• Видео 117
  • Просмотров 265 607
Illinois Nightmare Trip
Top Secret trip to Illinois for shop material. What a very long day. 1997 Volvo 850 got it done through a blizzard no less.
Просмотров: 169


Part 15 Cross feed and Clutch Boring
Просмотров 135Год назад
Back tot he crossfeed. Ran into trouble with the clutch housing being egg shaped. We broke out the boring head to straighten out the egg-shaped housing.
Tangent Engineering Lathe Compound Sine Bar - Review and Real Demo
Просмотров 1,1 тыс.2 года назад
Special thanks to Jim at Tangent Engineering for providing the Lathe Compound Sine Bar for this evaluation. Check out Jim on his channel. www.youtube.com/@TangentJim/featured For ordering information contact Jim at: jimenos@acushnettool.com
Compressor Noisy Try This - Mounting Feet Mod
Просмотров 872 года назад
Love my new to me compressor. However, the grumbling of steel to concrete is not a pleasant sound. Try this cheap and easy fix to restore shop harmony.
Volvo 850 Exterior Mirror Loose Parking Lot Vandal
Просмотров 932 года назад
Time to look into the loose drivers side mirror on the Volvo 850 Turbo Wagon. One day it was loose, and my likely source is a parking lot hip shot by a vandal. Let's take a look and see what can be done.
Touch DRO on Lathe
Просмотров 3232 года назад
Likely you have seen me use the Touch DRO on my Mill. Here is a quick video providing the view I have on the DRO while doing a simple turning to size and shoulder length. The system is smooth and incredibly easy to use. As noted I share the tablet between the mill and the lathe just by switching the bluetooth signal. All of the setting switch over automatically.
Part 14 Acme Thread Cutting and Y Axis
Просмотров 1232 года назад
After multiple failures I got something right in threading the internal Acme thread. Adding a dial indicator provided me a good external guide to doublecheck where the actual tool cutting edge was relative tot he part. Thanks for watching.
Part Thirteen Lewis Shaper Vertical Boring The Y-Axis
Просмотров 1082 года назад
After a lot of thought and worry, I finished boring the y-axis for the new Acme Lead Screw Bushing. I don't have large enough equipment to have provided a proper boring setup, so I made what I have work.
Part 12 Ram Way Oiling - The plan to lube the moving ram surfaces.
Просмотров 852 года назад
Continuing on with the Lewis Shaper refresh and redesign.
John Deere 145 Oil Change
Просмотров 2,4 тыс.2 года назад
Quick look at changing the oil on my John Deere 145 Lawn Tractor. Straight forward, but if anybody has a question it may prove useful for comparison. Filter John Deere AM 125424 Trying out FilmForth Video Editor
2003 Ranger Rear Brake Line- Hey Grandad
Просмотров 2 тыс.2 года назад
Trying a new Editor so sorry for the watermark. New Computer as well courtesy of my son. Son in Law's Ranger losing brake fluid - we find and fix the leak. Flaring tool kind of fails as well.
GMC Sierra 5 3L V8 Piston Issue - Most Amazing Non-Failure I have ever seen
Просмотров 1372 года назад
Helping a friend with his GMC 5.3L Sierra 1500. Incredible non-failure that defies all logic. Should have been a tragedy - but escaped unharmed.
Part Eleven Carriage Feed Nut Mounting - High Drama - WILL IT FIT?
Просмотров 1272 года назад
Time for the drama to mount the carriage feed nut and not botch up hours of work.
Part Ten Clutch Feed Gear Build
Просмотров 912 года назад
Decided to get this piece done. The original was not machined correctly and would get stuck mid-job. Essentially a gear cutting video that ends well.
Old School Outside Water Spigot Wife Happiness Project - HOME REPAIR Video You Have Been Warned.
Просмотров 822 года назад
Wife was away so I was safe to turn off the water and replace the spigot. However, with this channel we take it up a notch. Going old school.
Lewis Shaper Part 9 Carriage Bronze Feed Nut
Просмотров 872 года назад
Lewis Shaper Part 9 Carriage Bronze Feed Nut
Lewis Shaper Pivot Arm Thrust Bearing Part Eight
Просмотров 902 года назад
Lewis Shaper Pivot Arm Thrust Bearing Part Eight
Lewis Shaper Bottom Rocker Shaft Seal Upgrade Part Seven
Просмотров 782 года назад
Lewis Shaper Bottom Rocker Shaft Seal Upgrade Part Seven
Shop Tools June 2022
Просмотров 1312 года назад
Shop Tools June 2022
Lewis Shaper Input Housing Upgrade - Seals and fix mounting bolt issues. Part Six
Просмотров 1052 года назад
Lewis Shaper Input Housing Upgrade - Seals and fix mounting bolt issues. Part Six
Lewis Shaper Battle Plan- Stickers Part Five
Просмотров 1172 года назад
Lewis Shaper Battle Plan- Stickers Part Five
Edge Technology Alignment Bar and Tool Height Gauge - Worth Buying?
Просмотров 1872 года назад
Edge Technology Alignment Bar and Tool Height Gauge - Worth Buying?
Lewis Shaper Part Four Down to the Bones Teardown
Просмотров 1342 года назад
Lewis Shaper Part Four Down to the Bones Teardown
Acute Tool Sharpening System Project - with a twist
Просмотров 6172 года назад
Acute Tool Sharpening System Project - with a twist
2003 Ford 3.0l Ranger Not Charging - Root Cause Identified - You will want to see this one.
Просмотров 24 тыс.2 года назад
2003 Ford 3.0l Ranger Not Charging - Root Cause Identified - You will want to see this one.
Lewis Metal Shaper Part Four - RIP Lewis Shaper Vise. Clapper Rework. Part Three
Просмотров 1712 года назад
Lewis Metal Shaper Part Four - RIP Lewis Shaper Vise. Clapper Rework. Part Three
UPDATED SPI Radius Tangential Grinding Wheel Dresser Teardown EDITED - NO NEW CONTENT
Просмотров 4442 года назад
UPDATED SPI Radius Tangential Grinding Wheel Dresser Teardown EDITED - NO NEW CONTENT
Lewis Shaper Part 2 - Vise Tear Down some real issues found. Fixable or a handy door stop.
Просмотров 1692 года назад
Lewis Shaper Part 2 - Vise Tear Down some real issues found. Fixable or a handy door stop.
2004 Volvo S60R Headlamp Lens Damage Repair
Просмотров 1262 года назад
2004 Volvo S60R Headlamp Lens Damage Repair
Stickers and IT'S METAL SHAPER TIME!!! - Lewis Shaper Close Look and Planning Part One
Просмотров 6212 года назад
Stickers and IT'S METAL SHAPER TIME!!! - Lewis Shaper Close Look and Planning Part One


  • @garybrackin1901
    @garybrackin1901 3 дня назад

    Good job!

  • @sumo1756
    @sumo1756 5 дней назад

    Thanks mate, very handy. Wee question if you don't mind. Should the wastegate arm move if you do it by hand to check? I suspect my old t5 wastegate is stuck closed.

    • @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537
      @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537 5 дней назад

      @@sumo1756 Good Morning. Yes, you can move the waste gate. Take off the little shield and grab the linkage and move toward the waste gate lever. If it does not move, remove the linkage at the waste gate arm and try it there. The waste gate arm pivot should move very easily with the linkage removed. If not, try lubricating with a high temp rust penetrant and let it set and retry. If the waste gate is stucked closed you will potentially overboost. If it is stuck partially open you won’t get any boost at all.

    • @sumo1756
      @sumo1756 5 дней назад

      @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537 thanks very much. I'll try that. I think it's overboosting aye so probably stuck shut. Thanks again👍

  • @lutzyall
    @lutzyall Месяц назад

    Where are you located in Michigan? I’m having the same issue and wondered if you were near Fowlerville.

  • @oliverblair4990
    @oliverblair4990 2 месяца назад

    Good job.

  • @hugomalgacuevas2685
    @hugomalgacuevas2685 2 месяца назад

    Hello, I need to talk to you. Can you give me an email or something? Thank you so much

  • @hugomalgacuevas2685
    @hugomalgacuevas2685 2 месяца назад

    Hello, I need that part but I can't find it anywhere, not even on rockauto. Could you help me? Thank you so much

  • @doomcarrot3041
    @doomcarrot3041 3 месяца назад

    hmmm thanks a lot. I have an S80 but it os probably the same or similar. The way you described the symptoms at the start is perfect... My S80 sometimes has a hesitation when starting, but otherwise is mostly fine up until it has been driving for 20-30 minutes and I put it under heavy load like climbing a hill at 60-70 mph... In which case will often feel weak unless I really floor the accelerator, and will make an intermittent sputter or stumble "wheeze" feeling like you described. I don't think it is the trans, and the injectors/coils/plugs are new. New fuel filter, oil, and also I just rebuilt the PCV so it isn't an engine pressure thing. I'm 99% sure this is the problem. Gonna try doing this myself to save $1000 lol, I can't imagine it will be as bad as rebuilding the PCV system. That job was a 14 hour experience from hell with those stupid unreachable banjo bolt connections everywhere

  • @michaeldoberenz
    @michaeldoberenz 4 месяца назад

    hi friend you are missing a part on that removal tool on the top .. regards from volvo land sweden

  • @LimbazhuKefiirs
    @LimbazhuKefiirs 4 месяца назад

    superb video (y)

  • @larseivindwelle
    @larseivindwelle 4 месяца назад

    Thanks man for good advice. Was fighting this thing without the proper tool. Two hours with no progress 😂

  • @kittydaddy2023
    @kittydaddy2023 5 месяцев назад

    why does my 2004 4.0 Ranger have an exciter plug? No one even knows what that is. Not even the internet. Someone is going to Find me On the Road Dead.

  • @kylebisping7139
    @kylebisping7139 5 месяцев назад

    Where is oil pan removal covered?

  • @MrMan5014
    @MrMan5014 6 месяцев назад

    Food for thought…typically these lawn mower oil filters are quite pricey…so the John Deere filter AM125424c for this tractor is usually $20-$30 and the Fram equivalent is the PH8170 and they’re a few bucks less but they are lawn mower specific filters and cost more than average so if you want to save some money, go to the automotive versions of these filters…for instance, the Fram PH3614 is the exact same filter with the same interface except it’s 3/4” longer and if you want to get a filter with even more capacity, then go to the Fram PH3600 which is 2” longer…the PH3600 is a bit of a stretch and would likely not fit on some applications considering how long it is, but I’m sure it would fit on that 145 no problem…that being said the PH3614 is perfect and about the third of the price of the mower specific filters!..

  • @mileslange2071
    @mileslange2071 6 месяцев назад

    What is the torque pattern.

  • @attheendoftheday8969
    @attheendoftheday8969 7 месяцев назад

    Thanks for the informative video! Good to know about the Mobil 1 5w 30, I wasn't sure what to go with. Have a great day

  • @samkitty5894
    @samkitty5894 7 месяцев назад

    Watch out for that plastic radiator. A real ticking time bomb. The inlet pipe on mine broke off in my driveway...no warning.

  • @Dave_at_Southport
    @Dave_at_Southport 7 месяцев назад

    Remember to put Grease on the threads before tightening, this makes it so much easier, if it's not tight enough petrol fumes will enter the cabin! 🤔

  • @BellaRocko
    @BellaRocko 7 месяцев назад

    Excellent video, well done! Thanks for sharing.

  • @JkLow
    @JkLow 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you for sharing 👍👍👍

  • @alexpalma4104
    @alexpalma4104 7 месяцев назад

    So I just changed my alternator it’s not faulty or anything but my battery light is still on what do you recommend I do?

  • @Backwardlooking
    @Backwardlooking 8 месяцев назад


  • @Backwardlooking
    @Backwardlooking 8 месяцев назад


  • @AlfonzoLopez-s3x
    @AlfonzoLopez-s3x 8 месяцев назад

    No le entiendo ni vwrga

  • @alexpalma4104
    @alexpalma4104 8 месяцев назад

    How did you do the bypass?

    • @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537
      @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537 8 месяцев назад

      Took the yellow wire out of the splice and picked up (fused power) from the power distribution box. The load will be around 4-6 amps max. So a 10 amp fuse will be just fine.

  • @Jc3Productions-nv1gy
    @Jc3Productions-nv1gy 8 месяцев назад

    Why is the rubber lip on the part that is supposed to go in the fuel tank not going in the fuel tank

  • @dubbritt8743
    @dubbritt8743 8 месяцев назад

    I'm noticing that there is no sign of voltage on the

  • @dubbritt8743
    @dubbritt8743 8 месяцев назад

    In my case I replace the starter, alternator and the battery.... Fires right up with the jump box, take the jump box off the engine die

  • @dubbritt8743
    @dubbritt8743 8 месяцев назад

    Did you run the yellow wire to the fuse box down to the starter

    • @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537
      @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537 8 месяцев назад

      I went the easy route to the fuse box under the hood. Going to the starter would work but it would borrow trouble with time.

  • @ijustvibe6095
    @ijustvibe6095 8 месяцев назад

    i second @handdtryfan6927’s comment .thank you kind sir for your video

  • @zacharywiggins3768
    @zacharywiggins3768 9 месяцев назад

    What's preventing you from putting the seal on the fp outside the tank

  • @chriskeep9461
    @chriskeep9461 9 месяцев назад

    There is a huge draw at initial hook up of the battery that would fry the 10 amp fuse in the multimeter, its the initial power up of the computer. so I dont know how you got around that unless you made the multimeter hook up on the live circuit and then separated the battery. that way the computer is already running.

    • @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537
      @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537 9 месяцев назад

      Good point, however I did not see that in practice. I switched everything off for external lamps etc. and climate control. The 850 did not spike much more than few amps. This is a gas motor so no big glow plug draw as would be the case with a diesel variant. On my S60 the draw is much more than the 850 but still manageable below 10 amps. If this was a bigger problem I would switch to my inductive ammeter. Thanks for watching.

  • @XPFTP
    @XPFTP 9 месяцев назад

    painless for him ... painful for us to watch. made it so much harder then it needed to be. spin the slide away form u and then off the crossslide. done replace nut clean jibs and slides. done deal. another words . slide screw doesnt have to come out.

  • @kevinthomson6324
    @kevinthomson6324 9 месяцев назад

    When I started at our shop over 25 years ago we used one of these on our manual machines all the time to dress rads and chamfers. Now we do everything on cnc machines. Manuals are just for quick and dirty setups and rework jobs.

  • @devilvortex1
    @devilvortex1 10 месяцев назад

    Hi! which android version are you running on your samsung?

    • @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537
      @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537 10 месяцев назад

      Thanks for watching. I am likely a few years behind the current level. Should pose no problem.

  • @donmoore7785
    @donmoore7785 10 месяцев назад

    Yackedy yackedy yack. It is impossible to listen to you. I got as far as "I like to talk a lot..." Yup - goodbye!

  • @donmoore7785
    @donmoore7785 10 месяцев назад

    Your title has a typo - 2002 S70 does not exist. I had a ticking problem at idle. I had a Volvo specialist advise the o-rings needed replacement, and he was right. Dropped the pan, replaced, and problem solved.

  • @SebastainJohnson
    @SebastainJohnson 11 месяцев назад

    How did you hook up the jumper wire what locations ?

    • @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537
      @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537 11 месяцев назад

      Battery positive (I recommend a fused lead) to the battery A terminal. Look on the back of the regulator for the wire terminal naming. “A” is the one you want for this specific condition.

  • @JeffMontgomery-o7i
    @JeffMontgomery-o7i 11 месяцев назад

    I glued a penny to the glove box door to stop the parasitic drain on docs 850 , he was happy😊 .😊

  • @TangoCharlieAlpha
    @TangoCharlieAlpha 11 месяцев назад

    My son was having the same problem. But....I saw a faint puff of smoke coming from the positive terminal when he would try to start it. When THAT happens, check your connection at the terminals. I pulled it off by hand, and you could see darker lead color, NOT the shininess you expect to see from a clean terminal. The old "pocket knife lightly scraping off the corrosion" trick resulting in (yep, you guessed it) IGNITION! So ALWAYS check for a good connection at all points BEFORE you start throwing parts at a problem.......just like you said. 👍 Great video!!!

  • @billhill839
    @billhill839 Год назад

    thank You, your the man!

  • @jaswinters
    @jaswinters Год назад

    I am doing this tear down now and you don't show any tear down or how to put it back together correctly i am at the indexing plate trying to take it off for cleaning correctly... i unscrewed back ring and took out the small tooth to hold ring on also???

    • @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537
      @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537 Год назад

      The only real trick was the keyway on the spindle has a matching slot in the housing. You need to align the key and the slot then it comes apart easily.

  • @nevetslleksah
    @nevetslleksah Год назад

    Thanks for the video on the Commander. I bought one a few years back but haven’t ever used it yet. A chip brush works better to clear chips than your hand.

  • @handdtrufan6927
    @handdtrufan6927 Год назад

    Wish I had looked at video a little sooner. I thought my alternator on my 1995 Ranger 500k miles had gone bad put in a new one. I replaced brushes first no change. New alternator same problem. After looking at your video I found fried wire harness. Off to Pullapart to find another. Thanks!

  • @sandycandray5878
    @sandycandray5878 Год назад

    What was the big bottle of solution u used

  • @andystagg7668
    @andystagg7668 Год назад

    Best video out there on removing these bushings.

  • @chriskeep9461
    @chriskeep9461 Год назад

    while you are putting the borings in I can see you bent the crank pully

  • @trashman1694
    @trashman1694 Год назад

    Thanks for video pretty sure this is my issue. Did a head gasket on 2.3 ranger and after i got it back together the alternator won't charge, guessing when I moved harness around I broke the signal wire somewhere

  • @enriquelopez9124
    @enriquelopez9124 Год назад

    Awesome information & tutorial very detailed instructions.

  • @pablovalles3622
    @pablovalles3622 Год назад

    What symptoms did it give you?

  • @savage_9641
    @savage_9641 Год назад

    My alternator charging 14,2 when i go for 10 min it drop to 13v and stop at 12,9 and back when i stop to 13,5??

    • @savage_9641
      @savage_9641 Год назад

      On grand marquis 2001

    • @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537
      @houseofbrokendobbsthings5537 Год назад

      Should be the same general setup. The voltage moving around can be a bad connection to the A terminal. Or, the brushes are making a poor connection.

    • @savage_9641
      @savage_9641 Год назад

      @@houseofbrokendobbsthings5537 no one can fix it and with sound system battry will run out🥺

    • @savage_9641
      @savage_9641 Год назад

      @@houseofbrokendobbsthings5537 i dont think grand marquis 2001 haveing charging system in the pcm??