | Timo Boll & TCM - Part V 对话德国乒乓名将波尔丨膝踝健康,中医有妙招
Просмотров 8514 дней назад
For #TimoBoll, footwork in table tennis is agile and precise, but it puts significant strain on the knees and ankles. How can #TCM practices like #ZhanZhuang and other guiding techniques help relieve pain and improve circulation? Click today’s video to learn more! #SportInjuries 在乒乓球的世界里,步伐如同舞者的舞蹈,灵活而富有节奏,但这些激烈的动作不仅考验着他们的技术,也对膝、踝关节造成了巨大的压力,容易导致损伤。中医传统功法站桩、及其他导引术,能够促进气血流通、减轻疼痛、缓解这些压力。点开本期视频,一起来学习~
Beyond the Table | Timo Boll & TCM - Part IV 对话德国乒乓名将波尔丨腕间灵动,中医护航
Просмотров 2214 дней назад
#WristHealth is essential for #TimoBoll to perform high-precision movements in table tennis, but it’s also prone to strain from intense training. In today’s video, discover two key acupoints to help relieve wrist discomfort. Don’t miss these helpful #TCMTips! 在乒乓球赛场及日常训练中,为了发出和应对各种球,运动员手腕的灵活度至关重要,但也正是这些高强度、高精度的动作,使得他们的腕关节更容易损伤。本期视频我们将带来两个能够缓解腕部不适的关键穴位,快关注本期视频,查收本次小tips吧!
Whispers of TCM Treasures | Decoction Pot 中医瑰宝会说话丨医用器具:煎药锅
Просмотров 3314 дней назад
#TCM highlights its dedication to precision with tools like the Decoction Pot. In today’s #WhispersofTCMTreasures, explore how this essential pot ensures the effective extraction of herbal properties, reflecting TCM’s meticulous approach to preparation at the root. 本期视频将介绍中医临床中常用的器具 煎药锅。煎药锅用于熬制中药汤剂,确保药材在高温下充分释放有效成分。其设计注重火候的掌控,帮助医师精确调节煎药时间和温度,确保药效的最佳发挥。煎药锅不仅是中医传统治疗中的关键工具,也体现了中医对药物炮制的严格要求和治病治本的理念。
Whispers of TCM Treasures | Thermo Jug 中医瑰宝会说话丨医用器具:保温瓶
Просмотров 821 день назад
#TCM emphasizes thoughtful care with tools like the Thermo Jug. In today’s #WhispersofTCMTreasures, discover how this essential item ensures optimal temperature for herbal decoctions, preserving their effectiveness and embodying TCM’s dedication to warmth and precision. 本期视频将介绍中医临床常用的器具 保温瓶。保温瓶主要用于保持药汤或汤剂的温度,确保患者在服用过程中能享受到最佳的温度效果。它在中医治疗中起到了至关重要的作用,帮助维持药效的稳定性,同时体现了中医在治疗过程中的细致与周到。保温瓶不仅是实用工具,更是中医讲...
Whispers of TCM Treasures | Medicine Box 中医瑰宝会说话丨医用器具:药箱
Просмотров 1421 день назад
#TCM showcases its holistic care philosophy through tools like the Medicine Box. In today’s #WhispersofTCMTreasures, explore how this traditional storage chest embodies the precision and organization essential for safeguarding herbal remedies. 本期视频将介绍中医临床中必不可少的器具 药箱。药箱用于存放和分类中药材,确保药材的质量和便捷取用。它在中医治疗中不仅是药材管理的工具,更体现了中医严谨的用药理念和精确的配方调配。药箱承载着中医药文化的精髓,是中医治疗不可缺少的助手。
Whispers of TCM Treasures | Pulse Pillow 中医瑰宝会说话丨医用器具:脉枕
Просмотров 1821 день назад
#TCM demonstrates its meticulous approach to diagnosis with tools like the Pulse Pillow. In today’s #WhispersofTCMTreasures, learn how this essential instrument aids practitioners in detecting subtle pulse patterns, reflecting the precision and depth of TCM’s diagnostic art. 本期视频将介绍中医临床中的重要辅助工具 脉枕。作为传统中医诊疗中不可或缺的一部分,脉枕主要用于辅助诊断脉象。它的设计旨在帮助医师准确把握脉搏的跳动节律和强弱,从而为辨证施治提供重要线索。脉枕的使用不仅体现了中医诊断的细致入微,也展现了中医“观...
Whispers of TCM Treasures | Tiger Jaw Opener 中医瑰宝会说话丨医用器具:虎撑
Просмотров 1121 день назад
#TCM reveals its precision and care through unique tools like the Tiger Jaw Opener. In today’s #WhispersofTCMTreasures, discover how this traditional instrument, with its ingenious design, supports TCM therapies by ensuring precise techniques and balanced force. 本期视频将介绍中医临床中独具特色的传统器具 虎撑。作为一款具有悠久历史的中医诊疗工具,虎撑以其独特的设计和精准的作用,广泛应用于中医推拿、针灸等治疗领域。它不仅有助于医师在施治过程中保持稳定的力度与精准的操作,还象征着中医治疗中力道与节奏的精妙平衡。虎撑在中医治疗中所...
Beyond the Table | Timo Boll & TCM - Part III 对话德国乒乓名将波尔丨缓解背痛的小妙招
Просмотров 7221 день назад
#LowerBackPain has been a recurring challenge for #TimoBoll in his table tennis career. How does #TCM leverage massage and exercises to ease the pain? Click on today's video and find out! #SportInjuries 由于持续的前倾和剧烈的爆发动作,乒乓球运动员常背负着难以言喻的痛楚。中医对此有妙招!不仅可以通过按压“后溪穴”来疏通经络,缓解背部疼痛,八段锦中也有一招具有促进气血流通、减轻背部不适的功效。快跟随视频动起来!
Beyond the Table | Timo Boll & TCM - Part II 对话德国乒乓名将波尔丨按摩肩井,轻松护肩
Просмотров 11421 день назад
What injuries has #TimoBoll faced during his table tennis career? And how does #TCM provide effective treatment for these injuries? Find out as he shares his journey in today’s video! #SportInjuries 在高强度的训练和比赛中,肩膀是乒乓球运动员最容易受伤的部位之一。本期视频将向大家介绍中医独特的经络理论,并一起探讨了如何通过按压“肩井穴”来放松肩部肌肉、减轻疼痛。让我们继续踏上探索健康的旅程吧~
Whispers of TCM Treasures | Dragon-Head Balance and Dengzi Scale 中医瑰宝会说话丨医用器具:龙头天平与戥子称
Просмотров 3628 дней назад
Click on today’s #WhispersofTCMTreasures and discover the precision of the Dragon-Head Balance and Dengzi Scale. These instruments reflect the meticulous care in preparing remedies and symbolize the harmony and balance central to TCM’s healing philosophy. #TCM 本期视频将介绍中医临床中不可或缺的两件精密器具 龙头天平与戥子称。这些古老而又精巧的称量工具,不仅在药材配制中起到了至关重要的作用,更承载着中医药精确与严谨的治病精神。通过详细的器具介绍和历史背景,您将了解到如何利用这些传统工具保证药方的精准配比,确保疗效。视频还将探讨龙...
Whispers of TCM Treasures | Registration Tag 中医瑰宝会说话丨医用器具:挂号牌
Просмотров 1228 дней назад
Whispers of TCM Treasures | Registration Tag 中医瑰宝会说话丨医用器具:挂号牌
Whispers of TCM Treasures | Memorial Hall of Mr. Lyu Bingkui 中医瑰宝会说话丨医德医风:吕炳奎先生纪念厅
Просмотров 3028 дней назад
Whispers of TCM Treasures | Memorial Hall of Mr. Lyu Bingkui 中医瑰宝会说话丨医德医风:吕炳奎先生纪念厅
Whispers of TCM Treasures | The Plaque 中医瑰宝会说话丨医德医风:匾额
Просмотров 23Месяц назад
Whispers of TCM Treasures | The Plaque 中医瑰宝会说话丨医德医风:匾额
Health Cultivation Diary|Dietary Reigimen for the Kidney 养生日记丨饮食调养肾
Просмотров 140Месяц назад
Health Cultivation Diary|Dietary Reigimen for the Kidney 养生日记丨饮食调养肾
Beyond the Table | Timo Boll & TCM 对话德国乒乓名将波尔丨跨越国界,共探中医智慧
Просмотров 226Месяц назад
Beyond the Table | Timo Boll & TCM 对话德国乒乓名将波尔丨跨越国界,共探中医智慧
Whispers of TCM Treasures | Medical Ethics: The Banner 中医瑰宝会说话丨医德医风:锦旗
Просмотров 4Месяц назад
Whispers of TCM Treasures | Medical Ethics: The Banner 中医瑰宝会说话丨医德医风:锦
Dialogue with Chinese Medicine|Astronomy and Chinese Medicine PART1 对话中医丨星辰中的养生之道
Просмотров 102Месяц назад
Dialogue with Chinese Medicine|Astronomy and Chinese Medicine PART1 对话中医丨星辰中的养生之道
Mysterious Palm Diagnosis|Gao Fu Pattern 神奇的手诊丨高扶纹,血压的健康密码
Просмотров 658Месяц назад
Mysterious Palm Diagnosis|Gao Fu Pattern 神奇的手诊丨高扶纹,血压的健康密码
TCM Self-care Practices | Visual Fatigue and Allergic Rhinitis 阴阳游-中医保健自我疗法|按摩小妙招,轻松应对冬季不
Просмотров 98Месяц назад
TCM Self-care Practices | Visual Fatigue and Allergic Rhinitis 阴阳游-中医保健自我疗法|按摩小妙招,轻松应对冬季不
Medicine Hidden in Characters丨Metal 字里藏医丨金的故事
Просмотров 4Месяц назад
Medicine Hidden in Characters丨Metal 字里藏医丨金的故事
TCM Self-care Practices | Self-Massage Techniques for Insomnia 阴阳游-中医保健自我疗法|中医穴位按摩的安眠秘籍
Просмотров 8562 месяца назад
TCM Self-care Practices | Self-Massage Techniques for Insomnia 阴阳游-中医保健自我疗法|中医穴位按摩的安眠秘籍
Health Cultivation Diary|Dietary Reigimen for the Lung 养生日记丨饮食调养肺
Просмотров 503 месяца назад
Health Cultivation Diary|Dietary Reigimen for the Lung 养生日记丨饮食调养肺
TCM Hand Diagnosis|Jade Pattern 神奇的手诊丨离宫玉阶藏玄机
Просмотров 3,6 тыс.3 месяца назад
TCM Hand Diagnosis|Jade Pattern 神奇的手诊丨离宫玉阶藏玄机
Medicine Hidden in Characters |Earth 字里藏医|土的故事
Просмотров 353 месяца назад
Medicine Hidden in Characters |Earth 字里藏医|土的故事
2024 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau TCM Cultural Exchange Recap 活动回顾丨2024京港澳学生中医药文化交流营
Просмотров 114 месяца назад
2024 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau TCM Cultural Exchange Recap 活动回顾丨2024京港澳学生中医药文化交流营


  • @TrishaE-o9i
    @TrishaE-o9i Месяц назад

    This is fantastic, watching my hives and inflammation dissolve every day until it all disappeared was definitely appeasing, I went with what I mentioned and after 20 days my urticaria disappeared. I just go'ogled the latest by Shane Zormander and now my skin is as smooth and healthy as it has ever been!

  • @876-h
    @876-h 2 месяца назад


  • @SergeyShL
    @SergeyShL 7 месяцев назад

    Would be great to add more details how to find points.

  • @SergeyShL
    @SergeyShL 7 месяцев назад

    Thanks, sound effect can be little less disturbing

  • @linogatti7885
    @linogatti7885 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you. Could you please suggest me one CD with the music for each element, or where can I fould it? I would like to use the more indicated music for each treatment of shiatsu! thank you very much

  • @cpajkm
    @cpajkm Год назад


  • @zijila3982
    @zijila3982 Год назад

    孟本堂 20230914 于神户

  • @eugeneg529
    @eugeneg529 Год назад

    👊 'promosm'

  • @rachelefeighan2797
    @rachelefeighan2797 2 года назад

    🙂 ρяσмσѕм

  • @Caesar88888
    @Caesar88888 2 года назад

    are apricots good for heart according to traditional chinese medicine?

  • @katerinere5943
    @katerinere5943 3 года назад

    I loved the video so much. I have been trying to search for a instructional video similar to yours that teaches the ideas in this RUclips vid! 🙌Your explanation is similar to the videos of Doctor Ethan. Ethan's videos are really useful and he helped me on school! I recommend you check his RUclips out and give Dr Ethan a like! 👉 #DoctorEthanScience